Access BIDS From VS2005

Feb 20, 2007

Can SOmeone help me How to get access BIDS from VS2005 . SQL server is installed in different server other than VS 2005 PC

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Is It Possible To Type In Spanish In VS2005 Bids

Mar 18, 2008

I want to have some static text in spanish on my report.. and what is the best way to do it.. any link or help will be appreciated..


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User Can Not Access Reports From BIDS

Jan 22, 2008

Up to this point only two of use, both server administrators, have developed reports. Now we need to add two new report analysts to be able to develop reports in BIDS but limit their access to other server folders, etc. Our report source code is located at G:Visual Studio 2005 Source CodeProjects and all report folders, sln files, etc. are located under the Projects sub-folder. I have shared the Projects sub-folder and given read & execute / list folder contents / read / write / modify rights. They can see the report folders and sln files via BIDS or Explorer but get "access denied" when they attempt to execute one of them. Any thoughts on what I may be missing?

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Access Database Datatypes, ADOX And VS2005 Question

Jun 28, 2007

I'm using ADOX 2.8 for table creation: The following is an example of a column defintion:

If CreateNewTable Then CreateNewTable = a.CreateColumn("ReferenceCount", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger)

If CreateNewTable Then CreateNewTable = a.CreateColumn("Document", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adLongVarBinary) 'Oleobject

If CreateNewTable Then CreateNewTable = a.CreateColumn("EntityID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adWChar, 18) 'text

Where CreateColumn looks like this:

Public Function CreateColumn(ByVal ColumnName As String, ByVal Datatype As ADOX.DataTypeEnum, Optional ByVal Size As Integer = 0) As Boolean

'ADOX.CreateColumn - Called by Common.CreateNewTable
'CreateColumn creates a column described in the Table object so it assumes it is set.
'One method of setting it is to call Select Table after opening the database

If Not Me.ConnectionIsOpen Then
MsgBox("CreateColumn - Failed to Create Column : " _
& ColumnName, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, cNoConn)
Return False
End If

Dim col As New ADOX.Column
col.Name = ColumnName
col.Type = Datatype
Catch e As Exception
MsgBox("CreateColumb - Failed to Create Column : " _
& ColumnName, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, e.Message)
col = Nothing
Return False
End Try

If Size <> 0 Then col.DefinedSize = Size

Table.Columns.Append(ColumnName, Datatype)

Catch e As Exception
If Err.Number() <> 0 Then
MsgBox(Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error")
End If
MsgBox("CreateColumb - Failed to Append Column : " _
& ColumnName, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, e.Message)
Return False
End Try
col = Nothing
Return True
End Function

in CreateColumn("EntityID", ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adWChar, 18)

the 18 specifies the field width in the database. Yet no matter whether I use adWChar or

adVarWChar, Access always shows the field size to be 255.

Does anyone know why or how to fix that?

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Access To The Database File Is Not Allowed. [ File Name = ],[,,] Happens In VS2005 Environ But SSMSE Is Ok?

Jul 20, 2007

I am developing a C# mobile 5.0SDK app that utilizes SQL2005 Compact Edition device files on Vista using as far as I know the latest SPs and versions.

Last night, I could open tables from the Server Explorer .sdf file, see the contents, edit the schema, etc. Now today, I assume all of a sudden,I am able to open schema but cannot open the table to see the contents. I get:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition captioned error dialog box that says "Access to the database file is not allowed. [ File name = ],[,,]

Using Sql Server 2005 Management Studio Express, I can open the table, do queries etc. I have tried rebooting, deleting, opening old projects, deleting dataset, disconnecting mobile device, but I still get the same error. I have tried stopping the SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS) service on the server but get:

Cannot open MSSLQ$SQLEXPRESS service on computer 'p5w64'. Access is denied.

I have no idea what to do next to start moving forward again, other than try the XP environment which I will do next.

Has anyone experienced this problem?

Thank you.

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SSRS Report Rendering Different In VS2005 And In Report Viewer Via URL Access

Apr 17, 2008

I'm using Reporting Services to render a text (stored in sql as varchar(max)). The text is all plain text, with some lines having trailing spaces.

Source text file i've imported to SQL via SSIS:
CLIENT: 10055

*Note the trailing spaces on the line before 'STATEMENT 2007'.

I've designed a report using the Report Project in VS2005 to retrieve this text via a stored procedure. When I test the report using the 'Preview' tab in the IDE, it looks good
CLIENT: 10055

But when I deploy the report and run it using URL Access:

CLIENT: 10055



On all lines with trailing spaces, they (the trailing spaces) have been removed. This is affecting my formatting of some reports and statements. We really want to use the report viewer as it has built in paging, print and export capabilities.

Why does it look okay in VS2005 but different in Report Viewer via URL Access and Report Manager?

Note: When I export as PDF, it looks okay.

The stored procedure I use to return the data is a CLR Hosted assembly as below:

Code Snippet
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _

Public Shared Sub GetPagedDocument(ByVal inText As SqlString)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim row As New SqlDataRecord(New SqlMetaData("RowText", SqlDbType.Text))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select cast(doc as varchar(max)) as 'DOCTEXT' from testdoc WHERE id='" + inText + "'")
Dim cn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")
cmd.Connection = cn
SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(row) 'initialise the resultset to be returned
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
'If no records in result set, return.
If Not dr.HasRows Then

row.SetString(0, "There is no document to display or you do not have permission to view the document.")
' SqlContext.Pipe.Send("There is no document to display.")
End If
'Read rows in the result set

'Get the entire text
Dim docText As String = dr.Item("DOCTEXT")
row.SetString(0, docText)
'end debug

End Sub
End Class

Any help will be appreciated.

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Dec 18, 2007

I installed Visual Studio'05 on my sys.
But it has no BIDS in its pop-up menu and also has no BI project templates.
I am trying to build cubes in SSAS.
Can anyone help me out.


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Sql Ce 2.0 And VS2005

Sep 14, 2007


I was going to use Sql compact 2005 with vs2005 and use merge replication with MSDE2000. Unfortunately I found out this isnt possible (only possible if I use SQL Server 2000)

Has I can replicate with MSDE2000 with Sql CE 2.0 the question is:

Can I use sql ce 2.0 with vs2005 and windows CE 5???
Do I use the same System.Data.SqlServerCe assembly?

I hope someone can reply to this.


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SP1 And VS2005

Aug 23, 2006

I am running VS2005 Pro edition. I have downloaded, but not installed, SQL Express with Advanced Services SP1. Can I install it over the VS2005 version of SQL Express or do I have to do some install work?

Also, regarding the Books Online July version, must I do a clean install or can I just install it over whatever came with VS2005?


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SQL CE 3.5 For VS2005 - Exe Or Sdk?

Jun 23, 2007

Hi, i'm looking for SQL CE 3.5 for Visual Studio 2005. I am currently using SQL CE 3.1 and wish to use the System.Transactions support which has been included in v3.5.

I know Orcas includes v3.5 but i need to continue using VS2005. Is there an installer or similair so i can develop applications with SQL CE 3.5 with my current development environment? I see there is a new SQL CE sync installer which includes the 3.5 runtime files, however ideally i would like the sdk so i can use the dataset designer. Is it possible?


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Licensing For BIDS

Feb 13, 2008

Can we install BIDS client (no server components) on a separate workstation using a download of SQL Server 2005 Developer edition and not require a separate license for the workstation?


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Got BIDS Working, Was There Another Way?

Sep 20, 2006

i re-installed the SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT.EXE several times(4) trying to get the BIDS part to work. Each time i had the issue of it looking for the devenev.exe as others have mentioned. I gave up on a 5th install and went for the unsupported option of running vs_setup , after the toolkit.exe dumped all the install files to its temporary directory i went in there and ran it sperately...but essentially i did it the same way as this method...

while this did work, it seems to be the unsupported way.

Im not opposed to going back and doing it right, but was there ever a conclusion as to why the BIDS program sometimes doesnt install? im using 2k5 express products on this machine...

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Not Able To Install BIDS

May 2, 2008

Hi all,

I have installed Sql server 2005 enterprise edition with the All the BI services (SSIS,SSAS,SSRS) . when i try to Install the Tools Like BIDS,documentation,sample databses. I am getting the error that foolowing compentes are already installed on the machine though they are not installed

Error message :None of the selected features can be installed or upgraded.Setup cannot Proceed since no effective change
is made to the machine.To continue,Click Back And then select features to install.To Exit SQL Server Setup,click cancel

I have installed vs2008 on my system

Kindly help

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BIDS Keeps Crashing

Feb 1, 2007

All of a sudden one of my projects/packages seems to have encountered a strange problem. First I tried to remove a data viewer which caused BIDS to crash and tell me that VS has encountered a problem and needs to close. This is repeatable every time I try to remove the data viewer or the link or the transforms or the entire data flow. How do I get around this besides starting from scratch and how do I figure out why this is happening and is there some fix?



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MDX Disappears In BIDS...

May 9, 2007

I have SQL Server 2005 SP1 installed and none of my datasets will retain the mdx expressions but the report will still run

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Annoying BIDS Bug

Feb 24, 2008

Well all bugs are annoying, but this one is particularly annoying because it kills the BIDS session with consequent loss of all changes made since the last save.

Click on a control flow task. Position the cursor so that it changes to the 4-way pointer. Drag the task a little bit. The UI locks up, and then BIDS disappears.

I can't repro this on demand, but it has happened about 6 times in the past month. Anyone else seen this one?

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BIDS Abort

Aug 1, 2007

On several occasions I have experienced crashes while running an SSIS package in debug mode. It happens when I start process on Control Flow table and click on Data Flow tab to monitor progress. I have forwarded the error reports and have searched the boards for similar references. Is this problem going to be fixed?

SSIS Data Sources

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86)

Dec 17 2002 14:22:05

Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation

Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86)

Mar 23 2007 16:28:52

Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation

Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

Visiual Studio 2005 Professional SP1 SP.050727-7600
.NET Framework 2.0.50727

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What Is Wrong With Ms Vs2005??

Apr 4, 2006

Hello I opened vs2005,new->project->analysis services project ,clicked OK, then dragged a data flow task from the toolbox to the area ,after I double clicked data flow task it gave me error message as shown in the link , what is wrong?



<edit> To remove the shouting </edit>

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Backing Up Through VS2005

Nov 19, 2006

Hi, not sure I have should ask this in here or in the VS forums - but here goes anyway!

My vb app is written using VS2005 with an SQL database. I'm now distributing this to users to use with SQL Express.

It's hard enough explaining to them how to attach the database without going into the backup routines etc!

So what I'd like to do is to have a "backup" button in my app, that backsup the database, trancates the log files & then shrinks the files.

Is this possible?

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Why Do I Keep Losing My Changes (VS2005) ?

Feb 13, 2008

I'm a newbie to both Windows Forms development and SQL Server CE, so please bear with me...

I am developing a vocabulary builder application, and my data keeps reverting to the data set I originally imported. I keep losing the records I've added using the application I'm developing, or from within VS2005. I know about the 'Copy To Output Directory' option in the Solution properties and I set this to 'Do not copy'.

What gives? Not sure what other information you might need, but I suspect it's something really basic...

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Can't Use SQL Express In VS2005

Mar 4, 2007

When I try to add a new database to App_Data in a VS2005sp1 project I get "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user interface".

I have SQL2005sp2 and SQL Express on the system, both services are running, and an instance of the latter called SQLExpress which I can use through SQL Server Management Studio. sp_configure user instances enabled is set to 1. The SQL Server Instance Name in Options | Database Tools | Data Connections is set to SQLExpress ...

I have no idea how to proceed .. any ideas anyone?



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VS2005,ASP.NET Licenses

May 22, 2007

Hi all,
I hope I am on a suitable thread. Sorry if I'm not. I just need to know if I need a license in order to write a commercial application using Visual Studio 2005. And, if so, is this license necessary to me as a developer or to my customer that will purchase the application at the end?
And something more. ASP.NET runs on IIS, which is shipped with Windows Server, correct? So, once my customer purchases Windows, he doesn't anything more in order to run a ASP.NET application (which will finally access the SQL Server DBMS). Is this correct?

Thanks in advance

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Debug BIDS Code?

Jun 7, 2005

Can you debug code for a script transformation in BIDS?Thanks.

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BIDS Undo Button

Apr 9, 2008

How come Undo button does not work? Thanks.

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Exporting To File Using BIDS

Nov 5, 2007

Hi guys

I am trying to create a package in BIDS that reads data from a table and exports it into a flat file (.csv).
The file needs to have a row for the header and a row representing the column names as well as the data rows.
My problem is:
1.I need to add a value in the header row that is a count of all the data rows.
2. I need to add the year and period based on the year and period in the data rows. (the year and period will always be the same in the data rows)

below is an example of what I want the file to look like (it is a delimited file)

1;Varese;O027200702ACT;F1_V4;BATCH;2326;test company

The value in bold represent the values that i want dynamically updated...

200702 represents a concatenation of the year and period

2326 represents the number of data rows

Thanks a mill!


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Silly Question About BIDS

Sep 29, 2006

Hi guys,

When you get an warning from, i.e, OleDb Destination you see an exclamation mark in yellow and then, when you move the mouse over you can't see never the whole message (If long)

Is there any way to see the entire tooltiptext?

Thanks in advance and have a good weekend!

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Reorder Packages In BIDS

Aug 15, 2007

How or is there a way to reorder the packages in BIDS? Right now they are ordered by when they are created with the newest ones on the bottom. I'd like to organize these in more of a logical order but am unsure of how to do so.

Any advise?


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FTP Connection Only Works In BIDS

Jun 26, 2007

I have an FTP task that will only work when running in BIDS.

When trying to run as a package on the server or calling the package from a job, I get the following error in the log file:

OnError,<servername>,<user>,FTP Task,{B2F5BB68-C6F8-4EE5-ABC0-71C3636E3E4A},{B7B41A88-18DD-4AD7-8CDE-9E0C1B74DA02},6/26/2007 12:09:11 PM,6/26/2007 12:09:11 PM,-1073573489,0x,Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manager".

When running in BIDS it is fine.

Any know what is causing this?

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BIDS FTP Task - ProtectionLevel

Apr 25, 2008

In BIDS I Had created a package to receive FTP files from remote.

I had created a FTP Connection and FileConnection (As Existing folder) to receive files.

I had Changed my ProtectionLevel to Don'tSaveSensitive (Since i had my Auth details in SQL Server tables)

In the Package Configurations i have created the Configuration details and stored in my conf table.

Now, When i was executing my package, I got this error

[FTP Task] Error: File usage type of connection "FTPReceiveTest" should be "FolderExists" for operation "Receive".

Already the connection Type was set as 'Existing Folder' only.

Any ideas of where i was missed ?

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SQL Express 2005 And BIDS

Aug 31, 2006

I'm sorry but I am so frustrated from searching and trying things! I can't understand why this can't be resolved much easier.............anyway

I am trying to use BIDS on sql server express 2005 after attempting to install the tool kit a couple of times on different platforms. I have installed:

1) VS 2003 (also Visual C# Express on another machine);

2) .net 1.1 and .net 2.0;

3) SQL Server 2005 Express with Advanced services and the tool kit.

The sequence of installs is as follows

1).net 1.1 was there from the beginning

2)VS 2003

3).net 2.0

4)sql server 2005 express

5) tool kit

I see BIDS in the menu but devenv.exe does not exist. I've seen several workarrounds including finding and running vs_setup.msi but those don't work for me either. I am suspecting that the BIDS install conflicts with Visual Studio in any form! If this is true, can someone list those steps to follow to uninstall/re-install the products to get this working?

Thanks in advance!!!!!

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BIDS Bug With SSIS Annotations

Jul 24, 2006

I would like to report what appears to me to be a bug. I found it while researching an answer for another thread.

Since that thread has not received any further replies I thought I would start a new one to see what answer we can get from MS as well as if anyone else would care to reproduce.

The bug is not a major one and the work around is easy, but it can be annoying.

The bug is this: if I open an SSIS package in BIDS (RTM or SP1) and the only change I make is adding or modifying an annotation and then click on Save and then close BIDS does not save the new annotation or changes made to existing annotations. If I change something other than an annotation then BIDS does save the annotations with the package.

A careful observer will notice that when opening a package and then modifying or adding an annotation that BIDS does not even register that the package has been changed. This is evident by the lack of the trailing asterisk in the title bar after the package name.

In summary if I go into a package for the sole purpose of adding and/or modifying annotations they will not get saved. Workaround: modify something else in the package and then save.

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Newbie BIDS Questions

Mar 17, 2006

I've been learning SSIS and the BIDS for a few weeks now and there are 2 things that really annoy me. I'm hoping that there is a setting or option or something that I'm missing.

1. I place objects on the Control Flow surface, get everything arranged the way I want it, constraint lines all nice and tidy and then save it. When I open it things aren't the way they were when I closed it. Any way to make them stay the same?

2. If I select multiple objects and copy them when I paste them they are in really interesting places. Any way to have them stay in the same realitive positions?

This is one of the most helpful forums I've ever posted in so thanks to you all for the assistance.

John Colaizzi

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Unable To Find BIDS

Dec 18, 2007

i installed visual studio'05 on my sys to build cubes in SSAS.But its not having BIDS in its pop-up menu,nor it has BI project templates.Can any one help me out.


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