Access Combo Box Linked To Stored Proc

Mar 26, 2004

Does anyone for code code to link a stored procedures to a combo box in Access?

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Stored Proc Using Cursors On A Linked Server

Jul 13, 2004

As part of a nightly process, I must call a stored procedure that uses cursors to update a Sybase linked server from SQL Server. The stored proc was written by someone else and is intended to interface to a finance system to upload new transactions.

The stored proc works fine most of the time but occasionally dies part-way through with the following confusing error message:

[OLE/DB provider returned message: Internally generated command failed to affect a row.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider' IRowsetChange::SetData returned 0x80004005: ].
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Server ********, Procedure ********, Line 162
OLE DB provider 'Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider' reported an error.

I initially ran this stored proc from a perl script via an ODBC link but in the futile hope of fixing this problem I tried manually executing it via isql.exe instead. Both return exactly the same error. I have also increased the OLE/DB query timeout to 15 minutes with no success in stopping the problem.

There seems to be no connection I can spot between when it succeeds and when it fails. When scheduled to run just after midnight it fails about 30% of the time (at a time when there should be a light load on the servers). When run manually it almost always suceeds (I have only managed to get it to fail through running manually once in dozens of attempts).

I can't seem to find anything relevant about this error via Google or any of my usual reference sources so hoped someone else might have a clue as to what the hell's going on. :confused:

The stored procedure uses a cursor to traverse a SELECT statement then performs several INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs depending upon each row processed and attempts (but usually fails) to perform a ROLLBACK upon an error.

I'd appreciate any pointers in the right direction here. Is it because I'm performing cursor-based operations on a linked server? Is it due to the linked server being a Sybase server? Could it be due to locking problems or timeouts? Is my server in a bad mood and simply trying to taunt me? I'm tearing my hair out trying to find more information on this annoyingly intermittent problem and really appreciate any help or tales of similar errors.

Thanks in advance

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Ms Access Combo Box Only Can Be Viewed By Sa

Oct 30, 2015

I have a Ms Access interface (which is connected to a sql Server database server),I create a new proc for one Access combo box and I used it in Access interface. It works fine if I log in as 'sa' but not other user. Other user can't see the combo box list at all.I grant the security for the user to execute the new proc.

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NH: Best Practices Approach - Call Stored Proc - Or Run It Via Linked Server?

Mar 27, 2007

what pro's cons would there be to having a linked server run a local stored proc against another sql server or create that stored proc on that other sql server and call it from there in the c# code.
i would think that calling the stored proc would be more efficient that running a linked server - but please let me know your thoughts. I'm not sure i can have permission to add a stored proc on that server, so possibly the linked server is the only solution - but if i can put a stored proc on that server should i?

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Stored Proc Requesting Data Via An Exchange Linked Server

Jan 7, 2004

I have created a MS Exchange 2000 link server in my MS SQL Server 2k. I have created a stored procedure (and a view...) using info from that linked server. When I am logged on the server as the Administrator, I can call my stored proc without any problems. When I use another computer (and I am not logged as the admin of the server) and I call the stored procedure, the following error is always raised :
Server: Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_proc, Line 3
" Impossible de cr�er une instance du fournisseur OLE DB 'exoledb.DataSource.1'. "
<== I know it is a french error but it can be translated as : "Unable to instancied the OLE DB 'exoledb.DataSource.1' provider"

I would like to know if I can make run my stored proc in the admin account or what should I do to make it work

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Problem With Linked Server Stored Proc In A Maintenance Plan

Feb 12, 2007

Hello there,

I have a scenario where I need a few stored procs to auto-execute on an hourly basis so I thought it would be nicely done in a maintenance plan job list. I have experience with this in sql 2000 but I am struggling with sql 2005.

I have been struggling with my maintenance plan to successfully run the 2 jobs that it has to complete:
1) execute a stored proc that creates/updates a client in the Client table on the local server
(This step works fine without hassles)
2) execute a stored proc that synchronizes this entry with a database on another server. This stored proc works fine outside the maintenance plan, but inside the maintenance plan job it gives me an error :
Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Cannot roll back T1. No transaction or savepoint of that name was found. [SQLSTATE 25000] (Error 6401)

I have tried looking on the net and forum to see whether i can solve this but i am stuck. What do I have to keep in mind executing this stored proc as a maintenance plan? What am i missing.

Thanks for any advice

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Populating An Access Combo Box With Large Amount Of Data Causes Table Lock In SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

I have a combo box where users select the customer name and can eithergo to the customer's info or open a list of the customer's orders.The RowSource for the combo box was a simple pass-through query:SELECT DISTINCT [Customer ID], [Company Name], [contact name],City,Region FROM Customers ORDER BY Customers.[Company Name];This was working fine until a couple of weeks ago. Now wheneversomeone has the form open, this statement locks the entire Customerstable.I thought a pass-through query was read-only, so how does this do atable lock?I changed the code to an unbound rowsource that asks for input of thefirst few characters first, then uses this SQL statement as therowsource:SELECT [Customer ID], [Company Name], [contact name],City, Region Fromdbo_Customers WHERE [Company Name] like '" & txtInput & "*' ORDER BY[Company Name];This helps, but if someone types only one letter, it could still bepulling a few thousand records and cause a table lock.What is the best way to populate a large combo box? I have too muchdata for the ADODB recordset to use the .AddItem methodI was trying to figure out how to use an ADODB connection, so that Ican make it read-only to eliminate the locking, but I'm striking outon my own.Any ideas would be appreciated.Roy(Using Access 2003 MDB with SQL Server 2000 back end)

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Connnecting To An MS Access DB With An MS SQL 2000 Stored Proc

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to access a table in MS Access from a stored procedure on MSSQL 2000. The MS Access DB is running on a diferent computer attached on thesame network. I think I need to create an ODBC connection from the MS SQL2000 to the MS Access DB but not sure. Secondly how do I refer to the tablein the MS SQL stored proc?Thanks for your input,Joe Seamour

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How Do I Access The Value Of A Stored Proc Return Param In C# Using ExecuteNonQuery?

Jun 8, 2007

I've got a stored proc to insert a record and return the id of the record inserted in an output param.How do I access this value in my code after the proc is executed?
param = comm.CreateParameter();param.ParameterName = "@MemberID";param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;param.DbType = DbType.Int32;comm.Parameters.Add(param);
try{     rowsAffected = GenericDataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(comm);}catch {     rowsAffected = -1;}

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Can You Trace Into A Stored Proc? Also Does RAISERROR Terminate The Stored Proc Execution.

Feb 13, 2008

I am working with a large application and am trying to track down a bug. I believe an error that occurs in the stored procedure isbubbling back up to the application and is causing the application not to run. Don't ask why, but we do not have some of the sourcecode that was used to build the application, so I am not able to trace into the code.
So basically I want to examine the stored procedure. If I run the stored procedure through Query Analyzer, I get the following error message:
Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetPortalSettings, Line 74RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages.
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
I don't know if the error message is sufficient enough to cause the application from not running? Does anyone know? If the RAISERROR occursmdiway through the stored procedure, does the stored procedure terminate execution?
Also, Is there a way to trace into a stored procedure through Query Analyzer?
-------------------------------------------As a side note, below is a small portion of my stored proc where the error is being raised:
SELECT  @PortalPermissionValue = isnull(max(PermissionValue),0)FROM Permission, PermissionType, #GroupsWHERE Permission.ResourceId = @PortalIdAND  Permission.PartyId = #Groups.PartyIdAND Permission.PermissionTypeId = PermissionType.PermissionTypeId
IF @PortalPermissionValue = 0BEGIN RAISERROR (60002, 16, 1) return -3END 

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Stored Proc - Calling A Remote Stored Proc

Aug 24, 2006

I am having trouble executing a stored procedure on a remote server. On my
local server, I have a linked server setup as follows:

This works fine on my local server:

Select * From [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.dbo.TableName

This does not work (Attempting to execute a remote stored proc named 'Data_Add':

Exec [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.Data_Add 1,'Hello Moto'

When I attempt to run the above, I get the following error:
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563'.
No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

Could anyone shed some light on what I need to do to get this to work?

Thanks - Amos.

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Stored Proc Question : Why If Exisits...Drop...Create Proc?

Jun 15, 2006

Hi All,Quick question, I have always heard it best practice to check for exist, ifso, drop, then create the proc. I just wanted to know why that's a bestpractice. I am trying to put that theory in place at my work, but they areasking for a good reason to do this before actually implementing. All Icould think of was that so when you're creating a proc you won't get anerror if the procedure already exists, but doesn't it also have to do withCompilation and perhaps Execution. Does anyone have a good argument fordoing stored procs this way? All feedback is appreciated.TIA,~CK

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ASP Cannot Run Stored Proc Until The Web User Has Run The Proc In Query Analyzer

Feb 23, 2007

I have an ASP that has been working fine for several months, but itsuddenly broke. I wonder if windows update has installed some securitypatch that is causing it.The problem is that I am calling a stored procedure via an ASP(classic, not .NET) , but nothing happens. The procedure doesn't work,and I don't get any error messages.I've tried dropping and re-creating the user and permissions, to noavail. If it was a permissions problem, there would be an errormessage. I trace the calls in Profiler, and it has no complaints. Thedatabase is getting the stored proc call.I finally got it to work again, but this is not a viable solution forour production environment:1. response.write the SQL call to the stored procedure from the ASPand copy the text to the clipboard.2. log in to QueryAnalyzer using the same user as used by the ASP.3. paste and run the SQL call to the stored proc in query analyzer.After I have done this, it not only works in Query Analyzer, but thenthe ASP works too. It continues to work, even after I reboot themachine. This is truly bizzare and has us stumped. My hunch is thatwindows update installed something that has created this issue, but Ihave not been able to track it down.

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Stored Procedure In Query Analyzer Vs Linked Procedure In MS Access

Jan 12, 2007

For some reason, I run a stored procedure in Query Analyzer and it works fine. When I run the very same procedure in MS access by clicking on its link I have to run it twice. The first run gives me the message that the stored procedure ran correctly but returned no records. The second run gives me the correct number of records but I have to run it twice. I am running month-to-month data. The first run is Jan thru March. Jan and Feb have no records so I run three months on the first set. The ensuing runs are individual months from April onward. The output is correct but any ideas on why I have to do it twice in Access? I am a bit new to stored procedures but my supervisor assures me that it should be exactly the same.


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Run Remote Proc Without Using Linked Servers

Aug 1, 2002


Is there a way (workaround) of running a remote stored
procedure as pass through query and without having to use
linked servers. Something similar OPENROWSET when
selecting form a remote object?

Many thanks

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How To Call Proc On Linked Oracle Server

Sep 12, 2006

Sorry if this is very stupid question, but i've spent too long searching for the answer:

I have a linked Oracle server set up for RPC in SQL server 9 db. How do I call it? I've tried this, but gives Unspecified error:


OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "SANSORA1" returned message "Unspecified error".


From this:

declare @UserName char(20) -- Current Username

declare @Password varchar(20) -- Current Password

declare @PasswordNew varchar(20) -- New Password

declare @PasswordCfm varchar(20) -- Confirm New Password

set @UserName = '900878'

set @Password = '900878'

set @PasswordNew = '777'

set @PasswordCfm = '777'

declare @return int

exec SANSORA1..PCG.USR_CHANGEPASSWORD @UserName ,@Password ,@PasswordNew ,@PasswordCfm;

--Exec ( 'SANSORA1..PCG.USR_CHANGEPASSWORD (' + @UserName + ' ,' + @Password + ' ,' + @PasswordNew + ' ,' + @PasswordCfm + ')')

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Calling A Stored Proc From Within Another Stored Proc

Feb 20, 2003

I have seen this done by viewing code done by a SQL expert and would like to learn this myself. Does anyone have any examples that might help.

I guess I should state my question to the forum !

Is there a way to call a stored proc from within another stored proc?

Thanks In Advance.


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Stored Proc Calls Another Stored Proc

Jan 13, 2006

Hi all,

I have a stored procedure "uspX" that calls another stored procedure "uspY" and I need to retrieve the return value from uspY and use it within uspX. Does anyone know the syntax for this?

Thanks for your help!

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Calling Stored Proc B From Stored Proc A

Jan 20, 2004

Hi all

I have about 5 stored procedures that, among other things, execute exactly the same SELECT statement

Instead of copying the SELECT statement 5 times, I'd like each stored proc to call a single stored proc that executes the SELECT statement and returns the resultset to the calling stored proc

The SELECT statement in question retrieves a single row from a table containing 10 columns.

Is there a way for a stored proc to call another stored proc and gain access to the resultset of the called stored proc?

I know about stored proc return values and about output parameters, but I think I am looking for something different.


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Calling T SQL Stored Proc From CLR Stored Proc

Aug 30, 2007

I would like to know if the following is possible/permissible:

myCLRstoredproc (or some C# stored proc)
//call some T SQL stored procedure spSQL and get the result set here to work with




// some other t-sql stored proc

Can we do that? I know that doing this in SQL server would throw (nested EXECUTE not allowed). I dont want to go re-writing the spSQL in C# again, I just want to get whatever spSQL returns and then work with the result set to do row-level computations, thereby avoiding to use cursors in spSQL.

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Users&#39; Access Linked Table From ACCESS To SQL 7.0 By ODBC

Jan 12, 2000

Hi Everyone,

I have set up a link from ACCESS to a SQL 7.0 database using ODBC (File DSN saved on a shared DRIVE). The link works well only from the workstation where the link was created. But How can I create a link so a group of users can view the linked table in ACCESS without type a password? Any suggestion is appreciated.


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Access 2007 Linked Tables (vs Access 2003)

May 15, 2007

We migrated a MS Access 2003 mdb into MS Access 2007. The mdb has linked tables to SQL Server via a DSN and utilizes a mdw file. In 2003, the username/password is "passed" to SQL Server, so the UID/PWD that is used for opening the mdb, is used in SQL Server.

Opening the same file in 2007 using the same mdw, gives a secondary login on SQL Server.

Is there a way to have MS Access 2007 pass the UID/PWD to SQL Server on linked tables, the same way that 2003 does?


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Linked Server ( Not Able To Access Any Tables Under LINKED SERVER From My DESKTOP Enterprise Manager

Mar 25, 2002

Hi ,
On my Desktop i registered Production Server in Enterprise Manager
on that Server if i go to SecurityLinked Servers
There is another Server is already mapped, when i am trying to see the Tables under that one of the
Linked Server i am getting the Error message saying that
"Error 17 SQL Server does not exist or access denied"

if i went to Production Server location and if i try to see the tables i am able to see properly, no problems
why i am not able to see from my Desk top
i am using the sa user while mapping the Production Server on my DESKTOP using (ENTERPRISE MANAGER)

And i check the Client Network Utility in the Alias using Named Pipe only, i changed to TCP/IP still same problem
What might the Problem how can i see the Tables in Linked Server from my DESKTOP


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Execute Stored Procedure Y Asynchronously From Stored Proc X Using SQL Server 2000

Oct 14, 2007

I am calling a stored procedure (say X) and from that stored procedure (i mean X) i want to call another stored procedure (say Y)asynchoronoulsy. Once stored procedure X is completed then i want to return execution to main program. In background, Stored procedure Y will contiue his work. Please let me know how to do that using SQL Server 2000 and ASP.NET 2.

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Use Combo Box

Mar 16, 2007

Good day

How can I use the combobox if I can only entre one word per cell?

Can anyone advise a tutorial.



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How Can I Call One Or More Stored Procedures Into Perticular One Stored Proc ?

Apr 23, 2008

Hello friends......How are you ? I want to ask you all that how can I do the following ?
I want to now that how many ways are there to do this ?

How can I call one or more stored procedures into perticular one Stored Proc ? in MS SQL Server 2000/05.

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Combo Box Or Drop Down Box

Dec 21, 2007

Hello all and Merry Christmas

How do you create a drop down box on the report so the users can chose a value and conduct their search according to that value, See I have a SP that when the users enter a parameter they get the results according to that paramter, I would like for the choose one rather then type it up. Can anyone help please

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Cascade Combo Boxes

Nov 2, 2006

I follow sql coding for cascading combo boxes that populates them
if the first one populates the cdname the second one should populate the cd group and the third one the composers with the songs or the samthing with music hymnals. I am trying the steps they aren't populating. Where are simple books on this?

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Updating Combo Boxes

Aug 7, 2006

Hi, i have created a database in VB05, i have a form and a few combo boxes. I am a total newbie to this so i only know the total basics.

two tables i have are Ratings and films.



above are the columns of my tables.

what i am trying to do is select a rating on the first combo box which will then only show the titles with that rating in the next combo box.

I have the whole database created, i have the relationships in place and the combo boxes are all connected to the datasources etc. The comboboxes are currently filled with data by the default sql query which is created. But it is showing the whole data for each when i only want to show the film titles for what rating is selected.

Could any one please help.

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Is It Possible To Use Dependent Combo Boxes?

Nov 15, 2007


I have a problem with a report.

in this report 1 use 2 combo boxes. The first with my organisation on different levels.

And in the second a value for every level and all.

Now i want to filter the organisation box with the second combo box.

For the first time it works but if i change after that the box it doesn't work.

I use SQL Reporting Services 2005

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Calling A Stored Procedure From Within A Stored Proc

Dec 18, 2007

Hi Peeps
I have a SP that returns xml
I have writen another stored proc in which I want to do something like this:Select FieldOne, FieldTwo, ( exec sp_that_returns_xml ( @a, @b) ), FieldThree from TableName
But it seems that I cant call the proc from within a select.
I have also tried
declare @v xml
set @v = exec sp_that_returns_xml ( @a, @b)
But this again doesn't work
I have tried changing the statements syntax i.e. brackets and no brackets etc...,
The only way Ive got it to work is to create a temp table, insert the result from the xml proc into it and then set @v as a select from the temp table -
Which to be frank is god awful way to do it.
 Any and all help appreciated.

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Maybe Pivot/Cross/CSV String Combo????

Oct 8, 2007

I am looking help on the following.

Currently my select will return multiple districts for each of the users. I would like to combine the multiple districts into one string field.

Current proc:


Glenn Stalions

Bob Smith

Pam Cassidy

Shannon Sanchez

Shannon Sanchez

Change to:


Glenn Stalions

Bob Smith

Pam Cassidy

Shannon Sanchez
1234, 1355

If the user is managing more than one district the proc would return a single feild with a csv string of all districts.

I have tried pivot's and it returns multiple columns which I don't want. In addition, I have to hard code 300+ district id's to get the pivot to work correctly.

Something like this will work but I want to call it each row and not for the entire proc:
declare @csv varchar(max)
(SELECT @csv = coalesce(@csv+', ','' ) +
cast(districtid as varchar) FROM #district)
select @csv

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Is It Possible To Have A List Box Or A Combo Box Instead Of A Drop Downlist

Sep 20, 2007


Is it possible to have a list box or a combo box for selecting parameters instead of having a drop down list...
and If yes how can i do it?


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