Partial Public Class StoredProcedures <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _ Public Shared Sub StoredProcedureTest(ByVal strAS400ServerName As String, _ ByVal strCompany As String, _ ByVal decSerial As Decimal, _ ByVal strSerialCode As String, _ ByVal strSerialScan As String, _ ByVal decMasterSerialNumber As Decimal, _ ByVal strCustomerPart As String, _ ByVal strTakataPart As String, _ ByVal strCustomerRanNo As String, _ ByVal strCustomerAbv As String, _ ByVal strDestinationAbv As String, _ ByVal decQty As Decimal, _ ByVal strCreatDate As String, _ ByVal decVoidSerialNo As Decimal, _ ByVal strProductionLineNo As String, _ ByVal strProcType As String)
Dim sp As SqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe Dim strResult As Integer = 0 Dim strErrorText As String = String.Empty Dim dsData As New DataSet Dim parameter(15) As OleDbParameter If Not strAS400ServerName Is Nothing And strAS400ServerName <> String.Empty Then ' Populate parameter collection
If dsData.Tables.Count > 0 Then dsData.Tables(0).TableName = "Supreeth" Dim bitresult As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0).ToString() Dim errorstring As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1).ToString()
' I am not sure here SqlContext.Pipe.Send(bitresult) SqlContext.Pipe.Send("No errors")
End If
Else Throw New ArgumentException("AS400Db.GetAS400TraceabilityResult: AS400 server name is empty or invalid") End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub RunDB2Sp(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByRef parms As OleDbParameter(), ByRef dsData As DataSet) '********************************************* ' Declare Variables '********************************************* Dim daAdaptor As OleDbDataAdapter Dim cmdAS400 As OleDbCommand 'Dim dstestMe As New DataSet Try cmdAS400 = CreateCommand(strProcedure, parms) daAdaptor = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmdAS400)
' Fill the Data Set daAdaptor.Fill(dsData) Catch expError As OleDbException daAdaptor = Nothing Finally daAdaptor = Nothing cmdAS400.Dispose() 'Me.Close()
End Try
End Sub Public Shared Function CreateParameter(ByVal name As String, _ ByVal type As OleDbType, _ ByVal size As Integer, _ ByVal direction As ParameterDirection, _ ByVal paramValue As Object) As OleDbParameter Dim param As OleDbParameter = New OleDbParameter param.ParameterName = name param.OleDbType = type param.Size = size param.Direction = direction param.Value = paramValue Return param End Function
Private Shared Function CreateCommand(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByVal prams As OleDbParameter()) As OleDbCommand Dim CmdSAS400 As OleDbCommand Dim parameter As OleDbParameter Dim connAS400 As OleDbConnection connAS400 = New OleDbConnection("Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=AHISERIESDEV1;User Id=****;Password=****;") connAS400.Open()
CmdSAS400 = connAS400.CreateCommand() CmdSAS400.CommandText = strProcedure CmdSAS400.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure CmdSAS400.Parameters.Clear() 'CmdAS400.CommandTimeout = intTimeOut If (prams Is Nothing) Then Else For Each parameter In prams CmdSAS400.Parameters.Add(parameter) Next
End If
Return CmdSAS400
End Function
I have a UI which supplies 16 parameters to my stored procedure , which in turn call another sored procedure on as400 which returns result set. So far i am able to send 16 parms and get the values in dataset. My question here how would i send the result set to UI for display, please feel free to comment on any changes need to be made on code . I badly need to find a solution for this and i appreciate any feed backs
For some reason, I run a stored procedure in Query Analyzer and it works fine. When I run the very same procedure in MS access by clicking on its link I have to run it twice. The first run gives me the message that the stored procedure ran correctly but returned no records. The second run gives me the correct number of records but I have to run it twice. I am running month-to-month data. The first run is Jan thru March. Jan and Feb have no records so I run three months on the first set. The ensuing runs are individual months from April onward. The output is correct but any ideas on why I have to do it twice in Access? I am a bit new to stored procedures but my supervisor assures me that it should be exactly the same.
I hvae a stored procedure that has this at the end of it: BEGIN EXEC @ActionID = ActionInsert '', @PackageID, @AnotherID, 0, '' END SET NOCOUNT OFF
SELECT Something FROM Something Joins….. Where Something = Something now, ActionInsert returns a Value, and has a SELECT @ActionID at the end of the stored procedure. What's happening, if that 2nd line that I pasted gets called, 2 result sets are being returned. How can I modify this SToredProcedure to stop returning the result set from ActionINsert?
Hello evry1. i m new to SQL Server2000. plzz tell me where i m wrong in this SP . this procedure is not giving any error but it is not showing any result. plzz help me n give me any idea if u know how i can solve my problem best regards sadaf n here is the procedure
begin select * from [profile] where [user_name] like '%@user_name1%' and place like '%@place%' and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@gender1 is not null and len(@gender1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where gender = @gender1 and place like '%@place%' and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if(@email_address1 is not null and len(@email_address1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where [email-address] like '%@email_address1%' and place like '%@place%' and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if(@relegion1 is not null and len(@relegion1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where relegion = @relegion1 and place like '%@place%' and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@political_view1 is not null and len(@political_view1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where political_view = @political_view1 and place like '%@place%' and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@passion1 is not null and len(@passion1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where passion like '%@passion1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if(@sports1 is not null and len(@sports1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where sports like '%@sports1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@activities1 is not null and len(@activities1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where activities like '%@activities%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@books1 is not null and len(@books1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where books like '%books1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@music1 is not null and len(@music1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where music like '%@music%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if(@tv_shows1 is not null and len(@tv_shows1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where tv_shows like '%@tv_shows1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@movies1 is not null and len(@movies1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where movies like '%@movies1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@cuisines1 is not null and len(@cuisines1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where cuisines like '%@cuisines1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@intrested_in1 is not null and len(@intrested_in1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where intrested_in = @intrested_in1 and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@education1 is not null and len(@education1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where education like'%@education1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@college_university1 is not null and len(@college_university1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where institution like '%@college_university1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@occupation1 is not null and len(@occupation1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where occupation like '%@occupation1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@industry1 is not null and len(@industry1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where industry like '%@industry1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@job_desc1 is not null and len(@job_desc1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where job_desc like '%@job_desc1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end if (@career_intrest1 is not null and len(@career_intrest1) > 0) begin select * from [profile] where career_intrest like '%@career_intrest1%' and place = @place1 and latitude=@latitude1 and longitude=@longitude1 and signup_name != @signup; end GO
i made a new stored procedure and execute it. it works great but where can i see the result ? i want to see the number of Count(*) in a window inside the SQL Server Managment studio, can i ?
I've been developing a stored procedure that uses a user definedfunction in the query portion of the procedure. However, since the endproduct needs to allow for dynamic table names, the UDF will not work.I've been trying to get this to work with converting the UDF to aprocedure, but I'm having no luck.Here is the background on what I'm trying to accomplish. I need toperform a sub-identity on a table, I have the normal identity set, butthere are multiple duplicates in the table and I need each set ofduplicates numbered also (1,2,3,4 for duplicate set 1, 1,2,3 for dup2).Here is what I have using the UDF (the UDF returns a variable tablewith indetity and ID for each record)********** UDF *************CREATE FUNCTION dbo.setDuplicateTransactions(@accountNumber asvarchar(50))RETURNS @dupTransactions TABLE(ID int IDENTITY,transactionID int)ASBEGININSERT @dupTransactionsSELECT t1.transactionIDFROM providerTransactions t1WHERE t1.accountNumber = @accountNumberORDER BY t1.transactionIDRETURNEND******** Stored Procedure ************CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_parseTransactionsASDECLARE@accountNumber varchar(50)DECLARE temp_cursor CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FORSELECT t1.accountNumberFROM providerTransactions t1GROUP BY t1.accountNumberHAVING MAX(isNull(t1.duplicateCount,0)) != COUNT(t1.transactionID)ORDER BY t1.accountNumberOPEN temp_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM temp_cursorINTO @accountNumberWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINUPDATE providerTransactionsSET duplicateCount = t1.IDFROM setDuplicateTransactions(@accountNumber) t1,providerTransactions t2WHERE t1.transactionID = t2.transactionIDFETCH NEXT FROM temp_cursorINTO @accountNumberENDCLOSE temp_cursorDEALLOCATE temp_cursorNow this does work and accomplishes what I want. But as mentioned, Ineed to make the tables dynamic which will require the UDF to beeliminated and either the UDF portion moved to the stored procedure orcreate another stored procedure to be called by this one.I've tried moving the UDF into the procedure, however, the identitiesdid not reset on the subsequent loops. If there is a way to reset thetable variable, that would be a big help.I did move the UDF to a stored procedure, then tried to tie it into themain procedure.**** UDF as Stored Procedure ******CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_setDuplicateTransactions@accountNumber as varchar(50)ASDECLARE @dupTransactions TABLE(ID int IDENTITY,transactionID int)BEGININSERT @dupTransactionsSELECT t1.transactionIDFROM providerTransactions t1WHERE t1.accountNumber = @accountNumberORDER BY t1.transactionIDENDHere is the snippet of code replacing the current UPDATE query.DECLARE @dupTransactions sysnameEXECUTE @dupTransactions = sp_setDuplicateTransactions @accountNumberEXEC('UPDATE providerTransactionsSET duplicateCount = t1.IDFROM ' + @dupTransactions + ' t1, providerTransactions t2WHERE t1.transactionID = t2.transactionID')When I run the main stored procedure I get the following error when Istop running it.(1 row(s) affected)Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4Line 4: Incorrect syntax near '0'.(1 row(s) affected)Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4Line 4: Incorrect syntax near '0'.(1 row(s) affected)Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4Line 4: Incorrect syntax near '0'.(1 row(s) affected)So any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Marc
Hi All, I have to execute one of the stored procedure within another stored procedure. And have to store it into some table variable... How to do that.pls give me the syntax... Thanks and reagards A
My stored procedure displays two result sets. How can i use that result sets in my 3-tier application. I want to bind first resultset to repeater control and second to label control. I am using SqlDataReader...
Hi All,I have sometimes used the following sort of query to pull data from one table to another:INSERT INTO Table1 SELECT fname, lname FROM Table2Now, let's suppose that I had created a stored procedure to do the insert (and any other logic i was concerned about) and I did something like this:EXECUTE Table1 _Insert SELECT fname, lname FROM Table2It won't work, giving an error that looks something like this:Server: Msg 201, Level 16, State 3, Procedure Table1_Insert, Line 0Procedure 'Table1_Insert' expects parameter '@fname', which was not supplied.I assume I'm not doing things right... how would I pass a result set to a stored procedure, with each row corresponding to an input parameter of the stored procedure?
Hello all, I have the following Stored Procedure that has been working perfectly for the last year: CODE ==================================================== DELETE FROM tblReportMainMembers INSERT INTO tblReportMainMembers (emplid, userid, membership, price, approvecode, purchasedate, wpecend)SELECT DISTINCT tblCart.emplid, tblCart.userid, tblCart.membership, tblCart.Price, tblcart.approvecode, tblCart.addedcart, tblCart.addedcart + 365FROM tblCart INNER JOIN tblMemberships ON tblCart.membership = tblMemberships.idWHERE (tblMemberships.type = 'MAIN') AND approvecode IS NOT NULL AND approvecode <> 'X44444444444' UPDATE tblReportMainMembersSET tblReportMainMembers.fname = tblRecords.fname, tblReportMainMembers.lname = tblRecords.lname, --tblReportMainMembers.userid =, tblReportMainMembers.address = tblRecords.home_address, =, tblReportMainMembers.state = tblRecords.state, =, tblReportMainMembers.homephone = tblRecords.home_phone, tblReportMainMembers.officephone = tblRecords.office_phone, =, tblReportMainMembers.signup = tblRecords.signupFROM tblRecordsWHERE tblReportMainMembers.emplid = tblRecords.emplid UPDATE tblReportMainMembersSET tblReportMainMembers.membership = tblMemberships.membershipFROM tblMembershipsWHERE tblReportMainMembers.membership = UPDATE tblReportMainMembersSET tblReportMainMembers.emplid = Onecard.dbo.Accounts.CustomFROM Onecard.dbo.AccountsWHERE tblReportMainMembers.emplid = Onecard.dbo.Accounts.Account SELECT RTRIM(emplid) AS EMPLID, RTRIM(userid) AS USERID, RTRIM(fname) AS FNAME, RTRIM(lname) AS LNAME, RTRIM(membership) AS MEMBERSHIP, CAST(price AS varchar(12)) AS PRICE, RTRIM(approvecode) AS APPROVECODE, CONVERT(varchar(20), purchasedate, 101) AS PURCHASEDATE, CONVERT(varchar(20), wpecend, 101) AS WPECEND, RTRIM(address) AS ADDRESS, RTRIM(city) AS CITY, RTRIM(state) AS STATE, RTRIM(zip) AS ZIP, RTRIM(homephone) AS HOMEPHONE, RTRIM(officephone) AS OFFICEPHONE, RTRIM(email) AS EMAIL, signup AS SIGNUP FROM tblReportMainMembersWHERE fname IS NOT NULL AND lname IS NOT NULLORDER BY lname As you can tell from the procedure, i copy some records into a report table, do some modifications, and then send the results to the browser. But all of a sudden, i'm getting timeouts on all my users. But here is the strange part, when i take the above code and run it using Query Analyzer, it works. And then after that, my users are OK running the clients for about 1 week. And then it starts acting up again. Everytime i run the code in Query Analyzer, i have no more problems for about a week. Weird isn't it. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.Richard M.
Hi guys. I have been struggling for days now to store the result of a stored procedure from a linkedserver. To make a long story short, here is my code...
CREATE PROCEDURE F_GET_KRONOS_HRS @wono varchar(12) AS BEGIN declare @str nvarchar(2000) declare @a varchar(10)
create table #t (paycode varchar(7), hrs varchar(255)) insert into #t exec sp_executesql @str select @a = hrs from #t where paycode='ST' drop table #t print @a
if i call exec sp_execute @str, it will output this PAYCODE HRS ------- -------- ST 08: 30 OT 54: 00
(2 row(s) affected)
I want those #'s store into a temp variable OR be passed to another procedure. HOW DO I DO IT. This is the last step holding me back from completing my DataWareHouse.
How Can i Execute a result from a StoredProcedure... I got a sp that generates drop index and pk from all tables in the DB..
I got this results from running (sp_dropallindex) like this:
I need to execute that result.. I know that i can copy/paste into Query Analyzer and then run it but how can i handle that result and run all in shot ...
I tried something like this:
DECLARE @DROP AS VARCHAR(8000) SET @DROP='exec sp_drop_allindex' EXECUTE (@DROP)
and i see the same out , but my indexes and PK still there ... i'm confused about it ..
This is a strange issue I'm encountering. I have a websphere application that calls a basic Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000. The SP works fine. Now, if I create a TEMP table in the SP, I no longer get a resultset. No results are returned by the websphere. Even if I do not use the temp table... that is, I just create the temp table like so: SELECT region_code, OperGroup_Code, country_name, MajorGroup_Name, RptgEntity_Name, shell_code, CRC, ' ' as right_type INTO #tmpTShell FROM TShell WHERE 1=0
But I then grab my records using the query that works (querying another table), I still get NULL for records returned. Only when I comment out the above TEMP table creation do I get the results back in websphere. Another strange thing is that this works fin in SQL analyzer. WRegardless of whether I have the temp table creation commented out or not, it always works in the Query Analyzer whe I call the SP. It just seems to effect WebSphere or my java code in that it returns null if I create the temp table.
Has anyone ever experienced anthying like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I know how to write a stored procedure that does various things to a database. I know that a stored procedure returns a value of 0 by default if it executes successfully, and a non-zero value otherwise. I know you can use output variables to return other values from a stored procedure. I am moderately familiar with these things.
But... how do I fashion it if I'm calling the stored procedure from VB.NET in a web application, and I don't just want a couple of variable values, I want the whole result set?
I know there's #temporaryTables that ...exist within the scope of the stored procedures... ##Globaltemptables... regular_tables... and @tableVariables. I'm reading furiously to figure out what these and I'm leaning in the direction of ... a variable table as an output variable, but I just don't know... how and what I can stuff that into in the front end so I can shove it into the nice and neat grid view thing.
(fyi, I'm trying to return a consolidated table of available rooms fitting the user's specified reservation dates and amenity preferences - that part, I've gotten done like a boss. It's...getting it back to the front end I'm struggling with.)
Hi, I have a problem with dealing with result sets returned from stored procedures.
I have a procedure like: CREATE PROCEDURE SampleProcedure AS BEGIN SELECT * FROM SampleTable END GO
By executing this stored porocedure is returned result set containing data from SampleTable table. (EXECUTE SampleProcedure)
The returned resultset can be seen in Query Analyzer and can be handled from ADO.NET without any hesitate.
But I can't use this result set from other stored procedure. I tried: SELECT * FROM (EXEC SampleProcedure) But there is sintax error in select statement.
Does anybody know, how to store the result set into a teporary table or select it by SELECT statement?
Hi,I have one stored procedure that calls another ( EXEC proc_abcd ). I wouldlike to return a result set (a temporary table I have created in theprocedure proc_abcd) to the calling procedure for further manipulation. Howcan I do this given that TABLE variables cannot be passed into, or returnedfrom, a stored procedure?Thanks,RobinExample: (if such a thing were possible):DECLARE @myTempTable1 TABLE ( ID INT NOT NULL )DECLARE @myTempTable2 TABLE ( ID INT NOT NULL )...../*Insert a test value into the first temporary table*/INSERT INTO @myTempTable1 VALUES ( 1234 )...../*Execute a stored procedure returning another temporary table ofvalues.*/EXEC proc_abcd @myTempTable2 OUTPUT......../*Insert the values from the second temporary table into the first.*/SELECT * INTO @myTempTable1 FROM @myTempTable2
I am trying to get data back from stored procedure output arguments. I am in a Visual C++ enviroment calling the stored procedure via the ODBC function SQLExecDirect. When the stored procedure has only a single output argument, everything works fine. When there are multiple output arguments, I get an error "Invalid Cursor State' from the SQLFetch. This is telling me there is no result set. Below is a pseudo code fragment which shows what I am doing. I want to use SQLGetData to convert the data into C variables. I do not want to use SQLBindParameter or Parameter Markers. Sql = "DECLARE @outarg1 int DECLARE @outarg2 datetime {CALL ProcName('Inarg1','Inarg2',.......@outarg1 OUTPUT,@outarg2 OUTPUT ) } SELECT @outarg1,@outarg2 " ; rc = SQLExecDirect(hstmt,Sql,strlen(Sql) ) if( rc == SQL_SUCCESS) { rc == SQLFetch(hstmt); if(rc == SQL_ERROR) { SqlGetDiagRec(.........); } } ..... When there is one out parameter, everything works OK.
When there are multiple out parameters, I get a SQL error state 24000 which is "Invalid Cursor State". This tells me there is no result set for the Fetch to act on. The stored procedure is doing a select for each out parameter. Any Idea why I get an error when using more than one out parameter
Hello, I have a situation that I query a table and return multiple rows (email addresses). I want to iterate through the rows and concatenate all email addresses into one string (will be passing this to another stored procedure to send mail). How can I process result rows inside a stored procedure? This is what I have so far: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lm_emailComment_OnInsert] @serviceDetailID int,@comment varchar(500),@commentDate DateTime,@commentAuthor varchar(100)ASBEGINDECLARE @serviceID intDECLARE @p_recipients varchar(8000)DECLARE @p_message varchar(8000)DECLARE @p_subject varchar(100)/* Grab the Service_id from underlying Service_Detail_id*/SELECT @serviceID = Service_id FROM lm_Service_Detail WHERE Service_Detail_id = @serviceDetailID/* Get email addresses of Service Responsible Parties */ SELECT DISTINCT dbo.lm_Responsible_Party.EmailFROM dbo.lm_Service_Detail INNER JOIN dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type ON dbo.lm_Service_Detail.Service_id = dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type.Service_id INNER JOIN dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type ON dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type.Filing_Type_id = dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type.Filing_Type_id INNER JOIN dbo.lm_Responsible_Party ON dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type.Party_id = dbo.lm_Responsible_Party.Party_idWHERE (dbo.lm_Service_Detail.Service_Detail_id = @serviceDetailID)/* Build message */ SET @p_subject = "KLM - Service ID: " + CAST(@serviceID AS varchar(4))SET @p_recipients = "" /*need string of addresses*/
I have web server with .aspx page from wich I call stored procedure on MSSQL server. In this procedure are lots of "select" statements and I need to show results of this statements in web page. Can I call this procedure in that manner that procedure output is writen in some file and this file then ir recieved by web server and included in web page.
How can I find the result columns from code? Visual J++ Seems to be able to do that. ADO doesn't want to do it for me, neither does ODBC's SQLProcedureColumns().
I've come a huge ways with your help and things are getting more and more complicated, but i'm able to figure out a lot of things on my own now thanks to you guys! But now I'm REALLY stuck.
I've created a hierarchal listbox form that drills down From
Product - Colour - Year.
based on the selection from the previous listbox. i want to be able to populate a Grid displaying availability of the selected product based on the selections from the listboxes.
So i've written a stored procedure that selects the final product Id as an INPUT/OUTPUT based on the parameters PRODUCT ID - COLOUR ID - and YEAR ID. This outputs a PRODUCT NUMBER.
I want that product number to be used to populate the grid view. Is there away for me to do this?
My stored procedure is returning me the list of tables names where the given tables PK is used as FK (can be null), based on the result of stored procedure I need to update the tables.
Following Stored procedure will return the list of tables where the usertable's PK is referred as a FK
I want to use the returned table name and update the set eh FK's value = null.
Some how it is not working , can some one point me out on correct solution.
I wrote a stored procedure that finds a number. I want to store the number it finds into a variable so i can use it within another procedure. I hope i'm being clear. Any help will be appreciated. Here is an example of how i am finding my number Employee is the name of my table and Number is the name of my column.
Hi, I have written a stored procedure to upload a file to a table. I am quering this table and want to download the result to a file.Can someone please help me to do this ?
I have a stored procedure like the following. This returns 2 result sets, however i only want it to return 2nd (SELECT SomeField FROM SomeTable). How is this done? Note - it is not possible to change 'SomeSPThatReturnsAnIntAndAResultSet '
this is my problem in stored procedure 1) TABLE SilokE IS MY TABLE OF THE ALL EMPLOYEE 2) I need to see only the employee than in the table v_un 3) i see all the employee 4) problem in this line ( [new date] = @mydate2,[new_shift2] = ) i see 2 rows of result from fields [new date] + ,[new_shift] how to see only 1 field for each field
new date new_shift new date empid name --------------------------------------------------------------- 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 2568947 aaa 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 2845209 bbbb 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 4807756 ccc 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 9819590 ddd 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 10055648 eee 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 10815413 ffff 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 11070042 gggg 2007-12-01 99 2007-12-02 99 11162047 hhh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i need to see only one for each field
new date new_shift id name --------------------------------------------------------------- 2007-12-01 99 2568947 aaa 2007-12-01 99 2845209 bbbb 2007-12-01 99 4807756 ccc 2007-12-01 99 9819590 ddd 2007-12-02 99 10055648 eee 2007-12-02 99 10815413 ffff 2007-12-02 99 11070042 gggg 2007-12-02 99 11162047 hhh
Code Block DECLARE @yeara [varchar](4) DECLARE @month1 [varchar](2) DECLARE @day1 [varchar](2) DECLARE @day2 [varchar](2) DECLARE @day3 [varchar](2) DECLARE @mydate1 [datetime] DECLARE @mydate2 [datetime] set @yeara ='2007' SET @month1 ='12' Set @day1 ='1' Set @day2 ='2' set @mydate1 = CONVERT([datetime] ,@day1 + '/'+ @month1 + '/' + @yearA ,103) set @mydate2 = CONVERT([datetime] ,@day2 + '/'+ @month1 + '/' + @yearA ,103) SELECT SilokE CASE WHEN (empid IN (SELECT empid FROM SilokEWHERE (shift = 51 ))) THEN 1 WHEN (empid IN (SELECT empid FROM v_un WHERE (shift = 11 ))) THEN 2 else 99 END, [new date] = @mydate2,[new_shift] = CASE WHEN (empid IN (SELECT empid FROM v_un WHERE (shift = 11 ))) THEN 1 WHEN (empid IN (SELECT empid FROM v_un WHERE (shift = 12 ))) THEN 2 else 99 END, SilokE.empid, SilokE.Fname FROM SilokE
Created a stored procedure which returns Selected table from database. I pass variables, according to conditions
For some reason it is not returning any result for any condition
Stored Procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure ( @condition varchar(20), @ID bigint, @date1 as datetime, @date2 as datetime )
AS /* SET NOCOUNT ON */ IF @condition LIKE 'all' SELECT CllientEventDetails.* FROM CllientEventDetails WHERE (ClientID = @ID)
IF @condition LIKE 'current_events' SELECT ClientEventDetails.* FROM ClientEventDetails WHERE (ClientID = @ID) AND (EventFrom <= ISNULL(@date1, EventFrom)) AND (EventTill >= ISNULL(@date1, EventTill))
IF @condition LIKE 'past_events' SELECT ClientEventDetails.* FROM ClientEventDetails WHERE (ClientID = @ID) AND (EventTill <= ISNULL(@date1, EventTill))
IF @condition LIKE 'upcoming_events' SELECT ClientEventDetails.* FROM ClientEventDetails WHERE (ClientID = @ID) AND (EventFrom >= ISNULL(@date1, EventFrom))
IF @condition LIKE '' SELECT CllientEventDetails.* FROM CllientEventDetails
Also I would like to find out if I can put only "where" clause in if condition as my select statements are constants
I have a SQL Server stored procedure that performs several queries and therefore returns several "result sets" at any one time.
Wiring it up via ADO.NET I populate a DataSet with a number of items in the Tables collection - which is great - and I can give each item a name for identification purposes once the DataSet is populated.
But I'd like to know if there is some way I can set the names of each result set *within the text of the stored procedure*, i.e. before the DataSet gets populated.
I'm trying to insert the results of a stored procedure call into a temporary table, which is not working. It does work if I use a non-temporary table. Can anyone tell me if this is supported or what I am doing wrong.
Here is an example:
-- DROP PROCEDURE testProc CREATE PROCEDURE testProc AS BEGIN SELECT '1111' as col1, '2222' as col2 END
-- this call will fail with message Invalid object name '#tmpTable'. INSERT INTO #tmpTable EXEC testProc