I'm a relative newbie to SQL Server so pardon me if this is dumb. However....
Microsoft provides a visual database tool for designing a query. The only way I know of firing up this utility is from EM. To get to it you must drill down to the table level and say "Open Table...Query" to get to it. Is there an easier way to get to this? Or am I missing something? Doesn't it make sense that when you are in Query Analyzer that you should be able to easily go into the Visual Query Designer since that's all your doing in QA is designing queries??? A toolbar button would be nice. Maybe I haven't worked with it enough and there is a way.
Any help is appreciated.
I have created a database using VB Express 2005 express edition and I have created number of tables and SP's etc.
I am trying to use the database diagram tool but I get an error stating that the database doesn't have a valid dbo. I say yes to the prompt about making myself a valid dbo but I then get a message stating that I do not have permissions to imprersonate the dbo.
Hi there guys, I am currently trying to achieve a seemingly simple task in VC++ 2005. I have made a very simple form in Microsoft Access which I wish to serve as the beginnings of something greater. I created a db in MS Access named links.mdb containing on table-> Table1. Table1 contains 1 column, "Links", and i wish to read these strings into variables in my Visual C++ Windows Forms Application.
What I have done so far...
In Visual C++, I clicked on Data->Add new data source, and followed the wizard to add the microsoft access database to my application by the name, "linksDataSet". I can see the table in my left hand "Data Sources" pane in VC++. All I need to know is how to access my database from here so that I can read these strings stored in my table. Also, would be possible to schedule my application to log on to a http server and retrieve these links every time the application is executed? How would I go about doing this?
I'm struggeling for more than a week now with this problem, without a finding the solution.
I have two databases, MS Access and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Using a procedure in Visual Studio i would like to copy all the records from one table in MS Access into an existing table in SQL Server (the tables have the same name and the same layout)
I tried to prepare one Dataset to copy from Access into SQL Server but when i run the command 'DaSQL.Update(DsSQL, "Tabella") nothing happens (not even an exeption has been raised), looking during debug, the DataSet seems filled though...
Please could anyone explain what's wrong and / or is there a more quicker way to copy data from a table to another?
Note i woul have as a final goal to get data from an AS400 database by ODBC, manage it, and put it on SQL Server for a 'data mining' scope (eliminating the use of MS Access, not suited for FE-BE).
the procedure goes like this;
' Create a connection to the MS Access Database Dim connectionToAccess As New OleDbConnection(DBConnectionAccString) strsql = "SELECT * FROM [TABELLA]" connectionToAccess.Open() Dim DaAccess As New OleDbDataAdapter(strsql, connectionToAccess)
Dim DsAccess As New DataSet("ACCESS") DaAccess.FillSchema(DsAccess, SchemaType.Source, "Tabella") DaAccess.Fill(DsAccess, "Tabella")
' Create a connection to the SQL Database Dim connectionToSQL As New SqlConnection(DBConnectionSQLString) connectionToSQL.Open() Dim DaSQL As New SqlDataAdapter(strsql, connectionToSQL)
Dim DsSQL As New DataSet("SQL") DaSQL.FillSchema(DsSQL, SchemaType.Source, "Tabella") DaSQL.Fill(DsAccess, "Tabella")
License requiredMaybe you don't have this but have one of the products thatqualifies for the upgrade such as ...Visual Studio .NET 2003 ProfessionalVisual Studio .NET 2003 Professional Special EditionVisual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise ArchitectVisual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise DeveloperVisual Studio .NET 2002 Professional EditionVisual Studio .NET 2002 Enterprise DeveloperVisual Studio .NET 2002 Enterprise ArchitectVisual Studio 97 Enterprise EditionVisual Studio 6.0 Professional EditionVisual Studio 6.0 Enterprise EditionVisual Basic 5.0 (or later) Professional EditionVisual Basic 5.0 (or later) Enterprise EditionVisual C++ 5.0 (or later) Professional EditionVisual C++ 5.0 (or later) Enterprise EditionVisual InterDev 1.0 (or later)Visual J++ Professional Edition 1.1 (or later)Visual FoxPro 5.0 (or later) Professional EditionVisual SourceSafe 5.0 (or later)Visio 2000 Enterprise Editionthat you are willing to part with for some cash.Dan Thomas
I've got a big problem reinstalling the just released VS2005 Tools:
I've installed them, but then I've deinstalled them to first deinstall RC1 and install the just released RTM/W(?) of the runtime.
But since then I was not able to reinstall the VS2005 Tools: The installer just says, that a required program for the upgradepatch is missing or another version is installed.
I've also tried to reinstall SP1 of VS 2005, with the same result.
BTW, I just wanna mention, that it is very complex to look through the new released Compact Edition releases. For example for the runtime it is required that the english release is installed before another localized release. But the localized releases are not called "Language Packs" (what they are) and do not verify that the english version is already installed. Also I'm interested what the recommended installation order is for installing on a developer computer eg. in German. First the VS2005 Tools or the SDK or the runtime?
Hi, I understand from previous threads that installing SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 on the desktop client can speed up the response rate of the Visual Studio 2005 Business Intelligence Tools.
However after logging on as an administrator and installing Service Pack 2, Service Pack 2 returned no errors. However after launching Visual Studio and clicking on the about dialog box the version reported was still €œRTM.050727-4200€? where I was expecting to see €œSP.050727-7600€?.
I understood that I applied the same service pack to my copy of SQL Server on my laptop and the upgrade worked successfully.
I got a big Access file (1 400 tables) to convert to SQL and I wouldlike to be provided with some automated tools, except upsizing wizardand DTS, to convert it on my own.I got a lot of forms and query to convert too.Can someday provide me with at least one tool name ?Thanks,Guy
I am currently running sql 2005 express on a W2k3 server, 4G ram. I would also like to install a named instance of SQL 2005 Developer Edition on this machine. Is this ok to do? I am assuming that I can access all of the instances through the SQL Server Management Studio, is that correct?
Hi,We have several Access database that we would over time plan to convertto SQL. I am looking for a tool that works better than the upsizewizard in helping with the transition - I am looking for somethingreliable yet reasonably priced.Thanks in advance for all your helpKR
When I try to open Activity Monitor from SSMS I receive the message "Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (mscorlib)". - more details below.
I have a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise SP1 installed in an Active/Passive cluster configuration on Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1. The problem happens using sa and a domain administrator.
------- more details ------- Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (mscorlib) Â Â at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) Â Â at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o) Â Â at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize() Â Â [Code] .....
I have trying to access a 2nd SQL Server instances running on my WHS 2011 server from my Windows 8.1 Pro client.
The first SQL Server instance I installed is SQL Server 2014 Developer. This has been in place for many months and access from my client pc is not a problem. The Developer instance was installed using standard settings so uses TCP port 1433 and I have verified this by checking the firewall rules. This instance name is <SERVERNAME>
As I want to host a personal website on my server I installed SQL Server 2014 Express as a 2nd instance on my WHS 2011 box for website database purposes. After this installation both instances are accessible via Management Console on the WHS 2011 box.Â
The second instance is named as <SERVERNAME>SQLEXPRESS.
However, I am unable to access the SQLEXPRESS instance using Management Console on my client pc. I know it is a firewall issue as when I turn off the firewall on the WHS 2011 box I can connect successfully. The errors reported have resulted in my trying many things to resolve the problem but none have worked, e.g.
Use the default SQLEXPRESS instance to listen on all TCP ports (default installation option). I checked the necessary firewall rules were set up correctly and they were, i.e. UDP ANY and TCP ANY for the SQLEXPRESS sqlservr.exe file.
Change the default SQLEXPRESS instance to list on a specific TCP port, e.g. 19344
Create an ALIAS for the SQLEXPRESS installation
The instance is definitely set up for Remote Access and is not Hidden.
Are there any other firewall rules I need to apply?
I would like to be able to view the complete SQL command that is sent from a Microsoft Access query which has linked SQL Server tables through ODBC, and the query also has some VBA functions manipulating and filtering data.I tried using the SQL Profiler to view the sql command send to SQL Server but all I see is the simple query format and some of the fields. I don't see the fields that have a VBA function such as trim(fieldname) etc in the column. And If I use a VBA fucntion in the Criteria then nothing shows up in SQL Profiled under the TextData column.How can I see the complete SQL command sent to SQL Server?
I am working in an access data project. I have a stored procedure that runs fine when I open and run it directly in sql. When I use the DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure method in VB code, the stored procedure also runs fine (and successfully adds records as it should) but then I get an error: #7874 "...can't find the object...'[Name of sp'". This halts the vb code and is a problem. Here's example code from a sp that causes this problem:
Insert into Table (Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4) Select Field1, 'Test', Field5, GetDate() from View1
I understand there may be another syntax to run a stored procedure from access visual basic other than DoCmd. I would very much appreciate guidance as to how to do this.
I am building a Visual Sudio process that will Truncate and load data to an Access database (2010) from SQL Server (2012). I have one "Execute SQL Task" for one table (LungCancer_HF_Patients):
"DELETE LungCancer_HF_Patients.* FROM LungCancer_HF_Patients;" that parses and works.
I have another table (Report1):
"DELETE Report1.* FROM Report1;"
that does not parse with a message "The query failed to parse. Incorrect syntax near '*'."
Why the first one parses correctly and the other one does not?
I am not able to see the Data Source in Visual studio 2012. I have tried several things like 'Alt + shift + D' which is meant to bring up the datasource tab but it does not. I have also looked in view->Other windows but its not displayed there.
Of all the Visual Basic.NET data access books that I have purchased and all the Internet site example code that I have reviewed, none have had any good examples of multi-threaded VB.NET code doing data access.
I am trying to avoid the non-responsiveness in a VB app while a simple data retrieval from SQL Server 2005 is in progress.
If anyone knows of any book titles or web sites that have example code (good or not) of multi-threaded VB.NET applications doing data access against Microsoft SQL Server (7, 2000, or 2005) or even against Microsoft Access(TM), it would be very much appreciated if you could provide the book title or URL to point me in the right direction.
The installation SQL 2008 R2 Management Tools on a Windows 7 workstation fails with the error, The specified account already exists.
Final result:Â SQL Server installation failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, uninstall SQL Server, and then rerun SQL Server Setup.
 Exit code (Decimal):          -2068052700  Exit facility code:           1212  Exit error code:              1316  [code]...
I am running SQL Server 2005 x64 Enterprise under Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise. My current backup strategy uses T-SQL jobs run by SQL Agent (writes out *.bak files) and then I have an Integration Services job that copies the *.bak files to our NAS device. I have performed a restore without issue. The jobs are all automated every four hours via SQL Agent. Is this a sound strategy or are there additional benefits to using 3rd party tools? If so, what are the advantages and which tool provides them?
Login failed for user 'TOSHIBA-USERASPNET' I know that the file persmission for the web application have to include aspnet, so i keep resetting the folder permission for aspnet in file manager, but the login failed keeps coming back every day or two problem is after working with VS05 Pro, SQL Server Management Studio CTP, somehow the aspnet persmission get changed, use alot of sqldatasource wizards and often there is a conflict/hang between the datasource wizard and the need to have the mdf in a dettached state within VS server explorer, not sure but the procedure to fix this seems to be to reboot, detach and re-attach the mdf in the Sql server Studio tool, re-apply the aspnet file permission on the web app folders (wonder should i be doing this in IIS instead), make sure the mdf within server explorer is detached, the it works anyway, getting real tired of the resulting delays and design time derailment, clues greatly appreciated, thanks sometimes i can use View in Browser when in VS05 form view and i wont get the aspnet folder permission error and other times i do. last thing, is it a bad idea to give aspnet full permission for the entire web applicaiton??
Im looking for some recommendations on tools I can use to keeo my dev/test/prod databases in synch. Im tired of doing this manually. I use SQLSever 99% of the time but if there is a tool that can manage other database also I would be interested in hearing about it also.
Hi all, Does anyone know how I can design the database schema. I mean what tools can be used to the design the database and view the table relationships, etc. TIA.
My web hosting provider allows me to access database via Management studio, but to restore a database, a ticket have to be submited. I intent to extract MS SQL 2005 database into sql script, then I can execute this script to easily restore my database.
I tried EMS SQL Manager 2008 in my development server with login user sa, but when I executed the extracted script, I got an error message: The procedure 'sys.sp_droprolemember' cannot be executed within a transaction.
We have several developers that design DBs using the SQL 2002005 Database designer. What tools, of reasonable price (< $!000 ?) are availabe today for database designers.
I have an application like fetching records from the DataBase(MS Access 2000) and results i have to use in Script Task. At present i have used the record fetching query,connection string in Script itself. I would like to use in Independently. Is there any Tools like (Control Flow Tools like Execute SQL Task) are there to fetch the result set from Acccess and can use the fetching results in Script Task....
I can't change the database owner..I noticed this when I went to create a database diagram and the error said the database does not have a valid owner.
So for that database I went to Properties > Files and sure enough, the owner is wrong. Why? I had changed the name of the PC recently, actually a couple of times. When I finally got the name right, I ran the following commands in the query window:
   SELECT @@SERVERNAME to get the current server name    and then  sp_dropserver <old name>
to change the server name.The owner in the Properties > Files is for a pc name that doesn't exist. But when I click on the '...' button to the right to select a new Database Owner I can't select the primary account on the PC.If I create a new database, it puts that old name in as the database owner.
I went down to <server>SecurityLogins and the old <pcname><username> is still listed, and I can't add the <newpcname><username> because it says that principle already exists . I'm afraid to make any other change without knowing for certain what to do.how to get a new database owner name on all the databases on this server.Do I delete that old Login and then try to add in the new name?