Access Database To Textbox

Jan 9, 2008

I am currently developing a website for a friend of mine.

Is there a way using sqldatasource or accessdatasource etc to pull data from a access database to 3 textboxes? Name / Surname / Email Address


Textbox1 = name / Textbox2 = surname / Textbox3 = email


Name / Surname / Email

I have searched on the web however can only find help on how to insert into a access database from a textbox.

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Access Table Body Row From Textbox Using Reportitems Collection

Jun 22, 2007


I need to access value of perticular row that is populated in table component from a textbox outside table.

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How To Refer To Report Textbox Values In Another Textbox

May 24, 2007

I want to add up the values in a couple of text boxes in another textbox. How do I refer to the textboxes?

fields!textbox1.value doesn't work..what does?

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Save TextBox To Database As New Row?

Apr 19, 2006

(VB 2005 Express) I have a textbox linked to a DataTable (database). I want to save its text into the database as a new row. What is the VB code? The following is not working.


Thanks for any help.

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Populate Textbox To Edit Database

Jun 18, 2006

i have a database with a table with several columns:
ID - primery key
now lets say i want to edit one row in the database and i have the primery key ID for that row. so i click on that row (which is displayed in a gridview) when i click I want the text that is in the customer cell to appear in a textbox1 and the same with compeny text I want it to apear in another textbox2.
so what code can i write in the GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged eventhandler to populate the textboxes?
thank you

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Search For Database Using Textbox And Dropdownlist

Nov 28, 2006

hello..i need your help to provide me the idea and code how to view the data from database based on search criteria from user's input?the user's may fill up textbox and choose a criteria from dropdownlist...i am so no idea how to code it since i am fairly new in

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Dear Insert In To Database From Textbox In

Dec 12, 2006

I have 5 textboxs and 1 botton in web form. I want to click botton and insert all data in textbox to database that using sql server 2005. Please help me

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Using A Textbox To Send Data To A Database?

Jan 18, 2007

i currently have multiple textboxes which input data, i'm wanting the textbox details to be sent to a database, here's how one of the textboxes look: <asp:TextBox ID="NameTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Name") %>' Visible="False" Width="300px"></asp:TextBox>
the sqldatasource:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CommunityDirConnectionString %>" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO email(Name, Department, Email, Subject, Body) VALUES (@Name, @Department, @Email, @Subject, @Body)" SelectCommand="SELECT email.* FROM email"><InsertParameters><asp:Parameter Name="Name" /><asp:Parameter Name="Department" /><asp:Parameter Name="Email" /><asp:Parameter Name="Subject" /><asp:Parameter Name="Body" /></InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
i'm wanting it to fire once the user selects a button, but i'm not sure what code needs to be placed behind the button?

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Update Database With A Numeric Textbox

Mar 15, 2008

could someone help me please.. urgent..
i'm using sql sever and microsoft visial basics.. need help!!
in the database...
id   qty  percent      'percent is numeric with 2 decimals1   10     ____
textbox1.text = "52.3"
i want to place the value from the textbox into the to update the database?

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How To Save Float Value From Textbox To A Database.

Apr 10, 2008

I have a sql table in which field ExchangeRate is defined as float. When i tries to enter data into ExchangeRate field using LINQ i get follwoing error.
"String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated."
My code is as follows
ExchangeRate = float.Parse(txtRate.Text)
I tried with
ExchangeRate = double.Parse(txtRate.Text)
I would appreciate any help.

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Textbox Inserts Data Into Database

Apr 13, 2008

I have a VERY simple program, it contains a datagrid, textbox and button
 I want it so when I insert something into the textbox and press the button it puts it into the database that is connected to the datagrid and displays it
 I have the following code and I cannot get it to work:
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<script runat="server">
 Protected Sub Button1_Click1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters.Add("@Name", TextBox1.Text)
End Sub
<html xmlns="" ><head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title></head>
<body><form id="Form1" action="Default.aspx" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ID"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display.">
<asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="ID" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" SortExpression="Name" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString1 %>"DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Table] WHERE [ID] = @ID"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Table] ([Name]) VALUES (@Name)"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DatabaseConnectionString1.ProviderName %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [ID], [Name] FROM [Table]"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Table] SET [Name] = @Name WHERE [ID] = @ID">
<asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" />
<td align="center">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClick="Button1_Click1" />

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Bind Computed Textbox Value To Database Field

Sep 11, 2007

Hi all,
I have three textboxes in a form view
1- Qty textbox
2- price textbox
3-TotalPrice textbox which value is the result of multiplying the previous two values
and then I want to Bind() the third value to the totalprice field in the database
how can I do  that??
(without making the database field as a computed column)
thanks for any help

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Error Comparing Textbox Variable To Database Value

Mar 11, 2005

hi im trying to code a login page using, i have 2 web-controlled textboxes whose values i want to compare to userID and password stored on a SQL server database called users. When button clicked, call function checklogin.

heres the code:

Private Sub btn_login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_login.Click

If Page.IsValid Then

Dim usersDS As New System.Data.DataSet

usersDS = checklogin(userID.Text, password.Text)

If usersDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userID.Text, False)
error_log.Text = "Invalid Credentials: Please try again"
End If
End If

End Sub

Function checklogin(ByVal userID As Char, ByVal password As Char) As System.Data.DataSet

Dim connectionString As String
Dim dbConnection As New SqlConnection
Dim dbCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim dataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet

connectionString = "server=localhost;user id=sa; password=chaos; Integrated Security=SSPI; database=users"
'server=localhost; database=users; integrated Security=SSPI;Â?@user id=sa; password=chaos

dbConnection.ConnectionString = connectionString

With dbCommand
.Connection = dbConnection
.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*)Â?@AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE ((tbl_users.userId = @userId) AND (tbl_users.password = @password))"
End With

dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand


Return ds

End Function

Heres the error i get:

Details of exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is a syntax invalid near
line {''1

Source error:

Line 75:. CommandText = "declare@userID As varChar; declare @password As varChar; End With .."Line 76:.. line 77:of SELECT COUNT(*) AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE((tbl_users.userId=@userId)AND(tbl_users.password=@password))
Line 78: DataAdapter.SelectCommand=dbCommand
Line 79: DataAdapter.Fill(ds)

ive just started using .net, im a lil lost...thanks for any help. cheers

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SQL Select Statement (Textbox Used To Grab Data From Database)

Sep 21, 2007

I have a problem....SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

Here is the setup.
Text Box: User enters in customer transaction number
Button: User clicks button to display information about the customer

Now the database has a lot of unique customer numbers. What I am trying to do is take what the user enters so it can search the database and pull out that customers information. I am having a hard time getting that information from the textbox. Any suggestions! Here is what I have so far.

Private Sub btnViewFlow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnViewFlow.Click


Me.SqlConnection1 = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

Me.SqlDataAdapter1 = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter

Me.SqlSelectCommand1 = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand

Me.DataSet11 = New links.DataSet1

CType(Me.DataSet11, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()




Me.SqlConnection1.ConnectionString = "workstation id=<14852>;packet size=4096;user id=<userID>;password=<Strong Password>;data source=ZRTPD0WB;p" & _

"ersist security info=False;initial catalog=DTR"




Me.SqlDataAdapter1.SelectCommand = Me.SqlSelectCommand1

Me.SqlDataAdapter1.TableMappings.AddRange(New System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping() {New System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping("Table", "DTR_Document_Summary", New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping() {New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("DocumentId", "DocumentId"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("PartnerId", "PartnerId"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("PartnerName", "PartnerName"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("Direction", "Direction"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("TranSet", "TranSet")})})




Me.SqlSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT DocumentId, PartnerId, PartnerName, Direction, TranSet FROM DTR_Document_S" & _

"ummary "

'WHERE (DTR_Document_Summary.PartnerId = 'txtPartnerId.text.toString')"

Me.SqlSelectCommand1.Connection = Me.SqlConnection1




Me.DataSet11.DataSetName = "DataSet1"

Me.DataSet11.Locale = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")

CType(Me.DataSet11, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()

'Open the connection


TextBox1.Text = "Connection Open"

'Populate DataSet11


TextBox1.Text = "DataSet11 has been filled!"

'Display Data


TextBox1.Text = "Here is your requested information"

Catch ex As Exception

TextBox1.Text = ex.Message

End Try
'Close the connection


End Sub

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Inserting TextBox Values To Database Using SqlDataSource.Insert Method

Oct 25, 2006

Hi, it is few days I posted here my question, but received no answer. Maybe the problem is just my problem, maybe I put my question some strange way. OK, I try to put it again, more simply. I have few textboxes, their values I need to transport to database. I set SqlDataSource, parameters... and used SqlDataSource.Insert() method. I got NULL values in the database's record. So I tried find problem by using Microsoft's sample code from address After some changes I tried that code and everything went well, data were put into database. Next step was to separate code beside and structure of page to two separate files followed by new test. Good again, data were delivered to database. Next step: to use MasterPage, very simple, just with one ContentPlaceHolder. After this step the program stoped to deliver data to database and delivers only NULLs to new record. It is exactly the same problem which I have found in my application. The functionless code is here: I cannot find any answer this problem on forums worldwide. I cannot believe it is only my problem. I compared html code of two generated pages - with maserPage and without. There are differentions in code in ids' of input fields generated by NET.Framework:Without masterpage:<input name="NazevBox" type="text" id="NazevBox" /><span id="RequiredFieldValidator1" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a company name.</span><p><input name="CodeBox" type="text" id="CodeBox" /><span id="RequiredFieldValidator2" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a phone number.</span><p><input type="submit" name="Button1" value="Insert New Shipper" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(&quot;Button1&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, false))" id="Button1" /> With masterpage:<input name="ctl00$Obsah$NazevBox" type="text" id="ctl00_Obsah_NazevBox" /><span id="ctl00_Obsah_RequiredFieldValidator1" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a company name.</span><p><input name="ctl00$Obsah$CodeBox" type="text" id="ctl00_Obsah_CodeBox" /><span id="ctl00_Obsah_RequiredFieldValidator2" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a phone number.</span><p><input type="submit" name="ctl00$Obsah$Button1" value="Insert New Shipper" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(&quot;ctl00$Obsah$Button1&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, false))" id="ctl00_Obsah_Button1" />In second case ids' of input fields have different names, but I hope it is inner business of NET.Framework.There must be something I haven't noticed, maybe NET's bug, maybe my own. Thanks for any suggestion.

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How Can I Retrieve Data From A SQL Database Writing SQL Characters ( * , ? , [] ) In A Textbox Within My Form?

Nov 12, 2007

let's say I have a table named "myTable" in a SQL database:





I want to create a SQL query should contain a parameter for example:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE UniqueID = @TextBox OR FirstName = @TextBox OR FamilyName = @TextBox,

and when I type in my TextBox the ' * ' character, it should retrieve the whole table...

hope anybody understood, will be happy to explain more.

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Database Access Via COM Objects - V- Database Access Via Stored Procedures

Aug 17, 2000

We have been asked to look into using stored procedures with SQL Server 7.0 as a way to speed up a clients site. 99% of all the articles I have read along with all the books all say Stored Procedure should be used whenever possible as opposed to putting the SQL in your ASP script. However one of my colleagues has been speaking to Microsoft and they said that that they were surprised that our client wanted to use Stored Procedures as this was the old method of database access and that now he should really consider using COM objects for data access as itis much faster. Has anyone got any views on this or know of any good aticles regarding this matter ?

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Reference Textbox In Other Textbox

Sep 12, 2007

I dont know if i will explain this correctly, but my problem is with reporting service.
I'm supposed to Sum value in one textbox and than that sum use it in sum in other textbox.

Something like this:
I get error msg 'The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox49' contains an aggregate function (or RunningValue or RowNumber functions) in the argument to another aggregate function (or RunningValue). Aggregate functions cannot be nested inside other aggregate functions.'

Something like this wont work either Sum(Fields!abc.Value/ReportItems("textbox56").Value)*100
Error The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox55' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.

So, pls help if you know how to reference textbox in other in body of report.

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Data Access :: Server Rejected The Connection - Access To Selected Database Has Been Denied

Jun 10, 2015

I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.

But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013.  The queries still work for users still using MS 2007. 

I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.

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Database Schemas And This Statement Has Attempted To Access Data Whose Access Is Restricted By The Assembly.

Jul 14, 2005


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How To: Determine If Current Windows User Has Login Access, Database Access And If They Are A Member Of A Specific DB Role.

Mar 25, 2008

I need to determine the following about the current authenticated Windows domain user who is trying to access a SQL Server via a trusted connection.

1 Has the current user been granted login access to the trusted SQL Server?

2 Has the current user been granted access to a specific database?

3 Is the current user a member of a specific database role such as (DB_ROLE_ADMINISTRATORS)?


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Cannot Get Access To My Access 2003 Database Tables

Feb 5, 2007

I developed a database with Access 2003 and everything was working good until my tech came in and reformated my hard drive and install a new Ghost image that met our company standards.

Now I cannot go in and make any changes to any of the tables, queries and forms. All of this started when a new Ghost image was installed on my pc.

The message I get when I try to open my database is "You do not have permission to run "tblSwitchboard." I get the same error message when I try to do anything at all on the database.

I am at a loss as to what to do. Please help.

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Database Create ODBC Connections To Access Database Directly And Update Data?

Sep 10, 2012

We have a SQL database that uses Active Directory with Windows Authentication. Can users that are members of the Active Directory group that has read/write access to the SQL database create ODBC connections to access the database directly and update the data? They dont have individual logins on the server. They are only members of the Active Directory group that has a login?

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Question: Can I Synchronize The Mobile Device Which Has A SQL Server CE Database With The Access Database On The Desktop?

Sep 26, 2006

Dear All,
i have a question abt winCE 4.2 and SQL server CE.
i am using of Visual Studio 2005
My platform is using a PDA with winCE 4.2 and SQL server CE. The Host program is using dbf files on desktop side.

I got a problem of how to sync / read the sql CE data from a windows application.

so, i wanna ask,

1. any method to access the data from winCE data by windows application? or can i convert the sdf file to windows readable files? or any others?

2. Can i use a MDB to sync with SQL server CE?
can i synchronize the mobile device which has a SQL Server CE database with the Access database on the desktop?

last question,
3. is that windows CE .net 4.2 not support pocket access (cdb) anymore?

please help me out

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ODBC Connection From Access 2007 Database To SQL Server 2005 Database

Feb 29, 2008

I need detailed instructions on how to connect to a database from a Microsoft Access 2007 database to a Microsft Office Accounting 2007 database. The accounting database is an SQL 2005 datbase. It has an instance name of "MSSMLBIZ".

When I try I get an SQL error 53. Do not have permissions or database does not exist.

Thanks in advance for any help.,

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An Error Occurred While Trying To Access The Database Information. The Msdb Database Could Not Be Opened.

Jun 21, 2007

I'am doing functionality test on DTS packages and saving my DTS packages to meta data services instead of saving them as local packages. We would like to see what information would be provided by saving them this way, but when we try to open the meta data browser (the 3rd icon under DTS) we get the following error:

An error occurred while trying to access the database information. The msdb database could not be opened.

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SSIS Synchroniseing Of A Access Database &&amp; Sql Server Database So They Both Run In Parrallel

Apr 19, 2008

Hi I am wondering if anyone knows of a way of synchroniseing two versions of a database one in access and one in sql server so they can both run in parrallel in ssis for updates etc.

Also can anyone recommend a book which is easy to use or resources as I can't find what I am looking for in the online help.

Thanks in advance

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Could The ADS Access Database Sychronizer Wizard Accomodate A Remote Database?

Jan 4, 2008

I've used the ADS sample program and it works well. I looked at the code and changed it to VB (sorry, I'm not biligual yet), and have tried to 'adjust' it so I can connect to a remote PC (XP running IIS) instead of the local PC using the workgroup information database (system.mdw). Any ideas of the connection string that could make the connection? intention is to RDA once a week between a mobile device (3g/gsm) and a 'poor man's' IIS web server.
I've tried everything I can think of, and I'm sure its possible since all I'm doing is changing the connection path.

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Best Way To Return Data From SQL Database, Without Giving Access To Database

May 8, 2008


I have a quick question regarding getting data from a SQL database but I am slightly confused as to the best way to handle it.

Basically on of the projects I am working on I need to send data to another company, there are several calls required to the database to bring back various options for changing the questions asked on the front end.

Up to now all that has happened is there has been a mutual agreement between myself and this other company and they have just had access to the database to call a series of stored procs which I have written for them to access the data. Recently however the situation has changed and my client wants me stop them accessing the database however they still need to recieve the information from the database they recieve now.

What will be the best way to handle this? My knowledge of SQL is farily limited presently and I am only ust getting into learning a lot more about it.

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Open MS-Access Database

Aug 18, 2007

I have MS-Access as data source for one of the reports. I can preview the report fine from BI studio however, it does not work when I deploy it on report server.

The error is :

An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source '<data source name>'.

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '<UNC location of the MS-Access database>'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

MS-Access database is located on a different server.

Any help to solve this? I understand it has something to do with permission both on server where reporting service is running as well as the server where MS-access database is located. Pls help.

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Can You Convert Access Database Data Over To An SQL Database?

Feb 15, 2008

I would like to start using SQL, how would I convert my data in MS Access over to an SQL Server Database?

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Updating Sql Database From Linked Access Database

Jul 1, 2004

I got thrown into a new project that is going to require me to update an SQL server database tables from an Access table on the backend of an Oracle database on another server. At the end of each day the Access dabase will be updated from the Oracle database.

What I need to do, is when the Access database is updated I need to have the table in the SQL database automaticaly updated. When a new record is added to the Access table I need the new record added to the SQL table. When a record is deleted in the Access table I need to keep that record in the SQL table and set a field to a value (such as 0). And when a record is updated in Access, have it updated in SQL.

Needless to say this is a bit out of my area and not sure how to accomplish this.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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How To Sync Mobile Database And Ms-access Database?

May 10, 2007

i am working with windows mobile Cf 2.0 and desktop. i got problem when i were trying to synd mobile database and ms-access database.
my requirement is online i want to transfar data records from mobile to desktop vice versa.
but how? i dont knwo any body would like to guide me.
i am ready to accepting yours valuable views.

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