Access To MSSql Update Or Insert

Oct 31, 2007

Hi im new to SSIS even i did some basice things in SSIS. Now i run in to the problem, I hawe a access file with arount one milion records and i won to transfare this records in Ms SqlServer . But befora i transfare that i nead to check if that record exsist by ID if exsist i must do update else i must do insert.
Can some one Help me how can i do it..
Sorry for my bad englisht

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ACCESS To MSSQL Update Query

Oct 24, 2005

I run the following statement from an update query in access but I can't find the way to run this same query in MSSQL. Please give me some ideas how to modify and run this in MSSQL.

Thank you

"UPDATE DISTINCTROW ZipToTerr, leadsUS SET leadsUS.Terr = [ZipToTerr]![TerrNum] WHERE ((([ZipToTerr].[BU]='W') AND (([ZipToTerr].[ZipFrom])<=[zip]) And (([ZipToTerr].[ZipTo])>=[zip])) And (([leadsUS].[terr]) = 1 ));"

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Unable To Insert Records In A Mssql Database With A Access Front End

Nov 18, 2006

I have a database that is in mssql and I'm using an odbc link to an access database where I want to add records to the mssql table. When I open the linked table in access it does not allow me to add a record. I have created a user account in mssql that has ownership to the database and I use this user in setting up the odbc link.

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Update/Insert Date Field, Which Did Not Import From Access

Jul 12, 2007

First off, it has been a few years since I have done extensive work with SQL and that was using Oracle. But I am trying to develop a simple asset database for work, as we have nothing in place. I started out with Access, and decided to move to SQL express for many reasons.

What I have now is that I imported my data from my access 97 database to Excel, only my AssetTable did not import dates, I assume because Access and Sql Express handle dates differently... so a the time I just ignored that column.

Is it possible to insert the dates into the now populated SQL Express database AssetTbl where the AssetID's match? Here is what I have.

Sql Express Database Name: BAMS
Table Name: AssetTbl
fields: AssetID, SerialNum ...(many other fields)... DateAcq <- currently Null

Excel file: AssetDateAcq.xls
fields: AssetID, DateAcq (in format 07/12/2007)

To me it sounds like I need to do a short script/program to loop through the file read an AssetID from the excel file, and the DateAqcuired and then have it do an update on the DateAcq field, but it has been so long since I've done any work with SQL that I am finding there is a lot of "Dust" to blow off, and I don't know if I'm heading down the right track... or completely off course.

Thank you.

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Data Access :: Bulk Fetch Records And Insert / Update Same In Other Table With Some Business Logic

Apr 21, 2015

I am currently working with C and SQL Server 2012. My requirement is to Bulk fetch the records and Insert/Update the same in the other table with some  business logic? How do i do this?

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ASP Update Method Not Working After A MSDE To MSSQL 2005 Expess Update

Oct 20, 2006

The Folowing code is not working anymore. (500 error)

Set objRS = strSQL1.Execute
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM BannerRotor where BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objRS.Open strSQL1, objConn , 2 , 3 , adCmdText
If not (objRS.BOF and objRS.EOF) Then
objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value =objRS.Fields("Exposures").Value + 1
End If

The .execute Method works fine

strSQL1 = "UPDATE BannerRotor SET Exposures=Exposures+1 WHERE BannerID=" & cstr(BannerID)
objConn.Execute strSQL1

W2003 + IIS6.0

Pls advice?

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Access && Mssql

Aug 14, 2003

We developed an application . The application is an ADP with MSSQL.
What i need to do if i want to deploy to
users ? Because all the forms - record source belong to my server.

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ACCESS To MSSQL -&> Best Way To Go?

Apr 30, 2007

Hi, what is the best way to go to migrate from access to MSSQL on a remote (hosted) server? do I have to create manually de tables and then move the data? or is there a way to create the creation scripts from the ACCESS database?

Thank you

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Update Date In Mssql

Sep 28, 2005

i am working with PHP and MSSQL (i know its not a smart move, but I don't have a choice).
I got almost everything working correctly except the date format.

I can select the date and display it the way I want by doing this select convert(VARCHAR(10), date, 105) as new_date FROM table.

But when I have a field to update the date I am having trouble.

How do I update the MSSQL database with a new date if the date displayed is DD-MM-YY

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Different Access Files DTS To Mssql

Mar 15, 2005

We use a program that creates a access database for each of our payperiods. Its a pain to get a full history of a person from each one. I want to setup a way I can combine all of the access files into one table in mssql. I have a DTS I created into a .bas file. My plan is to make the code get a directory of the files, then run a function (the .bas file) on each directory appending the access table to the mssql table. The struckture of the access files are that each file is in its own directory, like below:


The table is called "Transactions" and they are the same in each mdb file in terms of fields. Every two weeks there is a new directory that is added to the company directory. So I can either dump all and append all, or only append new data and only use the dump/append when there is a problem.

I am just not sure how to do that. Any ideas?

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MsSQL / Access On Linux?

May 24, 2005

Is it possible to install MsSQL / Access on Linux? The reason I am asking is I have a linux virtual dedicated server, and develop both php/mysql and asp/mssql/access database, is there another program or something I can run on my server to allow development of programs needs mssql/access?

Thanks in advance for replies,

EDIT: I am new to Linux, however have found this: Is this what I might need?

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Subqueries In Access/MSSQL

Jun 7, 2006


To make a long story short, I'm trying to correlate the most inner query (two levels deep) with the most outer one, and it just doesn't work.
Is it because the correlation must be back-to-back, without any levels that stand before the two?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, below is the query that does work, but doesn't produce the right results ("QUOTES" gives the same number for all records):


select, (select count(*) from (select subBidding.bid_company from bidding as subBidding where subBidding.bid_company = 'Printing Company 1' group by subBidding.bid_company, subBidding.project) group by subBidding.bid_company) as QUOTES,

count(date_picked) as wins

from printers as printersGlobal

left outer join bidding as biddingGlobal on = biddingGlobal.bid_company
group by
order by asc


When I replace 'Printing Company 1' with (to correlate and produce dynamic and correct results), I get errors.

I would appreciate if anybody can point me in the right direction.


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Insert Xml Into Mssql 2000

Feb 8, 2007

Hi,I have app with file selection field. Users can shoose xml file from their local hard disk and click Save. When they click save, content of xml file should be inserted into mssql 2000.What is the most efficient way to do this using C#2005 and mssql2000?Any good article or tutorial? 

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Insert Html In Mssql

Oct 30, 2007

 Hello Everybody,In my web application I have to insert html from editor. I have assigned the filed as "nvarchar". But after running the insert query it throws an error "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client
(oEdit1="<P><SPAN style="FONT...").  " I'm using WYSWYG editor. I'm now quite bit confused about the the field and the query. If you have any idea about the problem please help me out of this problem.Thanks in option.Regards--Arindam 

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Mssql: Insert Into Syntax

Aug 21, 2005

HelloCan anyone help me translate this from access so that it can work in mssql(i need to get next value, but cannot use identity as if row is deleted,another must get new next column number which would be same as deleted one)Access;INSERT INTO tableSELECT(IIF(code<>Null,MAX(code)+1,1) AS code,0 AS usercodeFROM tableI tried this in mssql but will not work:INSERT INTO tableSELECTCASEWHEN code IS NULL THEN 1ELSE MAX(code)+1ENDAS code,0 AS usercodeFROM table

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Wrong Datetime When Update Using MSSQL

Dec 11, 2005

Dim ldDatetime As DateTime = Now() '11/12/2005 13:05:09
my command text is:
"Insert Into WebSiteThread (TransactionDate) Values ( " & " ' " & ldDatetime & " ' " & ") "
The result I got was "12/11/3091 13:05:09" Not "11/12/2005 13:05:09"
What's wrong please!!

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The Three Methods Of Update MSSQL Table, Which Is The Best?

Mar 8, 2006

In order to update a MSSQL table, named [Table_1]. The procedure is:
(@id int,@Field0 nvarchar(1000) = NULL,@Field1 nvarchar(1000) = NULL,... ...@Field9 nvarchar(1000) = NULL)Method 1:
UPDATE    Table_1SET    Field0 =         CASE            WHEN @Field0 IS NULL THEN Field0            ELSE @Field0        END,    Field1 =         CASE            WHEN @Field1 IS NULL THEN Field1            ELSE @Field1        END,    ... ...    Field9 =         CASE            WHEN @Field9 IS NULL THEN Field9            ELSE @Field9        ENDWHERE    id = @id
Method 2
IF @Field0 IS NOT NULL    UPDATE        Table_1    SET        Field0 = @Field0    WHERE        id = @id    ... ...    UPDATE        Table_1    SET        Field9 = @Field9    WHERE        id = @id
Method 3:
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)DECLARE @NeedComma bitSET @SQL = 'UPDATE Table_1 SET 'SET @NeedComma = 0IF @Field0 IS NOT NULL    BEGIN        IF @NeedComma = 1            SET @SQL = @SQL + ', '        SET @SQL = @SQL + 'Field0 = @Field0'        SET @NeedComma = 1    END... ...IF @Field9 IS NOT NULL    BEGIN        IF @NeedComma = 1            SET @SQL = @SQL + ', '        SET @SQL = @SQL + 'Field9 = @Field9'        SET @NeedComma = 1    ENDSET @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE id = @id'EXEC sp_executeSQL @SQL, N'@id int,@Field0 nvarchar(1000), ... ... , @Field9 nvarchar(1000)', @id = @id, @Field0 = @Field0, ... ... , @Field9 = @Field9
Which is the best? Thanks!

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Update MSSQL Database From .MDX Files

Sep 7, 2004

Hello guys,

Here is the case. I have up and running database on MSSQL server. My client deliver me updates. Since now they were as INSERT statements, but they decided to change some stuff at their side. Now the updates will come as pairs of files (.dbf and .mdx) for each table...

How I can insert them in the running database?

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Update Rows From MSSQL To MySQL

Feb 7, 2004

Is there any way where I can add the MySQL Server as a Linked server to MS SQL server?
Is there any way where I can update a table in MySQL server based because a row was updated in MS SQL server using a trigger?


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How To Update And Concatentate A String In MSSQL

Sep 30, 2006

Hi all,I have a
problem here where I am trying to use SQL Parameters to update a column
in the database, but the problem is that I need to concatenate the same
column to some Text from an Application

This is the Code I Have, But it throws an exception

UPDATE rdm_comments SET commentinfo = commentinfo + 'additional info' where commentid=2356

I get an Error stating that i cannot use the addition operator for a string. Help

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UPDATE SQL Statement In Excel VBA Editor To Update Access Database - ADO - SQL

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am trying to update records in my database from excel data using vbaeditor within excel.In order to launch a query, I use SQL langage in ADO as follwing:------------------------------------------------------------Dim adoConn As ADODB.ConnectionDim adoRs As ADODB.RecordsetDim sConn As StringDim sSql As StringDim sOutput As StringsConn = "DSN=MS Access Database;" & _"DBQ=MyDatabasePath;" & _"DefaultDir=MyPathDirectory;" & _"DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" &_"PWD=xxxxxx;UID=admin;"ID, A, B C.. are my table fieldssSql = "SELECT ID, `A`, B, `C being a date`, D, E, `F`, `H`, I, J,`K`, L" & _" FROM MyTblName" & _" WHERE (`A`='MyA')" & _" AND (`C`>{ts '" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'})"& _" ORDER BY `C` DESC"Set adoConn = New ADODB.ConnectionadoConn.Open sConnSet adoRs = New ADODB.RecordsetadoRs.Open Source:=sSql, _ActiveConnection:=adoConnadoRs.MoveFirstSheets("Sheet1").Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset adoRsSet adoRs = NothingSet adoConn = Nothing---------------------------------------------------------------Does Anyone know How I can use the UPDATE, DELETE INSERT SQL statementsin this environement? Copying SQL statements from access does not workas I would have to reference Access Object in my project which I do notwant if I can avoid. Ideally I would like to use only ADO system andSQL approach.Thank you very muchNono

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Update Query In Ms-access Doesn't Workin C#, But Does Work In Ms-access

Apr 18, 2007


I have an application that uses following code:

Code Snippet

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Collections;

namespace TimeTracking.DB
public class sql
OleDbConnection conn;

//the constructor for this class, set the connectionstring
public sql()
DBConnectionstring ConnectToDB = new DBConnectionstring();
conn = ConnectToDB.MyConnection();

public void UpdateEntry(int ID, string Week, string Year, string Date, string Project, string Action, string Time, string Comment)
int m_ID = ID;
int m_Week = (Convert.ToInt32(Week));
int m_Year = (Convert.ToInt32(Year));
string m_Date = Date;
string m_Project = Project;
int m_ProjectID = new int();
string m_Action = Action;
int m_ActionID = new int();
Single m_Time = (Convert.ToSingle(Time));
string m_Comment = Comment;

//get the project ID from the database and store it in m_ProjectID
OleDbCommand SelectProjectID = new OleDbCommand("SELECT tblProject.ProjectID FROM tblProject"
+ " WHERE (((tblProject.Project) LIKE @Project))", conn);

SelectProjectID.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project", m_Project);

//open the connection

OleDbDataReader Dataset = SelectProjectID.ExecuteReader();

while (Dataset.Read())
m_ProjectID = (int)Dataset["ProjectID"];


//Some usual exception handling
catch (OleDbException e)
throw (e);

//get the action ID from the database and store it in m_ActionID
OleDbCommand SelectActionID = new OleDbCommand("SELECT tblAction.ActionID FROM tblAction"
+ " WHERE (((tblAction.Action) LIKE @Action))", conn);

SelectActionID.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Action", m_Action);

OleDbDataReader Dataset = SelectActionID.ExecuteReader();

while (Dataset.Read())
m_ActionID = (int)Dataset["ActionID"];


//Some usual exception handling
catch (OleDbException e)
throw (e);

OleDbCommand Query = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE [tblEntry] SET [tblEntry].[Weeknumber] = @Week,"
+ " [tblEntry].[Year] = @Year, [tblEntry].[Date] = @Date, [tblEntry].[Project] = @ProjectID, [tblEntry].[Action] = @ActionID,"
+ " [tblEntry].[Hours Spent] = @Time, [tblEntry].[Comments] = @Comment WHERE (([tblEntry].[ID]) = @ID)", conn);

Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", m_ID);
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Week", m_Week);
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Year", m_Year);
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", m_Date);
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProjectID", m_ProjectID);
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ActionID", m_ActionID);
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Time", m_Time);
Query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comment", m_Comment);


//Some usual exception handling
catch (OleDbException e)
throw (e);

//close the connection
if (conn != null)

Code Snippet

The update statement is not working in my application, no error in C# and no error in ms-access. When I paste the update query into the ms-access query tool and replace the parameter values (@....) with real values, is will update the record.

What am I overseeing here?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Update Null Enabled Field Without Interfering With Rest Of INSERT / UPDATE

Apr 16, 2015

If I have a table with 1 or more Nullable fields and I want to make sure that when an INSERT or UPDATE occurs and one or more of these fields are left to NULL either explicitly or implicitly is there I can set these to non-null values without interfering with the INSERT or UPDATE in as far as the other fields in the table?


FirstName VARCHAR(50) NULL,
LastName VARCHAR(50) NULL,

[Code] ....

If an INSERT looks like any of the following what can I do to change the NULL being assigned to DateAdded to a real date, preferable the value of GetDate() at the time of the insert? I've heard of INSTEAD of Triggers but I'm not trying tto over rise the entire INSERT or update just the on (maybe 2) fields that are being left as null or explicitly set to null. The same would apply for any UPDATE where DateModified is not specified or explicitly set to NULL. I would want to change it so that DateModified is not null on any UPDATE.

INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded)

INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName)

INSERT INTO dbo.MYTABLE( FirstName, LastName, DateAdded)
SELECT FirstName, LastName, NULL

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Data Access :: Insert Rows To MS Access 2013 Without Listing Column Names

Nov 12, 2015

We need to insert data/rows from a SQL Server 2014 database into MS Access database.  The problem is, there are so many columns (100+) in the table and there are so many insert transactions of this kind (from different tables) that it is not very easy to write the code in VB.NET that lists all column names.

Both the Access and SQL Server tables have the same number of columns and the equivalent data types, so inserting is not really the problem.  It's just that is there a way to do an insert statement in T-SQL that does not name all the columns?

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I Hava Program Mssql Insert

Dec 23, 2006

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If Page.IsPostBack Then
End If
End Sub
Sub binddata()
baglanti = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|datagoldbar.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
End Sub
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO db " & _
"(ip,sehir,mesaj,email) VALUES (@ip, " & _
"@sehir,@mesaj,@email)", baglanti)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ip", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = isim.Text
cmd.Parameters.Add("@sehir", SqlDbType.NChar, 50).Value = sehir.Text
cmd.Parameters.Add("@mesaj", SqlDbType.NText).Value = mesaj.Text
cmd.Parameters.Add("@email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 150).Value = email.Text
End Sub
Server Error in
 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
where is mistake there?


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How To Speed Up Batch Insert MSSQL

Mar 20, 2008

I am in the middle of writing a console application that acquires data from dynamic odbc connections and inserts the results into a MSSQL database. I'm currently using a datareader to generate multiple calls to a stored procedure and batch execute them by means of a simple counter; this works fine.
However, I'm a little concerned that it seems to take so long to execute the sql stored procs and was wondering if anyone may know of any methods to help speed it up either on the app side or sql, or both.
I had a quick word with our dba who spoke briefly about some kind of process where by the application fires the request across to the database and carries on leaving the db to queue the request or something to that effect. He ran away before I could get any sort of sense out of him.
 Any help greatly appreciated

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Can I Insert/Update Large Text Field To Database Without Bulk Insert?

Nov 14, 2007

I have a web form with a text field that needs to take in as much as the user decides to type and insert it into an nvarchar(max) field in the database behind.  I've tried using the new .write() method in my update statement, but it cuts off the text after a while.  Is there a way to insert/update in SQL 2005 this without resorting to Bulk Insert? It bloats the transaction log and turning the logging off requires a call to sp_dboptions (or a straight-up ALTER DATABASE), which I'd like to avoid if I can.

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Update A Dataset From An Updated MSSQL Table

May 23, 2007

Here is my problem: I've created a table in MSSQL named MyReferences and then a typed dataset to connect to it.

Then I realized that I needed to add a column to MyReferences table and then I did it.

The problem is that I cannot find a way to add the new column to the typed dataset. I am unable to view it in the available columns.

Can anyone help me?

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 sp1 and C#.

Best regards


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Intallation Update On MSSQL 2000 SP4 Failed

Dec 23, 2007

I'll installing update to correct memory usage. When installation process started I recieved this error - "An error in updating your system is occured." and installation failed. What I must doing to correct this issue?

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Export Access DB To MSSQL Server 2000

Jun 19, 2004


I am working on a couple fo the ASP.NET walkthoughs and I would like to practice with a Database that I created in Access. I realize that I could use the Access DB, but I would like to learn to work with a more industrial strength DB. Is there a method to export to MSSQL server 2000 from Access ?



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Access Mssql Databse Which Is Buit In Mcafee

Jul 19, 2007

I need to access the mssql database which is inbuilt in Mcafee.
through jdbc i'm trying to conenct mssql but its getting the tables from the default database which in Mcafee not from the mssql.

if any one have any idea please let me know to solve this.

Thanks for your help in advance.


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Populating Radio Buttons - Access Vs. MSSQL

Dec 10, 2007

Have recently migrated an Access database to MSSQL.

The following code worked in Access but fails in MSSQL

<input <%If (CStr(Recordset1.Fields.Item("Disclose").Value) = CStr("TRUE")) Then Response.Write("CHECKED") : Response.Write("")%> type="radio" name="Disclose" value="1">

<input <%If (CStr((Recordset1.Fields.Item("Disclose").Value)) = CStr("FALSE")) Then Response.Write("CHECKED") : Response.Write("")%> name="Disclose" type="radio" value="0" >

In Query Analyzer, when I run SELECT Disclose from TABLE, it returns the number 1.

On an ASP page, when I run Response.Write(Recordset1.Fields.Item("Disclose").Value) it returns TRUE.

Have tried changing the = CStr("TRUE") portion to = 1 but it fails to work either way.

Any ideas?

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Problem After Upgrading Access Database To Mssql

Jan 21, 2004

Oke here is the problem. I hope sombody can help me with it.

After a lot of discussion, I finaly got the people that control the MS SQL server with my appertment as far to allow me to upgrade my access database to the MS SQL server.
After this I've created an access project. Devellopping in access I concluded I made a mistake in the rowsource property of one of the tablefields. The people that control the MS SQL server don'n allow me to make changes to the database structure from within access. So I've to write a SQL statement to change this.


fields table1: id_document, id_document_type, document_name
fields tabel2: id_document_type, document_type_description.

the field id_document_type from table 1 is defined as a combo/list box tha contains the values from the field document_type_description from table 2.

I hope somebody can tell me if it is possible to write an SQL statement for this problem and how it shoud look like ?

thank you

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