Accessing SSIS On Windows 8.1 Machine?

Apr 23, 2015

I'm running windows 8.1 with SQL.Server.2012.

I've admin permissions on the PC but can't access SSIS because Access is denied like below.

However the solution proposed below is not appropriate for me as I can't find DCOM User Group Membership on my Windows 8.1 machine.


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Accessing DTS From Another Machine

Oct 11, 2000

I am trying to open some DTS packages from another machine, I see the list but when I try to open one and I get the error: The Parameter is incorrect

I have look at permissions and everything looks good. (I can view about 2 out of 20 packages all packages have the same owner.)

Any would be great.


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Accessing SQL Server On Another Machine

Jan 20, 2004

Hello all.

I am currently running a web server with Windows 2000 Server installed. It is a Pentium II 400 MHz, and also acts as the router on our network. I am worried that installing MSDE on this same server might drain the server resources, so I installed MSDE on one of the computers in our internal network. How do I set up my connection string to access the database on another machine in the same network?

Currently I use: Server="AnotherComputer";TrustedConnection="True";Database="MyDatabase"

When I use that, it tells me that the server can't be found. All computers behind the router have static IP addresses, but even when I type the IP address it still can't find the server. Any suggestions?

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Accessing A Report To Other Machine

Mar 1, 2007

Hello. I made a reports in my local machine. How can other users in other machine view the reports? Do I need to install SP2? Any guidance please.

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Ssis Package Hangs On Script Transformation When Running On One Machine Not Developing Machine

May 4, 2007

I am using Script Transformation to output a new column as image[DT_IMAGE]
field to store serialized object. In the VB script, the sample code as

Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData ( binaryArrayReturnedFromC#dll )

The package always runs fine on my developing machine and will halt on other
machine at AddBlobData after certain number row records were processed. I am
stuck here. Anyone has any suggestion?

What I need is reading data from mutiple tables in one database and writing
into a single table in another datable. In order preserve all the columns
data, I use input column fields to construct a new object and then serialize
it, and store the serialize data into detination db table. (The object and
serialization function is coming from c# dll.)

Dim b As BusinessLicense = New BusinessLicense()
b.ApprovalDate = Row.approvaldate
b.BusinessId = Row.busid
b.BusinessName = Row.busname
b.NaicsCode = Row.naicscode
b.NaicsDescription = Row.naicsdescr
b.OwnerName = Row.ownername
b.Phone =
b.Pkey = Row.pkey
b.RenewalDate = Row.renewaldate
b.StartDate = Row.startdate
b.Suite = Row.suite

Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData(Serializer.Serialize(b)) '''----This is blocking line
Row.infoType = BusinessLicense.TYPE

Both machine is xp with sp2. and standard SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06


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Accessing Report Builder From Client Machine??

May 14, 2007

Accessing report builder from client machine in which there is no sql server with the url http://<server name>>/reports. The report builder tab is not getting displayed.
when accessing from http://<server name>/reportserver/reportbuilder/reportbuilder.application it gets connected to the report model but when we are running the report it say the user doesnt have sufficient permissions or database can not be processed.

The permission is given to the user on the data source. For admin permission the report is running fine.

Do anybody know the procedure to run adhoc reports from client machine??


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Problem In Accessing The Database(Sqlserver 2005) From Client Machine

Apr 25, 2007


We have upgraded sql server 2000 to sqlserver 2005 on the development server.

To access the database server, we installed the sql server management studio on the client PC with Admin Account. The .Net framework and sqlserver management studio were installed and I am able to access the database from the client PC using Admin Login. Then we logged off and tried to login as user account on the client PC. From the user account login we are unable to open the sql server management studio. The error is as follows
€œThe proper type library could not be found in system registry€?

The client PC configuration : windows 2000 Professional ( sp4)

K.S.Subba Rao

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PLEASE HELP - Accessing Web Services Through Windows App

Mar 6, 2007

I am running a application that is using the Web Service to
issue Update Snapshot. There is a Windows account we are using as a
Service account that has the proper permissions to Generate Events.
The application is running on AutoSys on a 2003 server. I have
confirmed that it will run under this users credentials manually by
logging into the server as the user and firing the app. It works
without a problem. This was using Default Credentials.

The AutoSys job is configured to run under this user's credentials.
There are three ways I have executed this application

>>Through AutoSys running as the user with the proper permissions (this is in place of a Local Service account which is default for AutoSys. This windows user has local admin permissions on the AutoSys server as well as Generate Event permission as confirmed before)
>>By logging into the server as Administrator and executing the app with "Run As..." set to the Windows ID
>>By switching to new.NetworkCredentials and passing the hardcoded username/pass/domain

For all of the above scenarios - it fails

The ONLY time it successfully issues UpdateSnapshot is when I am
logged in to the server as the user in question. In ALL other
instances detailed above it fails and the following comes out of the
event log

"Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'MyDomainName'.

I have no idea why it is choking on the Domain Name in all three of
those scenarios.

Do I need to impersonate that user through code when passing the Web
Service credentials??

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help - I need to wrap this up. ANY HELP WOULD BE

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Execute Windows On Client Machine

Jul 23, 2005

Hello.How to execute add users window, backup wizard and other windows fromEnterprice Manager on client machine? Does MDAC or sth is able to do this?bye...--__ __|__\ | || |_// / \ \_// FreeBSD: The Power To Serve|__// |__|| | \ \__// / \ +------------------------------++[ ][ ]+

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Accessing Mobile SQL Databases In VB2005 - Windows Apps

Dec 9, 2005

I have both used the Data Connection Wizard and tried programatically to

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Accessing Windows Users Assigned To A Database Role

Mar 3, 2006

there a way to find a list of Windows User accounts that are directly
or indirectly (through Windows Group membership) assigned to a database

I could put work in to CLR programming or using a Linked Server to
Active Directory, but if there is a sys.* view available that can
provide me this
information directly it would be much easier.

I'll be looking into this further myself anyway and posting an answer
if I can find one, but if anyone has suggestions... well, thanks!

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SQL Server Reboots My Windows 2000 Machine

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am facing one more problem. As soon as i started the sql server firsttime, my windows 2000 machine reboots and i was not able to start sql serveragain. I had to uninstall and install again and this process repeats. Doanyone has idea about what is happening ??Thanks a lot,Dinesh

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Which Windows Service Will Be Running On My Machine If I Installed SDE

Dec 19, 2006


I want to know whether the MSDE is already installed or not on my system using a C# program. For this I have a method which will take the service name as argument and returns whether that servce is found or not. Now I want to know which windows service (service name) will be running on my machine if the MSDE is already installed. Please help me out.

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Creating A Database Based Webservice And Accessing It Through Windows Application

Jun 11, 2008

My problem is that , I had setup blog on server say, [I am using, which is in ASP.Net]. It is using sql server2005 as a backend for storing its blog's posts. After settingup blog, i tried  to access its database through my windows application. But while development I was getting error that
"An error has occured while establishing a onnection to the server. When connecting to SQL server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the defaukt settings SQL server doesnot allow remote connections.(Provider Named Pipes, error :40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"
 I am using  [String ConnectionString = "Data; Initial Catalog=abc; User ID=xyz; Password=xyz123";]
Then I decided to created a webservice that will access the data from databse blog and store it somewhere in datatable  and using windows application i will retrieve those data for end user. So I want to to know that whether i can access the datatable of webservice holding the blog data from windows application or not. if answer is Yes, then please provide me with source or some great links. Or if There is any other option so that I can access my database directly from windows application, then it would be better. Looking for your answers.
 Thanks and regards

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Windows Control Library In A Webpage Accessing Sql Has A Security Error

Aug 23, 2006

I know this should be the easiest thing in the world but I cant seem to find out how to allow my windows control library dll which is loaded in a webpage to access sql.
It works perfectly from within visual studio though, what do I need to do allow my webpage dll to access sql without throwing a security exception?
Any links or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Avoid Windows Login Prompt While Accessing Report Server.

Dec 29, 2006


We are using Microsoft Reporting Service 2005 to develop reports and we are accessing these reports through a J2EE application.
The front end is implemented using Tapestry and we using JBoss as our applicaiton server.
We are using Shared Data Sources for the reports and we set its data source type to SQL Server Analysis Services.
In the credential tab, by default "Use Windows authentication" is selected. All other options are disabled.

When I access my reportserver through my web application, I am always prompted for a windows login and password.
How can I avoid being shown the windows login prompt, since our web application will be used by several users and we do not want the users to type in a username/password everytime they want to access our reports.

Please suggest me solution for this scenario.

Thanks in advance!

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IIS6 Connect To Sql Server On Another Machine W/windows Authentication

Sep 11, 2006

 Can someone point me at an article that tells how to allow the worker process to connect, via windows authentication, to a
remote sql server instance ?  

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ODBC Batch Insert Error On Windows 64 Bit Machine.

Jan 16, 2008

I€™m facing a SQL batch insert issue on Windows 64 bit (IA-64) platform. I€™m using €˜Column-Wise Binding€™ of parameters. The example program hosted on Microsoft site ( returns error of SQL_NEED_DATA for batch insert on Windows 64 bit platform. The same code works fine on 32 bit platform. I€™m using SQL Server 2000 as the database and tried using both native SQL server ODBC driver and Merant 5.2 ODBC drivers. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

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Problem With Connecting Sqlserver 2000 Of Windows Xp Machine

Feb 5, 2008

I have a database of Sql server 2000 in one of my windows XP machine. when iam trying to connect that database from other machine i am getting sql server does n't exist message. I can able to connect the sqlserver through the Enterprise manager but i can not connect the sqlserver through code.

I already used the same code to connect the sql server in windows 2000 machine and i connected to the database without any problem. but iam facing the problem with windows XP machine.

can any body help me to solve this problem.

thanks in advance.Mahesh

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I Changed My Windows Password And Now I Cannot Connect To SQL Server On My Development Machine

Jun 11, 2007

I changed the login password on my computer today, and now I cannot connect to the SQL Server instance I have on that same machine. I am using Windows Authentication. I would think that, if I can log on to my computer, I would be able to connect to the database, since I have been "authenticated" by windows but, that does not appear to be the case. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. 

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Reporting Services Configuration Fails In Windows 2003 SP2 ,64-bit Machine

May 14, 2008

Hi all,
i am tring to install and configure reporting services in Windows 2003 SP2- 64 bit machine as part of installing SCE 2007, and i followed the procedure for confiurng all the options in reportingservices config tool,

all the options show green flag and still could not proceed further as the following error is coming

"The Selected Sql server reportin service instance is not configured , please configure to continue" which halts the further process,

I have installed SQL Server 2005 edition and installed Sql server 2005 SP2 also,

any inputs on this issue , i would welcome them,

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Installting Sqlserver 2005 On The Client Machine For Windows Application

Oct 24, 2006

I developed a windows application in Visual studio 2005 and the database is sqlexpress.
I wanted my application to run on another system.For that i have installed sqlexpress 2005 on that machine.But that machine doesn't show me any enterprise manager or query manager for sqlserver.
Is there any solution for this.


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SQL Database In My Application With Windows Authentication Rejects Accessing After Deploying And Remote Access

Dec 13, 2007

SQL Database in my application with windows authentication rejects accessing after deploying and remote access
1- My web applications databese access is windows authentication
2- In developing area there is no problem for accessing database
3- After deploying to another server there is problem accessing database:
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user 'BRCK231ASPNET'.
 How can I solve this problem?

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MSDTC - Remote Accessing SQL Server 2005 From A Desktop Application - Windows 2003 Server

Dec 6, 2007


I am developing a windows application that needs to communicate with a remote SQL server 2005 database. Server allows remote connections and MSDTC service also running. Do I need to run MSDTC service on the client machine where I use desktop application ? any ideas ? It's throwing some error like
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact
that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

But my SQL Server allows remote connection, and I am able to do a select statement.
But when I insert/update anything, it's throwing this error. I guess some problem with MSDCT. Anybody have any idea ?

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Accessing (writing Into) Terdata By And SSIS

Oct 13, 2006

Hello everybody,

my name is Christof and I#m currently trying to write into our Terdata Warehouse by SSIS. In the Management Studio we can perfectly access Terdata - reading from it - but we actually see no way writing back Data into that system. Is there any hidden feature, any configuration menu that we had´nt seen so far?.

In the software documentation we found a tip "ADO.NET" as Data Destination is´nt imlemented for now - please wait until ....

I´m asking me if someone has had the same problem before and could help me out with a little tip.

thx in advance!


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Accessing (writing Into) Terdata By And SSIS

Oct 13, 2006

Hello everybody,

my name is Christof and I#m currently trying to write into our Terdata Warehouse by SSIS. In the Management Studio we can perfectly access Terdata - reading from it - but we actually see no way writing back Data into that system. Is there any hidden feature, any configuration menu that we had´nt seen so far?.

In the software documentation we found a tip "ADO.NET" as Data Destination is´nt imlemented for now - please wait until ....

I´m asking me if someone has had the same problem before and could help me out with a little tip.

thx in advance!


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Accessing Variables In SSIS Code

Nov 21, 2006


I am not able to access SSIS variables which are defined at Data Flow Task in a custom component. This custom component is developed by me in C#. How can i access these variables?

Please let me know if theres a way to access SSIS variables.



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Accessing OLAP Data From SSIS

Feb 12, 2007

After reading some threads on this forum about accessing OLAP data from SSIS via an OLE DB Source component (and trying it myself and getting that "pcrsstore.cpp line 325" error), I have worked around the problem by using a Script Task component.

This calls a .NET assembly I wrote that uses ADOMD.NET to get at the data using an MDX query, and then actually posts an event to a Notification Services instance via a stored proc.

Writing, deploying, and maintaining a .NET assembly is more than I wanted to do, but it was worth the effort since now I know a little about extending SSIS when I need to.

But what I really wanted to do was the following, all from within the core components of SSIS:

Import my OLTP data into my relational warehouse (already done using SSIS)
Process the cube (already done using SSIS)
Access the cube via MDX and post an event to Notification Services
It's this last step that needed some special work because of SSIS's apparent limitation accessing cube data (although posting the event to NS would be easy because SSIS can call a stored proc on the NS application database).
So I'm hoping that a future release or service pack of SSIS will give us some components to run MDX and get the OLAP data into the pipeline as if it were from any other source.
Thanks for reading, and if anyone has any suggestions on a better way to achieve what I need please let me know!

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Connection Failure To SQL Server 2000 In Remote Machine From Application In Windows Server 2003

Dec 25, 2007


I'moving my asp application to a new hosting server.

So when i tried the setup locally with the live DB & application in my test machine...
The DB access is denied when application tries to hit the DB.

DB is in seperate machine with SQL Server 2000 & application(ASP) is in Windows server 2003.....
Kindly help me with your suggestions....on what went wrong?

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What Do I Need To Use SSIS API On A Target Machine?!

Aug 30, 2006


I've created an SSIS package to be loaded using my ASP .NET app. This package is kept within the application and loaded via Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.LoadPackage method.

My target machine does not have MS SQL Server 2005 installed. So what do I need at minimum to get this up and running? What components do I've to install or copy over?

I tried to copy just the class libraries across. I copied Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll and Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll into my bin directory but I got this error:

[COMException (0x80040154): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.]
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application..ctor() +25

[DtsPipelineException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.]
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application..ctor() +87

I can't find any information online so any insight or advice will be very much appreciated!

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SSIS Script Component Accessing Input ?? Please Help!

Feb 6, 2008

I have a script component task that uses a column (which contains filenames) as input,

my problem is i cant access this in the script ? the column name is "Document"

and i have tried .
Test_var = Me.ProcessInput(186, "fulldoc").Value

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Creating And Accessing Temp Tables In SSIS Package

Sep 26, 2007


I want to create a local temporary table in execute sql task and and want to use the same in Data flow task as source table.

I follow the following steps to achieve this:

01. Created a new SSIS package
02. Create a connection string to "(local)/." server, "tempdb" database
03. Set the "RetainSameConnection" property value to "TRUE"
04. Set the "DelayValidation" to "TRUE", where ever I found this property
04. In Control Flow I added to items
a. Execute SQL Task
b. Data Flow Task
05. For "Execute SQL task" I set the connection to "tempdb"
06. I written the following query
Create table #transfer_CompaniesToProcess_tbl
companyID int not null
07. In Data Flow task I added "OLE DB Source" and "OLE DB Destination"
08. In "OLE DB Source" I changed the "Data access mode:" to "SQL command"
09. In "SQL command text:" I entered "select * from #transfer_CompaniesToProcess_tbl"
10. When I clicked on the "OK" button; I ended with following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Statement(s) could not be prepared.".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "Invalid object name '#transfer_CompaniesToProcess_tbl'.".

Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202009 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

I gone through the following article and it seems I missed some thing.

Can any one have any idea where I am doing wrong?


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Accessing Global Variables In SSIS Script Components

Feb 6, 2008

How do i access global variables in SSIS scripts ?

the Dts.variables("VarName").Value

should work but doesn't ?
do i need to reference the variable another way ?

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