I am owrking in java developmenton solaris using weblogic6.0
Does any body know how to access sql server data from solaris.
If some body knows that, can you please post me the steps
that i need to do it.
I have UNIX application, running on AIX, SUN and HP, (RISC & Itanium). This application working with Oracle, via OCI, and OCCI, (I can use ODBC as well).
I would like replace Oracle with SQL-Sever.
Does there is a way/driver to access MS-SQL Server from Unix?
My program is running on UNIX, (SUN, AIX and HP), and work with Oracle. I would like to use SQL-Server instead of Oracle, but the program must run on UNIX.
Is there is a way/driver to work with SQL-Server from UNIX?
Hi,I am having a problem accessing SQL Server 2000 via UNIX. I amaccessing SQL Server 2000 from Solaris using Sybase Open Client(CT-Lib). Here is the error message:CT-LIBRARY error:ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net libraryerror: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnectI have another SQL server 6.5 and I do not have any problems accessing6.5 using the same strategy. Can someone tell me how I shouldconfigure to access SQL Server 2000 from UNIX?Thanks,Amy
Hi I am trying to schedule a job to copy an MDB data file from Unix server to Windows 2003 server (Accfp1_data2_server). I have created a file copy SSIS package and tested it in the SSIS Visual Studio environment where it runs ok. The package was created while logged in as a domain administrator.
I then created a job to run this package (which is stored on a folder) using the credential of the same domain administrator who has full access privilege to both of these servers. However, the job fails whenever it is run manually or scheduled? The error message displayed is given below --------------------------------------------------------------- Message Executed as user: FORTIESABCITYG. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 14:26:07 Error: 2007-09-13 14:26:12.56 Code: 0xC001401E Source: CommunityContact - Copy MS Access Database Connection manager "CONTACT.mdb On Accfp1_data2_server" Description: The file name "\Accfp1_data2_serverDATA2Arts&recAppsContactsCONTACT.mdb" specified in the connection was not valid. End Error Error: 2007-09-13 14:26:12.56 Code: 0xC001401D Source: CommunityContact - Copy MS Access Database Description: Connection "CONTACT.mdb On Accfp1_data2_server" failed validation. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 14:26:07 Finished: 14:26:12 Elapsed: 5.297 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Please note that the job runs without problem when I change the source file to a Windows 2000 server share . How bizzare? Hope this is not a Microsoft's Trick?
I know that SQL Server runs on Windows Server, is it possible to download data in UNIX using shell script? does SQL Server has any binary or command line client for any operating system other than Windows?
First, let me start by saying I know the answer to this, but due to politics any answer I give will be viewed with some disdain and disbelief.
A Unix/Network [rtdpmin one our sister agencies is trying to solve a problem that really does not need to be solved, but ....
The sister agency uses Information Builder's WebFocus on Unix. When they try to read my data warehouse in SQL Server 2000 it times out on them (on their end and they claim they cannot fix it) (This is using the supplied WebFocus ODBC/JDBC driver for SQL Server). This has lead to accusations of us not letting them read the data.
After much gnashing of teeth over "if you do data and data analysis for a living, why do I have to show you how to set-up an ODBC connection" we have shown them how to connect to the data, read it, and transfer it using MS-ACCESS, EXCEL, and more importantly SPSS. This is not good enough because they cannot figure out how to put it into WebFocus.
Their network person has come-up with the brilliant idea of reading the .mdf directly by installing Windows for Unix on the Unix side and then just pointing to the .mdf file and "reading it ".
Unless I have missed something somwhere (I will admit possible), I know you need a driver to read MS-SQL and that driver in every example I have seen could care less about the physical location of the .mdf file. It wants to know what database, what server (ip or name) and what security/login to use.
Could someone give me a more "technical answer" or even Microsoft's party line so I do not have this person mucking around with my production server trying to acomplish the impossible.
is there a step by step paper to get there? here is what i need to consider. I Iwill have many customers that will need their own set of records and access pages "branded for their company" each customer will have many clients. I am hosting this application on a windows 2003 server with SQL 2005 server enterprise.
I am using windows authentication, I have created a username in windows, then i added the windows user in SQL management studio in security, granted "DB Read" and "DB write" and again under the database security tab. still from the web authentication fails. i must be nissing a step or two?
I expect to set up a username for each database as i setup new customers.
Hi, How do we set credentials or contex to a thread. I create a new thread and within that thread if I am use a connetion string with Integrated Security=True" to talk to the SQL Server, however it seems that the new thread's context/identity is blank and hence failing the SQL Server connection. Please help. Thanks
Hi,I have a Sybase dataserver containing lots of (huge) tables that Iwould like to access from SQL Server (two different applications,using two different datasources, now want to talk to each other). MSAccess has a feature for 'linking' external data. Can I do similarstuff in SQL Server?Basically, I am trying to avoid having to duplicate the data in boththe dataservers and worry about keeping them in sync.Regards,Tanveer
HI, I need some help regarding the data access. I needs to access some data from tables which are in oracle and load it into sql server tables. Please let me know the process for this.
I am trying to access the View through linked server connection .The linked server connection is between two sql server 2005.
The problem is I am not able to access 2 columns of nvarchar datatype of length 255, from the view through select statement.
I do a SELECT col1,col2 from VIEW,then getting the following error .
Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "SRVXPR". Could not convert the data value due to reasons other than sign mismatch or overflow.
Then I tried with
Select cast(Col1 as nvarchar) ,
cast(col2 as nvarchar) from VIEW,
I am able to get the values.
The collation type is same for all underlying tables and also for the servers.
Is there any restrictions in handling nvarchar data thru linked server/ anyother size limitation.
I don't want to use cast as this will lead to performance problem.
Hi, I have a script written in ASP to load data file (.csv) to ms sql. In the script, I have a portion of script looks like taht : ..... Do While NOT oInFile.AtEndOfStream oOutFile.WriteLine Replace(oInFile.Readline, chr(13), vbcrlf)Loop ..... After that, I will use a BULK INSERT to input data to ms sql. I am wondering how do I convert each row (data) to vbcrlf in Stored Procedure? Coz' I did not compose the convertion part, and I got no error when running BULK INSERT, but no rows are inserted :( HELP!!!! I guess it's because the file is not being converted into a correct format??
I have a customer that wants to start using SQL Server 7.0 instead of Oracle, but they have a lot of Oracle applications (made in Developer 2000 and Forms). Due to the big effort needed to convert those applications (to Visual Basic), they want to be able somehow to migrate only data from Oracle to SQL Server, and then use some tool that will allow them to use the same applications with the SQL Server 7.0 engine.
I found on the "SQL Server Developer's Kit" a document describing the process of migrating data and applications from Oracle to SQL Server. There is a mention to an Oracle tool called "Oracle Gateway to SQL Server" that will translate calls received by the Oracle engine to the SQL Server engine, but this approach will still require the existence of Oracle servers (which is the thing the customer no longer wants).
The second option mentioned on that document, and the one that seems more attractive, is the use of Oracle "Open Client Adapter" (OCA) that will allow Developer 2000 applications to communicate directly to SQL Server via ODBC. However, I have been unable to find (on the Oracle site) any documentation regarding this tool.
Has anynoe heard or used such tool (OCA) ? Any comments, tips, drawbacks, experience you could share ? Any other idea on how a thing like that could be accomplished ? Perhaps a third-party application that can act as a gateway between the Forms app and ODBC/SQL Server, or that will be able to generate VB code from a Developer 2000/Forms app...
Any help will be appreciated.
Please respond directly to me, as I am not a member of the distribution list.
It seems to me that files created on Unix machines with line terminator , or chr(10), cannot be imported using the Bulk Insert statement. Is this a bug, or an oversight by Microsoft? Does this mean that unless one replaces all with , there is no way to use Bulk Insert to import Unix files? This is a very strange behavior by MSSQL. Even lessor programs such as Excel and Word automatically recognize chr(10) as a line termination character. Am I missing something, or is this just the way MSSQL is?
I am very new to this board and I am not sure whether the following question belongs to this board. I will ask it anyway.
Can someone tell me where (book or web site or an example) I can go to learn how to be able to connect to a SQL Server database in a unix (in my case Solaris) environment using C/C++. I have been doing database programming using Oracle, Acess on NT with C/C++/ODBC comfortabley. I just need to learn how to go about in a Unix environment.
Has anyone tried to connect to a SQL Server 2K running on Windows 2000 from a unix machine? If so then could you provide me some help? Thanks in advance
We are running SCO Unix 5.0.5. We need a command line sql client that can connect to a MS SQL server running on a windows server. Can someone point me in the right direction? I don't want to write a sql client. I just want a command line sql client binary that is ready to work.
I want to do something like this in a unix shell script:
I've got a question about the UNIX timestamp solutions, I am using this one:
select convert(datetime, switchoffset(convert(datetimeoffset, dateadd(second, start_date, '19700101')), datename(TzOffset, sysdatetimeoffset()))) from x
This works great for today (wintertime), but when I query the past, say last week, it will still hold the current offset of my server GMT+1, where it was GMT+2.
Is there a way to get always the right date/time from a sql-query?
Hi, everyone!I was just wondering if any of you knows of a linux/unix client(preferably on the command line) that would connect to ms sql server?Any hints would be appreciated!Roumen.
I have a windows server 2003 R2 sharing a filesystem using NFS. I have created a group and passwd file and mapped the ids' to the unix login ids' . I', able to mount but when I try to cd to the directory I get "NFS access failed for server testsrvr: RPC: Authentication error". On the win2k3 server I'm getting an event error "There was a mapping failure". I have the Admin id on the win2k3 server mapped to the unix root login .
I was a Oracle Developer / DBA on Unix Environments all along my career, Very recently iam starting to manage a SQL Server 2005/Windows 2003 Server setup.
Part of my new job is to automate to load Huge Data files/Flat Files (3/4 GB in size) into SQL Server 2005 DB.
Have these initial questions.. Since the files are too large to open at once... What sort of Command Line Interfaces people use on the Windows Boxes.. like doing a "wc" (Word Count) / GREP 'ng Files / Massaging Data Files one line at a time (Like using SED / AWK Commands).. Etc
How can I assign the ODBC Database(Progress) on UNIX as publisher and SQL Server as subscriber. When I use the Enterprise Manager, I cannot see the Unix Server. I just can see the server and database in DTS.
Hello, I am trying to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 from a SCO box (version 3.2v4.2)using sisql/bcp (sybase product). I can connect to a 6.5 database but when I try the same script to connect to 7.0 I get the following message: DB-LIBRARY error: Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. Is there anything I can do in order to fix this problem? Any ideas? Thanks
Anyone support a config where you have an unix/linux (AIX here) ODBC client connection to SQL Server database? I am looking for a simple, supportable configuration that does not require me to learn perl or instal a bunch of crap gnu shareware on enterprise class machines.
Is there as way to access SQL SErver DB for DML Operations from C++ programs in UNIX/LINUX. The current approach is by uisng Pro C to connect to ORACLE from C++. But I want to connect to SQL Server 2005.
Anyone support a config where you have an unix/linux (AIX here) ODBCclient connection to SQL Server database? I am looking for a simple,supportable configuration that does not require me to learn perl orinstal a bunch of crap gnu shareware on enterprise class machines.Please help!
Hi there. I'm trying to extract data from my SQL server & everything in the script I've got is working (extracting correct data) except for one field - which is for the most part it's off by +2 days (on a few occasions - I see it off by just +1 day or even +3, but it's usually the +2 days).
I'm told that it's due to the conversion formula - but - since SQL is not my native language, I'm at a bit of a loss.
The DB table has the date field stored as a type: CHAR (as opposed to 'DATE') Can anyone out there help?
I have an MVC asp.net application that stores many records in a table on sql server, in its own system. used the system for 2 months, worked fine accessing, changing data.
Now that other users are logging in? there is cross coupling going on. one user gets the data from another users sql search.
In the mvc app it had used the get async method to read the ID record from the db, i set that to synchronous. no effect; the user makes their own login id but that does nt matter either.