Activate/Initialize Report Server - Rsactivate Not Recognized

Mar 6, 2008

Hey guys I'm baffled. I've installed SSRS on our IIS server and referenced it to our SQL Server (remote server) but, I'm getting the Reporting Services Error:

The report server installation is not initialized. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerNotActivated)


I've tried rsactivate from both 'Start>Run' and from the command prompt. In both cases the command rsactivate is not a recognized command, executable program or batch file...yadda yadda yadda.
What am I doing wrong and what do I do to fix this??

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Report Server Does Not Initialize

Jun 25, 2006

I am using ms sql 2005 standard edition on windows Nt

Everything is working fine except the report server..

when i run the configuration tool and try to start the report server, it fails to start.. i am using sql on the local machine .

i have set p lmy database on the windows credentials..

i am using my machine name/user name as the account name for the database setup.

i have also used rsconfig utility to configure the report server but nothing happens after that..

pls help

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Unable To Initialize Report Server

Nov 13, 2006

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RSET And LSET Not Being Recognized By Report Server

Jan 25, 2008

I have this line in a textbox of a table.
=LSET(Fields!ReportDate.Value,25) + RSET(CStr(FormatNumber(Fields!UNITS_RPTDATE.Value,0,0,0,0)),20) + RSET(CStr(FormatCurrency(Fields!CASH_RPTDATE.Value,2,0,0,0)),20)

It looks great when I preview it in Visual Studio. But when I upload the rdl to the report server the alignment is gone and it looks as if the Report Server doesn't recognize the LSET and RSET functions. Anyone have an idea if this is a bug with the report server or is something wrong with our report server.


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Query Parameters Not Recognized By Report Designer

Feb 17, 2007

No matter how I try to enter an automatic query parameter it just isn't recognized as such. I get missing expression errors from the SQL syntax check and no report variables are generated. There must be something incredibly simple that I am missing....

The most recent query string I've entered is


Thanks for anyone who can help..

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How To Activate SQL Server 2005

May 9, 2007

I want to know if there is a way to activate an evaluation version of SQL Server 2005 without re-installing the product completely. Running evaluation in a production environment while waiting on my purchase of Standard edition to be completed. All I have is my Microsoft Open License Order Confirmation.

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Rsactivate Error Message

Aug 18, 2006

Hello all,

Since I installed SQL Server 2005 on the same server than SQL 2000, my Reporting Service is getting me this error:

"The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the service. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) Get Online Help

Bad Data. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090005)"

I looked over some other logs and forums, and pretty much all pointed to use the rsactivate utility. Well, I am getting frustrated trying to run the rsactivate utility since I typed in the command rsactivate -r and got an error message that didn't expect to get.


C:>rsactivate -r
Either the WMI provider or the path to the local config file must be specified

Then I typed in the path and still got this:

C:>rsactivate -r "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLReporting ServicesReportServerRSReportServer.config"
Either the WMI provider or the path to the local config file must be specified

Does someone out there have had this situation or escenario before and what you did to solve it?....

I really need an input or hint on this, so I will appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.


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Report Manager Problem: The User Or Group Name 'BUILTINAdministrators' Is Not Recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)

Jun 15, 2006


I have a big problem with Reporting Services 2005 working on Windows 2003 Server.
RS work as Network service, on subdomain reporting.mydomain with SSL wildcard certificate *.mydomain,
Anonymous access: disabled and basic authentication: enabled
ReportManager and reportServer has defualt virtual folders (/reporting, /reportserver)

My problem is:
1) I can't manage security roles and site settings with report maanger. when I try assign roles to new user or group I get followng error:

"The user or group name 'BUILTINAdministrators' is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName) Get Online Help"
when i try to execute reports in report manager, parameters controls are not displayed correctly (very simple text boxes) and I can see:
The selected report is not ready for viewing. The report is still being rendered or a report snapshot is not available. (rsReportNotReady)

and I can't see my report in browser (IE 6.0) but only export to PDF, Excel...

other functionality are working fine i.e upload new files, creatign folders....

2) Also my reportserver virtual folder does not work correctly.
When I navigate to mydomain/reportserver I can see content of this virtual folder, than when I navigate to ReportService.soap i can see normal ReportServer view

reporting.mydomain - /Reportserver/

[To Parent Directory]

Montag, 10. April 2006 16:31 <dir> bin
Dienstag, 6. September 2005 01:12 488278 Catalog.sql
Dienstag, 6. September 2005 01:12 14738 CatalogTempDB.sql
Freitag, 21. April 2006 19:45 10555 Copy of rsreportserver.config
Freitag, 14. April 2006 17:29 76 global.asax
Freitag, 15. Juli 2005 01:12 26582 ModelGenerationRules.smgl
Montag, 10. April 2006 16:31 <dir> Pages
Montag, 10. April 2006 16:31 <dir> ReportBuilder
Montag, 13. Juni 2005 14:07 143 ReportExecution2005.asmx
Montag, 13. Juni 2005 14:06 196337 ReportingServices.wsdl
Montag, 13. Juni 2005 14:07 131 ReportService.asmx
Montag, 13. Juni 2005 14:07 131 ReportService.soap
Montag, 13. Juni 2005 14:07 139 ReportService2005.asmx
Dienstag, 13. Juni 2006 20:01 10580 rsreportserver.config
Montag, 13. Juni 2005 14:07 11845 rssrvpolicy.config
Montag, 10. April 2006 16:31 <dir> Styles
Freitag, 17. Juni 2005 01:09 2673 web.config

but me reports are not displayed correctly, I can run reports but top bar with parameters, export and print function are not displayed in correct format.
(simple textboxes, and icons)

reporting.mydomain/ReportServer - /

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.1399.00

I think it is security issue. What schould i do to solve this problems?


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How To Activate Licenses

Mar 20, 2007

I've just installed Workgroup Edition for the first time. I have copies on each of two servers, each ordered with five CALs.

My problem is that I don't know how to assign the licenses. I can't find anything in the documentation about it, nothing in the tools menus, and no reference to SQL Server in the Licensing application. The latter really looks like the right place, so if I had to guess, I'd think I've installed something incorrectly. Shouldn't SQL Server appear there as a product?

Of course, I'd also think this would be documented somewhere, but then it's probably one of those things that any idiot would know, so there's no need to explain it.

Once I get past that problem, I'll be setting up eight workstations. I understand from Microsoft Sales that since I've purchased a total of ten CALs, then all eight workstations will be able to access either server. Do I have to do anything special to make that work? Currently, there's no domain. The servers are just members of a workgroup.



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How To Activate Product

Jun 7, 2006


I am realy sorry that I am putting this question here since I don't know where to post this question.

We have purchased

Windows server CAL 2003 English OLP NL user CAL

with 5 user license

We got the Microsoft open license agreement after a month or so.

Now I want to know how to proceed with this license.

Since I am newbie to this kindly guide me in this regard.


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Initialize Error Connecting To SQL Server Database

Mar 8, 2006

    Newbie strikes again..   I'm attempting to connect to a SQL Server database (using VS 2005).  My code generated no errors in the build but when I tried to access the database, I got the following message:"The ConnectionString property has not been initialized."My connection string is stored in my web.config file.  My code goes as follows:Dim strSQL As String = "SQL string stored here"Dim objConnection as SqlConnection = New SQLConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("name of connection string is here"))Dim objCommand as SQLCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, objConnection)objConnection.Open()Then I go on to open my reader and such.  Where should I be initializing the ConnectionString property?TIA,Lesley

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'ISPALUSER' Is Not A Recognized Functi

May 25, 2006

When I try to export a database using DTS I get the following error message :

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'ISPALUSER' is not a recognized function name.

Does anyone know what this means?

The database I am trying to export is a Publisher database being used to push replication data.

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Develope Pending &> Activate

Apr 2, 2007

Hi,I have an application ( + c#).There is a SQL table called 'Status' it is used to store pending and activated events.There is a field called 'Complete'.So when user register I want to add recored to 'Complete' field as 'Pending'But I cant understand how to do this. Plese help me  

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How To Activate The MSDTC Service?

May 3, 2007


As newbie in server country I try a course example to test a distributed transaction accessing both SQL Server 2005 and Sql Server 2005 Express.

But I get an error message saying:
--->MSDTC on server is not available

I Internetted somewhere that MSDTC stands for TransactionManager service.
If I look in the 'Services' list I do not see something like MSDTC, so I think it is not installed or started.

How do I install or activate the MSDTC service?

Thanks in advange,

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Logging Onto Domain Nor Recognized By Member Server.

Oct 7, 1999

We have three servers in DomainA;

ServerA - PDC
ServerB - BDC
ServerC - member server

My NT Workstation is logged onto DomainA as UserA.

If I use Network Neighborhood and click on ServerA (the PDC) , it shows me
all the shares and doesn't ask me for any username password. Similarily if I
click on ServerB (the BDC).

However if I click on ServerC (member server) . It wants a
username/password. Why doesn't ServerC realize that I am already logged onto
the Domain (ie check with a domain controller) rather than ask me to log on
again. Also when I specify the username, I have to include the domain i.e.
"DomainAUserA". Just "UserA" won't work.

The problem is ServerC is soon to be a production SQLServer and has
integrated security. The clients log onto the domain, however, (I'm
speculating that) when they run a SQL application, SQLServer will not see an
NT login for verification. I havn't run ito this problem before as my
SQLServers have up to now also been domain controllers.

Anybody know what is happening and what the solution, if any, there is.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Getting A Variable Recognized In A Function

Apr 4, 2014

I am having a hard time getting a variable recognized in a function. The variable is not being seen properly in the charindex function.

@ExtType contains = X
@PhoneNo contains = +1 (202) 123-9876 X012

select @intPos = charindex(@ExtType,Upper(@PhoneNo))

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Connection Managers Are NOT Recognized After Migrating To Another Server

Mar 8, 2007


My database admin just migrated my packages from development to user testing server.

My packages configured to read the connection manager properties from the .dtsconfig.

But I am getting "The connection "CRPRDNMSQEZ.CIReporting2" is not found"

CRPRDNMSQEZ.CIReporting2 is being my connection manager.

I did find and replace server name in the dtsconfig but I guess it didn't work.

Any help is appreciated.

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The Function Is Not Recognized By SQl Server Compact Edition

Sep 8, 2007

Unfortunatly this appers when i am trying to execute the following Query :

FROM [Date]
WHERE (DAy(CurrentDate) = 2)

It seems it doesn't support the (Day) function...Is there any solution or work around for that ?

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Waiting On Flag To Activate Jobs ?

Feb 17, 2005

is there a way to automate a job to wait on a flag in a directory and to start my maintenance plans ?

if so how would i code is there external functions plz help.

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How To Activate Only The Selected Year In The Calender

Apr 25, 2008

I have calenders activated in our reports.So, I want only those date values to be enabled for the year I am selecting . Is there any option for that?????

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Cannot Initialize The Data Source.. Text File Linked Server

Sep 7, 2007

Hi All,

I have this very big text file (2.5 GB - which of course I am not able to open). This resides on a server which has SQL 2005.

I have created a linked server for this text file on my SQL database, and when I try to query the table, I get an error:

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "txtsrv".

Why am I getting this error? When I make a dummy linked server on my local machine and test the steps it all works OK. but when I go to this server where the file and it's SQL instance is lying, I get this error. Please can someone provide me with some help on this?

Many thanks,

P.S. Here is how I created the linked server (I also have the Schema.ini lying under the same folder):

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver txtsrv, 'Jet 4.0',






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SQL Server 2008 :: Initialize Transactional Publication From Backup Loss Of Data

Mar 18, 2015

I have automated process, which synchronizes a transactional publication using initialize from backup approach. It drops subscriptions and puts them back again once the restore on the subscriber is completed.

Dropping the subscriptions causes a lot of blocking and deadlocking. I've decided to remove those steps, but it causes loss of data on the subscriber.

Is it a must to drop and re-create the subscriptions during such process? If not, how can I avoid the loss of data?

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Can't Connect To Linked SQL Server: Cannot Initialize The Data Source Object Of OLE DB Provider SQLNCLI

May 23, 2007

I find this most perplexing.

I have two servers, DEV and PROD. Now my DEV server works just great, I can connect to the linked server, query, etc... all is well.

So I'm setting up my PROD server and when I go to add the linked server I get:

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI".... and Unable to complete login process due to delay in opening server connection.

Now I am running SQL Server 2005 and connecting to an SQL 2000 server.

The odd part is that this works just fine on DEV.

When I go to create the linked server I set:

Linked Server: "LinkedServerName"

Server Type: "SQL Server"

and that's it.

I go to Security and enter my DOMAINUSER.ACCOUNT and then enter the login creds for the linked server.

When I click "OK" I get the above mentioned error code.

Any thoughts?

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Cannot Initialize Data Source Object Of OLE DB Provider When Reset Linked Server To Oracle

Aug 19, 2015

I wanna to create a linked server which connect to oracle.  Here are my steps:

1.Install Oracel drivers Oracle Data Access Components.

2.Configure the Oracle Ole DB provider to run inside the SQL Server process and configure it to accept parameters. exec

N'AllowInProcess', 1
exec master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop
N'DynamicParameters', 1 

3.Create linked server with scripts:
exec sp_addlinkedserver N'MyOracle1', 'Oracle', 'ORAOLEDB.Oracle', N'//', N'FetchSize=2000', ''
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname='MyOracle', @useself=N'FALSE', @rmtuser=N'root', @rmtpassword='Sqlexp!23'    
4. After create successful and testing the connection ,I got the error below.(My windows firewall is turn off)

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyOracle".OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyOracle" returned message "ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)

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Activate Or Execute A Ssis Package From Sharepoint Document Library

Mar 26, 2007

hello all

i need to execute a ssis(sql 2005 integration service) on a document document library . can you people help me out how i can do it

i want to make a work flow which initiate when new document upload in a moss document library and this work flow pass the document to a ssis package and initiate that ssis package

note: the database and moss servers are on different machine

please reply ASAP if there any way to do it.


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Any Solution? Cannot Initialize The Data Source Object Of OLE DB Provider Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 For Linked Server (null).

Jul 22, 2007

This is a problem that never get solved, sometime I can use other way to avoid it, but havn't found a solution yet, i hope I can get some more idea here.

I am using SQL 2005, when I run

select * into #import1
from OpenRowSet('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0','Excel 8.0;hdr=yes;database=\ws8webjeff2.xls',
'select * from [jeff2$]')

I get

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0" for linked server "(null)".

when I try to compile a SP with that statement in it, I get the same error, like

create stored procedure test

as begin

select * into #import1
from OpenRowSet('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0','Excel 8.0;hdr=yes;database=\ws8webjeff2.xls',
'select * from [jeff2$]')


so it seems the error may not relate to the real file, since at the compile stage, it should not check the real file?

On my live db, after I restart the SQL service, the statement will work, after a while, one or several days, I get the same error again. I can not restart my live db quite often for sure, so now I have another backup db server, I need run the statement on the backup server and then read the data from there.

I have the same problem at two places, both use SQL 2005.

So far there are three questions

1, why it works after restart, but only last for a while? something about memory? since the backup db seldom need restart and work fine after many days.

2, why it gives error in compile stage?

3, why two dbs in different Enviroment has the same problem

The most answer I have gathered so far is permission issue, true I got similar error if the import file is located in a place which SQL has no right to access. But in this case, it should not be.

Any other idea or suggestion?


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BCP 'bcp' Is Not Recognized

Nov 4, 2004

I am a bit new to SQL Server so please help me
I am trying to run a simple task at a customer but it doesn't work.
bcp isn't recognized.

I'm running this:
exec xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT top 10 * FROM pubs..authors " queryout "C:Temphej.txt" -c -S [ServerName] -T'
and it givs me this errormess.
'bcp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

It works fine for me when I'm running it on my computer.

Can anyone please inform me what I'm missing. I haven't got a clue.

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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'min' Is Not A Recognized Function Name

Oct 8, 2004

I am using MS SQL Server 2000. I am reading right off of microsofts web site under Trasact-SQL Reference, on how to use the MIN function. Yet when I try to use it, I get the error:

'min' is not a recognized function name

Here is the sql statement copied right out of Query Analyzer:

select name, count(name), min(
case when not(var6 = '') then 7 else
case when not(var5 ='') then 6 else
case when not(var4 ='') then 5 else
case when not(var3 ='') then 4 else
case when not(var2 ='') then 3 else
case when not(var1 ='') then 2 else 1 end end end end end end as cols
from syitabs
where dupef=0
group by name

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Custom Url Not Recognized

Sep 3, 2007

i have this action.jumpto url

="javascript:void'http://bklc-crm01:5555/cs/cases/edit.aspx?id={" & cstr(Fields!incidentid.Value) & "}','_self')"

for some reason when i use this field (incidentid.value) there is no hyperlink generated, however when i change the value to another field, the hyperlink works, what shall i be looking for, incident value is a set of number with dashes!

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Sqlcmd Not Recognized

Oct 9, 2006

Just installed SQL Server 2005 Express along with the Management Studio. The Management Studio, at least what I've seen so far, seems to work fine. But when I type "sqlcmd" at the command prompt, I get "sqlcmd is not a recognized internal or external command, operable program or batch file." What gives???

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Snap-in Failed To Initialize

Feb 19, 2008

When i try to open Sql Server Enterpris Manager the following error msg appers
Snap-in Failed to initialize
Name- unknown
how to solve this pbm help me very urgent

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How Initialize A Connection String In .Net

Feb 3, 2004

i am using a control that i downloaded from the control gallery It has a line for a connection string.

which i put on in there: data source=server;initial catalog=database;user id=blahblah;password=557896 and i get an error:

Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +433
Microsoft.Vote.VoteButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) +289
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +108
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +57
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +18
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1277

How would i initialize the connection string.

any help would be appreciated


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