Add IDENTITY Column In Runtime In A View...

Jul 20, 2005

Dear All,
I'm facing a problem with creating a view.I have a table with
following description

Col1 col2
---- -----
Val1 Tom
Val2 Cat
Val3 Jack
Val4 Jim

Now I'm trying to create a view with following information from
Tab1.The output should be

Col1 Col2 Col3
---- ---- -----
1 Val1 Tom
2 Val2 Cat
3 Val3 Jack
4 Val4 Jim
So the create view statement add this column dynamically in this
result set.
If any body has any doubt on this query please let me inform.
Arijit Chatterjee

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How To Add An Identity PK Column To A View

Nov 16, 2007

For an project, I have had a DropDownList with a static ArrayList.The ArrayList will be defined from a View, where there is no Identity PK. 
I also have used cbxDropDownListName.SelectedIndex to add new data toa table, where an Indetity PK is used to reference the ArrayList. 
 I am wondering how can I add an identity PK to my view?

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Creating An Identity Column In A View

Mar 25, 2004

I need a view that will:
1) select the distinct values in a column (the easy part)
2) assign the equivalent of an identity column to each row containing the distinct value it returns.

For example TableA contains 25 records but one of the columns only contains three unique values (say, 'A','B', & 'C').

This is what I want my view to return:

1 A
2 B
3 C

In other words, I need the view to assign the 1, 2 and 3 to the individual rows.

Thanks in advance for any pointers on this one.

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Issue With Identity Column In A View

Dec 28, 2006

Thanks a lot, Greg!

Well, I have another question.

In SQL-2005, till SP2 version, there is a bug, dialed with treating an identity column in a view as an ordinary int column, when the compatibility verison of the DB is set to 80:

In SQL Server 2005 Express Edition CTP (since version 9.00.3027), which is available to download from Microsoft site, this bug was fixed.

Please tell if you know, how can I get an evaluation copy of any other edition of this version, where merge publication feature could be tested?

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Problem In Using Sqlbulkcopy To Insert Data From Datatable(no Identity Column) Into Sql Server Table Having Identity Column

Jun 19, 2008

I am having problem in bulk update of a sql server table haning identity column from a datatable( has no identity column) using sqlbulkcopy. I tried several approaches, but it does not show any error nor is the table getting updated. But the identity value seems to getting increased every time.

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Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime && ASP.NET Identity Problem

Dec 21, 2006


I have an ASP.NET web form that calls out to a component which includes the following code which leverages the Application and Package classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace:

Application application = new Application();

Package package = application.LoadFromDtsServer(@"File SystemMyPackagesMyPackage", "MyMachine", null);

string id = package.ID;

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult result = package.Execute();

I am logged in to the app as DomainMe.

I have Windows Integrated Authentication configured in IIS and am using Windows Authentication in ASP.NET. I am using impersonation to impersonate a fixed identity, say DomainBob. This has the following effect:

WindowIdentity.GetCurrent() returns DomainBob as expected since the process is being impersonated by DomainBob.

Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name returns DomainMe as expected since the ASP.NET application is using Windows Authentication.

The id variable successfuly is initialized to the GUID of the package, proving that the package name is resolving, however, from the ASP.NET application, the package fails.

Issuing the ? package.Errors[0] command at the command window provides the following information:

base {Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsObject}: {Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsError}
Description: "An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Communication link failure".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Shared Memory Provider: I/O Error detected in read/write operation [4]. ".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Login failed for user 'MyMachine\ASPNET'.".
ErrorCode: -1071636471
HelpContext: 0
HelpFile: null
IDOfInterfaceWithError: "{8BDFE898-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}"
Source: "Packages MyPackage"
SubComponent: "Connection manager "DataMart""
TimeStamp: {12/21/2006 2:18:55 PM}

For some reason, the ASPNET process account is being passed to the package!

This makes no sense, because clearly, DomainBob is impersonating the worker process and all downstream resources should be accessed via DomainBob. This includes SQL Server Database Engine and I would imagine SSIS as well. ASPNET should not come into play at all since I am impersonating.

I also tried using regular (non-fixed identity) impersonation (<identity impersonate="true" />), but again, SSIS is trying to authenticate ASPNET, instead of DomainMe as would be expected.

This is definetely isolated to ASP.NET applications, because making the same call from within a unit test succeeds. It would seem that this is a definete issue because the behavior is inconsistent with ASP.NET security principles.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Any direction or suggestions very much appreciated.



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View Queries From SqlDataSource At Runtime

Nov 16, 2006

Is there any way to view the queries that a SqlDataSource executes against your chosen data source at runtime? i.e. after all the parameters have been substituted with their values.I'm assigning a number of parameters at runtime to its selectcommand, and i'm getting some exceptions thrown when attempting to update or delete records from a gridview using it (it's a really old Synergy database, which can be quite particular about the structure of queries). It would be a massive help if i could actually see the exact queries the datasource is attempting to use.Cheers for any help 

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Transact SQL :: Alter Non Identity Column To Identity Column

Aug 12, 2009

when i alter non identity column to identity column using this Query alter table testid alter column test int identity(1,1) then i got this error message Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Update Identity Column With Identity Value

Jan 25, 2015

I have table of three column first column is an ID column. However at creation of the table i have not set this column to auto increment. Then i have copied 50 rows in another table to this table then set the ID column values to zero.

Now I have changed the ID column to auto increment seed=1 increment=1 but the problem is i couldn't figure out how to update this ID column with zero value set to each row with this auto increment values so the ID column would have values from 1-50. Is there a away to do this?

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Identity...I Need To Get The Last (or Highest Number In Identity Column)...

Sep 19, 2005

Ok,I just need to know how to get the last record inserted by the highestIDENTITY number. Even if the computer was rebooted and it was twoweeks ago. (Does not have to do with the session).Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Trint

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How To Add Column In Database At Runtime.

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I m trying to add a column in my database (it is a csv file)but it is giving me following exception.------exception------------{System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException}ErrorCode: -2147467259Errors: {System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection}HelpLink: NothingInnerException: NothingMessage: "Operation not supported on a table that contains data."Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine"StackTrace: " atSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextE rrorHandling(Int32 hr)atSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextF orSingleResult(tagDBPARAMSdbParams, Object& executeResult)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandText( Object& executeResult)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(Comm andBehavior behavior,Object& executeResult)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderIntern al(CommandBehaviorbehavior, String method)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()Here is my code for this.--------Code--------------Dim ConnectString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=c:;Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"""Dim myCon As New OleDbConnection(ConnectString)TrymyCon.Open()'Debug.WriteLine("Connection Opened")Dim cmd As New OleDbCommandcmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE [sample.csv] ADD mycol VARCHAR(50) NULL"cmd.Connection = myConcmd.ExecuteNonQuery()Catch ex As OleDbExceptiondebug.WriteLine(ex.Message)FinallymyCon.Close()End TryAny known reasons and workarounds????Thanks & Regards.

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Rename Column At Runtime

Oct 20, 2007

I am have this problem, that would not go away, can some please help me.
I want to rename or delete column that is bound to a tableadapter using SQL Express at runtime. is it possibleI have no idea on what to do.

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How To Hide A Dynamic Column During Runtime?.. Help Please...

Mar 2, 2007

im working on a report which shows the data based on the users input. I have used a matrix because I have no control on how many fields the users want, so practically we have a dynamic column here. My problem is that they require me to able the user to hide the columns he/she wishes to during runtime. We have a previous report that enables the user to hide it during runtime but it has static column. Any idea on how I could do it?... Thank you so much...

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How To Use Identity On Non-identity Column (with Concurrence)

Aug 1, 2014

I'm working with a third-party database (SQL Server 2005) and the problem here is the following:

- There are a bunch of ETL processes that needs to insert rows on a table (let's call this table T) and at the same time, an ERP (owner of T) is up and running (reading, updating and inserting on T).

- The PK of T is an Integer.

Today all ETL processes uses (select max(ID) + 1 from T) to insert new rows, so just picture the scenario. It is a mess! Everyday they get duplicate key error when 2 or more concurrent processes are trying to insert a row (with the max) at the same time.

Considering that I can't change the PK, what is the best approach to solve this problem?

To sum up:

* I need to have processes in parallel inserting on T

* I can't change anything on T

* The PK is NOT an Identity

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Data Source Column Discovery At Runtime? Help Much Appreciated

May 10, 2006

Hi -- I am fairly new to SSIS development, although I am starting to appreciate it more an more, especially since I have started getting into extending the object model. Here's my question:

I have a data flow that pulls data from any number of different delimited files with different numbers of columns. I have had no problem dealing with setting up run-time file locations and file names by using the expressions of a flat file data source, and i have been able to pretty easily deal with varying file delimiters by standardizing the files before they get into the data flow. however, I have not been able to come up with a solution that will allow my data source to discover its column info at run time, and then pass that information on to the data flow task. all i really care about is being able to properly parse the individual rows into individual column data by the flat file data source because the data flow itself is able to discover the actual data that the columns hold at run-time.

i would very much appreciate any feedback from anyone on possible solutions for this.


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How To Refer A Column When The Referencing Column Is An Identity Column

Oct 16, 2006

Hi all,

The requirement is to have a table say 'child_table', with an Identity column to refer another column from a table say 'Parent_table'..

i cannot implement this constraint, it throws the error when i execute the below Alter query,

ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id)
REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

the error thrown is :
Failed to execute alter table query: 'ALTER TABLE child_table ADD CONSTRAINT
fk_1_ct FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES parent_table (parent_id) ON DELETE
CASCADE '. Message: java.sql.SQLException: Cascading foreign key 'fk_1_ct' cannot be
created where the referencing column 'child_table.child_id' is an identity column.

any workarounds for this ?

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DTS RunTime Error &#34;received Invalid Column Length From BCP Client&#34;

Jul 26, 2002

when i tried to run a DTS which transfer bulk data between 2 SQL servers, i got following error message:
================================================== ============
Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 4815 (12CF)
Error string: Received invalid column length from bcp client.
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file:
Help context: 0
================================================== ===========

if anybody has encounter the same problem before? after testing, i think it's
must related with network traffic problem. but i can not figure out how to solve it.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Add A New Column To Dataset At Runtime That Tallies Whenever Condition Arises

Nov 3, 2014

I am trying to find a way to provide three metrics for a table that only provides 2 of them. I need to derive a third column which tallies based on conditions that can be found in the dataset.

The table I'm querying shows

(1) total referrals
(2) total moves

but it is missing a column that tallies whenever the referral moved into the same property_id that it was referred to.

create table dimFacts
(date_value datetime
, month_name varchar(9)
, year_number varchar(4)
, month_number tinyint

[Code] ....

How can I use sql to create one additional column for the above data set, ie. let's call it 'property_conversion' such that on the fifth row there will be a '1' showing that on 2012-12-30 lead_id 10038655 moved into the property it was referred to back on 2012-10-15 ?

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TSQL - Using ALTER TABLE - ALTER COLUMN To Modify Column Type / Set Identity Column

Sep 7, 2007

Hi guys,
If I have a temporary table called #CTE
With the columns
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
and I need to change the column type for the columns:
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time.
What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?

I am trying to solve the question in the link below:

Thanks in advance,

I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

I have also tried:

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

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GUID As Primay Column And Identity Column

Jan 9, 2007

My Memebership table has Guid column as Primary key.
But I would like to add Auto numbering Identity column to this table.
Is this idea OK  or it will bring some problems?
Thank you in advance for your help

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Alter A Column To Be The Table Identity Column

Aug 3, 2006

i have a table
column1 int not null
column2 char not nul
column3 char

i want to script a change for table1 to alter column1 to be the table identity column. not primary.

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Making An Existing Column An Identity Column

Mar 5, 2004


I have a column that is unique that I would like to make into an IDENTITIY column after I insert some data into it.

I tried

alter table <table_name>
alter column <col_name> int Identity (1,1)

but it fails.



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To Make An Existing Column Become An Identity Column

Jul 20, 2005

Hi(SQL Server 2000)I have an existing table (t) with a column that is NOT an identity column(t.ID), but it has manually inserted "row numbers". I want to make thiscolumn become an identity column. This column is a key field to othertables, so I want to keep the row numbers that are allready inserted.From the Query Analyzer, how do I do this?Thanks in advance!Regards,Gunnar VøyenliEDB-konsulent asNORWAY

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How To Bind A Column To Identity Column Of The Different Table.

Apr 2, 2007


I have two tables table1 and new_table

Table1 has id_value column which is int and it is idenity specification is yes and identity increment is 1 .

And I have a NEW_TABLE with column name new_id which should store current id_value of Table1.

This type of functionality is requirement for my project.

I should get a current value of id_value from table1 . if I say SELECT * FROM NEW_TABLE ;

Please help me out to fix this issue



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Create Multi Column View From Single Column Data

Jan 9, 2008

I have two tables, one a data table, the other a product table. I want to perform a join on the two tables with values distributed into columns based on the value in the month field.

product_code month value
350 1 10
350 2 20
350 3 30

product_code profit_center
350 4520


product_code profit_center mon1 mon2 mon3
350 4520 10 20 30

My current query gives the following result

product_code profit_center mon1 mon2 mon3
350 4520 10 0 0
350 4520 0 20 0
350 4520 0 0 30

Any direction toward a solution would be appreciated. Am using SS2005.

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Change An Int Column To Identity Column

Dec 17, 2001

Hi, I want to change an int column (not null) to identity column. I tried
the following:

alter table myTable alter column ID int identity(10, 1) not null

But it failed with the error message:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'.

Can someone please show me the correct statement (if it exists)>

Many thanks.

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How To Configure A Dataflow Task Having A Runtime Source Table Name And A Runtime Destination Table Name

Apr 18, 2008


I am having a Data flow task in For each loop which will gets 100 sourcetable names and 100 target table names...

am having a simpleData flow task which trasferes from OLEDBSource to OLEDBDestination.
I am repeating the Dataflow task which transfers from sourcetablename extracted from for loop to a destination table var.

The problem am gettting is for the first table it is able to transfer correcly because I did mapping for those tables at design time...but for the next coming sourcetable-desttable (which r having different no of cols,datatypes) its giving Validation failed...and...needs to refresh metadata....

is there any way to refresh the metadata of Data flow task (I set the property of OLEDBSource validate external meta to false then also same error is coming)


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Trying To Get Identity Column

Nov 8, 2007

I have been trying to get the new sol_id that is added so I can use it in other code, but it is only returning 0. The new record is getting added to the table, but my varaiable myNewSolID is 0 in my response.write(myNewSolID)
I appeaciate any help!
Here is my steored procedure and my code:
 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AddTrackings]

@DropDate datetime,
@Comment nvarchar(100),
@DateEntered datetime,
@EnteredBy nvarchar(50),
INSERT INTO tblTrackings (DropDate, Comment, DateEntered, EnteredBy)

VALUES (@DropDate,@Comment,@DateEntered,@EnteredBy)



Sub ProcessTracking()
Dim myNewSolID As Integer

Dim ConnectStr As String = _

Dim MySQL As String = ""

If Me.chkDropSave.Checked Then
MySQL = "AddTrackings"
Dim MyConn As New SqlConnection(ConnectStr)
Dim Cmd As New SqlCommand(MySQL, MyConn)
Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim InsertedInteger As New SqlParameter("@Sol_ID", SqlDbType.Int)
InsertedInteger.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim MySqlParamStart As New SqlParameter("@DropDate", SqlDbType.DateTime)
MySqlParamStart.Value = Me.BasicDatePickerDropDate.SelectedValue

Dim MySqlParamAmtTo As New SqlParameter("@Comment", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)
MySqlParamAmtTo.Value = Me.txtComment.Text

Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateEntered", Now())
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EnteredBy", Profile.UserName)

myNewSolID = Cmd.ExecuteScalar()Response.Write(myNewSolID)

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End If
End Sub 

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Is Identity Column?

Apr 24, 2008

Hi to all,             Using sql query i want to check whether the column is Identity column or not? Please members reply me.         

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Identity Column - DTS

Mar 27, 2001

Having an identity column in target table, how do I use SQL 7 DTS ?

In Import wizard, I chose 'ignore' in source, checked Enable Indenity Insert - DTS failed with a msg like - a column cannot have NULL...

In DTS package, had Fast load and Enable Indenity checked - no luck !

Unchecked Enable identity, do luck.

What would be the standard procs for this since this sounds like a very common
What I am expecting is to insert from source and SQL would take care identity column automatically.
Appreciate your help very much !



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Identity Column

Sep 17, 2001

I want to know how to reset the identiy column when i delete a row from the existing table.


I have a table a with id (identity incr value 1) and name

I have 10 records inserted into it.,which would be from 1...thru...10 i delete a record say 5 then i have 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10, now i want them to be rearranged to systamatic order like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 how can i do this.

Thanks in advance,


"God Bless America"

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Identity Column

Feb 29, 2000

I have a table that has a field that will not accept null values. I was trying to create a new table with a new field that would accept null values. I would then drop the original table and rename the new table. The problem is my key field has the Identity column (Autonumber) turned on. This allows the recordID to be automatically generated. Is there anyway to bypass the Identity Column feature and still keep it there future records? I already tried the "with Nocheck Clause" but does not work.

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Bcp W/ IDENTITY Column

Nov 11, 1998

How does one bcp data INTO a MS SQL Server table that includes an IDENTITY column from a text file that does NOT include a value for the IDENTITY column? Surely, this must be a common process?

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