I am running merge replication (SQL 2000 with SP2) with an anonymous pull subscription. The application vendor has come out with update that requires adding a table to a database. The vendor has created scripts that will add the table, as well as some stored procedures. If I apply the scripts to both servers and add the table as a new article to the publication, am I going to have to apply a snapshot of the entire database (which is very large)?
I have added a new table to a database (existing publication) using T-SQL, I then opened up publisher properties, and ticked the new table/article so that it would be added to the subscriber. It did not show up.
I did not use a snapshot to initialize the subscription.
Immediate Synch is 0. allow_anonymous is 0.
I mark the subscription to be reinitialized. When I start the snapshot agent I get '0% A snapshot was not generated because no subscriptions needed initialization'.
What could I be doing wrong, or missed out? Do I need to drop and recreate the subscription to get the article to show up?
First of all; My Oracle publication works fine when I don't explicit specify the shema_option parameter for the articles I'm adding to the publication. The reason why I then want to explicit specify the parameter is as following.
I'm developing a replication solution to get data from our production server (Oracle) to our Data Warehouse (SQL Server). The SQL Server (and the Data Warehouse code) uses the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation. When I don't explicit specify the schema_option, the nvarchar columns of the replicated tables are created using the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS collation and this results in some comparison errors, when for instance a select statement is trying to compare two nvarchar strings using different collations.
I've tried to specify the schema_option parameter as "@schema_option = 0x80" (Replicates primary key constraints.) to avoid the use of the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS collation when creating the destination tables - I'm not sure it's enough? No matter what, I'm getting an error when I'm doing it (see below).
Message 2006-07-13 12:00:15.529 Applied script 'ITEMTRANSLATION_2.sch' 2006-07-13 12:00:15.544 Bulk copying data into table 'ITEMTRANSLATION' 2006-07-13 12:00:15.544 Agent message code 20037. The process could not bulk copy into table '"ITEMTRANSLATION"'. 2006-07-13 12:00:15.591 Category:NULL Source: Microsoft SQL Native Client Number: 208 Message: Invalid object name 'ITEMTRANSLATION'. 2006-07-13 12:00:15.591 Category:NULL Source: Number: 20253
The questions are now whether I actually have a schema_option alternative for Oracle Publishing? If so, what is the solution, and eventually how can I avoid the error stated above?
If I'm not able to avoid the article columns getting created with the "wrong" collation, is there then any other obviously solution to the problem?
I am trying to set up a merge replication between SQL 2005 and SQL Express. When I try to apply the snapshot to the SQL Express database. I get the error "Can not access filepathSnapshot.pre due to error OS 3"
Does anyone know what OS error 3 applies to?
Also, when I try to place the snapshop in the default folder location say D:ReplicationData the create snapshot process will work. If I try to place the snapshot folder not in the default and in a UNC like this \serverIPReplicationData I get an access error. sqlAgent has access to the share, which is fully shared out. Any ideas?
I'm in trouble again. I want to make merge replication between SS 2000 Enterprise and SS 2005 Express edition. 2000 will be publisher, 2005 will be subscriber. In addition I want to use push subsription at 2000 side, very last thing is it will be download only (I know how to make a merge rep. downloadonly, thanks god!). That's all I want to do.
I made a little search, it seems what I want can't be done automatically, using SMO or scripts is suggested. In one of other forums I saw "distibuter>=publisher>=subsriber" (refering sql server versions). Is it an incontestable truth that I cannot make SS 2000 a publisher where SS 2005 Express is subscriber?
How can I achieve my goal, isn't there anyway to make 2000 publisher for merge replication while a 2005 Express is subscriber?
I'll start off by saying these questions were submitted to Microsoft and no one can give us an answer without them doing a source code review. Their response was "these are internal BCP scripts that are used by SQL"....yes, I know that....that doesn't help to explain why the system created them. At this point, I don't want my compary to pay support hours for Microsoft personnel to learn what their software does. -------------------- We've had merge publication in place for several years.
Last year, we added some tables/articles to publications.
After the upgrade from SQL Server 2000 SP4 Standard to SQL Server 2005 SP2 Standard, when the snapshot was run, the system created some new files that had never existed before. Also, and more importantly, these files were only created for the articles added after the initial snapshot was created. Articles existing in the intial snapshot did not have these type of files created.
Examples of these files for a SA_MOVE table that was added to an existing publication:
The system wanted to apply these files before it would start synchronizing data so they had to be delivered to the subscriber. It appears it was the sysmergesubsetfilters_ files that it wanted to apply. These are all 0 in size and we do not have filter on(at least not as far as I know...see the addmergearticle code below).
New databases created this year that had all of the articles defined in the publication before the initial snapshot was taken did not get these additional files created, nor did the system want to try to send files to the subscriber before syncrhonization could begin.
This is an example of how an article had been cretead under SQL Server 2000 when adding a new database, before an initial snapshot is run:
We have a client that has a large (5Gb) database replicated to 13 subscribers, the publisher is Sql 2005, the subscribers are Sql Express. The publication has as few filtered articles too. I have found that after several months of continuous running Replication Monitor is taking a long time to report history on each subscriber.
Do people tend to rebuild the indexes on the system merge replication tables on production servers, or should the standard replication jobs take care of this?
We have had Merge Replication working for the past few months (SQL 2005 to SQL Mobile) and suddenly today the replication URL that points to the SqlCESA30.DLL does not work. I have tried re-running the SQL Mobile virtual folder wizard a few times....resetting IIS and even a re-boot...and still the URL is not available.
Is there anything that might provide some clue as to why this has unexpectedly failed?
Hi, I disabled a merge publication on my server. I then ran sp_removedbreplication to clean the system tables. Thats fine. When I recreate a new publication on my server now, I still get the red x on my publisher node in my replcation monitor from the error I was getting before. Evenm though this publication is error free. Is it saving an srror flag in one of the sytem tabbles
I got the last two from Microsoft KB article 324401. The subscription was never created because it gave another error invalid object_name msmerge_subscriptions. I can create new publications but not drop the existing ones.
In the step of creating a merge publication, as I noticed, the snapshot agent is started sucessfully. But very soon later (few seconds), it was shut down with an error message. I checked in the error history, the following message I found:
"... The replication agent encountered a failure. The step failed"
I also went to msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps and found "Detected nonlogged agent shutdown".
I am having a problem with merge replication after recreating a publication. It is a simple two-way replication between two servers allowing applications to update data at both ends, i.e. 1 publisher, 1 subscriber for all tables except some junk ones. The problem started after I did the following:
1) I dropped and recreated the publication to allow for some changes to the database schema. These caused problems so I dropped the subscription and publication and restored the databases at each end from backups taken before we started.
2) When I created the publication again, it wouldn't let me use the same name as it thought the publication already existed. It let me use a different name instead.
3) Most things work OK but one of the tables is not replicating inserts from the subscriber to the publisher. There are no errors and no conflicts, other similar tables replicate OK. Inserts go across the other way OK.
4) I am getting replication conflicts on another table that says 'Unable to synchronize the row because the row was updated by a different process outside of replication'
I believe the problem is to do with the original publication details still being in the restored databases, so am looking to drop the publication & subscription, remove the remnants of the old publication, fix the data and recreate pub & sub. What do I need to do to get rid of the old replication data in the database?
I've got the following problem: Our product is delivered with SQL2000 and SQL2005.
Now, there are some schema changes, which I'd like to deploy with T-SQL on the publishers. With SQL2000 I do it with the sp_addmergecolumn etc and on SQL 2005 (if replication compatibility level is 90) with replication of DDL. So far so good.
But how can my T-SQL Script determine, wether the replication of DDL is on? I know there exists sp_helpmergepublication, but how do I get the column replicate_ddl of the result-set?
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
This article cannot use the 'subscriber_upload_options' feature because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication 'testMR' to '90RTM'. Changed database context to 'test'. Publication 'testMR' has the following property: 'compensate_for_errors'. SQL Server subscribers below version '8.00.0858' will ignore this setting. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21522)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1399&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=21522&LinkId=20476
I have a merge publisher with Snapshot agent for that scheduled to run everyday morning, This was runnning till yesterday. But it is not running today and giving the below error.
Can anyone help me out to solve this error? This is occuring in production environment, i really need a solution as fast as possible.
Error messages: � Message: Failed to read column data Stack: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServer.NativeBcpOutProvider.ThrowNativeBcpOutException(CConnection* pNativeConnectionWrapper) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServer.NativeBcpOutProvider.BcpOut(String strBcpObjectName, String strBcpObjectOwner, String strBaseBcpObjectName, Boolean fUnicodeConversion, String strDataFile, String strLoadOrderingHint, String strWhereClause) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServer.NativeBcpOutProvider.BcpOut(String strBcpObjectName, String strBcpObjectOwner, String strBaseBcpObjectName, Boolean fUnicodeConversion, String strDataFile, String strLoadOrderingHint) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServer.NativeBcpOutProvider.BcpOut(String strBcpObjectName, String strBcpObjectOwner, String strDataFile) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeContentsBcpOutWorkItem.DoWork(MergeSnapshotProvider snapshotProvider, IBcpOutProvider bcpOutProvider) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeContentsBcpOutThreadProvider.DoWork(WorkItem workItem) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.WorkerThread.NonExceptionBasedAgentThreadProc() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.WorkerThread.AgentThreadProc() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.BaseAgentThread.AgentThreadProcWrapper() (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 0) Get help: http://help/0 � Message: Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe. Stack: (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 233) Get help: http://help/233 � Message: Communication link failure Stack: (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 233) Get help: http://help/233 � Message: Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe. Stack: (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 233) Get help: http://help/233 Message: Communication link failure Stack: (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 233)
Hello.I am trying to use Transact SQL to prepare publication for replication (SQL Server 2000 SP4 and SQL Mobile). I can easily create publication, add filters etc. but there is one thing which I can't find : parameter which tells me subscriber type and allow me to change subscriber type for publication. I don't know where I can change (or even if I can change) this property. If someone made publication for mobile devices and replication with filters,resolvers etc. will it be a problem to share experiences here? Maybe some sample code with script or something what will guide me. Thanks in advance. Maciej Wysocki
Has anyone had problems with this limitation before or could explain to me what the purpose of this limit is for? It obviously does allow you to publish more than 246 (we have been publishing more than 700 for years). Is this new with SQL 2005? Is my publication going to stop one day and tell me there are too many articles?
I'm trying to setup merge replication and get the following error from the snapshot agent after I've finished the 'New Publication Wizard'. This doesn't make sense to me as it is an automatic process. Also, it looks like it is complaining about a 'dbo.MSmerge_cont...' view which is a view created automatically for the merge publication.
ERROR MESSAGE: The identifier that starts with '<EVENT_INSTANCE><EventType>CREATE_VIEW</EventType><PostTime>2006-11-09T09:56:48.390</PostTime><SPID>152</SPID><ServerName>XF4SWC' is too long. Maximum length is 128.
FULL DETAILS: Message: The identifier that starts with '<EVENT_INSTANCE><EventType>CREATE_VIEW</EventType><PostTime>2006-11-09T09:56:48.390</PostTime><SPID>152</SPID><ServerName>XF4SWC' is too long. Maximum length is 128. Command Text: IF OBJECT_ID(N'[<EVENT_INSTANCE><EventType>CREATE_VIEW</EventType><PostTime>2006-11-09T09:56:48.390</PostTime><SPID>152</SPID><ServerName>XF4SWCS464</ServerName><LoginName>NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM</LoginName><UserName>dbo</UserName><DatabaseName>liport2_gts</DatabaseName><SchemaName>dbo</SchemaName><ObjectName>MSmerge_contAE2EB588ABFA4C13825D4D44CB2D50CB_90</ObjectName><ObjectType>VIEW</ObjectType><TSQLCommand><SetOptions ANSI_NULLS="OFF" ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT="ON" ANSI_PADDING="ON" QUOTED_IDENTIFIER="ON" ENCRYPTED="FALSE" /><CommandText>create view dbo.MSmerge_contAE2EB588ABFA4C13825D4D44CB2D50CB_90 as select * from MSmerge_contents where 1 = 2</CommandText></TSQLCommand></EVENT_INSTANCE>]', 'V') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW [<EVENT_INSTANCE><EventType>CREATE_VIEW</EventType><PostTime>2006-11-09T09:56:48.390</PostTime><SPID>152</SPID><ServerName>XF4SWCS464</ServerName><LoginName>NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM</LoginName><UserName>dbo</UserName><DatabaseName>liport2_gts</DatabaseName><SchemaName>dbo</SchemaName><ObjectName>MSmerge_contAE2EB588ABFA4C13825D4D44CB2D50CB_90</ObjectName><ObjectType>VIEW</ObjectType><TSQLCommand><SetOptions ANSI_NULLS="OFF" ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT="ON" ANSI_PADDING="ON" QUOTED_IDENTIFIER="ON" ENCRYPTED="FALSE" /><CommandText>create view dbo.MSmerge_contAE2EB588ABFA4C13825D4D44CB2D50CB_90 as select * from MSmerge_contents where 1 = 2</CommandText></TSQLCommand></EVENT_INSTANCE>] Parameters: Stack: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ReMapSqlException(SqlException e, SqlCommand command) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.AgentExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand command, Int32 queryTimeout) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteDiscardResults(CommandSetupDelegate commandSetupDelegate, Int32 queryTimeout) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteAdHocQueryDiscardResults(String strQuery, SqlConnection connection) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.GenerateSystemTableBcpFiles() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.DoPostArticleFilesGenerationProcessing() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.GenerateSnapshot() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.SnapshotGenerationAgent.InternalRun() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.Run() (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 103) Get help: http://help/103 Server XF4SWCS464, Level 15, State 4, Procedure , Line 1 The identifier that starts with '<EVENT_INSTANCE><EventType>CREATE_VIEW</EventType><PostTime>2006-11-09T09:56:48.390</PostTime><SPID>152</SPID><ServerName>XF4SWC' is too long. Maximum length is 128. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 103) Get help: http://help/103
I know that adding a column using ALTER TABLE to add a column automatically allows SQLSERVER 2005 to replicate the schema changes to the subscribers, however, I would like to add a new column to an existing article that is being used for merge replication, however, I don't want this column to be replicated. Re-initialising the subscriptions is not a option. Help would be appreciated.
Hi, everyone, I am new in SQL server 2005. I had setup SQL server 2005 P2P replication. Somehow it did not work one of two way replication. I tried to delete the publication. However I could not do it. have the same problem. When I tried to delete the publication, I got the publication " " does not exist.[SQL server error: 20026]. I tried to use sp_droppublication, it gave me error "the database is not enabled for publication". Nevertheless, I can see the publication in MS SQL Management Studio and Publication monitor with OK status. I could not find the distribution database either.
Could you anyone has ideas to delete this publication? I am sorry I am not a programmer. Please give me more detail explanation if you can. Thanks.
When I using Create Publication Wizard for database 'MY DATABASE', and setup 'MY SERVER' as the Distributor, then I get a message:
SQLServer Agent on 'MY SERVER' current uses a system acount, which cause replication between servers to fail. In the following dialog, specify a domain account for the Service startup account.
I don't understand this message (current in SQL Server Agent properties, tab Service startup account using System account)? Anyone can explain to me?
The problem case for transactional replication in MS SQL 7.0 is as follows: Server A (intended publisher) Server B (distributor, intended subscriber)
When configuring replication, the distributor (B) can be configured easily; the publisher (A) that uses B as its distributor will not allow for a publication to be created using either the Enterprise Manager wizards or TSQL commands. The error '627: Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction' occurs when creating the publication.
Is it safe to change 'max text repl size (B)' on a live system while it is running with users and services running?? I'm using SQL Server 7.0 running on Windows 2000.
one week ago, for testing purpose, I set up trans repl, trans repl with updateable, snapshot repl using the same instance.
configuration is like this,
publisher and distributor are on the same server, 2 remote subscribers, one is 2000, the other is 2005.
It works OK, today I am trying to disable the replicaiton, clean up the machine. keep getting the errors:
an exception occurred while executing a T-SQL statement or batch only replicaiton jobs,or job schedules can be added, modified,dropped or viewed through replicaiton SPs could not update the distribution database subscription table, the subscription status could not be changed. changed database context to 'master',(MSSQL SERVER error 22538)
Hi All, We are using SQL2000 servers with transact replication to a warmstand-by server. We are seeing the following error from the Log readeragents.Does anyone have any insight on this error?The process could not execute 'sp_MSadd_repl_commands27hp'TIA Scott B.
Hi, We're running a replicationprocess for months now, and 2 days ago it broke down, for no appearant reason I can detect. The setup is this: A SQL2K server has a publication defined on a database, consisting of several dozen tables. It is a transactional publication, running continuously. There is 1 subscriber, a SQL2005. Both servers run with Win2003 and all have the latest servicepacks. Up until 2 days ago there was hardly a problem. Then I received errormessages on being unable to load into a specific table. That table had been changed on that day, namely, 1 column was changed from CHAR(13) to CHAR(12). I do not know if this has any relation with the problem we experience. Currently the databases are structural the same. I could not get the replicationprocess to work and deleted all, publication on server1 and subscription on server2. I tried to setup a new transactional publication, which is not a problem, however, I cannot create a succesful subscription. I receive the message:
The process could not bulkcopy into table 'Tablename', where tablename is the changed table...
Again, both tables in publisher and subscruiber are the same in all respects. When I remove the offending table from the publication, the same message now with another tablename... Removing this table will result in again this message with another tablename...
I am really flabbergasted. Any idea where to look at?
We have VLDBs running on a SQL 2005 server. Some users have questioned speed and response times. When I investigated the server (W2K3) using the perfomrance monitor, I noticed an interesting questionabel result. The Repl. Pending Xacts showed 44,000,000 transactions waiting to be delived to the distribution databse. Problem is - we do not have replication tunred on on any of the db's on the box. In my research, I have not noticed anyone with a similiar issue. Does this amount of transaction take up space, or is it simply a counter that I don't have to be worried about?
one week ago, for testing purpose, I set up trans repl, trans repl with updateable, snapshot repl using the same instance.
configuration is like this,
publisher and distributor are on the same server, 2 remote subscribers, one is 2000, the other is 2005.
It works OK, today I am trying to disable the replicaiton, clean up the machine. keep getting the errors:
an exception occurred while executing a T-SQL statement or batch only replicaiton jobs,or job schedules can be added, modified,dropped or viewed through replicaiton SPs could not update the distribution database subscription table, the subscription status could not be changed. changed database context to 'master',(MSSQL SERVER error 22538)
I am setting up a combination of transactional and merge replicationon a very large database and do not want to apply the initial snapshotsince this would take to long. I am doing this with scripts that werepreviosly created when the database was not this big. I want to copythe publisher DB over to the Subscriber Server. Can I use theparameter @sync_type to 'none' when running the sp_addsubscription?Does anyone have any experience in doing this?Thanks in Advance for any help on this.Alan
I've been able to startup a transactional replication between 2 database for some tables that only have different table names. Now there are still some tables that not only have different names but also different column names, can this be done in the wizzard ??