Add Other Table Fields To An Existing ROW_NUMBER Partition By Select Query

Feb 5, 2008

I have the following insert query which works great. The purpose of this query was to flatten out the Diagnosis codes (ex: SecDx1, SecDx2, etc.) [DX_Code field] in a table.

Code Snippet
INSERT INTO reports.Cardiology_Age55_Gender_ACUTEMI_ICD9
SecDX1 = [1],
SecDX2 = [2],
SecDX3 = [3],
SecDX4 = [4],
SecDX5 = [5],
SecDX6 = [6],
SecDX7 = [7],
SecDX8 = [8],
SecDX9 = [9],
SecDX10 = [10],
SecDX11 = [11],
SecDX12 = [12],
SecDX13 = [13],
SecDX14 = [14],
SecDX15 = [15]
Episode_Key, DX_Key,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Episode_Key ORDER BY DX_Key ) AS 'RowNumber', DX_Code
FROM srm.cdmab_dx_other
WHERE Episode_key is not null
) data
( max( DX_Code ) FOR RowNumber IN ( [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6],
[7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15] )) pvt
ORDER BY Episode_Key

The query below also works fine by itself. You may notice that the Episode_Key field appears in both the query above and below therefore providing a primary key / foreign key relationship. The srm.cdmab_dx_other table also appears in both queries. I would like to add the fields in the select statement below to the select statement above. Using the relationships in my FROM statements, can anyone help me figure this one out?

Code Snippet
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_lname)) + ', ' ,'')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_fname)) + ' ' ,'')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_mname)) + ' ','')
Isnull(ltrim(rtrim(p.patient_sname)), '') AS PatientName,
CONVERT(CHAR(50), e.admission_date, 112) as Admit_Date,
CONVERT(CHAR(50), e.episode_date, 112) as Disch_Date,
e.episode_type as VisitTypeCode,
convert(int, pm.PatientAge) as PatientAge,
FROM srm.episodes e inner join
srm.cdmab_dx_other dxo on dxo.episode_key=e.episode_key inner join
srm.cdmab_base_info cbi on cbi.episode_key=e.episode_key inner join
srm.item_header ih on ih.item_key = e.episode_key inner join
srm.patients p on p.patient_key = ih.logical_parent_key inner join
ampfm.dct_VisitType d on d.VisitTypeCode=e.episode_type inner join
dbo.PtMstr pm on pm.AccountNumber = e.Account_Number

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Transact SQL :: Apply Partition Scheme To Existing Table In Query Windows

Jun 9, 2015

I have a non-partitioned table (TableToPartition) and I want to apply an existing partition scheme (PartSch) to it using a query. I didn't find any option so I used the StorageCreate Partition wizard to generate the script.why this clustering magic needed if it is dropped at the end? Isn't there another way without indexing to partition a table, say something with ALTER TABLE? (SQL Server 2012)

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [ClusteredIndex_on_PartSch_635694324610495157] ON [dbo].[TableToPartition]
DROP INDEX [ClusteredIndex_on_PartSch_635694324610495157] ON [dbo].[TableToPartition]

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Existing Table Gets A New Partition

Feb 13, 2008

How do you alter the table to use the new partition (I know ALTER TABLE is in there but BOL doesn't give a valid example with the move option)? I can create the partition but I want to apply it to an existing table with no partition?

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T-SQL For Add Existing Table To The Partition Scheme

Sep 4, 2007

Hi ,

I had a table which is going to burst, and of course performance issue is come in to place. and now we thinking to apply to partition method into this table.

So is that possible to create a partition scheme and against the existing table? and how is the T-SQL statement will be look like.

Thanks for anyone for giving some clue...

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How To Change An Existing Table From A Filegroup To A Partition

May 21, 2008

I've create a partition function and a partion scheme for my database.
Now I would like to change an existing table to use these partition.
The table is replicated.
How can I do this?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Create Partition On Existing Table?

Mar 4, 2015

Can we create the Partition on Existing Table?e.g Create table t ( col1 number(10,0), Col2 Varchar(10)) ;After the table Creation can we alter the table to partition the table.

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How To Attach The Existing Table To New Partition Function/scheme?

May 26, 2008

Normally we create a new table for tabler partitioning, like:

Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales]
[SalesID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[SalesDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[col_01] varchar(50) NULL,
[col_02] varchar(50) NULL,
) ON [ps_Sales](SalesDate)


PARTITION PFN_Sales TO ([FG_20080501], [FG_20080516], [FG_20080601], [FG_20080616],
[FG_20080701], [FG_20080716], [FG_20080801], [FG_20080816],
[FG_20080901], [FG_20080916], [FG_20081001], [FG_20081016])

But what if I have [dbo].[Sales] existed in db, that have attached to [PRIMARY]?

Alter table?

or I need to create a temp table first?

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SQL 2012 :: Partition Existing Table On Foreign Key (datetime) Column?

May 28, 2015

Is it possible to partition an existing table on a foreign key (datetime) column? Also would partition switching work?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Partition Existing Table And Archive One Of The Partitions

Jun 22, 2015

I have some table that need to be partitioned and archive one of the partitions.

I did this in Oracle several years ago but not in SQL Server.

I'm looking for a basic example on how to do this.

I know the basic steps but the examples that I found on the Web were not quite what I'm looking for.

Partition an existing SQL Server Table

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Updating Existing Table With Max (value) And Row Number (partition By 2 Columns)

Sep 15, 2015

I have 3 columns. I would like to update a table based on job_cd and permit_nbr column. if we have same job_cd and permit_nbr, reference number should be same else it should take max(reference number) from the table +1 for all rows where reference_nbr column is null

ABC1 990 100002
ABC1 990 100002

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Retrieving Unique Fields From Table Into Existing Dataset

Jun 18, 2008

I am working on creating a report which is retrieving data from a SQL 2005 database and being displayed in a web page.  Presently, I am binding the dataset to a ASP:Gridview on the web page.
I am currently retrieving most of the needed fields using the following SQL statement:PROCEDURE [dbo].[pr_getReportTickets]  @DateCreated nvarchar(15) ASBEGIN
 -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
    -- Insert statements for procedure hereSELECT     tbl_Queue.num_TicketNumber AS TicketID , tbl_Users.str_Name AS Technician , tbl_Queue.str_QueueLocator AS TechNTID , tbl_Queue.dat_ReceivedRequest AS dateCreated , tbl_Queue.dat_DueDate AS DueDate , tbl_Queue.str_TaskName AS TicketTitle , tbl_Queue.str_Requestor AS RequestorNTID --, I need most current dat_TimeStamp from tbl_Notes here for this record --, I need most current int_PercentComplete from tbl_Notes here for this record --, I need to sum up all of int_MinutesWorked fields from tbl_Notes here for this record , MasterEmp.dbo.fn_FormatFullName(tbl_employee.str_fname, tbl_employee.str_lname) AS RequestorName , tbl_Queue.str_TicketType AS TicketType , tbl_Status.str_TaskStatus AS TicketStatus , tbl_Severity.str_Priority , tbl_Complexity.str_Complexity , tbl_Severity.str_Priority + N' / ' + tbl_Complexity.str_Complexity AS Priority , tbl_Queue.dat_CompleteDate as DateCompleted 
FROM          dbo.tbl_Queue LEFT OUTER JOIN MasterEmp.dbo.tbl_employee AS tbl_employee ON dbo.tbl_Queue.str_Requestor = tbl_employee.str_ntid LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Users ON  tbl_Queue.str_QueueLocator = tbl_Users.str_ntid LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Status ON  tbl_Queue.num_Status_CD = tbl_Status.num_Status_CD LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Severity  ON tbl_Queue.str_Severity = tbl_Severity.str_Severity LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Complexity  ON  tbl_Queue.int_ComplexID = tbl_Complexity.int_ComplexID
WHERE      (dbo.tbl_Queue.dat_ReceivedRequest > CONVERT(DATETIME, @DateCreated, 102))   
 ORDER BY     TicketType,     tbl_Queue.str_Severity
I also have another table called tbl_Notes.  This table contains an unlimited quantity of records for every “num_TicketNumberâ€?.  This table contains the following fields:  num_TicketNumber, str_TechRep, str_Notes, dat_TimeStamp, int_PercentComplete and int_MinutesWorked
I need to add two more fields to the query, but I do not know how to tell the SQL statement how to retrieve the data for the specfic record and inbed the fields into the Dataset being returned from the database to the web page.1) The first field I need is the most current recorded Date field from the tbl_Notes table for the each of the records returned in the above SQL statement.  Similar to:  SELECT TOP (1) dat_TimeStamp FROM tbl_Notes WHERE(num_TicketNumber = xxxx) ORDER BY dat_TimeStamp DESC2) The other field I need to return with the Dataset is the sum of the int_MinutesWorked for each of the tickets being retrieved. Similar to:  SELECT SUM(int_MinutesWorked) AS TotalMinutesFROM tbl_Notes WHERE (num_TicketNumber = 49)

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SQL 2012 :: How To Add New Filegroup To Existing Partition Scheme

Jul 10, 2014

How to add some more ranges to existing partition schema and function?

Already My table partitioned on date ranges,

6 partitions , each partition contains 6 moths data, so total data is 3 years.

i.e. 1 partition data- from jan2012 to Jun2012
2 partition data- from july2012 to dec2012
3 partition data- from jan2013 to Jun2013
4 partition data- from july2013 to dec2013
5 partition data- from jan2014 to Jun2014
6 partition data- from july2014 to dec2014
After Jan2015 data will go to Primary file group(Default)

Now customer wants to add two more file groups with these partitions ranges, i.e. jan2015 to jun15 and Jul15 to dec15.

File group and ndf file adding is OK, But

how to alter partition scheme and partition function with these additional ranges to existing partition function and scheme?

partitioned table size is 200 GB.

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Select Date Only Existing In One Table From 3

Dec 13, 2004

Hi the subject matter pretty much sums up what i need, a piece of sql code that queries 3 or more tables and selects only those records that have a date field that only occurs in one of the tables. So for example if one table has 20 records with a date of 12/12/04 and the other 2 tables do not have any records with a date of 12/12/04 then i only want to select those records with a date of 12/12/04.

Thanks in advance for the help

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Updating Values During SELECT Using CTE And Row_Number()

Sep 19, 2007

I'm very new to stored procedures and I've been searching on google to find a way to custom page my results using SQL Server 2005. I'm trying to use Row_Number() and a CTE to keep things efficient and scaleable but I keep getting an error next to my UPDATE statement.
I get the following error: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'UPDATE'."
The sproc works without the UPDATE statement. Does anyone know where I need to put the UPDATE statement to update the "searched" field for each record selected?
CREATE PROCEDURE [zk_update_request_england](@property_type     tinyint,@market_status     tinyint,@price             int,@bedrooms          tinyint,@search_location   varchar(30),@search_district   varchar(30),@PageSize   int,@PageIndex  int)
WITH SearchResults AS(
   UPDATE dbo.zk_request_england   SET    searched = searched + 1   WHERE  property_type = @property_type   AND    market_status = @market_status   AND    bedrooms = @bedrooms   AND    search_location = @search_location   AND    search_district = @search_district   AND    min_price <= @price   AND    max_price >= @price 
   SELECT user_id,          min_price,          max_price,          property_description,          searched,          ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY max_price DESC) AS RowNumber   FROM   dbo.zk_request_england   WHERE  property_type = @property_type   AND    market_status = @market_status   AND    bedrooms = @bedrooms   AND    search_location = @search_location   AND    search_district = @search_district   AND    min_price <= @price   AND    max_price >= @price
   SELECT user_id,          min_price,          max_price,          property_description   FROM   SearchResults    WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN (@PageIndex - 1) * @PageSize + 1 and @PageIndex*@PageSize
Thanks in advance for any help.

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Select Row_Number() Giving Me An Error

Jun 9, 2008

here it is:
SELECT * FROM (    SELECT        ROW_NUMBER() Over (Order By LastActivity ASC) As rn        UserName)    FROM aspnet_usersWhere rn = 1
it's saying: "Incorrect syntax near UserName"
all column/table names are correct

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Select Multiple Rows Of Data Not From Any Pre-existing Table

Apr 29, 2008

I know that this is legal sql: "SELECT 1 AS Blah"
I want to do something like this except for I need to select multiple rows each with a different value for Blah. The query needs to be legal to be passed to the SqlCommand.ExecuteReader Method. Is this possible?

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Row_number Selecting From A Complex Select Statement

Sep 3, 2007


Code Snippet

This is difficult to explain in words, but the following code outlines what I am trying to do:

with myTableWithRowNum as
select 'row' = row_number() over (order by insertdate desc), myValue
select table1Id As myValue from myTable1
select table2Id As myValue from myTable2

select * from myTableWithRowNum
Can anyone think of a work around so that I can use the Row_Number function where the data is coming from a union?

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Can&#39;t Query More Than 15 Fields In A Select Statement

Jul 14, 1999

An ADODB error spawn everytime I query more than 15 fields in a specific SQL Table. My sql statement is something like this:

set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") "select * from mytbl",application("mycon"),1,3

And the error is something like this:

"you can't query more than the maximum field "

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Faster Query - Select By One Or Multiple Fields

Feb 1, 2008

Let's say I have a table of users.
Let's imagine there's two fields:
username (PK),

Now I need to authenticate a user against this table. What is the recommended approach? Is it better / faster to
(1) SELECT * FROM [User]
WHERE username = 'whatever' AND password='whatever'
(2) SELECT * FROM [User]
WHERE username = 'whatever'
and then in my code check that the record returned matched the password?

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ROW_NUMBER() Function Is Not Recognized In Store Procedure.(how To Add ROW_NUMBER() Function Into SQL SERVER 2005 DataBase Library )

Feb 4, 2008

Can anybody know ,how can we add  builtin functions(ROW_NUMBER()) of Sql Server 2005  into database library.
I get this error when i used into storeprocedure :
ROW_NUMBER() function is not recognized in store procedure.
i used MS SQL SERVER 2005 , so i think "ROW_FUNCTION()" is not in MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library.
I need to add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library.
Can anbody know how we can add that function into MS SQL SERVER 2005 database library?

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How To Select Multiple Fields From A Joined Table

Mar 11, 2008

I have two tables - products and productpropertyvalue

I need to select multiple fields from the productpropertyvalue as it corresponds to the product id. The script I am using is

select, a.productname, a.siteprice,

from product a, productpropertyvalue b

where = b.productid and propertyid=590

This allows me to extract only 1 propertyid. I need to make it add 3 other columns for propertyid=589, 617, 615

Any help solving this problem would be appreciated - thanx!


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Page 2 - How To Select Multiple Fields From A Joined Table

Mar 11, 2008


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Declaring A Table Variable Within A Select Table Joined To Other Select Tables In Query

Oct 15, 2007


I hope someone can answer this, I'm not even sure where to start looking for documentation on this. The SQL query I'm referencing is included at the bottom of this post.

I have a query with 3 select statements joined together like tables. It works great, except for the fact that I need to declare a variable and make it a table within two of those 3. The example is below. You'll see that I have three select statements made into tables A, B, and C, and that table A has a variable @years, which is a table.

This works when I just run table A by itself, but when I execute the entire query, I get an error about the "declare" keyword, and then some other errors near the word "as" and the ")" character. These are some of those errors that I find pretty meaningless that just mean I've really thrown something off.

So, am I not allowed to declare a variable within these SELECT tables that I'm creating and joining?

Thanks in advance,

Select * from


declare @years table (years int);

insert into @years



WHEN month(getdate()) in (1) THEN year(getdate())-1

WHEN month(getdate()) in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) THEN year(getdate())




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) LastMonthBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) lasmosbillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-1


year(dm_date) = (select years from @years)

and tx.dm_billable = 1

group by u.fullname

) as A

left outer join



, sum(tx.Dm_Time) Billhours

, ((sum(tx.Dm_Time))


((day(getdate()) * ((5.0)/(7.0))) * 8)) perc


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


tx.Dm_Billable = '1'


month(tx.Dm_Date) = month(GetDate())


year(tx.Dm_Date) = year(GetDate())

group by u.fullname) as B


A.Fullname = B.Fullname

Left Outer Join




, sum(tx.Dm_Time) TwomosagoBillhours

, sum(tx.Dm_Time)/((select dm_billabledays from dm_billabledays where Dm_Month = Month(GetDate()))*8) twomosagobillingpercentage


Dm_TimeEntry tx


systemuserbase u


(tx.owninguser = u.systemuserid)


Month(tx.Dm_Date) = Month(getdate())-2

group by u.fullname

) as C


A.Fullname = C.Fullname

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Problem With WHERE On ROW_NUMBER When Using Nested Query

Sep 11, 2007


I am trying to limit a result set by ROW_NUMBER. However, I am having problems getting it working.

The following query works fine, and I get a result set with PollID, AddedDate and RowNum columns.


( SELECT DISTINCT p.PollID, p.AddedDate

FROM vw_vs_PollsWithVoteCount p

JOIN vs_PollOptions o ON p.PollID = o.PollID

) AS Results

However, as soon as I add a WHERE condition:


( SELECT DISTINCT p.PollID, p.AddedDate

FROM vw_vs_PollsWithVoteCount p

JOIN vs_PollOptions o ON p.PollID = o.PollID

) AS Results


The query fails with an ' Invalid column name 'RowNum' ' error.

I have tried using 'Results.RowNum' but I get the same problem.

I don't understand what the issue is. The result set has a column headed 'RowNum' so why can't I apply a WHERE clause to this column? I can apply WHERE to the PollID column, for example, with no problem.

Any help very much appreciated.


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Jul 5, 2006

Hi Champs,

I am trying to either UPDATE or add a new column with ROWNUMBER() OVER an column on a table


I know I can get Col3 right with an SELECT and ROWNUMBER() OVER, but how can I UPDATE the table with the result?

/Many thanks

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Table Fields Name Query

Aug 9, 2004

Hello all,

How can i write a sql statement that can give me the name of the fileds in a specified table.

Eg: if i have a table name "table1" , which has the fields "field1", "field2",........ How can i get these fields names using sql query.

any help.

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Non-existing Field In Fields Collection

Apr 11, 2007

I'm developing a report in RS 2000 that uses two datasets. The first dataset provides data to a drill-down report on the top part of the screen and the second small dataset provides some data for additional summary information on the bottom of the screen. I'm getting a runtime error "An unexpected error occurred in Report Processing. The expression referenced a non-existing field in the fields collection." Of course, I've edited every expression I can think of: text boxes, data grid, parameters, filters, drill-down lists... I think I've gone through every object on the report but I can't isolate the bad expression. Can anyone suggest a better way to debug this type of error? It compiles fine, but fails in runtime. thanks.

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Search Query Among All Fields In A Table

Jul 14, 2005

I apologize for the newbie sort of question, but I could not find an answer in an SQL book nor via Google.

I wish to search for a text string in ALL fields of a table. This will be used to provide a simple search box in a web application.

So far, the only method I've found to accomplish this is follows:

FROM Inventory
WHERE SerialNumber LIKE '%searchstring%' OR UserName LIKE '%searchstring%' OR Location LIKE '%searchstring%' ... etc

My goal is to accomplish something like the following. This, of course, does not execute properly since * can only be used following SELECT, but you can get an idea of the target behavior:

FROM Inventory
WHERE * LIKE '%searchstring%'

I'm using MSDE with Visual Basic .Net. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Thanks for all help,

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Update Fields Using Data In Existing Field?

Jan 15, 2015

I have a field where all of the data is 5 characters in length. The last character denotes a status and will always be an F, H, or T. I want to add a new field (which I will do manually) and populate the new field with the last character from the "old" field. Once that is complete, I want to eliminate that 5th character from the old field.



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Query To Search All Fields In Simple Table

Mar 1, 2006

I am trying to write a simple search page that will search all the fields in a database to find all records that match a user input string.  The string could happen anywhere in any of the fields.  I have a dataset and can write a query but am unsure what the format is for this simple task. I figured it would look like this:
SELECT Table.*
FROM Table
But thats not working.  Can someone help.?  Thanks..

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[How Do I...?] SELECT From A Specific Partition?

Oct 26, 2006

If I have a table split up among partitions A, B, C, how do I select only from partition C?


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Importing Data From Excel To Update Existing Fields

May 12, 2004

I have an excel file that contains column A with names of components and products followed by column B which has each respective quantity on hand. I want to import that data to our website's SQL database that has a products table with a column, Pf_ID, that has only product names not component names and In_Stock which contains out-dated information that I want updated from column B of the excel file.

I think I've figured out how to use DTS and update the two fields, but I'm afraid that when everything runs new entries will be created with component information. Is it possible to specify that only rows where Pf_ID matches some row in column A that same row's column B will be used to update the data in In_Stock. I may have just made things too confusing than they need to be, but I don't have much experience with EM or Excel.

I'm also considering trying to write a macro that will match Pf_IDs in an exported excel file of the products table and take rows out of the excel file with current quantity information putting them in a new excel file to import into the website's database.

Please help, this is getting really confusing.

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Transact SQL :: Create Unique ID Based On Existing Fields

Sep 1, 2015

I have the following table (Table does not have unique key id )

Last Name     First Name         DATE        Total-Chrg

Jaime               KRiSH           5/1/2015         -4150.66
Jaime               KRiSH           5/1/2015          1043.66
Jaime               KRiSH           5/1/2015          1043.66
Jaime               KRiSH           5/1/2015           4150.66
Jaime               KRiSH           5/3/2015           4150.66
Peter                Jason            5/1/2015           321.02
Peter                Jason            5/1/2015           321.02
Peter                Jason            5/23/2015         123.02

I want the results to be in following way

Uniq ID    Last Name    First Name          DATE         Total-Chrg

1                Jaime            KRiSH                 5/1/2015     -4150.66
2                Jaime            KRiSH                 5/1/2015     1043.66
2                Jaime            KRiSH                 5/1/2015     1043.66
3                Jaime            KRiSH                 5/1/2015      4150.66
4               Jaime             KRiSH                 5/3/2015      4150.66
5               Peter              Jason                5/1/2015       321.02
6               Peter              Jason                5/1/2015       321.02
7               Peter              Jason               5/23/2015     123.02

May be we may do by dense_rank or Row_Number, but I couldn't get the exact query to produce based on the above table values.  There are some duplicates in the table(which are not duplicates as per the Business). For those duplicated Unique ID should be same(Marked in Orange Color which are duplicates). 

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