Added Column To Article But DTS Isn't Recognizing It

Dec 9, 2002

We're replicating columns in a table from 7.0 server to SQL2k server. Once we've got the data on SQL2k, we were able to take advantage of DTS that was not available in version 7.0.

I recenlty added a column to the article and changed the DTS accordingly (transformation columns). However, I'm getting this error ever though I added the new column in the DTS.

The number of columns in the bcp file does not match what is defined in the DTS package. Regenerate the package.


I've recreated the package with no luck. This is becoming urgent as it's supposed to go into production soon.

Please help!!



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Positioning An Added Column...

Jan 28, 2004

how do I position a newly added column in the table?
the default is at the very end.

what would I have to add to this code:

ADD Model varchar(55)


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I Added A Column To A Table, But, I Can't See It.

May 15, 2007

I ran the code below that adds a column to an SQL table.

I refreshed Data Sources, but, the new column does not appear.

I refreshed Server Explorer and the new column does not appear.

I tried running the code again and I got:

"Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'CaseNbr' in table 'Patient' is specified more than once."

so the column did actually get added, but, I can't see it.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Dim sqlConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Patient.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")

Dim str As String = "ALTER TABLE Patient ADD CaseNbr Varchar(50)"

Dim command As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(str, sqlConnection)





'End Try


End Sub

End Class

View 5 Replies View Related

Is It Possible To Find Out When A Particular Column Was Added To A Table?

Nov 4, 2005

Is it possible to find out when a particular column was added to any table?


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How To Set Column Where Rows Will Be Added Alphabetically

Jun 12, 2015

I am using 2014 SQL Express. How I can get the rows By first column named agentname) in a table to be listed alphabetically?

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New Column Added In Subscriber Database Tables

Jun 24, 2008

Dear All,
i dont know the exact reson why, but i'm guessing the reason for each table had a new guid column is because of transactional replication with update subscribers. actually i dont need this.
can i change this to transactional replication? or i need to drop the column in each table? please guide me

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Added A Column To My SQL Database And Now Text Field Will Not Write To It. Why???

Aug 28, 2006

I have a web form that is an interface for a database.  The code was working fine until a field needed to be added.  So I added the new field, updated the data adapter and data set, and when i enter the data into the field, all of the old fields are getting updated, but the new ones aren't.  I am at wits end as to why.  Can someone please help!!! I am using VS Studio 2000 ASP.NET and C#.  The code is below.  The bold items are the new fields.using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;namespace TrafficDept{/// <summary>/// Summary description for AddOwner./// </summary>public class AddOwner : System.Web.UI.Page{protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator3;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox TextBox1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox TextBox2;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter daAddOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel namePanel;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerFName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerFName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button4;protected SiteCubed.EditWorksProfessional tbNote;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel notePanel;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddlStatus;protected PeterBlum.PetersDatePackage.DateTextBox tbRegDate;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator2;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator4;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbBusinessName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbAddress;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbRegNo;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPreviousOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPOwnerAddress;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPORegNo;protected PeterBlum.PetersDatePackage.DateTextBox tbTransferDate;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddlMeans;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button3;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button2;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlSelectCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlInsertCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlUpdateCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlDeleteCommand1;protected TrafficDept.dsAddOwner dsAddOwner1;  private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){// Put user code to initialize the page here}#region Web Form Designer generated codeprivate void Button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){Response.Redirect("AddOthers.aspx");}private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){daAddOwner.Fill(dsAddOwner1);dsAddOwner.OwnershipRow drOwner = dsAddOwner1.Ownership.NewOwnershipRow();drOwner.Plates_ID = int.Parse(Session["PlatesID"].ToString());drOwner.Status = ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Text;drOwner.Current_Legal_Owner = tbOwner.Text;drOwner.Owner_CurrentLegalOwnerMI = tbOwnerMI.Text.ToString();drOwner.Owner_CurrentLegalOwnerLName = tbOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_CurrentBusinessName = tbBusinessName.Text;if (!tbRegDate.xIsEmpty)drOwner.Date_of_Registration = DateTime.Parse(tbRegDate.Text.ToString());drOwner.Address_of_Current_Owner = tbAddress.Text;drOwner.Reg_No_for_Current_Owner = tbRegNo.Text;drOwner.Previous_Owner = tbPreviousOwner.Text;drOwner.Previous_Owner_Address = tbPOwnerAddress.Text;drOwner.Reg_No_for_Previous_Owner = tbPORegNo.Text;if (!tbTransferDate.xIsEmpty)drOwner.Date_of_Transfer = DateTime.Parse(tbTransferDate.Text.ToString());drOwner.By_Means_of = ddlMeans.SelectedItem.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerFName = tbSecondOwnerFName.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerMI = tbSecondOwnerMI.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerLName = tbSecondOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerFName = tbOtherOwnerFName.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerMI = tbOtherOwnerMI.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerLName = tbOtherOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_Notes = tbNote.Text;dsAddOwner1.Ownership.Rows.Add(drOwner);daAddOwner.Update(dsAddOwner1);Response.Redirect("AddOthersTP.aspx");}private void Button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){//daAddOwner.Fill(dsAddOwner1);//dsAddOwner.OwnershipRow drAddOwner = dsAddOwner1.Ownership.NewOwnershipRow();namePanel.Visible = true; }private void Button4_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){notePanel.Visible = true;}}}

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SQL 2012 :: Change Properties Of A Table Which Have Filestream When Column Added To It

Dec 6, 2014

I store files in db in sql server 2008 by filestream. But when a column would be added to table which have filestream, properties of table would be changed. by every things change on table, retrieve files will faced to error. but store process work probably.

and filestream filegroup at following address will be empty. why?

Right click on table --> properties --> storage --> filestream filegroup

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JPGs Added To Image Column Truncated At 1024 Bytes

Mar 26, 2007

I have a table in a SQL 2005 database that is designed to hold JPG product images for a website. Here is the schema:

create table dbo.Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages(
product_code varchar(12) not null,
image_order smallint not null,
colour_identifier varchar(10) not null,
image_data image not null,
constraint PK_Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages primary key clustered (

Product images are inserted into the table from a database on a remote SQL 2000 server. Here is the script that does that (uses dynamic SQL):

set @SQLCmd = '
set xact_abort on

begin transaction

delete Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages

insert Eur_RMISWebInterface_Staging_ProductImages (
exec "' + @RMISServerName + '".' + @RMISDatabaseName + '.dbo.Eur_RMISWebInterface_GetProductImagesForWeb ' + convert(varchar(3), @PortalID) + ', ' + @Locale_LCID + '

commit transaction'
execute (@SQLCmd)

About 500 images, each about 20KB, are transferred at a time. Here is the problem - when this script is run manually, all the images are inserted completely. When the script is run as part of a job (that has several other steps), the job step completes successfully and all the images are inserted, but every single one is truncated to the first 1024 bytes of the image. What this ends up looking like on the website is a a narrow strip of image instead of a complete image. Here are some other observations:

- When I changed the "Eur_RMISWebInterface_GetProductImagesForWeb" SP to only return 1 product image instead of 500 it still failed
- The owner of the job is the same Windows user as the user I have been running the script manually as
- I have tried changing the datatype of image_data from image to varbinary(max) but it made no difference

What could possibly be going on???

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How Do We Add A New Column To A Merge Replication Article, But Specify It As Not For Replication?

Aug 30, 2007

Hi all,

I know that adding a column using ALTER TABLE to add a column automatically allows SQLSERVER 2005 to replicate the schema changes to the subscribers, however, I would like to add a new column to an existing article that is being used for merge replication, however, I don't want this column to be replicated. Re-initialising the subscriptions is not a option. Help would be appreciated.

I am using SQLSERVER 2005 (SP1).

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SSIS Not Recognizing {CR}{LF}

Jan 29, 2007

Hi I am having a major problem with an SSIS package I am trying to write at the moment. The SSIS package is supposed to read a csv file and import it into a table. The issue I am having is that the file comes to me where the first 15 or so lines are terminated with a ,{CR}{LF}.



Then after the first 15 lines the row termination becomes a simple {CR}{LF}.


The problem I am having is that at row 16 SSIS fails to recognize the {CR}{LF} and starts merging rows together so that row 16 and 17 appear as one row, row 18 and 19 appear as one row and so forth. As far as I can determine is that it does not recognize the {CR}{LF} at the end of row 16 but then recognizes the {CR}{LF} at the end of row 17. It does not make any sense. I do have a script that runs prior to processing the file to remove unescaped quotes.

strInput = File.ReadAllText(strFilePath & "Project_Task.csv", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)

strInput = strInput.Replace(Chr(34) & Chr(34), "")

File.WriteAllText(strFilePath & "Project_Task.csv", strInput)

And I tried adding the following line to try and remove the ,{CR}{LF} and replace it with a simple {CR}{LF} but that just made matters worse and the merging of rows happened accross all the lines then.

strInput = strInput.Replace("," & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)

Using TextPad I looked at the original CSV file and determined that it was encoded in ASCII, I am at a loss as to why this is happening. If I open the file in excel it formats correctly, if I use SSIS the formating gets thrown off. The file is a simple .CSV with a text qualifier of " column delimeter of , and a row delimeter of {CR}{LF}.

Anyhelp would be appreciated.

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Excel Not Recognizing Numbers

Oct 31, 2013

I've got a SQL query returning data into MS Excel.

One of the columns returns numbers that I then have a SUMIF formula totalling.

However, when the numbers get to Excel, they are not recognised as numbers so my SUM doesn't work. Even if I format the cells as number, general or currency, the sum doesn't work.

Excel knows that there is something in the cell but doesn't treat it as a number in any way.

Can I include something in the SQL statement so that it forces the results to be a number?

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SQL Express Installer Not Recognizing IIS

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Express with Advanced Services on a Vista machine. For some reason the installed does not pick up that IIS is up and running. Any Ideas?

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SCD Not Recognizing Unchanged Rows

Apr 27, 2007

My dimension table has a column called AccountNumber varchar(20), which is the business key.

I use SCD task to manage TYPE 2 changes on a particular column.

However, the SCD component doesn;t seem to recognize the change on the column. The datatype of the column in the dimension table and the datatype of the input column is same.

The datatype for the business key , which is varchar(20) is also same as the input column business key.

However, when I ran SQL profiler to see what is going on, I found that the SELECT statement

that was issued with the business key in the WHERE clause has char(20) instead of varchar(20)

for the business key. So, for example if the account number in the dimension table is '1234',

the SELECT statement is checking for '1234 '.

I trimmed the incoming string but I still get the problem. Any help would be appreciated.


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Query Not Recognizing Inverted Comma

Nov 7, 2006

hi friends,

i am using a text box named comments in my jsp application...when i enter text with some wild characters ...for ex ' technology' (inverted coma)....and i press submit buttonthe page becomes blank....i am using mssql as database......datatype for comments is varchar.....
i don know where the problem lies
please help me to tackle the issue....
thanks in advance
Ganesh BS

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Recognizing IIS During SQL SERVER 2005 Install

Feb 5, 2008

I have installed and reinstalled SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS on my Vista Home Edition system a couple of times trying to get it to recognize IIS during setup.

Prior to installing SQL SERVER I have gone through the steps for turning on IIS and the checkboxes are all checked in the Control Panel| Programs section which shows IIS 7 and all its features are turned on.

I can open IIS and IIS Service Manager.

Yet when I install SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS and the setup checks for required features, IIS is never found - always has the yellow triangle symbol next it it.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on and what I can do about it?

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SQL ERROR Not Recognizing The Fully Qualified Table Name

Aug 8, 2007

 Why am im i getting this error I am trying to join four table from different INBTable.InBound_Calls, OUTTable.OutBound_Calls, INBTable.Line_Number as INLine_Number,
OUTTable.Line_Number as OUTLine_Number, INBTable.Hold_Time as INHold_Time,OUTTable.Hold_Time as OUTHold_Time, INBAbandonInfo.INAbandon_Calls as INBAbandon_Calls,
OUTAbandonInfo.OutAbandon_Calls as OUTAbandon_Callsfrom sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_Report20070807IN as INBTable
JOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_Report20070807OUT as OUTTableon INBTable.Line_Number = OUTTable.Line_Number
sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_GraphIN_INAbandon as INBAbandonInfoJOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_GraphIN_OutAbandon.Line_Number as OUTAbandonInfo
on INBAbandonInfo.Line_Number = OUTAbandonInfo.Line_Number
 My Error Message:
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 8
Line 8: Incorrect syntax near 'sql2'.

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Transact SQL :: Recognizing Month And Proportion In A Date Range

Oct 8, 2015

I need to recognize only one month in a date range e to make a proportion of the quantity. Practically, period 31-08-2015 - 30-09-2015 is 31 days, 1 belonging August and 30 belonging September so 3.2258% of the quantity must belong August and 96.7742% September. The quantity 200, so 193.54 belong September (That's what I need to achieve). Range 01-09-2015 / 30-09-2015 Qty 500, all 500 belong September.

Range 01-07-2015 / 20-08-2015 Qty 2500 0 belong September. A little bit more complicated if I got 25-06-2015 / 16-12-2015. it 30 day for September and with a datediff I can count the days and make a proportion. I can write piece by piece the code but I'd prefer of course to have only one query for this.

The DDL:
create table forum (idd int, byfrom date, byto date, qty int)
insert into forum values

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Flat File Connection Manager Throws Error When A Column Gets Added To The Flat File

Dec 27, 2006


I have a situation where a tab limited text file is used to populate a sql server table.

The tab limited text file comes from a third party vendor. There are fixed number of columns we need to export to the sql server table. However the third party may add colums in the text file. Whenenver the text file has an added column (which we dont need to import) the build fails since the flat file connection manager does not create the metadata for it again. The problem goes away  where I press the button "Reset Columns" since it builds the metadata then. Since we need to build the tables everyday we cannot automate it using SSIS because the metadata does not change automatically. Is there a way out in SSIS?

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Jan 9, 2004

Tech firms defend moving U.S. jobs overseas (

Any thoughts or comments?

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MS Kb Article 825019 And Beyond

Aug 8, 2006

I am experiencing the behaviour described in this kb article:;en-us;825019

but I am reliably informed that both the sql 2000 boxes which are linked have been patched to sp4.

Has anyone had any experience of this issue recurring post patching?

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How To Add New Article To Publication?

Dec 23, 2004

I'm use MSSQL2000 SP3 with replication.
I want to know that Can i add new article to existing publication by
Enterprice Manager ?

someone told me that we can do that in older version but not now,right? :confused:

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How To Ask A Question...(MS KB Article)

Feb 2, 2006

MS has post a KB article on how to post a question on a online forum...

At first I though this was hilarious, but there is actually some good information in here that is applicable on this forum as well as anywhere else. Perhaps Brett could add this as a sticky?



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Add New Article To The Publisher

Jun 19, 2008

Dear All,
i'm in the transactional replication environment. we need to add one new table to the publisher. it is sql server 2005 environment. please explain me the steps

and in another table, i need to change the data type of a table.

please guide me

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Article About Replication

Oct 31, 2007

i'm new to replication. i'm looking for a full article that explains Replication good, can u take a link to that article ?

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Sp_dropsubscription, Article

Sep 26, 2005

Hi There

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Unpublishing An Article

Mar 8, 2006


If I want to unpublish an article thru Enterprise Manager, it does not allow me to uncheck it at publication properties. It only allows me to uncheck articles if I delete the subscription first. Does anybody know how tp do this in Enterprise Manager without deleting the subscription?


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Same Article In Different Publications

Sep 23, 2005


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Compiler Is Not Recognizing My Using Statement For SglConnection Statement

Feb 4, 2006

I am using ASP.NET 2.0, and am attempting to write some code to connect to the database and query a data table. The compiler is not recognizing my SqlConnection statement. It does recognize other commands. And just to make sure, I created other sql objects such as ObjectDataSource and SqlDataSource. The compiler does not find a problem with that code.
Basically the compiler is telling me that I am missing a "using" directive. The compiler is wrong though, because I am including the statement "usingSystemData" Can someone please take a look at my code below and to see if you notice what the problem might be?  Note that I numbered the lines of code below. Note that I also tried putting lines 3 trhough 6 before line 2(The page directive) but that did not fix the problem The compiler still gives me the same compiler message.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request.Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SqlConnection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)Source Error:
Line 21: SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=password;database=master;");
1 <asp:sqldatasource runat="server"></asp:sqldatasource>
2 <%@ Page Language="C#"%>
3 using System;
4 using System.Data;
5 using System.Collections;
6 using System.Data.SqlClient;
8 <script runat=server>
10 protected void Page_Load(object o, EventArgs e)
11 {
12 ObjectDataSource dsa; // This works no problems from the compiler here
13 SqlDataSource ds; // This works no problems from the compiler
15 if (IsPostBack)
16 {
17 if (AuthenticateUser(txtUsername.Text,txtPassword.Text))
18 {
19 instructions.Text = "Congratulations, your authenticated!";
20 instructions.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
21 SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=password;database=master;");
22 String sqlStmt = "Select UserName from LogIn where UserName='" + txtUsername.Text + "' and password='" + sHashedPassword + "'";
23 }
24 else
25 {
26 instructions.Text = "Please try again!";
27 instructions.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
28 }
29 }
31 }
33 bool AuthenticateUser(string username, string password)
34 {
35 // Authentication code goes here
37 }

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Add Article To Transactional Replication?

Oct 14, 2014

Here's what my script boils down to when adding a new view (admin.replication_test):

EXEC sp_addarticle
@publication = N'<publication name>'
, @article = N'replication_test'
, @source_owner = N'admin'
, @source_object = N'replication_test'
, @type = N'view schema only'

If I check the GUI, the article appears to be ticked in the publication.

Generate a new snapshot.

View not found in replicated database!

View 9 Replies View Related

Article On Advantages Of Sql Server Over VFP

Oct 9, 2007

hi guys,

im new to sql server...

i am currently studying sql server 2000

i know this subject has been asked before...

i would just like to ask if you know some related articles regarding advantages of using sqlserver over vfp dbf/dbc?

i am going to discuss it to my class.

thanks very much!

any help is very much appreciated!


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Adding New Article In Replication

Mar 27, 2008

how to add new article within the existing replication

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Article For Subscription That Does Not Exist ?!?

Jun 2, 2006

Hi There

I hope someone can help me asap.

I need to alter a column on a replicated table.

So i execute sp_dropsubscription and sp_droparticle for the table for all publication to that article in the database.

Usually i just alter the table and then execute sp_adddarticle and sp_addsubscription afterwards and everything is cool.

However in this case after i drop the subscriptions for the article, when i try alter the table it says it is being replicated.

I query sysobjects and see that the table has replinfo = 1 , this is snapshot replication, but i only have transactional replication ? I used to have snapshot but that was dropped long ago.

I then query sysarticles and i find the table, however the pubid (publication id) for the table is equal to the publication id of another databases publication ??? I also have found in sysarticles articles with a publication id's equal to publications that do not exist, for example articles will have pubid of 2 , but if i run sp_helppublication on all user databases there is no publciation with an id of 2 ?

Please help, even after i drop all subscriptions to an article it seems that sql server thinks the article belongs to another databases publciation or publications that no longer exist?

Maybe there is some sort of cleanup sp i can run or something but it seems to me sql server has gotten articles confused with old deleted publications that no longer exist.

Therefore after dropping all subscriptions i still cannot alter tables as sql server think it is still being published but it is not!


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