Adding B Record To Output File

Apr 9, 2014

I'm not sure if I can explain this properly, but I'll try. I need to create an output file with a detailed record. I've been able to create a query that will give me the format and fields of what I need. However, the file layout calls for an additional "B" record if certain criteria is met in the detail immediately following the detail record. For example, if the PaymentMethodID = 10, then I need to add a "B" record that displays the PayeeName. I'm not sure if this would be a separate Select or a Union or maybe an Insert? All of our current layout are just Detail records and a Control Record.

Here is my current Select for the Detail:

CONVERT(CHAR(10), ba.AccountNumber)
+ (REPLICATE('0', 10 - LEN(p.CheckNumber)) + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), p.CheckNumber)) + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), p.CheckDate, 1), '/', '')

[Code] ....

What I would need to add a separate B record?

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Integration Services :: Adding Trailer Record To End Of A File?

Apr 27, 2011

I have an SSIS package which takes a SQL Query and generates a PIPE (|) delimited flat file. Simple enough. However, I also need to add a Trailer record at the bottom of the file (footer). To make this happen I could either do a UNION ALL on the same query script or what I've done is to create another query with the Trailer record and using the Merge component simply merged and appended the trailer record at the botton of the actual file.

The issue, however, is that the trailer record is always including extra PIPES at the end of the trailer. According to business, this wouldn't load properly at our vendor side due to the extra pipes in the trailer record as it'll be seen as additional columns.

Is there anyway to get rid of those extra pipes at the end of the trailer?

Trailer record should look like this:


As of now, the appended Trailer record looks like this (additional pipes for each column in the main query script):


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Output To Fixed Width Flat File Not Adding Line Breaks

May 19, 2008

Hi All,

I have a simple SSIS package that runs a query on the db and outputs a fixed width flat file. I have all my column widths defined and in the connection manager i can preview the output. Everything looks great. All the fields fall where they should and each record is on it's own line.

When i run the SSIS program and then go open my text file with a text editor the ouput is all on the same line. I have tried changing my file format from fixed width to ragging right and adding a row delimiter but that doesn't work either. I feel like i'm missing something small here. It could even be an issue w/ my text editor (although i've tried to open the text file in multiple editors). In the flat file connection manager I have my file defined to be 187 characters long, So figure every 187 characters it should output a new line (it should add the carraige return right?).

Has anyone encountered an issue like this?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Adding A Header Record To A Fixed Width Flat File Data Export.

Jun 21, 2007

Hi-I have a sql database (2005) that I need to extract a report from that looks somehintg like  SELECT * From Empl_Hours WHERE some_flag <> 'true' .The thing works fine, but the problem is this: I need to insert a record in the 1st row that looks like "Static_text"+row_count() +"more_static_text"where row_count is the actual # of rows that were retrieved. Thanks in advance for any help.DAn 

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Adding A Column On Output

Sep 27, 2005

I have two queries I would like to combine the output on. they are as follows:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (aexe.ReturnCode) as '# Patched'
from WrkSta, AeXEvt_AeX_SWD_Execution aexe
where WrkSta.WrkStaId=aexe.WrkStaId
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
and (aexe.returncode='0' or
aexe.returncode ='3010')
and aexe.AdvertisementName like 'MS05-035-043%'
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)

Returns :
Location # Patched
EP 102
ES 1986
ET 19
AB 174
SU 6
EM 506

and the second one:

Select substring(WrkSta.[Name],1,2) 'Location'
,count (coll.WrkStaId ) as '# Workstation'
from WrkSta join AeXNSCollectionMembership coll on WrkSta.WrkStaId=Coll.WrkStaId
where coll.CollectionGuid = '38F5DAFC-E09D-49A5-A0FD-370983CA7596'
and (WrkSta.[Name] like 'ES%' or WrkSta.[Name]like 'EM%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'EP%'
or WrkSta.[Name]like 'AB%' or WrkSta.[Name] like 'SU-NP%'
or WrkSta.[Name] like 'ET%')
group by substring (WrkSta.[Name], 1,2)


Location # Workstations
EP 178
ES 2299
ET 24
AB 215
SU 13
EM 582

What I need is :

Location # Workstations # Patched
EP 178 102
EI 2299 1986
ET 24 19
AB 215 174
SU 13 6
EM 582 582

No mater how I try to do a join to do this in a single query I end up with what looks like a cross-join and # workstations and # Patched jump to huge numbers. I obviously am having a problem understanding how to set up the select statements so that I can do this in one query or am I following the wrong direction and should be trying something else?
Once again I appreciate your help in advance....

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Adding A Value &#043; 1 To A Record

Nov 29, 2007


I wish to add some records to my database but I am having problems asking the SQL commands to add 1 to the previous number.

I'll explain what I mean....!

The database automatically increases the communication_number once each time a record is added. However I'd like to amend the command below to say "add 1 to the current communcation_number" rather than input a number manually as I have done below:-

insert into "communications"
(address_number, contact_number, device, ex_directory, dialling_code, std_code, number, extension, notes, amended_by, amended_on, cli_number, communication_number)
values (105, NULL, 'WW', 'N', NULL, 'WW', 'W', NULL, '', 'Jon', 2007-11-29, NULL, '30001');

Any help would be much appreciated.



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Adding Spaces To Query Output -- Really Stuck!!

May 10, 2001

I want to add 3 spaces at the end of each row for the result of a query.

The initial query being output to a text file (USING DTS) is:

select colA, colB =
CONVERT( CHAR(15), TableX.ColB )
from TableX


select colA, colB =
CONVERT( CHAR(18), TableX.ColB )+char(32)+char(32)+char(32) -- ' '
from TableX

Replacing the char(32) with ' ' (3 spaces in quotes) doesn't help.

Any ideas of how to append the 3 spaces after each record when exporting to
a text file using DTS??


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Retrieve Id After Adding A New Record

May 13, 2005

How do I retrieve the id of the record after I INSERT it?

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SSIS: Multi-Record File Extract With 9 Record Types

Feb 26, 2008

I am attempting to create a multi-record file (as described in my last thread) and have found the following set of instructions very helpful:

I have been able to create a sample file with two of my record types.

I now need to build on this further, because I have 9 record types in total that need to be extracted to a single flat file.

does anyone have any ideas how I might extend the example above to include more record types or know of another means of achieving this?

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.

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Output In One Record Set

May 21, 2008

dear gurus...,

my record output as like below.., Product complaint1 comp_date1 complaint2 comp_date2
1 pen bad design 05/08/2008 null null
1 pen null null bad quality 05/18/2008
2 toy bad design 05/07/2008 null null
2 toy null null bad quality 05/19/2008

but i need ouput as follows Product complaint1 comp_date1 complaint2 comp_date2
1 pen bad design 05/08/2008 bad quality 05/18/2008
2 toy bad design 05/07/2008 bad quality 05/19/2008

kindly do the needful...,
Thanks in advance...


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Adding Error Output To Custom Source Component

Dec 6, 2007

Hi all,
I saw a couple of other posts here on this topic, but none quite got to my issue.
I'm trying to add error output to a custom source component (not a script, a custom component). The samples all seem to deal with transform components, and my issues seem to be unique to source components.

I have the following code related to error handling ...

Public Overloads Overrides Sub ProvideComponentProperties()


Dim output As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New


output.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.IsUsed = True

ComponentMetaData.UsesDispositions = True

output.ErrorRowDisposition = DTSRowDisposition.RD_NotUsed

output.ErrorOrTruncationOperation = "Something got truncated or blew up"

Dim errorOutput As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New

errorOutput.Name = ERRORCOLUMNNAME

errorOutput.IsErrorOut = True

End Sub

Public Overloads Overrides Sub ReinitializeMetaData()

Dim output As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection(OUTPUTCOLUMNNAME)

Dim outColumn As IDTSOutputColumn90 = output.OutputColumnCollection.New

outColumn.Name = strName

outColumn.SetDataTypeProperties(DataType.DT_I4, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Dim metadataColumn As IDTSExternalMetadataColumn90 = output.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.New

metadataColumn.Name = outColumn.Name

metadataColumn.DataType = outColumn.DataType

metadataColumn.Precision = outColumn.Precision

metadataColumn.Length = outColumn.Length

metadataColumn.Scale = outColumn.Scale

metadataColumn.CodePage = outColumn.CodePage

outColumn.ExternalMetadataColumnID = metadataColumn.ID

outColumn.ErrorRowDisposition = DTSRowDisposition.RD_NotUsed

outColumn.ErrorOrTruncationOperation = "Something Truncated!"

outColumn.TruncationRowDisposition = DTSRowDisposition.RD_NotUsed

Dim errorOutput As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection(ERRORCOLUMNNAME)

Dim errorColumn As IDTSOutputColumn90 = errorOutput.OutputColumnCollection.New

errorColumn.Name = outColumn.Name

errorColumn.SetDataTypeProperties(DataType.DT_I4, 0, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub

The confusions I have are:
a) the stock advanced properties editor (I haven't provided a custom one) doesn't seem to "realize" that I have an error output, so provides no method to configure. I am believing it would need to know which Output columns can have their error/truncation redirected. I'd have thought setting ErrorRowDisposition on my output column would have been enough to trigger this ??
b) since I don't have any means of configuring, not surprisingly, when I try to connect my error output, designer complains that, "Ths error output cannot receive any error rows. This occurs for several reasons: Input columns or output columns are not yet defined. Error handling is not supported by the component. Error handling is not configured for the component."
c) UsesDispoistions would seem to be appropriate only for a transform component

Thanks for reading, and appreciate any help or pointers.

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Problem With Adding Record Into Database

Feb 3, 2004

When I try to build my solution, it tells me that "SQLCommand" is not defined.

What's the problem?

Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'If Page.IsValid Then
Dim MySQL = "addCustomerSQL"
Dim cmd As New SQLCommand("addCustomerSQL", dbConn)
cmd.Commandtype() = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters().Item("@username").Value = userText.Text
cmd.Parameters.Item("@password").Value = passText.Text

Catch ex As Exception

End Try
End Sub

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Adding Record To Multiple Categories

Jun 16, 2006

I am pretty new to the DB part of this but have built an web appplication with 2 tables:
I have created a web page that will allow users to add forms and associate a unit with that form. I now need to be able to allow users to associate the form with multiple units.
I can change the web page list box to allow multiple selections but that doesn't solve the problem. This seems like a pretty simple task but I can't seem to find anything on it.
any help???
below is the stored procedure I was using:

@F_TYPE varchar(20),
@Keywords ntext = NULL,
@Descriptionntext = NULL,




@FileName, GetDate()

SELECT newFormID = @newFormID


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Difficulty Adding A Record In SSMSE

Aug 21, 2006

I'm new to SQL Server and I'm using 2005 Express with SSMSE, and having trouble adding a record to a table "manually" by typing in the data.

I find I can change most of the fields by viewing the table in SSMSE and just clicking on the field and editing it then clicking "execute SQL" but for some reason the changes don't "take" when a date field is involved.

Is there a special or proper way to enter a date that I'm not aware of? I'm not having much success figuring out this online help stuff from within SSMSE, I keep getting to help on the help system itself (oops).


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Adding Image Or Picture To A Database Record

Jun 17, 2007


I am new to SQL Server and I have got this problem and I am wondering if anyone could provide me with a solution, please.

I created a Product database table using Visual Basic 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express. I have just added a new column [Picture] with IMAGE datatype to the database table, which of course, should store an image or picture of a product. I am writing to kindly ask you guys for help.

i) How do I store a picture or image for each record of this column [Picture] of database table? I have tried and all that I can see is < binary data > in the picture column, and when I start the VB 2005 Express form is a blank picture box!

ii) How do I get this image to display on Visual Basic 2005 Express form, so that when a product is selected the product image is displayed too? All text data appears but not the picture!

Your help much appreciated. Thanks.


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Update One Record And OUTPUT Two Records

Feb 1, 2013

For a staging table

Table TimeRange
id binary(16),
startTime datetime,
endTime datetime,
isValid tinyint

There are two validation rules: starttime cannot be null, endTime cannot be null (assume that we cannot set the columns as NOT NULL).

We would like to OUTPUT an error record for each validation error for every record in the TimeRange table.

Would there be a single statement that could do this ? (ie. would UPDATE invalid record AND would OUTPUT two validation error records for a record that has startTime = NULL AND endTime = NULL)

Something like:

UPDATE TimeRange
SET isValid = 0
CASE WHEN inserted.startTime is NULL THEN inserted.startTime
WHEN inserted.endTime is NULL THEN inserted.endTime
END -- Needs to handle the case where both startTime and endTime are invalid
INTO @InvalidRecords
FROM (a SELECT stmt that is a table with a record for each validation error)

MERGE does not have the functionality needed (inserting multiple records for every invalid record).

Have not had success using a UNION ALL, as there is an error updating derived tables.

Have not had success creating a JOIN statement.

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Need Help With Adding A Duplicate Record Count Column To Query

Jul 23, 2005

I am attempting to create a simple recordset that would return thenumber of duplicates that exist in a table with a single column. Forexample if I had a table like the following:ID Reference Amount1 123456 1.002 123456 2.003 123 1.00I would like to get the following result:ID Reference Amount RecCount1 123456 1.00 22 123456 2.00 23 123 1.00 1Please help!Thanks,Shawn

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Insert Record In Table - Select Output Of Query

Oct 14, 2013

I had a query and i need to insert record in table and also want to select output of query.

Actually I need to insert and show data in same query.

;with cte as (
select id , status
from tbl_main
where id = 15555
insert into testinsert (id , status)
select * from cte

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Adding File Information To SQL Database On File Upload

Apr 18, 2004

Hi there :)

I'm in the final stage of my project and one of the last things I need to do is add the following file information to my SQL server 2000 database when a file is uploaded:

First of all I have a resource table to which I need to add:
- filename
- file_path
- file_size
(the resource_id has a auto increment value)

so that should hopefully be straight forward when the file is uploaded. The next step is to reference the new resource_id in my module_resource table. My module resource table consists of:
- resource_id (foreign key)
- module_id (foreign key)

So, adding the module_id is easy enough as I can just get the value using Request.QueryString["module_id"]. The bit that I am unsure about is how to insert the new resource_id from the resource table into the module_resource table on file upload. How is this done? Using one table would solve the issue but I want one resource to be available to all modules - many to many relationship.

Any ideas?

Many thanks :)

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Generate A Separate Txt File For Each Account In A Table, Need To Join Tables To Get Details, And Specify Output File Name?

May 16, 2008


I'm looking for a good way to rewrite my T-SQL code with 'bcp' to SSIS package, any help would be greatly appreciated?

I have table1 contain account numbers and output-filename for each account,

I need to join table2 and table3 to get data for each account in table1, and then export as a txt file.

Here is my code using bcp (bulk copy)

DECLARE @RowCnt int,
@TotalRows int,
@AccountNumber char(11),
@sql varchar(8000),
@date char(10),
@ArchPath varchar(500)

SET @RowCnt = 1
SET @date = CONVERT(CHAR(10),GETDATE(),110)
SET @ArchPath = '\D$EDATAWorkFoldersSendSendData'
SELECT @TotalRows = count(*) FROM table1
--select @ArchPath

WHILE (@RowCnt <= @TotalRows)
SELECT @AccountNumber = AccountNumber, @output_filename FROM table1 WHERE Identity_Number = @RowCnt
--PRINT @AccountNumber --test
SELECT @sql = N'bcp "SELECT h.HeaderText, d.RECORD FROM table2 d INNER JOIN table3 h ON d.HeaderID = h.HeaderID WHERE d.ccountNumber = '''
+ @AccountNumber+'''" queryout "'+@ArchPath+ @output_filename + '.txt" -T -c'
--PRINT @sql
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sql
SELECT @RowCnt = @RowCnt + 1

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File System Task - Output File Variable Syntax????

Feb 7, 2007


This should be incredibly simple and easy, but I can't find any examples of how to do this.

I just want to make a File System Task move a file, and have the destination be filename + date and time. For example \serversharefilename02072007.txt

What syntax do I use in a variable to make this work?


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PC SQL Server Table (with A Column Classified Unique) Synchronizes (using Merge) With 2 PPCs SQL Mobile Adding The Same Record

Aug 29, 2006

Hi, I have a doubt about the behaviour of SQL Server 2005 in the situation I'm going to describe you.
Suppose that you have a SQL Server 2005 database on your PC, and suppose that this database has a table with a column classified as "unique" (so it's impossible for this table to contain 2 records having the same value in this column).
Suppose that you publish this database and you create 2 SQL Server Mobile 2005 subscriptions on 2 Pocket PCs.
Suppose now that the first PPC (using an embedded program) creates a record with a certain value for the column (and adds it to the table), and the second PPC makes the same thing (it inserts a record with the same column value of the first PPC).
At this point, you connect the 2 PPCs to your PC (one by one, of course), to synchronize (using merge replication) the databases...

WHAT HAPPENS??? Does an error raise?
Must you give a publication setting in which you say that, if this situation occurs, PC SQL Server holds the last (or the first, as you decide) record acquired? Is it possible?

Thank you very much

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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Process To Get File Size In Kb And Record Count In A File?

Jul 31, 2014

I need to write a process to get file size in kb and record count in a file. I was planning on writing a c# console app that takes the file path and name as a param however should i use a CLR?

I cant put a script in the ssis when it's bringing the file down because it has been deemed that we only use ssis for file consumption.

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Transact SQL :: Output A File With A File Header

Aug 27, 2015

In my SSIS Package, I have to write my [FileHeaderRecord] row, then my [BatchHeaderRecord] row, then my details. How can I do this in a SQL Server Query? When I try my SSIS, my file looks like so..

FHTEST 00000208262015             BH000208262015  

I want my BH, Batch Header data, to appear on a new row in the file.Do I have to build a dynamic query to do this?Is there any trick in SSIS to do something like this?I did try creating separate Data Flow Tasks to Query the [FileHeaderRecord] and then use a Flat File Destination and then another Data Flow Task to Query the [BatchHeaderRecord] and use a Flat File Destination again NOT overwriting the file.

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Automatically Adding Records To Child Table When Record Added To Parent Table

Aug 19, 2006

In SQL Server 2000, I have a parent table with a cascade update to a child table. I want to add a record to the child table whenever I add a table to the parent table. Thanks

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Adding A New Record Takes Longer And Longer -- Archive? (was Table Help)

Mar 1, 2005

Hi we have a table with about 400000 records in it. It starting to take longer and longer to add a new record. I was thinking of creating another identical table and archiving off most of the records every month (we are now adding about about 4000 records a day) . Is this the best thing to do?
I don't know a lot about sql server so any help or suggestions would be great

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Output Column Width Not Refected In The Flat File That Is Created Using A Flat File Destination?

May 11, 2006

I am transferring data from an OLEDB source to a Flat File Destination and I want the column width for all of the output columns to 30 (max width amongst the columns selected), but that is not refected in the Fixed Width Flat File that got created. The outputcolumnwidth seems to be the same as the inputcolumnwidth. Is there any other setting that I am possibly missing or is this a possible defect?

Any inputs will be appreciated.


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SQL 2012 :: Creating Dynamic SSIS File Format - Dynamic CSV File As Output

Mar 2, 2014

I am trying to create an ssis package with dynamic csv file as output. and out format contains query output.

sample file name:

Unique identifier + query output + systemdate();

The expression is looking like this.

@[User::FilePath] + @[User::FileName] + ".CSV"

-- user filepath is a variable from ssis package. File name is the output from SQL query. using script task i have assigned the values to @[User::FileName] .

When I debugged the script task the value getting properly but same variable am using for Flafile destination. but its not working.

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Adding A New Database File???

May 27, 2008

HI, I was going across the SQL tutorials, sql tutorial # 2 am coming across a preliminary problem.
When I click the 'add new item' tab from the website menu, and choose 'SQL Database', the connection is not setup and the error reads as follows:
Connections to SQL server files require SQL server 2005 to function properly.Please Verify the installation of the component or download the URL:.....
Now I have the necessary data connections working in my database, but I just can't figure out why is this going wrong.If somebody can literally spoonfeed me here, I'll be grateful, I am a pure newbie here, thanks!!!

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Output File

May 29, 2001

Hi all!
My question is quite simple I think... I am directing the result of my query to an output file my problem is how to set the rowsize of my output file to more than 256 (that is the default maximum)? My query result is quite long per row (assuming one column) in query anlyzer, I can easily adjust the result to more than 256 but the result in the output file is truncated because the ouput is more than 256 characters per can I set (in the code) the length of the row of the result in the output file... thanks for the help... this is quite urgent...


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Output File

Nov 16, 2006

venkatesh writes "Hi all,

I have a simple sql Query, when I execute the query the result should also be written to a text file. Can I do that in SQL 2000?


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SP Output Into A File

Jul 13, 2007

I have SQLServer7. I am running some stored procedure. I would like to know how I can redirect the output of the Stored_procedure run into a file?


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Need Help With XML Output To File

Sep 18, 2007

I'm using SQL Server 2005 / 9.0.3042

I'm not new to sql server, but making my first experience with xml in sql server 2005.

I have a query like this (based on <Table> with neccessary data):

SELECT TAG, PARENT, <columns...>
FROM <Table>

This query creates a xml file exactly as i need it when i execute it in Management Studio. Well, with one exception. It does not write the <xml...> tag at the beginning of the xml file. But i'm sure i get that in there somewho else. What i need to do now is get that output to a file on disk. And that's where my problem starts.

I tried SQLCMD within Management Studio, but that doesn't accept the ':XML ON' tag and ignores it. the resulting file written is not usable, as it also contains query summary information.

Any direction would be greatly appreciated!

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