I am looking for ways to add new column to a table with records inside. If I add the column using this statement:ALTER TABLE Table1 ADD NewColumn1 decimal(18, 2) NULLThe column would appear at the end.
Is there a way to set where the column should be placed? (Excluding dropping all columns and add the columns in sequence again). I know this might not be very important, I am interested in knowing how Enterprise Manager done this, since you can move a column up and down to change their sequence eventhough there're records inside.
What I am wanting to do in another column is keep track of the sequence number for each distinct invoice like:
SeqNo 1 2 3 1 2 1
I am working in a stored proc and i cant get past adding the numbers up at each line as a whole and not reseting when the next invoice number is present. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Hi guys, If I have a temporary table called #CTE With the columns [Account] [Name] [RowID Table Level] [RowID Data Level] and I need to change the column type for the columns: [RowID Table Level] [RowID Data Level] to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time. What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?
I am trying to solve the question in the link below: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2093921&SiteID=1
Thanks in advance, Aldo.
I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...
I have also tried:
ALTER TABLE #CTE MODIFY [RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1), [RowID Data Level] INT;
Hi guys, In the query below, I need to insert a new Column that shows the last Document date. In example, Document Date Last Date 2006/01/15 2007/11/30 2007/03/25 2007/11/30 2007/11/30 2007/11/30 I need to show the last (max) date for each row. Thanks in advance for any help, Aldo.
Code Block SELECT Stock.VALUEDATE AS 'Document Date'
WHERE Accounts.SORTGROUP Between '0' AND '379' AND Accounts.SORTGROUP Not Between '100' AND '150' AND Stock.DOCUMENTID In ('1', '4', '5', '11', '78', '95') AND Stock.STATUS Not In ('0', '2') AND Accounts.SORTGROUP Between '0' AND '379' AND Accounts.ACCOUNTKEY Like '313%'
Hi, I'm new to sql server but have used oracle sequence numbers to create unique keys in my tables. I've been looking for examples on how to create a sequence type table in sql server and have also found that there is a column called identifier but am unsure how to use this... I created a table and used this column attempting to insert (thinking it would autoincrement) but it fails... Any insight into how I can accomplish a sequence type activity for unquie numeric ids would be helpful, Thank you for your help,Jay
I apologize if this is redundant.How would one fill an empty column with a sequence of numbers? Thecolumn exists in a table with aproximately 1000000 rows of data. Ibelieve in oracle the following would work:update foo set bar = rownum;....but 'rownum' does not seem to exist in mssql. The numbers do not needto be in order, but I would like to keep them somewhat small.Any help would be appreciated.
We have an application which has had a big design floor and is now causing an issue which needs to be rectified. It inserted data in batches of 2000 rows which should have always been in sequence. A column was used which recorded an ever increasing numerical value for each row that was inserted. So batch 1 would have a start value of 1 and an end value of 2001. Batch 2 would have a start value of 2002 and an end value of 4002 etc.
The problem is the application which inserted these records in order, missed some records. So in actual fact we have:
Now the missing data has been found, it will be inserted at the end of the table, as we cannot insert it where its should be as the sequence value has been used by the next batch already. Lets say the table is 10,000 rows so far, so the seq for batch 2, for example, will be 2002-3998, then after the missing data is inserted, 10,001 - 10,005. The application uses these sequences to show the range of data so where it should be 2000 rows being returned, it would now show 8003 rows - all the other batches between the first and last sequences for the batch!
I need to change the sequence values across the whole table so they are in order. I can select the data in the correct sort order as there is another unique key on the table, but unsure how best to use this to change the sequence column to be in order for all rows. Adding an identity column would work and then remove and rename the seq column, but I obviously cannot add this based on another columns sort order. The identity column would use the clustered key which is in the incorrect order!!
i want to update one column from my table regularly on sequence number i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5
i created procedure but it is not working as per my output
declare @IndexIDGen int declare @ID int set @ID = 0 update temp_test set indexid = NULL declare IndexIDGen cursor for select indexid from temp_test open IndexIDGen FETCH Next from IndexIDGen into @IndexIDGen while @@fetch_status = 0 begin update temp_test set indexid = @ID where indexid is null
set @ID = @ID + 1 print @id fetch next from IndexIDGen into @IndexIDGen end
I have a Column called SaleID in some tables in a Database.The SaleID column has the int datatype. I need a stored procedure that returns the next value in sequence for the SaleID column.
For Example, If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1022 the stored procedure should return 1023 If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1023 the stored procedure should return 1024. If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1024 the stored procedure should return 1025.
Also an exclusive lock should be maintained while the the stored procedure is running.
Create Table Sample (ID int not null primary key, RefID int , SeqNo int , Name varchar(10) )
insert into Sample
select 1, 1000, 1, 'Mike' union select 2, 1000, 2, 'Mikey' union select 3, 1000, 3, 'Michel' union select 4, 1001, 1, 'Carmel' union
select * from SampleI have here sample data given. What I want to do is, I want to check the RefID which is not having proper order of sequence number. If you see the RefID 1000, 1001 they are having properly sequence order in SeqNo field. But it is not in RefID 1002. RefID 1002 does not have proper order. It is because user has deleted a row which was having seqno 2. So i want to get what are all the RefID's are not having properly sequenced. So that I would be able to know these are all the RefID's are affected by delete statement that was done by user.
If Exists ( Select c.name from sys.columns c where object_id = object_id('HH835HP') and C.name = 'ID_1' ) Begin UPDATE HH835HP SET ID_1 = ( select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CHKDTS ASC) AS ID_1 FROM HH835HP ) ; End;
Obviously... The stuff inside the IF is wrong syntax...I mean
I am working on 1 POC project.I have 2 customer having source file in txt format, but the column sequence of both customer are diffrent.Number of columns in all files are like below.
ID AGE NAME 2 29 jayesh
As per source file you can see that CustA have column sequence ID,NAME,AGE and CustB Have ID,AGE,NAME sequence .I have target table #Temp with ID,NAME,AGE sequence.Like that I have many files from both customer, I have to load in ID,NAME,AGE sequence from all source file to target table.How can we change the sequence of source column before loading to target table.
The following works just fine. The table tmpMHPCLMDET does have a column ADMTDT ( varchar(8) ).
While I am adding the sequence of numbers I like it to be sorted based on ADMTDT column.
What that means is the row with the earliest ( smallest ) ADMTDT will get 1 and the next 2 and so on.
Declare @ID int If Exists ( Select c.name from sys.columns c where object_id = object_id('tmpMHPCLMDET') and C.name = 'ServiceLineID' ) Begin --Adding a sequence of numbers to the ServiceLineID column. SET @id = 0 UPDATE tmpMHPCLMDET SET @id = ServiceLineID = @id + 1; End;
We have a little app to help us move applications from developent --> stage --> production. It uploads the files, runs the new stored procedures etc.
One of the things it does is create new columns in existing tables. In EM you can create a new column in any position, but ALTER TABLE seems to only add columns to the end of the table. Is there a way in TSQL to create columns in arbitrary positions in the table? Or do I have to recreate the whole table?
What is the syntax for adding a column where you are adding a year to a date in a date format? For example adding a column displaying a year after the participation date in date format?
I simply need the ability using SQL to add columns in an existing table before (or after) columns that already exist.
The MS SQL implementation of ALTER TABLE doesn't seem to provide the before or after placement criteria I require. How is this done in MS SQL using SQL or is there a stored procedure I can use?
I have two columns in a table:StartDate DateTime and StartTime DateTime.The StartDate column holds a value such as 07/16/2004The StartTime column holds a value such as 3:00:00 PMI want to be able to add them in a stored procedure.When I use StartDate + StartTime I get a date two days earlier than expected.For example, instead of 7/16/2004 3:00:00 PM StartDate + StartTime returns7/14/2004 3:00:00 PM.Can anyone point out wht I'm doing wrong with this one?Thanks,lq
I cannot manage to fetch the new timestamp value inside a TSQL Transaction. I have tried to Select "@LastChanged" before committing the transaction and after committing the transaction. A TimestampCheck variable is used to get the timestamp value of the Custom Business Object. It is checked against the row updating to see if they match. If they do, the Update begins as a Transaction. I send @LastChanged (timestamp) and an InputOutput param, But I also have the same problem sending in a dedicated timestamp param ("@NewLastChanged"): 1 select @TimestampCheck = LastChanged from ADD_Address where AddressId=@AddressId 2 3 if @TimestampCheck is null 4 begin 5 RAISERROR ('AddressId does not exist in ADD_Address: E002', 16, 1) -- AddressId does not exist. 6 return -1 7 end 8 else if @TimestampCheck <> @LastChanged 9 begin 10 RAISERROR ('Timestamps do not match up, the record has been changed: E003', 16, 1) 11 return -1 12 end 13 14 15 Begin Tran Address 16 17 Update ADD_Address 18 set StreetNumber= @StreetNumber, AddressLine1=@AddressLine1, StreetTypeId=@StreetTypeId, AddressLine2=@AddressLine2, AddressLine3=@AddressLine3, CityId=@CityId, StateProvidenceId=@StateProvidenceId, ZipCode=@ZipCode, CreateId=@CreateId, CreateDate=@CreateDate 19 where AddressId= @AddressId 20 21 select @error_code = @@ERROR, @AddressId= scope_identity() 22 23 if @error_code = 0 24 begin 25 commit tran Address 26 27 select @LastChanged = LastChanged 28 from ADD_Address 29 where AddressId = @AddressId 30 31 if @LastChanged is null 32 begin 33 RAISERROR ('LastChanged has returned null in ADD_Address: E004', 16, 1) 34 return -1 35 end 36 if @LastChanged = @TimestampCheck 37 begin 38 RAISERROR ('LastChanged original value has not changed in ADD_Address: E005', 16, 1) 39 return -1 40 end 41 return 0I do not have this problem if I do not use a TSQL Transaction. Is there a way to capture the new timestamp inside a Transaction, or have I missed something?Thank you,jspurlin
Does anyone have a TSQL utility (that they can share) that recursively searchs sysobjects for a matching input parameter string(for instance column name) for stored procedure object properties that returns the stored procedure name?
I have Two Database that exist on Two seperate servers. The two database contain same schema and contains tables and columns of same name. Some tables have slight differences in terms of data types or Data type lenght.
For example if a Table on ServerA has a column named - CustomerSale with Varchar (100, Null) and a table on ServerB has a column named CustomerSale with Varchar (60, Null), how can i find if other columns have similar differences in all tables with the same name and columns in the two servers.
I am using SQL Server 2005. And the Two Servers are Linked Servers
What Script can i use to accomplish this task. Thanks
Hi,I have an application up and running. I need to add a new column to one of the tables which is currently being used - would adding a new column change or cause errors in the current application? e.g. if the table is being accessed by selecting * from table, will adding a new column cause an error? If there is any circumstance where an error would be caused by adding a new column, I will have to create an entirely new table. If I have to do this - how do I get a column in the new table to have the same values as a column in the old table? Can I create a computed column where column=oldcolumn? Thanks,Jon
hi guys! I have a table with 3 columns but i realized that i need to add 1 column between column 2 and 3. Can anybody please help me on how to do that? Thanks in advance!
Suppose I have a table with the following columns: Year, SalesInEurope,SalesInAmerica, TotalSales. I want to add a new column calledSalesInAsia, say, but I want it to appear before TotalSales. How canthis be achieved?Thanks,Bruno
I have a sp: mysp_getstuff it contains the following:SELECT Adress,City FROM tblUserData WHERE UserName='john'as you can see it returns 2 columns.I also have another SP: mysp_GetNr. This sp returns an integer.I want to call mysp_getnr from mysp_getstuff and add the result to the 2 columns in a column named 'Number'So the resultset from mysp_getstuff should be:Adress, City, Number (in which the number column contains the result from mysp_GetNr)How can I do that?
I posed this problem a few days ago, but havent been able to generate the results i need. Suppose my resultset from an sql query gathering totalsales for a given day by a salesrep looks like this:Lastname totalsales orderID-----------------------doe 1403 510doe 500 680 doe 200 701using SUM(Accounts.totalsales) is not adding up the totalsales. What do I need to do to add up the totalsales, and then reassign it to a newfield?netsports