Adding DataSet As DataSource To Report Published On Report Server From ClientSide
Jan 15, 2007
I am Creating Click Once Windows Application with Reporting Services 2005.I have created Report and Published on Report Server.In my windows application I am successfully able to view my published report through report viewer control.
Now in my application I am getting a dataset from my custom webservice. I want this dataset data to be added to my report as datasource at runtime on Client Side ,as my report is on Report Server.
waiting for help!!
Thanks in Advance
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Feb 6, 2007
I have a data table called STOCKPE which holds stock valuation information at the close of business each day. I wish to use reporting services to extract the data in this table on a daily basis and keep a daily history on the report server. I know I can do this - this isn't my problem.
When I have the history of this table on the report server, can the data that the reports on the report server hold be used as a datasource for another report?
I'm no expert in reporting services, so if this is possible, or if there's a better way of doing it, please use small words and short sentences. No offence intended to all the very well educated SQLRS wizards out there, it's just that I'm not one of them and your answer will be lost on me if you use a lot of abreviations and acronyms.
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Jul 17, 2007
Can someone please tell me how to retrieve/query the list of fields from an entity of a report data model that has been published on the reporting server programmatically ?
I am trying to upload a report data model to the reporting server and planning to use that model as the data source and consume it through our existing web application?
Thank you ,
Rashid A. Khan
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Apr 30, 2007
I have created a report with the report server project template.
the report is created from stoked procedure having defaut input parameters.
With visual studio, i publish my report on reportserver. whenever i access to my report on this url :
http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReport+Project4%2fReport4&rs:Command=Render. the created report is with the default parameters.
I would like to know if i can transmet parameters for the stocked procedure to build the report with the request i want.
I tried to put parameter directly in the url in this way
but without success.
my error message is that one
An attempt was made to set a report parameter '@region' that is not defined in this report. (rsUnknownReportParameter)
My stocked procedure is :
ALTER procedure [dbo].[akli] @region varchar ='m'
select * from dbo.Report2 where region=@region
The request used to buid the report ?
DECLARE @region varchar
EXECUTE dbo.akli @region
What is wrong in that ?
Thanks for your help.
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Aug 22, 2007
Helo All,
I have report which uses an ssis package as a datasource. when I develop the report on the visual studio seems like it runs fine. But when I deployed the same report on to the server (report server 64 bit machine) it is throwing me an error:
An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource1'.
is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)
I have both sql sever and reporting server on the same machine and using windows credentials for both the servers(sql and reporting).Then I believe there is no credential issue.
My connection string looks something like this:
="/FILE C:NTSDWKPIKPI_SSISNTSKPICCA_DATA_RECON_DELIVERY.dtsx /SET Package.Variables[User::V_SSRS_PARAM].Properties[Value];" & """" & Parameters!V_SETT_DATE.Value & """"
Could any please help me out of this?
Note: SSIS is parameterized here!
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Apr 22, 2015
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?
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Mar 16, 2008
I published a report in SSRS 2005. I see the report on the SSRS home page. How do I remove the report from server and from the home page?
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Nov 14, 2007
I have been working on parameterised reports for quite a while and have a problem with a report that I cannot fathom despite days spent fiddling. I am hoping someone will be able to spot a silly mistake...
Basically, I am developing my report in VS2005 and it works perfectly. When I publish it to the reporting server I get an error: The 'pSite' parameter is missing a value.
I cannot understand why the report should fail when published.
Before anyone says it, yes I have deleted the published report and re-deployed so there should be no chance of any 'old' deployments messing things up!
Any obvious suggestions before I start posting code?!
Thanks all
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Feb 6, 2008
Hello All,
How to assign the DataSource to Server Report which is stored in the remote machine. Now i need to work on it. If you have any solution please pass on it to me.
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Apr 17, 2008
Don't know if this is possible or not - Need to produce a report and the main report has a grid in it.
For every row in the main report, in one of the grid fields there are n images. So to do this, I am using a sub-report. But there is a problem with going to the database for every row to fetch images that if the user does a report spanning more than about 6 months, there will be thousands of records each with the potential to have many images and the constant round trips to the db server would probably kill it.
So what I want to achieve is to fetch the dataset in the main report with just one trip to the database and then pass the dataset filtered by a uniqueidentifier to each row of the subreport.
Could someone please let me know if this or something like it is possible and how to go about it?
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Jun 14, 2006
Hello, everyone
I generate a report (.RDL) using sql server 2005 reporting service. The tools is visual studio2005. I am runing it on windows server 2000 sp4.
Then I create a website and addin a page Default.aspx using reportviewer control to display the report (.RDL) I published in
Http://localhost/reportserver$Sqlexpress/Report Project1/Report1
The report simply just report a tables content and i can preview it by Ctrl+F5 without problem.
However, after I publish the website to localhost,which is Http://localhost/ViewReport/. I failed to open the report in http://localhost/viewreport/default.aspx The page is opened but there is a error message at the reportviewer portion.
" ASPNET user don't have permission to view the report.." something like that.
Anyone know what causes the problem?
I am thinking is it because I am using build in account "Local system" to run the Sql express 2005 Databaes and reporting service? But I have no choice, when I install the SQl express 2005, the only build in account I have is "Local System", but "Local Service " and" Network Service" is missing from my system. It is weird. Is it because of windows server 2000?
Any reply will be appreciated.
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Jun 26, 2007
I would like to know if there is a way to maintain the history of changes to the reports that have been published to the report server?
I know that the report definitions get saved onto ReportServer database. But let's say a user makes a change to the published report and then saves it back to the server. And that the latest change was incorrect and I have to revert back to the previous version of the published report. Is there a way to do that? Does the report server maintain a history of previous versions.
There is a history for each report and I think that corresponds to the history of report executions (output data). But I am talking about the history of actual report definition.
Thanks for you help.
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Jan 2, 2008
Dear All:
I am new to SSRS 2005.
I have created many shared datsources and reprots at http://localhost/resportserver.
I am trying to access these reports from ReportViewer in the web application. Actually I want to use these reports for different customers by just changing the datsource programitically.
Is this is a possible?
Thank you
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Feb 25, 2008
Hi all,
Now I have some problem about adding interactive with user. I want to adding dropdownlist to report by using report desinger. This dropdownlist is used for send datetime parameter to query data. It is consist "month" and "year" list.
Can report designer do it?
If reporting designer cannot add dropdownlist to report...
There are some solution for solving this solution.
Thank you very much.
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Feb 22, 2008
Hi Guys,
I just designed a report using SQL Server Reporting 2005 in which I have used two datasets. I am able to bind fields of one dataset but other dataset fields are not visible. When I try to bind the field of other dataset it gives me error that the field is not found. If I bind the field by using the Aggregate function it is bind correctly because we specify the dataset name with field in the function. But I do not want to use Aggregate function. How can I use two dataset for single report?
Waiting your response
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Oct 12, 2007
Is there any way to display this information in the report?
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May 22, 2008
Hi Everyone,
I have used the StoredProcedure as shown below:
Select a.Field1,b.Field from table a, table b where a.patientid=@patID
select a.Field1, a.Field2 from table a
else if(@select=2)
select b.Field1, b.Field2 from table b
When I bind this storedprocedure with Dataset, all the Fields Corresponding to table a and table b are displayed in the Dataset.Finally, when i bind this Dataset with my chart, the fields corresponding to table b are not displayed in the Chart.
The reason for that may be because Report Server cannot bind with multiple Datasets? Please Clarify.
If the Report Server cannot bind with multiple datasets, then how to call different StoredProcedures (according to Criteria) in a Single Report in Report Server project?
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Jun 16, 2006
SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.
error message:
This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service
I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.
Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?
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Jan 15, 2007
Hello :
Can we make to cross the name of the DataSource in URL of the report ?
Thank you very mutch.
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Aug 4, 2006
hi everyone,
I created a report model and deployed it. When I open the rpt builder on web I get the following error.
'The selected data source does not have and content available'
Seemed like it would be a easy issue, but I cannot retrieve any data in the rpt model. The datasource I'm using does work for rpts not associated with the rpt model. Any suggestions? It seems like I've missed a step. Thanks, Lisa
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Feb 11, 2008
I have an xml file that defines the fields in my dataset and I want to hook this up to a report so it can uses those fields when creating a local report. However I can't figure out how to do this. I have an RDLC file but I don't know where or how to hook it up to the XSD file. What do I need to do?
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Jul 25, 2007
Hello all,
When trying to configure a WCF service as a report data source I have these following questions:
1. What do I need to provide for the connection string?
I currently wrote http://localhost:8003/ServiceName/ which returns the WSDL. Is that correct?
2. I don't know what to write inside the Query defintion. I currently wrote:
<Method Namespace=""
and the result is:
Failed to prepare web request for the specified URL. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions).
Can any one please point me in the right direction?!
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Jan 5, 2007
Is there a way to create a Report Model with XML / WebService as datasource?
I am able to generate reports that connect to a WebService through Report Designer, but unable to find similar functionality in Model Designer.
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Jan 29, 2007
I've got a strange problem with ReportBuilder. I've created a DataSource name Config and a Model name Customers. We been using this model for month and everything was working fine. Now when we try to create a new report we cannot run it. When Report Builder is running i select the "Customer" model. Then i put some fields on the report. When i try to run it i've got an error saying that it cannot create the command for datasource1. What i don't understand is why the error occured in Datasource1 and not in my datasource config ?
When i open the Report Manger and click on the model "Customer" the datasource use by this model is Config. So the problem is not because they're is a mistake in the configuration. I've tried to rebuild my model and datasource then deployed them but i still have the same problem.
Any idea of what the problem is ? I can't figure out
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Apr 24, 2008
I've severals reports that connect to an ORACLE database, in the RDL file i've the save password but when i open the report again ou i use the sharepoint report viewer the username an password of the oracle database is always asked.
how can i configure the RDL not to ask the password again ?!
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Nov 3, 2006
We have an application using the winforms report viewer, and it displays all our reports perfectly untill I need to redeploy a report.
As soon as a report is re-deployed a refresh of the report in the viewer shows the following error message:
An error has occured during report processing. The data souce 'mydatasource' cannot be found.
This error occurs irrespective of electing to re-deploy ot not re-deploy the datasource, and the only solution seems to be to close the report viewer down and restart it.
I can reproduce the same problem hosting the reports in a web browser as well, with a slightly different error message
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted). The data source 'mydatasource' cannot be found. (rsDataSourceNotFound)
Under RS2000 any changes that were made to a report, would automatically be shown to the user if the report was refreshed, without having to close the browser/application down and restart it.
Can I configure RS2005 to prevent this error occuring ? I have read that RS2005 seems to work a lot more within the IIS session for the user and cache things it thinks are usefull, so can I turn this behaviour off, or make it run like RS 2000 did, which provided me with a stable reporting platform?
If I cannot do this from the RS end of the system, is there any advice on using the winforms control to get around this issue - i've only just started using the control so I am not familiar with all its aspects !
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Feb 5, 2008
Hi All,
Is there a way in SSIS to specify SSRS report as a datasource? I don't see any options in the data flow sources..
Thanks a lot!!
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Jan 8, 2008
I am trying to render a report that I set up with SSRS 2005 from an existing .Net web application. The report takes in a multi-valued parameter (sequenceNums) and displays data accordingly.
This is the url I am passing from the web application:
Code Blockhttp://myservername/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fProjectDBReports%2fCriticality&rs:Command=Render&rc:parameters=false&sequenceNums=4299,4312
Upon redirect, I receive the following error "one or more data sources is missing credentials"
I currently have the following connection settings checked for the DataSource used in the report:
- connect using credentials supplied by the user running the report
- use as windows credentials when connecting to the DataSource
When I attempt to view the report with no parameters being passed in, the report renders properly and I receive a prompt asking me for my credentials.
Do I have to connect to my DataSource using credentials stored securely on the report server?
Thanks in advance.
ps - i included the url within a code block so no smiley faces would show
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Aug 30, 2006
Hi all,
I'm just getting started with Reporting Services and have a question.
I'm trying to set up a report model based on a UDB data source. However when I use the report model wizard, I get presented with:
[DB2/SUN] SQL0104N An unexpected token "SET TRANSACTION" was found following "BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT" ... SQLSTATE 42601.
I think that this is trying to set transaction isolation levels however this is not valid SQL for a UDB database.
Is there something that I'm missing with my configuration to make RS know that this is a non-SQLServer database?
Many thanks,
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Oct 2, 2007
I have set up a report to access a web service and consume one of its methods - a method that returns a datatable set up with a table adapter. Query code example below:
Code Block
<Method Namespace="" Name="GetAllEnquiries"></Method>
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="true">
This works fine and returns expected results.
However, when I try and return a set of results from a web service that has a parameter specified I get nothing returned. I have tried various different methods including adding the parameter in the dataset dialogue and specifying the parameter and specifying the parameters as in the code example below but still with no joy. Here is the code example with parameters:
Code Block
<Method Namespace="" Name="GetEnquiry">
<Parameter Name="EnquiryID">
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="true">
When I remove the ElementPath declaration I get back the schema of the table so I believe that is proof that the web method is being contacted but whatever I seem to try I cannot return any results (or the 1 result that the web service should return).
I would be grateful to know if anyone has any ideas or suggestions about this problem.
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Apr 11, 2008
Hello Everyone,
I make a report to consume a SSIS package, actually I use SSIS to load a datasheet on my Sql Server database, then i expose the aggregate values in a datareader destination. Every work fine in Visual Studio. But when i deploy my report and my Shared Data Source, and I try to run the report i get the next message:
An error has occurred during report processing.
No se puede crear una conexión al origen de datos 'ETLSource'.
The package failed to validate.
I dont Understand why, because when i work in BIDS the work perfect, Actually i'm using sql server authentication in my package connection to avoid the mistakes about report credentials.
That is the code of the ETLSource.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RptDataSource xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ConnectString>-f "C:TempValidaCambioEfec.dtsx"</ConnectString>
Also I have SSIS and SSRS in the same machine. And I'm using the same domain Account to run SSIS, SSRS and Reports site.
Thank you for help me
Julian Castiblanco P
Bogotá, Colombia
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Oct 11, 2007
Let say I first use a URL in a web browser to render a PDF file.
Next the data changes.
Now I use the same browser session and call the URL again to render the PDF file; in the second rendering, the PDF report reflects the old data and not the changed data.
How do I force RS, using the same browser session, to render the second PDF file by requerying the data? Has any body come across the phenomenon? If I open a new browser session, the rendered PDF file reflects the new data. I have used Profiler to look at the SQL calls and sure enough, the second URL RS request does not requery the datasource.
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Jun 12, 2007
I'm receiving the following message after I've created a datasource and datasource view:
[DB2/SUN] SQL0104N An unexpected token "SET TRANSACTION" was found following "BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT" ... SQLSTATE 42601.
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