Adding Numbers While Doing Query
Mar 28, 1999
I used this with an access DB and would like to re-write it to work with
sql = "SELECT funds.itemdisc, Sum(IIf(funds.status='Credit'"
sql = sql & ",CDbl(funds.fundamount),0,)) AS income, Sum(IIf funds.status='Debt'"
sql = sql & ",-1*CDbl(funds.fundamount),0)) AS outgo"
sql = sql & " FROM funds "
sql = sql & "GROUP BY funds.itemdisc"
What I am doing here is collecting the columns and using status as
credit or debt, if its debt I am subtracting from outgo if it is credit
I am adding to credit. This also will only select records so that
there are not any double listings. Here is an example.
desc status fundamount
bill debt 10.00
bill debt 15.00
in credit 10.00
bills debt 5.00
in credit 5.00
paper debt 5.00
When I do the query I should have this
desc fundamount
bill -25.00
bills - 5.00
paper - 5.00
in 15.00
Something like that...
What do you think?
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 4, 2008
Hello everyone!
I have a question for you. I have a product database with a lookup that pulls by product number. All my product numbers are made up the same way. IE. N59840, N00951, N00951. ect.
I have a stored procedure that looks up by that product number with a "LIKE" statement that looks like this.
WHERE ([Product#] LIKE '%' + @PRODUCTNUM + '%')
Which has this problem if someone types in "852" it returns
Is there anyway that I can have SQL put in zeros to fill up the 5 number spots so "852" brings up "00852" or "5852" brings up "05852"
I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your help!!!
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Jul 20, 2005
Why does M$ Query Analyzer display all numbers as positive, no matterwhether they are truly positive or negative ?I am having to cast each column to varchar to find out if there areany negative numbers being hidden from me :(I tried checking Tools/Options/Connections/Use Regional Settings bothon and off, stopping and restarting M$ Query Analyer in betwixt, butno improvement.Am I missing some other option somewhere ?
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May 18, 2015
I am trying to create the following in SQL automatically.
Step needs to double itself each time. How would I write that one out ? Yes I would have the first number as 1.
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Jun 25, 2007
hi all
I am stuck with something that seems easy but im obviously clueless as how to execute the idea.
I have a custom table that houses invoices on the details level. So for example i have:
and so forth
What I am wanting to do in another column is keep track of the sequence number for each distinct invoice like:
I am working in a stored proc and i cant get past adding the numbers up at each line as a whole and not reseting when the next invoice number is present. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
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Sep 18, 2006
I was wondering if it was possible to add an identity column to a flat file data source as it is being processed in a data flow. I need to know the record number of each row in the file. Can this be done with the derived column task or is it possible to return the value of row count on each row of the data?
Any help on this is greatly recieved.
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Feb 1, 2007
I have a report with a column which contains either a string such as "N/A" or a number such as 12. A user exports the report to Excel. In Excel the numbers are formatted as text.
I already tried to set the value as CDbl which returns error for the cells containing a string.
The requirement is to export the column to Excel with the numbers formatted as numbers and the strings such as "N/A' in the same column as string.
Any suggestions?
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Apr 27, 1999
I have a query which returns information about transactions similar to this:
Select account, trans_code, quantity
from ledger_table
This returns something like:
acct trans_code quantity
----- ---------- ------------
2 2 1000
2 3 500
2 3 300
3 2 100
3 2 500
What I need to do is add a lot number for each acct/trans code type. This is merely a sequential number for the transaction. This changes the output as follows:
acct trans_code quantity lot
----- ---------- ------------ ---
2 2 1000 1
2 3 500 1
2 3 300 2
3 2 100 1
3 2 500 2
3 3 1000 3
3 5 200 1
The lot number is reset for each grouping.
Does anyone have a way to do this outside of a cursor or temp table?
TIA, any help greatly appreciated.
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Nov 11, 2007
Hi, I'm using SQL Express 2005 and VIsual Studio 2005, and this sounds like it should be easy. I'm trying to return the row numbers of my queries, but if I use the Row_Number() command I get the following error: "The OVER SQL construct or statement is not supported." So, is Row_Number() not supported in SQL Express 2005? If not, how can I return row numbers with my queries? Or, more specifically, how can I return a limited result set from a query (i.e. Return only row number 10-20)? My current command is as follows: SELECT (SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY UserName) As RowNumber), *FROM UsersORDER BY UserName Thanks for any advice you can offer!
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Mar 11, 2008
I have a table with a column ID of ContentID. The ID in that column is all NULLs. I need a way to change those nulls to a number. It does not matter what type of number it is as long as they are different. Can someone point me somewhere with a piece of T-SQL that I could use to do that. There are over 24000 rows so cursor change will not be very efficient.
Thanks for any help
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a database that is pre-populated with sequential part numbers.As people reserve the parts I update a flag to show the # is no longeravailable. Now they want the ability to take out a block of "x"number of sequential part numbers - say for example 5.If my database had the following numbers available:101104105110111112113114It should return 110 thru 114 and then I would write an update queryto change the flags to 1 (checked out).I have only been able to return the first "x" number of records - havenot been able to make sure they are stepped sequentially - with thefollowing:SELECT ID_ITEM From PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL M Where (Select Count(*)FROM PARTNO_CHKOUT_SPECIAL NWHERE N.ID_ITEM <= M.ID_ITEM) >= 0 AND TYPE_REC=1 ANDFLAG_CHECKED_OUT=0 {maxrows 5}The above would return 101, 104, 105, 110, 111I tried using an (N.ID_ITEM+1)-M.ID_ITEM=0 to try stepping and geterrors, probably incorrect syntax. Can I do this in an SQL statement?
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Aug 5, 2014
I have the following code.
SELECT _bvSerialMasterFull.SerialNumber, _bvSerialMasterFull.SNStockLink, _bvSerialMasterFull.SNDateLMove, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentLoc,
_bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentAccLink, _bvSerialMasterFull.StockCode, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentAccount, _bvSerialMasterFull.CurrentLocationDesc,
_bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTxDate, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTxReference, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTrCodeID, _bvSerialNumbersFull.SNTransType,
_bvSerialNumbersFull.SNWarehouseID, _bvSerialNumbersFull.TransAccount, _bvSerialNumbersFull.TransTypeDesc,
However, as you can see, the original select query is run twice and joined together.What I was hoping for is this to be done in the original query without the need to duplicate the original query.
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Jul 30, 2015
For each customer, I want to add all of their telephone numbers to a different column. That is, multiple columns (depending on the number of telephone numbers) for each customer/row. How can I achieve that?
I want my output to be
Each 'Tel' will relate to a one or more records in the PHONES table that is linked back to the customer.
I want to do it using SELECT. Is it possible?
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Dec 7, 2004
I need to document the port numbers from nearly 120 sql servers in the network. Is there any query that I can use to get this info??
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Nov 30, 2005
Hi, I need to search a column in my database (varchar:50) that contains a comma delimited string of numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10). Currently, I am doing the following SQL query:
SELECT * FROM people WHERE clubs_belongs_to LIKE '%1%'
Where 1 is the number I'm searching for. The problem with the query above is that it returns records that contain 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, etc. in the clubs_belongs_to field. I want the query to only return those people who belong to club number 1, not 10, 11, 12, etc. Please help. Thanks in advance. I have tried using IN instead of LIKE, but that didn't seem to get the results I wanted either.
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May 2, 2006
Can anyone tell me offhand the simplest/most elegant way of updating an integer column to a sequential column of numbers with a query?
e.g given
intval | Description| Cost
0 | Descvalue0| 4.32
2 | Descvalue2| 4.33
3 | Descvalue3| 4.34
8 | Descvalue8| 4.35
change it to:
intval | Description| Cost
0 | Descvalue0| 4.32
1 | Descvalue2| 4.33
2 | Descvalue3| 4.34
3 | Descvalue8| 4.35
I think it might need a stored proc..
Many Thanks
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Apr 5, 2014
I have a problem. In my database I have the following numbers available:
What I need is to get a select query with records and sequentials numbers after it like:
101 0
104 1 (the number 105)
105 0
110 4 (the numbers 111,112,113,114)
111 3 (the numbers 112,113,114)
112 2 (the numbers 113,114)
113 1 (the numbers 114)
114 0
How can I do It?
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Dec 19, 2005
Can anyone tell me if you can display line numbers in the query windowof SQL 2005 Management Studio and if so how do I go about doing it?Thanks a bunch. TFD
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Feb 21, 2007
I have an 'ID' column. I'm up to about ID number 40000, but not all are in use, so ID 4354 might not be in any row. I want a list of all numbers which aren't in use. I want to write something like this:
select [numbers from 0 to 40000] where <number> not in (select distinct id from mytable)
but don't know how. Any clues?
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Mar 27, 2007
I'm trying to write data to excel from an ssis component to a excel destination.
Even thought I'm writing numerics, every cell gets this error with a green tag:
Convert numbers stored as text to numbers
Excel Cells were all pre-formated to accounting 2 decimal, and if i manually type the exact data Im sending it formats just fine.
I'm hearing this a common problem -
On another project I was able to find a workaround for the web based version of excel, by writing this to the top of the file:
<style>.text { mso-number-format:@; } </style>
is there anything I can pre-set in excel (cells are already formated) or write to my file so that numerics are seen as numerics and not text.
Maybe some setting in my write drivers - using sql servers excel destination.
So close.. Thanks for any help or information.
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Aug 25, 2007
I am trying to insert a value numeric + 1 in to db table but i get error when i do this
this is the code
Const SQL As String = "INSERT INTO [PageHits] ([DefaultPage]) VALUES (@defaultP)"Dim myCommand As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQL, myConnection)myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DefaultP" + "1", DefaultP.Text.Trim())
The Error:
Must declare the variable '@defaultP'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the variable '@defaultP'.
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Sep 14, 2007
i want to add vales in a query
this is my scenario (how can i add the price column values and display as one record) ex. 222 17
table = table1
tep1 price (column)
222 5
222 2
222 10
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Apr 16, 2008
I am new to SQL and have an issue I can not figure out. I have a query with several JOINS, but know my boss is asking for me to add an entire table to my query to view results. Is it possible to add a table to a query with joins? I have tried subquery but I get an EXIST error message. The only way I was able to get the information was join the table and enter every single column to my query. I hope there is an easier and more efficent way of doing this.
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Oct 29, 2013
I have a pretty simple SQL query that has two columns that contains only numbers. Is there a way i can add an extra column that simply subtracts the number in one column from number in the other column.I query the data tables rather than have a live link so the .csv file gets overwritten every time i run the query.
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May 27, 2008
Hi everybody have this query that list all the duplicate records meaning the occurence of pubinfid in more than one row. This gets me fine. Iwant thought to insert a where clause that further filters the result where pubid between 30 and 33. I tried placing it after the FROM CLAUSE BUT DOESN'T GIVE me what I want it still includes records other than the between clause. Also I tried placing it after the HAVING clause but it includes records which has only one count.. Where could I place the where clause or is ther an alternative for this.
SELECT a.pubinfid, a.pubid, a.pubcount
FROM pubssubscribe AS a INNER JOIN
(SELECT pubinfid
FROM pubssubscribe
GROUP BY pubinfid
HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)) AS b ON a.pubinfid = b.pubinfid
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Jan 13, 2004
hello everybody,
I have a small problem and was hipeing someone could help. Want to run a query, where I sellect results from two tables. Once this is done I want to takes those results and update a table that is already created with those results. How would I do this? Thw eonly way I know how to do this is by writing this:
select CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City, Region, ProductName, UnitPrice INTO TABLE2
From Suppliers, Products
But the problem with this is that I can only input the query results into a new table that I would name above. I can't insert it into a table that has already been created.
This is the erroe that I receive:
There is already an object named 'TABLE2' in the database.
Please Help!
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May 22, 2008
Is there any way I can add record number to my query result?
Name Add tel
A 1 st 123456
B H ave. 987456
I need:
No Name Add tel
1 A 1 st 123456
2 B H ave. 987456
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Jun 5, 2008
I have the following query where I select records from Active_Activities_temp which do not match on cde_actv in the table ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING:
SELECT Active_Activities_temp.*
FROM Active_Activities_temp LEFT JOIN
ORDER BY prtcpnt_id
So for example, if a participant has a cde_actv=38 (which doesn't exist in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING), that record would appear as the query is currently.
The issue is that participants can have multiple records in Active_Activities_temp and if a participant has a record that does exist in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING, no records for that participant should appear in this query result. For example, if a participant has two records in Active_Activities_temp, one with a cde_actv 38 (which does not appear in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING) and one with a cde_actv 33 (which does appear in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING), no records for that participant should appear in the result. Currently the record with cde_actv=38 does appear.
What code can I implement to do what I need to do? Thanks so much.
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Apr 14, 2014
I have a table called approval_levels in which I have 2 columns:
|1 |app_level_1 |
|2 |app_level_2 |
|3 |app_level_3 |
I have a second table called requests, in which I have 3 columns:
|1 |wd-40 |Acme |
|2 |Windex |Acme |
|3 |Propane |Acme |
I have a third table which links the two called request_approvals which has 2 columns: REQUEST_ID, LEVEL_ID. When a request is approved for a specific level, I insert a value into this table. So, for example, lets say request 1 has been approved for all 3 levels, request 2 has been approved for only level 1, and request 3 has been approved for level 3, the table would show something like this.
|1 |1 |
|1 |2 |
|1 |3 |
|2 |1 |
|3 |3 |
Ok, so here the challenge: I need to show in a report all the requests, create a columns for each level and show whether or not that request is approved for that level. The end result has to be something like this:
|REQUEST_ID |PRODUCT_NAME |MANUFACTURER |app_level_1 |app_level_2 |app_level_3 |
|1 |wd-40 |Acme |X |X |X |
|2 |Windex |Acme |X | | |
|3 |Propane |Acme | | |X |
Keep in mind that if another value is added to the approval_levels table (ie app_level_4), I need to add another column to the table call app_level_4 dynamically.Now, how in the world do I do something like this?
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Sep 23, 2014
I'm trying to add a sum function to my query to sum the 12 records I get back in order to see if my total charges match the amounts within a different database table. Unfortunately, now when I run the query using the sum function, I am getting very large numbers back for the charge amt and I can't figure out why. Here is the query I've written:
select prin_sbb, sub_acct_no_sbb, res_name_sbb, ext_stat_sbb, cur_bal_sbb, VIP_FLG_SBB
from Vantage.dbo.SBB_BASE (NOLOCK)
where PRIN_SBB in (6000,7500)
[Code] .....
Not entirely sure what I am doing wrong, or why the numbers are coming back so high.
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Mar 27, 2015
I have 2 independent queries which run just fine, the 2nd one returns a dollar value. I need this dollar value as a column in my first query so that I can return it in a reporting program. The 2 queries are pasted below.
SELECT dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.InvoiceNumber AS "InvoiceNumber",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.TransactionType AS "TransactionType",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.Date AS "Date",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.DueDate AS "DueDate",
dbo.vw_tphillip_Customer_Inv.CustomerName AS "CustomerName",
[Code] ....
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Oct 10, 2007
I am getting incorrect results from my paging query, where the same results are being returned multiple times. Here are two queries I have found to bring the same results:select top 20 * from lookupdocuments_dbv where catname_cst='MyCategoryName' and (docid_cin not in (select top 620 docid_cin from lookupdocuments_dbv where catname_cst='MyCategoryName'))select top 20 * from lookupdocuments_dbv where catname_cst='MyCategoryName' and (docid_cin not in (select top 640 docid_cin from lookupdocuments_dbv where catname_cst='MyCategoryName'))When I remove the catname_cst where clause it brings back results properly (i.e. records 622-642 and 643-663). What is wrong with my where clause that is causing identical data to be returned?
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Jun 6, 2006
i have a database with several tables and i want to create a Insert query. and i do this by adding the tables to a dataset and create the relations between them and now i click on the table i want to create a query for and select Add Query. and then the TableAdapter Query configuration Wizard pops-up. but the problem is that in the query builder i can add ONLY ONE table, why? i need to add more than one table in order to make my query.
This is how this problem accured: At first i had to two databases, the first database i created myself and there i had all my tables and the second database was the one that contained all the membership info(this database is the one that visual studio creates automaticly for you when u are using the membership thing ASPNETDB.MDF). so i decided to only have one database and i re-created all my tables in the aspnetdb.mfd database, that is where this problem accured, that i can add only one table in the query builder.
appreciate any help :) tnx
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