Adding Records In SQL Server Express 2005
Dec 6, 2005
When adding records containing a date field in SQL Server 2005 Express I get an error Input string was not in a correct format. Do datefields have to be converted when adding or editing into strings?
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Mar 26, 2008
I am sure that I am missing something which is why I am in need of the communities assistance...
I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. I can log in with the Windows Authenication and the SQL Server Authentication using the 'sa' account. This is all good...
What I want to be able to do is add 1 to 3 more users so they can gain access to the database I have created to run queries and add data. This is the part I am confused about. How do I get additional users added??
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance!
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Apr 7, 2006
How can I copy a table from my sql server 2000 db to my sql server 2005 express edition?
I have a project in VS.NET 2005 and I have a db in App_Data folder. However, when I look into that folder, there is nothing visible. I now need to copy a table from my existing sql server 2000 to my db located in my project's App_Data folder.
Any help would be appreciated..
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Feb 16, 2007
Hi all,
Hopefully I am posting this question in the correct forum. I am still learning about SQL 2005. Here is my issue. I have an access db that I archive weekly into and SQL server table. I have used the dst wizard to create an import job and initally that worked fine. field I have as the primary key in the access db cannot be the primary key in the sql table since I archive weekly and that primary key field will be imported several time over. I overcame this initally by not having a primary key in the sql table. This table is strictly for reference. However, now I need to setup a unique field for each of the records in the sql table. What I have done so far is create a recordID field in the sql table that is an int and set as yes to Identify (auotnumber). That worked great and created unique id for all existing records. The problem now is on the import. When I try to import the access table i am getting an error because of the extra field in the sql table, and the error is saying cannot import null value into this field. So... my final question is how can I import the access table into the sql table with one extra field which is the autonumber unique field? Thanks a bunch for any asistance.
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Sep 10, 2006
I am new to SQL Server 2005 and Visual C++ 2005 Express.
When I try and add a connection in Visual C++:
DataSource: SQL Server Database File
File Name: c:.......file.mdf
Windows Authentication
I get the following message:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Share Memeory Provider, error:36 - The Shared Memory dll used to connect to SQL Server 2000 was not found)
Any ideas?
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May 27, 2007
I'm a complete novice concerning SQL Server (Express Edition)
I'm trying to Add or Delete rows froma VB 2005 Express Function or Sub. While the program is running everything is ok. Except when restarted added records are gone and deleted records are back.
Have i missed an option during installation?
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Aug 8, 2006
When I installed VS 2005, it installed the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express that ships with Visual Studio 2005 installer media.
How can apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 to update this existing instance?
Currently, if I run this query:
SELECT @@version
I get the following:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
After applying SP1, I should get 9.00.2047.00.
Should I just go to this link and download & install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1:
Thank you,
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May 18, 2006
I am adding (trying to add) a procedure (written by a friend of mine and someone who is experienced). I am adding it via the SQL Server Mgt. Studio Express. When I run it, it says that the command completed successfully, but it doesn't appear in the Procedure folder.
When I run my ASP 2.0 form that calls it, it says that it can't find the procedure.
Can anyone help me determine what to look for or what I might be doing wrong?
Thank you.
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Jul 9, 2007
I have an application which stores records on a local SQL Express and I need to move the records to a SQL 2000 database. I have the SQL 2000 server linked in the Express Management Console (under Linked Servers). I'm trying to use a stored procedure to accomplish this, but get an error "Invalid object name 'ngtxa4-rsmsz-01.newpurchase.tblRequest'." Express uses a table named tblTRequest in the TempPurchase database, while 2000 uses a table named tblRequest in a NewPurchase database. Here is the stored procedure I'm using:
USE [tempPurchase]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[InsertRequestToMain] Script Date: 07/09/2007 08:54:56 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertRequestToMain]
INSERT INTO [ngtxa4-rsmsz-01].newpurchase.tblRequest
(fldRequestDate, fldRequiredBy, fldUserID, fldWorkAreaID, fldVendorID, fldClassID, fldEstimate, fldMemo, fldStatusID, fldStatusDate, fldSystemID,
fldtmpRequestID, fldUpdateCode)
SELECT fldRequestDate, fldRequiredBy, fldUserID, fldWorkAreaID, fldVendorID, fldClassID, fldEstimate, fldMemo, fldStatusID, fldStatusDate, fldSystemID,
tmpRequestID, UpdateCode
FROM tblTRequest
WHERE (fldHold = 0)
Any assistance with this would greatly be helpful. Thank you.
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Mar 27, 2008
im having an issue with sql server 2005 express on a test box. in recent testing, ive encountered errors with the database that i havent encountered before. im trying to use an app to add records to some tables in a database, 1 record at a time. but in doing so i get this
"The transaction log for database 'ScanOrder2' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases"
with every insert of a record.
this process was working fine 2 days ago and i cant find anything
thats been changed.
- i deleted the database and tried restoring it from a backup that is
known to work, but still has the issue
- the recovery model is set to simple. every night a batch script is
run to truncate the log file in case there is a transaction that uses
a lot of records
- i can insert and delete records manually with no problems (ie going
in through SSMSE and highlighting a row and deleting it or adding
random data) but i still cant add it through the app
- the log file is set to autogrow unrestricted at 10 megs at a time.
- i even tried setting the log file to 500 megs starting size, and
still couldnt even insert 1 record
- when i check the log_reuse_wait_desc, it says NOTHING, when not
running and while running.
is there any other setting i could be missing that might attribute to
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Feb 19, 2007
Hi, I have installed a trial version of VC++ Express 2005 with thebudled SQL Server. After creating a C++ Forms prototype, with sometables into a database file named Test1.mdb, now I want to make ODBCavailable this local database.What are the steps required to add and ODBC entry so any ODBC-capableprogram may access my prototype?I know in advance the location of the database file and log file, knowit is local (so the server is localhost or just (local) ) and also thedriver name and the port number.What is unknown to me is the user id and password as the installlationwas done to auth with OS credentials.Could be "sa" without password?Thanks in advance, Carlos
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Feb 20, 2006
Hi there,
I'm new to programming and trying to learn as much as I can about SQL Server Express and VB Express.
I'm trying to write some values from a textbox to a SQL database, can someone point me to a sample of this?
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Oct 4, 2006
If i have been using sql server 2005 express for developing my application and i decide to upgrade to sql server 2005 express with advanced services while still working on the same application, what will happen to my application's database. Can i be able to continue with my work with out any major regrets.
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Dec 11, 2006
I'm trying to learn some VB programming with the VB 2005 Express Absolute Beginner Series video tutorials (which I think is great) and have come across a problem that I can't solve.
When I follow the instructions in Lesson 9 (Databinding Data to User Interface Controls) my application will display the data from the database correctly and I can edit it (and as long as the debugger is running the data remains changed). However, the changes won't propagate back to the database. I don't get any error messages but after I edit the data, save (with the save button on the BindingNavigator toolbar), and end debugging the data in my database remains unchanged. When I use a MessageBox to show how many rows where edited/updated in the
I get the correct number back. I'm sure the problem is not due to coding errors since I've also tried running the accompanying Lesson 9 project file that can be downloaded from MSDN and the problem persists.
I'm using Windows XP SP2, SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and VB 2005 Express Edition. I've tried installing SQL Server 2005 Express with a number of different settings, including default settings, but it doesn't make any difference.
Would greatly appreciate any feedback on this as I'm keen to resolve this problem so I can get on with the next tutorial lesson.
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Aug 4, 2006
Can I add images to a table with SQL Server Express Management Studio? If so, how, if not, what alternative methods other than the point-and-click can I use?
Thanks in advance,
Fedor Steeman
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Sep 13, 2006
HiIm trying to connect Visual Basic Express 2005 to a remote SQL Server Express 2005. I cant find how i can do that in Express.In Web developer there are no problem to connect to a remote SQL server but i cant find it in Express. The XP with the SQL server that i want to connect to is on the local network. Greatful for help!
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Jun 13, 2007
Hi Guys,
I created a Product database table using Visual Basic 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express. I have just added a new column [Picture] to the database table, which of course, should store an image or picture of a product. I am writing to kindly ask you guys for help .
i) How do I include image files into this column [Picture]?
ii) How do I get this image to display on Visual Basic 2005 Express form, so that when a product is selected the product image is displayed accordingly?
Your help much appreciated. Thanks.
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Mar 12, 2007
I want to make a component library in Visual Basic.NET and connect to a remote Sql Server. When I create a new DataSet with the wizard, I can only connect to a .mdf file, but not to a Sql Server. With Visual Web Developer I can connect to a Sql server. What is the difference between these enviroments ? How can I do the same with Visual Basic.NET ?
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 20, 2006
Currently I have following things installed on my Computer
1. SQL Server Express 2005
2. SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 CTP
I need to install following things
A. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services
B. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit
Do I need to uninstall any any of 1 or 2?
What should be my path to upgrade these software.
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Jan 22, 2007
Q1: Does Sql Server 2005 Express support Web/Internet to other SQL Server 2005 Express Clients or does it have to Synch across the internet to a fully installed setup SQL Server 2005 with IIS?
Q2: Does SQL Server 2005 Express support Direct Replication between other SQL Server 2005 Express clients?
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Jun 7, 2007
Hi all,
I have installed SQL server 2005 express edition with SQL server Management studio express (SSMSE).
I have installed also SQLce and I would know how I can manage sql compact edition databases (.ldf) with sql SSMSE, if it is possible!
I would be grateful if you could explain it trought a detailed guide (I am a beginner user of sql server tools) or trought a link to useful sites.
I'm Looking forward for your reply and still trying...
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Jul 8, 2005
HiHow do i simply add records to my Ms SQL database??Does anyone have an example?Best regards/Erik
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Apr 2, 2007
Hello guys,
I hope someone can help me!
I have a (probably simple) problem with compact edition, I can't seem to add records using VB 6.0. Here's some sample code I've been testing with:
Dim pConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim pRS As ADODB.Recordset
Set pConn = New ADODB.Connection
Set pRS = New ADODB.Recordset
pConn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.MOBILE.OLEDB.3.0;Data Source=C: est.sdf"
'pConn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C: est.mdb"
pConn.Execute "INSERT INTO tblActions ([Branch ID], [Computer ID], [User ID], [Program ID], [Type ID], ID, [Extra 1], [Extra 2]) " & _
"VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'some text', 'more text')"
' Open the recordset
pRS.Open "tblActions", pConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
pRS![Branch ID] = 1
pRS![Computer ID] = 1
pRS![User ID] = 1
pRS![Program ID] = 1
pRS![Type ID] = 1
pRS![ID] = 1
pRS![Extra 1] = 1
pRS![Extra 2] = 1
Set pRS = Nothing
Set pConn = Nothing
I can add the records using an SQL statement, but when I try to open the recordset and add a record using the AddNew method it fails with the message:
The command contained one or more errors. [,,,,,]
But, if I connect to an Access database (which uses exactly the same tables, etc.) using the commented out connection string in the above sample, the code works fine. What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks in advance!
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Nov 24, 2006
Here's my dilema. I'm using VB.Net 2003 and SQL DB
I'm having a problen adding a record to a table in my SQL DB
My previous experience has been working with Access databases.
When I try to create an SQLDataAdapter using the wizard from the toolbox the wizard will only create the Select statement. it won't create the UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT statements. I'm not sure why, I even tried using the form wizard and it still wouldn't work...
My tables all have primary keys defined.
So I decided that I would try to create everything programatically.
What I need to know is how to create the INSERT statement and which statements to use to add the record to the table.
I know that when using the OLEDataAdapter with the Acces DB I would do something like the following code.
MyNewRow = MyDatSet.Tables("MyTable").NewRow
MyDataAdapter.Update(MyDataSet, "MyTable")
I'm pretty sure that for an SQL DB it is different but I don't know how to do it.
Can anyone please help ????
I should also mention that all my textbox fields on my form are databound..
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Aug 7, 2006
I'm using Reporting Services Configuration tool to add the Reporting and ReportingTemb databases. Once the have been created, the tool attempts to upgrade the databases and can not create a script. This are the errors I see from the from the Reporting Services Configuration Tool after creating the databases:
! Verifing Database Version
The Database version (C.0.8.40) does not match your Reporting Services installation. You must upgrade your Reporting Services database.
! Creating upgrade script for database version C.0.8.40
ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: The version does not match a supported version.
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.GenerateDatabaseUpgradeScript(String databaseName, String serverVersion, String& script)
I've reinstalled the entire SQL Server 2005 installation. As part of company installation precodure, SQL 2005 w/o Reporting Services is installed first, followed by SP1. I then perform the SQL Reporting Services installation add-on.
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Aug 31, 2007
Hi all,
In my SQL Server Express (that is installed in my Windows XP Pro PC), SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration has Protocols for SQLEXPRESS. I tried to do "Enabling CLR Integration" in my SQL Server Express: (1) If I clicked on "Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections", I got an error "An exception occurred in SMO while trying to manage a service, (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) Additional information: Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum) The operation could not be completed. (WinMgmt). (2) If I clicked on "Surface Area Configuration for Features, I got a different error "Computer localhost does not exist on the network, or the computer cannot be configured remotely. Verify that the remote computer has the required computer has the required Windows Management Instrumentation components and then try again. (SQLSAC) Additional Information: An exception occurred in SMO while trying to manage a service. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo). Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum) The operation could not be completed. (WinMgmt). Please help and tell me how I should do to get "Enabling CLR Integration" in my SQL Server Express done and how I can create SQLCLR Project in VB 2005 Express.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Aug 22, 2007
Hi all,
I have SQL Server Express and VB 2005 Express installed in a Microsoft Windows XP Pro PC that is a terminal PC in our office Network. My Network Administrator has granted my terminal PC for Administrator Use. I tried to do the ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 programming in my terminal PC and I could not get a remote connection in the Window Form Application via Window Authorization. I do not know how to make this kind of remote connection in my Network. Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Mar 5, 2008
Hi all,
For the first time, I want to set up the configuration of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to allow me in doing the non-User-Instance/ADO.NET 2.0 programming from my VB 2005 Express. The SSMSE and VB 2005 Express are in my Windows XP Pro PC that is part of our NT 4 LAN System in our office. I read the article "How to configure SQL Server 2005 to allow remotre connections" in about (i) "Enable remote connections for SQL Server 2005 Express", (ii) Enable the SQL Server Browser service", (iii) Create exception in Windows Firewall, and (iv) Create an exception for the SQL Server Browser service in Windows Firewall. I entered the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration and I could not decide what options I should take for doing the non-User-Instance/ADO.NET 2.0 programming from my VB 2005 Express. I have the following questions on the page of "Minimize SQL Server 2005 Surface Area":
(1) I saw "Configure Surface Area for localhost [change computer]". I clicked on [change computer] and I saw the
following: Select Computer
The Surface Area Configuration of this surface area of this computer or a remote computer.
Specify a computer to configure: O Local computer
O Remote computer
Should I choose the "Local computer" or the "Remote computer" option?
(2) Below the "Configure Surface Area for localhost [change computer]",
I clicked on "Surface Area Configuration for Service and Connections", Select a component and then configure its services and connections: |-| SQLEXPRESS
|-| Database Engine
I picked => Remote Connection
On the right-hand side, there are: O Local connections only
O Local and remorte connections
O Using TCP/IP
O Using named pipes only
O Using both TCP/IP and named pipes
Should I choose O Local and remorte connections and O Using named pipes only?
Please help and tell me what options I should choose in (1) and (2).
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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May 19, 2007
Dear All,I am Using MS SQL EXPRESS SERVER .I have installed all tools available to Express Edition site. Now I have created my database on this .I have imported a table from my MS ACCESS database (Using ODBC Datasource).This table contains 10,000 records ,Now I want to append 1 more access Table(5500 records) to the existing table having same fields.How to do this.Can any body tell me? Thanks and Regardsmukesh
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May 7, 2007
I trying to add records from a table in DBF format (created with Visual FoxPro) into an SQL table created with SQL Server 2005.
I first converted the dbf file into an ascii file and then in the Query Editor in the SQL Server I typed:
use [c:developesqlsqldatapsw.listener]
append from 'c:developesqldatalistener.txt' type sdf
and then I pressed F5. I get an error that says:
Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'c:developesqlsqldatapsw.listener'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
I checked in the directory c:developesqlsqldata and the file psw.mdf is there and when I look in the psw database, the table listener is also there.
Could someone tell me what is going wrong? Also, how do I append the whole dbf table onto an SQL table. there's about 6000 records.
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Sep 28, 2006
Everything was working fine. I have been able to connect using windows authentication. Then, I went into the ODBC manager to add a data source and it failed to connect so I went back into the Server management studio to modify users. After doing this I now get an error when I try to conenct the management studio to the SQL server.
I wasn't modifying the login for my windows account that I normally use, I was modifying a different one, however I now get the message "An error has occured while establishing a connection to the SQL server. This kind of problem can ocure because the default behavior of the server does not support all connection methods" blah blah.
Does anyone know how I can attach to the server? Or, do I need to somehow remove the server and create a new one? How would I do that?
Thanks in advance for any input.
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Mar 21, 2007
As I said in the subject I've a problem trying to restore a backup of a previous db created in sql 2000 server
When I try to do it I recive the following message:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Il set di backup include il backup di un database diverso dal database 'musica2007' esistente. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)
For help, click:
Program Location:
in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExecutionManager.ExecuteNonQueryWithMessage(StringCollection queries, ServerMessageEventHandler dbccMessageHandler, Boolean errorsAsMessages)
in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupRestoreBase.ExecuteSql(Server server, StringCollection queries)
in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore.SqlRestore(Server srv)
What should I do? What's the probem? I've already tried to look for the solution in other messages but I didn't find anything..... Thanks for help,,, by Luke
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Dec 9, 2007
I want to add a product photo in jpeg format to a products table. I'm storing the image of the product in separate jpeg files located in a folder on the same server that houses SQL Server. I don't want to store the photo directly in the table. I just want to reference the file location of the jpeg photo in a record.
Can someone provide me with code I need to add to the photo column for each record in the products table in order to reference the location of the jpeg photo associated with that record?
Subsequently, I want the photo to pop up in SQL Server Reporting Services product report.
Thank you.
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