Adding User Define Fields Together

Apr 5, 2004

This is driving me crazy! The SQL Statement refenced is shown at the end of this email.

When I try and run the statement, an error is raised saying that Undrawn_GT5MIL_LE365Days is invalid (likewise for Undrawn_LE5MIL_LE365Days). From what I can gather, it is saying that I cannot include a User Defined variable in another argument. This is unlike Access. Any suggestions?

SQL View.......

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT QRY_FacNew_Term.Category, QRY_FacNew_Term.Fac_No, QRY_FacNew_Term.Client_Number, QRY_FacNew_Term.Client_Name,

Undrawn_GT5MIL_LE365Days = CASE WHEN Undrawn_CDN >= 5000000 AND Term <= 365 THEN Undrawn_CDN ELSE 0 END,

Undrawn_GT5MIL_GT365Days = CASE WHEN (Undrawn_CDN >= 5000000 AND Term > 365) OR

(Cr_Limit_CDN IN (0, 1)) THEN Undrawn_CDN ELSE 0 END, [Undrawn_GT5MIL_LE365Days]+[Undrawn_GT5MIL_GT365Days] AS Total

FROM dbo.QRY_FacNew_Term

WHERE (Exclude <> 'Y')

ORDER BY Category, Client_Name

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User Define Function

May 31, 2006

Fazlul Haq writes "i m new to sql question is


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User Define Function

Jun 27, 2007


I have a question about user define function in sql.
How can I use Exec in UDF?
What I mean is that I made a string in a UDF, And I need to
execute the string in function. but I think it's illegal.
so tell me how can I use it?

P.S : forget about useing stored procedure instead of function.


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How To Define A User Variable On Execute Sql Task??

Sep 7, 2006

Hi everyone,

How to define a Input variable in a Execute Sql Task??
I've defined a User::Inicio variable which contains 4 as value.

In Parameter Mappins it has been defined. Then, I've gone to General->Sql Statement and allocated the following SQL Statement:

Anyway, I'm stuck, both did not work
Thanks in advance for your comments

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User Define Roles And Cross Database Queries

May 28, 2003

We maintain a few applications that query multiple databases on our server. We also have groups of users that multitask using different applications.

I've always created a Role in each database for every application.

Wondering if someone is in two Roles at once will we have security conflicts?

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Creating A Table In SQL Server With Fields From Other Tables And Some Fields User Defined

Feb 20, 2008

How can I create a Table whose one field will be 'tableid INT IDENTITY(1,1)' and other fields will be the fields from the table "ashu".
can this be possible in SQL Server without explicitly writing the"ashu" table's fields name.

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Programmatically Adding A User To The System User Role

Dec 27, 2006

We have been working on an application that will be using a forms-authenticated report server (RS2005) as a reporting back-end. Using the reporting services web service I have been able to assign permissions to objects in reporting services no problem. The issue is that each user needs to be added to the System User role to be able to use the report builder properly. I can't seem to find a way to do this programmatically. Any idea?

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Adding Identity Fields

Nov 2, 1998

I have a table that I need to add an identity field to. I created a field in the table as an INT and added values to all of the existing records. When I try to change it to an IDENTITY field I continually get an error saying 'Invalid cursor state' . The help function tells me that this is caused by not having enough space in the transaction log but I don't understand this b/c the trans log is configured to expand as needed. Anyone know how I can do this?


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Adding Fields To A Table

Oct 17, 2007

I am new to SQL Server 2005 and I am trying to add two fields to an existing table. The table has 15 Million records in it and the save is not completing. How do I add the new fields?

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Help With SQL If Statement And Adding Fields Together

Jul 23, 2005

I have a query that I need a hand on. I am trying to add togther somefiends based on values of another.What I would like to add a billing total by saying more or less thefollowing:SELECT labor_hours, labor_cost, expidite_fee, flat_rate,include_repair_cost, include_cal, include_flat_rate, include_parts,cur_bill,(labor_hours * labor_cost) AS labor_total,(ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 cal_cost FROM calID WHERE orderID=79559 ORDER BYdateCAL DESC),0)) AS cal_total,(ISNULL((SELECT SUM((qty * cost) + premium_charge) AS gptotal FROMrepair_partsID WHERE orderID=79559),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM(qty_needed * cust_cost) AS gnptotal FROMmisc_part_assocID WHERE orderID=79559),0)) AS parts_total,((labor_hours * labor_cost) + expidite_fee + flat_rate +ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 cal_cost FROM calID WHERE orderID=79559 ORDER BYdateCAL DESC),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM((qty * cost) + premium_charge) AS gptotal FROMrepair_partsID WHERE orderID=79559),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM(qty_needed * cust_cost) AS gnptotal FROMmisc_part_assocID WHERE orderID=79559),0)) AS actual_total,(expidite_feeIF include_repair_cost = 1+ (labor_hours * labor_cost)IF include_flat_rate = 1+ flat_rateIF include_cal = 1+ ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 cal_cost FROM calID WHERE orderID=79559 ORDERBY dateCAL DESC),0)IF include_parts = 1+ ISNULL((SELECT SUM((qty * cost) + premium_charge) AS gptotal FROMrepair_partsID WHERE orderID=79559),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM(qty_needed * cust_cost) AS gnptotal FROMmisc_part_assocID WHERE orderID=79559),0)) AS billing_totalFROM view_inventoryWHERE orderID=79559I know the IF part is whacked, that's where I need the help. Is thistype of thing even possible? Or even efficent? Is it wise to subqueryfor totals (not like I have a choice based on the applicationrequirements)? help.

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Adding Calculated Fields

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table with some fields. break_mon, lunch_mon, dinner_mon, ent_mon,break_tue, lunch_tue, dinner_tue, ent_tue, .....etcI want to output the sum of the four monday columns as well as the sum ofthe four tuesday columns.I did this withSELECT break_mon+lunch_mon+dinner_mon+ent_mon AS mon_tot,break_tue+lunch_tue+dinner_tue+ent_tue AS tue_totFROM expense_reportI now want to add mon_tot and tue_tot AS total, but SQL is telling me thatit can not find mon_tot. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!DarrenMCP

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Adding A User/role To All User Database

Jan 23, 2001

Hi everyone,

I try to add a db_role or a user to all my databases with one script. Although parsing doesn't report any problem I get a Syntax error during execution.
I first select the database names into a #temp table which has two columns, ID and dbname.
After that I use the following code:

DECLARE @Count smallint
declare @dbVarchar(20)

SET @Count = 1

WHILE (@Count <=(SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #temp))


Exec ("USE @db")

EXEC sp_adduser 'test'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'my_role', 'testrole'

SET @db = (SELECT dbname FROM #temp WHERE ID = @Count)

It seems that the "Use @db" part has no value for the variable @db.
Does anybody knows how to solve this?

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Adding Additional Fields To ASPNETDB.mdf

Dec 28, 2006

I am attempting to add additional fields and data to the default users database that is created as a result of enabling roles on my website.  Is it possible to add additional data fields to this file?  Where can I find the commands to do this?

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Adding Data From Fields To Get A Total

Apr 11, 2006

EX:  I have a table for products, and each product has a quantity.  How can I add up the QTY field in all the rows to find out the total QTY of all the products.Any help would be greatly appreciated.gkc

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Adding Description To Tables And Fields

Oct 27, 2000

Can I add a description to a table or field? The way access gives you to add a description to a field.


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Adding New Fields To Transaction Replication.

May 19, 2006

I need help to add new fields in Transaction replication & also want to know how it will be replicated to Subscriber.

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Adding Conditions (if/else) When Selecting Fields

Aug 18, 2004

We have three fields in a table: firstname, Surname & Organisation. Firstname & surname will always be filled but in most cases organisation is NULL.

Part of what these fields will be used for is a mailshot. If there is no organisation data then the mailshot will open with 'Dear Firstname Surname, ' but if the organisation is present they would like 'Dear Organisation'.

Is it possible to create a select state that checks the organisation field, and if a value is present return that value else return the firstname, surname combination? I have tried various things but I cannot get it to work.

I know the ideal situation would be to do this type of condition check at scripting level (PHP, ASP, Visual Basic) but my bosses would like to try it at SQL level.

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A Problem With Adding Fields In Ssems

Jun 1, 2007

i have a DB and it has some tables that the tables has related link (diagram).now when i wanna to change a table's field , the Sql Server errors that the table is not empty.when i try to delete the table's content , Sql server errors that the table is use a relation with another table.
so can i change a table's structure?
by the way before i forget , the Sql Server's error is below:

'UserManagement' table
- Unable to modify table.
ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added that can contain nulls, or have a DEFAULT definition specified, or the column being added is an identity or timestamp column, or alternatively if none of the previous conditions are satisfied the table must be empty to allow addition of this column. Column 'isadmin' cannot be added to non-empty table 'UserManagement' because it does not satisfy these conditions.


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Script For Adding Fields To Table

Jul 23, 2005

How can I create a script that updates a table with new fields withoutlosing the data in the table (i.e., without dropping and recreating thetable)?Thanks.

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Adding New Column Fields Into A Big Table Issue

Aug 13, 2004

I have an existing table which has about 70 columns with 3 million rows in it. I was asked to add additional 50 new columns into the table. I have tried to add them in through the Enterprise manager design table but experiencing some problems. The adding process seemed never going to be end. Is there any good efficient way to do it??? I appreciate the help!


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Adding A Calculated Field By Using Two Fields From Different Data Sets

Oct 1, 2007

Can I make a calculated field by using two fields from different data sets?(I'm talking about SSRS data sets)

I tried to do that. But I got a error message.

"Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope."

Please can some one help me out?

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Adding A User...&#34;user Already Exists&#34;?

Sep 6, 2000

SQL7 -

Had a user created from a local NT account called joe. Used mixed mode athentication. Things are fine.

Later, we needed to add all users from primary domain account (domain2joe), and not have users on all the local servers (joe). Instead central athentication. So I removed the SQL user bill(that was there from local NT account), then went ahead and added the same username, but from a different domain (domain2joe). (same SQL username!) Now when I go into database access to grant user joe access to database1, SQL complains saying that the user already exists. I check the database1 and the user isn't there. BUT, the user bill exists on the SQL role "public" of that database.

I can I add this user and grant access to database1 when SQL thinks the user already exists?
How do I remove user from public role?

thanks in advance,

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Adding NT User Id To SQL 6.5

Aug 12, 1999

Does anyone know how to programmatically do the functions that SQL Security manager is doing when it moves an NT login into SQL?

I want to automate the task of granting NT users the ability to do a trusted SQL connection.

thanks Jeff

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Adding A New User

Mar 28, 2006

hey guys,

i'm trying to add a new user to a certain database directly through the users section in this database, but i was given an error that i can't and nothin was added, so i tried adding this user from the Logins section, a pop up message showed saying that this user already exists knowing that it doesn't when i try to create a user from the Logins in a different username it worked but the problem is i can't change the user i must stick with the username that is not working.
how can i fix it??


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Adding New User To SQL Server

Mar 16, 2008

Hi, I'm able to connect to my db using ASP.NET, but now I need to connect with ASP. I need to add a user like <computer name>ASP( I already have <computer name>ASPNET) using windows authentication to the db. I cannot seem find the way to do this in SQL Server management Studio, because it tells me that it doesn't find that group. Where can I add this user?Thanks a lot. 

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Adding A User In Every Database

Oct 29, 2001

I am trying to add a user in every database. So far I have tried using a cursor - Wont work because you cannot issue Use @database_name within the cursor. I have also tried master.dbo.sp_MsForeachdb "exec sp_grantdbaccess 'user'" this does not work either as it addes the user to the first database then doesnt cycle through. I also tried fully qualifying the sp_grantdbaccess with master.dbo.sp_grantdbaccess.

If you have a way of doing this i would appreciate some help.



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Droping And Adding New User

Aug 23, 2005

Hi All,I am having a serious problem of removing and adding again an user in adatabase.Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86)Dec 17 2002 14:22:05Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft CorporationEnterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service PackSomehow, the user was created earlier but was not able to run queryassigned to him. As a result I wanted to drop and recreate the user.I have done many possible things to create the users again with thesame user id but failed.1. I tried to delete this user from the enterprsie manager security-->logins-->user1It deletes but when I try to add again, it gives me error message(Error 15023: user or role u'user1' already exist).2. Then I tried in the db:delete sysusers where name='user1'it deletes the user1.3. Again tried adding, got the message in 1.4. Then I trieduse db1EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'user1', 'user1'Server: Msg 15291, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_change_users_login,Line 88Terminating this procedure. The User name 'user1' is absent or invalid.I also tried master database and ran the following.EXEC sp_droplogin 'user1'The login 'user1' does not exist.But If I try to add the login user1, get the error message.Error 15023: user or role u'user1' already existI also ran the following when I got Ad hoc error messageexecute sp_configure "allow updates",1goreconfigure with overridegoCould you please tell me how I can solve this problem.I do highly appreciate your help.Thanks a million in regards,mamun

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Adding A New User Login

Jul 20, 2005

In Ms SQL 2000, I want to be able to share my database with another user butI only want them to be able to look at the database and not be able tochange anything.Does anyone know how I go about doing this?

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Error 21770 Adding New User

Aug 17, 1999

Dear All,

I have inserted a new NT user via the Security Manager applet into a group associated with two databases. Now when I select 'Logins' from the Server Manager window and then double-click the newly added user, I receive this message 'Error 21770: The name '<NT username>' was not found in the Users collection.'

Can anyone please explain the above error message.


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Adding A User To A Read-Only Database

Aug 1, 2007

Hey guys,

I currently have a sql server 2000 sp4 instance with a read-only db on it. We get tlogs shipped from an outside vendor and keep a copy of the production database in house for reporting purposes. The database is in read-only mode because we apply new tlogs daily. Recently we did a full recover and applied 2 tlogs.

The issue:
There is a user YYY in the database and at the server level, but they aren't linked. So I do what I usually do and run the following command:

exec sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'YYY','YYY'

Except for I get the following error:

Server: Msg 3906, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_change_users_login, Line 109
Could not run BEGIN TRANSACTION in database 'ZZZ' because the database is read-only.

Now this error makes sense and I understand why, so my question is how do I fix the users not being linked?

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Adding An Authenticated User From External App

Apr 23, 2007

I have an ASP.NET 2 external application that is using and mix of the web services and tables/sps available from my 2005 SSRS.

I want to add an authenticated user from the external application. I don't see a web service that will do this. I have been through the SP's and can create roles, authenticated users, policies etc. But I think I need to update the XmlDescription field in the SecData table.

Do I need to build this XML string from scratch or is there a function / sp / web service that will do this. XML is a long ways from my strong suit.

Or am I just crazy and I should redirect my users to the Security tab!

Any help or advise would be appreciated.

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User Defined Fields Best Design

Jul 20, 2005

hi all(happy raksha bandhan day)we have one of Automation software for sales running for acustomer.He was cool for the first month of product, but later poppedwith adding some extra problems i added in database , put aseperate code in my application for that field.but later every 2 dayshe was adding new i thought to put in some inbuilt logicuser defined fields.second his user defined fields are like shoudl benumeric,string , length validation.But do not know whats the best wayto acheive this.I mean should i make seperate table where i definefield name, data types , validation and then in my application code ageneral logic for it in my application code.Any one has prooven designfor user defined fields,just thinking if i can even get a idea.....When i die i die programming........

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User-editable Fields In A Report - How?

Sep 10, 2007

Is it possible to set up a report so that there's a column where the user can insert data of their own, which then gets saved to the underlying database?

What I'm thinking of is the ability to have a drop-down box at the end of each row of data in the report, whereby the user can select an option to specify the action they have taken in response to the data. Is this possible, and if so, how exactly would I achieve this?

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