Adding Data To SQL Via Access Forms
Nov 14, 2007
I try to add data to SQL via Access Forms. When I add a data and open tables in Access which are connected to SQL, I can see my new datas. But if I open tables in SQL Server Management Studio I can not see any of those new datas. What should I do to solve this problem. I will be very happy if you can help me about this matter.
Thanks in advance...
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Jan 16, 2007
Hello, I have run into a strange problem with RS 2000. I have a base class that will call a reporting server web service, render a report to pdf, then write the report output to the stream. This has worked fine for me for reports.
However, when I render a graph to pdf, I get the following exception:
[ArgumentException: cookie.Domain]
System.Net.CookieContainer.Add(Cookie cookie) +583
Learning.Common.Reporting.ReportServerProxy.GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
I only get this exception in our staging environment, not locally.
Here is a code snippet from the ReportServerProxy class, but it is pretty textbook according to the MSDN samples..
public class ReportServerProxy : ReportingService {
protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri) {
HttpWebRequest request;
request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
// Create a cookie jar to hold the request cookie
CookieContainer cookieJar = new CookieContainer();
request.CookieContainer = cookieJar;
Cookie authCookie = AuthCookie;
// if the client already has an auth cookie
// place it in the request's cookie container
if (authCookie != null){
As I said, I can run reports one after another without issue, graphs are causing me problems.
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Nov 11, 2015
I have removed all constraints of a table.I have a copy of the database as back up, now how can i add back the constraints to the removed table.
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Oct 3, 2006
I'm hoping someone can get me pointed in the right direction
we have SQL 2005 and I need to add a user account to let some only view the data
no edits / adds / deletes ?
can any one help
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Oct 2, 2001
Hello all, here is my question,
I have an Access 97 database linked to a SQL Server 7 db. All primary keys/relationships/ec have been created in the SQl database and I can update forms fine from the table view. When I try to use the Access forms to update data, I cannot update anything. I believe that a possibility for this may be that the Autonumbering feature of the primary key is held in SQL where before it was held in Access so the form cannot update without a number already apparent to the form but I am probably way off. I tried creating a whole new form completely based on the linked tables instead of using the old Access forms but I recieved the same results. Anyone have this problem or know how to fix it?
Thank you in advance.
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Aug 2, 2007
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a replacement for Access Forms once I move the tables etc to SQL 2005?
Does SQL 2005 have any form building functionality like Access?
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Nov 1, 2007
We had to migrate from MS Access 2003 to SQL Server 2005 due to some project requirements.
We had used Forms, earlier, to enter data to the Access database.
I understand SS2005 doesnt support forms.
Can you suggest any other way of creating an equivalent entity as that of forms, so as to enable users to enter data to the SS 2005 DB easily.
Thanks in Advance for your help,
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Jul 20, 2004
regular access db - usually use sub-forms or tabs - this time I want seperate forms - have linked fields - but can't final code line in "open form" button command. Any suggestions welcome. Denny :(
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Mar 12, 2006
Hi everyone,
passing variables (values) from a form (MS Access Project) to a stored procedures in order to select records shouldn't be all that difficult. However after searching for hours and hours in various forums and discussions i'm still nowhere. I really hope someone can give me the missing hint.
OK All I whant to do is select data from the sql server via an access interface. the value entered into the access form by the user (for example the client name) should then be transferred to the stored procedure which will then return all the records of the chosen client.
The simple task of transferring this form value to the stored procedure is driving me crazy. Does anyone have an idea.
Thanx in advance
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,I would like to know if it is possible to create a form in Access2000,which would function like a calendar for 8 operating rooms inhospital, showing which hours are those closed for a specific date.For this intersection I would like to be appeared the name of thedoctor, the name of the patient and the kind of operation.Furthemore I would like this intersection to be marked in the calendarwith a colour, showing that this room is closed for that time.The data for this form are going to be extracted from a table storedin SQL Server 2000.Generally the whole application is stored in SQL Server( storedprocedures, tables, diagrams etc.)1)How this can be done? Is this going to be through VB or not? Can Imake a template in Excel spreadsheet put it in a formand apply code on it?I would like also to make forms(in Access) for user-entry data thatwill use stored procedures of SQL Server with pushing the OK button.The stored procedures would take as arguments the user-entry data fromtheforms.I thought to make a pass-through query which would use a VB functionand would take as arguments the user's valuesand after would pass these values in the stored procedures.2)Can this be done through the pass-through query, that is SqlServer "understands" VB or better Access pass-through query processthe VB commands before be connected with the Sql Server?What do you think of this as an idea?My problem is that I really don't know how to combine VB code withTransact Sql code.Can you give an example or any ideas where I can find the relativeinformation?Thanks you in advance.
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Aug 7, 2006
I upsized an Access 2003 database to SQL Server Express Edition 2005, and have converted all tables, queries, reports and macros successfully so far. The snag I'm running into involves using macros embedded in buttons on certain forms using Access as the frontend.
With these forms, the idea is to navigate to a certain record, and hit a button to bring up a print preview view of a report. Based on the record you're looking at in the form, it should check against the data in the table to which it refers, and pull up a single record in the report.
In access as a standalone, using the OpenReport command, the code was as follows:
[MRB Report Data]![MRB Report Number]=[Forms]![MRB Data Input]![MRB Report Number]
MRB Report Data is the table containing data, and MRB Report Number is the primary key (autonumber). MRB Data Input is the form in question, and the second MRB Report Number is the control field that references back to the MRB Data Input table.
When I try to run this using Access as a frontend, an error occurs at the first '!' - is there a different syntax I need to specify to reference a form in this case?
Thanx in advance.
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Jun 26, 2007
I'm getting the below error message:
Autogrow of file 'FORMS' in database 'FORMS' cancelled or timed out after 30547 ms. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH or to set a new size.
FORMS.LDF file is 7613952 KBand the growth is 512MB .
By how much should I set the filegrowth? The users are complaining that the application is freezing on them.
This is sqlserver 2000.
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Apr 12, 2008
I am converting an Access 2003 database into SQL 2005 Express for purposes of evaluating the SQL server environment as a future home for my data. One of the motivating factors in the conversion is the integration of LINQ with VB 2008.
Assuming that there was no conversion tool to migrate Access forms for use with SQL and VB 2008, I converted the Access data table and used the VB 2008 form designer to databind textbox controls to fields in the converted SQL database. Here are some basic questions:
The conversion from Access to SQL apparently did not include the default numeric formatting (currency, percentage, etc.) which was part of the Access data table. Is there a place in the SQL server environment to supply a default data format so that forms and reports referencing the field do not need to be manually formatted for each reference?
After converting the data table and spending 2 hours designing the dataform for the 80+ fields, I inadvertantly changed the table structure and found that the dataform was not happy (oops). I corrected the databindings manually for the few errant field references, but wonder if there is some wizard to do this automatically?
Is there a way to print out the dataform itself? I used the following code snippet in my Access form code-behind and I wonder if there is an equivalent VB 2008 function:
Code Snippet
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection
Finally, Access can instantly change from dataform to datasheet presentation screens. Can this be done in VB 2008 with two views simultaneously presenting the same SQL data?
Please excuse my naivete, but in contrast to Access 2003 where program functionality is encapsulated into readily apparent controls, menus, and dialogs, the SQL server environment seems foreign, spartan, and all the words are different. Thanks, -BGood
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Feb 11, 2008
Hi all,
In my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), pubs Database has a Stored Procedure "byroyalty":
ALTER PROCEDURE byroyalty @percentage int
select au_id from titleauthor
where titleauthor.royaltyper = @percentage
And Table "titleauthor" is:
au_id title_id au_ord royaltyper
I try to do an ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 programming in my VB 2005 Express to get @percentage printed out in the VB Form1. I read some articles in the websites and MSDN about this task and I am very confused about "How to Work with Output Parameters & Report their Values in VB Forms": (1) Do I need the Form.vb [Design] and specify its properties of the object and classes I want to printout? (2) After the SqlConnectionString and the connection.Open(), how can I bring the value of @percentage to the Form.vb? (3) The following is my imcomplete, crude draft code:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Public Class Form1
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("byroyalty", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
From the above-mentioned (1), (2) and (3), you can see how much I am lost/confused in attempting to do this task. Please help and give me some guidances and good key instructions for getting the output parameter printed out in the FORM.vb in my VB 2005 Express project.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Aug 14, 2004
I could really use some suggestions on the best way to get the results of a pretty complex aspx form. There are a whole bunch of search criteria. Most of the criteria are ranges of numbers such as a starting number and ending number but other criteria need to search text fields for keywords. Most fields are optional which means that many values will not be submitted. Not that there is a right and wrong way to do it, but what typically works out better for these things, an aspx procedure that puts together a highly complicated select statement or writing a highly complicated stored procedure? Either way I see a ton of if statements, or am I making this a lot harder then it needs it needs to be?
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Oct 1, 2015
giving a use access to enter data into one database table.
I know Access is an option, but I was wondering if there was another, like MS Word or Adobe.
This is a SSMS database, 2008.
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Oct 17, 2014
I am looking to store the different forms and data in our database. We have several different forms and contains different information. I am looking for different approaches to model this table structure.
Also, I need to make sure the table structure will allow for new forms.
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Mar 5, 2008
We have a few reports that we would like to require the user to enter a password before they can view the report. Is there a way to do this?
Thank You
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Nov 30, 2006
HiI've got a quandry - I have a detailed database that handles advertorders between a design agency and printers / magazines etc.I want to add up the total spent by the client and put the results to afield.I've actually done that using a query table in access - it should bequite simple as i can bind the 'total amount' to my table - the onlything it does not currently do is filter the total based on the monthselected.For example if you look at data here is filtered by the issue equaling Dec-2006The actual order total is £13,622 but the column is showing the totalfor all entries to date (a years worth = £ 422,048)I'm sure that there is only a basic tweak required but i'm banging myhead over what to doThe sql is "SELECT * FROM monnodraught, q_monodraught_total WHERE[Issue / Edition] LIKE ? ORDER BY Publication ASC"Any help gladly received.
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Sep 22, 2015
I'm trying to re-write my database to de-couple the interface (MS Access) from the SQL Backend. Â As a result, I'm going to write a number of Stored Procedures to replace the MS Access code. Â My first attempt worked on a small sample, however, trying to move this on to a real table hasn't worked (I've amended the SP and code to try and get it to work on 2 fields, rather than the full 20 plus).It works in SQL Management console (supply a Client ID, it returns all the client details), but does not return anything (recordset closed) when trying to access via VBA code.The Stored procedure is:-
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [Clients].[vms_Get_Specified_Client] Script Date: 22/09/2015 16:29:59 ******/
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Aug 16, 2007
We have an Access application using Jet. I added some new indexes yesterday and now they are being blamed for poor Access application performance. I then dropped the new indexes. The poor performance continued until the Access application was re-linked to the SS2000 database. Then things returned to normal.
Question, does Access/Jet persist SqlServer schema info in its MDB (or elsewhere?) I am told that the MDB is copied from a share to the local PC where it grows during its use. Some people are saying the MDB persists schema info about the SS2000 schema which influences how Jet accesses the SS2000 database. Is that true? Is there a link where I can read about this? I am a dba and am not an Access developer . . .
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Mar 8, 2006
I am running Visual Studios 2005 enterprise edition and I am creating a mobile application to keep track of some receipts. The problem I'm currently having is that even though I can connect to the MS Access Database with Server Explorer that I'll be aquiring data from; Everytime I attempt to use the Data Configuration Wizard to add a new data source that namely the database I get this error message:
The new connection uses a data provider that is not supported. (end of message)
There is no username or password necessary to access this database and it is an Access 2003 database.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Oct 24, 2015
Deleting a Login from a server instance and adding it back did not show that the login was still mapped to databases. In SQL Server 2008, adding a Windows Login did not permit access to end user databases until the Windows Login was mapped to various databases. In SQL Server 2012, once a Windows Login is added to SQL Server Security, it may access ANY end user databaseWe use the following to circumvent this problem, Windows Login by Windows Login: DENY VIEW ANY DATABASE TO [TESTTest1]
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Sep 11, 2006
Hello, I'm new to the forum and new to SQL, ASP.NET, etc. I am creating an intranet site for my company in VS 2005 and have run into a very annoying problem that I can't seem to solve. I have tried Googling it and came up empty. I have a database in SQL Express 2005 and my website will be accessing several tables within the database. I can retrieve info just fine and I can update, delete, etc just fine using gridview or other prebuilt tools, but when I add a few text boxes and wire a button to the SqlDataSource.Insert() command, I get a new record that is full of null values except for the identity key I have set. The kicker is that I am also using a master page and when I duplicate the web page without the master page link, everything works just fine. The following snippets show what I'm doing:<InsertParameters><asp:FormParameter Name="Name" Type="String" FormField="txtName" /><asp:FormParameter Name="Location" Type="String" FormField="ddlLocation" /><asp:FormParameter Name="Issue" Type="String" FormField="txtProblem" /></InsertParameters>Of course I match the formfields to the text boxes, create an onclick event for my button, the sqldatasource is configured correctly, it just doesn't work with the master page no matter what I do. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Jun 30, 2015
I have a client who has SSMS installed on her laptop. She is able to connect to the SQL server via SSMS in the office and query data on the server.
She needs to be out of site often and doesn't have internet access. She asks if the data tables can be "backed up" or saved on her laptop, so she can look at them without worrying connecting to the server. I am not sure if this can be achieved, as SSMS is built for accessing a server, not a desktop. Myself never have this need. If I really need it, I would go to Microsoft Access and create an ODBC connection to the datatables. But this client thinks that Microsoft Access is beneath her.Â
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Jul 20, 2015
HowTo: Import data to MS SQL 2008 from password protected Access DB ?
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Apr 3, 2014
I need to see inside a SSIS 2012 project a new SSIS installed component, but in the SSDT 2010 I cannot see the SSIS Data Flow Items tab for adding data source/data destination respect to the choose toolbox items pane.
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Jan 5, 2006
I need to know what a table's max row Identity is part way thru a data flow. I can't get it at the beginning of the data flow. I need to either (1) add it to the data buffer part way thru or (2) set it into a package variable and then reference the var in a script component.
I've not found a way to add a database column to the data buffer without doing a lookup for each row (too slow and not appropriate here) or some goofy oledb source and then merge join into the data buffer on a contrived join.
I've read questions about referencing package vars in scripts but I can't get that to work. DTS.Variables("varname").Value isn't recognised when I code it up.
Anyone have an idea or solution for either one of these? If you're gonna explain the script code, please include the entire snipet including the INCLUDEs, etc.
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Sep 17, 2004
I have some website work lined up and it involves some simple modifications to a MS SQL 2000 server. What I'll need to do is add some new data fields and insert some data.
I have some experience with databases - MS Access and MySQL, but I have never used or seen MS SQL 2000. My question is, is this a relatively simple thing to do for someone who hasn't used it before? I can do these things quite simply in Access or MySQL, so is MS SQL 2000 going to be any different?
Also, does anyone know of any free tutorials online that would help me out?
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Jun 10, 2015
I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.
But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013. The queries still work for users still using MS 2007.Â
I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.
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Nov 12, 2015
We need to insert data/rows from a SQL Server 2014 database into MS Access database. The problem is, there are so many columns (100+) in the table and there are so many insert transactions of this kind (from different tables) that it is not very easy to write the code in VB.NET that lists all column names.
Both the Access and SQL Server tables have the same number of columns and the equivalent data types, so inserting is not really the problem. It's just that is there a way to do an insert statement in T-SQL that does not name all the columns?
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Oct 30, 2007
Hi guys,
I've been developing desktop client-server and web apps and have used Access and SQL Server Standard most of the time.
I'm looking into using SQL CE, and had a few questions that I can't seem to get a clear picture on:
- The documentation for CE says that it supports 256 simultaneous connections and offers the Isolation levels, Transactions, Locking, etc with a 4GB DB. But most people say that CE is strictly a single-user DB and should not be used as a DB Server.
Could CE be extended for use as a multi-user DB Server by creating a custom server such as a .NET Remoting Server hosted through a Windows Service (or any other custom host) on a machine whereby the CE DB would run in-process with this server on the machine which would then be accessed by multiple users from multiple machines??
Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE
- and further more can we use Enterprise Services (Serviced Components) to connect to SQL CE and further extend this model to offer a pure high-quality DB Server?
Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> Enterprise Services -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE
Seems quite doable to me, but I may be wrong..please let me know either ways
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