Adding Description To Tables And Fields
Oct 27, 2000Can I add a description to a table or field? The way access gives you to add a description to a field.
Can I add a description to a table or field? The way access gives you to add a description to a field.
Hi everyone,
I'm using SQL 2005. I want to add a description for each table on my database. How do I do that? I know I can add a description to each field, but how do I add a description to each TABLE? I tried going to Properties but don't see anything.
Grateful for any help. Thanks.
Hi, i'm trying to do a full text search on my site to add a weighting score to my results. I have the following database structure:
Documents: - DocumentID (int, PK) - Title (varchar) - Content (text) - CategoryID (int, FK)
Categories: - CategoryID (int, PK) - CategoryName (varchar)
I need to create a full text index which searches the Title, Content and CategoryName fields. I figured since i needed to search the CategoryName field i would create an indexed view. I tried to execute the following query:
CREATE VIEW vw_DocumentsWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT dbo.Documents.DocumentID, dbo.Documents.Title, dbo.Documents.[Content], dbo.Documents.CategoryID, dbo.Categories.CategoryNameFROM dbo.Categories INNER JOIN dbo.Documents ON dbo.Categories.CategoryID = dbo.Documents.CategoryID
GOCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX vw_DocumentsIndexON vw_Documents(DocumentID)
But this gave me the error:
Cannot create index on view 'dbname.dbo.vw_Documents'. It contains text, ntext, image or xml columns.
I tried converting the Content to a varchar(max) within my view but it still didn't like.
Appreciate if someone can tell me how this can be done as surely what i'm trying to do is not ground breaking.
I have hundreds of tables in my database.
Is there a way to get a list of them with a description
of their content (the procedure and the transaction they
are related to, the way columns are created)?
Thank you. Anna - Verona (Italy)
How can I create a Table whose one field will be 'tableid INT IDENTITY(1,1)' and other fields will be the fields from the table "ashu".
can this be possible in SQL Server without explicitly writing the"ashu" table's fields name.
I am a beginer in SQL Server and if someone knows I would like to knowwhere are stored columns description - am refering at that columndescription that can be write for each column when you create a tablein a SQL Server Database using SQL Server Enterprise Manager.I want to get this information from the database and display it in aC# application, I 've tryed COLUMNPROPERTY function and sp_columnsprocedure, but this are not giving me the column definition, onlytype, name, etcThanksMaria
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have 3 tables I'm trying to join:
Table 1: Contains ID, Name, Description
Table 2: Contains ID, Keyword
Table 3: Is lookup table for tables 1 & 2
I need a query to return a table having columns of:
Name, Description, Keyword for every record ID in Table 1
The issue is that table 2 contains multiple keywords for each key ID and my query returns an error: Subquery returned more than 1 value.
When I run this query using a specific key, it returns the correct information the way I want it:
SET @ServiceID = '35'
SELECT @Name = [DefService].[Name],@Desc = [DefService].[Description],@Keywords = COALESCE(@Keywords + ', ', '') + [DefKeyword].[Name] FROM [DefService] INNER JOIN [DefKeywordServices] ON [DefService].serviceid = [DefKeywordServices].[ServiceID] INNER JOIN [DefKeyword] ON [DefKeyword].[KeywordID] = [DefKeywordServices].[KeywordID] WHERE [DefService].[ServiceID] = @ServiceID PRINT @Name + ' | ' + @Desc + ' | ' + @Keywords
SELECT @Name AS Name,@Desc AS Description,@Keywords AS Keywords
GoToMyPC - Account RequestRequest a Citrix GoToMyPC account.GTMPC, GoTo, application, software, install, Installation, applications
When I run the same query without a specific key it fails. The results only return a single row containing Name, Description and then ALL keywords for every key ID...very odd behavior.
BTW, I need to do this in a single SQL query and not a stored proc or other method.
I have a table that I need to add an identity field to. I created a field in the table as an INT and added values to all of the existing records. When I try to change it to an IDENTITY field I continually get an error saying 'Invalid cursor state' . The help function tells me that this is caused by not having enough space in the transaction log but I don't understand this b/c the trans log is configured to expand as needed. Anyone know how I can do this?
I am new to SQL Server 2005 and I am trying to add two fields to an existing table. The table has 15 Million records in it and the save is not completing. How do I add the new fields?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a query that I need a hand on. I am trying to add togther somefiends based on values of another.What I would like to add a billing total by saying more or less thefollowing:SELECT labor_hours, labor_cost, expidite_fee, flat_rate,include_repair_cost, include_cal, include_flat_rate, include_parts,cur_bill,(labor_hours * labor_cost) AS labor_total,(ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 cal_cost FROM calID WHERE orderID=79559 ORDER BYdateCAL DESC),0)) AS cal_total,(ISNULL((SELECT SUM((qty * cost) + premium_charge) AS gptotal FROMrepair_partsID WHERE orderID=79559),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM(qty_needed * cust_cost) AS gnptotal FROMmisc_part_assocID WHERE orderID=79559),0)) AS parts_total,((labor_hours * labor_cost) + expidite_fee + flat_rate +ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 cal_cost FROM calID WHERE orderID=79559 ORDER BYdateCAL DESC),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM((qty * cost) + premium_charge) AS gptotal FROMrepair_partsID WHERE orderID=79559),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM(qty_needed * cust_cost) AS gnptotal FROMmisc_part_assocID WHERE orderID=79559),0)) AS actual_total,(expidite_feeIF include_repair_cost = 1+ (labor_hours * labor_cost)IF include_flat_rate = 1+ flat_rateIF include_cal = 1+ ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 cal_cost FROM calID WHERE orderID=79559 ORDERBY dateCAL DESC),0)IF include_parts = 1+ ISNULL((SELECT SUM((qty * cost) + premium_charge) AS gptotal FROMrepair_partsID WHERE orderID=79559),0) +ISNULL((SELECT SUM(qty_needed * cust_cost) AS gnptotal FROMmisc_part_assocID WHERE orderID=79559),0)) AS billing_totalFROM view_inventoryWHERE orderID=79559I know the IF part is whacked, that's where I need the help. Is thistype of thing even possible? Or even efficent? Is it wise to subqueryfor totals (not like I have a choice based on the applicationrequirements)? help.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a table with some fields. break_mon, lunch_mon, dinner_mon, ent_mon,break_tue, lunch_tue, dinner_tue, ent_tue, .....etcI want to output the sum of the four monday columns as well as the sum ofthe four tuesday columns.I did this withSELECT break_mon+lunch_mon+dinner_mon+ent_mon AS mon_tot,break_tue+lunch_tue+dinner_tue+ent_tue AS tue_totFROM expense_reportI now want to add mon_tot and tue_tot AS total, but SQL is telling me thatit can not find mon_tot. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!DarrenMCP
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am attempting to add additional fields and data to the default users database that is created as a result of enabling roles on my website. Is it possible to add additional data fields to this file? Where can I find the commands to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEX: I have a table for products, and each product has a quantity. How can I add up the QTY field in all the rows to find out the total QTY of all the products.Any help would be greatly appreciated.gkc
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need help to add new fields in Transaction replication & also want to know how it will be replicated to Subscriber.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have three fields in a table: firstname, Surname & Organisation. Firstname & surname will always be filled but in most cases organisation is NULL.
Part of what these fields will be used for is a mailshot. If there is no organisation data then the mailshot will open with 'Dear Firstname Surname, ' but if the organisation is present they would like 'Dear Organisation'.
Is it possible to create a select state that checks the organisation field, and if a value is present return that value else return the firstname, surname combination? I have tried various things but I cannot get it to work.
I know the ideal situation would be to do this type of condition check at scripting level (PHP, ASP, Visual Basic) but my bosses would like to try it at SQL level.
This is driving me crazy! The SQL Statement refenced is shown at the end of this email.
When I try and run the statement, an error is raised saying that Undrawn_GT5MIL_LE365Days is invalid (likewise for Undrawn_LE5MIL_LE365Days). From what I can gather, it is saying that I cannot include a User Defined variable in another argument. This is unlike Access. Any suggestions?
SQL View.......
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT QRY_FacNew_Term.Category, QRY_FacNew_Term.Fac_No, QRY_FacNew_Term.Client_Number, QRY_FacNew_Term.Client_Name,
Undrawn_GT5MIL_LE365Days = CASE WHEN Undrawn_CDN >= 5000000 AND Term <= 365 THEN Undrawn_CDN ELSE 0 END,
Undrawn_GT5MIL_GT365Days = CASE WHEN (Undrawn_CDN >= 5000000 AND Term > 365) OR
(Cr_Limit_CDN IN (0, 1)) THEN Undrawn_CDN ELSE 0 END, [Undrawn_GT5MIL_LE365Days]+[Undrawn_GT5MIL_GT365Days] AS Total
FROM dbo.QRY_FacNew_Term
WHERE (Exclude <> 'Y')
ORDER BY Category, Client_Name
i have a DB and it has some tables that the tables has related link (diagram).now when i wanna to change a table's field , the Sql Server errors that the table is not empty.when i try to delete the table's content , Sql server errors that the table is use a relation with another table.
so can i change a table's structure?
by the way before i forget , the Sql Server's error is below:
'UserManagement' table
- Unable to modify table.
ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added that can contain nulls, or have a DEFAULT definition specified, or the column being added is an identity or timestamp column, or alternatively if none of the previous conditions are satisfied the table must be empty to allow addition of this column. Column 'isadmin' cannot be added to non-empty table 'UserManagement' because it does not satisfy these conditions.
How can I create a script that updates a table with new fields withoutlosing the data in the table (i.e., without dropping and recreating thetable)?Thanks.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an existing table which has about 70 columns with 3 million rows in it. I was asked to add additional 50 new columns into the table. I have tried to add them in through the Enterprise manager design table but experiencing some problems. The adding process seemed never going to be end. Is there any good efficient way to do it??? I appreciate the help!
Can I make a calculated field by using two fields from different data sets?(I'm talking about SSRS data sets)
I tried to do that. But I got a error message.
"Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope."
Please can some one help me out?
Hi Everyone,
I have a page with a textbox and a dropdown list. The user will enter a company name in the text box and select a number from 1 - 20 (number of delegates for that company) in the dropdown list.
I've got the text box and dropdown writing to tblCompany but I would also like it to write to tblUsers at the same time. The reason for this is that i need it to set up the number of users that have been selected in the dropdown list.
Here is the codebehind file:Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web.Configuration
Partial Class cms_Management_Company_NewCompany
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim companyName As String
Dim companyActive As Boolean
Dim companyArchived As Boolean
Dim companyDelegates As Integer
Dim userForeName As String
Dim userSurname As String
Dim userEmail As String
Dim userUsername As String
Dim userPassword As String
Dim userActive As Boolean
Dim userTypeID As Integer
Dim companyID As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim NoLoops As Integer
Protected Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim conString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("General").ConnectionString
Dim con As New SqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblCompany (CompanyName, CompanyActive, CompanyArchived, CompanyDelegates) VALUES (@CompanyName, @CompanyActive, @CompanyArchived, @CompanyDelegates)", con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyName", companyName)
cmd.Parameters.Item("@CompanyName").Value = txtCompanyName.Text
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyDelegates", companyDelegates)
cmd.Parameters.Item("@CompanyDelegates").Value = lstDel.SelectedValue
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyActive", companyActive)
cmd.Parameters.Item("@CompanyActive").Value = True
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyArchived", companyArchived)
cmd.Parameters.Item("@CompanyArchived").Value = False
Using con
End Using
Dim con2 As New SqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblUsers (UserForeName, UserSurname, UserEmail, UserUsername, UserPassword, UserActive, UserTypeID, CompanyID) VALUES (@UserForeName, @UserSurname, @UserEmail, @UserUsername, @UserPassword, @UserActive, @UserTypeID, @CompanyID)", con2)
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserForeName", userForeName)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserForeName").Value = "First Name - Delegate 1"
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserSurname", userSurname)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserSurname").Value = "Surname - Delegate 1"
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserEmail", userEmail)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserEmail").Value = "Email Address - Delegate 1"
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserUsername", userUsername)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserUsername").Value = "Username - Delegate 1"
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserPassword", userPassword)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserPassword").Value = "Password - Delegate 1"
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserActive", userActive)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserActive").Value = True
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserTypeID", userTypeID)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserTypeID").Value = 2
cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserTypeID", userTypeID)
cmd2.Parameters.Item("@UserTypeID").Value = 1
Using con2
For i = 1 To NoLoops
Next i
End Using
End Sub
End ClassThe other thing I am not sure of is getting the ID of the new company and assiging it to the delegates in tblUsers (to associate them with the new company)I hope this makes sense.Thank you very much guys.Scott.
Hello all, i have 2 sql tables, and they each contain a column with bigint values. What i want to do is add up the values from both table, and then display it as 1 number. Supposing i have the following
table name: DownloadTable
fileName | DownloadSize |
file1 | 45
file2 | 50
file3 | 20
second table
table name: VideoTable
fileName | VideoSize |
file1 | 40
file2 | 60
file3 | 20
Now, i want this to output 120, wich is the sum of the sum of the values of table 1 and 2 I've already tried the following:
SELECT SUM(DownloadTable.DownloadSize) + SUM(VideoTable.VideoSize) FROM DownloadTable, VideoTable
However, when i ran this, it gave me a huge number, that was far from accurate from what it was suppose to output. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
I'm currently in an SQL internship, and am running into an issue with a project they've given me. Primarily, he's asking me to try to get a table containing student entry testing information to update with a new column that's supposed to contain the testing dates. This in mind, there is another table that contains testing data, and who's students are grouped by date, the data in each group all coming from the students table. Issue is, I don't know how to get the testing dates from the TestData table into the Students table. There's already a relationship set up between the TestID fields on the TestData table (PK) and the Students table (FK), so I don't think I can set up a new relationship to get it working.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a table that I am basically reduplicating a couple of times for each part of this database that I want to create.
Each table basically has the same data: The tables will be called motherTable, fatherTable, sonTable, daughterTable and so on.
I am pretty much using the following in each column: UserID, MotherID(or FatherID or SonID, etc., etc. and so on for each unique table), FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, BirthPlace, Photo, Age.
I don't see an option to copy a table and just modify the second ID part and rename that table accordingly.
How can I make this an easier way of creating these similar tables without retyping all these columns over and over again?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
I'm not sure how easy of a task this is, or how to go about it, so I thought I'd ask here. I am doing a major overhaul to my site and am re-programming the backend which involves re-formatting my tables, table names etc.
What I want to do is set up a new table in the format I want for the new site, but still be able to have the live data that is being submitted to the site now, be entered into the new table so that I don't have to shut down the site for days to transfer and reformat data. Example
Table 1
Field1: Name
Field2: Address
Table 1
Field1: Name
Field2: myAddress
Field3: City
I want to be able to somehow map the two together so that when data is entered into the Name field on the current site, that same name is also inserted into the new site table as well. Mapping like this:
(current site)Name -> (new site)Name
(current site)Address -> (new site)myAddress
The city field would be left unaffected as that data would only be entered once the new site is up and running.
I know I could do this from a stored procedure on the exiting site or by re-writting all of my SQL to insert into both tables, but right now all of the SQL is hardcoded into the pages and I have A LOT of pages. Is there a way to map the tables together from within SQL Server?
Hi All,
I need to get the names of tables and fields (or atleast the fields) from a database. Is there a query I can use that will return what all the db's tables and those tables fields are?
I have a database with approx 95 tables. I would like to get a printout of each table, the fields contained therein and the field type
(i.e the information displayed when rightclicking a table in Enterprise Manager and selecting Properties).
I have tried to use the diagram function but due to the large number of tables the diagram is very complex and would have to be printed out on a huge sheet of paper to make it legible. I have also looked at the SP_HELP stored procedure but can't seem to get the syntax correct to display properties on all tables (info on one table is no problem).
Any ideas ?
Tim H
I am working with the article that MAK wrote on SecurityLogs
I have completed this, but I have made some changes to the database (for normalization to 3NF purposes). I now have problems with a query.
I am trying to "Insert a new record in a table if it does not already exist in the table". To try to clarify I perform the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT EventID, EventType, EventTypeName from Tmp
Which gives me the Tmp_Event table consisting of EventID's etc. (no duplicates). What I then want to do, is compare the 'Tmp_event' table and an already existing 'Event' table. These two tables are in fact identical. I would like to insert any records from 'Tmp_Event' into 'Event' if they do not already exist in 'Event'.
This query gives me all records that do not exist in 'Event'
SELECT EventID, EventType, EventTYpeName from Tmp_Event
WHERE EventID NOT IN (SELECT EventID from Event)
How can I change this query into performing an INSERT INTO Event as well?
Hope this makes sense :)
If possible, I would like to create a view using two different tables, but with the fields merged (ie. create one table from two tables). The table structures are pretty much the same. Can you do this from a singe SQL statement? Any ideas? My only alternative is creating a temp file that inserts records from both tables, but I want to avoid doing that.
View 6 Replies View RelatedFolks, i have to create four fields in every user table within my database:
There are more than hundred tables, so i wanna automate this. i am tryin to do this in a cursor: please guide!
declare @name VARCHAR (50)
declare cur cursor
for select name from sysobjects where type='u' and status not like '-%'
open cur
WHILE (1=1)
FROM cur
INTO @name
IF @@fetch_status = 0
ADD created_by [VARCHAR] (25)
ADD created_by [VARCHAR] (25)
ADD created_date [DATETIME]
ADD modified_by [VARCHAR] (25)
ADD modified_date [DATETIME]
I also want that if one column for a table exists; the other columns should be created rather than it quits.
For example, I have 2 tables that have very similar fields
Table 1 Table 2
ShipRpt ShipRpt
invoice invoice
total sold total sold
Is it possible to compare each of these fields and return any record that has non matching data? I would join the tables on the shipping report or invoice and only compare the total sold field. If the invoices match and the total sold is different in each table, can I just return the 1 record?
I am using a hosted MSSQL 2000 database that powers the backend of mywebsite. Website visitors interact with it via ASP pages I havedeveloped. I also have an internal FileMaker 7 database thatperiodically synchs with it via Filemaker's ODBC functionality.Several times now, I have come in one day to discover that my ASP pagesdon't work. When I look into it, one of my MSSQL tables will be missinga few fields. There is nothing in any of my code that sends an ALTERTABLE command or any other command that affects table structure. Thesedeletions of fields is totally random.The most recent example was with a table called FreeTeacherSubs. I justdiscovered today that three fields went missing:HowDidYouHearAboutYES TEXTFollowUpCallOrEmail TEXTHowMaterialsFit TEXTSuffice to say I am baffled! Has anyone ever experienced fieldsdisappearing from their tables?Kevin
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using net2.0 and SQL server express locally and have succeseffully placed my connection string in my sebconfig file and made connection and grids and detail etc, etc. Now I want to publish what I've done. So I got a free account at maximumasp beta 2.0. They give some room on a sql 2000 server and a empty database. Now I want to add the Northwind table to that DB but I don't have Enterprise manager and have no idea how to add the tables.Can someone please help?Thanks!Rich
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