Adding Numeric Data To A Dataflow In A Scriptcomponent-&&> Invalid Number In OLE Db Command Transformation
Jun 9, 2006
Hi there,
This seems a bug to me. Or does anyone has a logical explanation that escapes me?
When in SSIS Designer Version 9.00.1399.00 I add output columns (numeric 4,0 ) to a scriptcomponent and fill them with valid numeric data in thescript I get a database error 'invalid number' when I use these columns in an OLE db Command-transformation . This errormessage disappears when I replaces those columns by a dataconversion to the datatype they originally have.
I am trying to set the TaskResult in my DataFlow ScriptComponent, but the Dts object is not visible. Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure The above line works fine in my EventHandler script, but the Dts object seems to be out of scope when I try to use it from my Dataflow. One thing I have noticed is that my DataFlow ScriptComponent inherits from 'UserComponent' I have tried adding Microsoft.SqlServer.ScriptTask reference, but can not see it in the reference list - Strange? Any help appreciated. Regards, Paul.
I have an SSIS Packaget that worked a month ago and when I ran it today it didn't work. It's failing in the ScriptComponent in a DataFlow that I created as a Destination. The only thing the script does is record any value for a particular column and on the PostExecute method, writes the last instance of that column to a user variable in the Package. Here's the code. There is a string variable that I use to hold the column's value for each row received.
Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Dim s_remit_addr As String
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Me.s_remit_addr = Row.remitaddr.ToString()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()
Dim variables As Variables
Variables.gsremitaddr = Me.s_remit_addr
End Sub
It will always bomb in PostExecute with the error that the variable User::gs_remit_addr is not the same type as the variable I'm using (s_remit_addr); HOWEVER, the user variable is of type String and it worked a month ago. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix it?
Hi, whenever the underlying query being called by EXEC in the followinghas an empty result set I get the following error -- Invalid Data for'Numeric' when EXEC returns empty row. However if I call the querywithout using REPLACE (which I'm forced to do, because openquery doesnot allow variables), I get just an empty result set. Whenever theunderlying query returns a non-empty result set, the code works withouterror (regardless of wether there are nulls in the numeric column).set @switch ='5707550'set @start_date = '01-JAN-2006'set @end_date = '27-JAN-2006'set @month = 1set @year = 2006set @sql_str='SELECT * FROM(select MSC_KEY,to_char(trunc(TSTAMP), ''yyyy-Mon-dd'') as "Timestamp",ROUND( NVL(SUM(SUNRGMMSCBHCP1.XASUTIL),0) / DECODE (NVL(SUM(SUNRGMMSCBHCP1.XASNXFR),0),0,NULL,NVL(SUM( SUNRGMMSCBHCP1.XASNXFR),0)), 5)as "PER_CPU_UTIL"FROM NOR_GSM_COMPOSITE_MSC1_BHCPP SUNRGMMSCBHCP1,mscs_view vWHERE SUNRGMMSCBHCP1.gsm_msc_key = v.msc_key and v.MSC_KEY in (' +@switch + ')and SUNRGMMSCBHCP1.TSTAMP between to_date(''' + @start_date + '00:00:00'', ''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') andto_date(''' + @end_date + ' 23:59:00'', ''DD-MON-YYYYHH24:MI:SS'')group by MSC_KEY, trunc(tstamp))WHERE rownum < 10000'SET @sql_str = N'select * from OPENQUERY(VISION, ''' +REPLACE(@sql_str, '''', '''''') + ''')'EXEC (@sql_str);Is there anyway to prevent this error?Thanks,Crazy
We have an SSIS package that reads in a tab delimited file and throughs the data into a SQL Server 2005 table. The package worked fine on the test files but when we recieved the production files we are getting the error message:
Invalid data for type "numeric".
Needless to say this is not very discriptive. I ran a trace on the DB durning the call and its doing a bulk insert
BULK INSERT [dbo].[FNIAllAppData] FROM 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT 00000000000015b800000000009fbd88' WITH (DATAFILETYPE = 'DTS_Buffers', CODEPAGE = 'RAW', CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, TABLOCK)
When I changed the Data Flow Destination off to OLE DB Destination the error does not occure and all records are loaded successfully.
Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I am trying to use a CTE in an OLE DB Command data flow transformation object. However, when I enter the cte and corresponding query in the SqlCommand field of the OLE DB command editor dialog, I get a syntax error. Can CTE's be used data flow objects? I have been able to use them in an Execute SQL Control Flow Item, but not in any data flow item.
I may have misunderstood how Lookupu works because it's not doing what I want. From the OLTP datasource I have a long list of revenue items (from a SQL server database). I want to assign these to specific accounts as they are transferred into our accounting system. I have another table with a list of words to search for and which account they belong to. For example if the OLTP source might be Description - Amount "Sales of cars"- "$20,000" "Motorcycle sales" - "$15,000" "Bike rentals" - "$2,000"
The account lookup table is like Wordsearch - Account "sale" - "ACCT_SAL" "rental" - "ACCT_RENT"
So by looking up whether "wordsearch" is found in "desription" I should get an output of ACCT_SAL - $20,000 ACCT_SAL - $15,000 ACCT_RENT - $2,000
Back in DTS I did this with an array and "If Instr" using VBScript in the Data Transformation Task. I'm sure there must be something in SSIS to do this - it should be something like a Fuzzy Lookup ?, but I'm drifting toward Script Component. Anyone got any ideas for SSIS
How do I display numeric data as text string?? I need the report to spell out the number. 1 would read as One, 2 as Two ect. For example writing the amount on a check. Need to do in SSRS.
I've created a custom data flow tranformation and it isn't showing up in the Tool Box Items to be added under the Data Flow Items tab (right click on tool box, 'Choose Items...', then clicked Data Flow Items).
I have done the following:
signed the assembly, added to GAC, copied the dll to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPipelineComponents.
It worked previously when I was just starting out, however now I cannot see it. What would cause it to not show up? Everything compiles fine. How would I determine how to fix it so that it shows up?
How would you do a log in a massive rows loading, I'm having problems because every row error(because of casting, format, lookup) in a transformation task is redirected to a text file as a log, this is ok when only exist one error by row, but in the case when I have two errors in the same row detected by diferents transformation tasks only the first one is reported to the text file, I have to wait to the second information load, after I correct the first error, to find the second one, I need to validate as many errors exists by row in the same load...
which component or which strategy can I use in a SSIS Packge to achieve this?
At first I've got a Flat File Source and then Script Component Task and then OleDb Destination, linked among them by arrows, of course. When I run the SSIS all of them is successfully executed except the last task. Why? I don't know but it isn't awared of nothing.
649 rows are passed to Script Component from the file but they aren't going to my Sql table.
My table has a running number primary key. I want to insert data to this table and automatically generate running number pk. I try to write SQL command like this. SELECT MAX(ID) AS MaxId from test INSERT INTO test (ID, data1, data2, data3) VALUES (MaxId+1, @data1, @data2, @data3) but it fails. How should I do? Thank you in advance
I have a query however i am getting the following error message “Msg 447, Level 16, State 0, Line 1 Expression type numeric is invalid for COLLATE clause.“
This is my query
SELECT sjo.ID, sjo.MID, sjo.Trade_Association_Name, da1.Account_Name As Trade_Association_Name, substring(do.[MM-CHN-AGENT],2,12) as Mass_Agent_Chain_No,
[Code] ....
And Dan.Stg_Jitter_Opp2 table consists of the following
ColumnNameData Type Idvarchar(50) Mid numeric(18, 0) RecordTypeIDvarchar(50) Trade_Association_Name varchar(50)
And [FDMS].[SalesForce].[DailyAccounts]table consists of the following
ColumnNameData Type Idint Account_Idvarchar(18) account_Name varchar(150) mid_externalvarchar(15) Mid_internalvarchar(15)
I got a text file with two columns. and I need to generate a integer key automatically with the row number (or any distinct number, I thought row number will be OK). and when I make the data flow task to import this text file into a raw file I need to get the unique rownumber as Id. How can I make this in the data flow tak??
when I run below query I got Error of Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric declare @a numeric(16,4)
set @a=99362600999900.0000
The 99362600999900 value before numeric is 14 and variable that i declared is of 16 length. Then why this error is coming ? When I set Length 18 then error removed.
I'm getting the above when trying to populate a variable. The values in question are : @N = 21 @SumXY = -1303765191530058.2251000000 @SumXSumY = -5338556963168643.7875000000
When I run, SELECT (@N * @SumXY) - (@SumXSumY * @SumXSumY) in QA I get the result OK which is -28500190448996439680147097583285.072256 ie 32 places to left of decimal and 6 to the right When I try the following ie to populate a variable with that value I get the error - SELECT R2Top = (@N * @SumXY) - (@SumXSumY * @SumXSumY)@R2Top is NUMERIC (38, 10)
I am writing a custom dataflow transformation component and I need to get the name of the preceeding component.
I have been trying to find a way to get a reference to the Package object, MainPipe object or IDTSPath90 object (connecting to the IDTSInput90 of my component) from my component because I think from there I can get to the information I want.
hi m in serious trouble...i hve a very complicated problem now...
let me explain
i have a table in SQL...I have to select values from this table depending on 2 where conditions.....and add these values......and insert them in another table......
now can somebody tell me how can i add the values from the database and store them in a session and update them to another table...
if i am not clear then ask me i will explain u in more detail
I've used the OLE DB Command transformation serveral times to call stored procs and pass in a set of parameters. For some reason, every time I try to use it now w/ any parameters, I get this error:
OLE DB Command [188]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error".
I've set the SqlCommand property of the transformation to:
Here is the stored proc I'm calling (which works fine):
ALTER proc [dbo].[Create_BuyerContractRadiusTerritoryPostalCode_By_BuyerContractId_PostalCode_Radius] @BuyerContractId int, @PostalCode nvarchar(50), @Latitude float, @Longitude float, @Radius smallint as set nocount on set tran isolation level read uncommitted insert into BuyerContractRadiusTerritoryPostalCode (BuyerContractId, PostalCode) select distinct @BuyerContractId, pc.PostalCode from PostalCode pc where dbo.CalculateDistance(@Latitude,@Longitude,pc.Latitude,pc.Longitude) <= @Radius and not exists ( select bcrtpc.PostalCode from BuyerContractRadiusTerritoryPostalCode bcrtpc where bcrtpc.BuyerContractId = @BuyerContractId and bcrtpc.PostalCode = pc.PostalCode )
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is time-sensitive project I'm working on and I really didn't anticipate running into this so I'm kind of scurring for answers. Thanks!
I am writing a Dataflow task which will take a Particular column from the source table and i am passing the column value in the SQL command property. My SQL Command will look like this,
Select SerialNumber From SerialNumbers Where OrderID = @OrderID
If i go and check the output column in the Input and output properties tab, I am not able to see this serial number column in the output column tree,So i cant able to access this column in the next transformation component.
Table A on Server 1 (3 ROWS) ID Name Address ID1 A B ID2 X Y ID3 M N
There is another table on a different server which looks like
Table B on Server 2 PKColumn ID Details 1 ID1 Desc1 2 ID1 Desc2 3 ID1 Desc 3 4 ID2 Desc 5 ID2 Description
As you can see the ID is the common column for these two tables, I want to get the Query the above 2 tables and the output should be dumped into a new table on Server2.
I am using the following SSIS Package
OledbDataSource-------> OledbCommand(Select * from TableB where ID =?)
From here, how can insert the rows returned from the oledb command into another table. Since, for each row of TableA it will return some output rows...How can I insert all these into the New Table.
Please help on configuring the output of the oledb command.
In order to prevent lookup errors in a lookup transformation, I've decided to go for an OleDb Command Transformation.
This transformation should check the lookup and, if it turns out to be null, ir returns a dummy value. Otherwise, it would return the lookup value.
This should be done by doing something like this:
select coalesce( (select ID_Table2 from ID_Table2 where FK_Table1 = ?), 0)
suposing Table2 has an atribute called "FK_Table1" that should match a column in the data flow.
Now, such command result in this message:
"An OLE DB record is available. Source "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Syntax eror, permission violation, or other nonspecific error".
But, it I remove the coalesce and type the following command:
select ID_Table2 from ID_Table2 where FK_Table1 = ?
It presents me no errors and allows me to continue.
Did i did anything wrong or is this something that is not possible to be done?
I know i have the option to use a script task to do this operation, but that would turn the maintenance process a little more difficult.
Otherwise, i know i could also re-direct the error from the lookup transformation and handle it. Though, my package has about 10 lookups and that would turn my package a lot more complex than
When I execute a stored procedure from an OLE DB Command transformation, where the sp takes a parameter and RetainSameConnection=TRUE and DelayValidation=TRUE are set, I get the error
"Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error"
If I take out the param or set RetainSameConnection=FALSE on the connection, all is fine again?
We run the SSIS through tidal scheduling agent using the dtexec utility. We want to see the number of rows transfered while running or after it has run our package. We require answers for the following:
1) How to see the number of rows transfered while running the package using dtexec utility
2) what parameter should be used in dtexec command line to get the number of rows transfered in the Log file after execution.
We have a user-defined function that can be called directly via SQL (in SQL Server Management Studio) without error. We would like to use this function to populate a column, whist data is being processed within Integration Services. Using an OLE DB Command transformation to achieve this would seem the most appropriate.
The following was inserted for the SQLCommand property:
However, when the Refresh button is pressed we are presented with the error below:
Error at Load Orderline [OLE DB Command [15171]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8004E14. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x8004E14 Description: "Invalid parameter number".
If we use SET instead of EXEC (e.g. SET ? = dbo.GetOrderlineStatus(@dt_required = ?, @dt_invoice = ?, @dt_despatch = ?, @ch_status = ?, @si_suffix = ?, @re_quantity = ?, @vc_invoice_id = ?, @vc_order_id = ?)) the following error is produced:
Error at Load Orderline [OLE DB Command [15171]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error".
OLEDB SOURCE --> LOOK UP TRANSFORMATION | lookup output / error output(for new Inserts) (updated records) / / DERIVED COLUMN DERIVED COLUMN TRANSFORMATION1 TRANSFORMATION1 | | v v OLEDB COMMAND TRANSFORMATION OLEDB DESTINATION (inserting new records to (Updating records in destinationTable) destination)
in this senario new records r insrted properly but though package runs without error records not get updated in Destination. In OLEDB COMMAND my query is like below,
In advanced editor of OLE DB I hv created additional 16 paramater columns though i assign datatype as numeric to tht columns when i press refresh automatically it changes to DT_STR. My destination table columns r numeric .
I though due to this datatype mismatch the error came So i change the datatype of dest to varchar to make compatible with OLEDB Comand Transformation. THN also no Use NO UPDATES
package is running without error but records not get updated.
if change the flow like below
OLEDB SOURCE --> LOOK UP TRANSFORMATION | lookup output / error output(for new Inserts) (updated records) / / DERIVED COLUMN DERIVED COLUMN TRANSFORMATION1 TRANSFORMATION1 | | v v OLEDB COMMANDTRANSFORMATION / (Updating records in / destinationTable) / / / UNION ALL TRANSFORMATION | v
In This Case The updated record get inserted in the target as wel as the old remains as it is means m getting one additional record.
kindly help me to figure out the bug M frusted with this issue please.............
Hello, I have created SSIS package programmatically, I want to add Lookup transformation, How can I add column from reference dataset to the transformation? I have try to add new output column but it gives me an validation error, I write following coed to add new output column to lookup. IDTSOutputColumn90 outputColumn = this.lookup.OutputCollection[0].OutputColumnCollection.New(); outputColumn.Name = col.Name; outputColumn.Description = "Staging table output"; outputColumn.TruncationRowDisposition = DTSRowDisposition.RD_FailComponent; outputColumn.ErrorOrTruncationOperation = "Copy Column"; outputColumn.SetDataTypeProperties(col.DataType, col.Length, col.Precision, col.Scale, col.CodePage);
Please suggest other way to add column from reference dataset to transformation output.
I have a ssis package created in VS2005 that transforms a SQL query result into an excel spreadsheet. The DataFlow uses a DataReaderSource to query the data and an ExcelDestination to transform the data. The problem is that in the resulting spreadsheet any columns containing string data have a single quote inserted in front of the data. So a string like [My data] becomes ['My data]. When I preview it in the Excel Destination Editor it looks right (without the single quote). What is happening here, is it a bug or does something need to be configured. I checked all the properties that I could find. This is working nice, if I could only overcome this problem.