Adjusting Collation

Apr 18, 2007

Can you point me in the correct direction in SQL2005 Server to adjust the SQL Server database collation case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, Kana-sensitive, and width-sensitive. We are trying to configure it to run with SharePoint Services.

Thanks in advance for any assistance that you might be able to provide.


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Adjusting Parameter Dropdown Width

Oct 25, 2007

Hi there,
May be a kind of dumb question, but I have a multi-value parameter that I would like to give users the ability to select from in a SSRS 2005 Report and I was wondering if there was a way to adjust the width of the drop down so the user wouldn't have to scroll horizontally to see a full parameter item. It looks like it cuts off after about 30 characters.

Any help here would be appreciated.


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Adjusting Report Width Automatically

Dec 27, 2006

Hi All,

We are having a table report which has set of columns where the visibility is made false based on report parameters. It works fine and the table automatically shrinks. But, the page width remains as early and has lot of blank space in it. It also causes printer to print many blank pages.

Is there a way to control pagewidth dynamically? Thought of adding a custom assembly to control page width - but how to access the page that is getting displayed. "this" will refer to the the assembly class instead of report as such.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Regards, kart

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Adjusting Time Zone And Daylight Saving In SQL

Aug 6, 2007

I have this simple SQL query which SELECTs the fields according to the criteria in WHERE clause.  SELECT callingPartyNumber, originalCalledPartyNumber, finalCalledPartyNumber,
dateadd(ss, (dateTimeConnect + (60 * 60 * -5))+3600 , '01-01-1970 00:00:00') AS dateTimeConnect,
dateadd(ss, (dateTimeDisconnect + (60 * 60 * -5))+3600, '01-01-1970 00:00:00') AS dateTimeDisconnect,
CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, duration, '0:00:00'), 108) AS duration
FROM Calls
(callingPartyNumber = ISNULL(@callingPartyNumber, callingPartyNumber)) AND
(originalCalledPartyNumber = ISNULL(@originalCalledPartyNumber, originalCalledPartyNumber)) AND
(finalCalledPartyNumber = ISNULL(@finalCalledPartyNumber, finalCalledPartyNumber)) AND
(duration >= @theDuration) AND
((datetimeConnect - 14400) >= ISNULL(convert(bigint,
datediff(ss, '01-01-1970 00:00:00', @dateTimeConnect)), datetimeConnect)) AND
((dateTimeDisconnect - 14400) <= ISNULL(convert(bigint,
datediff(ss, '01-01-1970 00:00:00', @dateTimeDisconnect)), dateTimeDisconnect))
 If you notice, in the SELECT, I add 3600 (1 hour) to adjust the time according to the current DayLight saving setting. Similarly, while comparing in WHERE clause, I subtract 14400 seconds (4 hours) to adjust the comparison according to EST (-5 GMT, but doing -4 GMT since daylight saving) and daylight saving.
Also, dateTimeConnect and dataTimeDisconnect fields save time in UTC seconds.
Now this application may be used by clients in different timezones. The application may be hosted on their server which would mean a different time zone. What would be the best way to make this time zone and daylight adjustment more dynamic instead of hardcoding the values.

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Adjusting Data Files Space Allocated On The Fly

May 2, 2005

We have a database that doesn't seem to be growing on its own correctly (or seems like it isn't). This database has been running really slow for the last week and we think this may be whu

Current size is listed at 963mb while allocated size is 959mb. Trans log size is set to auto-grow and is allocated 4mb

Can we change that number on the fly, and also change the the growth settings without affecting the system?

Being a live system we obviously do not want any downtime, but believe this will help with our slowdown.

Any other ideas would also be appreciated


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Adjusting Column Width In Queried Dataset

Apr 17, 2007

I am trying to eliminate the extra space in columns that have been returned from a DB query...the tables have character lengths of 40, I would like to return just the necessary characters.

Thanks in advance.


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Adjusting The Priority Of The Replication Process (SQL 2000)

Oct 5, 2006


I need information on adjusting the priority of the replication thread(s) within SQL Server 2000. All I've been able to find is how-to's on adjusting the priority of the SQL Server process itself, as well as information on how to adjust the relative priority of changes made to the database by subscribers.

Here's the situation, from time to time our replication system goes down, it starts itself up after waiting 5 minutes but this causes a problem. When its starting up it seems to be taking up far too many CPU cycles. As such the server is unable to process SQL queries, which forces its subscribers to time out. This is a bad thing as the subscribers are control systems on an assembly line. What I want to do is lower the priority of replication so that the server can still process queries while the replication agent is restarting itself. Is this possible? If so how can it be done?


Geoff Dupuis

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SQL Server 2005: Changing Latin1_General_BIN Collation To Latin1_General_CI_AS Collation

May 1, 2007


I've restored a SQL Server 2000 database with a Latin1_General_BIN collation from a .dmp file to a SQL Server 2005 server with a default collation of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. When I try to change the database collation I get hundreds of the following error:

The object 'CK_PM10200_GLPOSTD_00AF8CF' is dependent on database collation. So, in this case, is it even possible to change the collation if there are objects in the database that are dependent on it?



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How To Change Collation On Sysdiagram To Default Collation Of Database

Sep 15, 2014

I changed the default collation of a database and every table within that except sysDiagrams , which I can't even through the designer .

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get The Collation Name From A Collation ID

Oct 15, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2008. In ServerProperty function, there are two properties called “Collation” and “CollationID”. In some cases, I will only know the CollationID. Is it possible get the collation name from the CollationID? Is there a function called CollationNameFromID?

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DB Engine :: How To Get Collation Name From Collation ID

Oct 16, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2008. In ServerProperty function, there are two properties called “Collation” and “CollationID”. In some cases, I will only know the CollationID. Is it possible get the collation name from the CollationID? Is there a function called CollationNameFromID?

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Mar 17, 2008

I have a website and related database in English version, now I am trying to start with other language, such as Chinese.
The first problem I am facing is: search a user name when user name is Chinese:
For example: English version: SELECT u_name FROM Users WHERE u_name = 'eric', it will return a value, but if I type: SELECT u_name FROM Users WHERE u_name = '艾瑞克', even if the table cell has the 艾瑞克 record, it won't return anything.
Search online, there are a lot of articles, since I am pretty new for this, can you let me know where to start? How to change the collation for the existing db, do I need to create stored procedure for the search?
I would like to solve this problem start from my MSsql 2005 database. If that works fine, then I will go to my web application.
Thanks a lot.

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Collation Name

Feb 19, 2005


how to change collation name of database without create new database...

i have a database. it's collation name XX but i want to change it YY...

how to change it?

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Jun 7, 2004

Hi ,

I would know what is the simplest (and the more reliable) method to convert an entire db from a collation to another...



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How To Get Collation Name From A Collation ID

Oct 15, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2008. In ServerProperty function, there are two properties called "Collation" and "CollationID". In some cases, I will only know the CollationID. Is it possible get the collation name from the CollationID? Is there a function called CollationNameFromID?

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Collation Name

Feb 20, 2004

Is there any way, I can query across all objects in a given database for what is the current collation name for each column in an object?

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Aug 31, 2006


Could anyone please advise me how to change the collation name of a SQL 2000 server?


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Sep 5, 2006

dear experts
while i'm learning BCP from books online, i got a doubt.
copying data between different collations.
what exactly the meaning of collation?

i tried in BOL. but because i'm a junior, i didnt got the good idea about collation.
please explain me

thankyou friends

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Collation Again...

Aug 16, 2007


I am just trying to understand about how collation and unicode work in SQL Server. My database's collation is Latin1_General, and I set one column in one table to have collation Cyrillic_General.
Then in Windows PC where I am running an application that is connected to my database, I set Mongolian Language from Regional Settings. When I typed using Mongolian Keyboards and save the characters into database, then I can retrieve the cyrillic characters back into my application.
However, when I checked into database using Query Analyzer, those characters are saved in the column, that has collation Cyrillic_General and with nchar data type, apparently using codepage 1252, my database default codepage. My application and my database server are located in two different machines and I don't install Mongolian language in my database server. So that when other web application reads those characters from that column, even my browser has been set to use Cyrillic encoding, still it showed as characters from codepage 1252.

Could someone explain me what actually happens here?

Thanks very much before.


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Help! SQL Collation

Jul 20, 2005

Hello AllI'm a bit confused about collation settings so needed some info. onit. My database server is currently using SortOrder asLatin1-General, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive,kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL ServerSort Order 52 on Code Page 1252 for non-Unicode DataI have a table:CREATE TABLE [PD_RUSS3].[pdtable_185]([iso_area_indx_no] [int] NULL ,[lineid_1] [varchar] (16) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NULL ,[iso_type] [smallint] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]I have a nonclustered, UNIQUE index located on PRIMARY oniso_area_indx_no, lineid_1, iso_typeHowever I'm able to load a file with these entries:45 '16-XX-WCS' 145 '16-xx-WCS' 1I thought that this would fail because of the above settings. Pleaseenlighten me on what I'm missing here..??thanksSunitJoin Bytes!

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Collation Problem

Jun 16, 2007

Hi,I have SQL Server 2005 database with SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation, and there is a little problem when inserting Cyrillic text. It works fine when I use SQL Server Management Studio to open specific table and insert new row manually. Problem appears when I use SQL queries. For example:  INSERT INTO Customer (ID, Name) VALUES (1, "Владимир"). ID is type of int, and Name is nvarchar.When I execute the query, value of ID is OK (it is 1), but insted of "Владимир" the value of Name is "????????" (only question marks).I am not sure now, if I should change database collation(and what to put), or I should change column type of "Name" column.     

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Collation Conflict

Oct 28, 2007

why do i get collation conflict when i used temp table ??Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AI" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.i solved it by using COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS (the column name)will i have collation conflicts again when i put my web app on a web hosting company?? 

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Which Collation Format Should I Use?

Jan 22, 2008

Which collation format should I use?
 SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AS, SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, or Latin1_General_CI_AS
I noticed that my development server has a different collation setting to the production server.
development. SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASproduction.  Latin1_General_CI_AS
Both these servers are SQL Server 2005 Express and I typically use varchar or text fields for storing the data.
I've been told that the difference between them is that the former uses code page 1252, as specified here:
However when I compare that to, say, the page of symbols one gets using the 'Insert, Symbol' command via microsoft word I find quite a disagreement. It also differs from the 'View, Clip Library' list provided by TextPad.
The data in my database uses non-ASCII characters (or extended ASCII, if you prefer). The administrators of my CMS will sometimes copy and paste or write European spellings for company names etc. When they do that they're likely to resort to Word's Insert Symbol command. When I get this data and show it on a web page I want to specify utf-8 endcoding.
Which of these SQL server collations should I be using. I suspect that I should be using SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AS.  Essentially, I want the charater as seen in the textbox of the CMS to look identical to that displayed on a web page which has the following meta tag set: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
The aforementioned CMS administrators are entering data on Windows XP PCs running They may get the accented characters from several different sources (MS Word Insert Symbol or cut and paste from a web page), but they can agree with me that the symbol should display in the text box of the CMS identically to that on the web site.
Can someone put me right on this?

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Collation Question

May 30, 2008

what's the difference between SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and Latin1_General_CI_AI What the SQL and CP1 mean in  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS?and which one should i use?   

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SQL Alter Collation Name

Dec 3, 2004


I have a database in SQL with the following collate name: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS... I am trying to change the accent sensetive to accent insensitive... how would I do this? I tried re-installing the SQL and setting the default to CI_AI, but since the database that is backed up uses CI_AS, the DB settings overrides the default settings...

Any suggestions?

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Collation Issue

Nov 13, 2002

I require the command syntax to return the collation properties for a database at table and column level in both SQL7 and in 2000 for an entire database.
Hopefully for all tables and for all columns in the db.
Does any one have the script for this command????
If you do let me know.
Problem as below.

On one server (ServerA) a query works. 2000 server that may have been upgraded from versions 6.5 - 7.0 - 2000
Collation = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, Sort order=52
On server B the query doesn't work but has same Collation = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, Sort order=52.
I restored the databases from Server A onto Server B and ran the same query and it fell over with this error message.

Server: Msg 451, Level 16, State 2, Procedure Bills, Line 3
Cannot resolve collation conflict for column 2 in CREATE VIEW statement.
Server: Msg 4413, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not use view or function 'Bills' because of binding errors.

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Collation Types

Jun 24, 2003

Hello, dear Friends!
My situation is a following:
I have some not big databases with only English data and some conteining data in Hebrew.
My question is: May I manage two collation types- meaning the database collation type will be for example some kind of Latin and some databases' collation will be in Hebrew.
If you have any experience of managing DB's in two absolutely different languages (Japanesse, Russian, Chinesse, Arabic with English) please tell me about it.
Best regards.

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Collation And Latin1_swedish_ci?

Sep 21, 2005

I have recently downloaded the most updated version of mysql, since then I get "latin1_swedish_ci" as the default collation. I had never noticed Collation before.

I use mysql for english language. Should I change the collation to another option? What option is the most broad one?


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Collation Error On DTS

Feb 1, 2002

I am attempting to transfer data between two SQL Server 2000 DBs. The transfer fails and returns a message "Incorrect Syntax near 'Collate'". There is an option in the DTS Import/Export Wizard of Use Collation but this option is turned off. Is there any server specific configuration regarding collation I might turn off? Both databases reside on the same server and the Collation properties for both DB's are set the same. Please Help

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Collation Settings

Jul 16, 2002

New SQL2000 installation into which I've copied data from multiple SQL7 installations. Some of the databases I've copied over from a SQL7 server with code page 850, sort order/collation 42, using the detach-copy mdf/ldf-attach procedure outlined elsewhere on this site (thank you). Other databases have been DTS'd from another SQL7 server with code page 850, sort order/collation 44.

In the end I want all databases to be in the default Latin1_General_CI_AI collation I've chosen for my installation.

I'm off to immerse myself in collation papers and alter database documentation from BOL, but was hoping someone could enlighten me in a less painful way.



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Collation Error

Nov 1, 2004


Our SQL servers have been setup to collate American. However, our pc's are setup for South Africa. This is creating a nightmare for us as we use Great Plains, which is an American product with American date format.

We are having difficulties in doing any development due to this issue.

Can someone please advise me as to whether there is another way around this ?


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Question On Collation

Dec 15, 2004

I have some questions about Collation Settings.

- if my db need to handle traditional chinese, simplified chinese and english, which collation should i use? Is CHINESE_PRC_CI_AS ok?

- what is meant by 'Anicent Sensitive'?

- if my db need to handle traditional chinese, simplified chinese english, japanese and korean, then which collation support these languages?

- How to make the database support unicode? Is is just using nvarchar, ntext, nchar instead of varchar, text and char?


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SQL Collation Problem

Dec 17, 2004

Hi all,

All my servers have a default collation of Latin1_General_CPI_CI_AS. Apart from one that is. It was rebuilt with the wrong collation of Latin1_General_CI_AS. This is causing problems with an application and the collation needs to be changed to be the same as all the other servers.

I know I could create scripts for all the objects, rebuild the master database, recreate the user databases and then create the objects and BCP all the data over, but this sounds a bit nasty.

Can anyone suggest a quicker and easier way to accomplish this?


P.S. The server that was wrongly built was done so before I started this job, honest.

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