Administrative Commands Via XP_CmdShell In SQL Server 2005

Dec 13, 2007

SQL Server 2005: Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows NT 5.2 (3790)

SQL Version 9.00.3175.00

I have 2 identical servers... one for DEV and one for TEST. On the DEV server, I can use xp_cmsdhell to execute "administrative commands" such as NET SHARE and AT. On the identically configured TEST server, I can not. Those command return the "System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied" error. I CAN run other commands via xp_cmdshell (DIR, NET USE, etc.). This is true regardless of the account I connect as.

The SQL Server service accounts in both instances are domain accounts belonging to the local admin group.

I "know" that I ran across this when setting up the DEV server and am "fairly sure" I found a reference to a known problem with 2005's xp_cmdshell and administrative commands. But for the life of me I can not now find any such reference, nor can I find any differences between the DEV and TEST servers in the area of users, groups, policies, or anything else security-related. (99.9% of the internet searches I do end up being about either enabling xp_cmdshell -- done -- or setting up an xp_cmdshell proxy account -- not needed).

Any input is greatly appreciated.


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Administrative Question For SQL Server 2000

Jun 1, 2004

Hello gentlemen,

I would like to ask a question, more like to verify something that I know myself.
I have an installation in SQL Server 7.0 (SP4), that hosts a database of 70gb with an average growth of 5 gb a month, that is being 'hitted' with an average of 600 clients, (about 50 to 90 concurrent hits). My question is :

Given the fact that I wish to upgrade my server to an SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition, how much RAM should I fit to the new machine?

I do have my suspicion, and I would like to keep it to myself for now, I would like also to ask if there's a formula for ram calculation. Mind you I don't ask for MINIMUM RAM, but more like OPTIMUM RAM, being that this Server hosts a critical system.

Thank you in advance.

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Script To Save DTS To Another Server Without Any Administrative Efforts

Mar 5, 2008

I have a DTS package in a QA server (MS SQL SERVER 2000). Now I want to implement that DTS package to the Production Server (MS SQL SERVER 2000) without any administrative effort.

I just wanted to create a script which can then execute to the production server to create that DTS package.

Till now what I have done to overcome this issues are..

I have save the DTS package in QA Server as Structured Storage File.
And then copied the Structured Storage file from the QA Server to the production Server
And then execute the package using dtsrun utilities.
But in that case it is not creating the package in the production server.So that one can update or view the package from SQL Server Enterprise Manager ->Data transformation Service->Locale Package.

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Yet Another Xp_cmdshell Problem SQL Server 2005

Nov 16, 2006


I have to named instances on one server. I'd like to use xp_cmdshell for some interfaces.

I've "activated" the xp_cmdshell feature. I set a proxy account und and gave the sql user the right to exec xp_cmdshell.

Unfortunately the command

EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account 'DOMAINproxyaccount','APassword'

throws following error:

Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to 'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1326'.

... and yes, the username and password should be valid ;-)

When I exec (makes no sense, I now...)

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'echo 123'

The following error occurs:

Msg 15121, Level 16, State 200, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to 'LogonUserW' failed with error code: '1326'.

Has anyone of you an idea?

Thank you very much, Frederik

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Audit Administrative Logins

Jun 20, 2015

I should audit all access by dba (italian privacy law) in my sql server , what is the best way?

Using the build in audit i can't achieve this goal, do i miss something?

My sqlserver use windows auth.

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Xp_cmdshell Problem SQL Server 2005; Or Perhaps I Am Attempting The Impossible...

Mar 7, 2008

I am using the xp_cmdshell to run a batch file that is trying to open the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

When I run the batch file in the command prompt, it opens perfectly.

When I run it in SQL with xp_cmdshell, it returns the contents fine, and I notice it tries to open Acrobat, but it is under the username "system". And I cannot get it to load in a visible area, and for some reason it doesnt seem to load properly under system.

Any ideas? Any Suggestions?

Please advise.


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What Is Going On Here? SQL Commands And ODBC Commands Aren't Compatible

Oct 1, 2004

I'm building a simple webform, except Visual Studio and my service provider have combined to drive me nutty.

First, I MUST use an ODBC connection to my remote SQL Server do to some unknown configuartion problem. I've been playing with Visual Studio for only a month, so normally when something goes wrong I can go look in the mirror and find the culprit. This is different. I've got a totally functional web form with a SQL Connection, but when I try to change it to an ODBC Connection, I get the following error.

An OdbcParameter with ParameterName '@CertHolder' is not contained by this OdbcParameterCollection

My coding is fine because I stole it straight from the walkthrough and it works. But the specifications that Visual Studio provide are quite suspect. Please note the failure to include some key "@" signs.

#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
Me.SqlConnection1 = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Me.cmdUpdate = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Me.cmdGetAll = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Me.cmdSelect = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Me.OdbcConnection1 = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Me.OdbcGetAll = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
Me.OdbcSelect = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
Me.OdbcUpdate = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
Me.SqlConnection1.ConnectionString = "this works fine"
Me.cmdUpdate.CommandText = "UPDATE InsuranceData SET Name = @Name, Address = @Address, Address2 = @Address2, " & _
"City = @City, State = @State, Zip = @Zip, CertHolder = WHERE (CertHolder = @Cert" & _
Me.cmdUpdate.Connection = Me.SqlConnection1
Me.cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Name", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "Name"))
Me.cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Address", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "Address"))
Me.cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Address2", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "Address2"))
Me.cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@City", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "City"))
Me.cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@State", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "State"))
Me.cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Zip", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "Zip"))
Me.cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CertHolder", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "CertHolder", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing))
Me.cmdGetAll.CommandText = "SELECT CertHolder, Name, Address, Address2, City, State, Zip FROM InsuranceData"
Me.cmdGetAll.Connection = Me.SqlConnection1
Me.cmdSelect.CommandText = "SELECT CertHolder, Name, Address, Address2, City, State, Zip FROM InsuranceData W" & _
"HERE (CertHolder = @CertHolder)"
Me.cmdSelect.Connection = Me.SqlConnection1
Me.cmdSelect.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CertHolder", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, "CertHolder"))
Me.OdbcConnection1.ConnectionString = "This works fine"
Me.OdbcGetAll.CommandText = "SELECT CertHolder, Name, Address, Address2, City, State, Zip FROM InsuranceData"
Me.OdbcGetAll.Connection = Me.OdbcConnection1
Me.OdbcSelect.CommandText = "SELECT CertHolder, Name, Address, Address2, City, State, Zip FROM InsuranceData W" & _
"HERE CertHolder = @CertHolder"
Me.OdbcSelect.Connection = Me.OdbcConnection1
Me.OdbcSelect.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("CertHolder", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, "CertHolder"))
Me.OdbcUpdate.CommandText = "UPDATE InsuranceData SET Name = @Name, Address = @Address, Address2 = @Address2, " & _
"City = @City, State = @State, Zip = @Zip WHERE CertHolder = @CertHolder"
Me.OdbcUpdate.Connection = Me.OdbcConnection1
Me.OdbcUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("Name", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, "Name"))
Me.OdbcUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("Address", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, "Address"))
Me.OdbcUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("Address2", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, "Address2"))
Me.OdbcUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("City", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, "City"))
Me.OdbcUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("State", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, "State"))
Me.OdbcUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("Zip", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, "Zip"))
Me.OdbcUpdate.Parameters.Add(New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter("Original_CertHolder", System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType.NVarChar, 50, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "CertHolder", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing))


End Sub
Protected WithEvents btnSave As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
Protected WithEvents SqlConnection1 As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Protected WithEvents ddlCertHolder As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList
Protected WithEvents txtName As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtAddress As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents ddlCH As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList
Protected WithEvents cmdUpdate As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Protected WithEvents cmdGetAll As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Protected WithEvents cmdSelect As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Protected WithEvents txtAddress2 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtCity As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtState As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtZip As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents OdbcConnection1 As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Protected WithEvents OdbcGetAll As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
Protected WithEvents OdbcSelect As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
Protected WithEvents OdbcUpdate As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand

'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form Designer.
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
End Sub

#End Region

Comments? Suggestions, I am not positive about how to fix this.

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SQL 2005 Express Commands

Dec 4, 2005

Hi there! I just installed SQL 2005 Express and would like to use the command prompt to interact with my database such as creating/deleting etc. How do I start the SQL command terminal from command prompt? A tutorial website would be great! Thanks!

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Unable To Use Some Commands In 2005 Express

Feb 29, 2008

Hi all, I'm having some trouble getting commands to be available. Certain commands are grayed out, and i'm assuming not working.

For example I copied this code from online:

CASE srectype
WHEN 'A' THEN 'Appointments'
WHEN 'C' THEN 'Calls'
ELSE 'Nothing'
END AS ContactType,
COUNT(h.USERID) AS Total_Contacts,
WHERE (h.USERID = @userident)
AND (h.ONDATE BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate)
AND (h.SRECTYPE IN ('A', 'C'))

From that bit of code the following commands are gray:

I can only assume that i'm doing something fundamentally wrong. Is there a setting i'm missing in SQL Server Managment Studio EXpress to make these available? Do I need to 'import' anything?


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Administrative Rights For Local Machine To Deploy Dynamically Created Report From Web App To Report Server

Feb 5, 2007

The current way I have my 2.0 web app running reports is, based on an
interface the user selects the criteria for a report. The .RDL file is created
dynamically based on the user's selections.
I then need to SOAP the dynamically created report to the report server and
then the report runs fine.
BUT it requires Adminstrative rights to do this. Can this be accomplished
without giving the local machine admin rights. I am sorry if this question
has been answered before but i have not been up here in a while.

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Initial Connection To SQL 2005 Drops After Several Commands

Mar 12, 2007

We are having some unusal problems with an upgrade to SQL Server 2005. I've come across two other people who have had this type of issue but I haven't found a resolution. We are running SQL Server 2000 in production and we have installed SQL Server 2005 on new hardware. We have been working for about a week to verify that all of out existing applications will work properly with SQL 2005.

We have several old VB applications that open a connection to the database and reuse it for days on end. We can test these apps against the production 2000 server and they run fine, when they connect to the 2005 server the connections work fine for 5 - 15 minutes then we get an error trying to execute a command and are told that the connection doesn't exist. (One interesting note, there is only one line of code in the whole program that connects to the database but we have seen 3+ connections from the app when we check in Management Studio for SQL 2005.)

Just to get though the tests we put in some error handling to reconnect if the connection is lost. When we do this the application ends up re-connecting only once, the new connection never has a failure even after hours of testing and we see a 300% performance improvement.

We can reliably cause this problem by stopping the sql server, starting it, waiting a few minutes, then running our app. After one run of the app the problem seems to go away for a while and we can't re-create it nearly as consistantly. Only occasionally will the initial connection fail and every time it does it will be after 5-10 minutes of activity.

Both machines are connected to the same switch and we have ruled out networking issues. We are only seeing this problem with VB6 apps, the VS2005 apps run great. We are looking for the cause of this connection behavior and a fix for it because we don't have the time to fix code in dozens of VB apps because the connections are not stable. Granted the practice of holding a connection open isn't good to begin with but with legacy code you have to work with what you're dealt.

Any thoughts as to why ADO connections from VB6 to SQL 2005 would not be stable?

View 4 Replies View Related

Administrative Installation

Jan 21, 2008

Can a Administrative Installation be performed with SQL 2005, and if so how is it done.

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Problem W/ Proliferating Administrative Rights

May 9, 2002

I'm the DBA of a 500 person state agency. I have 16 accounts with SysAdmin rights. That seems way too many. But the other server rights seem to be too restrictive. Even dbOwner seems restrictive. What sort of consensus is there for the rights other application developers and SAs ought to have?


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Performing FTP Using Xp_cmdshell In Ms Sql 2005

Feb 27, 2008

I want to copy xls file from remote server to my server.
i want to use xp_cmdshell to perform this operation.
can anybody help me out how to pass parameter to xp_cmdshell.

thanks in advance,

Chetan S. Raut.

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Xp_cmdshell Execute Rights (2005)

Sep 11, 2006

I was trying to grant access for an application user for executing xp_cmdshell, but I got some error message saying that either doesn't the user exist, or I don't have the permissions to grant this. Does the user need to be a user in Master ? Or, don't I when logged in as "sa" have the sufficient permissions to grant execute on a SP in master?

I solved it by checking "Control server" under "Properties" > "Securables"
for the login, but I don't actually want this login to have full control.

(And yes, I've read that allowing xp_cmdshell usage isn't recommended at all.)

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2000 &> 2005 And Xp_cmdshell Stopped Working!

Jun 18, 2008


I'm just moving over one of our databases from SQL2000 to 2005. Everything is working fine, and all web sites are working, however I just can't seem to get xp_cmdshell to function on the 2005 server.

I have enabled xp_cmdshell, and when I run a stored procedure, which writes the contents of one column to a text file, it says "invalid object name". This table is definitely there, and is actually updated earlier on in the same SP, so permissions for that are fine.

This is the line causing the problem (if I take it out, the rest of the SP works no problems):

--write the text file
EXEC master.sys.xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT newslettertext FROM mydatabase.dbo.newsletters" queryout D:ewslettertext extbody.txt -U -P -c'

Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'mydatabase.dbo.newsletters'.

SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 8180
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.

Could it be to do with permissions on the master.sys.xp_cmdshell? If so, wouldn't it give me a "permission denied" error?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Xp_cmdshell Statement Worked In SQL2000 Not In 2005

Dec 7, 2007

Code Block
Hi All,

I've got a stored procedure called from a trigger on another database. There are two xp_cmdshell statements in the procedure. One writes a couple variables, passed from the trigger, into a text file. The second fires off an executable that uses the text file via a batch file.

Here's the code that worked on the old 32bit SQL2000 box

Code Block
declare @cmd varchar(150)
select @cmd = 'echo ' + @sVariable1 + ',' + @sVariable2 +' > c:aFolderTextFile.txt'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

declare @cmd2 varchar(150)
select @cmd2 = 'c:aFolderRun.bat'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd2

The new box is 64bit SQL2005. When invoked the stored procedure executes without an error. The textfile is written sucessfully. But, the executable called from the second xp_shell statement does not produce the expected result. Because there is no error I'm having trouble determining where the failure lies.

To troubleshoot the problem I've tried:

Running the batch file from the command prompt in the system32 directory... Success

Using sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account to be sure of the credentials of the running xp_cmdshell... Failure

My questions:

Does 64 Bit SQL2005 have a different set of parameters when invoking an executable from xp_cmdshell? ie Do I need to rewrite the batch file?
Is there another way call an executable, SQLCMD maybe?

Any help is appreciated...

Code Block
The batch file if you're curious:

"c:Program Files (x86)someVendersomeAppsomeEXE.exe" "C:aFolderTextFile.txt"

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Replication :: Unable To Connect To Remote Distributor From Publisher Using Administrative Link Password?

Jan 29, 2008

I am not able to connect to Remote Distributor from Publisher using Administrative Link Password. I have configured the Distributor on 1 m/c and Publisher on another m/c. When i use the wizard to configure the publisher using remote distributor. I have also specified the same Admin Password link (distributor_admin) in the distributor m/c.
I am getting the following message:
TITLE: New Publication Wizard------------------------------
SQL Server could not connect to the Distributor using the specified password.


------------------------------ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:

Connection to server [SANMENON] failed.OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "D956CF83-AE2E-4FC5-83DD-BE90D84A3950" returned message "Login timeout expired".OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "D956CF83-AE2E-4FC5-83DD-BE90D84A3950" returned message "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21670)



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Problem In Executing Xp_cmdshell With Least Privileged SQL Login Account In SQL 2005

Jan 26, 2007

I have a least privileged SQL Login €œClient€? and have granted execute rights on XP_Cmdshell SP at master db. When I execute master.. XP_Cmdshell €˜dir€™ I€™m getting the below error.

Msg 15153, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1
The xp_cmdshell proxy account information cannot be retrieved or is invalid. Verify that the '##xp_cmdshell_proxy_account##' credential exists and contains valid information.

Please note it is SQL Login account and not windows account. I have checked everywhere for similar problem and no luck.

Thanks for you help in advance

With regards

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SQL Server 2014 :: Using Powershell Commands Within Scripts

Mar 15, 2015

I would like to use powershell commands within my TSQL scripts. how to do that?

The reason is that up until now I have been using SQLCMD and XP_CMDSHELL to rename files before importing them into a database. Powershell is a better tool for this job.

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2014 :: Update Commands Being Reversed

Oct 6, 2015

I'm running a update on a table and it appears to work. But when I check the data about 10 mins later it has been reversed back to the original form!

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Viewing Commands Being Executed On Sql Server In Real Time

Sep 19, 2006

I saw a presentation last week where the speaker created some sorta sql server "watch window" (in Sql Server Management Studio I think) where he could watch all the commands being executed on his sql server database in real-time. For example he could navigate to web pages (that hit the database) and as he pressed buttons you could see the sql commands execute in this "watch window."  If other users hit the database at the same time you could see those sql queries execute as well.  I didn't think at the time to ask how he did it - does anyone know how to set this up?  I have a problem with my sql server right now and it would be useful to see which sql queries (etc) are being executed when.  Thanks in advance,J. Shane

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Is It Possible To Change Permissions Of SQL Server System Stored Procedures And DBCC Commands?

May 8, 2008

Hi all,

I would like to enable users that do not belong to groups (server roles) such as sysadmin, serveradmin and don't have db permissions such as ddl_admin or db_owner to run some of the system stored procedures (such as sp_addumpdevice sp_configure sp_serveroption ...) and DBCC commands (such as DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP - requires ob_owner or sysadmin permission).

Is it possible to change permissions of SQL Server system stored procedures?

Is it possible to change permissions of SQL Server DBCC commands?



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Xp_cmdshell Under SQL Server 7.0

Oct 7, 1999

I am trying to issue an xp_cmdshell command via a guest account. I have given the guest user in the master db exec rights, and when I do something simple like

execute xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'

I just get the reply that the command completed without any returned data. However when I am on as 'sa' I get the results back as expected.

Any ideas anyone!

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Does Xp_cmdshell Work In SQL Server 7

Jan 31, 2002

And can I send an argument with the command in the commandline.

Thanks in advance from a student in Norway

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Xp_cmdshell Problem With SQL Server 6.5?

Mar 19, 1999

I have an external program which runs by the xp_cmdshell. This program get data from serial port and then store it back to the database (directly, by JDBC) It seems to me that when xp_cmdshell is running a program, the whole SQL server stop responding to any other request. (Is this normal?) Anyways, I insert a record into a table and this triggers an external program to run. But then the whole SQL server is hold at that stage. Logins are ok but no SQL or T-SQL commands are accepted. It seems to me like the SQL server (xp_cmdshell in specific) is waiting for the external program to terminate but the external program is waiting for the server is be ready to accept data. They are both waiting for each other. Any suggestions here?

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Xp_cmdshell Sql Server 2000

Feb 8, 2007

hi,does anybody know how to enable/disable xp_cmdshell in sql server2000.i our server this sp has been disbaled for security puropse.but i needto use it in a please can any body guide me?thanks for the help.-Shark.

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SQL Server 2008 :: List Of Commands That Require Exclusive Access In Order For Command To Complete

Aug 10, 2015

Any list of commands that require exclusive access in order for the command to complete? I had an instance today where a DBA executed sp_changedbowner command which is the alter database command on a production database and it locked it up.

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Clear SQl Server Logs By Run Xp_cmdshell

Nov 3, 2004

how i can clear sql server logs by run xp_cmdshell stored procedure.
(my user in sql server is a admin).
i don't want use enterprise manager . i want write a query and use at xp_cmdshell .
befor thx.

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XP_CMDSHELL- Access Denied Accessing Remote Server

Jun 20, 2007

I am using XP_CMDSHELL to run 2 Windows commands (from a SQL 2005 SP2 server) that access files on a remote server (called webserver). The two commands are:

1. cscript.exe \webserverwwwrootEur_SaveProductImages.vbs
2. dir \webserverwwwroot
Up until very recently this worked fine. Now I am getting Access Is Denied errors:

For #1:
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
CScript Error: Loading script "\webserverwwwrootEur_SaveProductImages.vbs" failed (Access is denied. ).

For #2:
Access is denied.

This happens if the above commands are run through a job, or directly with Query Analyzer as SA.

I understand that XP_CMDSHELL commands are run in the security context of the SQL Server startup account. The SQL Server startup account is called SQLServer and this account exists on both webserver and the database server. On both servers the username & password are identical and the user is in the local Administrators group. The two servers are in a workgroup.

Things I have tried (with no effect):

1. Restarted the servers
2. Deleted and recreated the SQLServer login on both servers
3. Changed the startup account for SQL Server through the SQL Server Configuration Manager to another account and back to SQLServer.

The most revealing tests are these:

1. If I log into the database server myself using the SQLServer account I can run the above commands in a Command Prompt with no problem

2. I installed SQL 2005 Express SP2 on webserver using the same startup account (SQLServer). If I run the same XP_CMDSHELL commands as above but accessing files on the database server, the commands work!
So, an XP_CMDSHELL command run under SQL Express using the local SQLServer account to access a remote server works, but an XP_CMDSHELL command run under SQL Server using a local SQLServer account (that is supposedly identical to the same named account on the other server) does not work !!?!?!?

It is almost as if XP_CMDSHELL commands run under SQL Server are NOT using the SQLServer startup account, but using some other weaker account. How can I tell if this is true?

How can I get this back working (as it was a week ago). The only thing I can think that happened on the servers to cause this is the installation of Windows Updates.


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SQL SERVER 2000 - EXEC Master..xp_cmdshell Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

Hi allI have a stored procedure that has the lineEXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /Stestjob1 /N testdts /E'If I run the SP from an access front end as a trusted user or from ascheduled job it runs fine and exectues the dts.If I run the stored procedure using VB6 as a standard connection the dtsjobwont run. I get back Execute permissions denied on xp_cmd.. on databasemasterdb_connect_string = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;UserID=test_connect;PWD=pw1test;Initial Catalog=testdb;Data Source=" &database_name....Set cmd = New ADODB.Commandcmd.ActiveConnection = db_connect_stringcmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProccmd.CommandText = "testStoredProcedure"cmd.ExecuteDo I need to give test_connect permisions to run the test stored procedure.I hoped that because the VB called a stored procedure and the connection hadpermissions to execute the SP then it would be the SP that called thexp_command....can anyone tell me the accepted way to do thismany thanksAndy

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How To Write Errors In Event Log Of Machine From SQL Server Through XP_Cmdshell

Feb 15, 2008

How to write errors in event log of machine from SQL Server through XP_Cmdshell

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Jan 7, 2008

Hi All,

I have these two commands that I execute at the end of my stored procedure. I get an email every time I execute this stored procedure whether the select statement returns a value or not. But I only want to get an email if select statement returns an Error value. How can I accomplish this?

set @cmd = 'osql -S server -U user -P psswd -q "set nocount on; select distinct(rtrim(col1)) from ##table where datediff(dd,col2,getdate()) = 1 and (col1 like ''%Error: %'')" -h-1 -w 1025 -o J:MyFolderErrorLogMsg.txt'

EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd, no_output

SET @email = 'mailsend -f -d -smtp -t -sub "Error Log Errors" -m J:MyFolderErrorLogMsg.txt'

EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @email, no_output


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