AdomdClient Vs AdomdServer

Oct 20, 2007

I am writing a stored procedure using TDD.

How do I get around the problem that a method that takes a Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer.MiningModel when running in the server will take a Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.MiningModel when it runs in my testsuit? The classes are identical for my purposes, but have no common base.

Is there a way to only use the AdomdServer classes externally or would it come down to running the test cases inside the server (ugg).

Thanks for the help
Adam Bell

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Jun 11, 2007

Can anyone tell me if it's possible connect analysis services to an mobile application using AdomdClient..
If yes, how i do this??

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AdomdClient: Which Sequence Belongs To Which Cluster?

May 17, 2007


We are using Microsoft Sequence Clustering both "manually" via Visual Studio (SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio) and "programatically" via AMO and ADOMD.NET (using C#). We use AMO to build and process the MiningModel, and ADOMD.NET (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient) to browse through results.

Everything is working fine except for a very important detail: we can't find where the MiningModel stores cluster membership. The MiningModel.Content contains a column NODE_SUPPORT which shows how many sequences there are in each cluster, but we can't find which sequence belongs to which cluster.

In Visual Studio, the Microsoft Sequence Cluster Viewer is able to show this in Cluster Profiles (a right-click on a cluster followed by Show Legend lists the sequences that belong to that cluster).

Question is: where does the Viewer get this information, and how can we get it via ADOMD? Or via AMO, if that's the case?

Would appreciate your assistance.

Kind Regards,


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