Advanced Schema Design Question For Experts. Please Help. Thanks

Jul 14, 2005

What schema is the best for high speed search for a classified web application?

Is our schema design looks OK? It is a STAR schema and will be used for OLTP type app. Is this OK? or Are we missing something?
Please let me know if you need more diagramatic description. 

Our group is making a classified website (like where people can place online ad to sell items.
like cars, computers, electronics etc. Users will fill out webform for each category(car or computers) with all
attributes of the item forsell to post an add.

Main 3 operations the web users will perform:
Quick Searching(most frequent): category=car, subcategory=sedan, country=USA city=LosAngeles Zip=empty

Advanced Search(less frequent): 

  User can include all fieldsattributes or then can user a subset to query to do advanced search like :

   category=car, subcategory=sedan, country=USA, city=Los Angeles, Year= in(00, 03), transmission=Auto, engine=V6, Maker=Honda, Model=Accord, color=Red and Price < 10000

   category=car, subcategory=SUV, country=USA, city=NY, Year= in(99, 00, 03), transmission=Auto, Maker=Toyota, and Price between 11000 and 14500

 Insert(least frequent): By filling out web form. For Car, the form will have different dimensionsattributes (year, make, model, transmission, mileage, color, price etc)

Current Schema design:
Set of core dimensionlookup tables: stores corecommon attributes for lookups eg. status={open, new, expired}, country={USA, Canada, India,...}

One custom Lookup table: for all custom attribute lookup: transmission{auto, manual}, engine type{V4, V6} for car, processor{PII, PIII, PIV), RAM(512MB, 1GB, 2GB} for Computer & so

3 Fact Tables:
Main factPivot table that stores all sell common attributes eg. price, title, year_made, post_date, expire_date, user_name, description etc.
One fact table to store custom string, int, float, date field values of ads.
One fact table to store custom dropdown field selection values

Concerns and issues:
Looking at the schema, it seems to be a STAR schema with multiple fact tables where all core lookup tables connected to the main Pivot table and
custom lookup table connected to the 2nd and 3rd fact table.

Quick search only queries the Pivot fact table. While Advanced search query requires to join 3 fact tables. Both query requires to join 3 fact tables with all
dimension tables(15 to 20 each having avg of 20 values) to get the look up names so that users sees text instead of ids. 
Search speed is the Main concerns. Insertionupdate speed doesn't matter that much as that is less frequently done.

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Database Design Question For Experts

May 15, 2005

I have 2 design related questions.
Q1: We are developing a huge .NET e-commerce web application with a number of modules - Shopping, 'For Sell' , 'For Rent', News, Jobs, Community, Matchmaking etc. These modules will store data into SQL server 2000 database server. 'For Sell' module will be used for all user ADs for selling items(addupdatesearch), similarly 'For Rent' module will be for Rentals ADs. The site will be open for 20+ different countries initially and will store unlimited ADs (eg. 200,000 For Sell ADs), Shopping Catalog (100,000 items).
We have some tables shared by all modules: module, module_category, module_subcategory, country, users, user_group etc. Some tables are module specific: forsell, forsell_attributes, forsell_att_values, shopping, shopping_review etc. The big design question that our team is facing is whether to make one single huge database and create all associated tables for all modules in it VS create separate database for each modules and have a central database for common tables.
Q2: Will it be better to create a single web application or different web application for each module?
Please give us your expert inputsuggestions ips that will guide our team to the right direction.

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Help With The Design/creation Of A Database For My Application. [Experts Needed]

Apr 17, 2004

Hello, I was wondering if any of you experts might assist me in properly creating a database for my application. I've been pondering for a few days on how to accomplish this, but it seems that it doesnt have to be as complex as I am thinking...I just have to know how.

First off, I want to populate a dataset from a database in which I can databind to a datalist or repeater control. My datalist or repeater will have the following information in the ItemTemplate. Each ItemTemplate will consist of a table with 1 row with 3 columns cells. In each cell, the data will be laid out as accordingly.

[Unique Number] [Description ][Price ]
1000 XYZ $100.00
1001 ZXY $250.00

When the datalist or repeater is populated, it will need to be tried against a value that the user selects. For instance, the user selects 100,000 from a listbox and fetches the next page which will show the diagram above...he/she will see those results. However, if the user selects 110,000, the diagram above will have for the most part the same Unique Number and Descriptions, but the prices will vary. The reason I say for the most part with the Unique Number and Descriptions, is because I want to later be able to add admin access to add additional rows and appropriate prices to each Unique Number and Description.

Now the tricky part is, I could just add the listbox values to a table as a unique key and associated them with the Unique Number, Description and Price, however there are about 50 different options the user can select from and approx 50 different rows of Unique Numbers, Descriptions and Price . So you can see, I would have to set up the diagram each time for every possible selection from the listbox, which wouldnt really be efficient I presume.

I want to be able to populate the datalist or repeater so it could have say 50 Unique Numbers with Descriptions and Price at selection 100,000. And also that it might only populate with 45 Unique Numbers and Descrptions and Price at selection 110,000 because the 5 missing dont pertain to the selection of 110,000. I am trying to do it this way because at sometime, I want the admin to be able to add/delete a Unique Number, a Description for it and a corresponding price that correlates to the selection from the listbox.

Thanks for all your help guys. I really appreciate it. For the most part I understand what Im doing, I just need to be walked thru it a bit. Thanks again!

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Schema Design Question

Mar 26, 2004

Let me explain what I'm trying to do and see if I can get any suggestions. I have some tables in a database to track "Required Reading" so that users who login must read documents by a certain date.

My first idea was to have a table called Reading that would store each UserID and every DocID from the Documents table. Then when the User logged in I would do a SELECT * FROM Reading WHERE UserID = 'User1' to filter down to all of the documents for the current user. So if I have 10 users and 10 documents then I would have 100 records in the Reading table.

The only problem with that is that every user logged in would have the Reading table open at the same time but no two users should ever be editing the same record. The user would have an exclusive recordset based on his UserID. I just don't know if this would cause a conflict.

DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Revision nvarchar(8)
RevisionDate smalldatetime
DueDate smalldatetime

UserID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Read bit
ReadDate smalldatetime

The second idea is to have the same Documents table but when a user logs in, create them a unique table. So if User1 logs in I would check to see if a User1 table exists and if not create it. The same for User2 etc.

DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Read bit
ReadDate smalldatetime

DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Read bit
ReadDate smalldatetime

Which would be a better schema design?

What would be the best way to index the tables?

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Schema Design Assistance Please.

Mar 10, 2008

Hi All,

Can you tell me how to represent the problem below?

I want to be able to store different types of information for products in different categories.

So Category A maybe TV's and category B maybe Sofa's and Cateogry C maybe Car. There will however be some common data.

So for a TV I may want to store screen size etc.. and for a Sofa if its leather and for cars maybe whethers its a Saloon, 4x4 etc.. The common data maybe Manufacturer, Price etc..Obviousely each peice of info will be of a different data type.

How best do I represent this in a database because I will have lots of categories of products and the products will be used for filtering too. So I need to create a solution which is not too costly on performance.

To give you an example of what I'm intending on doing..lets look at desktop computers which will have the following product specific info to filter on:
and for TV's we have


Thanks in advance, any guidance even to any online tutorial would be appreciated. - Gadget News

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Standard And Easy Way To Do Schema Design

Aug 15, 2007

I wonder instead of just brainstorming, there probably isa very standard and a simple way to do database schema design.let's say we are doing a website. the user can go overand type in the movie name and zipcode, and the websitewill return all the theaters showing that movie and at whattime, for theaters in THAT zipcode only (for simplicity).so how do we just start and use a standard method thatcan be simple and very accurate to ensure good tables design?

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Schema Design For Product Specifications, Please Advise.

Feb 10, 2006

Here is the current schema.
   - product_category_id
   - other fields, ...
    - product_id
    - product_category_id
   - ....other fields
Now, for each product type, it has a distinct set of specifications. For example: Books type, will have author, publisher, pages, etc. Apparels type will have color, size, materials, etc. I don't think I can put all those specifications into one table - the product table above. 
How to design the schema to store product specifications? Should I create a separate spec table for each product type, such as book_product_spec, apparel_product_spec, electronics_product_spec, etc.? Please advise. Thanks.

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL Server Schema Issue With Design Time Controls

Mar 9, 2007

Hello, we have some tables and views that are not assigned to the standard schema of dbo.Whenever I try to use a design time control and/or SQLDataSource connection control, it does not like objects other than those using the dbo. schema.Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?For example, her are a couple of views:dbo.vwCustomersdbo.vwCustomerDetailsord.vwOrdersord.vwOrderDetailsthe views with dbo.* I have no problem with.the views with ord. it tells me the view(s) do not exist.Thanks in advance! 

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Design To Accomodate Entity Based Schema Versioning

Jul 20, 2005

in simple words it's about versioning at record level.ExampleTableEmployee - EmployeeId, EmployeeName,EmployeeAddress, DepartmentId,TableDesignationMap - EmployeeId, DesignationId, EffectiveDate,validityTableDepartment - DepartmentId, DepartmentTableDesignation - DesignationId, designationVia Modify-Employee-Details screen following are editableEmoyeeNameEmployeeAddressDepartmentDesignationthis screen should allow user to navigate through changes history.Example :Version -1EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment AccountsDesignation AccountantVersion -2EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment AccountsDesignation Chief Accountant - changedVersion -3EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment Sales - changedDesignation Marketing Manager - changedQuestion :What is the best proposed database design for maintaining historyrecords bound with version and retrieval techniqueBest RegardsSasanka

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DB Design :: Schema Binding A View In Management Studio

Oct 13, 2015

I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio. I have a view that I'd like to index. Obviously, that requires that the view be schema bound to the underlying table. I have found myriad explanations for how to programmatically create a schema bound view, but I've never created a view like that before, and since I'm more a mechanical engineer than a database manager, I'd like to be able to do it the 'easy' way, by just creating the view in Management Studio by going to the database, right clicking on 'Views', clicking on 'New View...' and then, hopefully, checking some box somewhere that schema binds the table to the view.

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object When Retrieving Data/Schema In Design Time

Oct 11, 2006

Hi There,This is related to a ms access database but since I use the SqlDataSource control I thought I should post here.I have a project that I was working on with this ms access db and using sql controls, everything was working just finesince one day I started getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" messages when I try to designa query or retrieve a schema,  nothing works at design time anymore but at runtime everything is perfect, its a lotof work for me now to create columns,schemas and everything manually, I've tried reinstalling visualstudio, ado componentsbut nothing seems to fix it, did this ever happen to any of you guys?any tip is really appreciated  thanks a lot 

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Star Schema Design For Company Headcount With Headcount Targets

Nov 16, 2007

I am cutting my teeth on star schema design. I have a simple star schema I am building for Headounct analysis at work. I have a factless fact table where a row represents a head in the company. Each head is toed to a particulat week in a Date dimension tabel. There are additional dimensions for things like gender, ethnicity, marital status, age, etc. Now in my department dimension - it's hierarchical. In the DimDepartmnet there is a department which belongs to a company. Comapnies belong to divisions. Now the fun part. Each division has a headcount target for each year. Up to this point I am in a perfect star schema (no snow flaking). How would I integrate in this concept of a headcount target for each division for a given year?

We are using cognos on top of this star schema to provide reporting and analysis services if that is relevant. From the Star Schema design stand point... any thoughts?

Christian Loris

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DTS Experts - Help

Feb 12, 2001


I've taken up maintaining new server where there were
50+ DTS packages scheduled. How do I document those tasks?
I know the methods of copy to file as dts and cOM objects.
Is there a way to copy it in readable format like VB or Sql?



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Need Help From Experts

Apr 26, 2004


Hi guys,

We are currently running an Accounting software in Visual Foxpro 8. All are freetables. We are migrating the whole VFP database to sql server 2000 to provide better service to our users. The leagacy VFP system currently running on the production server. Our intension is to migrate the whole system concurrently without intervening/down the system. We found a feasible way to import data from VFP8 with the help or OLEDB VFP.Now I am the one who needs to take care of the Data Synchronization between VFP and Sql Server. I am quite new to DBA routines. I don't have fair idea to synchronize between VFP and SQL Server 2000. If anybody can suggest which replication methodology can I follow to replicate between VFP and SQL SERVER 2000 or even do some DTS routine to achive this. I hope so there should be way to do it in SQL SERVER 2000 :confused: :confused: .

Please guide me to do this....

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Where Are The SQL Experts At? Help Please.

Apr 16, 2008

I have the following query. I have two problems with this. For each Region I should only have a CustomerNumber listed once with their SOExtChargeAmount summed. I have some showing up more than once.

The second problem is that after my UNION ALL I need to sum 'AllOthers' as one row of data. I can't figure this out. Any help would be absolutely awesome. Thanks.

Region, Location, WarehouseCode, CustomerNumber, CustomerName, MonthLessEleven, MonthLessTen, MonthLessNine, MonthLessEight, MonthLessSeven,
MonthLessSix, MonthLessFive, MonthLessFour, MonthLessThree, MonthLessTwo, MonthLessOne, CurrentMonth, CurrentYearTotal, LastYearYTD,
LastYearTotal, CustRank


casewhen substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '936' then 'North Region'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '908' then 'East Region' ELSE 'Unknown'END AS Region,

when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='900' then 'ALE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='902' then 'ATO'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='904' then 'BOW'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='906' then 'BRY'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='908' then 'BPT'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='910' then 'BYD'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='912' then 'BUF'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='914' then 'CLE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='916' then 'GRN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='920' then 'DXN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='924' then 'CTH'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='926' then 'ELC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='928' then 'FTL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='930' then 'FTW'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='932' then 'I35'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) IN ('936','000') then 'GAI'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='939' then 'STW'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='940' then 'GRE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='942' then 'HEN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='944' then 'FTS'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='948' then 'JAC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='952' then 'JEN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='956' then 'KIL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='957' then 'MCA'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='958' then 'MIN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='960' then 'NOC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='962' then 'ODE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='964' then 'BTP'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='966' then 'RA'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='968' then 'RIF'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='970' then 'SWD'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='971' then '3PS'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='972' then 'ROC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='976' then 'SJO'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='978' then 'SMB'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='980' then 'STO'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='982' then 'TOL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='984' then 'VEL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='985' then 'CFP'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='986' then 'CLM'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='988' then 'WHI'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='992' then 'WRA'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='995' then 'ADM' ELSE 'Unknown'END AS Location,

ihh.WarehouseCode,ihh.CustomerNumber, cm.CustomerName,

SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 11 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessEleven,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 10 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessTen,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 9 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessNine,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 8 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessEight,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 7 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessSeven,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 6 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessSix,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 5 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessFive,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 4 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessFour,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 3 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessThree,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 2 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessTwo,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 1 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessOne,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 0 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS CurrentMonth,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 0 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS CurrentYearTotal,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEADD([year], - 1, getdate()) > ihh.SOTransDate AND DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 1 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS LastYearYTD,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 1 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) LastYearTotal,

casewhen substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '936' then 'North Region'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '908' then 'East Region' ELSE ' 'END
casewhen substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '936' then 'North Region'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '908' then 'East Region' ELSE ' 'END,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 0 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) desc) AS CustRank

MAS_BIF_ARN_InvHistoryHeader AS ihh ON cm.CustomerNumber = ihh.CustomerNumber INNER JOIN
MAS_BIF_ARO_InvHistoryDetail AS ihd ON ihh.InvoiceNumber = ihd.InvoiceNumber INNER JOIN
MAS_BIF_GL_Account AS gla ON ihd.SOGLSalesAcct = gla.AccountKey

GROUP BYihh.CustomerNumber, cm.CustomerName, gla.Account, ihh.WarehouseCode
) X

WHERECustRank < 20

union all

Region, Location, WarehouseCode, 'AllOthers', CustomerName, MonthLessEleven, MonthLessTen, MonthLessNine, MonthLessEight, MonthLessSeven,
MonthLessSix, MonthLessFive, MonthLessFour, MonthLessThree, MonthLessTwo, MonthLessOne, CurrentMonth, CurrentYearTotal, LastYearYTD,
LastYearTotal, 20


casewhen substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '936' then 'North Region'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '908' then 'East Region' ELSE 'Unknown'END AS Region,

when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='900' then 'ALE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='902' then 'ATO'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='904' then 'BOW'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='906' then 'BRY'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='908' then 'BPT'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='910' then 'BYD'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='912' then 'BUF'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='914' then 'CLE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='916' then 'GRN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='920' then 'DXN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='924' then 'CTH'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='926' then 'ELC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='928' then 'FTL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='930' then 'FTW'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='932' then 'I35'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) IN ('936','000') then 'GAI'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='939' then 'STW'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='940' then 'GRE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='942' then 'HEN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='944' then 'FTS'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='948' then 'JAC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='952' then 'JEN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='956' then 'KIL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='957' then 'MCA'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='958' then 'MIN'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='960' then 'NOC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='962' then 'ODE'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='964' then 'BTP'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='966' then 'RA'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='968' then 'RIF'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='970' then 'SWD'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='971' then '3PS'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='972' then 'ROC'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='976' then 'SJO'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='978' then 'SMB'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='980' then 'STO'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='982' then 'TOL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='984' then 'VEL'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='985' then 'CFP'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='986' then 'CLM'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='988' then 'WHI'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='992' then 'WRA'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3)='995' then 'ADM' ELSE 'Unknown'END AS Location,

ihh.WarehouseCode,ihh.CustomerNumber, cm.CustomerName,

SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 11 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessEleven,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 10 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessTen,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 9 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessNine,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 8 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessEight,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 7 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessSeven,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 6 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessSix,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 5 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessFive,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 4 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessFour,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 3 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessThree,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 2 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessTwo,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 1 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS MonthLessOne,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([MONTH], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 0 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS CurrentMonth,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 0 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS CurrentYearTotal,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEADD([year], - 1, getdate()) > ihh.SOTransDate AND DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 1 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) AS LastYearYTD,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 1 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) LastYearTotal,

casewhen substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '936' then 'North Region'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '908' then 'East Region' ELSE ' 'END
casewhen substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '936' then 'North Region'
when substring(gla.Account,5,3) = '908' then 'East Region' ELSE ' 'END,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF([YEAR], ihh.SOTransDate, getdate()) = 0 THEN ihd.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END) desc) AS CustRank

MAS_BIF_ARN_InvHistoryHeader AS ihh ON cm.CustomerNumber = ihh.CustomerNumber INNER JOIN
MAS_BIF_ARO_InvHistoryDetail AS ihd ON ihh.InvoiceNumber = ihd.InvoiceNumber INNER JOIN
MAS_BIF_GL_Account AS gla ON ihd.SOGLSalesAcct = gla.AccountKey

GROUP BYihh.CustomerNumber, cm.CustomerName, gla.Account, ihh.WarehouseCode
) X

WHERECustRank > 19

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Jul 24, 2007

How can I download a report model from report server into a folder programmatically?

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Qs. For The Experts Here...Help!

Mar 15, 2007

We are doing a community wide project where we need to extract phone numbers and emails from over 1000s local non-profit and gov. webpages. Any suggestion on the best tool outthere that could help us automate this somewhat?

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Jun 19, 2007





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How To Know When A Job Has Finished. For Experts I Think.,

Apr 29, 2004

I have this on my page
Dim backUpDB2 As SqlClient.SqlCommand
backUpDB2 = New SqlClient.SqlCommand
backUpDB2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
backUpDB2.CommandText = "msdb.dbo.SP_RESUMENFAC"
backUpDB2.Connection = SqlConnection1

The SP has this


EXEC sp_start_job @job_name = 'TransferirDatos(FACT) '


WHen I execute the page after the SP it fills some datagrid but the data is not updated bacuase the job takes 1 minute or more to finish.

Is there anyway to prevent to show the old data? or to detect when the job has finished?


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Help From Experts With A SQL Statement

Jun 17, 2003

Hello all I am trying to write a SQL Statement that will return the fields specified in the Select. However, in some occassion there is no data located in the PS_LEDGER_BUDG C table. I would like to return a zero if possible. When there is no data located in PS_LEDGER_BUDG certain data does not show up. Here is the SQL Statement:


I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Thank you in advance.


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For You Crystal Experts

Feb 2, 2007

I just started using Crystal, and I have to say, its a pain in the arse.

Can I just run a simple SQL query and get the results I want, without having to use Crystal Syntax?

Here is the query I want to use:


select * from esmpvald, esmprmtr
where esmpvald.permit_id = esmprmtr.permit_id and
esmprmtr.issue_date >= ('01/01/06') and
esmprmtr.issue_date <= ('12/31/06') and
esmprmtr.permit_id in (select esmvardd.permit_id
from esmvardd, esmudfvr
where esmvardd.var_fld_id = esmudfvr.var_fld_id and
esmvardd.permit_id in
(select esmvardd.permit_id from esmvardd, esmudfvr where esmvardd.var_fld_id = esmudfvr.var_fld_id and
(esmvardd.var_fld_value = 'a') and
(esmudfvr.var_fld_name = 'Commercial Type')) and 1=1)

I will be looping through the "esmvardd.var_fld_value = 'a'" part, going a through f, but for now, I just want to start with the 'a'.

I could do this manually, and throw it in a Word doc, but I'm trying learn this thing. Ideas?

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Inner Join Experts Out There??

Jul 20, 2005

The scenario:two tablesCustomerTable---------------CustomerIDOrderIDCustomerNameCustomerEmailCustomerPhoneOrderTable---------------OrderIDProductIDProductNameProductCostThis database was handed to me and I was asked to solve a problem - it lookslike an inner join solution would apply, but I'm not 100% sure.There are 14 products total (numbers 1 through 14).I'm looking to get a list of all the customers who have ordered product #1,UNLESS they've ordered product #14 in which case I don't want to know aboutthat customer at all.Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'll watch the newsgroup for theanswer - hopefully your response can help someone else too. However, if youprefer to email me directly, you can send it to me at bunchah at yahoo dotcom.Thanks in advance!(if it'll help, I'll buy the person offering the correct solution a beer -pending age verification of course) ;)-Al

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T-SQL Experts Please Correct Me !

Feb 27, 2008

Here is the original script
select count(*) FROM (select * from aecprda where
AECPRDA.sales_cat_cd in ('02','10') and
(create_dt > '2008-02-17 18:10:22.000' or price_chg_dt > '2008-02-17 18:10:22.000')
left join (zfmt z inner join muzealbums on z.muzenbr=muzealbums.muzenbr) on AECPRDA_1.product_id = z.vendorcode
and z.Vendorname = N'Alliance'
ON AECPRDA_1.mcat_cd3 = aecmcat_c3.Mcat_cd

I want to add a condition [(substring(AECPRDA_1.upc_1,1,11) = substring(z.upc,1,11) or
(AECPRDA_1.product_id = z.vendorcode))] instead of [AECPRDA_1.product_id = z.vendorcode] TO THE ABOVE STATEMENT.
It is a secondary match condition

1. If aecprda_1.upc_1 doesn€™t find a match on zfmt.upc then
2. Match on aecprda_1. product_id = zfmt. Vendorcode
3. I also want to add a condition if there is a product match on both 1 & 2 , then take only the first one and don€™t take the second one.

Something looks like below statement but needs one more condition mentioned at item 3 to be added.

select count(*) FROM (select * from aecprda where
AECPRDA.sales_cat_cd in ('02','10') and
(create_dt > '2007-10-22 00:00:00.000' or price_chg_dt > '2007-10-22 00:00:00.000')
left join (zfmt z inner join muzealbums on z.muzenbr=muzealbums.muzenbr) on (substring(AECPRDA_1.upc_1,1,11) = substring(z.upc,1,11) or
(AECPRDA_1.product_id = z.vendorcode))
and z.Vendorname = N'Alliance'
ON AECPRDA_1.mcat_cd3 = aecmcat_c3.Mcat_cd --- I ran this query executing takes hour eventhough appropriate indices were added.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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ADVISE.....Experts ! Please

May 15, 2008

I am an Application Developer.
I know just this about T-SQL :
Insert, UPDATE, delete aRecord.
JOIN tables.
Create a Hierarchy column.
execute MERGE Statement. [in order to create IDENTICAL tables .]

Create a Master-detail TABLE . [PrimaryKey-Foreig-Key]

WHAT ELSE SHOULD I KNOW widly speaking about T-SQL ??

What are ESSENTIAL things you should know to Be a BIT of an EXPERT ???

Please be STRAIGHT and SIMPLE.


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Performance Experts Click Here

Jul 28, 1999


Table 1 = Product (one row per productID, also has second key, KEY2)
Table 2 = Usage (many rows per KEY2)

I have a view that aggregates Usage GROUP BY Key2 - Usage_VIEW

I create a view over Product and Usave_view joining on KEY2 - Final_VIEW

When I query Product with a where Product = 'x'
the time is under 1 second return.
I then take the Key2 value returned and query my Usage_View
the time is under 1 second to return.

BUT, if I query My Final_VIEW with where product = 'x'
I can take a coffee break.

Question? Does the aggregate of Usage get performed before limiting to the matching rows in Product?

Can I use "Force Order" hint to make the first table limit the search on table 2? If so, please give syntax on FORCE ORDER. I can't seem to figure it out.

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Microsoft Corporation Needs SQL Experts

Sep 6, 2006


I am a Microsoft Recruiter, and we are hiring SQL Premier Field Engineers in DC, AZ, CA, CO, and MA. Is there a place on the site where I can post these roles? If you know anyone who may be interested, please have them to contact me. I would be happy to send a job description.

Thank you.

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Calling All SQL And Informix Experts!

Jan 15, 2004

Our Informix server is struggling with all the reports we run and so we are thinking of making a dedicated server for reporting.

SQL is an obvious choice because we have it already for our retail system.

However, the challenge is how to download the data we need each night. DTS works a treat but it is the volume of data that is the problem.

We are a retail operation and we need to download the transactions from our Informix server into SQL. This data gets into Informix from the EPOS system in our stores.

What we don't want to do is download everynight the entire back history of transactions. We could do this by using the date of the transactions but we discovered it wont work.

The problem is that if a store doesn't post their transactions e.g. because of a system failure then these will get missed.

What we need to do is record which transactions are downloaded into SQL and then compare this against what is on the Informix server and then download the difference each night.

We thought of adding a flag onto the Informix server but we are not able to make any modifications to it.

I think we could log the downloaded transactions in a SQL table and then use this as a record of what has been downloaded. We could then run a query that compares this to what is on the Informix server.

With the right indexes I think this could work really well. Any thoughts? Incidently the two servers are separated by a 512Kbps wan link......

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One For The SQL Experts - Dare I Say TRICKY SQL!

Feb 7, 2006

Guys,Hopefully someone can help.We have a monitoring program that has threads which start and stopmonitoring at various times. There are two tables:THREADLIFECYCLEunique_idstart_time (always populated)end_time (not populated until the thread ends)MONITORRESULTSunique_idtime_of_measurementvalueWhat I am trying to do is find the average value for each of thenumbers of running threads. To explain further, threads will start,stop independently and overlap each other.I want an output that says:When 1 thread was running: average value was xWhen 3 threads were running: average value was yDue to the start and stop nature there could be 1 thread running at thebeginning of the test, mid way through, a number of occassions, etc.Also, the number of threads does not necessarily ramp sequantially -the number running at any time could be like this sequence: 1, 5, 10,7, 12, 4, 2ANY help would be much appreciated - it really has stumped me but lookslike it should be so simple .... But aren't they always the hard ones;-(ThanksGraham

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Need Experts On CLR Intergration Problem

Feb 5, 2007

Hi all I have the following CLR stored procedure :

Partial Public Class StoredProcedures

<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _

Public Shared Sub sssGetActiveRepositoryByTitle( _

ByVal title As String)

' Add your code here

Using conn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true")

Dim objCommand As New SqlCommand()

Dim TitleParam As New SqlParameter("@Title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)

TitleParam.Value = title

objCommand.Connection = conn


'build the delete command

objCommand.CommandText = _

"select * from sstRepository where IsActive = 1 and Title =" & TitleParam.Value.ToString



End Using

End Sub

Now I have a windows service in my data layer that needs to access this stored procedure and convert it into a dataaset to pass to the client application :

Imports System.Data.SqlClient


Public Class clsClient

' it inherits the stored procedures from the DBMS class which is the name

'of the CLR dll

Inherits StoredProcedures

Public Function GetClientByVirtualPath(ByVal pstrVirtualPath As String) As DataSet


Dim i As SqlDataReader

'parameters are stored in an array (zero based) for use in the base class

Dim parmArrSqlParms(0) As SqlClient.SqlParameter

' Dim fff As Int32

i = sdsGetClientByVirtualPath(pstrVirtualPath)

' Return MyBase.RunProcedure("dbo.sdsGetClientByVirtualPath", parmArrSqlParms)

Catch ex As Exception

'log the error

'cLogger.LogMessage("ACME", "SampleApplication", Logger.EntryTypes.RunError, System.Environment.MachineName, "clsDemoClass.SelectAllCompanies", ex.Message)

'raise the error to the caller for handling

Throw ex

End Try

End Function

I've tried a bunch of different things to no avail the error I keep getting trying to access the sqlpipe resulsts is " this expressions does not return any values"

any ideas ? I am basically converting around TSQL 50 stored procs into managed CLR code and the CLR funtions are created but I am really having problems accessing the resuluts on the client end .

Help please !

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The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' Requires A Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'.

Sep 27, 2007

Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!

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Getting A SQL Database Error...any Ideas SQL Experts?

Jun 26, 2007

 I am trying to insert a value into a field in a database named ASPNETDB.MDF.  The table name is "profiles_BasicProperties" and the field name is "UserID".  I get an error when I attempt to do this.  See the code I am using to try to do this below...and then the error that I get which is further down in this post.  Note...both the code and the database are on my laptop.  I can connect to the database just fine using Server Explorer in MS VS 2005.  Thanks in advance for any help anybody can offer...
 Here is the code I am using:
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Master02.master" Title="Create Your Free Account" Debug="true"%><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Configuration" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder_Main" Runat="Server">
<script runat="server">        Sub CreateUserWizard_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)                Dim CWZ As CreateUserWizard        CWZ = CType(Me.LoginView1.FindControl("CreateUserWizard"), Wizard)
    Private Sub CreateUserProfile(ByVal UserName As String)            Dim conString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Main").ConnectionString        Dim con As New SqlConnection(conString)        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("INSERT profiles_BasicProperties (UserName) VALUES (@UserID)", con)        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserName)        Using con            con.Open()            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        End Using            End Sub
 ...and here is the error and stack trace (the offending Line 49 is in bold):
 Server Error in '/Site_Dev' Application.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ~App_DataASPNETDB.MDF failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ~App_DataASPNETDB.MDF failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
Source Error:
Line 47:         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserName)Line 48:         Using conLine 49:             con.Open()Line 50:             cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()Line 51:         End Using 
Source File: C:UsersmdcraggDocumentsWebsiteSite_DevUser_Create.aspx    Line: 49
Stack Trace:
[SqlException (0x80131904): An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ~App_DataASPNETDB.MDF failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.]   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +736211   System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +188   System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +1959   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin(Boolean enlistOK) +33   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.AttemptOneLogin(ServerInfo serverInfo, String newPassword, Boolean ignoreSniOpenTimeout, Int64 timerExpire, SqlConnection owningObject) +237   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.LoginNoFailover(String host, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance, SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Int64 timerStart) +374   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +192   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +170   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection) +359   System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options) +28   System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject) +424   System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject) +66   System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject) +496   System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) +82   System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +105   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +111   ASP.user_create_aspx.CreateUserProfile(String UserName) in C:UsersMatthewDocumentsGroup 02 - PoliticoreSite_DevUser_Create.aspx:49   ASP.user_create_aspx.CreateUserWizard_CreatedUser(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:UsersMatthewDocumentsGroup 02 - PoliticoreSite_DevUser_Create.aspx:30   System.Web.UI.WebControls.CreateUserWizard.OnCreatedUser(EventArgs e) +105   System.Web.UI.WebControls.CreateUserWizard.AttemptCreateUser() +341   System.Web.UI.WebControls.CreateUserWizard.OnNextButtonClick(WizardNavigationEventArgs e) +105   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +453   System.Web.UI.WebControls.CreateUserWizard.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) +149   System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardChildTable.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +17   System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) +35   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) +115   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +163   System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +7   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +11   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +5102
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.312; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.312

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Calling All MSSQL 2005 Experts

Jul 27, 2006

Dear Group.Wondered if any of you has any suggestion for the following?Trying to install SQL Server 2005 Eval on a 'clean' machine. Well, mymistake was probably that I had installed Visual Studio 2005Professional Eval before which installed an MSSQL Express instance.Since then I didn't get 'Enterprise Manager' (excuse my ignorance, Iknow it's called differently in2005 but it's late and I'm tired) forMSSQL 2005 installed.Don't remember the error exactly but after sometrying I received some error during the MSSQL Management Studio (isthat right?) installation that it needs to be upgraded in some ini filewhich I looked for to no avail. ANYWAY, after some desperate registrydeletes and following MS Kbase articles I arrived at: 'The installerhas encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This mayindicate a problem with the package. The error code is 2718.' duringthe installation of SQL Server Backward-Compatibility files.Which is of course complete rubbish. We all now that Microsoft has donean awful job in getting SQL Express and SQL Server installedside-by-side but it never has been as bad as this on any machinebefore. Needless to say the package is fine as I've used it many timesbefore. Any suggestions?Gratefully yours,Martin'Just wanna get on with work. Tired of starring at error messages.'

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Transferring Objects Form Schema A To Schema B In One Shot....!

May 27, 2008

I have 35+ tables and 15+ stored procedures with SchemaA, now I want to transfer them to SchemaB.

I know how to do one by one...!

alter schema SchemaB transfer

but it will take long time...!


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