Advice For Migrating From SQL 7 To SQL 2000

Sep 11, 2003

We are about to migrate just over 30 databases from a SQL server 7 installation to a SQL 2000 on a different server. Each database has it's own logins.

What is the best, and most fool-proof path to take? I know from previous experience that restoring a single database works fine, but that the logins are orphaned. Are there complications with restoring the master database from the SQL 7 machine on the SQL 2000 machine? Any advice would be helpful as this is bound to be a painful process. ;-)


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Migrating To 2005, Need Advice

Feb 12, 2007

Help. I have been tasked with upgrading a 2000 instance to 2005.I have actually done this before, but it was a long time ago, and Ididn't do it alone. Now, the sitation is little different, and I needto know the EXACT steps to take.Does anyone have a FAQ or link that outlines migration steps? I foundone on sql server central, but it isn't very detailed.One of the important things I need to know is, how do I create arollback plan if I am upgrading from 2000 to 2005 on the same server(instance)?Also, why can't I seem to find a comprehensive list of TO DO's whenupgrading? Doesn't microsoft provide this? You would think so. I willrun upgrade advisor first, but isn't there also documentationsomewhere?I seem to recall lots of permissions issues that arose with 2005.HELPThanks

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Migrating From Access 2000 To SQl Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have developed an application using VB 6 (SP 5), MS Access 2000 andCrystal Reports 9. I migrated from from access to SQl Server 2000.This wasn't a problem as i could import all the tables to SQL Server.Also, i could make VB6 talk to SQl Server.The problem arsies when i run my application. The sql syntax foraccess seems to be different than that for SQL Server. A simpleexample being: In access boolean datatype is true/false ,whereas inSQL Server the boolean equivalent is bit (numerical 1 or 0). Thesekind of issues are causing problems and most queries don't run.Would i need to go and change all the queries in accordance with SQlServer syntax ,which would be very time consuming or is there anyfunction which will convert the access datatype into its equivalentSQl Server datatype??Any input/thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.ThanksJatin

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Migrating 7.0 To 2000

Feb 12, 2006

i have computer with windows 2000 an sql 7.0 (computerA)
goal is windows 2003 with sql 2005

I see my choices as is:

A) upgrade win2k to 2k3 then upgrade sql7 on w2k3 to sql2k5 on win2k3.
(i see many potential problems with that)

B) have computerB with clean install of win2k3 and install sql2k5 on it.
if this is the case, what is the best / easiest way to get the database from 7 to 2k5? Database copy wizard? dts? attaching the db?

Anything else I should lookout for ?


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SQL 6.5 Migrating To SQL 2000

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I've got a database that needs to migrate from SQL 6.5 to SQL 2000. I'mhaving problems with Datetime data types. In SQL 6.5 the Date is shown as'Mar 23 2004 12:00AM' but when I've copied the database across to SQL 2000,although it's still a Datetime data type, it is displayed as '2004-03-2300:00:00.000'. Unfortunately it means Stored Procedures called through afront end Visual Basic application do not work.Colleagues have suggested checking the collation, which I did and it's thesame as the older 6.5 database. Is there another property that needs to bechanged to allow the new Datetime dates to be shown in the desired format?FYI I have Systems Administrator privileges on the older 6.5 database butnot on the new 2000 one.I'm hoping there must be an flag/option I can change. Any help would begratefully appreciated.Kind regardsRich

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Migrating DB's From SQL 2000 To 2005

May 15, 2007

Hi all,

I'm in need of migrating DB's from a SQL 2000 server to a new SQL 2005 server. Has anyone had any success in this or does anyone know of a process which would be best for this situation?

Here's my setup...

SQL2000 SERVER....OS - Server 2000
MDF's/LDF's reside on D:MSSQLData
Backups reside on D:MSSQLBackup

SQL2005 SERVER....OS - Server 2003
MDF's/LDF's reside on E:MSSQLData
Backups reside on E:MSSQLBackup

Any information on how to get these DB from 2000 to 2005 will be greatly appreciated.

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About Migrating To 2005 From 2000.

Jun 12, 2007

Hi, since havenot done migration yet, my company is planning to migrate from sql 2000 to sql 2005 server. and i am in group for capacity planning. can anybody suggest me the steps i should be really taking in order to migrate to 2005, if anyone has done the it in real world with database up to 50g.

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Migrating To 2005 From 2000

Mar 26, 2008

Guys! Very very junior in this migration part. Hope the seniors can help out....PLEASE!!!!!! Don't get me wrong asking you guys to spoon feed me. I have read a lot of articles and even BOL and also not to forget read millions of books on this. But just wanted to make sure that I am in the right path and want to do this without any problem. That's why I have decided to ask the Gurus here who have done this in past.

I have this machine now:

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2040 (Intel X86)
Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: )

Migrating to this machine:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - (X64)
Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

I have these in the SQL Server 2000 box:
1. Databases, tables (of course)
3. Securities(Logins, Roles, Password)
4. DTS packages
5. Jobs
6. Replications
7. Linked Servers
8. Stored Procedures

Every article is different. I was confused at a point of time. Please show me the right way guys!

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Migrating From 32 Bit (2000) To 64 Bit (2005)

Mar 27, 2008

Yesterday I started this topic and I came step by step higher and now I have finalized my steps to migrate.

Seniors and Gurus and who has done this before, please review and correct me where I am wrong and/or add some tips for me to have this one going on successfully! Thanking all of you guys in advance! Here is what I have:

Before Migrating:
1. Install Service Packs, Security Patches and Hot Fixes
2. Install DTS Designer Tool from Microsoft to prevent conflict and failure of migrating current DTS packages to SQL Server 2005
3. Backup EACH and EVERY Database and double check the .bak files whether it exist and backup was successful
4. Just before migrating, reboot the server to clarify that the SQL Server Services and SQL Server Agent is working
When you are ready to migrate:
5. Make sure there are no users trying to connect to the OLD AND the NEW SQL Server. Inform them well in advance about the downtime. Shutdown any applications or websites that might be accessing the SQL Server.
6. Stop the SQL Server, SQL Agent and MS Search Services on the NEW SQL Server
If downtime is not possible:
7. For ever changing OLTP database, by the time you restore the backup onto the new server, the old server would have received more changes. To avoid this problem, you need to resort to log shipping. Log shipping is nothing but an automated process of backup and restore. The following steps will explain the process of log shipping (Note that SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition provides inbuilt logs hipping. We don't need that for this purpose. We can simply create a job that backs up and restores the databases
8. Create a job on the old server, with two steps. The first steps backs up the transaction log of the OLTP database. The second step restores this transaction log backup file onto the new server, using WITH STANDBY or WITH NORECOVERY option of the RESTORE command. Schedule this job to run every 10 minutes or 15 minutes, depending on the volume of transactions your OLTP database receives
9. This job will take care of shipping all new transactions since the full database backup, to the database on the new server. Let this job run until you can afford some downtime on your production database (that is, mid-night, or early morning, or a planned maintenance window)
10. Now to be doubly sure, no new transactions are coming in, set the database in 'single user' or 'dbo use only' mode. Take one last transaction log backup of the production OLTP database, and restore it onto the database on new server. This time use the WITH RECOVERY option of the RESTORE command
11. Run UPDATE_STATISTIC on User Database to reorganize all indexes
12. Security - The security model changed along with object ownership, but users that own objects will be turned into schemas and all of the object and role permissions will come over. These you will want to look over afterwards, but they should be ok.
13. Unless you have hundreds of them, it is always better to re-create them after upgrading. You cannot detach an MSDB database on a 2000 server and attach it on a 2005 server and have it work. Fortunate in this, we can script out the jobs from SQL Server 2000 and run it on the new SQL Server 2005
14. Typically you will have to re-create your replication too. Again, the good news is that you can generate the scripts for replication on a 2000 server and execute them on a 2005 server and it will create the appropriate articles and publications
15. For DTS packages, it is always recommended to use the Package Migration wizard to do this so that less or no problems will be encountered. Consider about the jobs previously set.
16. Logins can be created by using sp_hexadecimal and sp_revlogin2005

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Migrating SQL 2000 To SQL 2005

Jun 21, 2007

Hi Friends,Is there any tool or assistant to upgrade SQL 2000 to SQL 2005.Thanks,Arunkumar

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Migrating SQL 2000 To A New Sever

Sep 20, 2006

I am upgrading our SQL 2000 Server hardware. I am looking for a way to "mirror" this server. The only items that we are changing are updating the hardware and the OS will be Server 2K3 instead of Server 2k

Does anyone have a reliable method, or suggested processes for migrating one server to another?

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Migrating A SQL 2000 DB To A SQL 2005 DB

Mar 29, 2007

I would like to find out what the steps are to migrate a 2000 database up to 2005?

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Migrating From 2000 To 2005

Aug 14, 2007

Hello guys, I have vry basic question. I'm migrating from 2000 to 2005. MY question is do we have to recode all packages or just migrating of old 2000 DTS is fine. If so, then I can see only small icon of DTS package in 2005, whihc is not showing the details of DTS. Kindly, explain me what do i really do, migrating old one or re-creating new in 2005. Thanks in Advance

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Novice Seeking Advice With SQL 2000

Aug 10, 2007

 I am asking a question i have seen many threads on, but I am looking for an idiot's guide on how to convert my SQL 2005 database to SQL 2000 so i can get it to run on my web hosting server. I'm very new to , but have ahd years of experience in normal HTML and a year or two in the old ASP.
 I was advised to learn ASP.Net 2.0 and have found it nothing but brilliant. The intergration with SQL 2005 made it a lot quicker to link up a database than using Access. Unfortunatly my hosting company is a little behind and still using SQL 2000. There isn't mch databse intergration (a few aplication forms) so I dont mind re-writing the whole database but I dont know how to set Visual web developer up with a SQL 2000 Database. I have also read from various other forums that you can convert a databse to 2000 by doing something with the scripts, but the explaination is too complicated for me to follow.
 Is there anyone out there who wouldn't mind going over some old ground and explain this all in simple terms? Im using 'SQL Server Managment Studio Express' (although i dont know how to use it) and 'Microsoft visual web developer 2005 express edition' .
 Thanks for reading this

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Migrating Acceess To Sql Server 2000

Oct 3, 2002

Any suggestions on migrating Access97 tables to sql server 2000? The DTS seems cumbersome and the Access97 upsizing wizard add-in is only compatible up to sql server 7.0.


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Migrating Sybase To SQL Server 2000

Feb 25, 2008

Hi all

I try to migrate sybase to SQL Server 2000, but found a los of trouble, please, some can help me to resolve this???

May many of that are easy to resolv, but is mi fist time with SQL Server 2000... plz, help :(

Object : Procedure
Error : Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de la palabra clave 'cursor'.
Code :

Create Procedure ABA_CenResul
declare @EST_CEN_Codigo char(8),
@EST_CEN_Descripcio char(100),
@n char(100),
@name char(100),
@salida char(8),
@vble int,
@ini int,
@ter int,
@indice int,
@aux_descripcion char(100)
declare sonido cursor
select EST_CEN_Codigo, EST_CEN_Descripcio
from EST_CenResul
open sonido
fetch sonido into @EST_CEN_Codigo,@EST_CEN_Descripcio
select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = @EST_CEN_Descripcio + " "
select @aux_descripcion = @EST_CEN_Descripcio
while @@sqlstatus !=2
select @indice = 1
while @indice <> 4
select @vble = patindex("% %",@EST_CEN_Descripcio)
select @ter = @vble - 1
select @name = substring(@EST_CEN_Descripcio,1,@ter)
if @indice = 1
select @n = @name
select @n = @n + "/" + @name

select @ini = @vble + 1
select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = substring(@EST_CEN_Descripcio,@ini,100)
select @indice = @indice + 1
print @n
exec sdxsrvr...soundex @n, @salida out
update EST_CenResul
set EST_CEN_Soundex = @salida
where EST_CEN_Codigo = @EST_CEN_Codigo
fetch sonido into @EST_CEN_Codigo, @EST_CEN_Descripcio
-- select @EST_CEN_Descripcio = @EST_CEN_Descripcio + " "
-- select @aux_descripcion = @EST_CEN_Descripcio
close sonido
deallocate cursor sonido

Thnx in advance

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Migrating From Oracle 8i To SQL Server 2000

Jan 31, 2004

I am trying to migrate my database in Oracle 8i to Sql Server 2000 but am unsure of how to carry out the migration. How do I do it and what do I have to consider. My OS is Windows 2003. Thanks in advance

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Migrating SQL Server 2000 Logins

Mar 27, 2004

I'm changing servers and want to copy all the logins from the old server to the new server. Is there anyway to do this?

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Migrating 2000 To 2005 On Same Server

Apr 2, 2008

Has anyone had experience of migrating from 2000 to 2005 on the same box , and maintaining the SERVERNAMEINSTANCE_NAME.
What are some effective ways of migrating and retaining the same servername/instance name ?

The issue revolves around minimising the use of extra boxes , as I would like to do the migration on the same server and keep the name the same .

Jack Vamvas
Search IT jobs from multiple sources-

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Migrating Access To SQL 2000 Server

Apr 25, 2007


I need to migrate my access database to SQL2000 Server. I have three tables in my access database. In each table have 3000-6000 records.
So how to put all these records in to sql2000 server tables.
The table structure in Access database and sql2000 database are same.

Here core work is just insert all these 3000 - 6000 records (rows) from Access database to sql2000 database

Thanks in Advance!!

With regards

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Migrating SQL 2000 Database To SQL 2005

May 23, 2007

I have a database on a SQL Server 2000, and would like to migrate it to a new server machine that has SQL Server 2005. has anyone already tried this, and can you please provide the steps to follow.

Thank you.

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Migrating From Sql Server 2000 To 2005

Sep 28, 2007


We are migrating from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. We currently use ADO.Net to make connection to sql server. I just want to know after migration to sql server 2005 do we have to make any changes in code in the way we make connection to use ADO.Net2 which is part of sql server 2005. ??


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MIgrating DTS Packages Of SQL 2000 To SQL 2005

Jan 5, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on a migration project of my database(lets name it DB1), from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. I have some DTS packages in my SQL 2000 database which also needs to be migrated to SSIS. These DTS packages currently interacts with other database(lets name it DB2) which is also in SQL 2000 and which does the data transmission. The real issue is that the other database(DB2) also has some DTS packages which also communicates with DB1 (the db to be upgraded) and so when i migrate my DB1 to SQL 2005, i will have to change my DB2 packages also (although the change will be minor). Now considering that in future I might also migrate my DB2 to SQL 2005 I wanted to know what will be the right approach to follow. One is to modify the DTS packages of DB2 to accmodate the change in connection and the other is to migrate the DTS packages of DB2 also to SSIS.

Can anyone help me with this one.

Thanks in Advance


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Performance When Migrating From 2000 To 2005

Feb 10, 2008

Hi guys
We are in the process of moving from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. In this process in general I have noticed that performance is better as a result of the move but in a couple of specific cases performance is about 10 time worse as a result of the move and i am wondering if anyone can tell me why.

1) Should I be noticing that calling functions from within a where clause are slower in 2005.

2) Has the and/or logic processing been changed between the different versions.

3) Why does this segment of code run really slow in 2005 but really fast in 2000 (note, i know that its not nice looking but it is pre-existing code from before we came on board and there are more examples of these so its a bit of a change to go through and fix it all up to what it should be but i need to know why before i can move on and as i said i know its not nice and one should expect it to be slow but i specially need to know why it would run fine in 2000 and not on 2005):

AND (Deleted = 0)
AND (DATEDIFF(d, dbo.GetStartOfDate(ReviewedDate), dbo.GetStartOfDate(GETDATE())) = 3)
OR (ProgressPointId = 32)
AND (Deleted = 0)
AND (DATEDIFF(d, dbo.GetStartOfDate(ReviewedDate), dbo.GetStartOfDate(GETDATE())) = 3)
OR (ProgressPointId = 30)
AND (Deleted = 0)
AND (DATEDIFF(d, dbo.GetStartOfDate(ReviewedDate), dbo.GetStartOfDate(GETDATE())) = 3)

Thanks for your help.

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Upgrading To SQL 2005 From 2000 - Seeking Advice

Nov 30, 2007

Hello everyone, I am upgrading from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. Any caveats? Can I just detach the db's and attach them into 2005. Or is there any conversion I should run or import first?


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Migrating SQL EXPRESS In SQL 2000 Or 2005 Server

Mar 26, 2007

whenever i modified the connection of my current database...I'll always got an error,when asking for "server name" says [DBNETLIB...etc]Named Pipes etc current database was SQLEXPRESS and i want to change it as an SQL OLEDB,2000,2005.. but as i said il always got an error..sometimes it says "SQL server does not exit..ODBC" etc...when im entering the "server name" i could only used Access or SQLEXPRESS server database.. what should i do with the error?? thanks for helping again..   

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Migrating Sybase Databases To SQL Server 2000

Apr 27, 2004

Just a quick question, does anyone know any major issues with Migrating Sybase Databases to SQL Server? Just wondering if their any oddities I should be aware of? Thanks nixies

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Migrating Existing Analysis From 2000 To 2005

Oct 25, 2007

Morning am very new to analysis server.

I have a 2000 sql server box which has two analysis databases.

I am migrating them to 2005 sql server and am using the wizard but am getting an error message on the last part of the migration.

"Mining models:
Test Miner
My OLAP Server;MIS Data Warehouse;Test Miner;Documents;All: The source object is not valid."

Any ideas.

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Migrating SQLServer 2000 Database To 2005

Jan 25, 2008

Hi there

I heard from someone that there is a tool that can verify/check whether the database can be deported to SQL Server 2005 native (90) or not. Is this true?


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Issues After Migrating SQL 2000 Database SQL 2005

Feb 6, 2008


Currently we have SQL server 2000 database for past 3 to 4 years. Now planning to move SQL Server 2005. The SQL 2000 database will be restored to 2005 server.
My questions are,

1. The SQL 2000 queries, Stored proc and views will work with SQL server 2005 without any changes?
2. Do the SQL server 2005 have backward compatability with SQL Server 2000 or we need to convert any specific SQL script after converting to 2005.
3. Is there any issues after conversion?

Please help me in this area.

Thanks in Advance!


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ASP.NET Application - Migrating From Access 2000 To SQL Server 7

Jul 23, 2005

First off, sorry if my cross posting offends anyone. I'm posting thisin Access and SQL Server groups - not sure which one is appropriate.I have a relatively simple ASP.NET/VB.NET application that is nowhitting an Access 2000 database over an intranet. We have to migratethe database to SQL Server 7. My experience with ASP.NET is prettylimited and my experience with SQL Server is nonexistent.We have an MSDN subscription, so I went to the downloads section to getSQL Server 7. Guess what? SQL Server 6.5 is available, as is 2000 and2005, but no SQL Server 7. So my first question is, does anyone know ifit is available for MSDN subscribers?The next question is, does anyone know of a good resource that explainshow to make the transition from Access 2000 to SQL Server 7? I know thedata has to be migrated and the connection between the application andthe database modified, but am really not sure exactly what to first andthe correct way to go about it. The application is a simple productconfigurator. There's not a lot of data and it's not a very complexdatabase.Thanks in advance. If you'd like, please copy responses tolcifers(AT) (AT) = @TIA.Cheers.- Luther

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Migrating 2000 To Existing 2005 Instance

Mar 28, 2008


I need to move a large number of reports from a 2000 reporting services install to 2005. I've used the RS Scripter utility with some success. The issue I'm having is migrating history.

Can history be migrated without upgrading the reportserver and temp db to 2005? We'd like to preserve our 2000 environment while we move...although I suppose we could create another RS instance and copy the database, do the upgrade - but how would we merge our existing 2005 install with the upgraded 2000.

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Do I Need To Change Hardware When Migrating From SQL 2000 To SQL 2005?

Jun 7, 2007

Hi Everybody!!!!

Do I need to consider investing in new and more powerful hardware when migrating from SQL 2000 (or any other previous version) to SQL 2005?

I have a friend / client who migrated from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 sp 1. The performance of the server got really bad, and now he's trying to fix the problem by any means necesary.

I think it would be very understandable if investing in hardware would be recommended, as we all have seen that there are so many new platforms to use and integrate to (.NET framework, XML, soap, ADO.NET, etc, etc,) and keeping the old platforms as compatible as always (ADODB, ODBC, etc.)

Any feedback is greatelly appreciated!!!!

Tarh Ik

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