Agents Not Appearing In Replication Monitor (SQL 2000)
Aug 23, 2006
During an upgrade, we had problems with PK errors on sp_MSget_repl_commands. I recreated the SP with the varbinary characteristic as we have seen in many posts and it was sucessful in starting. However, the sp now appears as a 'user' sp, not a 'system' sp, however I an not sure that is a real issue.
The problem I am seeing is that none of the agents are appearing in replication monitor under their agent folders. Replication appears to be working fine and the publications are showing on the distributor in the Replication Monitor - Publication folder under the appropriate publisher. But all of the agent specific folders (i.e. Snapshot agent, distribution agent, etc) are empty.
Another interesting point, is that if replication fails, the failure 'X' shows up on the Agents folder as well as the publisher, but again, no sign of the agent in the folder.
The server acts as a subcriber and publisher and acts as its own distributor. Each publication uses its own distribution agent and is set to loop.
There are 4 queued updating subscriptions on this box.
When running 3rd party tools to determine open active ports, the replication executables (distrib and logreader) are connecting to local server multiple times. Easily 15+ established connections plus many more waits.
Everything connects to 1433 then opens a new port.
Is this because of the queued updating?
Replication is functioning as it should without any problems.
I even checked our 2 main distribution servers which only act as distributors and there is not one connection from replication to itself.
I have setup transactional replication everything on one box. later(two or three weeks later), Replication monitor is show red X Under my publishers (publications is disconnected). this is SQL2005.
Is it possible to obtain the status, running or not running, of the distribution agents that appear under Replication MonitorAgentsDistribution Agents in Enterprise Manager using WMI? If yes, can you please tell me the WMI namespace and objects that can be used?
I have created transactional replication on my servers (production server and backup server) and created pull subscription at the backup server. On my production server that also is a distributor and publisher there exist two agents, Snapshot agent and Log reader in the Publishers folder under replication Monitor.
There are also another agent with the backup server name and database name: BackServ:DBName having the type Pull and 'No replicated transactions are available' as Last Action. My question is: What is this? Must it be there?
I have encountered some problems in scheduling the replication agents but before explaining that let me give a small background of the current DB landscape.
It is implemented as Star topology or re-publisher topology with the publisher and the subscriber configured on SQL Server 2000 and it consists of ShareDB on SQL Server 2005 which acts as the re-publisher of data. All other databases publish articles to ShareDB which in turn re-publishes to the databases which subscribes for the article. The topology is using a remote distributor on SQL Server 2005 to offload the replication agent jobs processing from the OLTP environment. The distributor job agent is running continuously and it is shared for a specific database in case of Snapshot replication. And all the Transactional publications will have a separate distributor agent. At present the replications agents are scheduled on both the publisher and ShareDB.
Now, I am trying to enforce one way scheduling on the publisher side which will start the snapshot agent for the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data from the snapshot folder to the subscribers. This approach is effective and more reliable in the sense that data synchronization will happen immediately after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB.
The following are the issues related to scheduling the replication agent on the publisher only.
1. I have included sp_start_job stored procedure after the run agent step in the shared distributor job agent steps to start the snapshot agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB. Since the distributor agent is running continuously in our scenario, the next step is not getting executed and so the job agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB is not started.
2. It is also necessary to specify either the job name or the job id in sp_start_job stored procedure to start the job agent. With the replication setup configured in the aforementioned fashion, how is it possible to invoke the snapshot job agent of the corresponding publication on the second link (from ShareDB) dynamically after the distributor agent on the first link is completed?
I have encountered some problems in scheduling the replication agents but before explaining that let me give a small background of the current DB landscape.
It is implemented as Star topology or re-publisher topology with the publisher and the subscriber configured on SQL Server 2000 and it consists of ShareDB on SQL Server 2005 which acts as the re-publisher of data. All other databases publish articles to ShareDB which in turn re-publishes to the databases which subscribes for the article. The topology is using a remote distributor on SQL Server 2005 to offload the replication agent jobs processing from the OLTP environment. The distributor job agent is running continuously and it is shared for a specific database in case of Snapshot replication. And all the Transactional publications will have a separate distributor agent. At present the replications agents are scheduled on both the publisher and ShareDB.
Now, I am trying to enforce one way scheduling on the publisher side which will start the snapshot agent for the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data from the snapshot folder to the subscribers. This approach is effective and more reliable in the sense that data synchronization will happen immediately after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB.
The following are the issues related to scheduling the replication agent on the publisher only.
1. I have included sp_start_job stored procedure after the run agent step in the shared distributor job agent steps to start the snapshot agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB after the distributor agent transfers the data to ShareDB. Since the distributor agent is running continuously in our scenario, the next step is not getting executed and so the job agent of the corresponding publication on ShareDB is not started.
2. It is also necessary to specify either the job name or the job id in sp_start_job stored procedure to start the job agent. With the replication setup configured in the aforementioned fashion, how is it possible to invoke the snapshot job agent of the corresponding publication on the second link (from ShareDB) dynamically after the distributor agent on the first link is completed?
Can I have multiple SQL Server Agents running concurrently?
I would like to have 10 instances of database running on my local SQL Server - each of these are Merge Replication to a unique database located offsite.
Do they all run through one SQL Server Agent?
If they do would this be a slow process as, I think, the SQL Server Agent queues the replications pending.
I have 5 laptops, 1 laptop with SQL Server 2000 and the other 4 with SQL Server MSDE Rel A. I had a "Merge Replication" scheme that I had to set up. The laptop with 2000 will be the main Publisher/distributor and publishes/merges to two of the MSDE laptops(these laptops have pull subscriptions that pull from the 2000 laptop). These 2 MSDE laptops in turn Re-publish their data to the last 2 laptops and my scheme ends there. I have succesfully been able to Script this entire "Merge Replication" scheme, and I ran it. It creates all Components needed for my scheme to work.
1 issue though. It doesnt kick start the agents :eek: , so the replication scheme is just dormant.
Does anyone have any examples of scripts that I could use to kick off all the agents (snapshot,merge agents etc) and maybe to stop them too. I seriously need this, because we will need to have the entire process scripted.
p.s. Also does anyone have sample scripts to alter settings for the SQL SERVER AGENT, for example altering its "Log On" parameter to allow a particular user with Admin privileges and also to switch its start mode to "Automatic"
This is the most frustrating error I've ever encountered.
I can get no more info from sql server besides "server execution failed". It gives this error when starting the snapshot, distribution, and log reader agents.
This server has been working in this configuration for over a year. We made no changes except restarted the server. This is a windows 2003 server with sql server 2000 running all the latest patches and windows updates.
I get the error message: Queue reader aborting. The steps queue reader agents of SQL 2000 replication. Could any one give me a hint of how to troubleshoot this problem? Thanks a lot in advance.
I'm experiencing some very odd behavior in Enterprise Manager.I have a process that performs the following:1.) Restores a published database from Server A onto Server B. Thedatabasesare identical and they are both published.2.) I run a script that then deletes the subscriptions to thepublication onServer B. I do this via SP_DROPSUBSCRIPTION.3.) I run a script that then deletes the publication. I do this viaSP_DROPPUBLICATION.4.) Deletes the distribution database.5.) Deletes the old jobs.6.) Creates the publication from pregenerated scripts.7.) Adds the subscriber.8.) Adds the subscription.9.) Generates the snapshot and applies it.What's happening is that I'm seeing the job name that's assigned to thedistribution job increment by 1 each time this process is run. Also,I'mseeing ten instances of the publication showing up in the tree view.Everything appears to be rtunning just fine, transactions beingreplicated,etc. I'm just wondering is there something I'm missing in my steps.Plus,after two or three months of this, might not look so good having 90publications showing up in the tree view.Thanks!
There seems to be a problem with the replication monitor correctly telling you the progress of applying database schema.
Here is my setup:
Running SQL 2005 SP2. Publishing with merge replication (push) via a VPN. Approx 100 tables with lots of filtering, using data partitions filtered on host_name()
When you create and initialize a new subscription if you go to the Replication Monitor and open the Sync History window for that new subscription. You will see that it is setting up the schema in the subscriber but it does not update the status at the bottom of the window it just continually says:
If it helps you can see an image of this below you will notice that it is already 15 minutes into a process that will probibly take 2 hours but it still says 0% complete.
If you require any further info or have any suggestions as to why this is not a bug (just me being dumb) please let me know.
You can see an image of this problem here:
I have to write a little vb6 app to monitor sql 2000 replication. The app must run on the same desktop as the subscriber.
I've tried the samples that comes with sql (replsampl) but that is to do the replication, I need to just monitor replication that was set up in sql 2000.
With monitor I mean to show a red light when replication is busy, so that the user doesn't disconnect from the network while replication is in progress.
I have developed a smart device application using SqlServerCE that replicates data to the backend server. I need to provide to the user a status of this replication process. I read about the "MergeSubscriberMonitor" in SQL Server but can't find it in SqlServerCe. Is this possible? Can someone please point me in the right direction?
We have some mobile devices that are setup to replicate with our sql 2005 server via web sync. It seems that the devices are added multiple times within replication monitor. Is there a way to purge the bogus items. For example we have a mobile unit labeled as Device12 we have it listed under the subscriptions 5x. I would like to purge four of them as they are not currently being the replicated one.
When Replication monitor shows an error icon, I removed all the publication jobs completedly. After I reconfigured publishing, subscriber,Distribution, why the replication monitor still shows an error icon even though there is no replication job scheduled?
I have a wired situation..!I set up transactional replication on one of my development server (SQL2000 Dev Edition with sp4).It is running fine without any issues and all of a sudden, i noticed inmy repication monitor tab under Publisher where I usually see thepublication is empty now.I do see the snapshot agent, log reader and distribution agent under myagents inside the replication Monitor. But its usefull to see all 3agents in one window under publisher before. What happend? Is there anyway to get that inside that monitor? Has someone encountered thissitation before? Please advise....After that I tried to create a new set of replication on differentdatabase on the same server and i dont see those either underReplication Monitor - Publishers....All it says is (No Items)....I would appreciate any help to correct this issue... Thanks in advance..
We have a database on the live server which powers a website. Then our client has a copy of the database at their office. Their is Merge replication set up between the two running every half a hour.
Now they want to be able to look at the merge replication history. With my little knowledge, I believe that the place to get this data from is the distribution database on the publishing machine which is the live server. Now for obvious reasons we cannot replicate the distrubution database to their side so we need to come up with some way of giving them the data. They also want a history of replication. So the way I was thinking of fixing it was to have a job that copies some of the last days data from the distrubution database onto the main database and add that table to the replication so they got it every day. Also writing a ASP page so they can look at the last days data straight from the distrubution database.
Here are my questions:
Question 1: How long does the replication store history for?
Question 2: Is thier any simpler way of allowing them to see the replication history?
Question 3: Are their any other things I should be worried about?
--> Cursor for fetching all publications in all databases DECLARE curPublishedDatabases CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE is_published > 0
OPEN curPublishedDatabases FETCH curPublishedDatabases INTO @PublishedDBName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQL = N'SELECT ''' + @PublishedDBName + ''', [name] FROM ' + @PublishedDBName + '.dbo.syspublications' INSERT INTO @Publications (PublicationDatabase, PublicationName) EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
FETCH NEXT FROM curPublishedDatabases INTO @PublishedDBName END
CLOSE curPublishedDatabases DEALLOCATE curPublishedDatabases
--> Cursor for posting tracer tokens DECLARE curPublications CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT PublicationPK, PublicationDatabase, PublicationName FROM @Publications
OPEN curPublications FETCH curPublications INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @Parmameters = N'@PublicationName varchar(200), @TracerTokenID_OUT int OUTPUT'; SET @SQL = N'EXEC ' + @PublicationDatabase + '.sys.sp_posttracertoken @publication = @PublicationName, @tracer_token_id = @TracerTokenID_OUT OUTPUT' EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, @Parmameters, @PublicationName = @PublicationName, @TracerTokenID_OUT = @TracerTokenID OUTPUT
UPDATE @Publications SET TracerTokenID = @TracerTokenID, TracerTokenPostTime = GETDATE() WHERE PublicationPK = @PublicationPK
FETCH NEXT FROM curPublications INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName END CLOSE curPublications DEALLOCATE curPublications
--> Wait two minutes for all tokens to be commited at all subscribers WAITFOR DELAY '000:02:00.000'
--> Then check the results for each posted token DECLARE curTokens CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT PublicationPK, PublicationDatabase, PublicationName, TracerTokenID FROM @Publications
OPEN curTokens FETCH curTokens INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName, @TracerTokenID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --> Insert token history for each token SET @SQL = N'EXEC ' + @PublicationDatabase + '.dbo.sp_helptracertokenhistory @publication = ''' + @PublicationName + ''', @tracer_id = ' + CAST(@TracerTokenID AS VARCHAR(50)) + '' INSERT INTO @Latency (DistributorLatency, Subscriber, SubscriberDB, SubscriberLatency, OverallLatency) EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
--> Make sure that the PublicationPK is added to the token history UPDATE @Latency SET PublicationPK = @PublicationPK WHERE PublicationPK IS NULL
--> Clean up the tracer token SET @SQL = N'EXEC ' + @PublicationDatabase + '.sys.sp_deletetracertokenhistory @publication = ''' + @PublicationName + ''', @tracer_id = ' + CAST(@TracerTokenID AS VARCHAR(50)) + '' EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
FETCH NEXT FROM curTokens INTO @PublicationPK, @PublicationDatabase, @PublicationName, @TracerTokenID END CLOSE curTokens DEALLOCATE curTokens
SELECT b.PublicationDatabase, b.PublicationName, a.Subscriber, a.SubscriberDB, a.OverallLatency, b.TracerTokenPostTime FROM @Latency a INNER JOIN @Publications b ON a.PublicationPK = b.PublicationPK
when I look into the replication monitor of our sql 2005 server I see a lot of subscriptions that are no longer used.
I wrote a program for a smartphone using the sql compact edition (sql ce db). Just in case there are some problems i do not want to mentioned here, i use an preconfigured sql ce db, reinitialize it and afterwards synchronize it. Then the old subscription is no longer used.
The problem is that up to now I did find a way to delete this unused subscriptions at the publisher database. As a hint: there is no way to get access to the old sql ce db for removement issues. The dbs are gone.
So, is there a way to solve my problem?
We are using sql 2005 server as publisher and are using merge replication.
I have setup sql 2005 transactional replication system with three machines (publisher, distributor and subscriber). Couple weeks later, publisher with publications is disconnected from replication monitor (under My Publishers €“ show X on the publisher machine name). I didn€™t change any things. Can you help for this please?
Both pcs are connected to each other via the internet as i am using Aliases ,they can both access and see each other using SQL Auth.
I want to implement Merge Replication to Synchronize TestDB ,
I have NO DOMAIN connnecting them.
I Created a new publication ,under security i asked the agent to use the Sa account to connect
When launching the rep monitor i get the following error:
"Replication Monitor could not connect to Distributor 'laptop'."
"Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)"
Both Publisher and Distributer are on my Laptop ,why cant they connect to each other?
Another Question : could i implement Traditional Merge replication to synchronize my DBs or do i need to configure Web Synch in Merge rep to enable connecting via the internet?!
To monitor the status of replication in SQL 2000 we insert the resuts of sp_MShelp_replication_status into a temp table and review the status. In SQL 2005 this stored procedure has changed and now does it's own insert into execute command. Since insert execute commands can not be nested we must find another way to programically monitor replication using TSQL. We could call sys.sp_replmonitorhelppublisherhelper but we can't seem to find it in the distribution database. It must be hidden somehow. Any ideas?
We're testen a simple lan SQL 2005 SP2 one way transactional replication config. Data is replicated ok, but in the Replication Monitor we found some strange issues:
- The subscription is giving a latency warning. When we insert a tracer tocken the total latency is 5 secs. Is there a way to alter the warning level for a subscription??
- Undistributed Commands tab Changes do arrive at the client, but the distributed commands counter shows an increase in value for every (as far as we can tel succesfull) change
If we do insert a tracer token -wich arrives within 5secs.- the the counter is reset to zero.
Hi guys does anyone know of a quick solution to remove the replication monitor icon within Enterprise Manager please I have tried all sorts but it is still appearing and starting to irritate me as I don't use replication on this server. cheers
The client production server CPU starts thrashing. Task manager indicates that SQL server is gobbling CPU cycles. Having a look at the replication monitor, it is obvious that indivual synchronisations to the mobile devices are taking significantly longer expected.
Observing an indivual synchronisation attempt, the Upload changes to Publisher rows are very quickly resolved.
The Download changes to Subscriber seems to take up a very long time.
Along the way, the estimated completion does a few interesting things, like going from 100% complete with no estimated time to complete, back to seomthing like 77% with 2 minutes left to complete.
This sort of behaviour occurs when there are only a hundred rows to download.
Synchronisations for minimal amounts of data suddenly taking anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes. Totally unacceptable form the client perspective but seems that 2005 behaves quite different from 2000 and the tricks are yet to reveal themselves.
Note - It is a server hardware issue as there is in excess of 3 GB ram, the database is on a SAN and there are 4 3Ghz CPUS in operation.
Any possible help appreciated as this issue is beginning to drag on.
We have a publisher that got red-crossed(Run to problem). I decide to remove and recreate it. However, after remove it, the publisher still stays in Replication Monitor. The remain thing has no distributor and logreader, but only snapshot agent. When to check the property of the agent, we got a error message basically say the job does not exist, which makes sense.
Now, it does not show up in any places, except Replication Monitor. Well, it cannot be removed from Replication Monitor. Can any one tell us how to clear it from Replication Monitor?
Thank you.
More Infor: The replication was set up on 2000.(2000 pub, 2000 dis and 2000 sub) with 2005 Management Studio, and the publication was removed with 2005 Management Studio.
We are using SQL Server 2005 64 bit standard edition on both ends (subscriber distributor and publisher ) publisher is its own distributor. Now i want to investigate the replication performance and delayed in replication for this purpose i found that tracer tokens can be settedup but when i open replication monitor but unable to see tracer token tab.
Plz let me know something.why i am unable to see this tab, is there some problem of rights ? , permission, or installtion.