All Or None Querys

Jul 24, 1999

I am querying my dBase "Reservations" to obtain a range of dates for
rooms in our hotel that are available for a vacationer to reserve...

this is the my present SQL structure (two tables(roomReserve & roomDescribe inner joined)
SELECT roomReserve.availibility, roomDescribe.numRooms

FROM roomDescribe INNER JOIN roomReserve ON roomDescribe.code = roomReserve.code

WHERE (((roomReserve.availibility) Between 8/20/99 And 8/23/99) AND ((roomDescribe.numRooms)>0));

The problem is that I do not want any room open dates (roomReserve.Availibility) to come up if any of the days in between the date range have 0 rooms available (in other words no room available on that date) (roomReserve.numRooms)>0

But they do because the query is not correctly written to be an all or none recordset for the date range time peroid…

For example, if I query for the date range of 8/20/99 to 8/23/99 using a criteria that the room must be available (>0), and let's say the date 8/21/99 has 0 rooms available for the King Fireplace room, then the query's results set gives me a list of the other 3 dates (8/20, 8/22, 8/23) for when the King Fireplace room is available...

I don't want anything thing for that date range to come out if any of the dates (within that range 8/20-8/23) have a room status = 0 during that time period...

I need a way to receive an all or none recordset result... with only one query statement…

I do not want to have to query a query… if that's at all possible…

thank you... chris james

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Status Querys

Jun 8, 2007

I just started working with MS SQL. I'm attempting to find the equivalent of the MySQL commands STATUS and SHOW STATUS.

Essentially, I want to connect to the database from a .net app, check the status, such as how many connections, table locks, errors, etc... and display that information on my application.

Any recommendations?

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How To Use Two Querys In One Result Set

May 14, 2008

select *

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardHours tch on tch.TimeCardID = tc.TimeCardID

join OPS_Projects pj on pj.ProjectID = tch.ProjectID

where tch.TimeCardID = @TimeCardID


select *

from OPS_TimeCards tc

join OPS_TimeCardExpenses tce on tce.TimeCardID = tc.TimeCardID

join OPS_Projects pj on pj.ProjectID = tce.ProjectID

where tce.TimeCardID = @TimeCardID

I have this query but when i try to use the UNION i get this error

Msg 205, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetTimeCardSearchResults, Line 24

All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.

I need to run both of these queries but have them return one result set....anyone know how to do???

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Question On Querys

Sep 26, 2007

Ok in Replication for sql 2000,'
what happens when a query such as 'update tableA set a=1 where id=5' affects 1 row. What will happen when it does not affect any row.


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Tips For Speed Up Sql Querys Using

Mar 22, 2004

Somebody can give some tips or hints for speed up my querys and procedures from sql and get more performance, what is best to use, joins o cursors, using cursors can give me more performance?

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Querys And Duplicated Fields

Oct 21, 2005


I've got a trouble with my query and left outer joins. I've got 2 tables, table A and B, both have the same record called ID. I used this query:

This is OK and works fine, my trouble comes when i have a duplicated ID on both A and B. Instead of return 2 fields, it returns me 4.

Is there some way to force SQl server to return only the first founded on B, but the 2 duplicated IDs on the A table?

Thanks for all.

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2 Querys Not Returning The Same Data

Apr 17, 2008

I have two databases with table structures exactly the same. The query in one database works and returns correctly. The same query (copied and pasted) in another database returns the correct records but completely ignores the order by. Even stranger, when you are creating the query under modify and run it, it is fine. But when I right-click on the query and go to 'Open View' then the query does not return correctly. Below is the query:

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT pf.description AS incentive, CAST(i.targetc AS FLOAT) AS targetc, i.targetp, b.basis, d.description, i.iSelect, i.direction, pf.pValue,
FROM dbo.PerfFactorWeights AS pfw INNER JOIN
dbo.PerfFactors AS pf ON pfw.incentiveID = pf.incentiveID INNER JOIN
dbo.Incentive AS i ON pfw.incentiveID = i.incentiveID AND pfw.basis = i.basisID INNER JOIN
dbo.Basis AS b ON i.basisID = b.basisID INNER JOIN
dbo.Division AS d ON pfw.division = d.uniqueID
ORDER BY incentive, d.uniqueID, b.basis

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Monitoring Applications Querys

Feb 1, 2007

Hi there!I'm programming in delphi and new to querieng MS SQL Server. Is there a wayto monitor the queries sent to the server and something of the returns. Atleast execution time would be interesting ...Thx in advance,Fritz

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Executing Querys From A Batch File

Aug 10, 2005

Someone asked me a curious question.Can I execute a query to sql server from a bat file? how?If not is there a simple scripting laguage that this person might use todrive his process that is similar to a dos bat file?

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Should I Add Lock Statements To My Database Write Querys

Jun 5, 2008

Hello,Could some clarify for me? I’ve been told that I should add  lock statements  to my database write querys (update, delete, insert). I’m not sure If it’s necessary though. The only documentation I’ve found so far is how to implement a lock statement with threading but I’m not using the threading namespace. What best practice and how would I implement this without threading or should I be using threading?Thanks in advance!

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Run Querys After Silent Installtion SQL 2005 Express

Mar 1, 2006


I'm looking for a solution to run querys (create databases ed) after a silent installation of SQL 2005 Express edition (example with a .sql file). So users can run a installation unattended with all databases installed and so on.

What I got is a document about how to run a silent installation (document " Using Command Prompt Options to install SQL Server Express") but this docs there's no solution how to run querys after the installation.



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SQL Server Management Studio Change Type For Querys Is Greyed Out

Jul 26, 2007

This is driving me a little nuts, I have been testing locally with SQL Server Express 2005 and this has not been a problem, however now that I have restored the databases to SQL Server 2005 (not express) When I go into SQL Server Management Studio open a table the option for changing a query type is greyed out has anyone seen this or have any ideas how I can get this working.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SELECT On Column Name From Querys Resultset In Same Query?

May 9, 2015

I have a column colC in a table myTable that has a value (e.g. '0X'). The position of a non-zero character in column colC refers to the ordinal position of another column in the table myTable (in the aforementioned example, colB).To get a column name (i.e., colA or colB) from table myTable, I can join ("ON cte.pos = cn.ORDINAL_POSITION") to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS for that table catalog, schema and name. But I want to show the value of what is in that column (e.g., 'ABC'), not just the name. Hoping for:

----------- -----
colB 123
colA XYZ

I've tried dynamic SQL to no success, probably not executing the concept correctly..Below is what I have:

CREATE TABLE myTable (colA VARCHAR(3), colB VARCHAR(3), colC VARCHAR(3))
INSERT INTO myTable (colA, colB, colC) VALUES ('ABC', '123', '0X')
INSERT INTO myTable (colA, colB, colC) VALUES ('XYZ', '789', 'X0')

;WITH cte AS
SELECT CAST(PATINDEX('%[^0]%', colC) AS SMALLINT) pos, STUFF(colC, 1, PATINDEX('%[^0]%', colC), '') colC
FROM myTable


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