Allowing A User Access To Only A Few Tables
Jul 20, 2005
With MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager, is there a way to allow a user access
to only a few tables, but deny the user access to the rest without having to
go to all of the tables and denying access? The database has roughly 50
tables, but only 3 should be granted to the new user, so as you can see it
would be a painstaking task to manually do this with the *cough* mouse. Or,
if I can run some sort of grant script, that would work too. Thank you!
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Apr 16, 2008
I have databases
TESTDB db owner testuer
Login testuser
When right clicking on logins i see dbo
When open this i see testuser
So i clicked on Role Members db_backupoperator was denied
had to do it on the owner schema and select db_backupoperator
Not sure why the role member is permitted.
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Apr 18, 2006
Please forgive my post, as I am not a network tech, however I provide pc support to the city offices where I live and they are in need of help.
Physical box and pc's moved to a new location. All setup with proper cabling, etc. At first log on after the move all users to log on as normal, a day or two later, only the Administrator can log on and there is only one administrator profile.
Any duh quick fixes to check out, as this brings down 4 city offices.
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 6, 2004
Hey all.
I'm trying to set up SQL Server so that people with Enterprise Mgr can create a DB registration to their DB only ( Are there any tutorials out there for doing this?
Thanks for the help!
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Nov 13, 2003
I am trying to make a connection to sql server using sspi (windows authentication), however, I do not wish to use the built in tokenauthentication system. Administrators are worried about somebody using an unattended logged on computer to gain access to the database. So I am left with using sql server authentication (which I am not fond of doing, more password administration) or what I would like to do is use windows authentication but make the user enter thier windows password prior to logging into sql server. Is there a way? Thanks in Advance.
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Mar 28, 2007
i am aware that only sysadmin can send attachments using sp_send_dbmail. but the problem is, i don wan my application login to have sysadmin role and wan it to be able to send email with attachments using sp_send_dbmail. i'm using a stored procedure to call sp_send_dbmail, anyway can i impersonate sysadmin inside the stored procedure to execute sp_send_dbmail?
any suggestion will be appreciated. thanks.
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Aug 31, 2006
I have read that it is possible to configure sql server express so that the database can only be accessed through stored procedures. Can anyone tell me how to do this. Many thanks.martin
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Nov 6, 2015
How to grant users the right to use the DECRYPTBYKEY function to decrypt the data. I have seen some people talk about using a stored procedure or view to surface the decrypted data, but how would you implement that when trying to pull back a single dataset? It would be best to use an inline function to allow the row to be returned decrypted, but opening the keys isn't allowed in the function construct.
So, I know I have to be missing something, but how do you let basic users (db_reader types) decrypt the data they need based on a custom database role? What do I need to give the user permission to?
My setup is simple:
- I have my SMK
- I have a DMK encrypted by password
- I have my self signed certificate
- I have my symmetric Key encrypted by the certificate
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May 5, 2015
i want to create new sql user and grant him two tables access. we have several databases created on same server so we want to allow only two table in ABC database. user should not be able to see other databases and their tables. And user also should not be able to access any other tables in ABC database except two tables.
is there any query to deny all tables in schema for all clauses (Select, Update, Insert) then grant two tables to user with select clause?
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May 22, 2008
Please give the T-SQL script for this ? Thanks
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Dec 6, 2013
I would like to know if there is a way to find out who changed a users roles/access WITHOUT using the audit function. For example, if a user account was created and given SA access then changed to read only, how can I find out who made that change? I tried searching for an answer, but kept getting no results. I'm thinking this may tie into the sys.sysusers view?
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Jan 24, 2008
I'm new to my company, although not new to SQL 2005 and I found something interesting. I don't have an ERD yet, and so I was asking a co-worker what table some data was in, they told me a table that is NOT in SQL Server 2005's list of tables, views or synonyms.
I thought that was strange, and so I searched over and over again and still I couldn't find it. Then I did a select statement the table that Access thinks exists and SQL Server does not show and to my shock, the select statement pulled in data!
So how did this happen? How can I find the object in SSMS folder listing of tables/views or whatever and what am I overlooking?
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Nov 21, 2007
I would like the Backup SQL user A can backup and restore DATABASE_a, what access right I need to grant to him. Although he can backup the database_a to the c:Program Files.....Database_a.BAK but he cannot restore it with some message said ''not enough security privieges..
Please quote some example right assigment so that I can replicate to our environment
Many Thanks...
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Oct 30, 2007
Hi guys,
I've been developing desktop client-server and web apps and have used Access and SQL Server Standard most of the time.
I'm looking into using SQL CE, and had a few questions that I can't seem to get a clear picture on:
- The documentation for CE says that it supports 256 simultaneous connections and offers the Isolation levels, Transactions, Locking, etc with a 4GB DB. But most people say that CE is strictly a single-user DB and should not be used as a DB Server.
Could CE be extended for use as a multi-user DB Server by creating a custom server such as a .NET Remoting Server hosted through a Windows Service (or any other custom host) on a machine whereby the CE DB would run in-process with this server on the machine which would then be accessed by multiple users from multiple machines??
Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE
- and further more can we use Enterprise Services (Serviced Components) to connect to SQL CE and further extend this model to offer a pure high-quality DB Server?
Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> Enterprise Services -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE
Seems quite doable to me, but I may be wrong..please let me know either ways
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Feb 18, 2014
I am relatively new to sql developer. There is a new user that just joined our organization. I am trying to grant him the same direct grants privilege to the tables that an existing user has. The existing user has a ton of direct table access privileges and it will take days if I had to do each grant one by one like: grant select,insert,delete,update on 'table name' to 'user id'. Is there a way of copying or inserting an existing user's privilege and granting it to a new user.
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Mar 25, 2008
I need to determine the following about the current authenticated Windows domain user who is trying to access a SQL Server via a trusted connection.
1 Has the current user been granted login access to the trusted SQL Server?
2 Has the current user been granted access to a specific database?
3 Is the current user a member of a specific database role such as (DB_ROLE_ADMINISTRATORS)?
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Sep 10, 2015
Is there any way to get more information for when IAuthorizationExtension::CheckAccess fails to grant access to a report item for the current user? Specifically, it would be useful to know:
1. URL of attempted report
2. IP address of user agent
3. Identity of current user
4. Date/Time of the failed attempt
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Mar 17, 2008
Access Connection
create a new Connection Manager by right-clicking in the Connection Managers section of the design area of the screen. Select New OLE DB Connection to bring up the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box. Click New to open the Connection Manager. In the Provider drop-down list, choose the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and click OK.
Browse to the Access database file and connection set up---all good!!!
Dataflow task
Add an OLE DB Source component
Double-click the icon to open the OLE DB Source Editor. Set the OLE DB Connection Manager property to the Connection Manager that I created . Select Table from the Data Access Mode drop-down list.
I cannot see the tables set up as set up as pass-through table types to a Oracle 9i db
Any ideas please help
thanks in advance
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Jun 23, 2014
i am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.
I am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.
Role Loans Payments Transactions Accounts Customer Emplo
Internal Auditor S S S S S S
Loan Officer SUID SUI SUI S S
Tellers S S S S SU
Customers U
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Feb 5, 2007
From Newbie to Newbie,
Add reference to:
'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
'Microsoft ADO Ext.2.8 for DDL and Security
'Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.File
Code Snippet
Public Shared Sub Restart()
End Sub
'You have to have a BackUps folder included into your release!
Private Sub BackUpDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackUpDB.Click
Dim addtimestamp As String
Dim f As String
Dim z As String
Dim g As String
Dim Dialogbox1 As New Backupinfo
addtimestamp = Format(Now(), "_MMddyy_HHmm")
z = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
g = addtimestamp + ".mdb"
'Add timestamp and .mdb endging to NewAppDB
f = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissBackUpsNewAppDB" & g & ""
File.Copy(z, f)
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
MsgBox("Backup completed succesfully.")
If Dialogbox1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
Code Snippet
Private Sub RestoreDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim Filename As String
Dim Restart1 As New RestoreRestart
Dim overwrite As Boolean
overwrite = True
Dim xi As String
With OpenFileDialog1
.Filter = "Database files (*.mdb)|*.mdb|" & "All files|*.*"
If .ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Filename = .FileName
'Strips restored database from the timestamp
xi = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
File.Copy(Filename, xi, overwrite)
End If
End With
'Notify user
MsgBox("Data restored successfully")
If Restart1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
Code Snippet
Private Sub CreateNewDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim L As New DatabaseEraseWarning
Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Dim Restart2 As New NewDBRestart
If File.Exists("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb") Then
If L.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
Exit Sub
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
End If
End If
Cat.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;
Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5")
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
'Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim Tablename As ADOX.Table
'Taylor these according to your need - add so many column as you need.
Dim col As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col1 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col2 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col3 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col4 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col5 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col6 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col7 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col8 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Tablename = New ADOX.Table
'Open the connection
Cn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;Jet
OLEDB:Engine Type=5")
'Open the Catalog
Cat.ActiveConnection = Cn
'Create the table (you can name it anyway you want)
Tablename.Name = "Table1"
'Taylor according to your need - add so many column as you need. Watch for the DataType!
col.Name = "ID"
col.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Name = "MA"
col1.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col2.Name = "FName"
col2.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col2.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col3.Name = "LName"
col3.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col3.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col4.Name = "DOB"
col4.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adDate
col4.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col5.Name = "Gender"
col5.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col5.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col6.Name = "Phone1"
col6.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col6.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col7.Name = "Phone2"
col7.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col7.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col8.Name = "Notes"
col8.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col8.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
Tablename.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "ID")
'You have to append all your columns you have created above
'Append the newly created table to the Tables Collection
'User notification )
MsgBox("A new empty database was created successfully")
'clean up objects
Tablename = Nothing
Cat = Nothing
Cn = Nothing
'Restart application
If Restart2.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub
Code Snippet
Private Sub CompactDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine
JRO = New JRO.JetEngine
'The first source is the original, the second is the compacted database under an other name.
JRO.CompactDatabase("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program
FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb; JetOLEDB:Engine Type=5")
'Original (not compacted database is deleted)
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
'Compacted database is renamed to the original databas's neme.
Rename("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb", "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
'User notification
MsgBox("The database was compacted successfully")
End Sub
End Class
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May 15, 2007
We migrated a MS Access 2003 mdb into MS Access 2007. The mdb has linked tables to SQL Server via a DSN and utilizes a mdw file. In 2003, the username/password is "passed" to SQL Server, so the UID/PWD that is used for opening the mdb, is used in SQL Server.
Opening the same file in 2007 using the same mdw, gives a secondary login on SQL Server.
Is there a way to have MS Access 2007 pass the UID/PWD to SQL Server on linked tables, the same way that 2003 does?
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Aug 12, 2006
Hello all,
Being still a relative newcomer to SQL Server (people may say I'm trying to take on too much being somewhat inexperienced once they read about the problem I'm trying to tackle, but alas...) I'm running into the following problem: I need to create tables in my user database on the fly (using Stored Procedures) so that each table can be created many times in the database but only once for every user. The tables should be named something like "username.Table1", "username.Table2" etc. as opposed to "dbo.Table1". I then want to use the stored procedure from .NET/C# in my web application, so that i can create the complete set of usertables for each of my clients.
Now, I tackled the stored procedure part (that is, it creates all the tables I need with all the parameters I want) and am able to use it from my web application (which took some time to learn but proved quite easy to do), but I cannot seem to get it coupled to the current user (instead of the dbo). Every time I trie, the tables are created as dbo.Table1 and when I try to create a new set, it gives a warning ("table with name such and so already exists..."). I made sure to log in as an authenticated user (using forms authentication) before trying to create the tables but this gives the aforementioned result.
What am I doing wrong? I use Visual Web Developer Express, SQL Server 2005 Express and IIS version 5.1
Please help :-D
DJ Roelfsema
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Feb 5, 2007
I developed a database with Access 2003 and everything was working good until my tech came in and reformated my hard drive and install a new Ghost image that met our company standards.
Now I cannot go in and make any changes to any of the tables, queries and forms. All of this started when a new Ghost image was installed on my pc.
The message I get when I try to open my database is "You do not have permission to run "tblSwitchboard." I get the same error message when I try to do anything at all on the database.
I am at a loss as to what to do. Please help.
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Dec 4, 2006
Is there any way I can enable a user to run a stored procedure but nothing else in SQL2000, not event select/insert/update/delete on any table.
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Jan 3, 2008
Is it possible to allow only a particular user to e.g. User1 to access the database the user created? Not even the Built-in administrator or the sa can access? I am using Mixed mode authenication..
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Aug 20, 2007
how can i setup an input field and SQL column to allow a user to enter something such as: '1+' into the field and the db? i get an error due to the '+'.
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Mar 22, 2001
Does any one have any idea of how to track a user access to a spesfic DB because we have an old DB and we don't know if any body using it, I know Profiler can help but I need to know when it was the last time this DB has been accessed.
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Apr 23, 2001
Hi All,
I'd like to be able run some SQL or t-SQL to get a list of all
databases that a user has access to....
Something like below....
select databases
from ?
where usedid = 'david'
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Jun 5, 2001
My problem is that I can't query a couple of tables. I created them using DTS myself, in a db called contracts, and called one of them 010425. I've logged in as SA, and making sure the correct DB is shown in Query Analyser.
Here's the query...and very simple it is;
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM [dbo].[010425]
I just keep getting the following error message;
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid object name 'dbo.010425'.
But it shows up in Sysobjects and EM!
I can query the system tables, using EXACTLY the same problem there.
I've got SQL Server 7 running on W98. Everything is happening locally.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, people?
Thanks in advance for your help,
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Jul 7, 2000
When I try to give a login access to a database I get the message:
Error 21002: [SQL-DMO] users already exist in the database.
I checked sysusers for the database and the users name is in there, even if the user has no login.
Is it okay to just delete the record that has the users name from sysusers?
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Mar 14, 2001
Is there a way to find out the user's last access date on SQL Server 6.5?
Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks
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Nov 8, 2004
I need to be able to track which users and the number of times a user connects to a particular SQL Server database. I have a simple SQL Server database that users query (SELECT only) using an Access 2000 front-end. I do not have any control over the front-end so my only tools on the database side. I can't use 3rd party software, just SQL Server. Is there any way? Thanks.
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Apr 8, 2008
Hi All,
I need to give access to one user only to truncate a particular table. I am not able to frame exact query for this. However i can user EM and do it.
But i wanted to know the query for this.
Thanks in advance.
-- Chetan
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