Alphanumeric Primary Key

Jun 15, 2005

Is it possible to have an auto increment alphanumeric primary key eg A1, A2, A3



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Alphanumeric Autonumber Primary Key

Oct 26, 2004

Hi there,The age old question of creating a unique alphanumeric value automatically like ABC0001, ABC0002 Is it possible to do this automatically? That is, without having to update it which will slow the db down horribly?

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How To Auto Increment An Alphanumeric Primary Key In SQL? :(

Aug 6, 2007

 How to auto increment an alphanumeric Primary Key in SQL? :( Because I want to add something like this in the Primary Key, for example i'll add a new data with an alphanumeric value of ABC-0001, then I'll add another 1, and it auto increments to ABC-0002 and so on.. How can I do it? And if I'll add a new alpha character in the Primary Key field, for example DEF-0001, then I'll add another and it auto increments to 002, and so on, and it will go back to 0001 if i'll use another combination of alpha characters. for example, i'll add a new alpha character AAA, will it go back to 0001 or it will continue? T___T I hope u get my point.. I want my table to look like this if i have added the dataABC-0001ABC-0002DEF-0001DEF-0002AAA-0001then if il add a new 1, for example ABCit will auto increment to 0003 in the same field, it will look like this after addingABC-0001ABC-0002ABC-0003DEF-0001DEF-0002AAA-0001Will it be possible? :( 

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SQL 2012 :: Create Random Alphanumeric Characters For Primary Key Values

Feb 11, 2015

For a new project. I need to create random alphanumeric characters as primary key values when inserting a record.

eg: cmSbXsFE3l8

It can start from 4 digit characters and can grow to 6, 7 as required

The database will involve more than 10000 concurrent users.

I don't want to use guid or auto increment integer or sequence.

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Alphanumeric Id Column

Apr 9, 2008

I have set a column called "Anumber", I am
using a computed value to get the PK ID # and
a the letter "A" to it.


The above works fine unless I copy a record,
The copied record never displays the correct
value like "A55" it keeps "NULL" as it value.

Is their a better way to achieve a result as
described above ?

I am coming from Foxpro to SQL, Any advice would
be great.


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Constraints With Alphanumeric

Apr 10, 2008

Hi experts,

I am executing a script to add a column to few tables and drop existing constraints, create new foreign key constraints, indexes etc. After we test this on our development database we have to deliver the script to the customer.
My concern here is, when I have to drop the constraint with the name, I am not able to do it because its been created with alphanumeric char in the constraint name. So I end up getting the constraint name for each table. And moreover,
I wont be able to deliver the same script to the customer as the alphanumeric in the constraint names on the customer's database will be different.

Any suggestions to overcome these alphanumeric in the constraint names?

Thanks much

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AlphaNumeric Function

Jan 10, 2008

Greetings all,

I have upsized 2 foxpro table to SQL Express.
In table 2 called Orphan I have/had a field that
would autonumber with the letter "U" first.
Example would create a AlphaNumber Like "U00001223"

In Foxpro this is a easy function, But I have been
unable to find a similiar way to do this in SQLEXPRESS.
Foxpro would have you define the field as Unique Number with
template defintion of "U"N8

In SQL I know you can use Numeric on a field for a unique number
but cant find setting to proced number with a "U"

Is this doable is in SQL and does anybody have a
reference point or example they could share ?

Any help would be great and hope my question made sense..

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WHERE Alphanumeric = Numeric

Dec 20, 2007


I'm having trouble with a query where I need to limit a resultset by comparing (using a WHERE clause) a field that is alphanumeric with one that is numeric. I've tried converting, casting, and case statements, but I either get an overflow error or a big slap on the wrist by SQL Server 2005. Does anyone have any good solutions to this? I've been racking my brain for a while now.

Thanks for the help!
-Scott Mescall

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Alphanumeric Paging On GridView?

Feb 3, 2007

I have a SQL database with about 300 company names and corresponding phone numbers.  I would like to show a list of linkbuttons titled A-Z and when pressed, rebind the sqldatasource so that my GridView will only show company names that start with that letter.
I know there are some examples on, but they are a bit over my head...  besides, I don't mind writing a custom select statement for the OnClick of every linkbutton if that's what I have to do.  Problem is I haven't a clue how to write a select statement that will return items who's first letter matches my desired letter?
 Any idea?

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Auto Increment Alphanumeric ID

Nov 27, 2014

I'm using SQL 2008 with table [AgentDetails] and fields [IDCode],[FirstName],[LastName],..etc. [IDCode] is alphanumeric [AAA001].

Is it possible to increment both alpha & numeric when new record is inserted. e.g.

AAA001,AAA002......AAA999,AAB000,AAB001,...AAB999,AAC000,AAC001...etc. with a user function or some stored procedure.

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How To Find Alphanumeric Values In Name

Mar 26, 2015

I have a column called firstname that it stores value like this

john smith
andrew jr
jim sr
andrew bar
tina *^
don $%

I need to retrieve all those rows where name consists of non alphabets...for example 5 and 6 has non alphabets..

I am using PATINDEX('%[^a-z]%',Firstname) function but if it finds space between names it is considering as error..I would like to find only non alphabets in name is there any function to find out?

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DTS Excel Import AlphaNumeric As NULL

Feb 15, 2000

I have seen this problem posted several times and not seen an applicable solution yet. No offense, the suggestions may have been good for those scenarios, but not this one.

Several (at least 4) Excel Spreadsheets come from a vendor that I need to import to a table. They are uploaded via web to a directory so they can be imported by a scheduled DTS package.

Darren Green's site gave me some good info on how to get this far, btw.
But I cannot overcome the NULL-ifying of Column Headers for Numeric fields when the spreadsheet is imported.

I've tried:
DTSDestination("Yr1") = trim(DTSSource("F7"))
DTSDestination("Yr1") = CHR(34) & trim(DTSSource("F7")) & CHR(34)
DTSDestination("Yr1") = cstr("0" & trim(DTSSource("F7)))
DTSDestination("Yr1") = clng("0" & DTSSource("F7")))

Named ranges, along with any sort of spreadsheet editing is too time consuming.
And since they come from a vendor, having them come to us with the required items in place is not possible.

Even though it seems easy enough, it's a toughy.
Any help would be rewarded with respect and admiration.
Thanks, Mike

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Re:- Auto-incrementing An Alphanumeric Field

Jul 13, 2001



I have a problem my table structure is like this

book_id varchar2(30)
book_name varchar2(30)

Now i want to enter the data into the fields like this

B001 Java Unleashed
B002 ASp Unleashed

and so on

So my Problemis how i will auto increment the book_id field though that is an alphanumeric field.

PLease help me that how i will insert and select from this table

Waiting for your help


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Sort Numerically From An Alphanumeric Column

Aug 9, 2006


I need to get Sort numerically from an alphanumeric column


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Query To Filter Alphanumeric Data?

Dec 4, 2011

I have alphanumeric data in a Table Assets. The column name is Milepost.

Column Values are like below




Now I want to select records between 1 to LR 4.41 which should return all records between 1 to LR 4.41

My below query is not returning proper values. So i need a correct sql query.

Select Milepost from Assets where Milepost between '1' and 'LR 4.41'

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using Like To Identify Value That Contain Alphanumeric Values Other Than A-Z

May 11, 2015

Trying to use LIKE / NOT LIKE to identify values that contain any alphanumeric characters outside of A-Z e.g £%$^&*_-{[@ etc etc

The field should contain only values between A-G with a numberic e.g ABCD1234567... but some rows have characters such as above, some have spaces (weeps) , and some have letters outside the A-G range ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Convert Alphanumeric With Symbols To INT

Jun 5, 2015

I am new to SSC . I have a table that has NO.OF WORKING HOURS for 30 days. I am trying to convert all the values into INT as MINS to generate a SSRS report.

Note: There are some records with negative value (-4h15m)


NAME D1 D2 D3 ....D31
X1 9H 30M NULL 10M
X2 0M 1H 30M -4H45M
X3 20M -1H NULL

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Ignoring Numeric & Alphanumeric Values

Apr 2, 2008

I am using SQL Server 2000. In database i am having one column named Address which contains full address of the customer. While searching i want to ignore starting numeric or alphanumeric values. Kinly guide how I can ignore numeric or alphanumeric values while searching the data.

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How To Add Comma To Alphanumeric Numbers In Text

Jul 18, 2013

I have a text where it is mix up of all alphanumeric values... For example like this



So my requirement is i need to add comma (,) before every number value in this text.The text is different from each other.But main one what ever the number is there need to add comma before that one (decimal,numeric etc)



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Generate 8 Character Alphanumeric Sequence

Apr 20, 2015

Last 8 bytes will alternate between 2 byte alpha/2 byte numeric
•Generate from Alphabets – A through Z Numbers -0 to 9
•Generate Unique Sequence (No Duplicates).
•Must Eliminate letters I and O
Output Expected
•Using 24 alphabets & 10 digits ,
24*24*10*10*24*24 = 3 317 760 000 records

Below is my Sql Function -

CREATE function [dbo].[SequenceComplexNEW]
Returns char(8)
DECLARE @OUT AS CHAR(8)--,@Id as Bigint

[Code] ....

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Non Significant '0' Removed From Alphanumeric Code

Feb 2, 2007

Hi all,

I have a problem with alphanumeric codes in SSIS.

I have a sql table with a varchar column which contains codes like '080101000', in my SSIS dataflow I have a lookup against this table and the column whith the code is used as output column for my lookup transformation.

In the advance editor the output column datatype is DT_WSTR, but when the code contains only numbers like the code '080101000' the first '0' is removed! It's like the code is at some point transformed to numeric and then inserted in the output column as a string. This in nonsense!!

Does anyone have an idea how to avoid this ?

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Transact SQL :: How To Find Alphanumeric Formats

Jun 12, 2015

create table example (f varchar(10))

insert into example values('fd')
insert into example values('fd')
insert into example values('fd1')
insert into example values('fd23')
insert into example values('fda23')
insert into example values('fd23g')



How to write SQl query to fetch this type of output.

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Skip Alphanumeric Values (or Check If Value Is Numeric)

Dec 18, 2007

Is it possible to write a sql statement to skip aplpha numeric values? I got a field containing these values; 20, 70, 150, 140, 100, KORT, 90, 180, 160. And I'm trying to check if any value is bigger than 175 (@Limit), but I want to skip the value 'KORT'. So is it possible to check if a value is numeric or not? ISNULL( CONVERT(int, ProductVariant.Size), 0) > @Limit  Regards, Sigurd 

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SQL Server 2012 :: More Than 1 Alphanumeric Chars In A String

Mar 12, 2014

I have an employee table

Surname GivenName
ABC x.yz
A*.BC xyz

The query needs to get me the surname and givenname which have more than 1 non alphanumeric characters. In this case the output will be

a.bc x.*yz
a*.BC xyz

I know how to find non alphanumeric chars in a string but not sure if I can how to find the strings with minimum 2 non alphanumeric chars?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Alphanumeric Range Grouping?

Feb 25, 2015

I am having some difficulty getting a query to output an alpha numeric range grouping.

I have this data set:

Despatch_id Sample_ID

MIR00831 MCR0005752
MIR00831 MCR0005753
MIR00831 MCR0005754
MIR00831 MCR0005755
MIR00831 MCR0005756
MIR00831 MCR0005757



MIR00831 MCR0005752 MCR0005762
MIR00831 MCR0005803 MCR0005806
MIR00831 MCR0005808 MCR0005813

They need to be grouped by range specific to the alpha numeric part, which can vary within the same despatch. I was thinking of using a row over partition after splitting the numeric and alpha part and to check if they are consecutive and build the range. But I am thinking that this approach is an overkill and there may be a better way to achieve this in SQL 2012.

I have included the create table scripts and example data below:

[DESPATCH_ID] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL,
[SAMPLE_ID] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL


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Convert Column Of Data Alphanumeric To Integer

Nov 14, 2013

I need to convert a column of data from alpha numeric to integer.

I am only querying the tables i.e. i don't have access to actually change the data tables themselves.

CAST or CONVERT throws up an error. Are there any other commands i can use at the query stage?

The data I need to convert is always actually a number. i.e. even though it is recognised as alpha numeric, the figure is a number.

I just need it to be converted to an integer so i can SUM it etc.

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Selecting Alphanumeric Combinations That Do Not Exist Already Intable?????

Mar 24, 2008

Hello all, I have an odd requirement. I have a column with a systemgenerated username that is a 6 character, alphanumeric, field. Theseusernames are randomly generated by code. I need to create a storedprocedure that will return all combinations that are not alreadybeingused. Maybe the result of still trying to wake-up from a longweekend.But, I cannot think of an easy way to do this.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Best regards,rbr

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Combining The Numeric And Alphanumeric In Excel Source

Dec 13, 2007

Hi All,

Xl file containts column A, B, C and D


1 L1 100 200
1A L2 250 350
1B L3 150 887

2 L4 100 200
2A L5 250 350

3 L6 100 200
3A L7 250 350
3B L8 150 887

XL Source i have write a query Select f1,f2,f3,f4 from [sheet1$a18]

In preview i am getting the following records :


Null L1 100 200
1A L2 250 350
1B L3 150 887

Null L4 100 200
2A L5 250 350

Null L6 100 200
3A L7 250 350
3B L8 150 887

The issue is here why the XL source returning Null value against the numeric value pls. somebody help me to sort out this issue.

Thanks in advance,

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Search For Alphanumeric Values Between Upper And Lower Bound

May 8, 2007


I want to search for alphanumeric values between an upper and lower bound in a sql database.For example: search for a serial number like pvf-456-3b. Upper bound is q, lower bound is g.I should then get every serial number starting with g - q.If possible the bounds should be more specific like "search for serial number between gt2 and qy"Can anybody help me out? 

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How To Compare Alphanumeric Values Ranges Using Select Query

Nov 6, 2007

Hi All ,

I am having a table which contain data in below form

id startvalue endvalue

1 12:00a 12:29a

2 12:30a 12:59a

3 1:00a 1:29a

4 1:00p 1:29p

5 2:00a 2:29a

Through SQL query I want to select the id column value for the row returned for the following query

select id from mytable where '1:24a' >= startvalue and '1:24a' <= endvalue

Idea is I will pass a literal value that lies between the startvalue (nvarchar column) and endvalue (nvarchar column) to fetch the id of the row returned, which should be 3 But when I run the query it returns me 2 rows for id 3 and 4.

I believe this is because I am trying to compare nvarchar columns with ">=" and "<=" operators.

Can anyone suggest how i can select the correct value or how to do this.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Auto Incrementing Alphanumeric Field In Table

Oct 1, 2014

I need to auto increment an alphanumeric field in a table.

The process is as follows:

1. First position is static letter C for contact or static letter A for account - field contact_id
2. The following 6 positions are numeric - example of the string would be C004658
3. When new contact is entered, it should look up the highest numeric value (in this case 004658) and increment it by one - resulting in C004659

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SQL Server 2008 :: Generate 8 Char Alphanumeric Unique Sequence

Apr 20, 2015


Last 8 bytes will alternate between 2 byte alpha/2 byte numeric
• Generate from Alphabets – A through Z Numbers -0 to 9
• Generate Unique Sequence (No Duplicates).
• Must Eliminate letters I and O

Output Expected
• AA00AA00………..ZZ99ZZ99
• Using 24 alphabets & 10 digits ,
24*24*10*10*24*24 = 3 317 760 000 records

Below is my Sql Function -

CREATE function [dbo].[SequenceComplexNEW]
Returns char(8)

[Code] .....

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Query To Select Data Based On Alphanumeric (surname) Information.

Jul 31, 2007


I am trying to write a query that will be able to select different segments of data based on spelling of the last name.

For example, in my database of name information, I need to select anyone whose last name starts with 'AAA' to 'EJJ'

then need to select anyone whose last name starts with 'EJK' to 'JAE' and so on...

I have tried using LIKE and some other methods with the > operator, but I can't get it to work. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to select data based on the alphanumeric characters this way?


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