Alter Statement

Jan 5, 2001


Is it possible to remove Identity property of a column using ALTER statement in SQL Server 7.0.

Thanks in advance


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Alter Statement

May 15, 2000

Do anyone knows the syntax for changing the name of a column in a table with the
alter statement or any other statements????

Thanks in advance,

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Autoincrement With Alter Statement

Jul 3, 2000

looking for necessary syntax to alter table id to autoincrement adding identity statement, not sure on syntax for seed an increment, or if it is possible at all.

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SQL Alter Table Statement With Bit's

Oct 13, 2000

Hi List,

I am trying to add a column with Alter Table, like this:

newColumn bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL

This works fine with SQL-server 7, but I get this error in 6.5:

'ALTER TABLE only allows columns to be added which can contain nulls. Column 'newColumn' cannot be added to table 'myTable' because it does not allow nulls.'

I also found this in the help files:

'Columns added to a table must be defined as NULL. When a column is added, the initial value for the column will be set to NULL. This restriction forces the ALTER TABLE statement to fail if the bit or timestamp datatypes are used.'

My question, is there any other way to do this on 6.5 ?

Stefan Nilsson

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Sql Mobile Alter Statement

Jul 19, 2006

Here is the alter statement that I am trying to use to create a relationship between 2 tables. This does not seem to work on mobile. What am I doing wrong?

ALTER TABLE [SubCategory] CONSTRAINT [FK_SubCategory_Category] FOREIGN KEY([CategoryID])
REFERENCES [Category] ([CategoryID])

This is the error:

There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 27,Token in error = CONSTRAINT ]

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May 28, 2002


I'm trying to create a batch sql script which first alters some existing tables via the ALTER TABLE command, I then want to alter some existing stored procedures via the ALTER PROCEDURE command within the same batch. I have found that I can encompas the alter table scripts within a conditional IF EXISTS (Begin/End) but not the alter procesdure scripts. I have looked in reference material and have found nothing to suggest this type of operation is not possible. Is this possible? Is this a know bug fixed by a service pack?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Alter Statement To Delete The Default Value Set

Feb 6, 2008


I want to delete the Default value for a specific column which is set to Null

I've used


It is giving error

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DEFAULT'.

plz could any one tell me where I could be wrong

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Estimate Log Space For Alter Table Statement

Jan 31, 2007

My client's website database is hosted by a third party. I need to alter one of the column definitions for the largest table in the database. Unfortunately, the transaction log fills up if I try to alter the table. I've done all the usual stuff like truncating the log, etc., but the simple fact is that the operation requires more log space than we have available. Therefore, we need to purchase additional disk space for the database.
What I'm looking for is a way to roughly estimate how much log space will be required to alter this table so that we purchase enough but not too much additional space. The table has an identity primary key and 4 other single column indexes: one int, one datetime and two varchar(30) columns.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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Code Skipping The Alter Statement!! URGENT!!

May 14, 2002

I have coded an alter statement for adding a column to a temp table inside an sp,but it skips the alter statement while executing the sp! This happens even if I run the same code on query analyzer too. If I use 'GO' statement before the alter command,then it works fine on Query Analyzer.But, I can't use 'GO' in an sp. I am using the sa account. Any ideas on how to fix this??

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Syntax Error With "alter Table" Statement

Mar 27, 2001


What is wrong with my syntax with the following command?:

alter table EmployeeInfo alter column OriginDate smalldatetime not null default getdate()

I'm getting:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'default'

Currently, in my table OriginDate is nullable with no default.
Thanks in advance for your help!


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To Alter Multiple Column With Single Statement

May 5, 2008

It is possible to alter multiple columns within a single alter table statement?
I have got the following URL that tells it is not possible to alter multiple columns within in signle alert table statement.[^]
Does anyone know about that?


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Transact SQL :: Transaction On Alter Database Statement

Apr 20, 2015

Im working on Partition purge process, where I need to specify following statement:

SET @cmd = 'ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION ' + @function_name + '() MERGE RANGE (@range)'
EXEC (@cmd);
SET @cmd1 = 'ALTER DATABASE '+ db_name()+ ' REMOVE FILE ' + @partition_file
EXEC (cmd1);

I want to put this statement in Begin Tran /Commit statement but getting error that it is not allowed.  "ALTER DATABASE statement not allowed within multi-statement transaction"..what are my options to rollback in case there is a failure. 

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Transact SQL :: ALTER Statement Is Not Getting Executed In A Batch

May 7, 2015

I have written the following code:
DECLARE @RowCount int; SET @RowCount = 0;
Begin Try
Begin Transaction
-----Table Name: AlertsStaticRecord_Archive
-----Column Name: AlertID
ALTER TABLE  [AlertsStaticRecord_Archive]  ALTER COLUMN [AlertID] int NOT NULL;

[Code] .....

But, when I execute these batch, I am getting error:

Msg 8111, Level 16, State 1, Line 11
Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'AlertsStaticRecord_Archive'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 11
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

Because, the first ALTER statement is not getting executed.

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Can't Rollback Alter Database Statement DDL Trigger

Feb 26, 2008

Recently I created a DDL Server-scope trigger using the following:

create trigger stop_alter_database on all server
print 'database change stopped by stop_alter_database';

Then I ran the following script:

alter database [test] modify file (name=test', maxsize=2028mb);

The result was:

Msg 3609, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.

database change stopped by stop_alter_database

The problem is that when I checked the max size of the data file it had changed. So, the statement was never rolled back. Is there something I'm missing because I can't find any documentation or articles that state the inability to rollback alter database statements. Whats going on?

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Alter Statement To Create Foreign Key Relationships

Jul 18, 2006

Here is the alter statement that I am trying to use to create a relationship between 2 tables. This does not seem to work on mobile. What am I doing wrong?

ALTER TABLE [SubCategory] CONSTRAINT [FK_SubCategory_Category] FOREIGN KEY([CategoryID])
REFERENCES [Category] ([CategoryID])

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Check For Column Existance Before Alter Table Statement

Feb 14, 2000

Hello all,

I am trying to add columns to several tables in a singular database. I want to check to see if the column exists in a given table first before executing the alter table command so that I can skip that command if the column already exists, and avoid aborting my script prematurely. I can't seem to find a way to check for the column's existance. Any suggestions?

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DB Engine :: Does ALTER COLUMN Statement Converts Data?

Oct 8, 2015

I've some huge table (over 100GB each), these table contain column of NTEXT, IMAGE. Application team needs to change these data types to VARBINARY(MAX), I've tested the modification in our lab and I noticed that the operation has been almost immediate so, I think that DB Engnine has not converted the existing data in the column but it has simply changed the definition of the column.

Or maybe NTEXT and IMAGE can be transparently converted into VARBINARY(MAX)?

Anyway, I want to be sure that the modified table is "coherent" I don't want that at a given point SQL Server tells me that some data is not readable.

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DB Engine :: Alter Database With Rollback Immediate Statement Doesn't Work

Nov 9, 2015

Primary platofrm: Sql12k, 7.0 Ultimate Pro OS

I'm launching the aforementioned statement from one MASTER session windows and I get this message, I am stuck, I though ROLLBACK INMEDIATE go throught any already session open.

Msg 5064, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Changes to the state or options of database 'GFSYSTEM' cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it.
Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.

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Alter Table Alter Column In MSACCESS. How Can I Do It For A Decimal Field?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi people,I?m trying to alter a integer field to a decimal(12,4) field in MSACCESS 2K.Example:table : item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicofield : qtd_mercadoria integer NOT NULLALTER TABLE item_nota_fiscal_forn_setor_publicoALTER COLUMN qtd_mercadoria decimal(12,4) NOT NULLBut, It doesn't work. A sintax error rises.I need to change that field in a Visual Basic aplication, dinamically.How can I do it? How can I create a decimal(12,4) field via script in MSACCESS?Thanks,Euler Almeida--Message posted via

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Alter Table Alter Column

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to add an Identity to an existing column in a table using astored procedure then add records to the table and then remove the identityafter the records have been added or something is a rough idea of what the stored procedure should do. (I do not knowthe syntax to accomplish this can anyone help or explain this?Thanks much,CBLCREATE proc dbo.pts_ImportJobsas/* add identity to [BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL/* add records from text file here *//* remove identity from BarCode Part#] */alter table dbo.ItemTestalter column [BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULLreturnGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOhere is the original tableCREATE TABLE [ItemTest] ([BarCode Part#] [int] NOT NULL ,[File Number] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_File Number] DEFAULT (''),[Item Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Item Number] DEFAULT (''),[Description] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Description] DEFAULT (''),[Room Number] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Room Number] DEFAULT (''),[Quantity] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Quantity] DEFAULT (0),[Label Printed Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Label Printed Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[Rework] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework] DEFAULT (0),[Rework Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Rework Cnt] DEFAULT (0),[Assembly Scan Cnt] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Scan Cnt]DEFAULT (0),[BarCode Crate#] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_BarCode Crate#] DEFAULT(0),[Assembly Group#] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Group#] DEFAULT (''),[Assembly Name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULLCONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Assembly Name] DEFAULT (''),[Import Date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ItemTest_Import Date] DEFAULT(getdate()),CONSTRAINT [IX_ItemTest] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED([BarCode Part#]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GO

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Alter Table Alter Column...

Oct 8, 2007

I am using sql server ce.I am changing my tables to use 'alter table alter column...'.for example:I have table 'customers', I delete column 'name' and add column 'age'.Now I drop Table 'customers' and create again.but I read something about 'alter table alter column...'.I use thi command but not work.I thing syntax not true,that I use..plaese help me?

my code:
Alter table customers alter column age

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TSQL - Using ALTER TABLE - ALTER COLUMN To Modify Column Type / Set Identity Column

Sep 7, 2007

Hi guys,
If I have a temporary table called #CTE
With the columns
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
and I need to change the column type for the columns:
[RowID Table Level]
[RowID Data Level]
to integer, and set the column [RowID Table Level] as Identity (index) starting from 1, incrementing 1 each time.
What will be the right syntax using SQL SERVER 2000?

I am trying to solve the question in the link below:

Thanks in advance,

I have tried the code below, but getting syntax error...

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

I have also tried:

[RowID Table Level] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
[RowID Data Level] INT;

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Jun 23, 2000

I have SQL Server 7.0 running on both development and production boxes. The syntax below runs fine on my development box, but I am getting an error on my production box. Thanks for your help


Error Message:

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near 'COLUMN'.

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Alter SP From SP

Apr 5, 2007

Hello everyone.

I want to make a stored procedure that alters another stored procedure.

Is there a way to do it?

I need to to be able to execute a string as sql:
Something like
execute statement 'ALTER PROCEDURE ....'

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Nov 13, 2007

What is the ALTER statement for ?

for example in some stored procedures
you have

ALTER PROCEDURE (procedure name..)

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Need To Alter A DML Trigger

May 17, 2007

I'm trying to write a trigger to insert data into an archive file.  I added a new trigger using database explorer, wrote the trigger and then saved it.  The trigger has an error in it and I need to alter it. Can you tell me how to access the trigger ?
Many thanks

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Alter 'sa' Login

May 22, 2008

In my SQL SERVER 2005, sa login is enabled, despite Windows Authentication mode being set.
When I'm trying to change it to disabled, I get the error "cannot alter 'sa' login. it doesn't exist or you don't have the permission"
 How can I change the status?

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SQL Alter Collation Name

Dec 3, 2004


I have a database in SQL with the following collate name: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS... I am trying to change the accent sensetive to accent insensitive... how would I do this? I tried re-installing the SQL and setting the default to CI_AI, but since the database that is backed up uses CI_AS, the DB settings overrides the default settings...

Any suggestions?

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Alter A Table All In C#

Feb 15, 2006

Is there a way to add a column to an existing table and do it all in C#If my query string is as follows how do I execute the query?ALTER TABLE interests ADD COLUMN Swim VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT('n')ThanksMoonWa

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Need Someone Who Can Alter A Sql 7 Script For Me

Apr 2, 2002


I tried to do this myself, but couldn't figure it out since I am very unfamiliar with sql. I have a script that exports data from our store database to a file that is used to update our webstore database. I want to add a chunk to the script that will copy an image file from one directory to another as it loops through the database. I want to copy a picture from directory1 to directory2 that has a name SKU.jpg.

I was told in this forum by Ray Miao that the format of the statement would be:

xp_cmdshell 'Copy c:directory1SKU.jpg c:directory2SKU.jpg'

My problem is that I don't know how or where in my script to place this statement so that it will work. If this is simplke and someone can tell me the setup that would be great. If not, I would be willing to hire someone to do what needs to be done to this script and send it to me. I can be reached at or 217-369-2686.

Here is the script:


set NOCOUNT on

select s.sku SKU,
s.Description Description,
CONVERT(DECIMAL(9,2),s.SURetail) Price,
null Weight,
Replace(Replace(w.commentary,CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10),'<BR>'),Char(39),'') MarketingDescription,
'Yes' Taxable,
v.Company+' '+c.description SoftCartCategory,
null SoftCartTemplate,
/*lower('template_'+REPLACE(,' ','_')) SoftCartTemplate,*/
null VendorNo,
null ListPrice,
null Graphic,
null Thumbnail,
null SoftCartAttributes,
ISNULL(s.vendstock,'none listed') vin,
/*CONVERT(DECIMAL(6,0),(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-LYUnits-2)) InventoryQuantity,*/
CONVERT(DECIMAL(6,0),(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-LYUnits)) InventoryQuantity, vn,
cl.description cl,
d.description dt,
c.description ct,
ISNULL(sz.description,'none listed') Size1,
ISNULL(clr.description,'none listed') Color,
' ' OnSale,
'N' OnSaleNow

from SKU S,

wheres.skuid=sl.skuid and
s.skuid=w.skuid and
s.vendorid=v.vendorid and
s.categoryid=c.categoryid and
s.deptid=d.deptid and
s.skuid=sl.skuid and
s.classid*=cl.classid and /* May not be a Class Outer Join */
s.size1id*=sz.sizeid and /* May not be a Size Outer Join - presume only first size is used */
s.colorid*=clr.colorid and /* May not be a Color Outer Join */
/*(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-sl.LYUnits-2)>0 and */ /* available must be > 2 */
(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-sl.LYUnits)>0 and
w.PublishToWeb=1 and
sl.location=1 and /* JBJ has only 1 Location */
(s.SalePrice=0 or s.saleprice is null
or getdate() < s.SaleStartDt or getdate() > s.SaleEndDt )

Union /* Pulls the two result sets together */

select s.sku SKU,
s.Description Description,
CONVERT(DECIMAL(9,2),s.SalePrice) Price,
null Weight,
Replace(Replace(w.commentary,CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10),'<BR>'),Char(39),'') MarketingDescription,
'Yes' Taxable,
v.Company+' '+c.description SoftCartCategory,
null SoftCartTemplate,
null VendorNo,
null ListPrice,
null Graphic,
null Thumbnail,
null SoftCartAttributes,
ISNULL(s.vendstock,'none listed') vin,
/*CONVERT(DECIMAL(6,0),(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-LYUnits-2)) InventoryQuantity,*/
CONVERT(DECIMAL(6,0),(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-LYUnits)) InventoryQuantity, vn,
cl.description cl,
d.description dt,
c.description ct,
ISNULL(sz.description,'Not Applicable') Size1,
ISNULL(clr.description,'Not Applicable') Color,
'On Sale! Normally $'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(13),s.suretail) OnSale,
'Y' OnSaleNow

from SKU S,

wheres.skuid=sl.skuid and
s.skuid=w.skuid and
s.vendorid=v.vendorid and
s.categoryid=c.categoryid and
s.deptid=d.deptid and
s.skuid=sl.skuid and
s.classid*=cl.classid and /* May not be a Class Outer Join */
s.size1id*=sz.sizeid and /* May not be a Size Outer Join - presume only first size is used */
s.colorid*=clr.colorid and /* May not be a Color Outer Join */
/*(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-sl.LYUnits-2)>0 and /* available must be > 2 */*/
(sl.OHUnits-sl.PRUnits-sl.LYUnits)>0 and
w.PublishToWeb=1 and
sl.location=1 and /* JBJ has only 1 Location */
(s.SalePrice>0 or s.saleprice is not null) and
getdate() between s.SaleStartDt and SaleEndDt /* Presumes this export will be run daily be Darren */



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Alter Column

Jul 15, 2002

Hi smart people!

I would like to know how to alter a column to have a default value. For instance I have a column AreaCode Char(3) in a table. I have data in the table and now I want to add a default value of '123' to the AreaCode column.

I tried the following but did not work.
Alter Table Phone
Alter Column AreaCode Char(3) Default '123'

Can we even do it using SQL?


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Aug 13, 2002

I think I have blown a gasket..... a elementary simple sp that will not work but I am unable to find an explanation as to why..... please help.

CREATE PROCEDUREbrsp_table_alteration
@var_1 varchar(45)



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Alter Column Name

Jul 12, 2001

Is there any way to alter a column's name using Transact SQL and not the GUI interface?

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