Alternate Database Toggle
Mar 19, 1999
Hi I need some help on an architecture issue.
I have a production database with input from 3 locations outstation. I need to bring down this server once in a while for tuning and other administrative stuff. Right now I'm in no position to shut the server down. Is there any way I can do this.
Also how can I have 2 databases and toggle between the 2 seamlessly without effecting the users. Does it have to be a mirror on the devices ? What do the professionals usually do
I have heard about clusters. Is this a solution for my problem and what is a cluster anyway ?
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Sep 28, 2007
I have five rows in a group header.
The top row is a true header row with details that will always be there and will always be visible.
The bottom four rows have their Visibility.Hidden property set to 'TRUE'.
All four of the bottom rows are assigned the same Visibility.ToggleItem.
Of the four bottom rows, any or all of them may not have data at any one time.
I want to find a way of allowing the rows to toggle from hidden to visible, but if one or all of the rows have a field item whose value is 0 then that row must remain invisible regardless of whether it is toggled.
I am still working on this puzzle, but if someone can provide me with an easy solution while I struggle, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Jun 15, 2006
1) We will setup logshipping for a large database.
2) 2 systems are located at different city
3) Instead of use 'backup from primary and restore with norecovery to secondary ', we planned to use
SAN disk clone to get a second set of disks for related database files and log files.
4) We will mount the disk to the secondary server, however, how can we put the database on the new
server as 'norecovery' mode so that we can setup logshipping to this server ??
Another easy example is:
1) detach database
2) Copy database files to another disk
3) bring the disk to another city and attached to the new server
The database is recoveryed, how can we attach the database or mount the disk and make
the database as norecovery so that we can keep apply new logs??
For 2 identical database image, how can we toggle one from normal to norecovery to setup logshipping?
Is change 'status' from master database working?
Thank you very much for any words.
If this is the wrong forum, please point me to a correct one since I am new here and I can't find a
backup/restore related forum.
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Apr 20, 2005
I'm building an ASP.NET application that uses SQL DMO to automate database dumps. This will be used by our DBAs to simplify the transfer of databases between server environments.
As part of the process, I need to create a backup of an online database and then restore with a different name to run cleanup scripts against it to remove unneeded audit data, etc. I've tried setting objSqlBackup.BackupSetName to accomplish this, but it appears the backup files retain the original database name internally. When attempting to restore the backup, this results in an error saying that the database already exists.
Does anyone have a code sample or link that explains how an alternate name can be specified? In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, there is a field for specifying an alternate name when creating a backup. Given that SQL DMO is supposed to offer the same functionality, there must be a way...
FYI, The full process is as follows: - Create backup of selected database - Restore database with a different name (this is where I need help) - Run cleanup scripts to clear out unnecessary audit data, etc. - Create backup of "cleaned" database - Create zip file of database backup
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
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Oct 4, 2013
In our organization we have fixed two weeks menu. On our intranet i have database entries with two weeeks menu without dates. I want first six entries to appear in one week and next six entries to appear in another week. How can i achieve this with SQL query.
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Aug 1, 2006
I have seen other places where this question is asked, but I am still not seeing the answer clearly. If I have many groups that are collapsed and I want to expand them all at the same time, it there a way to accomplish this? Many talk about a param that can be passed in, but even if you have the parameter set, this is only for the initail state, is it not?
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Jul 2, 2007
Ive got a table of items which holds the privacy settings for each user. The items can either be the value 1 = Yes ,or 0 = No. Is it possible to bind these two options to a checkbox? I tryed to simply bind it to the checkboxes "checked" property, But it errored. Does anyone know how to bind an int feild to a checkbox? cos in the long run I want to add ajax toggle items to the checkboxes, but i was also wondering why that errored, but i think its cos i did my binding wrong. thanks si!
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May 7, 2008
I have built a report using the Report Model but want to be able to collapse rows as is possible with the Toggle and Hidden attributes in normal reports. Can this be done?
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Apr 23, 2007
I am trying to create a report that should have a dynamic toggle visible, so that when the parent is of a certain type the toggle button (+, -) would not appear and in the other case it will.
Is this possible? I can use expressions in the visible field but not in the toggle one, so how can i manage it?
Best Regards,
Luis Simoes
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May 30, 2007
I am trying to do the following (without using a parameter box to drive the results)
I would like to be able to toggle the results instead of using a parameter.
The default view for the table data is any row that meets a threshold criteria (similar to a KPI)
I would then like for all of the data to be exposed when toggled which eliminates using IIF (unless I am missing something).
I would think that if I could reference the toggleState of a textbox I could do this (similar to a yes/no Show All parameter), but I found little to nothing on how to do this within Reporting Services.
I guess I could also use two datasets to achieve this, but I would prefer a more elegant result.
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Oct 26, 2007
I am writing a report that has two levels of groupings like this and the visibity is controlled by Title and Staff Grouping (Partner, Employee) for drilling down.
WTD Hours
Joe 8
Max 8
Totals 16
*Senior Manager
Bob 7
Totals 7
Totals 23
Ed 20
Total 20
Totals 43
* = Toggle Item
Now, all this is fine except that when everything is collapsed, I want to show the totals on the group header and hide the group footer, like this:
WTD Hours
*Staff 23
*Partners 20
Totals 43
NOT like this:
WTD Hours
Totals 23
Totals 20
Totals 43
I have the functionality working with the toggle states and visibility, but whenever the group is collapsed, all the formatting is lost and it is just whitespace not matching the rest of the row.
Is there any way to control this by some expression in the value, etc?
Thanks in advance!
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Jan 29, 2008
Hi all!
This is my sql statment that works perfectly
select name,id,case when maths>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as maths,
case when science>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as science,
case when tamil>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as tamil ,
case when english>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as english,
case when social>=35 then 'pass' else 'fail' end as social
from student
I dont want to use case in my querey? Is there any way can i replace
case with something?
Thanks in advance!
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Jan 8, 2007
Hi All,
I want to toggle visiblity of a parameter in sql server reporting services 2005. Please anyone tell me how to do it?
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Jan 8, 2007
Please help me.
I want to toggle visiblity of a parameter at runtime.
Please tell me how to achieve this.
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Oct 23, 2007
Is it possible to standardize sql views or functions to filter data for the user, before they view the report? For example if I have a SQL view that filters for "green, cotton-made socks", can this somehow be an option among others before a user presses "view report?"
A response is greatly appreciated. If this is possible, how ?
Many thanks.
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Feb 25, 2008
I'm attempting a create a matrix report that will have some rows with drilldown data and some without. On the rows without drilldown data, I wanted to hide the toggle image so that the user would know there was none available. So far, I've only been able to accomplish this by creating a duplicate row group and displaying no text for its cell. Then by changing its visibility, the toggle image would go away. However; while this makes the report look good, it breaks the export to excel because the other row column that contains the data must stay visible and the excel drill down functionality goes away.
Does anyone have a way of changing the visibility of the toggle image on a row by row basis within the Matrix control?
Any assistance would be appreciated!
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Apr 30, 2007
Hi, I have a matrix report containing a parameter.The count of groups may change based on the parameter's value.Also these groups are connected to each other with toggle property.
For example;
--If the parameter's value is "year", the report have three (year, month, day) groups.Day is connected to month and month is connected to year with toggle property.
--If the parameter's value is "month", the report have two (month, day) groups.Day is connected to month with toggle property.
--If the parameter's value is "day", the report have one (day) group.There will be no toggle property.
The question is:
I wrote expressions for this report and set the visibility properties of the groups, but when I select the "day" or "month" value for the parameter, no groups are shown.I think the reason is "being connected to each other with toggle property".
How can I solve this?
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Mar 9, 2007
I have seen a few posts in several forums about SQL Reporting Services 2005 not supporting the expand all / toggle all / or show all feature that many of us require for our report clients. A simple method I use is to create a report parameter names ShowAll. In the properties I have the following: Name is ShowAll / Data type is String / Prompt is Show All? and the Allowo blank value box is checked. In available values I chose Non-queried and in Label and Value I placed Yes - Collapsed and No - Expanded then in Default values I put Collapsed
Then on the field's initial visibility property, I changed the default from collapsed to expression and added the following:
=iif(Parameters!ShowAll.Value = "Collapsed", True, False)
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Jan 12, 2007
I need to toggle visibility of group of columns in reporting services report, just like we can do for rows. I know that individual fields can be hidden, but i need to hide/show complete column.
Thanks in anticipation.
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Feb 19, 2008
I have a report with 30 to 100 line. I also have groups collapsed. When I expand a group, I get a postback and a 'toggle event', which causes the report to jump to the top. I would like to stay where I expanded the group. Any suggestion?
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Jul 17, 2007
I want to get 100 rows from particular record and onward. in oracle i can use rownum and in mySql i have function limit ... i want to know what is the ms-sql alternate for it.
I want to get 100 rows onward to one particular data ... how can i ?
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Aug 6, 2007
I need to implement support for alternate names on the database I’m working on.
When a user looks up: “Antony Bigglesworth” the query would return both: Antony Bigglesworth as well as Tony Bigglesworth, would both exist.
Anyone has a best practice on this or has done this before?
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Sep 30, 2006
hi i have a view in oracle. in that i am using decode function.
same query i want to write it in sqlserver. what it is the alternate
to decode.
this is a cross tab query
SELECT code, SUM(DECODE(field1, 4, Present_Value, 0)) AS c1, SUM(DECODE(field1, 5, Present_Value, 0)) AS c2,
SUM(DECODE(field1, 6, Present_Value, 0)) AS c3,SUM(DECODE(field1, 9, Present_Value, 0)) AS c4
FROM (SELECT field1,Code, Present_Value FROM table1) DERIVEDTBL GROUP BY code
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Aug 21, 2007
I've a question regarding SSRS 2005.
Is there an efficient scripting method to update the connection string for ALL reports that reside on a reporting/web server? "(automating the process, rather than having to change the data source for each individual report that resides on that server)".
All suggestions are highly appreciated .
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Jul 23, 2005
-- tested schema below ---- create tables --create table tbl_test(serialnumber char(12))gocreate table tbl_test2(serialnumber char(12),exportedflag int)go--insert data --insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789010',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789011',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789012',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789013',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789014',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789015',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789016',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789017',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789018',0)insert into tbl_test2 values ('123456789019',0)insert into tbl_test values ('123456789011')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789012')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789013')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789014')insert into tbl_test values ('123456789015')-- query --Select serialnumber from tbl_test2where serialnumbernot in (select serialnumber from tbl_test) andexportedflag=0This query runs quite fast with only the data above but when bothtables get million plus rows, the query simply bogs down. Is there abetter way to write this query?
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Oct 1, 2007
Hi,I have a situation where I am loading data into a stagingtable for multiple data sources. My next step is to pick up therecords from the staging table and compare with the data in thedatabase and based on the certain conditions, decide whether to insertthe data into the database or update an existing record in thedatabase. I have to do this job as an sp and schedule it to run on theserver as per the requirements. I thought that cursors are the onlyoption in this situation. Can anyone suggest if there is any other wayto achieve this in SQL 2005 please.ThanksSeshadri
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Jul 27, 2007
I am currently with sql 2k5 and using web assistant to generate some HTML files and email the same automatically to a set of users.
these html files that are generated are processed via a JOB in sql server.
I am in process of replacing of the web assistant procedures.
Is this possible to make this with XQuery of SQL Server 2K5 and convert it into HTML files with Stored Procedure.
Is there any other possible way to do it?
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May 21, 2008
Dear All
i want to know some alternate for the below query
"Update STR_RGSTR_DFLT " & _
" Set GST_SVY_FREQ_P = " & iNewSurveyPct & _
" Where dhc_co_c = " & iCo & " and store_i = " & iStore & _
" And RGSTR_PROTO_C not in (0,3,4,8,10,11,12,13)"
in this the values in the where clause 'not in' i.e (0,3,4,8,10,11,12,13) are directly given
but we want some alternate solution.
the entire script is writen in VBScript. these values are already populated in an array like proto_code_ary = {0,3,4,8,10,11,12,13}
shall we use that array directly without hard coding the values in the query?
If any one find a solution please let me know.
Thanks & Regards
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Feb 26, 2008
I'm not sure if this can be done. There are some threads that say yes and some that say no.
If my report's detail section is hidden unless toggled by group2 is there a way to retain the collapsed entries as collapsed when the report is exp[orted to excel?
Right now when I export to excel the report is all expanded. An export to pdf looks fine but I need to in excel.
I tried this and I must have done something wrong cause it did not work.
My orginal report rows are:
Table header
In details I have the visibilty as hidden, toggle item as group2_item.
I did try creating group3 and set it as the the above thread said.
I'm operating SSRS2000 with SP4.
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Nov 5, 2015
I already have a row visibility on the details group which is toggled by the Sum(Case_Load) Text box.
What I would now like to do is some columns to the right where the field is part of the details group but the column is only visible when it is toggled by the Sum(Case_Load) Text box.
I keep getting the message that "Toggle items must be text boxes that share the same scope as the hidden item or are in a scope that contains the hidden item, and cannot be contained within the current report item unless current grouping scope has a Parent"
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Apr 10, 2008
On a Reporting Services 2005 report, I have a table with a single group row and a single detail row (and about 5 columns). The details are set up to toggle visibility based on a textbox in the group header called "txt_Order_Number". The order line item details are set with their initial visibility set as hidden. So, when you click on the Plus sign next to the Order Number, the detail rows display below.
However, what I'd like to do is change the background color of the toggled group header row when it is toggled and the details are displayed. Here's what's going on . . .
The row with the Order header information has every textbox set in bold. That's good. It makes a subtle distinction between the order detail rows and the order header row, so when you're looking at the dollar amounts on each line item and trying to add them up in your head to see whether they correctly add up to the dollar amount in the order header row, you can at least more easily see the total amount. However, it makes the whole overall report look funny because all of the order header information is in bold. What I really want to do is change the background color of the order header row to light gray or some other subtle color and change the font to Bold when the details are toggled to visible in order to distinguish that row as the header row.
In order to do this, I think I somehow need to get to a certain element of the Reporting Services object model called "Textbox.ToggleState". If I can get to that piece of the puzzle in an expression or even in code within the report, that should tell me the state of the textbox's toggle switch and I should be able to use that information to conditionally set the color of the textbox.(or every textbox in the row probably.) Here's all I could find out about this on TechNet
I just can't figure out how to get to that piece of information in a Reporting Services expression or in the report's code block.
Any suggestions? I'd appreciate a response even if it's "You can't do that." Actually, the best response someone might be able to provide might be a link to a sample showing how to get to any of the textbox properties like that.
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May 8, 2015
I am creating a report with a Matrix and this report contain a collapse Matrix which it toggle from a certain field.
Now I am having two issue:First issue is that when I set visibility to hide and that the matrix can be toggle by a field is leaving a very unaesthetic  space between rows.
The second problem is that when I toggle the field I would like another part of the report to hide.
Does it exists anything that would allow me to define an expression I can use in the visibility that I Can use to make disappear this part of the report when the + has been toggle and make it appear back when the - has been toggle?
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