Alternating Embedded Images Using Conditional Arguement
Jun 19, 2007
Im trying to embedd a picture into my detail table rows to have a dynamic bar graph happening with data from a column called winbacks.
1.So Ive created the embedded 'bar' image
2. Ive inserted the image into the row and under the image properties i have put under the padding
=144 * (1.0 - Fields!Winbacks.Value / Max(Fields!Winbacks.Value, "dataset1")) & "pt"
This part is working....and the image is stretching accordingly to scale.
I would now like to put in a condition to use a different image OR write some text in the row field if the Winback.Value is the highest in the table for that write ''top gun'' on top off the bar image
Im not sure if you can write text and have the image appearing but this would be ideal...
so Iam instead trying to create an image with the text and when the winback value is the highest use that image ELSE use the normal image.
Can someone please help with how to do this
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May 8, 2007
I have a report which has an embedded image in the heading and an image control that loads images from the database (Image control Data section configured as MIMEType=image/jpg, Source=Database, Value=Fields!Img_Data.Value).
In both cases I can see the embedded heading image and the database images in design mode (VS2005) and through the report manager web pages. When I try to render the report through the ReportViewer web control in my web application, the images do not display (standard missing image red "X" appears).
I have a button on my web form which re-runs the report and exports it to PDF, and when pressed the report is displayed correctly in PDF with all images.
What do I need to do to the ReportViewer web control for it to show embedded and database images? I am using the ReportViewer for 2005.
Please advise of give me some place to look.
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Apr 7, 2008
A report contains images rendered at 300 DPI. This DPI is fixed, in order to achieve the required quality of the image when printed.
Rendering the report (locally, using LocalReport.Render) as a PDF, with the DPI set to 300 in the DeviceInfo string does not appear to have any effect as the images in the resulting PDF are rendered at 96 DPI.
One solution is to render the report as a TIFF, which does have the desired effect. However, it is a PDF that is required, and converting the TIFF to PDF is problematic in itself. In addition the conversion of the TIFF to a PDF (using PDFCreator) results in a black that is now a blue-black instead of true black.
Any suggestions?
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May 24, 2007
We currently have reports for a client running on SQL 2000 RS. The strange thing (problem) is that we can see any embedded image in the Report when we Preview it, and view it on our testing server (SQL 2000), but at the client's site (also running SQL 2000) the images don't appear at all. The same goes for any graphs inside the report as well. This is very puzzling as we cannot find out what the problem is. The other strange thing is that we can see the images on the client's site when running them through Report Manager, but when we go through the application using the Reports, then the images do not appear at all. We have no idea of what's wrong. The app is running on 2003 Server x64, the database is being hosted on another server running 2003 Server, and the report server is running on another server running Windows 2000 Server.
Any help will be much appreciated.
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Sep 11, 2007
Has anyone experienced this? It's very odd. We have images that display fine in our headers but when you click on an interactive sort button, they become a small box with a red x in them. I'm accessing the reports from the reportviewer embedded in a custom application. Within Visual Studio's preview tabe it works fine. Any ideas?
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Jan 16, 2008
Hi all,
I have a report where I want to show a blank value if the date content of the field does not equal yesterday.
The data is in varchar format.
IIF(Fields!Mydates.value <> "Yesterday", "", Fields!Mydates.value)
The part "Yesterday" is where I am struggling to find the right code to basically do getdate()-1, which doesn't seem to work here.
Any help much appreciated.
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Sep 4, 2006
I was able to generate rows with alternating colors by using the below exp. but it only works fine with table report.
=iif(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2, "Lavender", "White")
Please help me to get alternating row colors in a matrix report.
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Oct 1, 2007
1)What is alternating way for this query.
2)What is mean by sql injection ?
3)Is it safe to use exec in stored procedure?
kindly answer ASAP
-- =============================================
-- Author: Suyog Dabhole
-- Create date: 27/9/2007
-- Description: View all history data for detail invoicing report
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[procGetAllDetailInvoice]
@Date nvarchar(25)=null, --Date format like (10 Aug 2007) no timeing send by BAL
@MonthDate nvarchar(25)=null, --From BAL sended date is of format 01-MON-YYYY(01 Aug 2007)(default day is 01)
@FromDate nvarchar(25)=null, --date format is like DD MON YYYY(12 Aug 2007)
@ToDate nvarchar(25)=null, --date format is like DD MON YYYY(12 Aug 2007)
@WeekDays nvarchar(55)=null , --By default 0 is send for All days and we are using 1 for SUNDAY ,2 FOR MONDAY like ...UPTO 7 FOR SATURDAY
@AllRooms bit=null,
@SingleRoom nvarchar(10)=null,
@ByGroup nvarchar(10)=null,
@byAreaFrom nvarchar(10)=null,
@byAreaTo nvarchar(10)=null
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(MAX)
SET @Query='SELECT DISTINCT tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp,
tblRooms.RoomNumber, tblMinibars.MinibarDisplayName, tblChargesDetailHistory.ChargeDateTimeStamp, tblChargesDetailHistory.Quantity,
tblChargesDetailHistory.ProductCategoryName, tblChargesDetailHistory.ProductName,
''Mode'' =CASE
WHEN tblChargesDetailHistory.Source =0 THEN ''Charge''
ELSE ''Adjustment''
''Source'' =CASE
WHEN tblChargesDetailHistory.Source =0 THEN ''Minibar''
ELSE tblChargesDetailHistory.UserName
''PMS Interface''=CASE
WHEN (tblChargesDetailHistory.FlagChargetobeSent=1 and tblChargesDetailHistory.FlagChargeSenttoPMS=1 and tblChargesDetailHistory.PMSInterfaceStatus=1)
ELSE ''No Interface''
tblChargesDetailHistory.SellingPriceWithoutTax AS ''Price(Exc.Tax)'',
tblChargesDetailHistory.Tax1 + tblChargesDetailHistory.Tax2 + tblChargesDetailHistory.Tax3 + tblChargesDetailHistory.Gratuity AS ''Taxes & Gratuity'',
tblChargesDetailHistory.SellingPriceWithoutTax + (tblChargesDetailHistory.Tax1 + tblChargesDetailHistory.Tax2 + tblChargesDetailHistory.Tax3 + tblChargesDetailHistory.Gratuity)
AS ''Price(Inc.Tax)''
FROM tblChargeSummaryHistory INNER JOIN
tblMinibars ON tblChargeSummaryHistory.MinibarID = tblMinibars.MinibarID INNER JOIN
tblChargesDetailHistory ON tblMinibars.MinibarID = tblChargesDetailHistory.MinibarID INNER JOIN
tblRooms ON tblChargeSummaryHistory.RoomID = tblRooms.RoomID AND tblMinibars.RoomID = tblRooms.RoomID AND
tblChargesDetailHistory.RoomID = tblRooms.RoomID'
SET @Query=@Query+' WHERE tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp<'''+@Date+' 11:59:59 PM '' and tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp>'''+@Date+' 12:00:00 AM '''
SET @Query=@Query+' WHERE DATEPART(year,tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp)=DATEPART(year,'''+@MonthDate+''') and
IF(@Weekdays IS NOT NULL)
SET @Query=@Query+' AND DATEPART(weekday,tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp) in('+@WeekDays +')'
SET @Query=@Query+' WHERE tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp between '''+@FromDate+' 12:00:00 AM '' and '''+@ToDate+' 11:59:59 PM '''
IF(@Weekdays IS NOT NULL)
SET @Query=@Query+' AND DATEPART(weekday,tblChargeSummaryHistory.MonthYearStamp) in('+@WeekDays +')'
SET @Query=@Query+' '
SET @Query=@Query+' and tblRooms.RoomID=(select DISTINCT RoomID from tblRooms where RoomNumber='''+@SingleRoom+''')'
SET @Query=@Query+' and tblRooms.RoomID IN (SELECT RoomID FROM tblRoomGroups WHERE GroupID=(SELECT DISTINCT GroupID FROM tblGroups WHERE GroupName='''+@ByGroup+''' )) '
SET @Query=@Query+' and tblRooms.RoomID IN (SELECT DISTINCT RoomID FROM tblRooms WHERE RoomNumber>='+@ByAreaFrom+' AND RoomNumber<='+@ByAreaTo+' )'
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Apr 28, 2006
I am trying to get alternating colors on group headers.
The rownumber() doesn't work; that only seems to be the count of rows in the group.
Does anyone have any great ideas for this?
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May 6, 2008
Hi All,
As the thread title state, I was wondering if it is possible to alternate the list table row colors between 2 colors. Just wanted to make it more presentable when viewing.
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Jul 19, 2007
Does anyone know if it's possible int sql 2000 reporting to change the color of an alternating item, similar to a datagrid in
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May 23, 2003
I am having a problem with MMSQL BLOB with VB, Sorry to say I am new in Programming using VB 6 and MSSQL and I have never touch BLOB in my live.
I just wish anyone could give me any ideal, like, white pages, or manual on how do I insert BLOB data (Images) to MSSQL 2000 database using VB 6. I need to know exspecially the VB Code and the SQL Portion if you have a store procedure code for that it will be nice.
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Feb 9, 2007
The URL address is for example http://backup/pics/19980.jpg
On the report when I right click on an image the URL is http://localhost/reportserver
I do not understand what is going on. Please help.
Many thanks,
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Sep 26, 2007
Hi All,
I have a table containing 21 columns. I want to alternate the color on the rows, to make it more radable and nocer to the eye. As such I set the BackgroundColor property on the entire TableRow (so it is applied to every textbox) to the following:
Code Snippet
=iif(RowNumber(nothing)Mod 2,"LightGray","White")
In theory it should work. I checked a few of the texboxes to make sure everything was okay and indeed the BackgroundColor property on each one of them was properly set to the above expression.
When I tried to build the report, I was prompted by 21 errors (one per textbox) stating the following:
[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The BackgroundColor expression for the textbox 'FIELDNAME' contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'TruePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.
Obviously the TruePart parameter has been specified ("LightGray" in my expression), so what could be wrong??
Thanks in advance for the help
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Mar 7, 2008
Hello everyone,
Is there a way in order to execute a subscribed report based on a certain criteria?
For example, let's say send a report to users when data exist on the report else if no data is returned by the query
executed by the report then it will not send the report to users.
My current situation here is that users tend to say that this should not happen, since no pertinent information is contained in the report, why would they receive email with blank data in it.
Any help or suggestions will be much appreciated.
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Sep 18, 2000
I have a DTS package that transfers some columns defined as varchar(8000).
Sometimes, the values in the columns defined this way have embedded CR/LF in them. When they do, DTS does not always transfer the values to the target.
Any idea why? Workarounds? TIA.
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Dec 15, 2006
I have the following code in the color property of a textbox. However, when I run my report all of the values in this column display in green regardless of their value.
=SWITCH(Fields!Wrap.Value >= 3, "Red", Fields!Wrap.Value < 3, "Green")
I already tried =iif(Fields!Wrap.Value >= 3 , "Red", "Green") and got the same results.
Is it because this is a matrix report? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance . . .
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Jul 8, 2004
Why is using an embedded SELECT statement faster than using an embedded UDF that has the same exact SQL code within?
Example (not syntax corrected)
SELECT myValue1, myValue2 FROM myTable WHERE aValue = (SELECT Value FROM someTable WHERE myIndex = 800)
is much faster than something like
SELECT myValue1, myValue2 FROM myTable WHERE aValue = (dbo.FN_myUDF(@vmyIndex))
Given that dbo.FN_myUDF has the same code as the embedded select in the first example.
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Feb 18, 2006
I'm looking into a problem a friend is having, and I'll say right offthe bat that I work with with php and MySQL, and not MS SQL.What he is attempting to do (in MS SQL) is take two database fieldsfrom a table (string fields), multiply them together, and put them intoa third field. This third column in the table has not yet been createdthe time of running the query.If it needs to be multiple queries, that is fine. My first thought isto use a simple ALTER query to add the column to the table, then tocall a UPDATE function which uses a select statement inside of it. I'mnot sure if something like this can even be done.// ------------ Suggested queryUPDATE chrisslu SET 'discquantity' = '(SELECTchrisslu.quantity*chrisslu.nr_of_discFROM chrissluWHERE (str(period,6)>=? AND str(period,6)<=?))' WHERE(str(period,6)>=?Andstr(period,6)<=?)// ------------ End Suggested queryIt starts with an UPDATE, but replaces the value to be set with aSELECT statement. I honestly don't even think this query issyntactically correct, I'm just trying to get the general concept down:).So, question the first: Is this type of query possible? The reasonI'm doing this is because I was told MS SQL has no way of storingtemporary variables... otherwise I would just call a SELECT statement,store the variable, and UPDATE the new field from the variable afterthe ALTER statement.Second question: If it is possible, am I on the right track, or doesit need to be entered in completely different than what I have?Third: Regarding the 'type'. Do I need to do any kind of typecastingor conversion of the fields? Both chrisslu.quantity andchrisslu.nr_of_disc are string fields (that is what I was told, theymay be varchar of some kind). In order to use them in a mathstatement, do they have to be floats, or doubles, or something similar?I appreciate any response, I know this was a long winded question.Chris
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May 22, 2007
Hey everyone,
Is there any way to embed a video in a report? It doesn't seem like it but I thought I may be missing something. Maybe directly editing the xml code? Thanks.
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Dec 4, 2006
I have embedded tabs in a text field that I want to import to a destination table.
I was thinking I need to replace the tabs with spaces. REPLACE(character_expression,searchstring,replacementstring) Anybody know how to specify ascii in the character expression.If there is a better way I am open to suggestions, however I do not way to remove this in the raw data but handle at transformation time. Thanks,Larry
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Jul 11, 2007
Hi there!
I've an embedded image (logo) in my report, and in the preview it looks wonderful, but after deploy the logo doesnt appear in the report (report server).
The url of the dead-link-image is http://hamsql1/Reports$BI/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?.
I thought that an embedded image is stored "in" the report, but it seems to be an other place. Is it nessecary to deploy an embedded image too? Is it a problem of permissions (i read it in another threat)? How to set these image-see-permission? Or is there an other problem?
Every idea is very welcome!
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Mar 21, 2007
Is it possible to have a sql select statment in the embedded code in a report?
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Jun 11, 2008
I have a Select statement that was working just fine:
string sSqlCmd = "INSERT INTO SiloKeywords (Silo_ID, Keyword, UserName) SELECT Silo_ID,'" + Keyword + "', '" + strUsername + "' FROM SiloNames WHERE Silo_Name = '" + Uri + "'";
the PM now wants to capture the internal User, which I have done but I am having real problems with the syntax if the internal User exists:
string sSqlCmd = "INSERT INTO SiloKeywords (Silo_ID, Keyword, UserName, IsInternal) SELECT Silo_ID,'" + Keyword + "', '" + strUserName + "', if EXISTS(SELECT * FROM InternalUsersList WHERE Alias = '" + arrResult[1] + "') 1 ELSE 0 FROM SiloNames WHERE Silo_Name = '" + Uri + "'";
I am completely lost here.
Thanks for any help
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Mar 18, 2004
I am trying to find something like a light version of SQL Server 2k to store data for an application that will be distributed through a cd.
Since we also have a web front end for this application when the user is online, we prefer that we can reuse the code for connection on both the cd and the web.
Any idea what will work?
I have come accross MSDE 2k but was not able to find any documentation on the pros and cons for this product regarding its capacity, the type of data it can handle, security, ...
Please give me some pointer.
Thanks very much.
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Aug 25, 2005
I was wondering if anyone had tried to embed sql server express in a .net application. Specifically, I want to use it from within the app only, similar to embedded mysql (libmysqld) or firebird. I've seen some articles on sql server express saying this can be done, however there is no info on how do to this. Anyone know how it might be done?
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Oct 10, 2005
Beyond my control: I am finding control characters (likely tab) ismaking its way into address fields of our operational system. This ismessing me up when I load the data into our warehouse w/ BCP (fieldsget shifted).Is the a nifty way to strip control characters from data?TIARob
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Jul 20, 2005
What I'd like to do is use the result of one query as the input foranother. eg:INSERT INTO foo VALUES ((SELECT id FROM people WHERE name = "bar"),10,'foobar') WHEREid = 1;Problem is, MSSQL wants a scalar value. Is there a way around this?Can someone tell me the correct syntax for what I want to do, or is thissomething that will have to be done outside SQL?Err. Hope I've been clear. Thanks for any help you folks can give.
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Feb 16, 2007
We have text files that are comma delimited, use double quotes as text qualifiers and sometimes have embedded double quotes. The embedded double quotes are escaped with an additional double quote like: below.
"123","product q"
"124","product ""a"""
DTS 2000 had no problem with this- it correctly parsed the files. The 2005 SSIS file connection manager correctly parses this in preview mode. But when the task is executed the task fails with the message "The column delimiter for column X was not found".
What is the recommended approach for this - we have alot of files in this format.
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Jul 31, 2007
I have a report with background embedded image. I have placed few textboxes on top of them to display data. Every time I set the location of the textbox, it is behaving strangely by rendering at one location one time and changing location next time when it is rendered. I am viewing it in PDF format.
How can I fix the location of textboxes that renders at one location all the time ?
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Jun 7, 2007
documentation states, that Windows XP Embedded (XPe) is not supported by any SQL Server 2005 Edition (as I intend to use the Epress Edition on that platform, I post to this forum).
So, why is that? Is it just not tested or are there technical reasons for it? What are these reasons? What works and what doesn't on XPe? May XPe be supported in any later version?
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Jun 8, 2006
I am building a mobil application using Windows XP embedded. I need a database that will run on xp embedded as follows:
Client mode: Sometimes connected to server(local) sometimes disconnected.
Server Mode: Ready access to database from client and system running server.
Client must be able to switch to server mode in event of failure.
Does SQL Mobile support running Windows XP embedded on the Server?
Does SQL Mobile support running Windows XP embedded on the Client?
Does SQL Mobile support running Windows XP embedded in a failover mode?
If it does not support this type of operation then what mobile database will support XP Embedded in all modes stated above?
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May 2, 2007
Hi i have a video file path stored in my sql database and i have an embedded media player in my web page, how can i load up a different video file into the embedded media player based on movie id or movie name, this is the code i have written so far but im unsure if im in the right direction, thanks
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