Alternative To Creating View With Union In Two Databases?

Jul 20, 2005

I attempted to create a view in SQL Server 2000 that Unions two
queries. The first part of the query gets data from the local server,
the second part gets info from a linked server. (The query works fine
in Query Analyzer.)

I received this error when I tried to save the query:

ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] The operation could
not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to
begin a distributed transaction.

[Microsft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server][OLE/DB provider
returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified
transaction coordinator.]

After a little reading I discovered the "Database limitation":
"A view can be created on a table only in the database the view
creator is accessing".

That's my problem... is there a simple solution or alternative to
creating a view?


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Creating A View Using A Union?

Jan 14, 2015

I am looking to create a new view by combining two tables, but i would like to create a new column in the view that identifies what table the data came from. For example I have a Table A and Table B, using a union i combined the two table but i want a new column titled Source which could be populated by A or B.

This is my code so far:

Create View Table_AB As
Select *From Table_A
Union All
Select*From Table_B

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Error When Creating View With Union

Jul 10, 2014

I’m receiving the following message when attempting to run the SQL statement below.

Error report:
SQL Command: force view "UIP_SOC"."SEG_VIEW_EWO_2"
Failed: Warning: execution completed with warning

SELECT seg_value AS code, seg_desc AS name, SUBSTR(seg_value,5,4) AS EWO4, SUBSTR(seg_value,5,6) AS EWO6
WHERE seg_name = 'EWO' AND seg_value IN (SELECT ewo FROM stage_budget_v)

Referenced View Columns:


Referenced Table Columns:"UIP_SEGMENT_VALUES"

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Deadlock In View With Select Union - Creating A/S Dimension

Jul 23, 2005

I've got a view that creates a parent child relationship, this view isused in Analysis Services to create a dimension in a datastore. Thisquery tends to deadlock after about 10 days of running smoothly. Onlyway to fix it is to reboot the box, I can recycle the services for aquick fix but that usually only works for the next 1-2 times I call theview.This view is used to create a breakdown of the bill-to locations fromContinent-Global Region-Country-Sub Region-State/Province- City-ZipCodeYes, I know that sounds crazy, but it was a requirement.So why would I get a deadlock on a SELECT Query? Is there a way to setthe Isolation level to Repeatable Read for a view?Here is the view code:CREATE View dbo.vwBillToas-- US ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.ZipCode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.City,z.ZipCode_WK,US_Region_wk, z.State_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.State_Long+' ('+cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) asvarchar)+')',z.City as 'Child',z.City + ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')' as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.State_Long,z.City,z.State_shrt,z.US_Region_wkUnion-- Canada ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') +')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.Province_Long,z.City as 'Child',z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') + ')' as'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion-- Canada ProvinceSelect 'CANADA',Province_Long,Province_LongFromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CANGroupby Province_LongUnion-- CountrySelect t.Region_NK,c.Country_Name,c.Country_NameFromdbo.DIM_COUNTRY cInnerJoin dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION tOnc.Region_WK=t.Region_WKWherec.Country_Name Is Not NullGroup by t.Region_NK, c.Country_NameUnion-- SubRegionSelect c.Country_Name,sr.US_Region_Name,sr.US_Region_NameFromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_COUNTRY cOnsr.Country_wk=c.Country_WKGroupby c.Country_Name, sr.US_Region_NameUnion--RegionSelect sr.US_Region_Name,c.State_Long,c.State_Long+' ('+cast(c.US_Region_wk as varchar)+')'Fromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US cOnsr.US_Region_WK=c.US_Region_WKGroupby sr.US_Region_Name, c.State_Long,c.US_Region_wkUnion-- ContinentSelect Null,Region_NK,Region_NK[color=blue]>From dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION[/color]WhereRegion_NK Is Not Null

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Creating Index On A View To Prevent Multiple Not Null Values - Indexed View?

Jul 23, 2005

I am looking to create a constraint on a table that allows multiplenulls but all non-nulls must be unique.I found the following script works fine, but the following lineCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX idx1 ON v_multinulls(a)appears to use indexed views. I have run this on a version of SQLStandard edition and this line works fine. I was of the understandingthat you could only create indexed views on SQL Enterprise Edition?

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Calling A Stored Procedure From A View OR Creating A #tempTable In A View

Aug 24, 2007

Hi guys 'n gals,

I created a query, which makes use of a temp table, and I need the results to be displayed in a View. Unfortunately, Views do not support temp tables, as far as I know, so I put my code in a stored procedure, with the hope I could call it from a View....

I tried:

EXEC pr_MyProc

and unfortunately, it does not let this run.

Anybody able to help me out please?


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Need To Union And Group Split Databases

Jun 10, 2008

We had a divestiture within our company. Now what used to be contained in one database in now split into two databases. One showing all history and one being all current data as of 6/1/2008. Is there an easy way to Union or Join these? Right now I'm currently doing a simple UNION ALL, but can't group the two select statements:




Can't do a subset and group both of these selects. How would some of you pro's do this? Right now I can put this in a simple view and then create a SP off of this view that would do this grouping, but it seems like I should be able to do it all in one query. Thanks.

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Transact SQL :: Getting Error When Trying To Union All Between Two Databases?

Nov 13, 2015

I am having an issue when trying to union all between two databases.

This is the error:

Implicit conversion of varchar value to varchar cannot be performed because the collation of the value is unresolved due to a collation conflict.

I have updated the collation in both DB to Latin1_General_CI_AS and I am still getting the error when running the query.

The queries run separately ok.  why I am still getting the collation error.

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Standard Way To Union Tables In Different Databases?

Oct 17, 2007

What is the standard way to union tables with exactly the same schema that are in different databases?

For example:

Code Block

USE db1 SELECT * FROM table1
USE db2 SELECT * FROM table2

this will return the following error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'use'.

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Using Union And Join In A Single View

Aug 8, 2006

I have 3 tables I want to use in a view. Table A has field 1,2,3,4,5and table B has field 1,2,3,4,5. I want to do a union on these. (I havedone so successfully if I stop here) I also want to join table C whichhas field 1,6,7,8,9. I would like to join on field 1 and bring in theother fields. I can join table C to A or B. I can union table A and Bbut I do not know how to both union A and B then join C. Can someoneplease help me? Thanks in advance.

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Problem With Query On A View Created By A Union

Jun 27, 2006


I have a view V1 created as a plain UNION from 2 tables:


If I create another view V2 just filtering V1 through a WHERE clause (e.g. SELECT * FROM V1 WHERE x < y) I don't get any rows returned.
However, if I write the SELECT clause within each branch of the former UNION, I correctly get all the rows.

Is this a known bug of SQL Server 2000? If yes, is there a SP fixing it?


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How To Bring Extra Columns In A UNION ALL View?

Jul 19, 2006

I have a view that is using UNION ALL to combine common fields of two tables, this is my statement:




This works fine, but I would also like some fields that do not match to appear in the view. It is OK if the value is null for the rows of data from the other table that doesn't have the columns.

The other columns are called DLCI from CT_FRAME_T and then VPI, VCI from CT_ATM_T.

My view would then return ID, STATUS, ACTIVE_STATUS, NS_PARENT_CHANGE_NUM, NS_REP, NS_CHANGE_NUM, NS_CHANGE_IDENTIFER, DLCI (where applicable), VPI and VCI (where applicable). Is this possible?

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How To Create View Of Union On Variant Tables ?

Apr 1, 2008

HI, Guys:

I've some AT_DATE tables (eg: AT_20080401, AT_20080402, ...) in SQLServer DB, and these AT_XX table have same columns. but table count could be variant, so I have to query sysobjects to get all of these tables. like this:
select name from sysobject where name like 'AT_%'

Now I try to create a view AT which is the union of all these AT_XX tables, such as:

Code Snippet

Create View AT as
select * from AT_20080401
select * from AT_20080402
union ...

but since I'm not sure how many tables there, it would be impossible to write SQL as above.
though I could get this union result via stored-procedure, view couldn't be created on the resultset of a procedure.
Create View AT as
select * from AT_createView() <-- AT_createView must be a function, not procedure

I've checked msdn, there is Multi-statement table-valued function, but this function type seems to create one temporary table, I don't want to involve much of insert operation because there could be more than 1million records totally in these AT_XX tables.

So is there any way to achived my goal?
any reference would be appreciated, thanks !

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SQL Server 2014 :: UNION ALL In View With Temp Table

May 8, 2015

I have a performance issue with one of the views when I join the view with a temp table

I have 2 Views - View1 and View2.

There is a third view - view_UNION where the

view_UNION =

If I have a query like -

Select view_UNION.* FROM

the execution is too slow.

But if I execute the views separately, I get good performance.

How to improve the performance of the view_Union

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Avoid Table Scan Using Multi Union View

May 26, 2008

Anyone see a way to trick the optimizer into not scanning all tables involved in the view?

-- create two test tables
create table dbo.test1
(testID int, TestName varchar(10))

create table dbo.test2
(testID int, TestName varchar(10))

-- populate
declare @i int
set @i = 1000
while @i > 0
insert into dbo.test1
select @i, '1.' + cast(@i as varchar(5))
set @i = @i - 1

insert into dbo.test2
select 1, '2.1' union all
select 2, '2.2'

-- create view
create view dbo.vw_Test
select1 as QueryID,
union all
select2 as QueryID,

-- this works as i want, only scans table dbo.Test2
select *
whereQueryId = 2

-- joining to a table triggers scan of both tables in view:
declare @table table (QueryID int)
insert into @table
select 2;

fromdbo.vw_Test vt
join@table t on
vt.QueryID = t.QueryID

Using the showplan I can see why the optimizer ends up scanning all tables, but maybe there is a way to force it to use the QueryID param evaluation earlier in the filtering.

Nathan Skerl

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Transact SQL :: Creating Dummy Headers (column Names) With Union All

May 19, 2015

I want to create a raw SQL resultset for outputting to Excel with some artificial headers transposed over the top of the 2nd part of the Union's column names. The first part of the Union will be the Headers. Like this, the space to the left of the topmost columns is preferably empty ....

COL 1     COL2      COL3       COL4 etc.                         BEH                             BIG       BPL etc.

*************************************   INTAKT       DEFEKT       INTAKT DEFEKT          INTAKT

*************************************       B                E                 B         E                    B

I just want the text above as a 3 line header and there won't be any values obviously. Then the 2nd query will be joined to the above with a Union all. The 2nd query has all the same column names as what will be given in the first set above. What is the SQL Syntax for doing so? Do I have to use a from clause?

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Creating Databases

Nov 2, 2004

Ok I have the Sql all written and I was going to use MYSql but it wasn't working. I was told that MSSQL worked with the files but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it. I installed the desktop version so it is running but now how do I create and edit databases and tables and so forth. Help is greatly apprieciated as the only other sql I have done is for php forums. Thanks and If you could tell me if I need to download another program to do it graphically or something that would be awesome.

EDIT: I am using Windows Server 2003 Enterprise if that makes any difference. ISS 6.0 (kind of understand some of it)

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Creating Databases On The Fly

Jun 29, 2006


i am trying to create a database by using a store procedure. This stored procedure takes two input parameters. i want to assign these parameters to the 'Filename' attributes when i'm creating the database both for the .mdf and .ldf files. However i keep getting an error.

These work -------
FILENAME ='c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdblog.mdf',

FILENAME ='c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdblog.ldf',

These do'nt work--------
FILENAME = @Databasepath,
FILENAME = @Databaselogpath,

Here is my code:
CREATE PROCEDURE rico_dbasescript
@Databasepath varchar(100) = 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdb.mdf' , @Databaselogpath varchar(100)= 'c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdblog.ldf'
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = N'Sardonyxrioctestdb')
DROP DATABASE [Sardonyxrioctestdb]

CREATE DATABASE Sardonyxrioctestdb
( NAME = 'Sardonyxrioctestdb_dat',
FILENAME = @Databasepath,
--FILENAME ='c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdb.mdf',
SIZE = 10,
( NAME = 'Sardonyxrioctestdb_log',
FILENAME = @Databaselogpath,
--FILENAME ='c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql$sardonyxinstancedataSardonyxrioctes tdblog.ldf',

I am still researching my problem but i would appreciate any help. Thanks guys.

**I am a newbie .net developer.
Jah Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Creating Databases

Oct 13, 2007

When i create a database and later on want to add a file in it

Alter database db1
Add File
(Size = 2MB,
Maxsize = 5MB,
Filegrowth = 20%)

this gives me an error because there's no filename.
I would like to know if filename is mandatory?
Thanks as i got an error when running saying no filename.

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Creating Over 100-databases.

Apr 21, 2007


I'm using SQL Server 2005 Express for an application.

SQL Server 2005 Express supports 4GB user data per database. Because need over 4GB(may be 20GB ~ 30GB) data space, I should split database which each max size up to 200 MB. And create 100 databases.

Is it reasonable? If true, what about the performance or system's overhead?

Thank you.

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View Over Different Databases

Feb 22, 2006

How can I write a view that gets data from different databases in the same Database server?

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Creating Databases Under Master

Mar 20, 2007

 When creating databases is it a good idea to use the master.dbo.sysdatabases database and then create databases under this.

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Creating Databases From .mdf File?

Apr 23, 2001

how do you create a database from an .mdf file?

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Creating Reporting Databases

Sep 11, 2002

I have a reporting server with 5 databases which are currently being updated via log shipping. These databases need to be (read) accessed by the users. All users have System Admin perms due in order to access the databases. I need to tighten security on the server and remove SA perms from the users. The largest database is about 8gb and is growing slowly. What is the best way to move the databases efficiently from the source server to the reporting server? The log shipped databases can't be backed up and restored due to the standby mode. DTS is an option but may pose time issues due to database size especially as the databases grow in the future. Replication is another option but i have heard it has alot of issues. Any help is welcome. Thanks.

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Using Multiple Databases In A View

Nov 11, 2007

How can I include tables and views from database A when building a view in database B, if possible?
Same for stored procedures.

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View Between Tables In Different Databases

Jun 25, 2007

We have created a view that selects from tables in two databases. it looks like something like this:


SELECT col FROM db1.mytab

UNION SELECT col FROM db2.mytab;

Both tables have col as primary key.

When we executes SELECT col FROM myview WHERE col='SOMEVALUE' we receives the correct result but SQL server does not use any indexes. It performs a index scan on both tables. Wh and what can we do about it? The tables contains millions of rows so the performance is terrible.

The following works fine:

SELECT col FROM db1.mytab WHERE col ='SOMEVALUE'


Qe are running SQL Server 2000 and TRANSACT SQL

Best regards


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Creating Databases On Network Drives?

Jul 11, 2001

Is this possible? I seem to remember doing it with SQL Server 7 a long time ago. The Microsoft Knowledgebase says it's not possible with 4.2 through 6.5, but nothing about 7.0 and up.

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Creating Duplicate Databases Daily

Nov 6, 2005

I want to be able to create a duplicate database and update / refresh it daily automatically. This database copy would be used for testing purposes so I don't want it to write back to the original database. Is replication of some kind the answer?

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Creating A View Help

Aug 6, 2007

i have a table which has 2 columns 1 'report'  2 'part'
now in my 'report' cloumn i have # with 6 digits ex. '111111' and 'part' has '1, 2, 3, 4, 50'
i want to create a view that will put them together in format like this:
1111110003 .. and on
it needs to be in 10 digits.
is there anyway i can create a View or may be a column in the table which can create the #'s in this format.

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Creating A View

Dec 5, 2005

What are some possible purposes of creating a view and how can it be used to reinforce data security. What description of circumstances can be used for a view to save re-programming?

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Help With Creating View

Apr 16, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables
I am getting an error as below:

"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables."

Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.

Thank You

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Help With Creating View

Apr 16, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables
I am getting an error as below:

"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables."

Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.

Thank You

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Need Help With Creating View

Jul 23, 2005

I need to create a view that scores a research assessment. So I havequestions 1 through 10, but the problem is that Q3 and Q5-10 have to berecoded so that if the response is 3, it becomes 0, 2=1, 1=2 and 0=3.So this is what I have. I keep getting an error message that there is"incorrect syntax near the keyword THEN". I don't know which "THEN" itis referring to (or all of them)?? HELP! I am new to this.CREATE VIEW name ASSELECT ID, DATE, TOTAL=Q1+Q2+CASE WHEN (Q3=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q3=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q3=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q3=3 THEN0)+Q4+CASE WHEN (Q5=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q5=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q5=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q5=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q6=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q6=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q6=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q6=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q7=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q7=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q7=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q7=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q8=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q8=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q8=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q8=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q9=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q9=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q9=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q9=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q10=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q10=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q10=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q10=3THEN 0) ENDFROM tablename

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