Alternative To DTC? - SSIS Transactions - Quick Question
Jan 5, 2007
I would like to have my SSIS tasks to be transacted, but due to infrastructure issues in our network, cannot utilize DTC, because our SQL Boxes are situated where the DTC cannot communicate. Are any other alternatives? Is it a feasible alternative? Please let me know. Thanks.
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Jul 26, 2007
This works:
len ((DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART("mm", getdate()))==1 ? (DT_WSTR,1)0 + (DT_WSTR,1)DATEPART("mm", getdate()) : (DT_WSTR,4)DATEPART("mm", getdate())
This doesn't:
"dataware/"+ len ((DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART("mm", getdate()))==1 ? (DT_WSTR,1)0 + (DT_WSTR,1)DATEPART("mm", getdate()) : (DT_WSTR,4)DATEPART("mm", getdate())
I tried a couple of different things at this point, where am I missing the cast? Before len? Cast to what?
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Apr 3, 2007
Hi Everyone:
I have a SSIS Package which in brief moves data from one SQL data store to another. On my local machine, the package executes fines, and does what it is supposed to do, by moving data from Point A to Point B. I have both Point A(DB) and Point B(DB) on my local machine. But when I deploy this package over to ASSEMBLY which is basically another environment, I get weird intermittent errors. What should I do? Can someone give me some tips on how to do good error logging in SSIS? I am currently writing to Windows Event Log, and I seem to look at some errors that are coming thru. What else can I do on SSIS Package side, to improve error reporting and handling, so troubleshooting is faster and more effective. I just need some stable advice on how to setup my package to do error logging where troubleshooting issues in different environments is more effective. Also I need to know, what could be causing these issues? Thanks.
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Feb 7, 2008
We have installation of Dbase Engine and SSIS that is PRODUCTION, and want to replace with newer hardware. In "the old days", we built "boxname_new" and installed SQL with "sqlname_new", took PROD users off-line, and quickly renamed original boxes/SQL and new boxes/SQL to original name, copied data and off we went with upgrade.
NOW, the "renaming" option for SQL tools is not supported, but with re-installation.
Has anyone developed game plan steps for accomplishing hardware upgrade, including SQL environment swap with MINIMAL downtime for PRODUCTION environment? Can you share?
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Aug 8, 2007
Hi Guys,
Here i'm back again on the previous problem of Transaction. I think the problem is coming up because in Dataflow1 i'm referring to a Sql Server table and in DataFlow2 i'm referring to the same table and when they're in transaction they're locked.
How to get rid of this glitch?
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Jul 25, 2006
I want to truncate a table (remove all of its data) using an "Execute SQL task" and then populate that table using a Data Flow task. In case of failure, I want to "rollback" the table to its state prior to its truncation.
Can this be done using SSIS Transaction support or is that support aimed exclusively at sql-based flows?
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Dec 24, 2007
Hi Pals,
I have few queries regarding the transaction management in SSIS.
1. I have a SSIS package in which i have a 2 DataFlow Tasks which basically loads 10,000 records in each table.
2. Then i have one Execute SQL Task which contains an 2 UPDATE statements.
The first UPDATE statement update the table1 which has no issues.It is preetty much straight forward.
Inside the 2nd UPDATE statement, i purposefully updating a numeric column with Alphabets. which throws an Exception.
Since I am taking care of Exception Handling in my stored procedure. So my previous UPDATE will get ROLLBACK'ed as
The catch here is, As the update statement is failed(i.e Txn is Rollabcked). Do i need to Rollback the entire data loads i.e
10,000 recs into Table T1 and table T2.
In such scenarios how do we deal such things in Real Time.
Do we Rollback the Entire Process. Can you please suggest me how do we takle such situations in SSIS.
Thanks & Regards.
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May 21, 2007
I made a small SSIS package where I am performing some data transfer operations.
There are two servers A and B
I am getting some data from A , comparing it with some data in Server B and finally inserting some data back in A on the basis of the comparison and logic.
Anyway, the internal logic of SSIS package is not important here. What is important is that since I am deleting the data in Server A before reflooding it from Server B , this SSIS package needs to be in a transaction for obvious data integrity reasons.
I tried to put the "TransactionOption" of the package to "Required" and it fails to acquire connection after that. I do not seem to understand the reason for it because as soon as I revert the transaction option to "Supported" it is able to acquire the connection.
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May 26, 2007
Hello everyone, I had been studying the relationship between SSIS Checkpoints and SSIS Transactions.
What I want to do is to create a package with different task, where each one task creates a new transaction, and the same time each task be a checkpoint, it€™s in order to restarts the package from the failure task not from the beginning.
The Transaction-Checkpoint solution contains two packages*:
CkeckpointsAndTransactions1.dtsx and CkeckpointsAndTransactions2.dtsx
Package CkeckpointsAndTransactions1 contains four tasks, task three always fail. The package is configured to use checkpoints and each individual task creates a checkpoint. Additionally, each task creates a new transaction. The package has the TransactionOption setting to NoSupported.
In the CkeckpointsAndTransactions1 package there is something wrong, when the third task fails and I restart the package, the package starts from the beginning, this is wrong!!, the package should restart from the failure task.
In order to the package works like is expected it€™s necessary to add a new task between second and third task. It is also necessary that this new task hasn€™t transaction support. This is shown in the CkeckpointsAndTransactions2 package, in this package after package failure, I restart the package and the package restarts from the failure task, like is expected, but the additional task should not be necessary!!
Does anyone what is wrong in my packages?? How can I to create a package with different task, where each task creates a new transaction, and the same time each task be a checkpoint?
*Please download the BIDS solution from ( file)
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Nov 15, 2007
I am new to SSIS but have been putting together a relatively complex ETL over the last few weeks. However, I have been stuck on the problem below for the last 4 days and to save my sanity, I would appreciate any help or advice.
Thanks in advance,
I have a 'Control_Upload' package which contains 2 transaction containers in series. Being in series, the transactions should never overlap.
The first transaction container exists within a For Each container and contains several 'Execute SQL' and 'Data Flow' tasks. I have set the 'TransactionOption' on the Transaction container to 'Required' and the tasks within the container are set to a combination of 'Supported' and 'NotSupported'. I have set the IsolationLevel on all 'Supported' tasks to 'ReadUncommited'.
On completion, the second transaction is executed.
The second transaction container also exists within a For Each container and contains 2 'Execute SQL' tasks and 3 'Execute Package' tasks. The invoked packages also contain a ForEach Loop and several 'Execute SQL' and 'Data Flow' tasks. Again, I have set the 'TransactionOption' on the Transaction container in 'Control_Upload' to 'Required' and the tasks within the container are set to a combination of 'Supported' and 'NotSupported'. I have set the IsolationLevel on all 'Supported' tasks to 'ReadUncommited'.
I am experiencing 2 different errors which the SSIS configuration described above.
The first error relates to the first transaction. SSIS executes a number of the 'Execute SQL' and 'Data Flow' tasks which are 'Supported' by the transaction, however, it hangs indefinitely (without any warnings or errors) when it tries to execute the final 'Data Flow' task. The initial tasks execute as expected and the transaction completes if I disable the 'hanging' task. When writing data to tables within all 'Data Flow' tasks, I have the 'Data Access Mode' set to 'Table or view - fast load' and have unchecked the 'Table lock'. For this reason, I do not understand why I seem to be experiencing a potential contention lock!?!
The second error relates to the second transaction. The 3 'Execute Packages' are 'Supported' in the transaction. The first 2 seem to execute successfully but the 3rd returns the following error message when executing one of the 'Data Flow' tasks within the 3rd package.
'SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occured. Error code: 0x80004005. And OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "This operation conflicts with another pending operation on this transaction. The operation failed."'.
However, the 3 'Execute Package' tasks are connected in series and like the previous transaction, I have the 'Data Access Mode' set to 'Table or view - fast load' and have unchecked the 'Table lock' within all DB destination components. For this reason, I do not understand why I seem to be experiencing a potential contention lock!?!
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the length and apologies in advance for my overuse of '''''' !!!
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Dec 4, 2007
I have an SSIS Package that loads data to a SQL Server table and also logs package statistics along the way with individual SQL statements. In the event of failure, I want the data loaded to the target table rolled back but I want the statistics updates saved to the database. My package consists of several Execute SQL tasks that handle the logging and a Data Flow task that loads the data to the target table along with a couple of event handlers to handle errors. I have the Transaction Option property on the Package set to Required, to Supported on the Data Flow, and to Not Supported on the Execute SQL tasks and the OnError Event Handlers.
When we run the package (and cause an error) everything runs fine until it gets to the On Error event handler for the Data Flow task. This task hangs and never finishes. If we set the Transaction Option for the Event Handler to Supported (allowing it to enlist in the parent transaction) it works but the updates that it makes roll back along with the data from the Data Flow.
Is there a problem with having Event Handlers stay out of a transaction started by the parent package?
Any help would be appreciated.
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Apr 4, 2008
Hi All,
We have a SSIS package where we have implemented a cursor in Execute SQL Task.
Immediately after this Execute SQL Task, we have a Data Flow Task.
The package was running absolutely fine until we changed the Transaction property of the Package to "Required".
The Transaction property for all the tasks in the Control Flow is set to "Supported".
Now, after the execution of the Execute SQL Task containing the cursor, the Data Flow Task becomes "yellow", but, does not execute. The package then gets stuck at this point and does not execute any further.
Anybody has encountered such a problem with Transactions in SSIS?
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 2, 2015
I would like to have my SSIS tasks to be transacted, but due to infrastructure issues in our network, cannot utilize DTC, because our SQL Boxes are situated where the DTC cannot communicate. I know we can use execute SQL task with Bein Trans, but I dont think dataflow and all will not be in scope of this and cannot be rollback in case of any error in the underlying tasks.
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May 22, 2005
Hi there,
I have decided to move all my transaction handling from to stored procedures in a SQL Server 2000 database. I know the database is capable of rolling back the transactions just like myTransaction.Rollback() in But what about exceptions? In, I am used to doing the following:
<code>Try 'execute commands myTransaction.Commit()Catch ex As Exception Response.Write(ex.Message) myTransaction.Rollback()End Try</code>Will the database inform me of any exceptions (and their messages)? Do I need to put anything explicit in my stored procedure other than rollback transaction?
Any help is greatly appreciated
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Nov 14, 2006
I'm receiving the below error when trying to implement Execute SQL Task.
"The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION." This error also happens on COMMIT as well and there is a preceding Execute SQL Task with BEGIN TRANSACTION tranname WITH MARK 'tran'
I know I can change the transaction option property from "supported" to "required" however I want to mark the transaction. I was copying the way Import/Export Wizard does it however I'm unable to figure out why it works and why mine doesn't work.
Anyone know of the reason?
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Jul 30, 2007
i am using the DTC in my code to connect to two different servers on the network through a SQL query which is unfortunately very slow; can u please guide me with an alternative for the same
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Jul 20, 2005
SELECT *FROM organizationWHERE (departmentID = divisionID) AND (divisionID = branchID) AND(branchID = sectionID) AND (sectionID = unitID)Is there anyway I can make this query more simlified w/o repeating thesame column in the where clause?thankss/RC
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Dec 30, 2007
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to come up with a replacement for @@IDENTITY, because I have SQL code I want to make more portable.
Original:ID = MyDataLayer.Execute("INSERT INTO X(a,b,c) VALUES(A,B,C); SELECT @@IDENTITY")
Proposed solution:
ID = MyDataLayer.Execute("SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM X")
if(ID==null) ID=1
MyDataLayer.Execute("INSERT INTO X(id,a,b,c) VALUES(ID,A,B,C)")
(This is of course pseudocode, for SQL Server I'd need SET IDENTITY_INSERT.)
Do you think the preceding solution is equivalent to the original?
Do you know something better?
Equivalent should mean here, not necessarily generating the same ID's,
but maintaining functionality and consistence all over the database.
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Apr 7, 2004
is there a way to get around not using USE in a PROCEDURE?
I need to because I have a main site that inserts information into other DB's that i use for various subdomains. But without being able to use USE i cant select which database is needed.
thx in advance
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May 14, 2001
I wrote a query in MS-ACCESS using IIF. Is there any way to convert it to SQL Server Query to do the same job as it do in MS-ACCEESS
e.g. Here is manipulation with one column that I did in MS-ACCESS
IIf(InStr(1,Destinations.[Destination Name],"-",1)-1<0,Destinations.[Destination Name],Left(Destinations.[Destination Name],InStr(1,Destinations.[Destination Name],"-",1)-1)) AS COUNTRY,
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Jan 26, 2004
My company develops software that is distributed to thousands of customers. We chose MSDE as the database engine. Over the past 4 months, we have spent countless hours with customers, Microsoft, Installshield and web searches trying to resolve issues with installing MSDE. The issues seem to vary by customer and most take a great deal of support time. We understood MSDE to be a product that requires little support but in hindsight, it appears that it requires a great deal of knowledge just to get installed. We make small steps but no leaps forward.
It has come time to evaluate other products. If there is a magic bullet, I would love to hear about it. In its absence, does anyone have success to share with other products?
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May 2, 2008
Just curious, is there any alternative to SQLXMLBULKLOAD for shredding and loading very large (800 megs) XML files ? Due to the nature of the XML data sent to me (which I have no control over)I am having great difficulty loading data into tables. More specifically, I can load parent data but not the child data beneath it despite using sql:relationships.
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May 21, 2008
I have a situation where my SQL works everywhere else but my COBOL compiler complains wherever I use PARTITION BY. I can't find a workaround for that problem so I would like to remove all the PARTITION BYs. I'm not confident that I can do this accurately and would like some help getting started.
Here is my simplest example:
where FESOR.phase = 'Ref'
and FESOR.assign is null
and FESOR.comp_date is null
and FESOR.region = FR.REGION
and FESOR.type = FR.TYPE
and FR.REP_ROW='A'
What I'm looking for is a modified version of the SQL above which returns the same result set without using PARTITION BY.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
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Mar 30, 2006
In a stored procedure I'm processing, via a cursor, a table of, potentially, 100,000 rows on a daily basis. The only column in each row is a 12-byte transaction control number. I know that using cursors can cause performance issues. Is there an alternative to using a cursor that has less of a performance impact ?
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Jul 18, 2006
Hi All,
Beside cursor, what else can i use to speed up my processing? Now i have about 2mils rows need to update using one daily reference table(30k rows).
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Feb 14, 2007
Cameron writes "Thanks for taking a look @ my question....
Basically, is there an alternative to indexing that maintains the fast searching capability (or possibly faster)?
We maintain over 500 databases on a single SQL server and currently (the way I am told) the server is limited to indexing 256 databases, so we have to basically create a new database with ALL the searchable data and use it for searches. While this works, it seems like there should be an alternate method. Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time!"
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Mar 1, 2007
are there any alternatives to linking my db to webserver other then ODBC such as direct dsn connection
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Sep 24, 2007
i need some alternative to sqlvarient..
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Oct 24, 2007
Hey guys,
What would be a better / more elegant solution to something like
IF(@areaCode = '111' OR @areaCode = '222' 0R @areaCode = '333')
//do something
that uses less OR's in an IF statement?
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Feb 1, 2008
Hi all
I work as a production dba and our development team are trying to push a project which involves using triggers. The aim is to transfer information between to databases (on two differents servers) because currently users have to type in the same info into the two different systems.
The triggers will be defined on a couple of tables, checking for inserts, updates, deletes, and then insert this into staging tables within teh same database. However the trigger does more complex processing than just inserting the same records from the production table into the staging table. Because the schema between the source database and destination database is different, the trigger needs to do some manipulation before it updates the staging tables. It basically does massive selects from a number of different tables to get the desired column list & then puts that into the staging tables.
We have basically asked them to reimplement this solution using other methods (such as timestamping the necessary tables and then putting the trigger login into a stored proc and scheduling it to run through a job).
However, we've found out the triggers make use of the 'deleted' and 'inserted' special trigger tables to compare new data to old data - i.e. not all inserts/updates/deletes need to be pushed to the staging tables - it depends on certain criteria based on this comparison of old and new data.....that throws a spanner in the works. What alternatives could provide this functionality, without just making the whole process a a headache to maintain - which is why we recommended not using triggers in the first place!!
Sorry for the long post - needed to explain the issue properly. Hopefully some of you will be able to provide some feedback - teh sooner the better as I have a meeting with the developers later today and would like to offer some alternatives.
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Mar 17, 2006
Hi All,I want to pass XML and the data in the XML should be stored in thetables of the database. However, I do not want to use the OpenXMLstatement. Please let me know.Regards, Shilpa
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a procedure that take several paramters and depending of whatvalues is submitted or not, the procedures shall return differentnumber of rows. But to simplyfy this my example use just oneparameter, for example Idnr.If this id is submitted then I will return only the posts with thisidnr, but if this is not submitted, I will return all posts in table.As I can see I have two options1. IF @lcIdNr IS NOT NULLSELECT *FROM tableWHERE idnr = @lcIdNrELSESELECT *FROM table2. Use dynamic SQL.The first example can work with just one parameter but with a coupleof different input paramters this could be difficult, anyway this isnot a good solution. The second example works fine but as I understanddynamic sql is not good from the optimizing point of view. So, I don'twant to use either of theese options, so I wonder If there i a way towork around this with for example a case clause?RegardsJenny
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Aug 20, 2007
I have a SSIS package that imports an Excel file using Visual Basic 2005 into my SQL 2005 database. All the fields are the same in the DB and xls. The package runs with no problem but I need one of the fields to be autoincrement. I tried to set up the properties of one of my fields "ID" to be an Identity. This didn't seem to work at all. There are about 1300 records in the DB so far with the last "ID" number being 10001415. Before now, the numbers were inputed manually. I want the "ID" to be assigned when the SSIS package imports the xls file.
Any help is very appreciated.
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