An Interesting Lastname, Firstname, Middlename Challenge

Sep 6, 2006

I'm sure you all have seen situations where a field has a combined name
in the format of "Lastname, Firstname Middlename" and I've seen
examples of parsing that type of field. But what happens when the data
within this type of field is inconsistent? Here are some examples

Apple, John A.
Berry John B.
CherryJohn C
Donald John D

How does one parse the data when the data isn't consistent?

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How To Parse Field LastName,FirstName

Dec 7, 2007

Hello, I need some help being pointed in the right direction. I have a field in my Customer table called Name that is "LastName,FirstName". I need to be able to return a result set with "FirstName,LastName". Any ideas?

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Transact SQL :: To Get FirstName And LastName From One Word

Aug 25, 2015

How to retrieve data as a two names from one columns.

For example: My column has naming like this  Shannon.Cooley, I want to display like this:

FirstName         LastName                           FullName
Shannon         Cooley                           
Shannon  Cooley

How to write the query to get the above table?

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Please Help: Needed T-SQL Query To Get The MIN(LastName)+' - '+MAX(LastName) For Each LastName Initial In The Db

Jan 13, 2008

My users wanted to view all the "FIRST and LAST" Lastname in each of the LastName initial in the database.
I have been trying to join/connect/subquery/merge/etc the following two set of codes but without good results.

Fist, i get all the lastname initials:
SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(LastName, 1) AS LastNameInitial
FROM Persons.Persons
ORDER BY LastNameInitial

Results to:

Then, i want to get all the FIRST and LAST LastName for each LastNameInitial
I only have this partial idea (can't get the rest):
SELECT MIN(LastName) + ' - ' + MAX(LastName) AS LastNameGroup
FROM Persons.Persons
WHERE (LastName LIKE 'A' + '%')

Only results to:
Abad - Ayun

Abad - Ayun
Babaran - Buted
Cabaccan - Curugan
Dacquil - Durwin
Eda - Evangelista
Yadao - Yumul
Zalun - Zunajo

Thanks in advance for your help.
God bless!

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Interesting Challenge

Jul 12, 2005

We're having to work with some legacy data. The tables in the so-called database seem to have way more nulls than actual data. One table appears to have around 100 or more columns in it. It has close to 40,000 rows.

This Db has pretty much 0 normalization present.

IOW, your worst nightmare.

Is there a way we could run a query that would return the total number cells inthat contain NULL and another that could return the total number of data-bearing cells so we could come up with a % or a ratio.

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Interesting Challenge..

Aug 2, 2007

I am making a report in Visual Studio..Now my question is,is there anyway that i can add a tab control for my rdl??Hope to here from anyone out there with a know how..Thanks guys!!

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Mutator 'FirstName' On '@test' Cannot Be Called On A Null Value.

Apr 11, 2007

I'm having trouble figuring out how to use a UDT class. I'm simply trying to test out the class in a query window in the management studio. Here's the simple snippet:

declare @test TestObject;

set @test.FirstName = 'bob'

select @test.FirstName

Obviously my object has a string property called FirstName. When I execute this simple query I get the following error:

Mutator 'FirstName' on '@test' cannot be called on a null value.

Any ideas?

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Help With TSQL To Combine Lastname And First Initial From Full Name

Aug 16, 2007

Hello fellows,

I am trying to write a query, here is the detail:

I have a table of users. Table schema:

example data:

Anderman John, AndermaJ
Williams Robin, WilliamR
Foot Jay, FootJ

The LOGIN field will be my resulting field after I run my query.

It has a "FULL NAME" column, and a "LOGIN" column. I want to extract the first 7 characters of LAST Name from the FULL NAME field and extract the First Name Initial(just first letter of the first name) from the FULL NAME field and then set the LOGIN field with the resulting combination. The FULL NAME column is in the order of LastName FirstName.

Here is what I have been trying to write:

Declare @spacePos as int

Select @spacePos = charindex(' ', fullname) From TIUSER


SEt LOGIN = ltrim(Substring(fullname, 1, 7)) + Substring(fullname,@spacePos+1,1),

where @spacePos <> 0 and LOGIN = ' '

Currently we only have last and first names in our database and we will keep it that way since we don't store middle names and hopefully that will not be an issue.

But it seems that my solution was not working since if the last name is less than 7 characters then it should only grab upto the SPACE and not beyond that , but it was grabbing beyond the SPACE so how do you fix that?

That is I want atmost 7 characters from LAST NAME but incase of less than 7 then upto the space found.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

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What's The Equivalen Function Of StrConv ([FirstName] , 3 ) In ACCESS In Sql Server 2000?

Jul 20, 2005

HI,i got a problem while using StrConv function in sql server.My requirement is:-suppose in a name field i have "jhon smith" Now i want to run a sqlwhich will give me the result like "Jhon Smith"--which means uppercase first.Now i am running a query like below which is giving me "Jhon smith"but i want "Jhon Smith".SELECT [CustomerID] ,upper(left(firstname,1)) + lower(right(firstname,len(firstname)-1)) AS [FirstName_] from my_table;But the above query is not giving me the right result. Pleasesuggest...ThanksHoque

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Very Interesting !

Jun 12, 2004

Below is the statement given in MicroSoft SQL Server migration documentation :

"When a view is defined with an outer join and is queried with a qualification on a column from the inner table of the outer join, the results from SQL Server and Oracle can differ. In most cases, Oracle views are easily translated into SQL Server views"

Please can anyone explain the above with some examples. I don't find such a 'CREATE VIEW' statement existsing in two DBs, which results in different result set. Am I wrong ?


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Aug 26, 2004

Another tech was having the same problem with his sp which he also made into a macro. He was having the same problem as I was, he thought since he made the user the dbo owner that he woud have no problems...but since hes the one who created the db and the stored procedures when the user tried to access it he got that same error message. It went away after he went into the Enterprise manager and in the properties of the stored procedure under permission he gave the user EXEC permissions...And WAAALLLAAA problem solved :):):):)

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Interesting SQL...

Oct 22, 2004

Anyone else experience this? A developer just finished complaining about the performance of one of our databases. Well, he sent me the query and I couldn't understand why it was such a dog. Anyways I rewrote it. The execution plan is totally different between the two. I had no idea specifying the join made such a difference. First sql executed in 7 minutes that 2nd took 1 second. SELECT dbo.contract_co.producer_num_id, contract_co_statusFROM dbo.contract_co, dbo.v_contract_co_statusWHERE ( dbo.v_contract_co_status.contract_co_id = dbo.contract_co.contract_co_id ) AND contract_co_status = 'Pending' OR ( contract_co_status = 'Active' and effective_date > '1/1/2004' )SELECT dbo.contract_co.producer_num_id, contract_co_statusFROM dbo.contract_co INNER JOIN dbo.v_contract_co_status ON dbo.contract_co.contract_co_id = dbo.v_contract_co_status.contract_co_idWHERE contract_co_status = 'Pending' OR ( contract_co_status = 'Active' and effective_date > '1/1/2004' )

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SQL Challenge

Oct 4, 2006

I just don't have the skills to work this out...maybe there is an SQL guru out there that can solve this:I can't work out how to do a recursive query so I'm using this function:Public Shared Function FindFriendsFriends(ByVal userID As Integer)Dim iUserID As Integer = userIDDim friendAdapter As New TableAdapters.FriendsTableAdapterDim oFriends As New FrontEnd.FriendsFriendsDataTableDim oTemp As New Data.DataTableDim oContainer As New Data.DataTableoFriends = friendAdapter.GetFriendsByUserID(iUserID)For InLoopCounter As Integer = 0 To oFriends.Count - 1oTemp = friendAdapter.GetFriendsByUserID(oFriends.Rows(0)("UserID"))oContainer.Merge(oTemp)NextReturn oContainerEnd FunctionWith this SQL statement in the table adapter is:SELECT tblFriends.FriendHashID, tblFriends.cCreated, tblFriends.UserOwnerID, tblUsers.UserID, tblUsers.Displayname, tblUsers.EmailAddress, tblFriends.RequestStatus, tblFriends.FriendUserID, tblUsers.ProfilePhoto FROM tblFriends INNER JOIN tblUsers ON tblFriends.FriendUserID = tblUsers.UserID WHERE (tblFriends.UserOwnerID = @UserID) AND (tblFriends.RequestStatus = 2) UNION SELECT tblFriends_1.FriendHashID, tblFriends_1.cCreated, tblFriends_1.UserOwnerID, tblUsers_1.UserID, tblUsers_1.Displayname, tblUsers_1.EmailAddress, tblFriends_1.RequestStatus, tblFriends_1.FriendUserID, tblUsers_1.ProfilePhoto FROM tblFriends AS tblFriends_1 INNER JOIN tblUsers AS tblUsers_1 ON tblFriends_1.UserOwnerID = tblUsers_1.UserID WHERE (tblFriends_1.RequestStatus = 2) AND (tblFriends_1.FriendUserID = @UserID)I want to replace the SQL statement with a recursive query that I simply pass the UserID to and get rid of the function which is very inefficient!  

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Here's A Challenge For You All.

Sep 2, 2004

Ok, here's the problem. I have CA's Unicenter ServiceIT Enterprise Edition 5.0 running on a production box that has NT4 (SP6) and SQL server 2000 running on it.

Just before we continue, this is about backing up the database that ServiceIT connects to.

I know that you can schedule EM to make backup's of a specific database over a certain time, but this is part of the problem. What i have since discovered is that ServiceIT will not run on a database backed up and restored by EM.

It will however run on the restored backup created through the dos command pdm_backup (comes with ServiceIT).

What i am trying to figure out is to try a find a way that i can run a dos prompt command to do the following tasks at a specific time of day:

Stop the Paradigm Server Daemons (service)
Run a DBCC CHECKDB on the database AHDTEST50.
If there are no errors, create a verbose backup using the dos command pdm_backup -v -fC:ackup[todaysdate]
If there are errors run a script to correct them, then run a backup
Restart the Paradigm Server Daemons

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Aug 2, 2007

How can i programmatically via Tsql change the datatype of all the columns of a table to varchar(1000)???
Like I have a table employee

colA int
colB int
colC varchar


If i run the tsql..
it should give me

colA varchar
colB varchar
colC varchar


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Interesting ID Issues...

Feb 1, 2007

Hi all,

I have a system in place currently that both a  local and a live database, currently the sales database is kept in line with a home grown "syncronise" script that controls keeping the two tables (live and local) in sync with the use of Local and Remote ID'sFor example;Table "Sales"ID - IntRemoteID - IntVarious Data fieldsThe 'Live' System writes new records using the RemoteID field, whilst the local inserts new records using the ID field. The Sync script copies the data up/down and assigns the corresponding RemoteID/ID's to the records as they are copied accordingly.Its been decided that this process must change, in favor of Two Way Replication. I have been tasked with finding the solution to the safe handling of ID's as theres a danger that two people can be writing a record (one live, one local) and possibly create the same ID's - i know that replication has its own ID's and could probably manage this well on its own, but these 'Internal' ID's have to be unique due to business rules.So i have been considering two possibilities to address this problem,1. Staggering the ID's - for instance Live ID's begin at 1,000,001 and local ID's begin at 1.2. Having a controlling ID table which provides the next IDBoth options have their advantages and disadvantages, with option 1 we will run into a problem later when the local ID's reach the 1 million mark (a few years away, i admit) and option 2 will need careful locking/transactional code to ensure the same ID isnt given twice.Does anyone have experience with this kind of issue? or could suggest an alternative approach to this problem?  Thanks in advance! 

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An Interesting Problem

Jan 3, 2001

We've had an interesting server issue here since about the start of the year, where the dual processor Netfinity server we've been running SQL 7 on has been holding steady at almost exactly 50% CPU utilization, give or take about 5%-10%. Disk utilization in all areas is relatively low. In fact, the server will do this right after a fresh reboot, with no users accessing. The really interesting part is that a graph of the two processors mirror each other. When the utilization of one goes up, the other goes down, almost perfectly. The two processors are the same speed, but their firmware build is different. IBM says it's not a problem. What say ye?

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Interesting Question!

Nov 28, 2001

If Query1 gives 1 row output as:

Query2 gives 1 row output as:

How do we get the above results as a single result set of 2 columns side by side? as follows:

customer_id product_id
1234 8970

Is that possible in a single select statement??
Query1 and Query2 both are select statements on the same table with different where clauses.


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Interesting Problem

Jul 14, 1999

Hi ! I am facing an interesting problem for one of my databases. When I double click on a particular table in Enterprise Manager, the Manage Tables window shows me only one or two fields from the table. (it does not show me all the fields). When I run sp_help <tablename> in isql, all the information is displayed. Why is there such inconsistency. It happens only on one particular database. I have run DBCC commands but still no help. Does anyone have any ideas on this. Thankx,

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Folks ! Very Interesting !

Jun 8, 2004

Hi Folks,

This is a create table statement in DB2 z/ODS and OS/390 ( mainframe versions ) :

create table test(sno int) IN DATABASE database1 AUDIT NONE DATA CAPTURE NONE

This will create a table in the named database 'database1'.

1) In SQL Server, is there any equivalent for this 'IN DATABASE' syntax in DB2 ?

2) 'Data capture none' will not store any extra info about the data replication in the log files. Is there any eqiuivalent for this in SQL Server ?


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Interesting Error

Jan 10, 2008

In this SQL query I get en error like this:Incorrect syntax near ','.SELECT SUM(mCount * mPrice), CONVERT(DATEPART(yyyy, mDate), varchar) + '.' + CONVERT(DATEPART(mm, mDate), varchar) AS DateSoldFROM salesWHERE mDate BETWEEN '9/10/2007 0:0:0' AND '1/10/2008 23:59:59'I think you it isnt necessary to show values in the table because it is a syntax error but I dont undertand how it can be incorrect...Thanks for help...Saren Taşçıyan

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Interesting Problem

Jul 23, 2005

Imagine a table in Microsoft Sql Server 2000 named Pictures with threefields. A primary key ID(int), a Name(nvarchar) and a Picture(image)field.Lets put some records into the table. The first two fields as expectedwould take an int and a string. The third field is of type image.Instead of putting a bitmap in this field lets place an xml documentthat has been streamed into a byte array. The xml document woulddescribe the Picture using say lines. If the picture was that of asquare we would have four lines in the xml document. You could think ofthe xml document as something similar to vector graphics but thedetails are not relevant. The important fact is that the contents ofthe image field is NOT a bitmap but a binary stream of an xml document.Now imagine we have a reporting tool like Crystal Reports that can beused to report on this database table. Imagine we create a report byusing the three fields mentioned above. As far as Crystal is concernedthe first field is an int, the second a string and the third an image.If our table had ten records and we preview the report we like to see10 entries each consisting of an ID, Name and a Picture.This can only happen if the image field contains a Bitmap, but asmentioned above the field contains an xml document.Now my question...Can we write something in SQL Server 2000 (not 2005) to sit between thetable and Crystal Reports so to convert the XML document to a bitmap.The restriction is that we cannot use anything but sql server itself.The client in the above case has been Crystal Reports but it could beanything.I know SQL Server 2005 supports C# with access to the .NET frameworkwithin the database. Unfortunately, I am not using SQL server 2005.Some people have suggested the use of User Defined Functions and TSQL.I like to know from the more experienced SQL Server people if what I amtrying to achieve is possible. Maybe it has not been done but is itpossible?Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...Many Regards

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Really Interesting Issue!

Sep 20, 2007

Hi All,

When I wanted to see ONLY today€™s records on the sql server, it took 5 minutes.
When I wanted to see records including today€™s records on the sql server, no problem. (19 Sep. is a past date which is working properly)
It is very interesting it takes 5 minutes to sort the lastday there is nothing wrong with the other days.
I ran DBCC INDEXDEFRAG method but no change anything.

I am wondering about something, everyday at 22:00 pm we are getting backup. Is this process creating a difference between before getting the back up and after got the backups?
It is really interesting issue. I do not know what I can say. It seems there is an issue with today€™s records. May be there are some locks on the today€™s records. I do not know. Why does not cause any issue for old dates but for current day ?

SELECT DISTINCT CallIDChar, ANI, DNIS, CallerName, AgentName, CallQueue, AgentID, CallType, CallStartTimeStamp, CallEndTimeStamp, CallDuration


JOIN ( SELECT CallID, DateDiff(second, min(CallStartTimeStamp), max(CallEndTimeStamp)) as CallDuration

FROM CallInfo

) as CallInfo

WHERE CallIDChar = CallIDChar

AND (CallStartTimeStamp >= '2007-09-20T00:00:00')

AND (CallStartTimeStamp <= '2007-09-20T23:59:59')

What can be reason for this issue and how can I solve it ?

Thank you in advance,


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An Interesting Bug For SSIS

Apr 12, 2007

I have a very simple SSIS package that imports data from ODBC source. There are two "Time" columns in source, but When this table is created in SQL2005, it give me "bigint"!!!

How can this happen?

I tried to import data to SQL2000, those two columns are created as "smalldatetime" properply.


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An Interesting Idea...

Jun 23, 2007

Having no more experience than reading books online, here is an interesting idea I would like to run by you guys and you can let me know if it is feasible or tell me I need to put the crack pipe down...

We are going to increase the number of disks in our SAN, and I was speaking with the SAN administrator and he mentioned the shuffling of logical drives to match the new space. He said he is going to have to go through quite a few combinations/permutations on figuring out the best configuration for what data goes on the old vs. new to get the optimal space.

Is this something that can be modeled out? I can write something that recursively figures it out, but why not explore fun ideas with tools that may be able to do it?

Thank you in advance,

John Hennesey

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INNER JOIN Challenge

Jan 8, 2008

Hello guy!

I wrote a stored procedure that searches for user on my table depending on the search option chosen by the person doing the search. But my challenge is displaying users without a picture. On my members table, i used -1 to indicate a user that doesn't have or set his/her picture, this makes it difficult for me to track that person when the person searching chooses to display members with or without pictures. What happen is that my inner join of the photos table dat reference the user primarypictureid does not exist in the photos table. How do i overcome this challenge. My script

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spSearchMember]

@username nvarchar(30),
@searchfor char(1),
@firstage int,
@secondage int,
@countryid varchar(50),
@withpicture nvarchar(5)


IF(@withpicture = 'False')

SET @withpicture = '%[0-9]'

IF (@withpicture = 'True')
SET @withpicture = '%[0-9][^-]'

IF(@countryId = '-1')
SET @countryid = '%'

SELECT m.UserName, m.MemberId, m.Gender, m.PrimaryPictureId, DATEDIFF(year,m.BirthDate,GETDATE()) AS 'Age',
c.CountryName, p.PicFileName
FROM Members AS m
ON m.PrimaryPictureId = p.PictureId
INNER JOIN Countries AS c
ON m.CountryId = c.CountryId
WHERE (m.Gender = @searchfor) AND (DATEDIFF(year,m.BirthDate,GETDATE()) BETWEEN @firstage AND @secondage)
AND (m.CountryId LIKE @countryid) AND (p.PictureId LIKE @withpicture) AND (m.UserName <> @username)
ORDER BY m.BirthDate ASC


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Challenge To All DBAs

Aug 26, 2005

I have a challenge for all DBAs. I am getting INCONSISTENT TIMINGS for Querry Results from a SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition on a HP Proliant 2 CPU Server with 4 GB RAM and SCSI DrivAFAe.
Our Database is 72 million records and have 8 columns. Most of them are indexed, which are used in the “Where…� clause. In addition to independent indexes, we also have a covering index for 3 most frequently searched fields.
My challenge is that out of the 7000 odd queries that hit the server with various search conditions in a Week, 5% of the queries return result in less than a minute.
The same query at a different Time or with a different Value, returns results inconsistently. For e.g. searching FirstName = “Annaâ€?; LastName =  “Williamsâ€? returns result in 0.01 sec. Searching for FirstName “Benjaminâ€?; LastName = “Watsonâ€? returns in 5 minutes.
Any kind of help is welcome and will be highly appreciated.
- Santy            
san.rely@gmail.comNote: Edited to fix white on white font. 

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Query Challenge

Jun 14, 2001

I have a query that I am trying to optimize. It works on some 9000 records and runs too slow. What the query does is takes the multiple assignment of a single contact record to multiple attributes (a.k.a many-to-many). For example:

Membership table.

Relate table
1 1
1 3
1 4

Relate Item
1 item1
2 item2
3 item3
4 item4

The query will take all ocurrences of the related items and place them in a single field while delimiting by comma "item1" , "item3", "item4"

Here is the query as it exists now:

into #tmp
from MEM_UN MU
inner join MEM_UN_REL MUR

create TABLE #unionlist (
CONTACT_ID int primary key,
UNIONS varchar(2000) null)

insert into #unionlist (CONTACT_ID, UNIONS)
select distinct CONTACT_ID, UNIONS = '' from MEMBERSHIP

while exists(select CONTACT_ID from #tmp)
update #unionlist
set UNIONS = UNIONS + '"' + (
select min(UNION_NAME) from #tmp
where #unionlist.CONTACT_ID = #tmp.CONTACT_ID
) + '",'
where CONTACT_ID in (select CONTACT_ID from #tmp)

update #unionlist
set UNIONS = UNIONS + '"",'
where CONTACT_ID not in (select CONTACT_ID FROM #tmp)

delete FROM #tmp where UNION_NAME in (
select min(UNION_NAME) from #tmp tmp2
where #tmp.CONTACT_ID = tmp2.CONTACT_ID

I believe that the slow down is in the process of deleting from #tmp every time it loops through the recordset.

Any suggestions appreciated,



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Who Won The Oracle Challenge?

Mar 27, 1999

On march 23, Micorosoft was supposed to benchmarch their SQL server 7.0 versus Oracle 8i. I didn't watch the benchmark... I figured that I would be able to read about it in the news. But it seems like there is some moritorium on the subject. I haven't found any result information whatsoever.

Does anybody know who won the challenge? Did microsoft win $1 million from oracle?

Tom Mack, MCSE
Database Administrator
Advancia Corporation

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Query Challenge

Sep 7, 2004

Hello Everybody,

I am attaching a picture of what the table should look like before and after the transformation. Can anybody help? Thank you in advance.

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SQL Parsing Challenge!

Nov 9, 2004

Hi guys!

Can anyone tell how I can parse the WHERE clause of an SQL statement to check for special characters such as ''' (single quotes) in fields of type varchar?


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Optimization Challenge

Apr 7, 2006

Well i wanted to prove to some guys that cursors are not really that important:shocked: .
:D So this code is suppose to remove duplicate tuples from a table without temporary tables or cursors:D. Except it needs some optimization(and alot of system down time, not sure about that:confused: ).
I would like it, if some one could find an instance of the table when the below code fails or some way to optimize the code or anything;) .

--trashtable for real data
create table abc
(col1 tinyint,
col2 tinyint,
col3 tinyint)

--trash values for trash table
insert into abc values (1,1,1)
insert into abc values (1,1,1)
insert into abc values (1,1,1)
insert into abc values (1,1,1)
insert into abc values (2,2,2)
insert into abc values (2,2,2)
insert into abc values (2,2,2)
insert into abc values (3,2,1)
insert into abc values (2,2,3)
insert into abc values (3,2,4)

--check that there are ten rows
select * from abc
--check that there are only five distinct rows
select distinct * from abc

--run code : next 15 line as a batch
declare @lp tinyint
declare @col1 tinyint,@col2 tinyint,@col3 tinyint
set @lp=1
while @lp>0
if not exists (select top 1 * from abc group by col1,col2,col3 having count(col1)>1)
set @lp=0
select top 1 @col1 = col1,@col2 = col2,@col3 = col3 from abc group by col1,col2,col3 having count(col1)>1
delete from abc where col1=@col1 and col2=@col2 and col3=@col3
insert into abc values(@col1,@col2,@col3)

--only distinct values left in trash table
select * from abc

--think code can be optimized
--just wanted to prove: can be done without cursors or temporary tables

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Jun 16, 2008

I have a database with three tables: Employees, Assets, and Recovery.

I have the following SELECT statement:

SELECT Employees.EmployeeID, SUM(Assets.Amount) AS [Case Value:], SUM(Recovery.Recovery) AS [Recovery:]
Employees ON Assets.EmployeeID = Employees.EmployeeID INNER JOIN
Recovery ON Employees.EmployeeID = Recovery.EmployeeID
GROUP BY Employees.EmployeeID

Here is the challenge:

You will always have data in the Employee table, but not neccesarily in the Assets or Recovery table.

If there are no Assets or Recovery I would still like the query to show 0.00 for the Assets or Recovery for each Employees.EmployeesID

With the above SELECT statement it will only return values that have data created in each of the three tables.

How do you modify the SELECT statement so a row is returned for every Employees.EmployeeID?

Any help will be appreciated!


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