Analyse File Format By File Flat Connection

Jan 16, 2008

I have a txt file with format as following


[Date]2007/12/27 15:02:50 [Operation]
[Date]2007/12/27 15:02:50 [Operation]
[Date]2007/12/27 15:02:50 [Operation]

I want to use File Flat Connection to analyse format of this file. And i want each record after analysing include 4 fields as folowing:

- MailAddress, DomainName, Date, Operation
(Mail Address and DomainName is same in each record)

Can you help me?

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Using Flat File Connection Manager Editor With Delimited Format

Jan 23, 2007

Hello everyone:

I am new with SSIS and I have a problem that I don€™t know solving it.
I have a simple package with a delimited flat file source which is loaded into a table in a SQL Server database.
Below is the import format:
- Row delimiter: carriage return and line feed {CR/LF}
- Column delimiter: Comma {,}
- Text qualifier: €œ

In the source file, the data looks like this:
€œstring1 €?, 34, €œ€?, , ,€? string2 €œtext1€? string2€? , €œ €œ,

This package with DTS works, but now with SSIS does not, when I see the €œprevious rows€? in the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, the last column has incorrect information and when I create a new file without spaces and without twice €œ€? in the same string, it works. I don€™t know what I am missing with SSIS.

Fanny Tejera

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Unable To Edit Pre-defined Flat File Connection Manager Properties In The Flat File Destination Editor

Aug 24, 2007


I am testing SSIS and have created a Flat File Destination. I defined the Flat File Connection as New for the first time and it worked fine. Now, I would like to go back and modify the Flat File Connection in the Flat File Destination Editor, but it allows only to create a New connection rather allowing me to edit the existing one. For testing, I can go back and create a new connection, but if my connection had 50-100 columns then it would be an issue to re-create it from scratch.

Did someone else faced this issue?


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How To Create UNIX Format Files Using Flat File Connection Manager?

Dec 17, 2007

Hi All,

How to create a text file in UNIX format using Flat File connection manager. By default when we create a connection manager for flat files it is taking "CRLF" as the delimeter.

I beleive the format of the file will be decided based on the control line feed character at the end of each row. There are different control line feeds for different operating systems.

CR - Mac OS (Carraige return)
LF - UNIX (Line Feed)
CRLF - Windows. (Carriage return Line Feed)

Correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks in advance.

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Flat File Connection Manager Throws Error When A Column Gets Added To The Flat File

Dec 27, 2006


I have a situation where a tab limited text file is used to populate a sql server table.

The tab limited text file comes from a third party vendor. There are fixed number of columns we need to export to the sql server table. However the third party may add colums in the text file. Whenenver the text file has an added column (which we dont need to import) the build fails since the flat file connection manager does not create the metadata for it again. The problem goes away  where I press the button "Reset Columns" since it builds the metadata then. Since we need to build the tables everyday we cannot automate it using SSIS because the metadata does not change automatically. Is there a way out in SSIS?

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Read Text File From Flat File Connection Manager SSIS

May 13, 2008

Hello Experts,
I am createing one task (user control) in SSIS. I have property grid in my GUI and 2 buttons (OK & Cancle).
PropertyGrid has Properties like SourceConnection, OutputConnection etc....right now I am able to populate Connections in list box next to Source and Output Property.

Now my question to you guys is depending on Source Connection it should read that text file associated with connection manager. After validation it should pick header (first line of text file bases on record type) and write it into new file when task is executed. I have following code for your reference. Please let me know I am going in right direction or not..
What should go here ?
->Under Class A

public override DTSExecResult Execute(Connections connections, VariableDispenser variableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents componentEvents, IDTSLogging log, object transaction)


//Some code to read file and write it into new file

return DTSExecResult.Success;


public const string Property_Task = "CustomErrorControl";

public const string Property_SourceConnection = "SourceConnection";

public void LoadFromXML(XmlElement node, IDTSInfoEvents infoEvents)


if (node.Name != Property_Task)


throw new Exception(String.Format("Invalid task element '{0}' in LoadFromXML.", node.Name));






_sourceConnectionId = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem(Property_SourceConnection).Value;


catch (Exception ex)


infoEvents.FireError(0, "LoadFromXML", ex.Message, "", 0);




public void SaveToXML(XmlDocument doc, IDTSInfoEvents infoEvents)




// // Create Task Element

XmlElement taskElement = doc.CreateElement("", Property_Task, "");


// // Save source FileConnection

XmlAttribute sourcefileAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute(Property_SourceConnection);

sourcefileAttribute.Value = _sourceConnectionId;



catch (Exception ex)


infoEvents.FireError(0, "SaveXML", ex.Message, "", 0);



In UI Class there is OK Click event.

private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




_taskHost.Properties[CustomErrorControl.Property_SourceConnection].SetValue(_taskHost, propertyGrid1.Text);

btnOK.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;


catch (Exception ex)






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Flat File Connection Manager Not Parsing File Correctly

Apr 3, 2007


I have a flat file, comma-delimited, with strings in double-quotes.

In the connection manager for the file, I have specified that the Text Qualifier = ""

However, in the preview tab, it still shows the strings as surrounded by the quotes, e.g. "mycol1" whereas it should show mycol1 without the quotes.

Next, when I examine the data in the database after the load, it's messed up there also.

"mycol1" ends up in the database as "mycol1

"mycol2" ends up as "mycol2

This is not right.

I have format set to delimited, header row delimiter crlf, etc.

Any ideas?


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Unable To Change The File In Flat File Connection Manager

May 27, 2008


I have a package A which is copied from another existing package B as most of the data structure and ETL mappings are same.

What I need to change in Package A is to change the file in Flat File Connection Manager. I can change it in the conneciton manager editor. However, it is automatically changed back to the previous one everytime when I try to Save All or run the package.

I also tried to copy/paste this Flat File Connection Manager in the same package but samething happen. The package file is not set 'Read Only" so anything else can Saved well except for the File name in connection manager.

Is this a bug? It would be very appreciated if anyone can give me any idea about this.



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File Connection Act Differently Than Flat File Connection For Expressions?

Jun 26, 2007

I am thinking I must be doing something wrong..

I have dozens of packages that work as follows (high level... not listing all the steps just those relevant to this question)

- Get list of files in directory

- Join list to list of already imported files

- Those not imported put into an ADO.Net object

- Loop through ADO.Net record (which contains the filename) and import each file.

I just set the connection string of the flat file to be the variable in the loop (expressions.. connection string). Pretty standard stuff. Now I tried to do the same with a file connection (not a flat file) becuase I have a source that is from a mainframe and I had to write a custom source script and its not working. Basically the source script uses

oRead = oFile.OpenText(Me.Connections.FileConnection.ConnectionString)

And it opens the same file over and over (not ever changing as the ConnectionString expression changes like it does for flat files) and imports it even though I have verified the loop is correctly looping through all the different files.

Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong?

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Changing Flat File Connection File Name Property

Sep 14, 2006


I have a task to traverse a folder of CSV files of same format and then populate into one sql server table.

Is there a way where I can change the source CSV file name runtime using FOR EACH loop container for flat file connection manager ?

any help would be much appriciated.


Furrukh Baig

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Variable In Flat File Connection File Name - Syntax?

May 29, 2008


I'm attempting to use a variable to define the file name in my flat file connection (for error files in my SSIS package).

I have it defined as follows:


However it throws an error 'the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect'.

If I put the value of the variable in explicitly it works, so I know my variable name is correct - am I just not calling the variable properly?


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How To Analysis Zip File By File Flat Connection

Jan 16, 2008

I have a zip file. How to analysis it by File Flat Connection
Assume that: zip file is result of compressing txt file


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Flat File Format

Dec 20, 2006

I have a table that I want to export to a flat file. The problem I am running into is, the person I am sending it to needs it in a specific format. It is a comma serperated file and I need quotes on some of the data but not all.

For example : "1234",abc,"id"

I know how to make it all or none but not conditionally. Also I have some fields that the total in them is 0.00 and when this gets exported to the file the format become .00, is there a way to make it 0 with out changing the ones that have totals. Thanks.

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Flat File (CSV) Source Format

May 3, 2007

I have a SSIS package loading a lot of CSV file, which first line is the column head. Some file are ordered differently. However, package still try to load the file use predefined column order (it seems it doesn't check the head of each file see if it matchs the predefined column order).

Any way to force the package the check each file's head? or I had to manually check it using VB.Net script?

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Different Format In Flat File For Header And Data

Apr 12, 2007

Hello all,

Is it possible to have two different formats for the header and the data in a flat file connection?

An example text file would look like this:




where the header is delimited and the data is ragged right.

It looks like you should be able to accomplish this from the Flat File Connection Manager Editor interface, but perhaps having different delimiter dropdown boxes for the header and columns can only be used if you are using the Delimited format?

Thanks for any info you can provide!


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Output Column Width Not Refected In The Flat File That Is Created Using A Flat File Destination?

May 11, 2006

I am transferring data from an OLEDB source to a Flat File Destination and I want the column width for all of the output columns to 30 (max width amongst the columns selected), but that is not refected in the Fixed Width Flat File that got created. The outputcolumnwidth seems to be the same as the inputcolumnwidth. Is there any other setting that I am possibly missing or is this a possible defect?

Any inputs will be appreciated.


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Padding And Writing To A Fixed Format Flat File!

Apr 18, 2007


I am trying to write to a fixed format flat file using Flat File Destination Data Flow Component. I have all required information gathered from more than one sources. But when I tried to format the columns to a big string that will make up one line in the flat file, I could not figure out how to do that. Couple of issues that I am facing are:

How to padd different columns? For example, One interger column has could be 1 to 10 character long in my case. When I convert to string, dont know how to padd the remaining characters i.e. if the value of integer is '1234', it should be written to file as '1234 ' . Which transformation is best in this case, if available?
How to convert T-SQL datetime to a specific date and time format to write in the flate file? I have to write these date formats depending upon one of the parameters passed.
Also, I dont want to put a delimiter at the end of each column, just the new line characters at the end of each record.
Some of the columns has some unwanted characters (like new line characters) how to find them and remove them from the string.
Can we directly write columns to a specific position in the flat file? e.g. col 1 a position 1 and col2 starts at postion 20 etc.

Your co-operation will be appreciated.



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Date Time Format Options When Writing To A Flat File

Apr 24, 2006

We are using an ADO.NET provider in SSIS to read data from a SQL Server 2000 table that contains DateTime columns to write to a Flat File Destination. When the date values are written to the file they are formatted in TimeStamp to the 10th decimal position; e.g.€œ2006-04-24 12:00:00.123000000€?. Since SQL Server supports values to Timestamp(3), we need to truncate the last seven zeros to put the data in this format €œ2006-04-24 12:00:00.123€? to keep the file as small as possible.

Since we have several hundred DateTime columns in scope for our requirements we are looking for the least logic/effort to accomplish this task. We can do this via Data Conversion and Derived Column transformations to cast the dates and strings but it is very labor intensive. It would be something like singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall eight times in a row with each verse taking 3 minutes each. Yikes.

We have tried casting the DateTime columns to varchar in the SELECT statement but receive this format €œApr 24 2006 12:22PM€?.

Is there a configuration we've missed that forces timestamp(10) with non significant digits?

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Rounding Error: Between Flat File Connection Manager Source && OLE DB Connection Destination (SQL Server 2005)

Jun 22, 2006

I have a Rounding error: Between flat file connection manager Source & OLE DB Connection Destination (SQL Server 2005) in my Dataflow.

File looks like this lets call column names Col A,B,C,D

70410000 RD1 1223631.92 196042.42
70329000 ICD 11025.84 3353.88
71167300 COL 104270.59 24676.96

flat file connection manager settings: first row Column names then Advanced tab Col A float , Col B float , Col C string ,Col D float ,

OLE DB Connection Destination (SQL Server 2005)


[PARTY_NO] [float] NULL,

[PARTY_NAME] [varchar](75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,


[GENIABR] [float] NULL,

Problem: ColA (Source) Rounding error to PARTY_NO (Destination)
I have a field of text of in a flat file that the flat file connection manager Source picks up correctly €œ70000893€?
However when it gets the OLE DB Connection Destination the data has changed to 70000896. That€™s before its even Written to the database.
The only clue that something is wrong in the middle is the great Data viewer shows the number as 7.000009E+07
Other clues looking at the data it appears there is a rounding error on only the number that dont end in 00
ColA (Source) PARTY_NO (Destination)
71167300 71167296
70329000 70329000
70410000 70410000
Any ideas people?
Thanks in advance

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How To Redirect The Error Of A Source Flat File To The Destination Flat File?

Nov 10, 2006

Hi all,

I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.

Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.

i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.

Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?


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Flat File Connection Bug

Sep 20, 2006

What happens is that the flat file connection non of the columns can be altered

you can set them in other ssis packages but not in the one that you want to use and when it comes to changes the flat file complains that not a correct file is set, even though there is one set,

and when it comes to altering a flat file source it complains that it can not find the connection and the database destination can not find the meta data BUT

when it is run it works perfectly,

so what i have had to resort to is making the part of the dts package in another package and then copying it accross

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Generating DTS Flat File Connection

Sep 29, 2004

I'm trying to generate a DTS Package with VB.Net using the Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library and
and the Microsoft DTSDataPump Scripting Object Library
I have to load csv files into SQL tables.
I could generate both a SQL connection and a FlatFile connection and the transformationtask.

When I look at the transformationtask and click on the transformation tab I get this error

"Incomple file format information"

The problem is I don't find where I could set the FlatFile connection properties like "Text Qualifier" and
"row delimiter"

I tried this but it still shows CRLF as row delimiter when I look at the generated DTS Package

Dim oConnection As DTS.Connection2
Dim package As DTS.Package2
Dim filename As String
filename = "myfilename.csv"

oConnection = package.Connections.New("DTSFlatFile")
oConnection.Name = filename
oConnection.ConnectionProperties.Item("Row Delimiter").Value = vbTab

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Flat File Connection Manager

Oct 25, 2013

I would like to set up the flat file connection manager that would take any file name that starts with "test" and then it could be anything after that. Something like test_*.txt.

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Flat File Connection Problem

Feb 7, 2008

I have a SSIS package schaduled for data import, the source file is a flat file connection (*.CSV).

The file is located on a sharing folder over network, the problem is that file name changed daily accordance with date like (data 7-02-2008.CSV), the very next day file name will be (data 8-02-2008.CSV)

How to link such files so that we dont have to change file name in our SSIS package ...?

Detailed way out required.


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Sql Agent Job Cannot Run With Flat File Connection

Apr 18, 2007

I have a SSIS package that can be run outside SQL Server Agent, but fail with SQL Server Agent for the same user login. The packages are saved in the sql server database with Windows Authentication. The protection level I used is the default one: €œencrypt sensitive data with user key€?
The packages have a step to dump data into a flat file destination. The error message is
€œCannot open the datafile€? on the local drive that the user has access to.

Any idea on how to fix it is appreciated?

Thanks in Advance.

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SSIS Flat File Connection

Oct 31, 2007

Hi All,

I have a requirement wherein I have to read the data from a "|" separated flat file. Each row is specified this way...


I am specifying the row delimiter as : </row>{CR}{LF}<row>
When I create Flat File Connection and when I see the preview of the first row "<row>" remains and in the last row "</row>" remains...

I am trying hard to sort out and remove these extra string but unable to do so...

Please let me know how to approach this? How should I specify the Row Delimiter?


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Flat File Connection Error

May 8, 2008

Description: The file name "\fhfgy678c$wtswts_Adjud_05082008.txt" specified in the connection was not valid. End Error Error: 2008-05-08 10:04:14.67 Code: 0xC001401D Source: ETL_wts Description: Connection "Flat File Connection Manager" failed validation. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 10:04:13 AM Finished: 10:04:14 AM Elapsed: 0.781 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.

I can run a package that has flat file connection... I can run it withoutany erros in BI studio.. but I am keep getting the above erro after I depoly the package and run as a sql agent job..
I just can not figure out why I am getting this error.. any Idea.. please help..

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Flat File Connection Manager

Mar 20, 2008

Hi All,
I am using flat file connection manager to create a text file. I could not find any way to set the file location (folder) dynamically such as using variable, expression etc, Is there any alternative I can use to achieve this? I really don't want to hard-coded the file location as it may differ in production environment. Thanks in advance.

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Flat File Connection Manager

Jun 27, 2007

As I have a file whose delimiters can be different. I have need to change the delimiters and filename programatically.

I have come across a way to change the filename using the inbuilt expressions setter. Howver the columns are not listed, possibly because they are on the advanced tab and theoretically each column delimiter could be different.

Will I have to do this through a script or is there an easier method?

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Converting Flat File To SQL2005 Table (Flat File From H***)

Feb 11, 2008

First, a couple of important bits of information. Until last week, I had never touched SISS, and therefore, I know very little about it. I just never had the need to use it...until now. I was able to convert my first 3 flat files to SQL2005 tables by right clicking on "SISS Package" and choosing "SISS Import and Export Wizard". That is the extent of my knowledge! So please, please, please be patient with me and be as descriptive as possible.

I thought I could attach some sample files to this post, but it doesn't look like I can. I'll just paste the information below in two separate code boxes. The first code box is the flat file specifications and the second one is a sample single line flat file similar to what I'm dealing with (the real flat file is over 2 gigs).

My questions are below the sample files.

Code Snippet
Record Length 400

Positions Length FieldName

Record Type 01
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "01")
3,12 L=10 Site Name
13,19 L=7 Account Number
20,29 L=10 Sub Account
30,35 L=6 Balance
36,37 L=1 Active
37,41 L=5 Filler
Record Type 02
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "02")
3,4 L=2 State
5,30 L=26 Address
31,41 L=11 Filler
Record Type 03
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "03")
3,6 L=4 Coder
7,20 L=14 Locator ID
21,22 L=2 Age
23,41 L=19 Filler
Record Type 04
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "04")
3,9 L=7 Process
10,19 L=10 Client
20,26 L=6 DOB
26,41 L=16 Filler
Record Type 05
1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "05")
3,16 L=14 Guarantor
17,22 L=6 Guar Account
23,23 L=1 Active Guar
**There can be multiple 05 records, one for each Guarantor on the account**

and the single line flat file...

Code Snippet
01Site1 12345 0000098765 Y 02NY1155 12th Street 03ELL 0522071678 29 04TestingSmith,Paul071678 05Smith, Jane 445978N 05Smith, Julie 445989N 05Smith, Jenny 445915N 01Site2 12346 0000098766 N 02MN615 Woodland Ct 04InfoJones,Chris 012001 01Site3 12347 0000098767 Y 02IN89 Jade Street 03OWB 6429051282 25 04Screen New,Katie 879500

As you can see, each entry could have any number of records and multiples of some of the record types, with one exception, every entry must have a "01" record and can only have one "01" record. Oh, and each record has a length of 400.

I need to get this information into a SQL 2005 database so I can create a front end for accessing the data. Originally, I wanted one line for each account and have null values listed for entries that don't have a specific record. Now that I've looked at the data again, that doesn't look like a good idea. I think a better way to do it would be to create 5 different tables, one for each record type. However, records 2 through 5 don't have anything I can make a primary key. So here are my questions...

Is it possible to make 5 tables from this one file, one table for each of the record types?

If so, can I copy the Account number in record 01, position 13-19 in each of the subsequent record types (that way I could link the tables as needed)?

Can this be done using the SISS Import and Export Wizard to create the package? If not, I'm going to need some very basic step by step instructions on how to create the package.

Is SISS the best way to do this conversion or is there another program that would be better to use?
I know this is a huge question and I appreciate the help of anyone who boldly decides to help me! Thank you in advance and I welcome anyone's suggestions!

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Flat File Connection Manager - Read Only First Row?

Nov 13, 2007

I want to read only the first row in flatfile. I do not see this option on "Flatfile connection manager editor" setting wizard.
Any work around for this?

Thanks in advance

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Unicode In Flat File Connection Manager

Jul 17, 2007


Does anybody know, how to load unicode text file using Flat File Source Task?

I set "unicode" option on the general tab of the Flat File Conn. Manager.

(my text file is comma delimited, the default row delimiter is {CR}{LF})

but on the Column tab I see only one row in one column (I have several rows and columns in the flat file).

How to see them all ?

I appreciate any help !


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Flat File Connection Manager Question

Apr 17, 2007


I am having problems setting up columns in a flat file connection manager.

The text file I am trying to parse is in this format:

col1 col2 col3 col4 [] col1 col2 col3 col4 [] col1 col2 col3 col4

where [] = {LF}

I've tried all of the different column delimiters, but apparently this file does not use any of the built-in delimiters, such as tab. I think there are just blank spaces between the columns.

I've requested that the file be comma-delimited instead, but in the event that this is not possible, how should I handle this situation?

Thank you

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