Analysis :: Building A Cube Based On Stored Procedure

Jul 29, 2015

I am new to SSAS. I have requirement to build a cube based on SQL Stored procedure. This Stored Procedure contains lot of temp tables, which are aggregated as measure columns.

Initially I have done creating views on each temp table, finally I created a view which calls like 15 views. when I try to execute the view, it is taking long time to execute the view.

I tried building cube on this view, when I try to deploy, even it is taking long time to deply..I have waited for 2 hours, still the deployement process going..

What I wonder is, is there any other way I can build cube based on SQL stored Procedure.

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MDX In Analysis Services: Create A Cube-Based Hierarchichal Picklist

Feb 7, 2008

Mr. Pearson,

I am currently reading your article titled, "MDX in Analysis Services: Create a Cube-Based Hierarchical Picklist". This article is directly applicable to a problem we are currently trying to solve regarding ragged hierarchies as input parameters.

I have not read the entire article through but am in the process of doing so. Also, I will be trying to implement your solution.

I have one question, will SSRS support multi selection when using a hierarchical picklist? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Analysis :: How Is Cube Physically Stored

Nov 23, 2015

I know where the data files are etc, but what is the physical structure of a cube like on disk?

Logically we see the data as a star. Is the physical file akin to a star also? Or is a single file a measure group containing all the required member and measure data - thereby eliminating the need for physical join operators.

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Update An Analysis Services Cube From Stored Proc?

Jul 1, 2004

I'd like to be able to update an Analysis Services cube through a stored proc.

Currently I can:
- Make a DTS package that updates the cube
- run xp_cmdshell which runs dtsrun which runs the DTS package.

That is messy, easily broken, and hard to get good error info when an error occurs. Is there a better route?

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Building A Dynamic Stored Procedure

Mar 30, 2005


I am in the very final stages of
building a dating app for a client, I am totally stuck with the
advanced search page. been googling for days with limited success

For the most basic of purposes I have added a few form fields to my search.aspx page;
county (Dropdown list)
min age (Dropdown list)
max age (dropdown list)
Smoker (check box)
keyword (textbox)

My codebehind passes the vars to a stored procedure
@county = me.county.selectedvalue
My problem is the stored procedure I sort of have the following but I can't get it to run
(@countyID int ,

@smoker tinyint),



SELECT  @SQL =   'dbo.user_accounts.profileComplete,
dbo.user_accounts.countyID, dbo.user_profiles.smoker,
FROM         dbo.user_accounts INNER
dbo.user_profiles ON dbo.user_accounts.userID =
WHERE     (dbo.user_accounts.profileComplete =

IF @countyID > 0
(dbo.user_accounts.countyID = @countyID)'

SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (dbo.user_profiles.Age <= @MaxAge)

SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (dbo.user_profiles.Age >= @MinAge)

IF @smoker > 0
(dbo.user_profiles.smoker = 1)'

IF @keyword IS NOT
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' AND (dbo.user_profiles.Description LIKE @MinAge)

If I can get this to work I can add the remaining fields that I need

Am I Missing something glaringly obvious?
Any help or advice gratefully received


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Building A Dynamic Sql Statement Into Stored Procedure

Apr 19, 2008

Hi i have a page whereby the user can make a search based on three things, they are a textbox(userName), dropdownlist(subcategoryID), and region (regionID). The user does not have to select all three, he or she can enter a name into the textbox alone and make the search or enter a name into the textbox and select a dropdownlist value, my question is how can i build this procedure, this is what another user suggested but i am having trouble;
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]

@userName varchar(100),
@subCategoryID INT,
@regionID INT
declare @StaticStr nvarchar(5000)set @StaticStr = 'SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userIDFROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategories ON Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOINSubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE UserName like @UserName'
if(@subCategoryID <> 0) set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.subCategoryID  = @subCategoryID 'if(@regionID <> 0) set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.RegionId  = @regionID '
exec sp_executesql @StaticStr

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Building A Dynamic Query Into A Stored Procedure

Apr 19, 2008

Hi i have a page whereby the user can make a search based on three things, they are a textbox(userName), dropdownlist(subcategoryID), and region (regionID). The user does not have to select all three, he or she can enter a name into the textbox alone and make the search or enter a name into the textbox and select a dropdownlist value, my question is how can i build this procedure, I tried this but it didnt work;


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]


@userName varchar(100),

@subCategoryID INT,

@regionID INT


declare @StaticStr nvarchar(5000)
set @StaticStr = 'SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,
Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userID
FROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategories ON Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOIN
SubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE UserName like @UserName'

if(@subCategoryID <> 0)
set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.subCategoryID = @subCategoryID '
if(@regionID <> 0)
set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.RegionId = @regionID '

exec sp_executesql @StaticStr


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Building Where Clause Dynamically In Stored Procedure

Feb 8, 2008

Hello All,

I have created SP in SQL 2K5 and make the where clause as parameter in the Sp. i am passing the where clause from my UI(ie ASP.NET), when i pass the where clause to SP i am not able to fetch the results as per the given criteria.

WhereClause from UI: whereClause="where DefectImpact='High'"

SQL Query in SP: SELECT @sql='select * from tablename'

Exec(@sql + @whereClause )

Here i am not able to get the results based on the search criteria. Instead i am getting all the results.

Please help me in this regard.

Subba Rao.

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Syntax Error When Building Up A Where Clause In Stored Procedure

Aug 9, 2006

Can anyone tell me why the line highlighted in blue produces the following error when I try to run this stored proc? I know the parameters are set properly as I can see them when debugging the SP.
I'm using this type of approach as my application is using the objectdatasource with paging. I have a similar SP that doesn't have the CategoryId and PersonTypeId parameters and that works fine so it is the addition of these new params that has messed up the building of the WHERE clause
The Error is: "Syntax error converting the varchar value '  WHERE CategoryId = ' to a column of data type int."
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetPersonsByCategoryAndTypeByName (@CategoryId int, @PersonTypeId int, @FirstName varchar(50)=NULL, @FamilyName varchar(50)=NULL, @StartRow int, @PageSize int)
Declare @WhereClause varchar(2000)Declare @OrderByClause varchar(255)Declare @SelectClause varchar(2000)
CREATE TABLE #tblPersons ( ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , PersonId int , TitleId int NULL , FirstName varchar (50)  NULL , FamilyName varchar (50)  NOT NULL , FullName varchar (120)  NOT NULL , AltFamilyName varchar (50)  NULL , Sex varchar (6)  NULL , DateOfBirth datetime NULL , Age int NULL , DateOfDeath datetime NULL , CauseOfDeathId int NULL , Height int NULL , Weight int NULL , ABO varchar (3)  NULL , RhD varchar (8)  NULL , Comments varchar (2000)  NULL , LocalIdNo varchar (20)  NULL , NHSNo varchar (10) NULL , CHINo varchar (10)  NULL , HospitalId int NULL , HospitalNo varchar (20)  NULL , AltHospitalId int NULL , AltHospitalNo varchar (20)  NULL , EthnicGroupId int NULL , CitizenshipId int NULL , NHSEntitlement bit NULL , HomePhoneNo varchar (12)  NULL , WorkPhoneNo varchar (12)  NULL , MobilePhoneNo varchar (12)  NULL , CreatedBy varchar(40) NULL , DateCreated smalldatetime NULL , UpdatedBy varchar(40) NULL , DateLastUpdated smalldatetime NULL, UpdateId int )
SELECT @OrderByClause = ' ORDER BY FamilyName, FirstName'
SELECT @WhereClause = '  WHERE CategoryId = ' +  @CategoryId + ' AND PersonTypeId = ' + @PersonTypeIdIf NOT @Firstname IS NULLBEGIN SELECT @WhereClause = @WhereClause + ' AND FirstName LIKE ISNULL(''%'+ @FirstName + '%'','''')'ENDIf NOT @FamilyName IS NULLBEGIN SELECT @WhereClause = @WhereClause + ' AND (FamilyName LIKE ISNULL(''%'+ @FamilyName + '%'','''') OR AltFamilyName LIKE ISNULL(''%'+ @FamilyName + '%'',''''))'END
Select @SelectClause = 'INSERT INTO #tblPersons( PersonId, TitleId, FirstName, FamilyName , FullName, AltFamilyName, Sex, DateOfBirth, Age, DateOfDeath, CauseOfDeathId, Height, Weight, ABO, RhD, Comments, LocalIdNo, NHSNo, CHINo, HospitalId, HospitalNo, AltHospitalId, AltHospitalNo, EthnicGroupId, CitizenshipId, NHSEntitlement, HomePhoneNo, WorkPhoneNo, MobilePhoneNo, CreatedBy, DateCreated, UpdatedBy, DateLastUpdated, UpdateId)
SELECT  PersonId, TitleId, FirstName, FamilyName , FullName, AltFamilyName, Sex, DateOfBirth, Age, DateOfDeath, CauseOfDeathId, Height, Weight, ABO, RhD, Comments, LocalIdNo, NHSNo, CHINo, HospitalId, HospitalNo, AltHospitalId, AltHospitalNo, EthnicGroupId, CitizenshipId, NHSEntitlement, HomePhoneNo, WorkPhoneNo, MobilePhoneNo, CreatedBy, DateCreated, UpdatedBy, DateLastUpdated, UpdateId
 FROM vw_GetPersonsByCategoryAndType '
EXEC (@SelectClause + @WhereClause +@OrderByClause)

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Analysis :: Creating Cube With AMO - Cube Has No Measure Groups?

May 19, 2015

I have problems creating a cube with AMO.

I can add the cube to the database object and fill it with dimensions and a measuregroup (see code below).

If I call cube.Update() it says something like "Error in meta data manager. Cube has no measuregroups." (getting the message in german language)

The error in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException.Results.Messages is -1055653629

I can't find any documentation about this (or any other) error code in Microsoft documentation.

Here's my Code:

Cube newCube = database.Cubes.Add("MyCube","MyCube");
newCube.Language = 1031;
newCube.Collation = "Latin1_General_CI_AS";
CubeDimension dim = newCube.Dimensions.Add("dim1","dim1","dim1");
CubeAttribute attrib = dim.Attributes.Find("dim1Attr1");


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Analysis :: Cube Needs To Be Deployed From VS After SSIS Analysis Services Processing Task Completes?

May 13, 2014

I have a cube that we are processing nightly via an Analysis Service Processing Task in SSIS.  In order to increase the performance of the processing time, we elected to use a lot of rigid dimension attributes, and do a full process of everything in the SSIS task.  The issue that I am having is that after that task completes, I need to go into Visual Studio to deploy the cube becuase we are unable to browse or use the cube.  This issue seemed to start once we changed the SSIS Analysis Service Processing Task to do a full process on the dimensions, rather than an incremental.

I would expect that once development is done, and it is processed and deployed, that is it.  My thinking is that the SSIS task should just update the already deployed cube,

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Analysis :: Building A Calculated Member Using Except Function

Aug 23, 2015

I’m trying to build a calculated member (see below script) using “Except” function but I get an error result:

#Error The  function expects a string or numeric expression for the  argument. A tuple set expression was used.

My idea is to take a measure and exclude 2 members from the dimension.

I tried using “Aggregate” but got the error:

#Error Query (3, 1) Aggregate functions cannot be used on calculated members in the Measures dimension.

Please note that my measure is ACD that is already calculated average in olap and I can’t use AVG function instead of Aggregate. What can I do? 


member [Measures].[AppOrig All Roaming]
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].[All].children,{
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].&[Colombia]

[Code] ....

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Query Building Based On User Selections

Sep 22, 2006

I currently have a form that has different options in a list box such as:Status Codes

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Building Dynamic Query Based On Dropdownlist Contents

Feb 18, 2008

Thanks in advance for taking the tiemt o read this post:
I am workingon an application in 2008 and I have 5 drop down lists on my page.
I have code that worked in .net 2005 for my databind but would like to use new features in 08 to do this same thing.
Here is my 05 code how would I do this same things in 08?
 Dim db As New DataIDataContext
Dim GlobalSQLstr As String
GlobalSQLstr = "select Orig_City, ecckt, typeflag, StrippedEcckt, CleanEcckt, ManualEcckt, Switch, Vendor, FP_ID, order_class, Line_type, id from goode2 where 1=1"
If (ddlOrigCity.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and Orig_City = '" & ddlOrigCity.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlSwitch.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and switch = '" & ddlSwitch.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlType.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and Order_Class = '" & ddlType.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlFormatType.SelectedValue <> "9") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and typeflag = '" & ddlFormatType.SelectedValue & "'"
End If
If (ddlVendor.SelectedValue <> "") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and Vendor = '" & ddlVendor.SelectedValue & "'"
End IfDim AllSearch = From A In db.GoodEcckts2s
If (ddlErrorType.SelectedValue <> "0") Then
GlobalSQLstr &= "and ErrorType = '" & ddlErrorType.SelectedValue & "'"
End IfDim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim rdr As SqlClient.SqlDataReaderWith cmd.Connection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString1").ConnectionString)
.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
.CommandText = GlobalSQLstr
rdr = .ExecuteReaderMe.gvResults.DataSource = rdrMe.gvResults.DataBind()
.Dispose()End With

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Analysis :: Possible To Use Stored Procedure To Control SSAS Partitions?

Aug 19, 2015

I have defined a stored procedure with one parameter. With this parameter I'm able to controll which year of the sales amount data should be selected. This works fine.

Now I want to implement this stored procedure as the source of the partitions. But if I do this I get an error. The syntax-check says, that everything is fine. But if I want to calculate the partition with this command: "exec dst.fact_umsatz_year 0" get the following error (in German):

OLE DB-Fehler: OLE DB- oder ODBC-Fehler : Falsche Syntax in der Nähe von ')'.; 42000; Falsche Syntax in der Nähe des exec-Schlüsselworts.; 42000.
Fehler im OLAP-Speichermodul: Fehler beim Verarbeiten der FACT Umsatz Pivot View-Partition der Anzahl Kunden-Measuregruppe für den Vertrieb-Cube aus der OLAP AS-Datenbank.

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Analysis :: How To Use Stored Procedure In SSAS To Combine Result From More Than Two Cubes

Jul 15, 2015

I have two cube and i would like to get data from both cube and combine the results from both cubes to get final result to display result in SSRS reports like we can do in Stored procedure using temporary tables/Joins.Is there any way in SSAS to combine the data from multiple cubes? Data needs to be retrieved from the cubes based on the user inputs.

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Analysis :: Stored Procedure Ratio To Parent Truncating Data

Jun 11, 2015

I'm trying to use the Ratio to Parent sproc - [URL] .... The problem is that the stored proc appears to be pegged at 4 decimal places (which translates to ##.##%). This is losing precision and isn't adding up to 100% when the ratios are summed individually.

Can this be fixed within SSAS or will i need to modify the assp code? .NET decimals are meant to automagically scale, so not sure why it's coming out as (5,4) but my .net coding knowledge is fairly poor.I get the correct behaviour if hardcode a ratio to parent MDX calc (the resulting ratio has as many decimal points as are required)

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Opinion On Cube Analysis

Feb 7, 2008


I was talking to my boss to day and our report request are not very consistant. We always having someone coming back to change something in our report. We were thinking of useing something called the Cube Analysis. Then it give our employees the raw data for them to run any standard query for themself. We have folks that want a report one way, but then they changed their minds and we are creating yet another report 4 or 5 times. what are your thoughts about this type of database?

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Report Based On Stored Procedure - ODBC

Jun 25, 2001

Can anyone tell me if this can be done?

I'm using CR8 against SQL Server 7 and am trying to use a stored procedure as my data source.

Basically my boss would like to move all the code that is now client-side(formula fields, parameters, suppressions, etc.) to the server-side.

I connect by Database>ODBC and then choose my sp here.
I get the error: "There are no fields in the file"
All my sp is doing is accepting two parameters: a report type and a user name, and then generating a report based on this data.
I can post the exact sp but it is a pretty long IF THEN ELSE block.

I checked the Seagate site and it said to convert the database driver to the native driver;
I guess this would mean to connect by: Database>More Data Sources>Microsoft SQL Server
But we need to connect by ODBC since we don't want the popup for the Login to Database, Server, etc., to be entered by the client.

Can someone tell me if there is a way around this to connect by ODBC using stored procedures.

Thanks in Advance.

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How To Access Analysis Service 2005 Cubes Through Normal Stored Procedure

Apr 2, 2007


Can anybody tell me How to access Analysis Service 2005 cubes through normal Stored Procedure.

Basically can write a stored procedure that we normally write in database service and use it access the Analysis Service 2005 cubes.

Is it possible



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Analysis Services: Deploy A Cube

Jun 21, 2007

I'm making my first attempt at creating a cube using Analysis Services based on my exisiting datamart. Datasource, views, and dimensions have been defined. But comes deploying the cube, it's giving the error saying "A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running." The Deploy Target server and database are the same where my datamart is. Or, maybe I don't know what I'm doing.

Would appreciate any suggestion for my enlightenment. Thanks

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Analysis Services Hiearchy Cube

Jun 30, 2007

I setup Hiarchy in the dimentions of my cube, however when I go and look at it via proclarity, I can't see the hiearchy there.

I have one table that has:


And I have the hiearchy set from Subcategory to partnumber.

Then I go into proclarity and limit the category by "my catname" and I still see the 8000 partnumbers in the list.

Any ideas?

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Q: Analysis Services Cube Design

Jul 20, 2005

I have a (hopefully typical) problem when it comes to cube design. Westore millions of product records every year, broken down bymonth/quarter. Each product can be assigned to various heirarchialclassification groups etc. The data in an OLTP DB occupies roughly100G for a typical year.We're looking at breaking this out into OLAP to provide faster accessto the data in various configurations and groupings. This is not aproblem, as this is the intended use for Analysis Services.The problem is that we apply projection factors on the product pricesand quantities. This would be ok if it only happened once, however,this happens every quarter (don't ask why). The projection factorschange 4 times a year, and they affect all historical product records.This presents a challenge because to aggregate the data into a usefulconfiguration in the cubes, you throw out the detail data, but thismeans throwing out the price and quantities which are needed to applythe projection.So if you have Product A at $10 and Product B at $20, and roll both upinto Category X, you'll have $30, but you'll lose the ability to applya projection factor of .5 to Product A and .78 to Product B. They'rerolled up.I don't want to regenerate the cubes every 3 months. That's absurd.But we can't live without the ability of projection theprices/quantities on a product level (detail level). So how can thisbe achieved when the other cubes are created at a higher level withless details and sums of the detail data?My initial guess is that we have to update the product data, and thenreaggregate all the other data that is built upon that product data.Is there any other way to apply math to the data on the way out?Thanks in advance!Regards,Zach

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Analysis :: Create Cube With 2 Table

May 6, 2015

i want to create cube withe 2 fact tables. is it possible?? if it is could you show me how !!

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Analysis :: Using Calculations In SSAS Cube?

May 21, 2015

how can use this mdx script in the calculation part of a cube, will i simply dump it in the script form by starting with the 'create member current cube.

[measures].[abc] on 0,
[xyz].[xyz].(&0):[xyz].[xyz].(&60) on 1
(tail([month].[month].[month].members,6))on 0

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Analysis :: Measure Value Needs To Be Manipulated In Cube

May 18, 2015

The data attached below is from a Fact table. When this data is browsed in the Cube the end user is only interested in value of Measure 1 when it is not equal to zero. Measure 1 is a base measure .how to suppress the value 0 for Measure 1 in the Cube.

Measure 1
Measure 2
Measure 3


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Analysis :: Implement Security In Cube

Oct 14, 2015

I am planning to implement the security in my cube..

Total sales is 1000..

Customer Sales
A 100
B 200
C 300
D 400

Total Sales 1000

When i want to give access to the customer A, he can capabule of viewing only A value 100... But the problem is A is able to see total sales 1000.. How can i restrict the sales a value to 100 in the cube.. Where i have to set the property to fix this issue.....

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Analysis :: Only One Fact Table Per Cube?

Nov 22, 2015

Is it correct to say that for each cube you can have only one Fact Table? I am having a funny dispute just now. 

According my experience I never built cubes with more than one fact table, if I want take data from more than one table I write a view and I use it as Fact table...but a cube with two or three fact tables? Never tried..

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Analysis :: Distinct Count On Cube

Jun 12, 2006

i am currently trying to build a distinct count on my cube (mssql2005 analysis services).But after i added the discount count on the field i want to and start the processing, the following errors appear.Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The sort order specified for distinct count records is incorrect.

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Analysis :: Cube XML Is Different Than Design View

Aug 4, 2015

I have a cube. Its xml is different at some point than its design view. Suppose for some dimension and its attributes, source table is different than what it showing in the properties window for them..

Is this possible? How to read cube xml because there are repeating tags in it. There are two type if dimension tags.. one has only attributed and other has all properties.

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Analysis :: More Than One Cube In One SSAS Database

Dec 13, 2010

Is it possible to have more than one cube under one SSAS database? For example I have a database "Test" and in this the cube exist is "TestCube", is iit possible to deploy another cube "TestCube2" under the Test databse?

If yes then what is the process to do that, the reason I am asing is there are some common dimensions used n both the cubes and I am not sure what is the best way so that I can use the shared dimension?

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Analysis :: Cube Attributes Translations

Nov 3, 2015

How can we select translated text of cube translations, like measures, dimensions, dimension attributes. I have below query which return translations of dimension attribute's memebers

MEMBER Measures.CategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION
MEMBER Measures.SpanishCategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.Properties("LCID3082")
MEMBER Measures.FrenchCategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.Properties("LCID1036")
{ Measures.CategoryCaption, Measures.SpanishCategoryCaption, Measures.FrenchCategoryCaption } ON 0
,[Product].[Category].MEMBERS ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]

I am getting translations of product category members but I want to get translated text of "Category"?

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Write A Stored Procedure Based On Recursive Data.

Feb 25, 2008

Hello, I am hoping someone can help me in this. I am looking to write a stored procedure that will return the heirarchy of an organization. I will display how the heirarchy might look and then list the tables involved.

John Smith

- Jacob Jones
- Lisa Thompson
- Samuel Barber

- Paul Smith
- John Jackson

Ok, so Jacob, Lisa, an Samuel report up to John Smith. Paul and John Jackson report up to Samuel Barber.

Here are the tables:

Users holds the user_id, first_name, last_name, and reports_to_user_id.
User_Roles holds the user_id, role_type_id
Role_Types holds the role_type_id, and the type (which could be Administrator, Standard, Guest) for example. In addition, Role_Types also has ranking which must be taken into consideration as well. 1 being the top rank and 9 being the lowest.

Thanks very much in advance,

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