Analysis :: Calculated Attribute In SSAS?

Sep 17, 2015

I've been working with SSAS for a good few years now but I keep bumping into this problem - my users are trying to build a measure that is based on a calculated attribute and finding it difficult to work out how to write the MDX to do so. Intuitively, they thought a Calculated Member would work, but I don't think a Calculated Member is quite the same thing from my understanding.

So, here's the scenario.

We have a Product Dimension. We have a Measure that is the Number of days the Product took to make, e.g. 5 days. We also have a Product Count measure that counts the number of Products.

The user would like to write a calculated measure that works out the number of products that took <5 days, 5-10 days, 10-15 days etc.It would be easy to write a set of calculated measures for each of these bandings, but the user wants effectively a single dynamic attribute to use in the calculation in order to automatically distribute these values across the columns in their pivot table.

Is this even possible? I was thinking I could build an attribute on the Product Dimension in the ETL to do this quite easily, but the user wants to be able to change the bandings on the fly by changing the MDX for the attribute, rather than go back to the developer every time.

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Analysis :: SSAS Displaying Latest Dimension Attribute

Jun 30, 2015

I have a cube with a fact table and 3 dimensions.  One of the dimensions is a type 2 and surrogate key is stored in fact table.  If i query the database, the dimension attributes display correctly, however the cube is always displaying the latest dimension attribute and not preserving the history.  

The measures are correct for the time period displayed, but the dimension attributes always show the latest values.

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Analysis :: SSAS Named Set With A Two Dimension Attribute Tuple

Jul 15, 2015

In my SSAS Cube I have created a dynamic named set "top 10 e-learnings by language" which consists out of a set of tuples. Each tuple has two attributes out of the same base dimension "training": attribute 1 is "sprache" (language) and attribute 2 is "training text".

CREATE DYNAMIC SET CURRENTCUBE.[Top 10 eTrainings pro Sprache]
AS Generate(
{ [Training].[Sprache].[Sprache].Members },
EXISTING { [Training].[Sprache].CurrentMember * [Training].[Training Text].[Training Text].Members },
[Measures].[Teilnahmen eTraining]
), DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'Training' ;

Normally a named set would be automatically visible in Excel Pivot under the dimension you used to create the named set, but it seems that named sets with tuples which have more than one attribute are placed in a separate folder "Sets" in between the measures and dimensions.Additionally in the SSAS cube browser this named set is not visible at all.Is there any way to tell the named set in which dimension it should appear or any workaround?

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Analysis :: SSAS Calculated Member - MDX

Jul 1, 2015

I have a Calculated Member in SSAS that I need to adjust based what the current member is. 

The code is below

CASE WHEN [Measures].[End LIS] = 0 AND "HELP" THEN
CASE WHEN [Measures].[Beginning LIS] = 0 OR [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS] = 0 THEN NULL ELSE
 ROUND([Measures].[Disconnects]/(([Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS])/2) * 100 ,2) END
ELSE ROUND(([Measures].[Disconnects] / [AVERAGELIS] * 100) ,2)

In English - i need this to translate to - of End LIS is 0 "AND the current member is the current month and current year" THEN carry on 

Else ROUND(([Measures].[Disconnects] / [AVERAGELIS] * 100) ,2).

I came up with 

CASE WHEN [Measures].[End LIS] = 0 
AND [Dim Date].[FSCL_YM].[Month Nm].currentmember.membervalue = Format(now(), "yyyy")+"]&["+Format(now(), "M")
CASE WHEN [Measures].[Beginning LIS] = 0 OR [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS] = 0 THEN NULL ELSE
 ROUND([Measures].[Disconnects]/(([Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS])/2) * 100 ,2) END
ELSE ROUND(([Measures].[Disconnects] / [AVERAGELIS] * 100) ,2)

But to no avail. 

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Analysis :: SSAS - Display Measure Value Based On Other Attribute Member?

Sep 2, 2015

getting Correct Measure based on Member Present in Other Attribute .

I am working on SSAS 2012 and have cube build and ready ..

I have Two Measure in Cube 

[MEASURES].[Actual] and [MEASURES].[Target] and I need to create One more Calculate Measure 

I have dimension DimProduct 

I want to Display [MEASURES].[Actual] if Color "Purple" is present for PRODUCT1 Else Display [MEASURES].[Target].

MDX to create Calculate Measure for this logic?

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Analysis :: Calculated Measure Under Folder In SSAS

Sep 2, 2015

How to put these calculated measures under the folder "sales line". i want to see it under the drop down...

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Analysis :: Setup Multiple Default Members For A Dimension Attribute In SSAS?

Jun 2, 2015

I have a dimension report with an attribute reporttype which have different member let say A,B,C,D....etc.

I want to set more than one default members for dimension report.

I've read all about how dimensions can have only one default member, but I need to set more than 1.

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Analysis :: SSAS Calculated Members For Each Week Of Month

Jul 6, 2015

I have a date dimension with structure/hierarchy (year - month - wkofmonth - day) & measure count

This works fine when I insert wkofmonth in columns & count in values but when I add another measure it duplicates per week

Product CountWk1(jan) CountWk2(jan) CountWk3(jan) CountWk4(jan) SalesVolume
1            1                        2                  0                         0               1000

Is there something I can do on the structure & do 4 calculated members pending how many weeks in a month, is there a simpler way where the next measure does not calculate by columns field.

If calculated member for each week, how do I do this, any example code?

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Analysis :: Data Masking For Dimension Attribute Based On User In SSAS 2014 Multidimensional?

Jun 15, 2015

I am trying to implement data masking based on user login and not sure why this is not working. I have the dimensions DimBrand, DimProduct and DimUser. I should mask the BrandCode with 'XXXX' nothing but in the report all the BrandCode should appear but few of the code will be masked if the user is not belongs to that group. I have a fact table FactProduct in this. In the cube I created all these 3 dimensions and the fact table. I created a new dimension DimBrandMask and I separated the code over there with a relationship with the actual DimBrand dimension. In the cube a reference relationship is set up with the measure group. Created a role with read access.

In the dimension data tab of role I put the below MDX to allowed set.

NonEmpty([DimBrandMask].[Brand Code].Members, (StrToMember("[DimUser].[Login Name].[Login Name].[" + UserName() + "]") ,[Measures].[Dim User Count]))

And in Denied Member set i put the below MDX

IIF( (StrToMember("[DimUser].[Login Name].[Login Name].[" + UserName() + "]"), [DimUser].[Access Right].&[False]), NONEMPTY( [DimBrandMask].[Brand Code].Members,(StrToMember("[DimUser].[Login Name].[Login Name].["
+ UserName() + "]"), [DimUser].[Access Right].&[False], [Measures].[Dim User Count])),{})

Note I created one measure group from the DimUser table and the measure [Dim User Count] is used in the above query.

I am expecting some result like below

Brand      BrandCode           Count
Brand1      b1                       6
Brand2     XXXXX                  5
Brand3     XXXXX                 10

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Calculated Member Based On Dimension Attribute ??

May 21, 2008

hi all,
I was wondering if it is possible in SSAS 2005 that a calculated member is based off of an (integer) dimension attribute and another (integer) measure (let's say a multiplication operation) ?

If there a trick on doing so? other than stuffing the (integer) dimension attribute back in the fact table, as an measure?

thx much,

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How To Add A Calculated Column In Report Builder Using A Model Based On A SSAS Cube

Mar 21, 2007

I am trying to add a calculated field / column in Report Builder when working with a Report Model built from anAnalysis Services Cube. I can create the calculated Field/Columns, but I get an error whenever I try to use it in a report.

Is there a way to create a report builder calculated column on report models built from a SSAS cube? Is this supported?


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Analysis :: How To Get Dimension Key Attribute In MDX

Apr 30, 2015

Many dimensions don't have unique members.  Instead, the dimension source data has duplicates at the leaf level: it's left up to SSAS to aggregate up to the actual leaf level used in hierarchies.

Every cube I've worked on in the past, a dimension is clearly defined in the source data, with uniqueness already present there: we don't make a dimension out of duplicated, sort of facty data.  This kind of design seems as weird to me as an unnormalised SQL database.

Here's an example to illustrate what I mean; I'll use that Adventureworks database.

We have a Geography dimension with a Geography hierarchy.  Levels go like this from top to bottom:


The Geography dimension has a key attribute called Geography Key.  It's there in the cube design as a dimension attribute, but it's not in any of the hierarchies, so I can't query it in MDX.  But that's fine: it has the same cardinality as the lowest level (Postal Code), because the dimension has some kind of normal design.

In the cube I'm dealing with, it's all messed up.  Using the AdventureWorks example above as a parallel, someone made a Geography dimension with source data keyed on [PostalCode, ExactAddress], but only wanted the dimension granularity to be PostalCode.

This makes it very hard to debug why the data in this dimension is incorrect.  I can't match up the dimension members in the cube to the source data, because the dimension doesn't actually go down to the real leaf level!

So I have a dimension attribute called ExactAddressKey, but I can't query on it in MDX, because it's not part of any dimension hierarchy.  Unfortunately changing any part of this cube design is not possible, so I can't even experiment with settings and see what happens.

How I could get to the leaf level of the data imported?  Something like


Or does this kind of dimension design result in SSAS discarding all the data that's more granular than the most granular attribute defined in any hierarchy - so that the data actually isn't there to be queried?

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Analysis :: Move Attribute From One Dim To Another

Aug 28, 2015

How to move attribute from one dimension to another in a cube?

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Analysis :: MDX - Find The Parent Attribute

Aug 13, 2015

I have date hierarchy with year - qtr- month - date. from the below query, if i have a date or month or year on rows, i want to derive the top member in the hierarchy that is year. I f i have date on rows,

[Date].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Date].&[20150106],I should get [Date].[Calendar Hierarchy].[year].&[2015].

How to find the parent?

with member [dt7] as Drillupmember([Date].[Calendar Hierarchy].currentmember,
                            [Date].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Calendar Year]) 
select {[dt7]} on 0,
([Date].[Calendar Hierarchy].[Month].&[201501]) on 1 
from Cube

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Analysis :: Using Attribute As Second Parameter For FILTER?

Aug 13, 2015

For example, I have a Date dimension with attributes like Current Day and Current Month. If I run the following, I get exactly what I expect: a list of the days in the current month.

NULL on 0,
[Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Year - Quarter - Month].[Date] on 1
from [Customer Support]
[Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Current Month].&[True]

When I run the following, I'm getting a list of the days in the current month *plus the first couple days of the next month*. with

set [Days of Interest]
filter([Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Year - Quarter - Month].[Date], [Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Current Month].&[True])
NULL on 0,
[Days of Interest] on 1
from [Customer Support]

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Analysis :: DAX - Use Of Alternate Attribute Hierarchy

Jul 31, 2015

I have a Tabular model with a situation where I want to have three alternate attributehierachies in one dimension.

Dimension FruitAndVegetables (with 4 columns: Id, Name, Fruit and Vegetable)
Id Name     Fruit      Vegetable
1 Apple      Apple   
2 Onion                   Onion
3 Banana   Banana
4 etc

Now I would like to put Vegetable on rows in a report without getting a blank row (with the sales of all Fruits)..I would like to supress all those Fruit records without adding  a separate filter to the report, just let the user pick this Attribute should do the move.

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Analysis :: Change Dimension Name Attribute?

Sep 8, 2015

I have 2 dimensions that pull their Facility Name from the same Location Dimension.  The business users want to change Facility Name in the Material Facilities dimension to “Material Facility Name”, but keep Facilities dimension attribute the same. What is a good way to go about completing this task.  

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Analysis :: Duplicate Attribute Key Has Been Found When Processing

Jul 8, 2014

1) Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing:

Table: 'dbo_Dim_x0020_Document_x0020_Type',Column: 'Item_x0020_No_', Value: '1100'. The attribute is 'Item No'.

How can I resolve this on package level.

2) I am also not able to see all the fields of a fact table when creating cube, where I can se all fields in dataview.

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Analysis :: Using Named Set To Filter On Dimension Attribute

Jun 4, 2015

I am unable to find solution for the problem while writing a Named Set in my cube.

I have a calculated measures which gives me difference in Sales in PERCENTAGE (%).

When I try to filter out those product codes which went a less than 5 %, I get no records.

I have also tried to filter direct values lets say - Products with sales > 100000 which is working fine.

Following is sample of my Named Set

FILTER([X].[Products Code].members, [Measures].[Diff in Sales]<5)

I believe as the values are in percentage, I am facing this issue.

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Analysis :: Best Way To Add Additional Parent Child Attribute Values

Apr 16, 2015

I have a parent Child attribute in my dimension.  I am currently displaying the correct ID value as the business wants.  So now they can see the rollup of the ID(intOrgNodeID ) values.They would also like to see the same rollup of the Name (vcharOrgNodeName)  for this ID.However they do not want it concatenated.  They want to be able to see them separate.You cannot create two parent child attibutes in one dimension so not sure if there is some simple trick to make this work? It seems like there should be some simple trick for this. 

My dimension table looks something like this
intdimOrgNodeID int Key (surreget key)
intOrgNodeID int (Actual ID)
In the Propertys I have set this below.
KeyColumns  = tbldimOrgNode.intDimParentOrgNodeID
NameColumn = tbldimOrgNode.intOrgNodeID

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Analysis :: Attribute Relationships Impacts On Members Full Unique Name

Aug 17, 2015

Our SSAS integration didn't initially use attribute relationships.Now that our system has been running for a few years and we have bigger databases, we think we need to add them to improve performance. So we're in the process of adding them but we found out that, when attribute relationships are added, the full unique name of our members all go from something like:

to something like:

It looks nice and SSAS will accept the longer names fine but it will return the short ones in response to 'discovery' requests and in the XMLA response of MDX queries. This is causing problems in our low level XMLA-based modules that assume the long names in and out. is there any clean way to use attribute relationships and still have SSAS generate the long member names. We fiddled with the various documented dim/attribute properties but to no avail. It also appears that some switches are obsolete.

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Analysis :: Dynamic Calculated Measure In MDX

May 8, 2015

 I have a dimension called as DIM1 which has list of all measures and has an attribute called as ATTRMDX Formula. The formula will be like

([DIM1].[ATTR Measure Code].&[M1],[Measures].[ATTR MEASURE VALUE])+([DIM1].[ATTR Measure Code].&[M2],[Measures].[ATTR MEASURE VALUE]).

I want to pass this formula to a calculated measure as given below -

MEMBER [Measures].[FormMeasure] as ([Measure].[ATTRMDX Formula].currentmember.MEMBERVALUE)

but I get the string value itself as output, but when I put the formula as a string in the calculated measure I obtain the value.

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Analysis :: MDX - Count A Set As Calculated Measure

Sep 9, 2015

I am trying to count a set as a calculated measure, when this set is called directly in the row , it returns fast, but when i try to count the set as calculated measure(so i can slice with another dimension) the query keeps running forever.

The queries are below

{} on 0,
{([Transaction].[RPC Count].&[1],[Transaction].[Account ID].[Account ID])}
{([Account].[PAYMENTSTATUS].&[0],[Account].[Account ID].[Account ID])}
)  on 1

[Code] .....

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Analysis :: Errors In OLAP Storage Engine - The Attribute Key Cannot Be Found When Processing

Jun 12, 2015

I 've read that there is a workaround for this issue by customizing errors at processing time but I am not glad to have to ignore errors, also the cube process is scheduled so ignore errors is not a choice at least a good one.

This is part of my cube where the error is thrown.

PK (int)MyMonth (int, Example = 201501, 201502, 201503, etc.) Another Columns
PK (int)Month (int, Example = 201501, 201502, 201503, etc.)

I set the relation between DimTime and FactBudget doing DimTime MyMonth as Primary Key and FactBudget Month as Foreign Key.
The cube built without problem, when processing the errror: The attribute key cannot be found when processingwas thrown.

It was thrown due to FactBudget has some Month values (201510, 201511, 201512 in example) which DimTime don't, so the integrity is broken.

My actual question: is there a way or pattern to redesign this DWH to correctly deploy and process?

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Analysis :: Building A Calculated Member Using Except Function

Aug 23, 2015

I’m trying to build a calculated member (see below script) using “Except” function but I get an error result:

#Error The  function expects a string or numeric expression for the  argument. A tuple set expression was used.

My idea is to take a measure and exclude 2 members from the dimension.

I tried using “Aggregate” but got the error:

#Error Query (3, 1) Aggregate functions cannot be used on calculated members in the Measures dimension.

Please note that my measure is ACD that is already calculated average in olap and I can’t use AVG function instead of Aggregate. What can I do? 


member [Measures].[AppOrig All Roaming]
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].[All].children,{
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].&[Colombia]

[Code] ....

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Calculated Member Analysis Services 2005

May 16, 2008


I need to calculate the average of an existing measure of my cube.
The measure is PA_Salaire from a column of my fact table.
I would like to calculate an average i could use with all the dimensions of my cube but i think i can only create one linked to a single dimension. Is that true ?

I dont really understand the way i should write my request. Here is what i did:
(Manager is one of my dimensions, it has a parent child relation... is that a problem? does it change the way i should do?)

Avg(Descendants([Manager].CurrentMember, [Manager].[Name]), [Measures].[PA Salaire]

But that doesnt work at all i get the following result: " #VALUE! " for every manager
Thx for your help

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Analysis :: Using Calculations In SSAS Cube?

May 21, 2015

how can use this mdx script in the calculation part of a cube, will i simply dump it in the script form by starting with the 'create member current cube.

[measures].[abc] on 0,
[xyz].[xyz].(&0):[xyz].[xyz].(&60) on 1
(tail([month].[month].[month].members,6))on 0

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Analysis :: Excel Not Connecting To SSAS

Sep 21, 2015

I have created SSAS package successfully.

When I try to connect from excel , to SSAS Getting error message like

A Connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

If I connect to SSIS , I'm able to connect correctly.

Why I'm getting this error and how to overcome this?

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Analysis :: Ssas And Ssrs On Same Server?

Sep 2, 2015

I've see twice this year two different companies either already or planning on having ssas and ssrs running on the same server. 

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Analysis :: Threshold File For SSAS - PAL

Aug 7, 2015

I am doing workload analysis on SSAS - Tabular (2012), I have perfmon logs captured and want to run through PAL. I am looking out for threshold file for SSAS tabular 2012/2014. 

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Analysis :: Any Way To See Content Of SSAS Cache?

May 7, 2015

I have cubes which are large and query response time exceeds 1 minute. 

So, I like advice of pre-warming cache. Any way to see if cache is already/still available for the cube?

non related - if there is some setting timeout for SSAS cache?

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Analysis :: Combine Two SSAS Databases

Jul 6, 2015

I have two ssas databases with same number of cube in them. Cube names are also same. I want to merge/combine these two as one so that my reporting application may see a single database having measures/dimensions from both databases.Is it possible?I am doing this to achieve loose coupling between base and regional development work. if above is not possible, any way to achieve minimum dependency between a base and a regional project.

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Analysis :: Multiple IIF Statements In SSAS?

Jun 2, 2015

I am using multiple IIF statements in ssas, it does not produce any output, does not shows any error, simply it processing..

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