Analysis :: Cube Measure Does Not Show Any Data When Drag And Drop In Browser
Aug 26, 2015
I created SSAS cube in VS 2008 and have been able to deploy it successfully to the server. While creating the cube I was able to browse dimensions and all underlying tables just to make sure it has data. After deploying successfully when I drag and drop any measure group to browser it does not display anything.
The only thing I did different from straightforward cube building process was that when I created those measure groups the partitions that were created by default were giving me some unknown errors so I had to delete them in order for cube to process successfully.
Did that made any difference because I thought partitions are for improving query performance and has nothing to do with cube processing errors.
We have hidden few measure groups in cube for time being, where Users can browse the cube with Excel pivot. But, All these measures can be seen from Excel pivot in 'Show fields related to' drop down.
Need to remove the hidden measure groups from showing in Excel pivot and to remove 'All' option in 'Show Fields related to', So that users may not get confused by seeing all the measures. Can we achieve this.
The data attached below is from a Fact table. When this data is browsed in the Cube the end user is only interested in value of Measure 1 when it is not equal to zero. Measure 1 is a base measure .how to suppress the value 0 for Measure 1 in the Cube.
CREATE VIEW... Select 'Due_0-1_Month' as Ageing_Threshold union all Select 'Due_1-2_Month' union all Select 'Due_2-3_Month'
[Code] ....
I was successful in processing the cube, however the problem is everytime I drag the dimension on the columns field in Pivot tables the Thresholds start to break up the other amounts that I have on display like Acquisition Costs, Tax amounts. I am only interested in showing the breakdown of Premium amount measure by the Threshold dimension.
somehow 'Hide' or 'prevent' the Threshold dimension from breaking down the other measures on the Pivot and only breakdown the amounts for Premium?
how I should structure my tables in SQL or any MDX queries to resolve this.
I've created a cube and it processed fine. The calculate command is there. The measure that I'm attempting to run in the SSAS/Visual Studios browser is simply a count rows measure. When I drag the measure to the window, it says no rows available. If I click on the filter that allows nulls, the only change it makes is that it goes from no rows available to "NULL".
This is the select statement I'm currently using but I can't seem to get the browser to show any data. It just shows the table structure.
I use the g and the p as aliases. Easier maintenance this way.
strSQL = "SELECT g.GuestID, g.ProgramID, p.ProgramID AS Expr1, g.GuestName, g.GuestDescription, p.URL, p.Description FROM dbo.T_ProgramGuests g INNER JOIN dbo.T_ProgramLinks p ON g.GuestID = p.LinkID WHERE p.ProgramID = " & Request("ProgramID")
I have an ASP page where the above sql code is embedded. I have two SQL tables. One is called T_ProgramGuests and the other is called T_ProgramLinks. The asp page basically does a read only of the two tables and is suppose to return the results inside of the html tables I have in the asp page. But all I see when I test is the html and the tables are devoid of data.
HERE IS THE PAGE CODE: <% on error resume next set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") con.Open "File Name=E:webserviceCompanyCompany.UDL" set recProgram = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT g.GuestID, g.ProgramID, p.ProgramID AS Expr1, g.GuestName, g.GuestDescription, p.URL, p.Description FROM dbo.T_ProgramGuests g INNER JOIN dbo.T_ProgramLinks p ON g.GuestID = p.LinkID WHERE p.ProgramID = " & Request("ProgramID")
In SSRS do I able to drag and drop the columns in the report (Internet Explorer) so that after drag and drop the report refreshes with the changes as we made?
Is there any way that I can drag and drop rows in SQL Server Studio Management Express? Every time I open a table, I want to move a row by just dragging and dropping but it can't be done.
In my cube there are two measures which are used in different calculations.Now I'm need to show in report if there any months in data when both or even another one of the measures is not updated (value = 0 or NULL).
how should I create the calculated measure for that?
I have tried in mgmt studio to plan this but I'm in a loop of errors.
I have configured master data services in my DB server and when i am going to explorer the entities and respected data by using navigating as below
[URL] -->Click to Explorer I am able to select data for only one default entity, in entities drop down is getting hidden back side , please find below snap to clearance.
Note: I am using Internet explorer (11.0.9600.17239) to browse the solution.
When I drag a GridView from the toolbox onto a Webform, and then configure its DataSource is a true DataSet created that I can access in the code behind? When my results return I want to be able to access individual rows and cells, taking their values, assiging them to variables and then using the newly equated variable to perform calculations. Thank you,
Really not sure what is going on. I drag and drop the SQLDataSource to my website. At that point I can see the properties of it, but there is no graphical box on my website. Therefore I can no longer make any changes to the controller once I drag it on the website. I did create a brand new website with nothing on it, drag and dropped and still nothing appears. Any assistance would be great.
I've submitted a bug report for this, but I also want to be sure it's not my own installation.
In the solution explorer, when I drag a package (usually accidentally) to another spot in the list, it disappears from the list. If I try to re-add the package, it thinks the original already exists, and names the second one with a "(1)" suffix. I can work around this by moving the original package out of the primary package folder and then re-adding it through solution explorer, but that's a touch cumbersome.
I don't really have a question here other than perhaps validation of the issue. Thanks.
Here's the bug report if others experience the same issue:
I am using the following approach to enable dynamic date calculations: [URL] ...
However, some measures I work with are percentages (not numeric values) and demand a different formula.
See example snippet bellow (first IIF statement)
/*Calendar*/ [Date Calculation].[Calculation].[Calendar Actual versus PY WK %] = IIF ( [measures].Name = "HSP2 %", -- < ThIs is where I am trying to check if the measure is a percetgae type 0, -- < When this is the case then do something different
[Code] ....
I am trying to access the metadata. I am aware of $system.mdschema_measures but I am unable to utulize this for my case.
I have a Fact table that contains several degenerate string values that I have pulled into a Fact Dimension.
When I browse the cube and cut one of the measures by an attribute from the Fact Dimension, I am getting incorrect data.
In other words, when I query the fact table directly via SQL and apply the same filters, I see the data I am expecting to see. But cube browse with same filters yields different results.
How can this happen since the fact dimension has a 1:1 relationship with the fact table.
I do have the Dimension Usage configured properly.
Is this an aggregation thing? Attribute key thing? What am I missing?
I want to implement population data in sales cube.
Fact table has customer code which is foreign key of Customer master dimension which in turn is linked to census data dimension. Census data dimension have city wise population data having foreign keys of zone and state.
1. SQL Server Data Warehouse 2. OLAP CUBE in Analysis Services
My question is - If my SQL Server Data Warehouse is changed (Having Append Data) - Is that My OLAP Cube will have the Append Data?
It's possible, my OLAP Cube always having Append Data if my Data Warehouse is changed? If yes, how to do it without re-deploy and re-process my Analysis Services Project.
So I use Excel 2010 connect to a cube I have built. Then I change some values in the cube via my ETL and re-process the cube. Then I verify that record is NOT there in the fact table - check!
However, when I refresh the worksheet where the pivot table is pulling data from the cube, but that old record wont go away!
Just realized my cube data source on the dev server, was in fact still configured with my local workstation name. Once I updated that, processed the cube all was well.
in cube we have one role defined. users in that cube should be allowed to see only last 2 days of data. I mean they should be able to browse only last 2 days of data based on current date. How to implement?
I use MSsql server 2000 and analysis service for create cube.But when I drilldown many Dimension on Analysis manager it can not show all level. If I drilldown some level it can show data but when I drilldown many level so it have many row (I test about 60,000) it can not show result. How can I show all result in Analysis manager or other tool ? Thank you :D
Is there any way to copy my Data of 2015 to the Planning/Forecasting Value of 2016?
My question is based on that we use INFOR ION BI right now and there we can just add an Button in our reports wich physically copies the value from one year to the next year based on some other rules in the cube.
Now I need to make this example work with SSAS and Excel PivotTables but I cant figure out how.
I have absolutely no clue where and how to accomplish it. Do I use Calculations, do I use Actions, do i make it in the Dataview, Cube or directly in Excel?
I am facing a very weird issue in our SSAS database. We have several roles with 'Read definition' access. None of these roles are able to see data in the cubes. I have checked these roles over and over and there is no problem with the definition. Each of the roles have been given read access to Data Source, Cube and Dimensions.
The users are able to access the definition and structure of the cube i.e. they can see the measures & dimensions available but when they drag measures and dimension attributes in the browser (SSMS) OR execute an MDX - they get null values. The roles with 'Full Control (administrator)' access are able to see all the data without any issues.
I have tried the following:
1. Deleted all roles and re-created. 2. Created roles directly on SSAS DB. 3. Deployed all objects and processed the DB.
Each time only the admins are able to see the data.
We have an OLTP database and operational reporting is carried out on a replica server / database. We have plans to build a new data warehouse and an analysis services cube.
Question 1:Should a cube be designed to extract data from a physical star schema rather than a logical one (3NF relational (ODS?) using a data source view to derive the star)? I'm guessing for performance it's better to pull data from similar structures (physical facts and dimensions as required by analysis services) but is the difference significant?
Question 2:Depending on the answer to q1, is it bad practice to ETL data from a staging database (replica > staging) directly to a star schema (multiple data sources and cleansing / business rules required)? Or should it be processed from staging to an ods and only then to a star schema (physical or logical). I still don't know if an ODS is required but I guess the consideration for this decision is whether the business would require daily operational (or ad hoc) reporting on the consolidated data sources (without needing historical DW functionality).
I have a cube that we are processing nightly via an Analysis Service Processing Task in SSIS. In order to increase the performance of the processing time, we elected to use a lot of rigid dimension attributes, and do a full process of everything in the SSIS task. The issue that I am having is that after that task completes, I need to go into Visual Studio to deploy the cube becuase we are unable to browse or use the cube. This issue seemed to start once we changed the SSIS Analysis Service Processing Task to do a full process on the dimensions, rather than an incremental.
I would expect that once development is done, and it is processed and deployed, that is it. My thinking is that the SSIS task should just update the already deployed cube,
We have been a Crystal shop for ages; we are currently doing a proof-of-concept for a conversion to MS Reporting Services. As such, we are developing some Analysis Services 2005 cubes to drive some new SSRS reports, which our users will access through Report Manager. Unfortunately, we are all MDX noobs here, so we are making heavy use of the Wizards until we can come up to speed.
The problem we are running into is when we develop a report with Date Parameters. When we deploy this report, the date parameter box is a dropdown box instead of a date picker. I've seen a couple of other posts on this topic, but when I try to apply the fixes mentioned in them, I throw errors.
I have two quick questions:
Why does this happen? Is it a limitation in the MDX language, in SSAS, or SSRS? Are there any planned fixes? Can someone please show me how to fix this on my actual query string for one of our basic reports? I've highlighted the date parameters.
Code Snippet
I'm afraid, given my user community, that if I can't get the date picker to work properly, it could be a deal breaker.
I'm using sql server analysis services 2000, i have a problem with grand total when i select more than one member of any demension. the measure of this cube is built on a distinct count agregation function. i have only one measure in th cube
I'm having an issue running the clustering algorithm in the data mining view of Visual Studio. The databases connect properly and the data subsequently loads. However, upon clicking on the "Mining Model Viewer" tab, I receive the following error message:
Errors in the metadata manager. The D Msample ~MC cube has no measure groups. Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when loading the D Msample ~MC cube, from the file, '\?C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2OLAPDataewDM_sample.0.dbD Msample ~MC.2.cub.xml'.
We are not using a data cube, so I am assuming that this file is being called through the clustering algorithm. Furthermore, I have run the same process on different systems successfully. The only difference I can detect is that this error resulted on a 64bit system.
I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes?
Imagine this:
I have the following dimension:
Dim_Customer: Customer_ID Name_Customer Job_Function Date_of_Birth Contact Address City Country
When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal?
One more question:
I don't want to create a hierarchy like:
Customer ID -> Name_Customer Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth Customer ID -> Address Customer ID -> City Customer ID -> Country
My idea is to create the following hierarchy:
Name_Customer -> Date_of_Birth -> Address -> City -> Country
But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?