Analysis :: Does SSRS Respect MDX Format Strings

Sep 22, 2015

Im using , FORMAT_STRING="###,###.##" on the definition of a calculated member.  When testing the query in SSMS, the formatting looks right, but when I run the query in SSRS it looks like its not coming over.  I suppose I can apply my own formatting on the report, but im just wondering if this is by design or lack of ?

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Parse And Format Name Strings.

Oct 16, 2005

Please let me know if you come across any name strings this function cannot parse.
CREATE function FormatName(@NameString varchar(100), @NameFormat varchar(20))
returns varchar(100) as
--blindman, 11/04
--FormatName parses a NameString into its component parts and returns it in a requested format.
--@NameString is the raw value to be parsed.
--@NameFormat is a string that defines the output format. Each letter in the string represents
--a component of the name in the order that it is to be returned.
--[H] = Full honorific
--[h] = Abbreviated honorific
--[F] = First name
--[f] = First initial
--[M] = Middle name
--[m] = Middle initial
--[L] = Last name
--[l] = Last initial
--[S] = Full suffix
--[s] = Abbreviated suffix
--[.] = Period
--[,] = Comma
--[ ] = Space

--Example: select dbo.Formatname('Reverend Gregory Robert Von Finzer Junior', 'L, h. F m. s.')
--Result: 'Von Finzer, Rev. Gregory R. Jr.'

--Test variables
-- declare@NameString varchar(50)
-- declare@NameFormat varchar(20)
-- set@NameFormat = 'L, h. F m. s.'
-- set@NameString = 'Reverend Gregory Robert Von Finzer Junior'

Declare@Honorific varchar(20)
Declare@FirstName varchar(20)
Declare@MiddleName varchar(30)
Declare@LastName varchar(30)
Declare@Suffix varchar(20)
Declare@TempString varchar(100)
Declare@IgnorePeriod char(1)

--Prepare the string
--Make sure each period is followed by a space character.
set@NameString = rtrim(ltrim(replace(@NameString, '.', '. ')))
--Eliminate double-spaces.
while charindex(' ', @NameString) > 0 set @NameString = replace(@NameString, ' ', ' ')
--Eliminate periods
while charindex('.', @NameString) > 0 set @NameString = replace(@NameString, '.', '')

--If the lastname is listed first, strip it off.
set@TempString = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString)))
if@TempString in ('VAN', 'VON', 'MC', 'Mac', 'DE') set @TempString = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString, len(@TempString)+2)))
ifright(@TempString, 1) = ',' set @LastName = left(@TempString, len(@TempString)-1)
iflen(@LastName) > 0 set@NameString = ltrim(right(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

--Get rid of any remaining commas
while charindex(',', @NameString) > 0 set @NameString = replace(@NameString, ',', '')

--Get Honorific and strip it out of the string
set@TempString = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString + ' ')))
if@TempString in ('MR', 'MRS', 'MS', 'DR', 'Doctor', 'REV', 'Reverend', 'SIR', 'HON', 'Honorable', 'CPL', 'Corporal', 'SGT', 'Sergeant', 'GEN', 'General', 'CMD', 'Commander', 'CPT', 'CAPT', 'Captain', 'MAJ', 'Major', 'PVT', 'Private', 'LT', 'Lieutenant', 'FATHER', 'SISTER') set @Honorific = @TempString
iflen(@Honorific) > 0 set@NameString = ltrim(right(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

--Get Suffix and strip it out of the string
set@TempString = ltrim(right(@NameString, charindex(' ', Reverse(@NameString) + ' ')))
if@TempString in ('Jr', 'Sr', 'II', 'III', 'Esq', 'Junior', 'Senior') set @Suffix = @TempString
iflen(@Suffix) > 0 set @NameString = rtrim(left(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

if @LastName is null
--Get LastName and strip it out of the string
set@LastName = ltrim(right(@NameString, charindex(' ', Reverse(@NameString) + ' ')))
set@NameString = rtrim(left(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@LastName)))
--Check to see if the last name has two parts
set@TempString = ltrim(right(@NameString, charindex(' ', Reverse(@NameString) + ' ')))
if@TempString in ('VAN', 'VON', 'MC', 'Mac', 'DE')
set @LastName = @TempString + ' ' + @LastName
set @NameString = rtrim(left(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@TempString)))

--Get FirstName and strip it out of the string
set@FirstName = rtrim(left(@NameString, charindex(' ', @NameString + ' ')))
set@NameString = ltrim(right(@NameString, len(@NameString) - len(@FirstName)))

--Anything remaining is MiddleName
set@MiddleName = @NameString

--Create the output string
set@TempString = ''
while len(@NameFormat) > 0
if @IgnorePeriod = 'F' or left(@NameFormat, 1) <> '.'
set @IgnorePeriod = 'F'
set @TempString = @TempString +
case ascii(left(@NameFormat, 1))
when '72' then case @Honorific
when 'Dr' then 'Doctor'
when 'Rev' then 'Reverend'
when 'Hon' then 'Honorable'
when 'Maj' then 'Major'
when 'Pvt' then 'Private'
when 'Lt' then 'Lieutenant'
when 'Capt' then 'Captain'
when 'Cpt' then 'Captain'
when 'Cmd' then 'Commander'
when 'Gen' then 'General'
when 'Sgt' then 'Sergeant'
when 'Cpl' then 'Corporal'
else isnull(@Honorific, '')
when '70' then isnull(@FirstName, '')
when '77' then isnull(@MiddleName, '')
when '76' then isnull(@LastName, '')
when '83' then case @Suffix
when 'Jr' then 'Junior'
when 'Sr' then 'Senior'
when 'Esq' then 'Esquire'
else isnull(@Suffix, '')
when '104' then case @Honorific
when 'Doctor' then 'Dr'
when 'Reverend' then 'Rev'
when 'Honorable' then 'Hon'
when 'Major' then 'Maj'
when 'Private' then 'Pvt'
when 'Lieutenant' then 'Lt'
when 'Captain' then 'Capt'
when 'Cpt' then 'Capt'
when 'Commander' then 'Cmd'
when 'General' then 'Gen'
when 'Sergeant' then 'Sgt'
when 'Corporal' then 'Cpl'
else isnull(@Honorific, '')
when '102' then isnull(left(@FirstName, 1), '')
when '109' then isnull(left(@MiddleName, 1), '')
when '108' then isnull(left(@LastName, 1), '')
when '115' then case @Suffix
when 'Junior' then 'Jr'
when 'Senior' then 'Sr'
when 'Esquire' then 'Esq'
else isnull(@Suffix, '')
when '46' then case right(@TempString, 1)
when ' ' then ''
else '.'
when '44' then case right(@TempString, 1)
when ' ' then ''
else ','
when '32' then case right(@TempString, 1)
when ' ' then ''
else ' '
else ''
if ((ascii(left(@NameFormat, 1)) = 72 and @Honorific in ('FATHER', 'SISTER'))
or (ascii(left(@NameFormat, 1)) = 115 and @Suffix in ('II', 'III')))
set @IgnorePeriod = 'T'
set @NameFormat = right(@NameFormat, len(@NameFormat) - 1)

Return @TempString

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Reporting Services :: Exporting SSRS Output To Word Format And PDF Format Differs

Aug 19, 2015

I have created SSRS report which has many overlapping objects, the output in PDF format seems to good but in word format it is not giving the required output.

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Format Strings For Fractional Numbers And Currency

Nov 17, 2005

Format strings for fractional Numbers and Currency values

Return Values: VARCHAR
Parameters: @n Specifies numeric expression to format.
@sFormat: Specifies one or more format codes that determine how the expression is formatted.

The following table lists the available format codes.

9.000000|00 |09
12.100000|### |12
12345.120000|### ### ###.000|12 345.120
12345.120000|### ### ###.###|12 345.12
12345.120000|$ ### ### ###.000|$ 12 345.120
12345.120000|### ### ###.### $|12 345.12 $
12345.120000|$ ###,###,###.000|$ 12,345.120
12345.120000|### ### ###.000|12 345.120
12345.120000| |12345
1.120000|### ### ###.000|1.120
12.120000|### ### ###.000|12.120
123.120000|### ### ###.000|123.120
1234.120000|### ### ###.000|1 234.120
12345.120000|### ### ###.000|12 345.120
123456.120000|### ### ###.000|123 456.120
1234567.120000|### ### ###.000|1 234 567.120
12345678.120000|### ### ###.000|12 345 678.120
123456789.120000|### ### ###.000|123 456 789.120
1234567890.120000|### ### ###.000|1234 567 890.120
12345678901.120000|### ### ###.000|12345 678 901.120
123456789012.120000|### ### ###.000|123456 789 012.120


CREATE FUNCTION xNumberFormat(@n NUMERIC(38, 4), @sFormat VARCHAR(255))
DECLARE @sRet VARCHAR(255), @i TINYINT, @j INT, @nDec TINYINT, @sNumber VARCHAR(255), @cF CHAR(1), @cR CHAR(1), @sE VARCHAR(255), @sX VARCHAR(255)

SELECT @sE = '', @i = LEN(@sFormat)
WHILE @i > 0 AND SUBSTRING(@sFormat, @i, 1) NOT IN ('#', '0') SELECT @sE = SUBSTRING(@sFormat, @i, 1) + @sE, @i = @i -1
SELECT @sFormat = LEFT(@sFormat, @i), @sX = '', @i = 1
WHILE @i < LEN(@sFormat) AND SUBSTRING(@sFormat, @i, 1) NOT IN ('#', '0') SELECT @sX = @sX + SUBSTRING(@sFormat, @i, 1), @i = @i +1
SELECT @sFormat = RIGHT(@sFormat, LEN(@sFormat) - @i + 1)

IF @n = 0 AND CHARINDEX('0', @sFormat) = 0 AND @sE = '' AND @sX = '' RETURN ''

SET @nDec = CHARINDEX('.', @sFormat)
IF @nDec > 0 SET @nDec = LEN(@sFormat) - @nDec

SET @sNumber = RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(@n, 255, @nDec)))

IF @nDec > 0 SET @nDec = @nDec + 1

SET @sRet = RIGHT(@sNumber, @nDec)

IF @nDec > 0
SET @i = 1
WHILE RIGHT(@sRet, 1) = '0' AND SUBSTRING(@sFormat, LEN(@sFormat) - @i + 1, 1) = '#' SELECT @sRet = LEFT(@sRet, LEN(@sRet) - 1), @i = @i + 1
IF @sRet = '.' SET @sRet = ''

SELECT @i = @nDec + 1, @j = @nDec + 1
WHILE @i <= LEN(@sFormat) AND @j <= LEN(@sNumber)
SELECT @cF = SUBSTRING(@sFormat, LEN(@sFormat) - @i + 1, 1), @cR = SUBSTRING(@sNumber, LEN(@sNumber) - @j + 1, 1)
IF @cF NOT IN ('#', '0')
IF @j = LEN(@sNumber) AND @n < 0 SET @i = @i + 1 ELSE SELECT @sRet = @cF + @sRet, @i = @i + 1
SELECT @sRet = @cR + @sRet, @i = @i + 1, @j = @j +1
IF @j <= LEN(@sNumber) SET @sRet = LEFT(@sNumber, LEN(@sNumber) - @j + 1) + @sRet
WHILE @i <= LEN(@sFormat) AND SUBSTRING(@sFormat, @i - @j + 1 , 1) = '0' SELECT @sRet = '0' + @sRet, @i = @i + 1
RETURN @sX + @sRet + @sE

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Date Parameters Show As Strings When Using Analysis Services As A Data Source

Jun 7, 2007

We have been a Crystal shop for ages; we are currently doing a proof-of-concept for a conversion to MS Reporting Services. As such, we are developing some Analysis Services 2005 cubes to drive some new SSRS reports, which our users will access through Report Manager. Unfortunately, we are all MDX noobs here, so we are making heavy use of the Wizards until we can come up to speed.

The problem we are running into is when we develop a report with Date Parameters. When we deploy this report, the date parameter box is a dropdown box instead of a date picker. I've seen a couple of other posts on this topic, but when I try to apply the fixes mentioned in them, I throw errors.

I have two quick questions:

Why does this happen? Is it a limitation in the MDX language, in SSAS, or SSRS? Are there any planned fixes?
Can someone please show me how to fix this on my actual query string for one of our basic reports? I've highlighted the date parameters.

Code Snippet


I'm afraid, given my user community, that if I can't get the date picker to work properly, it could be a deal breaker.

Thanks very much in advance for your help.



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SQL XML :: Reading All Connection Strings From SSRS XML File

Jul 28, 2015

I am trying to get the connection string values in a raw SSRS XML file. The XML for the SSRS rdl is located in a SSRS rdl file named SampleSSRSXML.xml that you can download from the URL below.The XML is read into a SQL XML Variable named @ReportCode. I have included my many attempts at writing some SQL XML to return all of the connection strings in the SSRS XML file, but everything I have tried returns a NULL connection string.write the correct XML to get all of the XML values for Connection String in the SSRS XML file I provided?

I have tried many different ways to get the connection string, but I am always getting no value in every case I show below:Have I made a mistake in my Cross Apply Structure matching the raw SSRS XML file structure?I am unclear what ./Text() means and when to use it?I have my sample SSRS XML file loaded at the URL Below:

SELECT CP.cp.value('ConnectionString[1]', 'nvarchar(150)') AS ConnectionString
FROM @ReportCode t
CROSS APPLY t.CurrentReportXML.nodes('/Report/DataSources/DataSource/ConnectionProperties') AS CP(cp)


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Numbers(format=N2) Showing As Strings In Matrix-&&>excel Export

Jun 7, 2007

Anyone know why my xls does not have number formats when exporting from a report with a matrix?

I keep having to do 'paste special multiply by 1' on the whole thing.


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Analysis :: Format Numbers In Drill-through Action?

Jun 15, 2015

I have table with 3 columns: record_id (int), car (varchar(50)), amount (decimal(18,4)).

I created dimension for drillthrough action. Also I set Amount's column FormatString to '##0.00' but when I use Drillthough column Amount values is shown like:


Is there any possibility to change that values would be shown as follow:


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Department In Respect To Language

Aug 16, 2007

I have to Make Department Table.
But this there names can be in multi language.
--------------------------------------------DepartmentGroup--------------------------------------------DepartmentGroupId (P.K.)UniqueNameCreatedDateModifiedDate--------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------Department--------------------------------------------DepartmentId (P.K.)NativeNameNavigateUrlIsFavoriteLanguageId (F.K.)DepartmentGroupId (F.K.)IsVisibleCreatedDateModifiedDate--------------------------------------------
From this design we can move to same department in different language.
is it right?

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Delete A Column Value With Respect To Other

Jul 5, 2007

I have to delete the value of acktitle where ackby = null
I tried using update but its not helping me i tried doing

update incidents(table name)
set acktitle = null where ackby = null

its not giving me any results thats why i thought of delecting but delete syntax removes the whole row
How should i go about it

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Performance With Respect To Scalability

Dec 5, 2007

Our databases were working fine in terms of performance until over the last 2 months wherein the timeouts and deadlocks have started increasing. We are having growing clients with huge real-time transactions. We have been adding NOLOCKs on queries that are being used frequently etc but the timeouts are still an issue. Not sure what the best way to identify problem areas is. The CPU utilization has also been on the higher side. Profiler identified long queries are being indexed etc. But the performance is still a concern. Any ideas? What am i not looking at? HELP HELP..


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Analysis :: Ssas And Ssrs On Same Server?

Sep 2, 2015

I've see twice this year two different companies either already or planning on having ssas and ssrs running on the same server. 

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Analysis :: Passing Parameter From SSRS To MDX

Aug 17, 2010

I want to create a parameter in SSRS and use it in the MDX query.But when i am trying to access the parameter , the resultset is returned blank.I want to get only the logo matching the customer number.parameter field is a double type. Below is the query listed.

Member [Measures].[Logo1] AS
When IsEmpty([Client].[Logo].MemberValue ) Then 'logo-chemwatch.jpg'
When len([Client].[Logo].MemberValue)=0 Then 'logo-chemwatch.jpg'
SELECT {[Measures].[Logo1] } ON COLUMNS, { ( [Client].[Logo].[Logo].ALLMEMBERS)}  ON ROWS FROM [Chem Watch]
Where [Client].[Customer No].[Parameters!Location.Value]

View 8 Replies View Related

Analysis :: SSRS Space In Parameter Value

Sep 21, 2015

I am facing some issues with parameter in SSRS reports that when my parameter contains the space then i get the syntax error can be seen below.If i choose any other parameter value which do not contains the space then it works well. I am using SSAS cube as a data source.

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Random Rows In Respect To Their Priorities

Sep 28, 2007

I need to build an SQL query, which generates the random rows priority wise.
I found this on following article.
Can anyone test it?
In addition, tell me.
Is it good or have a bug?
If anyone have the better query then please tell me.

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Analysis :: MDX SSRS Parameter In Case Statement?

Nov 3, 2015

I am trying to calculate a measure based on parameter passed I have a liquidation rate of amount/facevalue when the dimension attribute is 'all' and i will like to the 'amount' to change based on the parameter passed and the 'facevalue' should not changed , i tried  with the code below.

What I noticed is when i add a calculated member to return the currentmember of the cell member

it comes back as 

even when I changed the default value for the parameter to another member like red

WHEN [Strategy].[ICS].CURRENTMEMBER.uniquename = '[Strategy].[ICS].[All]'


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SSRS Past 3 Month Analysis Report Problems

May 1, 2007

Hi all,

Hopefully someone can point me in the correct direction as to how best to implement this.

I'm looking to build a report in analysis services which connects to an analysis cube. Its a simple report showing a session count value by procedure type. What i'd like to do however is to show only data for the last 3 months.

I assume that i select the measure group i want to show (in this case {Session Count}) and then the relevant dimensions ({Procedure}, {Site}, {Session Date.Calander}) I've set up a Matrix on the report itself and added the measure group and Procedure dimension. I want to be able to choose the {Site} as a parameter. The problem i am having is how to show only the data from the last 3 months, either from the current date or from a date specified as a parameter.

I hope this makes sense. Any help people can give will be most appreciated.



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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular And SSRS - Implementing Security

Oct 1, 2015

i would like to pose a question, when a user do a login in SSRS server,is  it possible to pass the username to SSAS tabular, to implement security? I've tested using USERNAME() creating a role that relates USERNAME() with a dim user username, but now i need to implement it with the username used in SSRS server. 

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Date Format In Ssrs

Mar 28, 2007

i just want to get a date format like this 'dd-mmm-yyyy'

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SSRS Format Codes

May 17, 2007

Where can I find a list of all the format codes, complete with their definitions?

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SSRS Date Format

Oct 8, 2007


I am new to using Business Intelligence Development Studio. I have ' FROM' and 'TO' parameters set using DATETIME, when I select the dates I wish to use so I can generate a report it is displaying in the American format being mm/dd/yy, however the server only recognises dd/mm/yy, the server has SP2 installed.

Is there any way of formatting the calendar control so that dd/mm/yy is recognised instead of the American format.


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Left Join Contraint Problem With Respect To Parameters

Dec 1, 2006

I have a query in and OLEDB Source which results in incorrect rows returned due to its structure:
SELECT table1.ABCD, table2.BAAA, table3.CAAA, table4.DAAA, table5.EAAAFROM table1LEFT OUTER JOINtable3 ON table1.ABCD = table3.BCDE LEFT OUTER JOINtable4 ON table1.ABCD = table4.CDEF LEFT OUTER JOINtable5 ON table1.ABCD = table5.DEFG LEFT OUTER JOINtable2 ON table1.ABCD = table2.EFGHWHEREtable1.extractSession = ?AND table3.extractSession = ?AND table4.extractSession = ?AND table5.extractSession = ?AND table2.extractSession = ?

The correct query needs to be the following, but it won't work in the OLE DB Source:
SELECT table1.ABCD, table2.BAAA, table3.CAAA, table4.DAAA, table5.EAAAFROM table1LEFT OUTER JOINtable3 ON table1.ABCD = table3.BCDE AND table3.extractSession = ?LEFT OUTER JOINtable4 ON table1.ABCD = table4.CDEF AND table4.extractSession = ?LEFT OUTER JOINtable5 ON table1.ABCD = table5.DEFG AND table5.extractSession = ?LEFT OUTER JOINtable2 ON table1.ABCD = table2.EFGH AND table2.extractSession = ?WHEREtable1.extractSession = ?

ExtractSession is an integer that uniquely identifies the run (for the night, perhaps). I load a bunch of staging tables that retain their data for a period of time, with each load identified by this staging number. So, I need to restrict my data pull to the correct load (extractSession).

The first query returns three (3) rows when I should be getting back all 250,000 rows from table1. The second query listed works correctly.

Am I missing something, or do I need to find another way to constrain my tables' extract session dynamically at execution time in SSIS? Is a control table the best way to go here and simply join to it?


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Displayed Date Format In SSRS?

Jan 29, 2008

My regional settings are set to the UK on the server and local machine. Does anyone know how to get SSRS displaying dates in DD/MM/YYYY format?

I have googled it, but just can not seem to find the answer.

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Date Format SSRS Stores In DB

Feb 25, 2008

I have report scheduled in a SSRS. SSRS creates a job and from MSDB.DBO.SysJobActivity the

Next_Scheduled_Run_Date column provides the next execution date of the report.

Can any one tell me what is the date format that SSRS stores is it a getdate() or a UTC Date??

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How To Get Report In Text Format In SSRS?

Sep 3, 2007


Can aybody help me in the below requirement.

I have a report like below:

<<Name Of Compnay>>
<<Name Of Report>>

<<Todays Date>>
<<ReportPeriod>> From Date - To date

The above is header and then the data in the report should come as the <<Data>> and # to be used as separator for columns.

163 #GXXX #ABC Comp Ltd. #DTDC#PPPP ABC XYZ ETC #111

*End Of Report*

How can I get this exported as it is to the .txt file?

Currently I have acheived this with SSIS, where I have kept the header template, footer template in my folder. The SSIS generates the .txt file and then I use the execute process transformation to merge the files and data. I am getting the exact o/p as I want. But in this I am intorducing lot of IO in the package by every time creating a new header for the data to be replaced as todays date and the period to be replaced by the user selected Report Period.

How can this be achived using SSRS? Is any custome code required?
Thanks in advacne for your help.


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SSRS 2008 - Word Format

Aug 6, 2007

Hi folk,
there is the possibility that in Reporting Services 2008 will be added the ms word export?
Best Regards,

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INSERT INTO OPENROWSET Does Not Respect ORDER BY Clause On SQL Server 2005 EE

Jul 3, 2007

I need to pass data from a SQL Server data base to an Access data base. To do this I use the OPENROWSET as followed:

INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'C:Aux.mdb'; 'Admin'; '',Test) (Id, Name, TypeId) SELECT Id,Name,TypeId


On SQL Server 2000 or MSDE the data is transfered as expected, respecting the specified order. But when I run the same clause on a SQL 2005 EE the data is transfered, but the order is not respected.
So my question is if I have to activate an option for the order to be respected or if this is a bug.

Best regards,
Ângelo Vilela

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Analysis :: How To Pass Apply SSRS Parameters On Multiple Dimension Attributes

Oct 13, 2015

How @StartDate and @EndDate parameters must added to the MDX query for usage in SSRS data set. strtomember can be used like

strtomember(@StartDate) : strtomember(@EndDate)

How can i specify that sub-select must work on the [Fact A] and [Fact B] rundate? strtomember(@StartDate) does not specify on which attribute this sub select is going to work. Any pointers ?

[Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-02T00:00:00] : [Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-15T00:00:00]
( [Fact A].[Rundate].&[2015-01-02T00:00:00] : [Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-15T00:00:00] ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Cube]

View 2 Replies View Related

Reporting Services :: URL Format Image In SSRS

Aug 4, 2015

I have a URL format for image, like: [URL] .... then how can I set this URL path to SSRS report, and let the image can appears at SSRS report?

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Format Date/time Field In Ssrs

Jan 9, 2008

hi all

I have two date/time fields as below:


result can sometimes look like this 14:01:42.3840000

how do I format this

I have tried

=FormatDateTime((Fields!ClosedDate.Value)-(Fields!CreatedDate.Value), 2)

but this gives an error

I want the result to look like this



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Reporting Services :: Exporting SSRS To XML Format

Sep 23, 2015

I need to generate a  report in XML format . Expected XML format is 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns:SPO xmlns:ns="urn:abc:SparePartOrder">

[Code] ....

I have tried two methods to get the above XML format.

1. Modified  XML Nodes - Created a stored procedure which returns the required informations from database. To get the XML format I have modified  XML Nodes using  DataElementName property from SSRS. I have added the
following code in rsreportserver.

           <Extension Name="Custom XML"   Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.XmlDataReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
                           <Name Language="en-US">Custom XML</Name>

[Code] ...

When I run the report and export it to XML , I got the XML as given below.

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <Report Name="POExportToGermany">

[code] ...

Here the format is not in the expected format.

 2. Using Stored Procedure:- Using Stored procedure I am able to  create the expected XML format. 

When i click on this link I can see the data in expected XML format. But the problem is I am not able to show this data in report. Dataset is showing the above .XML as given below. How can I generate report using  SSRS  with expected XML format?  What are the procedures to get the above XML format.

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Reporting Services :: Format Calendar In SSRS

Jun 9, 2015

How can I format the calendar in format: Jun/2015 or August/2015 in ssrs.

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Concatenate Strings After Assigning Text In Place Of Bit Strings

Feb 19, 2007

I have a whole bunch of bit fields in an SQL data base, which makes it a little messy to report on.

I thought a nice idea would be to assigne a text string/null value to each bit field and concatenate all of them into a result.

This is the basic logic goes soemthing like this:

select case new_accountant = 1 then 'acct/' end +

case new_advisor = 1 then 'adv/' end +

case new_attorney = 1 then 'atty/' end as String

from new_database

The output would be

Null, acct/, adv/, atty, acct/adv/, acct/atty/... acct/adv/atty/

So far, nothing I have tried has worked.

Any ideas?

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