Analysis :: Doing Intersect When Filtering Multiple Values On Single Dimension

May 29, 2015

Link : [URL] .....

This provides a good example for my situation. In this example, you will see a Movie dimension with four attributes; Genre, Language, Movie, and Theme. I have a similar setup except mine is Top Level Hierarchy>Categories>Values which are all under the one hierarchy.

My Question: I have the dimension setup as a multi-value parameter in one of my reports. When I filter on a value in Genre and in Language, it provides all values from that genre and all values from that language. I really only want the values that include both.

Genre - Western: Movie1, Movie2, Movie3
Language - English: Movie2, Movie4, Movie5

If I filter on Western and English, I get Movie1-5 when all I really want is Movie2 only. Is there any way to have this do an Intersect within the same dimension or do I have to build each one out into its own dimension?

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Analysis :: Bitmask Column Values As Dimension Values

Jun 18, 2015

Bitmask fields! I am capturing row changes manually via a high frequency ETL task.  It works effectively however i am capturing the movement of multiple fields.  A simple example, for Order lines, i have a price, a discount and a date.  I am capturing a 001, 010, 100 respectively for each change.  

I would like my users to be able to select from a dimension which has the 3 members in it and they can select one, multiples, or all values (i.e. only want to see rows that have had the date and price changed). 

Obviously if i only had 3 columns i would use bit's and be done with it, i have many different values (currently around 24 and growing).

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Analysis :: Include And Exclude Children In A Single Hierarchy In Parent Child Dimension In MDX

Apr 8, 2015

Include children and exclude children in a single  hierarchy in parent child dimension in mdx

 - 9-parent
aggregation of 12-parent only
aggregation of 20-parent only
aggregation of  9 with children

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Analysis :: Show Only Ultimo Values In Date Dimension?

Aug 28, 2015

I've a table which contains a record for each day an employee is employed:In the cube  I've create a measure which is a sum of the field "Employed"  which provides me the number of employees that are employed for a given date (lowest level of my time dimensions which are YEAR-MONTH-DATE)The problem is that the number aggregating on YEAR and MONTH which provides me with wrong figures at these levels - So how can create a calculated measure (maybe with Scope) that only show the Ultimo Numbers at the lowest level when I am browsing on the Month or Year level. For example if I am on the Year level I only want it to sum on the date 31-12-xxxx and if I'm at the month level(for example July 2012) it should show me the sum of 31-07-2012 which are the last level for the given month.

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Transact SQL :: Converting From Multiple Rows With Single Values To Single Rows With Multiple Values

May 10, 2015

Here is some data that will explain what I want to do:

Input Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123
A100 456
A100 789
B100 456
C100 123
C100 456

Output Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123;456;789
B100 456
C100 123;456

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Analysis :: Role Playing Dimension Among Multiple Fact Tables

Oct 28, 2015

I am modelling cube in SSAS. Cube has around 20 dimensions and 6 fact tables. Some of the dimensions are common among the fact tables. e.g. Time dimension. Fact_PNL has 3 date columns for those we have 3 role playing dimensions in the dimension usages.

Another fact table has 5 date columns for them as well we have separate role playing dimensions in dimension usage tab. We have a common dimension Company which is foreign key in all fact tables. We might need to combine the data from multiple facts to get final output.

Should i create 6 role playing dimension for each of the fact table or use the same dimension for all fact tables?

Role playing dimensions should be created when we have multiple columns pointing to the same dimension ?

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Analysis :: How To Get Distinct List Of Member Values For Month Numbers From Date Dimension

Sep 10, 2015

Have a need to let the user select the year and month to use for filtering results from an MDX query that populates a report.I think all I should need is a list of years and a Month name / number.What would the filter look like if say I had a Date dimension that included the year number in a 4-digit and month in a 2-digit number?  In TSQL it would be something like ... where Month = @month AND Year = @year...How do I get a distinct list of member values for the month numbers from the Date dimension?

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Analysis :: Add Dimension To Cube Dimension Without Any Relation In Dimension Usage

Oct 26, 2015

When i add a dimension to the cube dimension without any relation in my dimension usage to any measure group my units are going down.However when i remove the dimension from the cube am getting the correct values.

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Analysis :: Setup Multiple Default Members For A Dimension Attribute In SSAS?

Jun 2, 2015

I have a dimension report with an attribute reporttype which have different member let say A,B,C,D....etc.

I want to set more than one default members for dimension report.

I've read all about how dimensions can have only one default member, but I need to set more than 1.

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Analysis :: SSAS Design - Multiple Keys Of Same Dimension In Fact Table

Mar 19, 2012

I am developing a BI solution on SQL Server 2008 R2 and how to handle multiple referances to the same dimension from a fact table!

Here is the scenario;

Fact_Contracts (# M)
ServiceProvider_CompanyID, Client_CompanyID, Amount_USD 
Dim_Company( hundreds)
ID,  CityID, ProfessionID, CompanyName
ID, CityName
  ID, ProfessionName

As u can see there is two company references in my fact table, and the schema is in snowflake. My customer requirements state that the Contracts' amounts can be aggregated/filtered for/by, ServiceProviderCompany, its city/profession or ClientCompay, its city/profession.

First thing came in to my mind is to dublicate whole dimension structure (one for serviceproviders, one for clients), which i thought that there should be another way around?

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Analysis :: How To Pass Apply SSRS Parameters On Multiple Dimension Attributes

Oct 13, 2015

How @StartDate and @EndDate parameters must added to the MDX query for usage in SSRS data set. strtomember can be used like

strtomember(@StartDate) : strtomember(@EndDate)

How can i specify that sub-select must work on the [Fact A] and [Fact B] rundate? strtomember(@StartDate) does not specify on which attribute this sub select is going to work. Any pointers ?

[Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-02T00:00:00] : [Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-15T00:00:00]
( [Fact A].[Rundate].&[2015-01-02T00:00:00] : [Fact B].[Rundate].&[2015-01-15T00:00:00] ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Cube]

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Reporting Services :: Multiple Values For Filtering In SSRS?

Oct 3, 2012

I'm building a report that has a column in the table called countries of origin, that column can contain data like "USA","China" ( normal countries) but some rows can also contain "USA, China, Australia" ( multiple counties in one row).

I'm trying to build a filter to filter my results :

-I have a data set created with a list of all world countries

-I've Build a Parameter containing a drop down list with all countries

--- My problem is when I want to create the filter in my main data set , I can so it , but when I search for example for "USA" , I don't get the lines where there are multiple countries and "USA" is one of them...

There must be an expression in the filter that will be able to search through all the values in the string and return me my correct results.

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Transact SQL :: Filtering Rows Based On Multiple Values In Columns?

Sep 22, 2015

In a table I have some rows with flag A & B for a scode, some scode with only A and some are only B flags.

I would like to fetch all rows with flag A when both flags are present, no rows with B should be fetched. Fetch all rows when only single flags are present for a scode.How to achieve this using TSQL code.

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Multiple Columns With Different Values OR Single Column With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 22, 2007


I have multiple columns in a Single Table and i want to search values in different columns. My table structure is

col1 (identity PK)
col2 (varchar(max))
col3 (varchar(max))

I have created a single FULLTEXT on col2 & col3.
suppose i want to search col2='engine' and col3='toyota' i write query as








Every thing works well if database is small. But now i have 20 million records in my database. Taking an exmaple there are 5million record with col2='engine' and only 1 record with col3='toyota', it take substantial time to find 1 record.

I was thinking this i can address this issue if i merge both columns in a Single column, but i cannot figure out what format i save it in single column that i can use query to extract correct information.
for e.g.;
i was thinking to concatinate both fields like
col4= ABengineBA + ABBToyotaBBA
and in search i use




Result = 1 row

But it don't work in following scenario
col4= ABengineBA + ABBCorola ToyotaBBA






Result=0 Row
Any idea how i can write second query to get result?

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Analysis :: Hierarchy Based On Dimension Table Joined Multiple Times Against A Fact Table?

Aug 11, 2015

I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above).  When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer. 

Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table?  What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension.  Within Customer, I want four hierarchies. 

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Multiple Values For Single Row

Mar 19, 2007

hi iam totally new to databases , as a project i have to design a database of users...they have to register first like any i used stored procs and made entries to database using insert command...its working for every user will search and add other users in the every user will have a contact list...i have no idea how to implement far i created a table 'UserAccount' with column names as UserName as varchar(50)Password as varchar(50)EmailID as varchar(100)DateOfJoining as datetimeUserID as int ---> this is unique for user..i enabled automatic increment..and this is primary now every user must have a list of other userid's.. as contact list..Any help any ideas will be great since i have no clue how to put multiple values for each row..i didnt even know how to search for this problems solution..iam sorry if this posted somewhere else..THANK YOU !if it helps..iam using sql server express edition..and iam accessing using

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Filtering Out 1 Time Dimension Based On The Selection In Another Time Dimension

May 19, 2008


Need some help building a query that does the following :

I have 2 Time Dimensions ; Time (Transdate) and ClosedDate (ClosedDate)

In my report/query, if [Time].CurrentMember = [Time].[YMD].[YMD].[2006].[200610].[20061031] I want to FILTER out all ClosedDate < [ClosedDate].[YMD].[YMD].[2006].[200610].[20061031]

Both Time Dimensions are Year -> Month -> Day and have the same Members.

I have every option available, using calculated Members and/or Measures to do this.

The report I'm creating is Aging of Receivables : Balance / 30 days / 60 days / etc.. But for the Aging, I need to filter like explained above.

Appreciate all help!

Stian Bakke

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Store Multiple Values In A Single Value

Nov 6, 2005

was hoping someone couild provide some insight into a problem I'm trying to solve.

I have a table called SEARCHCRITERIA. It consists of a USERID column and a CRITERIA column. Users will be able to search for other users based on a set of criteria. There are 5 total criteria a user can choose. They can choose as few as none or all five. I'd like to store the criteria chosen as a single number in the SEARCHCRITERIA table. Then use a function to parse out the criteria. For example:

1 AGE 2
2 SEX 4

A user performs a search based on AGE, SEX, and LOCALE. I would then store the value 22 (the sum of 2, 4, and 16) in the SEARCH table. I would then need a function to pull out the three individual values.

Has anyone done anything like this before?

If so, any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Multiple Values Into Single Cell

May 18, 2007

Taking the Northwind database as an example,I have an order table: 'Orders'a order details table: 'Order Details'and a products table: 'Products'For reasons best ignored, I want to produce a query which has columns:Orders.OrderID, Productswhich has results like:10248, 'Queso Cabrales, Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee, Mozzarella diGiovanni'10249, 'Tofu, Manjimup Dried Apples'________so for those who don't really know what I'm on about and haven't gotaccess to northwind, I want the second cell to contain the returnedcolumn of a second query (but in text format)could anyone suggest a way this could be done? am I entering the landof cursors?Many thanks,Neil

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Analysis :: Default Multiple Values For A Parameter

Nov 5, 2015

I am trying to select some values as default for a parameter, I add my data set,add my parameter then I  select the values in the default pane, when I run the report I get :

'the default value expression for the query parameter contains an error[BC30451] name is not declared.

When I look at the expression of the default parameter (in the report data pane under the specify values) it appears like

=new Object() {[Sty].[ST].&[1], [Sty].[ST]..&[15]}
with a red scrible under the () 

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Passing Multiple Values To A Single Parameters

Dec 28, 2007

I have a SQL query that goes like this
"select * from Product where ProductID in (1,2,3)"
How can i create a stored procedure where a single input parameter can take multiple values?
Can anyone help me with this?

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Multiple Values For Single Column In Where Clause

Jun 25, 2004

how does one specify multiple values for a single column in a where clause?


SELECT fname, lname
FROM tblContacts
WHERE (state = 'MI','CA','AZ','TN','NJ')

if my memory serves me there is an IN() value list operator but I can't remember the syntax :confused:

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Analysis :: Tabular Dynamic Security With Multiple Values

Aug 6, 2015

It seems simple but I'm not able to make it works. I've got a fact table with sites (DimImplantation) with allowed users (DimDroit) :

1 user can have access to many sites. I've tried these codes but only one worked and only in case where the user had only one site :

a) =DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]= LOOKUPVALUE (DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID]; DimDroit[Utilisateur];USERNAME() ) ==> worked for 1user with 1 site

b) =DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]= LOOKUPVALUE (DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID]; DimDroit[Utilisateur];USERNAME(); DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID];DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID] ) ==> doesn't work and says 'not able to to identifie the value of DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]
in the current context.

c) CALCULATE(VALUES(DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID], SUMMARIZE('DimDroit',DimDroit[Utilisateur]), DimDroit[Utilisateur]=USERNAME()) ==> version for  SQL2012. I've had 'End of input reached'.

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Multiple Rows Into A Single Row And Combining Column Values?

Apr 6, 2014

I joined these two tables and it pulled up the proper amount of records. If you check out the image you will see what the results are for this query.

Now all I need for this part would be to roll these up where I have one row per ProgramID and all the AttributeNames' together in a AttributeNames column for each id.

EXAMPLE: All in one row.

ProgramID | AttributeNames
887 | Studydesign, Control Groups, Primary Outcomes.

I have attached an image of the SQL VIEW that I need to modified so it does this.


SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID, dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID AS PAattributeID, dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID,
FROM dbo.tblProgramAttributes INNER JOIN
dbo.tblAttributes ON dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID = dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID
WHERE (dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID NOT LIKE '%ProgramType%')
ORDER BY dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID DESC

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Transact SQL :: How To Pass Multiple Values Into A Single Parameter

Jun 1, 2015

Below is the query for my procedure 

ALTER PROC [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest]
@invited_by NVARCHAR (50)
-- SELECT * FROM dbo.Merck_Acronym_Invitations WHERE invited_by=@invited_by
select distinct t1.invited_isid as 'ISID', t1.invited_name as 'NAME',t1.invitation_status as 'STATUS',

[Code] ....

If you look at the where clause i have invited by , i get the desired output if i just provide 1 name in the execution such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj' But my requirement is to make the procedure work with more than one input variable such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj','sujith' now i should get the output for 2 people but if i run this i receive the following error Procedure or function sp_GetInvitationStatusTest has too many arguments specified.

how to make my procedure work with more than 1 input variable?

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How Can I Combine Values Of Multiple Columns Into A Single Column?

Oct 8, 2007

Suppose that I have a table with following values
Col1 Col2 Col3
P3456 C935876 T675
P5555 C678909 T8888

And the outcome that I want is:
P3456 - C935876 - T675
P5555 - C678909 - T8888

where CombinedValues column contains values of coulmn 1,2 & 3 seperated by '-'
So is there any way to achieve this?

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Show Multiple Values In Single Textbox Comma Separated

Jan 2, 2008

I have a field called "Owners", and it's a child to an "Activities" table.

An Activity can have on or more owners, and what I'd like to do is some how comma separate the values that come back if there are more than one owners.

I've tried a subreport, but because the row is colored and if another field, title, expands to a second row (b/c of the length) and the subreport has just one name, then the sub-report has some different color underneath due to it being smaller in height.

I'm kinda stuck on how to do this.


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The Best Method Of Storing Multiple Values For A Single User Criteria In The Database ?

Mar 31, 2008

Let's say you had a User table and one of the fields was called Deceased.  It's a simple closed-ended question, so a bit value could be used to satisfy the field, if the person is dead or alive.  Let's say another field is called EyeColor.  A person can have only one eye color and thus one answer should be stored in this value, so this is easy as well.
Now, let's say I want to store all the languages that a specific user can speak.  This isn't as easy as the previous examples since it's not a yes or no or a single-value answer.  I haven't had much experience with working with databases so I've come up with two possible ways with my crude knowledge hehe.
In terms of inputting the multi-answer values, I suppose I could use a multiple-selection listbox, cascading dropdowns, etc.  Now, here are the 2 solutions that came to mind.....
1) Make a field called LanguagesSpoken in the User table.  When I process the selections the user makes on the languages he knows, I can then insert into the LanguagesSpoken field a string "English, Spanish, Czech" or IDs corresponding to the languages like "1, 5, 12" (these IDs would be referenced from a separate table I guess).  I would use commas so that later on, when I need to display a user's profile and show the user's languages, I can retrieve that long string from the LanguagesSpoken field, and parse the languages with the commas I've used.  Using commas would just be a convention I use so I would know how to parse (I could have used "." or "|" or anything else I guess) the data.
2) Forget about the LanguagesSpoken field in the User table altogether, and just make a LanguagesSpoken table.  A simple implementation would have 3 fields (primary key, userId, languageId).  A row would associate a user with a language.  So I would issue a query like "SELECT * FROM LanguagesSpoken WHERE userId=5" (where userId=5 is some user).  Using this method would free me from having to store a string with delimited values into the User table and then to parse data when I need them.  However, I'm not sure how efficient this method would be if the LanguagesSpoken table grows really large since the userIds would NOT be contiguous, the search might take a long time.  I guess I would index the userId field in the LanguagesSpoken table for quicker access?
OR, I may be going about this the wrong way and I'm way out on left field with these 2 solutions.  Is there a better way other than those 2 methods?
I haven't work extensively with databases and I'm just familiar with the basics.  I'm just trying to find out the best-practice implementation for this type of situation.  I'm sure in the real world, situations like this is very common and I wonder how the professionals code this.
Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Replace Multiple Values In Single Select Statement

Aug 18, 2015

how we can replace the multiple values in a single select statement? I have to build the output based on values stored in a table. Please see below the sample input and expected output.

SELECT @V1 = 'FirstName: @FN, LastName: @LN, Add1: @A1, Add2: @A2 '
(FN VARCHAR(100), LN VARCHAR(100), A1 VARCHAR(100), A2 VARCHAR(100))


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Transact SQL :: Insert Using Select Intersect / Except - Number Of Supplied Values Not Match Table Definition

May 12, 2015

I have two tables, D and C, whose INTERSECT / EXCEPT values I'd like to insert in the following table I've created

servername varchar(50),
account_name varchar (50),
date_checked datetime DEFAULT getdate()

The following stmt won't work...

select servername, account_name from D
select servername, account_name from C

... as the number of supplied values does not match table definition.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Sales Over Years - Retrieve Values In Single Query For Multiple Years And Grand Total?

Apr 24, 2015

I need to list customers in a table that represents sales over the years.

I have tables:

Customers -> id | name |...
Orders -> id | idCustomer | date | ...
Products -> id | idOrder | unitprice | quantity | ...

I am using this SQL but it only gets one year:

SELECT , SUM(unitprice*qt) AS total
FROM Products
INNER JOIN Orders ON = Products.idOrder
INNER JOIN Customers ON = Orders.idCustomer
WHERE year(date)=2014

I need something like this:

customer | total sales 204 | total sales | 2015 | total sales (2014 + 2015)
customer A | 1000$ | 2000$ | 3000$
customer B | 100$ | 100$ | 200$

Is it possible to retrieve these values in a single SQL query for multiple years and grand total?

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Analysis :: Edit Dimension DSV

Jun 10, 2015

I am unable to see my DSV when I try to edit my dimension. I have added some new fields in my dimension table and now want to use them in my cube dimension.

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Analysis :: How To Get Dimension Key Attribute In MDX

Apr 30, 2015

Many dimensions don't have unique members.  Instead, the dimension source data has duplicates at the leaf level: it's left up to SSAS to aggregate up to the actual leaf level used in hierarchies.

Every cube I've worked on in the past, a dimension is clearly defined in the source data, with uniqueness already present there: we don't make a dimension out of duplicated, sort of facty data.  This kind of design seems as weird to me as an unnormalised SQL database.

Here's an example to illustrate what I mean; I'll use that Adventureworks database.

We have a Geography dimension with a Geography hierarchy.  Levels go like this from top to bottom:


The Geography dimension has a key attribute called Geography Key.  It's there in the cube design as a dimension attribute, but it's not in any of the hierarchies, so I can't query it in MDX.  But that's fine: it has the same cardinality as the lowest level (Postal Code), because the dimension has some kind of normal design.

In the cube I'm dealing with, it's all messed up.  Using the AdventureWorks example above as a parallel, someone made a Geography dimension with source data keyed on [PostalCode, ExactAddress], but only wanted the dimension granularity to be PostalCode.

This makes it very hard to debug why the data in this dimension is incorrect.  I can't match up the dimension members in the cube to the source data, because the dimension doesn't actually go down to the real leaf level!

So I have a dimension attribute called ExactAddressKey, but I can't query on it in MDX, because it's not part of any dimension hierarchy.  Unfortunately changing any part of this cube design is not possible, so I can't even experiment with settings and see what happens.

How I could get to the leaf level of the data imported?  Something like


Or does this kind of dimension design result in SSAS discarding all the data that's more granular than the most granular attribute defined in any hierarchy - so that the data actually isn't there to be queried?

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