Analysis :: Dynamic Values In XMLA To Incrementally Update Cube Processing

Nov 10, 2015

I am trying to incrementally update a Cube to get near real time data for the end users. Currently we have a Sql server agent Job that does a FullProcess on the Cube. The Cube consists of a single Measure group which is simply one named query containing inner joins of all the dimensions and fact tables in the underlying relational database. The end users have a lot to upload during the day and they would like us to refresh the cube (near real time) to ensure the adjustments are loaded so that they could reconcile their daily PnLs. We have a MeasureId added which is an auto increment column in the Measures table.

I am trying to schedule the below XMLA query in Sql server agent Job and schedule it to run every 15mins or even less (if possible). However it seems to be not working and keep throwing all sorts of errors.

DECLARE @LastMeasureId AS INT, @myXMLA nvarchar(max)
SELECT @LastMeasureId = "[Measures].[Maximum Measures Id]" FROM
'DATA SOURCE=L68F728326574; Initial Catalog=GMDR;',
'SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Maximum Measures Id]} ON COLUMNS FROM [GMDR]');

[Code] ....

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Analysis :: Cube Needs To Be Deployed From VS After SSIS Analysis Services Processing Task Completes?

May 13, 2014

I have a cube that we are processing nightly via an Analysis Service Processing Task in SSIS.  In order to increase the performance of the processing time, we elected to use a lot of rigid dimension attributes, and do a full process of everything in the SSIS task.  The issue that I am having is that after that task completes, I need to go into Visual Studio to deploy the cube becuase we are unable to browse or use the cube.  This issue seemed to start once we changed the SSIS Analysis Service Processing Task to do a full process on the dimensions, rather than an incremental.

I would expect that once development is done, and it is processed and deployed, that is it.  My thinking is that the SSIS task should just update the already deployed cube,

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Incrementally Processing New Files

Sep 21, 2006


I'm just starting to learn SSIS and would like some advice on how to handle something I encounter frequently. I often have to connect to a remote FTP site which contains a large number of files. Each day a number of files are added (old files are not purged). So each day I need to download all files which have been added since last time I checked, store on a file server, then load to a SQL database.

I've written a DataFlow using a script which generates a list of files and dumps to a raw file and doing the same for FTP directory listing wouldn't be too hard - I could then feed these into a third DataFlow to work out what the new files were, then a third to download the files to a temp directory etc.

But is there a cleaner way of doing this (I'm not adverse to scripting or even writing my own components - but for maintainability reasons I'd like to keep this as "out of box" as possible)? How are other people approaching this task?


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Analysis :: AttributeKey Not Found When Processing The Cube

Apr 21, 2015

I have designed a cube. It has two fact tables and some dimensions. Fact table to fact table is many to many relationship.

For example

DataKey(PK), StartDateKey, PostCodeKey, TotalCost
DataKey(FK), ProductKey(FK), Position  - PrimaryKey on DataKey + ProductKey + Position
ProductKey(PK), ProductCode

Cube is built successfully, processed successfully.When I try to process the cube from agent job, I am getting error "Attribute key not found: tablename, value..." I have added a job step to run AnalysisServices Command. I have taken the command from cube process script(taken from manually process the cube and take script generated). I used ProcessAffectedObjects = "true" in the script. When I checked the tables, the key does exist. Why am I getting this error?

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Analysis :: Processing Cube In Production But Not In Dev And QA Servers

Jul 30, 2015

I am getting following errors when i processed Cube in Production.An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'DIM_PARTICIPANT', Name of 'DIM_PARTICIPANT' was being processed.
End Error

An error occurred while the 'PARTICIPANT NAME' attribute of the 'DIM_PARTICIPANT' dimension from the 'XL_GCS_SelfServices' database was being processed.
End Error

An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'v d Transaction', Name of 'DIM_TRANSACTION' was being processed.
End Error

An error occurred while the 'INVOICE NUMBER' attribute of the 'DIM_TRANSACTION' dimension from the 'XL_GCS_SelfServices' database was being processed.
End Error.

But i implmented same in Dev and QA server, there is no issues found.

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Error In Processing Cube (Microsoft Analysis Services)

Jan 9, 2004

I am processing one cube using Full Process option and it's giving
following error.

Analysis Server Error: Internal error [Object does not exist] '11948' ;
Time:1/8/2004 6:11:11 PM

Error(-2147221421): Internal error (Internal error [Object does not
exist] '11948' ); Time:1/8/2004 6:11:11 PM

Can anyone help me on this.

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Analysis :: SSAS 2012 - Notification While Cube Is Processing

Apr 16, 2015

I am working on SQL 2012.We have a SSAS Cube build. On top of it client use Excel to connect to SSAS Cube and See the reports.My Cube process every hour and take almost a 1-2 min to Process.When ever End user/Client See or refresh the Excel report (Which use Cube as Source),WHEN CUBE IS PROCESSING ,they get an error that Source is not available

We Have tried best but cannot bring down the Processing time of the cube to 3-5 Second , so that End user don't face report refresh issue at the moment of cube processing 

Requirement :In Case End User see the report while Cube is processing from back end , Instead of Error they should see some customize Msg which we can provide some thing Like "Data is Refreshing , please wait ".

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Analysis :: Is There Any Rollback Operation Whenever Cube Processing Fail

Apr 24, 2014

I Have one cube, First time its Processed successfully and browsed fine. Now i was change in the cube Calculations/somewhere, now again process the process failed. I am unable to browse my cube. Is there any option to Rollback this processed cube and Browse with existing cube?What is require is, If cube process is fail, i want to browse the cube with existing cube after modify the cube also(if fails).

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Analysis :: Processing / Deploying Adventure Works Tabular Cube

Sep 14, 2015

I am trying to create a Adventure Works Tabular cube in my developing machine and im having problems deploying the tabular cube (the DW database was firstly attached without problems)

So I'm having problems processing Adventure Works Tabular Cube, the problems are somewhere between SSAS project configuration and running privileges, i think. I'll describe exactly where i am:

- in SSMS 2012, connections, tables and roles and roles are empty, i only have the full name of the database when I try to process i get an error "the table with id of "product category 92583829......", Name of Product Category refereced by the model Cube, does not exist. An error ocurred when loading the model cube, '?c:program filesmicrosoft
sql serverMSAS11.MSSQLSERVEROLAPDataAdventureWorks Tabular model SQL 2012.0.dbModel.21.cub.xml'. (Microsoft AnalysisServices.)"

- in SQL Server configuration Manager, I have
Sql Server (MSSQLSERVER) running with account NT ServiceMSSQLSERVER
Sql Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) running with account .L.ABCDE , which is my account, i've changed because i've read somewhere that i could have problems with privileges.

(Note: it's strange because SSAS is tabular, i can see a blue rectangle (sort of) in SSMS but in configurator manager seems to be a cube.)

- in SSAS Project i unzip a clean copy of the project and the first error is that BIM file can't be found, it try's to find server TOSHIBA_S50_BTAB, but as i have only tabular SSAS running, i replace for TOSHIBA_S50... And some time ago it worked, now it doesn't even found TOSHIBA_S50_B?!!!!

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Analysis Services Processing Task - Cube No Longer Updating

Oct 19, 2007

We have set up an IS package to process an AS 2005 database (comprising cube & dimensions, etc) daily, via a SQL Server Agent job on both development and production systems. This has been working fine for months.

A new dimension was added to the cube on the development system - automatic processing via the IS package continued without issue. However, when the new dimension was added to the production system the IS package no longer processes the cube correctly. Although all appears ok (and all is present and correct in the logs), no data updates to the cube are made. Only when the cube is manually processed does the cube get updated.

Anyone got any ideas about how to get around this issue? We have created a new IS package, with a single Analysis Services Processing Task, and tried this but get the same outcome.

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Reporting Services :: Error When View Reports Or Manually Processing TFS Data Warehouse And Analysis Services Cube

Apr 24, 2015

I am trying to configure the reporting for TFS using SQL Server. But I get following error when viewing any report:

So I try to manually process the cube to check if it works. I am following this article: [URL] ....

When I click on GetProcessingStatus and invoke it (with last field set as TRUE) I get following error:

How to resolve this issue and be able to see the reports.

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Analysis :: How To Update Cube To Get MDX Working Fine

Oct 5, 2015

I have been trying to get the ValueR column of the following query through the MDX but instead getting ValueW as output of the MDX

    exp(Log(sum(MTMROR)+ 1 ))-1 as ValueW,
    exp(sum(Log(MTMROR + 1)))-1 as ValueR
    where Rundate in ('2015-03-01','2015-03-02')

MDX written for the above query is

    Member [Measures].[LogValuePre]
    as ([Measures].[MTMROR] + 1)
    Member [Measures].[LogValuePre1]
    as VBA![LOG]([Measures].[LogValuePre])

[Code] ...

[MTMROR] measure has the aggregate function Sum. What i can get from this behavior is MDX is first aggregating the result and default aggregation function is Sum. When i try to see the value with more granular data by having the date dimensions on the row (un-commenting the date dimension) i get the correct log and exp log values. Its showing the correct value as date dimension is most granular level in the fact table. While trying to get the data at less granular level(Fund level), getting the sum function applied automatically.   

If i set AggregateFunction to none in the cube structure, i get null as the output.

How could i apply the log function before the sum function in the [MTMROR] measure?

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Analysis :: Deploying In Order To Update The Cube?

Nov 2, 2015

Scenario: [**tableA**] plus [**tableDim1**] plus [**tableDim2**]. I create a DSW, a cube I deploy the [@@CUBE@@] connect the data using an excel file that show the data as [¬¬dashboard¬¬].

It works.

My question is: after three days the [**tableA**] is populated with new rows. In order to allow my colleagues to see the new rows I deploy the [@@CUBE@@] again. My colleagues can see the new rows in the [¬¬dashboard¬¬]. 

It works, ok. But do I really need to deploy the [@@CUBE@@] every time or it should be update automatically when you, for example, refresh the data in Excel. Do I miss something?

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Update An Analysis Services Cube From Stored Proc?

Jul 1, 2004

I'd like to be able to update an Analysis Services cube through a stored proc.

Currently I can:
- Make a DTS package that updates the cube
- run xp_cmdshell which runs dtsrun which runs the DTS package.

That is messy, easily broken, and hard to get good error info when an error occurs. Is there a better route?

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Analysis :: Application With Cube - Cannot Update Database Object

Jun 19, 2015

We have an application that takes an existing cube, clones it and then updates it in C#.

Database dbTarget = dbSource.Clone();
dbTarget.Name = databaseName_Target;
dbTarget.ID = databaseName_Target;
dbTarget.DataSourceImpersonationInfo = new ImpersonationInfo(ImpersonationMode.ImpersonateServiceAccount);

We are receiving the following error when trying to Update the cube (the last line of code)Cannot update the 'Database' object 'DB Cube_Temp', it needs to be part of a connected Server object.

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Analysis :: Update Actual Database Tables With Changes Made In Cube

Oct 7, 2015

I am very new to SSAS. I have two queries:

1) As per my project requirement, if the changes in SSAS cube are approved, they should be committed back to the actual SQL Server 2012 tables. Is that possible, if yes how?

2) For rolling back to original data I truncate the relevant writeback table and process the cube.

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Analysis :: How To Delete Multiple SSAS DB Using XMLA

Jun 3, 2015

In Analysis services,i have multiple DB's. i need to delete all using XMLA script.

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Analysis :: Way To Generate Some Documentation From XMLA Code

May 28, 2015

I am working on SSAS project and now i am looking for a way to generate some documentation from XMLA code ?I have seen that it's possible to do it with XML, so i think it is possible too in XMLA !

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Analysis :: Dynamic Default Values For Parameter

Nov 11, 2015

I am trying to write a query for the default values for month, and I am stuck in bringing out only the parameter values, the query I have , brings back the month on row and value on column, and I am trying to get the value out. and will ssrs accept it as a valid expression for a default value


[Code] .....

I tried using the exp


so as to return the first parameter in the parameter dataset , but i have the error the expression that ref the parameter MONTH does not exists in the parameter collection.

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Creation Of Dynamic Cubes Using XMLA?

Mar 12, 2008

I hope some of you can point me in the right direction. I am new to all this and
working on a project using Cubes.

The cubes need to be generated in a dynamic fashion as the contents
(that means field) in the fact tables change change every quarter and are
based off of a external application.

The base strucutre stays the same though. So we thought we would export the
XMLA representation of the cube and then munge (word for alter) the data in the
XMLA file and send it someplace to create the new cube on a SQL 2005 server.
This seemed easy enough but I have found no real information on how to
run some piece of code that would create the cube based on this XMLA code.

On another note is there a parsing object for the XMLA so i dont have to right one from



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Analysis :: Tabular Dynamic Security With Multiple Values

Aug 6, 2015

It seems simple but I'm not able to make it works. I've got a fact table with sites (DimImplantation) with allowed users (DimDroit) :

1 user can have access to many sites. I've tried these codes but only one worked and only in case where the user had only one site :

a) =DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]= LOOKUPVALUE (DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID]; DimDroit[Utilisateur];USERNAME() ) ==> worked for 1user with 1 site

b) =DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]= LOOKUPVALUE (DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID]; DimDroit[Utilisateur];USERNAME(); DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID];DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID] ) ==> doesn't work and says 'not able to to identifie the value of DimImplantation[DimImplantation_ID]
in the current context.

c) CALCULATE(VALUES(DimDroit[DimImplantation_ID], SUMMARIZE('DimDroit',DimDroit[Utilisateur]), DimDroit[Utilisateur]=USERNAME()) ==> version for  SQL2012. I've had 'End of input reached'.

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Foreach Loop Xmla Analysis Services Execute Ddl Task

Mar 21, 2007


I am a R data miner who is new to SQL and SSIS and would appreciate any help.

I wanted to automate the process of creating and processing decision tree models for every county in the Country. I wanted to use the foreach loop for iterate through all the counties. I wanted the foreach enumerator to be used by the XMLA code that creates the model so it would append it to the name of the model and i would get a different model for every county. I am not sure how to have the XMLA code accept foreach loop enumerator.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you could direct me to a previously done example that would greatly benefit me.

Thank you

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Analysis :: Creating Cube With AMO - Cube Has No Measure Groups?

May 19, 2015

I have problems creating a cube with AMO.

I can add the cube to the database object and fill it with dimensions and a measuregroup (see code below).

If I call cube.Update() it says something like "Error in meta data manager. Cube has no measuregroups." (getting the message in german language)

The error in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException.Results.Messages is -1055653629

I can't find any documentation about this (or any other) error code in Microsoft documentation.

Here's my Code:

Cube newCube = database.Cubes.Add("MyCube","MyCube");
newCube.Language = 1031;
newCube.Collation = "Latin1_General_CI_AS";
CubeDimension dim = newCube.Dimensions.Add("dim1","dim1","dim1");
CubeAttribute attrib = dim.Attributes.Find("dim1Attr1");


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Cube Processing

May 22, 2008

Hi All,

I have 3 cubes in a single SSAS database and these cubes should be processed using the following schedule

Cube 1 - Every Day
Cube 2 - Every Week
Cube 3 - Every Month
Cube 4 - Every Day

The issue that I face is that these cubes share the dimensions and so I cant do a FULL process of these SHARED Dimensions as it will affec other cubes.

I can expect additions and deletions to my dimension data , but the structure remains the same. It would be great if someone can suggest how to go about processing the dimensions. I am confused with the number of options(Process Incremental, Process Update etc.,) available for processing the dimensions.

I will creating a SSIS package to automate the processing. One more question is say, if Cube 2 fails during a day and Cube 1 has succesfully processed on the same day earlier, how do I revert back to the old state of Cube 2? Does this mean that I need to do a back up of the SSAS database before processing each cube?

Apologies if I had missed anything.


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Processing Cube Error 211

Aug 14, 2000

When I process a new cube I recieve an error "Error (211): Unknown dimension member ' 8'; Time: 8/11/00 1:09:45 PM". Any ideas about what this error is about ?

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Cube Processing Error

Apr 14, 2004

I am trying to Process a analysis server Cube and I am getting an error message saying

syntax error converting the varchar value A.H to column of type int.; 22018.

Can somebody tell me how to remove this error.


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Cube Processing Hanged!

Jan 18, 2008

I have a cube which can be processed in our development server. However, when it is deployed to the UAT server, the cube processing was hanged. What I have done then:

Checking sys.sysprocesses found that there are 8 threads suspended with waittype=CXPACKET. The threads are all reading the transactional database.

We then searched from web that CXPACKET is related to parallel query processing. So we have done the following:

Select 'Sequential' option in processing -> result is the same with CXPACKET.

Select 'Parallel' with parallel thread set to 1 -> result in one thread with ASYNC IO wait type

Select 'Parallel' with parallel thread set to 2 -> result in CXPACKET.

Change the number of CPUs SQL Server use from 8 to 1 -> result in one thread with ASYNC IO wait type

Change the number of CPUs SQL Server use from 8 to 2 -> result in CXPACKET.

Change 'Maximum parallel query' in SQL server = 4 -> result in CXPACKET.
All the trials result in hanged status

Difference between development server and UAT server:
1. CPU : dev = 2, UAT = 8
2. SQL Server Version : dev = 2005 SP1, UAT = 2005 SP2
3. database size : dev > UAT

Anyone has the problem and solution before? Please share. Thanks.

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Error Processing A Cube

May 16, 2008

I just started getting a new error message to me:

Errors in the high-level relational engine. The data source view does not contain a definition for the 'WeightRecieved' column in the 'dbo_factPurchases' table or view.

The problem is WeightReceived IS defined in my DSV so I don't know what to do about this error.

Any suggestions?

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Processing Ms Olap-cube Via Jobs

May 29, 1999


I'm looking for a possiblity to schedule the processing of a ms olap services cube in a SQL Server Agent job. Has anyone expericiences with that? Are there any alternatives for scheduling the processing?

Thanx, Wiebke

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SSAS: Processing Cube Hangs

Aug 4, 2006


I have a problem with processing my cube. My fact table (with telephone data) contains about 400,000 records... which is increasing rapidly (400,000 records is about 8 months of data)...
I have a few dimensions:
Dimension User: about 200 records
Dimension Line: about 200 records
Dimension Direction: 4 records
Dimension Date: 365 records for each year
Dimension TimeInterval: with 24 records

So far so good... when I process this dimension I have no problem....
However, when I add a dimension (CalledNumber, with exactly 101 records) the processing hangs as soon as it starts...

The SQL performed when processing the cube looks like this:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1, table2,.... tablem

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Server Enterprise Manager, it ALSO hangs...

I am not really suprised by that, because this SQL first create a huge table of 400,000 x 200 x 200 x 4 x 365 x 24 x 101 records and after that works through the WHERE statements to filter out the appropriate records.

for me it would be more logical to use the following code to process the cube, but that cannot be changed in Analysis Manager:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON (
LEFT JOIN tablem ON ( = tablem-1.tablemid)

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Servel Enterprise Manager, it does NOT hang, but performs the query in about 35 seconds....
But Analysis Manager does not allow me to change the SQL used for processing the cube...

What can I do to add more dimensions to my cube... (It will be more anyway after adding the CalledNumber dimension)??
any suggestions?

PS. forgot to mention: I use Sql Server 2000

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Cube Processing Takes Time

Jan 31, 2007

cube processing is taking more time in a new server while same cubes takes less time in another server.
the cubes are processed through DTS package
can anybody help finding out the possible reasons for this.

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SSAS: Processing Cube Hangs

Aug 4, 2006


I have a problem with processing my cube. My fact table (with telephone data) contains about 400,000 records... which is increasing rapidly (400,000 records is about 8 months of data)...
I have a few dimensions:
Dimension User: about 200 records
Dimension Line: about 200 records
Dimension Direction: 4 records
Dimension Date: 365 records for each year
Dimension TimeInterval: with 24 records

So far so good... when I process this dimension I have no problem....
However, when I add a dimension (CalledNumber, with exactly 101 records) the processing hangs as soon as it starts...

The SQL performed when processing the cube looks like this:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1, table2,.... tablem

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Server Enterprise Manager, it ALSO hangs...

I am not really suprised by that, because this SQL first create a huge table of 400,000 x 200 x 200 x 4 x 365 x 24 x 101 records and after that works through the WHERE statements to filter out the appropriate records.

for me it would be more logical to use the following code to process the cube, but that cannot be changed in Analysis Manager:

SELECT field1, field2,... fieldn
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON (
LEFT JOIN tablem ON ( = tablem-1.tablemid)

When I execute above SQL in the Query Analyser from SQL Servel Enterprise Manager, it does NOT hang, but performs the query in about 35 seconds....
But Analysis Manager does not allow me to change the SQL used for processing the cube...

What can I do to add more dimensions to my cube... (It will be more anyway after adding the CalledNumber dimension)??
any suggestions?

PS. forgot to mention: I am using Sql Server 2000

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OLAP Cube Partition Processing ...

Apr 25, 2008

We have a MS-OLAP cube that has about 11 partitions and I have created a prototype package which processes these partitions conditionally based on expressions that are fed values from a SQL Server control table. It appears that one or more of the partitions seem to fail due to the fact that all of the data for the various partitions come from the same huge fact table. Is there a way to control the level of concurrency within the package itself? If not, I am thinking I should move some of the partitions to process based on other partitions completing their process successfully. Appreciate any help.

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