Analysis :: How To Create CommandLine Action Using ASSL

Oct 7, 2015

I want to create a commandline action. It is my understanding that commandline actions can only be created using ASSL. I cannot find the details required to build the xmla. My ultimate goal is to be able to open a file from a unc path via a cube action.

Using a URL action will not work since the path does not start with http or https.  Prepending 'file:' to the unc, with however many hashes you like, does not work with the URL action either. I am hoping I can pass the unc to the commandline and render the file.  In any case, it looks like the information needed to create a commandline action is not currently available. 

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Analysis :: Role Based Drill Through Action

Jun 3, 2015

I have number of users which are under 6 Groups. We have 4 drill through actions. Now I would like to restrict 2 drill through actions for only some groups.

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Analysis :: Format Numbers In Drill-through Action?

Jun 15, 2015

I have table with 3 columns: record_id (int), car (varchar(50)), amount (decimal(18,4)).

I created dimension for drillthrough action. Also I set Amount's column FormatString to '##0.00' but when I use Drillthough column Amount values is shown like:


Is there any possibility to change that values would be shown as follow:


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Analysis :: Using String Replace In Cube URL Action-expression

Jul 15, 2010

Within the MDX "Action expression" of a url-action I need to replace some text from a string that is used in building the URL.


The above syntax errors out, is this type of formatting possible with MDX action expressions?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Row Number For A Consecutive Action

Nov 26, 2013

How to create a row number for a consecutive action. Example: I have a listing of people who have either completed a goal or not. I need to count by person the number of consecutively missed goals.

My sql table is this:
PersonId, GoalDate, GoalStatus (holds completed or missed)

My first thought was to use the rownumber function however that doesn’t work because someone could complete a goal, miss a goal, then complete one and when they complete a goal after a missed goal the count has to start over.

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Analysis :: Create Analysis Services Project In Visual Studio 2012 Data Tools?

Feb 18, 2013

It is possible to create Analysis Services project (*.dwproj) in Visual Studio 2012 Data Tools?

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Commandline Utility

Feb 25, 2008

Hi Friedns

How can i wil go command line Utility in SSIS Packages any command is there plz help me

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Analysis :: Create Cube With 2 Table

May 6, 2015

i want to create cube withe 2 fact tables. is it possible?? if it is could you show me how !!

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Create New Database In Analysis Service Not Use BI

May 11, 2007

i have AAAA project create by BI, now i want to change my computer, so i get XMLA from AAAA project in BI and run it in analysis service XMLA query but it return follow error:
Executing the query ...
Either the user, PCHOMEmax, does not have access to the Analysis Services Project1 database, or the database does not exist.

Execution complete

i try another way: i click right mouse on my database from analysis service, so i choice "Script database as "--> CREATE to... and i get a new XMLA file so igo to another computer, and run it, SQL return follow error:
Executing the query ...
Either the user, PCHOMEmax, does not have access to the AAAA database, or the database does not exist.

Execution complete
can i solve this problem.

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How To Run Sql Scripts From Commandline In MSDE

Jul 30, 2004

I am trying to run sql scripts from Commandline, i am getting the error "the database doesnot exist use sp_helpdb to show available databases".
I am running this sql query to create database table, appreciate your help.

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Installing SQL Express Via Commandline

Apr 1, 2007

So, I read this thread:, which suggested that I could call SQLEXPR32.EXE (the SP2 download) with the relevant commandline args in exactly the same way I could call setup.exe. Namely, if I were to call:

Code Snippetsetup.exe /qb /settings "c:/setup.ini"

then I should be able to use

Code SnippetSQLEXPR32.exe /qb /settings "c:/setup.ini"

where my setup.ini contains

Code Snippet[Options]

However, this doesn't seem to be working at all - the commandline params to SQLEXPR32.EXE are completely ignored, and it runs as if they were not specified.

Would be great to get some help on this. I'm equally happy with the set of commands I need to call in order to extract SQLEXPR32 and then run setup, but SQLEXPR32 seems to extract to a random GUID dir, and automatically start setup, neither of which is condusive to automating it.



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SQLCMD Does Not Work From Commandline

Jan 26, 2006

SQLCMD works in the Studio if SQLCMD Mode option is chosen.

OSQL and SQLCMD does not work from commandline and produces this constant burnt in message.

Sqlcmd:Error:Microsoft SQL Native Client:Login timeout expired.

Cleint and Server have the same set of protocols

Studio has been added to the list of those permitted by Firewall

Tried to connect through tcp, lpc

Remote has been enabled.

SQLNativeClient does not have a property or method by name 'timeout'.

Let me know if something else is needed?

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Osql And CommandLine Stored Procedures

Feb 8, 2005

I'm currently developing a number of SQL scripts to handle a major upgrade of our database from a development server to a production server using Osql.

Everything is working fine, but I have each of the scripts generating text-output and am hoping someone may know how to suppress some the Caution text (specifically triggered when a column has been renamed).

Can anyone provide a possible solution? (there's so many notes being written to the console its easy to miss the errors I'm concerned about.



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SQL Express Advanced Commandline Install

Jun 8, 2006

I'm trying to install SQL Express Advanced Services from the commandline, but cannot get Management tools to install.

Does anyone know the correct commandline to get this to work?



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SQL JOB: CommandLine PASSWORD To Run SSIS Package

Jun 15, 2007

stupid question time...

how do i add a password (ie, what is the exact wording) to the CommandLine in a SQL Agent Job that is running an SSIS package from the File System, pls?

Here is the CommandLine as I currently have it:

/FILE "\dbase01c$SSISPackageDeployment vrscanus_process_uploadscanus_process_upload.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E

I have tried /PWD and /pwd and /PASSWORD already. For these, SQL Job says they are not valid commandLine parameters.


seth j hersh

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Creating Maintenance Plans Via The CommandLine.

Feb 5, 2007

Hello All,

I've searched high and low for documentation on this to no avail.

Basically my goal is to create a maintenance plan in SQLSERVER2005 via the command line. I need to create this plan in a way that it can be seen in the list of Maintenance Plans in the Management Studio Interface. I went into the SSIS designer and created my plan. I now have a DTSX file. I tried the dtutil.exe utility, however i never saw my maintenance plan in the list of plans.

I ran dtutil.exe and did /FILE to /SQL but i don't see the plan listed or in a way a user could modify it, which is of the utmost importance to my clients.

How do i get my file to turn into a real running Maintenance Plan that is seen in the list of Maintenance Plans via the Management Studio Interface and is editable by clients?

Other things to keep in mind, i'm attempting to create these via Installshield MSI installer. So i need to do it via command line, or file system-wise. No interface or user interaction.

Please Advise.

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Question About Commandline /Reporting Option

May 12, 2008

In the BOL article on dtexec it states in the section on the /Reporting option:

The optional parameter event_guid_or_name is a list of exceptions to the log providers

What is an event GUID?

[Microsoft follow-up]

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Is It Possible To Create Cube File Without Microsoft Analysis Services

Aug 11, 2004

Can I create a cube file, .cub ,without the Microsoft Analysis Services

Pls Guide me as I am new in this field.


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Analysis :: How To Create MOLAP / ROLAP And HOLAP Cube

Aug 11, 2015

creating MOLAP, ROLAP and HOLAP cubes... I'm looking for detailed steps involved.I'm using MS-SQL Server 2014.

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Analysis :: Create A Calculated Set From Union Of Values In Two Sets?

Oct 26, 2015

I have the following MDX Query:

Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0,
non empty
[Divisions].[Division].[All].Children *
[Cost Centres].[Cost Centre].[All].Children
on 1
From MyCube

which produced the following table:

 Cost Centre


What I am hoping to do is create a set out of the Union of specific values in the [Cost Centres].[Cost Centre] and [Locations].[Locations] hierarchies into a single set and use that new set in my MDX query across the columns.

Using the table and query from above, I have the following conditions that would determine the value in the set (lets call the new set 'NewSet')

When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = X Then "CustomType1"
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Y Then "CustomType2"
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Z Then "CustomType3"
When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Y Then "CustomType4"
When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Z Then "CustomType5"Else "Default"

Then, if I was to execute the new query:


set NewSet as "Some Unknown Magic Here"

Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0,
non empty
[Divisions].[Division].[All].Children *
on 1
From MyCube

I would end up with 



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Analysis :: Create OLAP Cubes Using NAV 2009 SP1 Database

Feb 13, 2012

I am attempting to create som OLAP cubes using the NAV 2009 SP1 database. I am using Jet Enterprise with TimeXtender4 to build the cubes.

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Attaching A .mdf File To The MSSQL 2000 Using Commandline

Mar 30, 2007

Hi ,

we have a requirement to create a database of our application in client's system. and we assume that already MS Sql server is installed.

we have a .mdf file of our database. Is there any way I can attach .mdf file to the database using command line. so that I can write a batch file and run that batch to create the database in our client's system.



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MDX In Analysis Services: Create A Cube-Based Hierarchichal Picklist

Feb 7, 2008

Mr. Pearson,

I am currently reading your article titled, "MDX in Analysis Services: Create a Cube-Based Hierarchical Picklist". This article is directly applicable to a problem we are currently trying to solve regarding ragged hierarchies as input parameters.

I have not read the entire article through but am in the process of doing so. Also, I will be trying to implement your solution.

I have one question, will SSRS support multi selection when using a hierarchical picklist? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Analysis :: Create A Calculated Member For Cumulative Sum Using Fiscal Calendar?

Jun 2, 2015

I am trying to create a calculated member for Cumulative sum using Fiscal Calendar using the below code:

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[No of Accounts Cumulative] 
AS 'Sum(PeriodsToDate([DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].[(all)],[DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].CURRENTMEMBER), [Measures].[No of Accounts])'
   {[Measures].[No of Accounts],[Measures].[No of Accounts Cumulative]} ON COLUMNS, 
   [DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].Members ON ROWS
FROM [Acquisition]
where [DimFinancialDate].[Year -  Quarter -  Month -  Date].[FiscalYear].&[2014-04-01T00:00:00];

Getting below OUTPUT:

No of Accounts No of Accounts Cumulative
All 1763 1763
Apr 14 116 353
May 14 30 383
Jun 14 284 667
Jul 14 112 779
Aug 14 38 817


Basically, It is taking all the members of the Fiscal date dimension to compute the output, But what i am expecting is to compute only for Fiscal calendar that is from April 2014 - March 2015.

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Analysis :: Possible To Create Multiple Data Source View Having Same Datasource?

Jul 27, 2015

1. As per my current development SQL Sever Analysis Database consists of two Cube (Cube A and Cube B).  Cube A and Cube B share the same data source view (DSV1). The source for both these cubes has the same data source (DS1).

2. As per the requirement I need to create third Cube i.e. Cube C. Is it possible to create a second Data Source View (DSV2). The Source of second Data Source View (DSV2) will be the same data source(DS1).

I am thinking to create second Data Source View (DSV2) for Cube C because existing layout of the DSV1 has become complex. I wanted to know the pros and cons of creating a multiple data source view with same data source

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Analysis :: How To Create Parallel Period For Multiple Measures In SSAS 2012

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to create a calculated member for parallel period function using ssas 2012. I have 10 measures for which i need to create parallelperiod. 

I can successfully create for 1 measure but when i add multiple values to it it breaks. Below is the sample i tried for multiple measures:

sum(ParallelPeriod([Date].[Calendar].[year],1,[Date].[Calendar].currentmember) ,

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What Procedures Need To Be Done On A SQl Sever 2005 Database Before Commandline Backups Can Be Successfull

Jun 12, 2007

I have a sql sever 2005 express edition database but when i run my backup command from the command prompt, i get this error message .
The .Net SqlClient Data Provider has received a severity 16, state 11 error number 911 on line 1 of procedure on server KSS15SQLEXPRESS: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'DATABASE1'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. The .Net SqlClient Data Provider has received a severity 16, state 1 error number 3013 on line 1 of procedure on server KSS15SQLEXPRESS: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
DATABASE one is the name of the database i want to backup. Now it looks there so many databases some of which i have no idea where they are. It looks like there some system stored procedures i have to run first before my database file can be located by my commands. It would be wonderfull if some one pointed me to an article that covers this initial part thoroughly.

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URL Action

Jul 2, 2007


I have a URL Action (defined on cells based on condition specified in MDX) defined in my SSAS 2005 Cube that opens a page in our ASP .Net application.

I use custom MDX statements within SSRS to generate report. Is it possible to expose the above action in a report generated using reporting services ? (in which case I can use the "Jump to URL" feature in SSRS to redirect the user to the appropriate web page) If so, please can you specify how?

Thanks in advance,


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2 SQL Commands In One Action

Nov 29, 2007

Hi guys,I wanna ask bout the problem with my web application. I'm doing a select a statement from table 1 and and with the query results i got, i need it to store the result on table 2. How will i do this?  I need your tips and suggestions.

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Need To Get NULLs Into The Action..

Mar 11, 2008

I have the following query:
 SELECT tblArticleCategory.ACategoryID, IsNull(ParentCategory, '') + IsNull( ' > ' + ACategoryName, '') AS Category from tblArticlecategory
RIGHT OUTER JOIN (SELECT ACategoryName as ParentCategory, ACategoryID from tblArticleCategory WHERE AParentID is null AND aActive=1) AS Parent
on parent.ACategoryID = tblArticleCategory.AParentID
WHERE tblArticleCategory.AActive=1ORDER BY Category
This produces an ordered list of the parent categories and subcategories from the table as long as there is a subcateogry directly below one of the parent categories. If there isn't one directly below the parent category, the parent category is dropped from the list. None of the parents with the NULLS back to back are in the list.

6 Arts & Entertainment > Dance2 Arts & Entertainment > Movies13 Computers > E-Learning4 Computers > Hardware14 Computers > Java16 Computers > Link Popularity17 Computers > Microsoft.net15 Computers > RSS5 Computers > Software8 Real Estate > Finance
How do I fix the query so that Automotive, Business, Cancer and Communications are included in the list?

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May 27, 2008

Can any one u explain "ON UPDATE NO ACTION While Creating Table"

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Rollback Action...

Mar 23, 2007

Hi All,

I have a situation where there are two tables Negotiation and Rubrics. A single negotiation can have N number of Rubrics. Hence it has Primary Key - Foreign Key relationship. Now I am using two different updatable recordset, to make changes from the form.

The problem is with the close button we have in Negotiation Form. For example, a user says create negotiation and fills in d details in the Neg form, and adds several rubric to it (which opens a seperate rubric form). When each rubric is created and comes back to negotiation form, the record is actually updated in the database from the recordset. (Since Rubric is a different recordset).

Now, When i say close from the Negotiation Form. The changes should not be committed or in other words, no changes should be committed, generally its should be rolled back to the original state. Since all the rubric info is already in the database, this is a problem.(hard to track wat all rubrics the negotiation had initially)

I thought of maintaining a transaction in the db, but that wld need a single connection, which is not recommended.

Please suggest us how this can be implemented.

Thanks in advance.

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Parameter Tab Action

Oct 26, 2007

Greetings -

I have a report which contains quite a few parameters for user input. The user wants the parameters arranged in a 'down & over' orientation. This has been done via the parameter order.

The next question is - how do I get the tab action between the parameters changed from the 'over & down' default to the new 'down & over' orientation?

Is this functionality currently supported?

Tks & B/R

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