I'm new to MDX, and most of the time I customize existing queries rather than writing new ones. I currently have a MDX query like this
[Measures].[Fees Billed]
         on 0,
except([Age].[Day Buckets].members, {[Age].[Day Buckets].[All], [Age].[Day Buckets].&[Unknown]})
 on 1
WHERE ([Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Year].&[2015], [Customer].[City].&[Auckland] )
Which brings the fees billed by age buckets where the customer's city is Auckland. I also have another dimension called [Sales Agent] with a member [City] in it, and there is a member in [Customer] called [Customer].[Sales Agent]
I am trying to retrieve the same information where the customer's sales agent's city is Auckland rather than the customer's city.
If it is SQL, I will join Customer and SalesAgent on Customer.SalesAgentUno = SalesAgent.SalesAgentUno and bring in the desired data. Any way in MDX to do this?
I have one dimension and one measure group. I deployed and processed the cube. Now I am able to browse the data. Now I added one more dimension. I deployed and reprocessed again the Cube. Now I am not able to see any values. Â I am getting like below.
I am modelling two fact tables of Actuals and Budget which are at different granularity, Actuals are at day, customer and product sub category level. Budgets are at month, Region and Product category level.
Month, Region and Product Category is present in Date, Region and Product Category dimension respectively. I have only three dimensions as Customer, Product and Date. Linking those dimensions to Actual Fact table is not an issue, what is the best way and options are there to link budget fact table to those three dimensions.
I have a problem where I have 3 three measures in a virtual cube: "Actual", "Budget" and "Full Year Budget".
The dimensions I have are: - Account No_ / Name - Cost Code - Sub Cost Code - Time/Dates - Budget Name
Both "Actual" & "Budget" measures need to be filtered/dimensioned by: - Account No_ / Name - Cost Code - Sub Cost Code - Time/Dates (exclusive to "Actual", "Budget")
Thus have put these in one cube
AND "Full Year Budget" needs to be filtered/dimensioned by: - Account No_ / Name - Cost Code - Sub Cost Code - Budget Name (exclusive to "Full Year Budget")
THUS have put this as one cube…
I then created a virtual cube, with the 2 cubes thinking that the dimensions I created in the original cubes would only filter the measures of the original cube measures in the virtual cube. ...BUT all dimension filters in the virtual cube filter all measures in the virtual cube, irrespective of which dimensions were created with the original cubes.
I need to show the dimensions of my model like columns in the result. I have this query
with member [Measures].[Customer] as [Customers].[Customer].CURRENTMEMBER.Name member [Measures].[UCs] as [UCs].[UC].CURRENTMEMBER.Name member [Measures].[Order Type] as [Order Types].[Order Type].CURRENTMEMBER.Name member [Measures].[UC Dates] as [UC Dates].[UC Date].CURRENTMEMBER.Name
Actually I want to do distinct sum on a measure group, please find the below table as sample
XL Measure group LKÂ Â Â Â OKÂ Â Â Â Â Amount 1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 100 1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 11Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 100 3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 30Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 250 3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 31Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 250 3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 32Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 250
For the above measure group two dimensions have relationships, One is L dimension which is having relationship with XL on LK and One is O dimension which is having relationship with XL on OK. If I drag L dimension attributes  it should show results as below
LK LName Amount 1    A        100 3    C         250
But above results are coming as below
LK LName Amount 1    A        200 3    C         750
If I drag O dimension attributes along with L dimension, it should show results as below.
LK  LName  OK     OKName  Amount 1        A        10      XYZ        100 1        A        11      UVW       100 3        C        30      PQR         250 3        C         31     KLM        250 3        C         32     TUV        250
I used formula Measures.Amount/Measures.Count, this formula is not showing correct results when I don't drag any dimensions, it is showing results for All member as 425, but it should show as 350.
So I made a same change ([L].[LK].Currentmember, Measures.Amount)/([L].[LK].Currentmember,Measures.Count), this worked fine but performance is very low and so stopped working on this.
Atlast I did the measure group like this
LK    OK     LAmount  OAmount 1       10        100       100 1        11        0           100 3         30       300       300 3         31       0           300
I want to show Measures.LAmount when only L dimension is querying and want to show OAmount when both L dimension and O dimension are querying. Is this possible ?
Is it possible to filter out a measure only at the intersection of Two dimension members? I have a date dimension, Â a Hospital dimension and a wait time measure.
For Example, is it possible to filter out Wait time for Bayside Hospital for the Month of June 2015?
I want Wait time to continue to be displayed for all other months and roll up into the totals without the filtered value.
I have make a calculated member for previous period of an given date range. The previous period is the same date range from the previous year, and I have managed to achieve that with the calculated member:
Create member currentcube.[Measures].[PrevPeriod] as (ParallelPeriod( [Start Date].[Cal Hierarchy].[Year], 1, [Start Date].[CAL Hierarchy].CurrentMember), [Measures].[Count]);
This member returns the correct result as long as my query uses the time dimension, which makes sense... but I also need to show results sliced by other dimensions in bar charts that do not display the time dimension. For example, I have a dimension with only 3 members called [Region].[Area].[AreaName].
The result set for the bar chart needs to look like this:
[AreaName] | [Count] | [PrevPeriod] East           |   43     |      56 West          |   53     |      95
But the [PrevPeriod] only returns values if I include the time dimension. I essentially need to sum the results of the time dimension/AreaName/[PrevPeriod] tuple down to just Areaname/[PrevPeriod] for whatever date range may be involved.
I don't know if this is significant to the issue, but the client tool that generates the bar charts builds the query with the date range as a subcube in the FROM statement. If the [PrevPeriod] is outside of the subcube that is still OK, as long as the time dimension is included in an Axis on the final select statement, so at least I know I am not suffering from the members inside the subcube. I've also found in SSMS that it makes no difference if I make the query a subcube, or put the date range in a where clause instead; I still get NULL for [PrevPeriod] without the dates.
I can't imagine that this is an unusual situation, so I hope I've explained it adequately! What is the recommended technique for summarizing a Parallelperiod by dimensions without displaying the time/dates ?
I have a cube with 2 many-to-many dimensions where a special mdx query needs about 5 seconds. When I resolve the many to many relationships by multiplying the data in the fact table the query needs 21 seconds.
In general do many-to-many dimensions slow down query performance of a cube?
Without the many-to-many dimensions of course the fact table has much more rows. Could this be the reason for the performance loss?
how to tweak query performance of a cube in general?
I have a requirement to set Description values for our cube dimensions and attributes.Â
I've done this for regular dimensions but I cant seem to find a way for role playing dimensions. I can set the base dimension descriptions but not the 'clones'. Is this possible?Â
The all-level of dimensions doesn't show up in the PivotTable Field List? I have reports where I want to show one member of a dimensions compared to the total of the dimension (and not the total of the members shown). But I can't select the ALL-level. Is there any way to do this?
I am using a "Client" dimension that includes a "Holding - Client" hierarchy. I have to make sure, that only the appropriate roles may access appropriate members from this dimension, but I only have the information which role may access which ClientID - I do not have the information which HoldingID should be accessible. Also, "Client" is used as the key column of the dimension with "ClientID" and "HoldingID" as key columns. The hierarchy is strict, no client may belong to multiple holdings.
I cannot seem to find the right MDX for the allowed member set. My MDX expression would need to look like this:
[Client].[Holding - Client].[Client].&[*]&[123]
In this example I want to give access for client &123, no matter the holding, so &1&123 and &2&123 would be allowed.
I built my first tabular model and see that my fact tables are also appearing as dimensions. In Multi dimensional mode i could choose which are the dimensions. How do i do that in tabular model.
Is there a way to define measure group on fact1-details-table using TimeDim. Date info is only in fact1 table and not in details table.
Is namedquery joining the 2 fact tables the best solution in this case? There is so much redundancy using one fact table, so underlying sqldb uses 2 tables.
I'm trying to create a DM model using TS algorithm, to predict sales for different products and channels but I can only get it to work using one of those two "dimensions" or columns the other one is ignored (This is, my fact table contains a key for time, a key for channel a key for product and the metrics and the model only seems to allow working with time, the metrics and only one of the other dimensions product or channel ..) Am I missing something?
Our business model involves a lot of dates and the business owners frequently want reports based on each of these different dates. For example in any given order there are as follows:
- Order created date - Client due date - Order first payment date (an order can have multiple payments) - Order fully paid date - Date assigned to vendor - Vendor return date - Date delivered to client
On top of that we have other areas of the business, the data from which ties into the above. Here we have more dates e.g.
- Date vendor recruited - Date vendor reviewed
At any given point the manager may want a report based on any of these dates. For example;
- Product type by order creation date (fiscal year / month) - Product type by first payment date  (fiscal year / month) - Product type by client due date (fiscal year / month)
and so forth. I have been asked to create a report using all of the above on at least one occasion, many of them far more frequently. At the moment I have created a standard date table and then duplicated that for each type of date that I need however this is becoming excruciating to work with as I have approximately 10-12 date tables in my data model. Is there a better way of doing this now, in Excel 2013? If not, is there an improvement in 2016 that may make life easier?Â
I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes?Â
Imagine this:
I have the following dimension:
Dim_Customer: Customer_ID Name_Customer Job_Function Date_of_Birth Contact Address City Country
When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal?Â
One more question:
I don't want to create a hierarchy like:
Customer ID -> Name_Customer Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth Customer ID -> Address Customer ID -> City Customer ID -> Country
My idea is to create the following hierarchy:Â
Name_Customer ->Â Date_of_Birth ->Â Â Address ->Â Â City ->Â Country
But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?
PhoneType is an auxiliary table that has 5 records in it Home phone, Cell phone, Work phone, Pager, and Fax. Is there a way to do a join or maybe make a view of a view that would allow me to ultimately end up with…
StudnetID: 1 Name: John HomePhone: 123-456-7890 WorkPhone: 123-456-7890 CellPhone: Pager: 123-456-7890 Fax: Memo: This is one student record.
Some students will have no phone number, some will have all 5 most will have one or two. If possible I would like to do a setup like this in my database to keep from having to have null fields for 4 phone numbers that the majority of records won’t have. Thanks in advanced, Nathan Rover
Hi, This seems like a basic problem but I can't figure out how to resolve it.
I have a query :
SELECT PR.WBS2, SUM(LedgerAR.Amount * - 1) AS Expr5, LB.AmtBud AS budget FROM PR LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerAR ON PR.WBS1 = LedgerAR.WBS1 AND PR.WBS2 = LedgerAR.WBS2 AND LedgerAR.WBS3 = PR.WBS3 LEFT OUTER JOIN LB ON LB.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 AND LB.WBS2 = PR.WBS2 AND PR.WBS3 = LB.WBS3 WHERE (PR.WBS2 <> '9001') AND (PR.WBS2 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '98') AND (PR.WBS3 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '') AND (PR.WBS1 = '001-298') GROUP BY PR.WBS2, LB.AmtBud ORDER BY PR.WBS2
I want to sum up the middle column and last column grouping by wbs2. However, when I do SUM(lb.amtbud) the budget column is not summing correctly it is summing the column as if the data appeared like this:
tblDocumentApprovals userID INT documentID INT approvalDate DATETIME
If I want to get a list of documents, and the users who've signed them off (if any), I'd do something like:
SELECT [tblDocuments].[documentName], [tblUsers].[userName ], [tblDocumentApprovals].[approvalDate ] FROM [tblDocuments] LEFT JOIN [tblDocumentApprovals] ON [tblDocumentApprovals].[documentID] = [tblDocuments.id] INNER JOIN [tblUsers] ON [tblUsers].[id] = [tblDocumentApprovals].[userID]
...which is lovely. Except - I don't want a row returned for each user that's signed it off. I want one row for each document, with a field containing a list of the people who've signed it off.
I know that it's bad design. I was reading an article only yesterday on how they're putting this kind of thing into the latest version of Access, and how it's a bit of a kludge. But it'd really, really help me.
OrderID ControlName 1 Row1COlumn1 (It Means Pant in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 1 Row3Column1 (It Means Gown in Blue Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 1 Row4Column3 (It Means T Shirt in White Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 2 Row1Column2 (It Means Tie in Green Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 2 Row3Column1 (It Means Bow in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
Child2 Table
PackageID Product Color1 Color2 Color3 1 Pant Red Green Blue 1 Shirt Blue Pink Purple 1 Gown Blue Black Yellow 1 T Shirt Red Green White 2 Tie Red Green White 2 Socks Red Green White 2 Bow Red Green White
We want to have result like
OrderID PackageID CustomerName Pant Gown T Shirt Tie Bow
I have two tables a and b, where I want to add columns from b to a with a criteria. The columns will be added by month criteria. There is a column in b table called stat_month which ranges from 1 (Jan) to 12 (Dec). I want to keep all the records in a, and join columns from b for each month. I do not want to loose any row from a if there is no data for that row in b.
I do not know how to have the multiple joins for 12 different months and what join I have to use. I used left join but still I am loosing not all but few rows in a, I would also like to know how in one script I can columns separately from stat_mont =’01’ to stat_month =’12’
/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/ SELECT a.[naics] ,a.[ust_code] ,a.[port] ,a.[all_qty_1_yr] ,a.[all_qty_2_yr]
[Code] ....
output should have all columns from a and join columns from b when the months = '01' (for Jan) , '02' (for FEB), ...'12' (for Dec): Output table should be something like
* columns from a AND JAN_Cum_qty_1_mo JAN_Cum_qty_2_mo JAN_Cum_all_val_mo JAN_Cum_air_val_mo JAN_Cum_air_wgt_mo JAN_Cum_ves_val_mo FEB_Cum_qty_1_mo FEB_Cum_qty_2_mo FEB_Cum_all_val_mo FEB_Cum_air_val_mo FEB_Cum_air_wgt_mo FEB_Cum_ves_val_mo .....DEC_Cum_qty_1_mo DEC_Cum_qty_2_mo DEC_Cum_all_val_mo DEC_Cum_air_val_mo DEC_Cum_air_wgt_mo DEC_Cum_ves_val_mo (FROM TABLE b)
I have a straight-forward select query to show work orders for a particular customer as below. I want to add a field value from another table, deltickitem diwhich contains contract records. I need to include the field di.weekchg to show the weekly hire rate, but the joined query must ensure that the both the contract number matches that in the original select and that the item number matches that in the actual select. Additionally, there is the problem that the item can appear more than once in the deltickitem table against a particular contract (if item has been off-hired and then re-hired on the same contract number) - in this case the query must select the record with the highest di.counter number, which I haven't worked out how to put in my query.
This is my basic code, but I keep ending up with duplicate work order lines in my result set.
Select wh.worknumber, wh.custnum, wh.contract, wh.sitename, wh.itemcode, wh.regnum, m.name, di.weekchg, wh.date_created, wh.task_descr, wh.actual_labour_sale+wh.actual_parts_sale as [Repair Cost] From worksorderhdr wh Left Join inventory iv On iv.item = wh.itemcode inner Join models m On m.id = iv.model_id left join deltickitem di on di.dticket = wh.contract where wh.custnum = 'BARRATNE' and wh.rejected <> 1 and wh.charge_to_cust = 1 order by wh.date_created
This shows a banking history of transactions and includes a field called TransType and a field called PaymentID.
I also have two other tables called Suppliers and SubContractors.
For each record in the bank, I need to match up a record in either the suppliers or subcontractors tbl based on the PaymentID value. I know if the record relates to either a Supplier or Subcontractor based on the value of the TransType field which will be either SUPPLIER or SUBCONTRACTOR or Null (in which case a match doesn't matter)
I have a working query based on joining just the Supplier tbl.. but how do I do the join to the other tbl aswell?
So overall, for each record in the bank, if the transtype is SUPPLIER I need to look in the supplier tbl for a match for that paymentID, and if the transtype is SUBCONTRACTOR, I need to do the same but in SUBCONTRACTOR tbl.
I know people use ROW_NUMBER() function to do the pagination but my below two query is bit complex. Sohow to use pagination there ? I used ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY IsNull(A.OEReference, B.OEReference) ASC) as Line in one but not sure am i right or wrong.
IF IsNull(@GroupID,'') = '' SELECT IsNull(PartGroupName, 'UnMapped') AS PartGroupName, CASE IsNull(PartGroupName, '') WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE IsNull(IsNull(K.GroupID, IsNull(C.PartGroupID,'')),'') END AS PartGroupID,
I would like to know if it's possible to return a single record by joining the tables below. [Persons] PersonID [int] | PageViewed [int] =============== ================= 1 10 2 5 3 2 4 12
[PersonNames] - PersonID JOINS Persons.PersonID PersonID [int] | NameID [int] | PersonName [nvarchar] | PopularVotes [int] =============== ============== ======================= =================== 1 1 Samantha Brown 5 1 2 Samantha Green 10 2 3 Richard T 10 3 4 Riko T 0 4 5 Sammie H 0
[AltNames] - backup for searches caused by common spelling mistakes AltNameID [int] | AltNames [nvarchar] ================ ============================= 1 Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy 2 Riko, Rico
[PersonAllNames] - JOINS [PersonNames.NameID] ON [AltNames.AltNameID] NameID [int] | AltNameID [int] ============= ================ 1 1 4 1 3 2 This is ideally what I'd like to have returned: PersonID | PageViewed | MostPopularName | NameSearch ========= ============ ================= ================= 1 10 Samantha Green Samantha Brown, Samantha Green, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy 2 5 Richard T Richard T 3 2 Riko T Riko T, Riko, Rico 4 12 Sammie H Sammie H, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
[MostPopularName] is [PersonNames.PopularVotes DESC].[NameSearch] combines all records from [PersonNames.PersonName] and [AltNames.AltNames].
The purpose for this is that I'd like to cache the results table so that all searches can just perform a lookup against the NameSearch field. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pete.
I have tried joining several tables and the result displays duplicate rows of virtually every line/row. I have tried using distinct but this didn't work. I know it could because there's several columns from some of the tables named the same.
OrderID ControlName 1 Row1COlumn1 (It Means Pant in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 1 Row3Column1 (It Means Gown in Blue Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 1 Row4Column3 (It Means T Shirt in White Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 2 Row1Column2 (It Means Tie in Green Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table)) 2 Row3Column1 (It Means Bow in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
Child2 Table
PackageID Product Color1 Color2 Color3 1 Pant Red Green Blue 1 Shirt Blue Pink Purple 1 Gown Blue Black Yellow 1 T Shirt Red Green White 2 Tie Red Green White 2 Socks Red Green White 2 Bow Red Green White
We want to have result like
OrderID PackageID CustomerName Pant Gown T Shirt Tie Bow
1 1 ABC Red Blue White x x Blue 2 2 Bcd x x x Green Red
I have tried
;with mycte as ( select ms.OrderID,ms.PackageID ,ms.CustomerName , Replace(stuff([ControlName], charindex('Column',ControlName),len(ControlName),''),'Row','') rowNum ,Replace(stuff([ControlName], 1, charindex('Column',ControlName)-1 ,''),'Column','') columnNum From child1 c inner join MasterTable ms on c.Orderid=ms.orderid)
it works if we have a product in one color only. like if we have pant in red and blue then its showing just first record
Hi,I'm having problems constructing a nested join. It's quite complex, sohere's a simplfied example of the problem. Any thoughts on what I'mdoig wrong - or if I've got the whole approach wrong are welcome.I've two tables :-one is a contact table contacting name, addresses etc. Three of thefields represent users - 'created by', 'last modified by' and 'owner'.They contain usernames - eg. JDOE, BSMITH etc.The other table contants usernames and new ID codes.What I want to do is create a new dataset by joining the contacts tablewith the user table on all three fields - so the new dataset containsthe ids for the creator, last modifier and owner.I've tried things similar to:select c.*, u1.id, u2,id, u3.idfrom contact cleft outer join users u1left outer join users u2left outer join users u3on (u3.username = c.owner)on (u2.username = c.modified)on (u1.username = c.creator )But it compains that"The column prefix 'c' does not match with a table name or alias nameused in the query."The problem is referencing c (contact) through the whole set of joins.I would like to do this in some similar format as the query is within acursor and post-processing would be very long-winded.Thanks