I need to write an MDX query which will return a flag that indicates if a product has a gap of more than 2 consecutive months in terms of positive sales. So I calculate if there is a gap of 3 months. If yes, then return 1 else null. The calculation below is scoped at product level.
IIF(([month-3 sales]<=0 AND [month-4 sales]<=0 AND [month-5 sales]<=0)
OR ([month-4 sales]<=0 AND [month-5 sales]<=0 AND [month-6 sales]<=0)
OR ([month-5 sales]<=0 AND [month-6 sales]<=0 AND [month-7 sales]<=0)
OR ([month-12 sales]<=0 AND [month-13 sales]<=0 AND [month-14 sales]<=0)),1,NULL)
Unfortunately I cannot do this calculation at relational level as a product may have a gap of more than 2 months at country level but may not have this at a higher level in geography.
optimizing this as the performance is bad and other calculated measures are dependent on this. Based on this calculation, I can write a scope which sums up all products so that I get the count of products with a gap of more than 2 months in sales.
I have also tried CASE statement and NESTED IIFs but the performance is worse than the above.
I want to calculate the sum of actual sales until a date and forecast sales after a date.I am not sure what the best approach to this problem is, but I have tried my best with the following approach. Any better ways to solve this (using DAX).
I have created a parameter table that offers the last date of each month as possible choices to the user. I have tried to create a measure that sums actual sales up until this date.
We are trying to forcast product sales for next three months based on their sales for previous 12 months. In this case, Microsoft Time Series algorithm requires the sales data to be present for each product for past 12 months (???). However, our products have typical life span of 6 months and obviously the new products will not have sales before they were added. Any help will be very much appreciated.
I have a sales order table that has customer, sales, product and sales date. I am looking to return the first sales date by customer for a specific product.
Customer Product Sales Date Sales First Bike Date
Jon Bike 12/4/2011 $10.00
[Code] ....
I would like to return the date of the first bike purchase date by each customer and repeat that date for each row and customer. Can I use function to complete? I have a datedim table as well related to the sales date.
I am currently working on a website that deals with sales of products. For one of my pages for the website I need it to be able to change the current sales information for a specific product.
The top part of the following code selects the specific product however I cannot get the update query to work.
Code: $describeQuery = "SELECT p.ID, p.NAME, dt.[Year], dt.[Month], dt.SalesVolume FROM Products p join (select ProductCode, sum(SalesVolume) as SalesVolume, [Year], [Month] from MonthlySales group by ProductCode, [Year], [Month])dt on dt.ProductCode = p.ID WHERE [NAME] = '$desiredProduct' AND [Year] = '$desiredYear' AND [Month] = '$desiredMonth'";
$editQuery = "UPDATE MonthlySales SET SalesVolume = '$NewSales' WHERE ID = '$desiredProduct' AND Year = '$desiredYear' AND Month = '$desiredMonth'";
table A-NewParts PartNumber Description LaunchDate a123 product a 4/1/2009
I want to get end result as sales for each new product for a rolling period from Launch date as year1 sales,year2 sales...and so on which I got through case statements.I am stuck on how to get the total Sales for all products (including new products) in the same rolling period based on the different launch dates for each new product.
PartNumber Description LaunchDate Yr1 Sales Total Yr1 Sales Yr2 Sales Total Yr2 Sales a123
I need to calculate “NET_SALES” and “MARGIN_PERCENT” for each month of the current year … the following returns the same values for each month in the list, which are for the current month. Taking out the GROUP BY line works fine for an overall number.
Looking for sql query for this requirement output and default get the current day and time as day 7 with count start of 7 day before. Today is Sun. Thus start day is last sun.
now the time is 22:00 & group by shop plus underline +24 hour format
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Shop A 20:00-21:00 $2 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $100 $xxx Shop A 21:00-22:00 $1 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $100 $xxx Shop A 22:00-23:00 $1 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx Total $4 $20 $30 $10 $4 $20 $0 $200 $xxx ------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop Z 22:00-23:00 $20 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx Shop Z 23:00-00:00 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx Total $30 $30 $10 $4 $20 $0 $no sales $xxx
I have a table Product2 as the attachment at the bottom. Now i want to create a Column "Purchasing rate" over Product and Region like this. I tried some Code but it gave me still Error.
I'm trying to make a parameter in SSRS that defaults to most recent date with sales. Below gives me all dates with sales. How can I get the results to give me just the most recent? I've tried MAX and LastChild in a couple different ways but no luck.
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Time].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS [Time].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Time].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL SELECT
I am trying to calculate the maximum sales per store where multiple stores exist in the same region (i.e there must be doubles of that row) in order to determine the most profitable store per that region.
E.g. Store Sales A 500 B 200 B 100 C 400 C 800 D 100 D 200 D 700
I have sales from 2010 to today in my cube. my question is i want to see sales amount from 2010 to 2014 if i select 2014. or if I select 201405 ( may 2014), i want to see sales from 20100101 to 20140531. same with date. basically i want to to al the sales til the date/month /year selected. how can i achieve this?
We have a sales fact table that has sales by customers, products, date etc. and dimension tables such as customers, products etc.
We built a multi-dimensional cube on top of these tables. how do we support queries like "show me top 10 products by sales amount and then show customers that didn't buy these products"?
I have a fact table that captures the captures oldest date between a Task date and todays date per Person (so there is only fact per person) like this - a measure is created from the Task Days
PersonID, Dateduekey, Task Days 130 20130809 679
I have a person dimension which has a hierarchy of Department_Name->Team_Name->Person I have created some MDX that gives the MAX Task Day for the hierarchy but when you Person attribute of the hierarchy the code runs really slow.with set a as nonempty(([v Dim Fee Earners].[People Structure].[Person],[Dim Calendar].[Primary Date].[All]),[Measures].[Days KPI]) member measures.a as max(existing(a),[Measures].[Days KPI])
How can I get this running for more efficiently when [v Dim Fee Earners].[People Structure].[Person] is selected? To be fair the true measure [Days KPI] is already calculated at person level so if there is way to use the [Days KPI] when [v Dim Fee Earners].[People Structure].[Person] is selected that would be good
What I want to do is be able to show a measure that SUMS the number of hours logged by anyone who is a SiteManager from the ConstructionSites table.
I wanted to do a SUMX of WorkerTimesheets against HoursLogged, but FILTER against WorkerTimesheets[WorkerID] = ConstructionSites[SiteManagerID] so only workers who are also SiteManager would be counted.However, I can't seem to get that to resolve it always throws an error along the lines that it can't determine context.
The problem (at least I feel) is I defined some dates in the Startdate and Enddate for a particular year. But these discounts should apply for all of the years in my fSalesBook, not just for that year in the dDiscount table.
So in essence, when you calculate discount for a product in fSalesBook you should consider only the month and day of the transaction, if the sale is in between the discount dates.
I am not sure how to relate the dDiscount table with the dCalendar table and not sure even there is a need to relate them to calculate Row level discount in fSalesBook. You can change the relations/model if there is need be.
PS: One more clause, Sometimes I offer discount only for a particular product in that Discount season, that's why there is a column for Product in the dDiscount table.
What should be my DAX formula to calculate Row level discount in fSalesBook?
i am trying to find a way to link an 'initial' Sale ID of a product to 'future' Sale IDs of products that will trace back to the original Sale ID.For example, if I call the original sale , 'Sale ID #123', how can i link future Sale ID's (child[ren]) and all future sales to the original Sale ID #123? Can I use a Surrogate Key or similar function?
Parent:Sale ID #123 Children: Sale ID # 456, Sale ID #789, Sale ID #.....
how I can link the original Sales ID (Parent) to Sale ID's (child[ren]) of future purchases currently existing and in the future going forward?
I am struggling to calculate Full year in my SSAS Cube. Meaning, regardless of what fiscal year hierarchy level I am in; i need a measure aggregating from 01/01/year of current member to 12/31/year of current member.
I want to replicate it using the Year To Date below:
FY-FQ-FM is the fiscal year quarter hieararchy
I am using for built in time intelligence.
Create Member CurrentCube.[DimTime].[FY-FQ-FM DimTime Calculations].[Year to Date] As "NA"; /*Year to Date*/ ( [DimTime].[FY-FQ-FM DimTime Calculations].[Year to Date],
I've created a cube and it processed fine. The calculate command is there. The measure that I'm attempting to run in the SSAS/Visual Studios browser is simply a count rows measure. When I drag the measure to the window, it says no rows available. If I click on the filter that allows nulls, the only change it makes is that it goes from no rows available to "NULL".
I am using the code below to get all the children of a particular product and it is working fine. How to get the particular product's id in the select statement. for example, i need to show 891 in a separate column for all the records returned by the query below.
DECLARE @Hierarchy TABLE (Product_Id INT, Parent_Product_Id INT) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (123, 234) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (234, 456) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (456, 678) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (678, 891) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (891, NULL)