Analysis :: Order A Table With MDX Queries
Apr 21, 2015
I have the following MDX query:
SELECT NON EMPTY {[DateT].[Year].[Year].Members } ON ROWS,
NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Val] } ON COLUMNS FROM [MyDB]
I need to order the data by year, so I tried this query:
NON EMPTY { Order ( [DateT].[Year].[Year].Members,Desc) }
NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Val] } ON COLUMNS
But it doesn't work.
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May 19, 2015
I never paid much attention to this before but I noticed this today in a new table I was creating.
For tables defined in the tabular model the table properties have something like SELECT Blah FROM TableName ORDER BY Blah Then in the tabular model the table's data is in the same order it was ordered by in the data source for the table.
I have a date table I setup and I noticed it is NOT respecting the sort order.
I have it sorted by DateID which sorts with the oldest date first and newest date as last row.However, the table that is imported and stored in the data model is not in that order.
I can of course manually sort the rows in BIDS/DataTools, but I find this discrepancy odd.
Would this have negative impacts on the EARLIER function for example if the data rows are not in the order specified?
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Aug 5, 2014
I need to discover the actual order in which locks are acquired on a table during a query.
This with a goal of analyzing the lock order of queries against the same table to prevent deadlocks.
I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
From Management Studio I execute:
begin transaction
<my query>
exec sp_lock
rollback transaction
In the output I see interesting information about which locks are acquired, but:
- are this locks ordered by the time they're acquired? That is, can I be sure that lock at row n is acquired before lock at row n+1?
- if not, how can I get this information?
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Aug 25, 2015
We couldn't find a way to show row/column members in the order as in the database. The Pivot table always applies alphabetical sorting:
Is there really no way to show items as per database order?
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May 24, 2008
I understand that I have to have a TOP statement to work with an ORDER BY in a subquery but I am unable to get it to work correctly...
I am using VS 2008 and it does throw a "TOP" error, but it does not go ahead and process it correctly like someone said it would in another post...
Is this possible or simply how do I accomplish the following?
Here is an example:
Code Snippet
SELECT ResultSet1.BCol2, ResultSet1.CCol2, ResultSet1.Expr1
(SELECT TableB.BCol2, TableC.CCol2, count(*) AS Expr1
TableB ON TableA.ACol2 = TableB.BCol1
TableC ON TableA.ACol4 = TableC.CCol1 AND TableA.ACol5 = TableC.CCol4
WHERE (TableC.CCol2= 1)
GROUP BY TableB.BCol2, TableC.CCol2) AS ResultSet1
Code Snippet
SELECT ResultSet1.BCol2, ResultSet1.CCol2, ResultSet1.Expr1
(SELECT TOP (10) TableB.BCol2, TableC.CCol2, count(*) AS Expr1
TableB ON TableA.ACol2 = TableB.BCol1
TableC ON TableA.ACol4 = TableC.CCol1 AND TableA.ACol5 = TableC.CCol4
WHERE (TableC.CCol2= 1)
GROUP BY TableB.BCol2, TableC.CCol2) AS ResultSet1
What am I obviously missing here?
Thanks a bunch.
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Aug 11, 2015
PAGES axis of MDX queries?? Also does this require a specific driver at the client's end??
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May 4, 2015
Required Output
Country Category
Internet Sales Amount
Internet Order Count
I need to perform a SQL kind of Cross join to get the Total Count as a column along side as there are .net code and json structures defined that expects output in a certain format.
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May 1, 2015
We have rolap based cube .. when we run the report on that it is take more time than expected.I have run the profiler and identified .. same query is duplicated and running multiple times. I have run the query .. it took 10 to eliminate duplicate queries .
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Sep 29, 2015
I have a report that displays its date dropdown badly: 10AM,10PM, 11AM, 11PM etc when it should be 10AM, 11AM, etc. The used measure is Hour Name which looks like "01AM" "02AM" etc. And here is the current query
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [Report Verified Time].[Hour Name].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS [Report Verified Time].[Hour Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterLevel] AS [Report Verified Time].[Hour Name].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL
SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption],
[Code] ....
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Sep 21, 2015
I am executing a CUBE which is having 9 measure groups, i need to know order of the execution of the measure groups.??
1. fsales
I know, the dimension are executed first, but not aware of the order of execution of measure group.
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Nov 2, 2015
Scenario: [**tableA**] plus [**tableDim1**] plus [**tableDim2**]. I create a DSW, a cube I deploy the [@@CUBE@@] connect the data using an excel file that show the data as [¬¬dashboard¬¬].
It works.
My question is: after three days the [**tableA**] is populated with new rows. In order to allow my colleagues to see the new rows I deploy the [@@CUBE@@] again. My colleagues can see the new rows in the [¬¬dashboard¬¬].
It works, ok. But do I really need to deploy the [@@CUBE@@] every time or it should be update automatically when you, for example, refresh the data in Excel. Do I miss something?
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Nov 24, 2015
I am using
SSAS: version 2008
Excel: version 2013
I am connecting to SSAS cube from Excel and I have date dimension with 4 fields (I have others but I don't use it for this case). I created 4 fields in order to test all possible scenarios that I could think of:
- Type: System.Integer
- Value: yyyyMMdd
- Type: System.DateTime
- Type: System.String
- Value: dd/MM/yyyy (note: I am not using US culture)
- Example: 01/11/2015
- Type: System.String
- Value: %d/%M/yyyy (note: I am not using US culture)
- Example: 1/11/2015
Filtering on date is working fine:
Initially, in excel, filtering on date was not working. But after changing dimensional type to time, and setting DataType to Date, as mentioned in [URL] filter is working fine as you can see in the picture.Grouping on date is not working:
I have hierarchy in my Date dimension and I can group based on hierarchy, no problem. But user is used to pre-build grouping function of excel, and he wants to use that. Pre-build functions of Excel, Group and ungroup seems to be available as you can see in following picture:
But when user clicks 'Group', excel groups it as if it is a string, and that is the problem. User wants to group using pre-build grouping function available in Pivot table. I also find out that Power Pivot Table does not support this excel grouping functionality. And if I understood well, this pre-build grouping functionality of excel, needs to do calculation at run time, and that is not viable solution if you have millions of rows. So Power pivot table does not support pre-build grouping functionality of excel and hence we need to use dimension hierarchy to do the grouping. But I am not using Power Pivot table, I am using simple Pivot Table. So I expect grouping functionality to be working fine. Then I tried to do simple test. I created a simple data source in excel itself. And use it as source of my Pivot table. Then grouping is working fine. The only difference that I can see is (When double click the Measure value in Excel),For date values of my simple test, excel consider them as 'Date'.
For date values of my data coming from cube, excel consider them as 'General'
2.1. But value here is same as it was in simple test.
2.2. 'Date Filter' works just fine.
2.3. If I just select this cell and unselect it, then excel change type to 'Date' though for that cell.
2.4. I have created 4 different types of fields in my date dimension thinking that values of attribute of my dimension might be the problem, but excel consider 'General' for all of them.
2.5 This value (that can be seen when double clicking on measure) comes from 'Name Column' of the attribute. And the DataType defined is WChar. And I thought that might be the reason of issue. And I changed it to 'Date'. But SSAS does not allow it to change to 'Date' giving error : The 'Date' data type is not allowed for the 'NameColumn' property; 'WChar' should be used.
So, I don't know, what is the puzzle piece that I am missing.
1. Date filter works, group does not work
2. Excel consider it as 'General' string.
3. SSAS does not allow to change 'NameColumn' to Date.
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Mar 24, 2006
We are experiencing a problem in SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition (on x86 & x64, RTM & SP1 CTP1). The problem is we have a view which does something like "CREATE VIEW myView;SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ISNumeric(MyVal)=1" when you do "SELECT * FROM myView" you see a dataset which only contains numeric values.
However it's clear that if you do "SELECT * FROM myView WHERE MyVal>5" that it is evaluating the >5 before the IsNumeric function (I assume as > is less costly than IsNumeric and thus it is more efficient this way). This didn't happen in Sql Server 2000 & 7.0.
My concern here is that how can you trust views if when you put evaluations on them they're working against a different dataset to that which you view if you do SELECT * ?
I am currently working with a workaround which is to simply put TOP in the sub-queries to force the execution order to that which I've defined. However this is nasty as I can't do TOP 100% as it gets optimised out and so instead I have to do TOP 999999999 or similar.
However my biggest concern by far is that even in "SQL Server 2000 (80)" compatibility mode the behaviour is not consistent wtih SS2000.
CREATE TABLE #Problem (idkey int IDENTITY(1,1), numinastr varchar(25))
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('1')
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('10')
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('25')
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('40')
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('>500')
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('600')
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('1000')
INSERT INTO #Problem (numinastr) values ('error!')
-- Note Lack of any non-numeric rows
SELECT numinastr FROM #Problem WHERE ISNUMERIC(numinastr)=1
-- This Command executes correctly
SELECT numinastr FROM #Problem WHERE ISNUMERIC(numinastr)=1 AND numinastr>15
--This one however is parsed incorrectly, with >15 being evalutated before ISNumeric
SELECT * from (
SELECT * FROM #Problem WHERE ISNUMERIC(numinastr)=1
) a where numinastr>15
-- Creating a view of SELECT * FROM #Problem WHERE ISNUMERIC(numinastr)=1 and
-- then querying that also gives the same error
I have been told (by an MVP) that you can't assume a specific execution order for queries. Do any DBA's out there really think this acceptable? I consider this a bug. If I put a query in as a sub-query or view, or if I bracket my where statement in such a way I expect it to respect what I've told it!
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Mar 27, 2008
I recently run into a senario when a procedure quiered a table without a order by clause. Luckily it retrived data in the prefered order.
The table returns the data in the same order in SQL Manager "Open Table"
So I started to wonder what deterimins the sort order when there is no order by clause ?
I researched this for a bit but found no straight answers. My table has no PK, but an identiy column.
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Jul 22, 2015
For Example: I have one dimension named as "Name", Under this I have "FirstName" and "LastName" Attributes are there.But when i drag "Name" dimension, By default "First Name" dragged. But i Want "Last Name" should drag.
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May 27, 2015
I have a request for being able to show ordertotals for those orders that contains a specific productgroup.
Order 1 ProductGroup Value
A 20
B 40
C 40
Total 100
Order 2 ProductGroup Value
A 20
D 40
Total 60
So if i slice OrderTotal by ProductGroup the result will be
A 160
B 100
C 100
D 60
ALL 160
how to solve this.
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Jul 22, 2015
I have a dimension like Districts, Under that 2 Attributes are there i.e,District ID and Districts. When i drag Dimension "Districts", in OLAP grid it come District ID first. But i want Districts to drag first. How can we sort Attributes(District ID and Districts) for a dimension.
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Aug 11, 2015
I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above). When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer.
Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table? What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension. Within Customer, I want four hierarchies.
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Nov 18, 2014
I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?
this query returns the values i want in the table.
select a.quantity * b.price
from tblCustomerPurchases as a
join tblProduct as b
on a.ID=b.ID
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Jun 15, 2004
In Oracle, alter statements with modify clause can be given for more than one query ? Is it possible in SQL Server ?
Eg :-
Please give the equivalent for the above in SQL Server . Can all this exists in a single query in SQL Server ?
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Jul 23, 2005
In Access, if I want to update one table with information from another,all I need to do is to create an Update query with the two tables, linkthe primary keys and reference the source table(s)/column(s) with thedestination table(s)/column(s). How do I achieve the same thing in SQL?RegardsColin*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Nov 20, 2006
The dynamic sql is used for link server. Can someone help. Im getting an error
( @LinkCompany nvarchar(50), @Page int, @RecsPerPage int )
--Create temp table
( ID int IDENTITY, Company nvarchar(50), AcctID int, IsActive bit )
INSERT INTO #TempTable (Name, AccountID, Active)
--dynamic sql
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)
SET @sql = 'SELECT a.Name, a.AccountID, a.Active
FROM CRMSBALINK.' + @LinkCompany + '.dbo.AccountTable a
ON a.AccountID = b.oaAccountID
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
--Find out the first and last record
DECLARE @FirstRec int
DECLARE @LastRec int
SELECT @FirstRec = (@Page - 1) * @RecsPerPage
SELECT @LastRec = (@Page * @RecsPerPage + 1)
--Return the set of paged records, plus an indication of more records or not
SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TempTable TI WHERE TI.ID >= @LastRec) AS MoreRecords
FROM #TempTable
WHERE ID > @FirstRec AND ID < @LastRec
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GSCLink, Line 22
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'.
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May 4, 2007
What is the best approach to handle this situation? I have three different databases, which has it's own stored procedure. I need to call them all at page load and piece together the data. The common demoninator is the date.
row 1
row 2
row 1
Row 1 and Row 2 come from two different databases and stored procedures.
How can I query the data and present it as it's shown above?
Thank you!
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Feb 6, 2006
I wanted to know a query which will create a final result table from a combination of select queries.
The select query is like :
1. select col1 , col2 , null from table1
2. select null , col2 , null from table2
3. select null , null , col3 from table 3.
null are inserted as i wanted a single select query which will merge all the columns from all the tables and finally create a result table.
Thanks in advance.
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Jan 4, 2015
I was messing around with stored procedures and I was wondering if creating a SP that populates a single table for reporting is a good idea?
I have ~10 queries that I have to currently run manually and was hoping to drop them into a physical table and then leverage that single table to pull into excel.
Some of my queries use virtual tables or CTE's, this is to get the aggregate set correctly.
Essentially I am working out of a data warehouse and would like to eventually get all my queries in one SP or something similar and then call that query for a insert.
Speaking of which could you create a SP that has several selects than with that output drops the records into a single table by using an insert into query so the data from the all the queries would line up into the right columns?
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Feb 9, 2015
I am trying to insert the queries in a table such as the following, not able to insert it.
create table test (txt Varchar(200))
insert into test values('select *from master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE status NOT IN('sleeping','background')')
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Oct 17, 2013
I have 3 queries pulling from the same table, trying to define a count on each criteria. I have the data pulling, but the data is in multiple rows. I want the data in one row with all the counts in each separate columns. Also I need to setup a flag if a client purchased and order within 30 days from their last purchase.
I am doing this select for each credit card, check and cash purchases. I do not know how to setup a flag where the client may have ordered and paid by check or cash after 30 days from a credit card purchase. Is this something that can be done?
clientnumber,count(distinct clientnumber) as cccnt,
0 as ckcnt, 0 as cacnt
from dbo.purchases
where orderdate >= 20120101 and orderdate <= 20121231 and
payment_type = 'CC'
group by clientnumber;
OUTPUT currently looks like this:
1234 2 0 0
1234 0 1 0
1234 0 0 4
Is it possible to result in this, along with a flag with the criteria above?:
1234 2 1 4 Y
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May 29, 2006
Hi friends,
when I write multi-table queries which involve two tables which are joined via a bridging table (M:N),
do I just join the tables or do I have to reference the bridging table as well in the queries?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm new to adp w/ sql server but I have to use it on a project i'mdoing...One of the MUSTS for this project is the ability to update a 00 - 09text value with the appropriate text description from another table...Easy as pie in .mdb. Of course In the stored procedure it barks at meand tells me that an update query can only have one table.. ouch thathurts...I'm currently reading on the subject but this group has been veryhelpful in the past.....I found this link... I'm using MSDE not Enterprise so I don't think I can usethe query analyser.. But I tryed it in my Access ADP anywayit barked at me..I tried to go from this....SELECT dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODE, dbo.TEST.DEFECTS_DP1FROM dbo.TEST INNER JOINdbo.LU_SEX ON dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 =dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DECTo this...UPDATE dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1SET dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1 = dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_CODEFROM dbo.LU_SEX INNER JOINdbo.TEST ON dbo.LU_SEX.SEX_DEC =dbo.TEST.SEX_DP1Maybe I need a good book on this?Thanks,Charles
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Nov 1, 2007
I currently have three queries running seperately which I'd like to join up..
However I'm sure it can be done..
Here goes:
I have one table which lists payments made (it stores a PaymentID from another table, a payment amount and an invoiceID)
Therefore there can be several records with the same PaymentID referenceing different invoices (i.e a user paying off several invoices with one payment)
I have one query which lists all of the invoices paid against one payment.
SELECT PaymentID, InvoiceID, PaymentAmount WHERE PaymentID = xxx AND PayType <> 'Credit'
I then have a second query which is ran against each individual invoice which shows the other payments which have been made against this invoice already
SELECT PaymentID, InvoiceID, PaymentAmount WHERE PaymentID <> xxx AND PayType <> 'Credit' AND InvoiceID = XXX
and final I have one query which lists the credits
SELECT PaymentID, InvoiceID, PaymentAmount WHERE PayType = 'Credit' AND InvoiceID = XXX
All of the above lets me see an payment, which invoices have been paid against that payment.. and then for each invoice, any other payment which were made beforehand, and finally any credits against that invoice.
I run these from an ASP page in a loop which is pretty inefficient way of doing it.
I would much prefer to amalgamate the three queries above so I could see what I was paying now, what had already been paid and what was credited against each invoice from a PaymentID.. all in query.
Is that possible?
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Jul 26, 2007
I'm working with a table with about 60 million records. This monster is growing every minute of the day as well, by 200,000 - 300,000 records/day. It's 11 columns wide, and has one index on a datetime column. My task is to create some custom reports based on three of these columns, including the datetime one.
The problem is response time. Any query executed on this table takes forever--anywhere between 30 seconds and 4 minutes. Queries such as this one below, as simple as it is, can take a minute or more:
count(dt_date) as Searches
As the table gets larger and large, the response time is going to get worse and worse. Long story short, what are my options to get the speed of queries down to just a few seconds with a table this big? So far the best I can come up with is index any other appropriate columns (of which there is one for sure, maybe two).
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Jun 8, 1999
I have a database with 200+ tables. How can I get table order (query) from the system tables so that I know which table I should insert data first.
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Oct 23, 2007
I noticed that some queries against an mssql db require the tables in the FROM part of the statement to be in a particular order. Does anyone know why?
For example SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3 WHERE <blah>
May throw an error (Unknown table table3 [I can't remember the exact verbiage of the error]), while simply rearranging the table order to:
SELECT * FROM table3, table1, table2 WHERE <blah> will work.
It seems like the error has something to do with how mssql handles the joins of the tables, but I can't seem to find any documentation about it.
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