Analysis :: PeriodsToDate Function Return Nothing In Calculated Measures
Aug 28, 2015
I am new one in MDX. Our PeriodsToDate function does not return any value. We have set type property of our Date Dimension as time.Actually CURRENT MEMBER does not return a valid value. So our PeriodsToDate function fail.
With MEMBER [Measures].[YTD Actual]
[DimDate].[CalendarHierarchyDateLevel].[Calendar Year]
I am trying to develop a cube with translated calculated measures in it. I have also translated the all underlying measures/dimensions being used in action for a header.
I can see my translated measures and dimension in excel but when I go to Underlying data, I see default member's names not the translated one. Please note that I have translated all underlying members.
I’m trying to build a calculated member (see below script) using “Except” function but I get an error result:
#Error The function expects a string or numeric expression for the argument. A tuple set expression was used.
My idea is to take a measure and exclude 2 members from the dimension.
I tried using “Aggregate” but got the error:
#Error Query (3, 1) Aggregate functions cannot be used on calculated members in the Measures dimension.
Please note that my measure is ACD that is already calculated average in olap and I can’t use AVG function instead of Aggregate. What can I do?
member [Measures].[AppOrig All Roaming] as ( Except( [Source IP Location].[Country Name].[All].children,{ [Source IP Location].[Country Name].&[Colombia]
I'm working with the statistical functions Stdev and Median with calculated members. The only way I can get the "correct" answer is if I have a dimension at the same granularity as the Fact table (Actually it's a degenerate dimension of the FACT table itself). Otherwise it seems that the measure I'm using with Stdev returns results that are so wildly high, I think it must be acting on the SUM of the measure; because the measure itself is a Summed one. When I try to use the coordinates in the Stdev function, it seems like it is using the wrong set of data points :
stdev( ( [Date].[Date].[Date].members, [Parameter].[Parameter].[Parameter].members ), [Measures].[Value]) returns answers in the thousands when it should be more like 2.5
When used with a query, there would only be a single date member and a specific parameter member. The total number of fact records is between 200 and 500 with values that range between 0 and 150. This is the version that gives me answers that resemble the total sum of the [Measures].[Value].
If I add the dimension that is essentially a row number from the fact table, it gives the right answer (slowly, but that will be a different post ....
We have a cube that has financial data in it. There are report actions on cells. I want them to be able to drill through the the supporting data stored in the fact table and all the measures I am showing are calculated measures.
Users connect to this cube from Excel 2007. If they use a "Filter" in Excel and do not select "All" or "One" of the members of the filter hierarchy, then the action dissapears. Microsoft explained this is because that cell then has a calculated cordinate and they can't determine the action to perform.
Has anyone experienced a need to do this? Can you provide me alternatives?
The functionality I am looking for is not available in the BIDS either (Well it is to a point--if you select the first 2, 3, 4...members in the filter, the action will still appear. It only reads the first one however. If you select the members starting with any but the first, the action disappears).
This is so trivial but I cannot figure out where the calculated fields/measures area is in the PP window. Is there something to toggle it on and off? I used PP in Excel 2013 before and the area I'm talking about was at the bottom of the PP window. Now I'm with a new company who has Excel 2010 so I downloaded the PP add-in for Excel 2010. It is version 10.50.4000.0. This add-in does not have a calculated fields/measures are at the bottom of the PP window. Is it just a matter of 2010 vs. 2013 or is there a way to turn the frame area I'm talking about on?
For some of my calculations it is mandatory to get the first and the last date, filtered by the slicer type "timeline".
This works well as long as the date is not used on rows or columns ...
As soon as I'm using theDate within the rows this very simplistic dax measure doesn't work ...
I'm wondering how to determine the StartDate (from the timeline) and the EndDate (from the timeline) when "thedate" is actively contributing to the filtercontext.
In my opinion it is not another example of the "event in progress" situation, due to the fact that start and end dates are actively selected by the user and can not be derived from within the date model.
I have a problem where I have 3 three measures in a virtual cube: "Actual", "Budget" and "Full Year Budget".
The dimensions I have are: - Account No_ / Name - Cost Code - Sub Cost Code - Time/Dates - Budget Name
Both "Actual" & "Budget" measures need to be filtered/dimensioned by: - Account No_ / Name - Cost Code - Sub Cost Code - Time/Dates (exclusive to "Actual", "Budget")
Thus have put these in one cube
AND "Full Year Budget" needs to be filtered/dimensioned by: - Account No_ / Name - Cost Code - Sub Cost Code - Budget Name (exclusive to "Full Year Budget")
THUS have put this as one cube
I then created a virtual cube, with the 2 cubes thinking that the dimensions I created in the original cubes would only filter the measures of the original cube measures in the virtual cube. ...BUT all dimension filters in the virtual cube filter all measures in the virtual cube, irrespective of which dimensions were created with the original cubes.
I have a cumulative measure in Tabular, and when I filter by a date in SQL it brings back all rows up to that date. However, when I drill down on any of the numbers, it only brings back rows related to the filtered date, and not the cumulative rows. Is there any way round this at all? Major obstacle for me at the moment...
For the above measure group two dimensions have relationships, One is L dimension which is having relationship with XL on LK and One is O dimension which is having relationship with XL on OK. If I drag L dimension attributes it should show results as below
LK LName Amount 1 A 100 3 C 250
But above results are coming as below
LK LName Amount 1 A 200 3 C 750
If I drag O dimension attributes along with L dimension, it should show results as below.
LK LName OK OKName Amount 1 A 10 XYZ 100 1 A 11 UVW 100 3 C 30 PQR 250 3 C 31 KLM 250 3 C 32 TUV 250
I used formula Measures.Amount/Measures.Count, this formula is not showing correct results when I don't drag any dimensions, it is showing results for All member as 425, but it should show as 350.
So I made a same change ([L].[LK].Currentmember, Measures.Amount)/([L].[LK].Currentmember,Measures.Count), this worked fine but performance is very low and so stopped working on this.
I want to show Measures.LAmount when only L dimension is querying and want to show OAmount when both L dimension and O dimension are querying. Is this possible ?
I am pretty new to MDX and am having trouble getting what I need out of this MDX query. Some business rules:
Gross Amount applies to all clients, whether Type A or Type B. I always want to return Gross Amount.Some clients are Type A, some are Type B, some are both, and some are neither.There are Type A Net Amount and Type B Net Amount values for all clients, but I only want to display the Type A Net value if the client is a Type A client, only Type B if the client is a Type B, or both for both, and neither for neither. I would like to return blank/null, not $0.00, for those values that should not be displayed.
Here's the basic query.
SELECT { [Measures].[Gross Amount], [Measures].[Type A Net Amount], [Measures].[Type B Net Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY {[Dim Client].[Parent Client Code].[Parent Client Code] * [Dim Client].[Child Client Code].[Child Client Code] * [Dim Client].[Is Type A].CHILDREN * [Dim Client].[Is Type B].CHILDREN } ON ROWS FROM ClientInfo
I'm trying to show measures from 2 measures groups in a drillthrough. Obviously, it's not possible with a standard drillthrough action, but I still hope that I can somehow achieve this with the ASSP GetCustomDrillthroughMDX function.
Speaking in AdventureWorks2008R2 terms: Imagine I have a pivot table with Product Categories in filter (say, filtered on Gloves) and "Internet Sales Amount" as measure. From context menu in Excel I can call the drillthrough action which shows me the individual sales records. I would like to show in drillthrough additionally "End of Day Rate" measure from "Exchange Rates" measure group.
One option would be to join FactInternetSales with FactCurrencyRate and make EndOfDayRate a physical measure in the "Internet Sales" measure group. This is a pretty huge overhead for my scenario and I'd like to avoid this.
Another one would be to call something completely external for a drillthrough (for example, a SRRS Report).
I've 2 measures that I would like to swap according to which member in a dimension are selected by the user:Ex.
[Measure].[A] [Measure].[B]
Dimension called TEMP with 2 members (HOT and COLD).So if the user choose HOT it should show [Measure].[A] and if the user choose COLD it should show [Measure].[B]If the dimension is not included in the analysis by the user or if no dimension attribute are choosed then it should default to [Measure].[A].How to do that as Calculated Script in the SSAS cube ?
large tabular cubes (SSAS 2012 SP2), with lots of calculations, the keyboard seems to be stuck, one cannot type or make any modifications to any measures, even after closing a project.
The only workaround is to completely restart the machine. Using Visual Studio 2010 Shell.
Are there any possibly corruptions or calc limitations that one should be aware of?
Notable that this never happens with any small cubes, but just with the largest cube that we have, that has probably tens of calcs.
I've created a cube and it processed fine. The calculate command is there. The measure that I'm attempting to run in the SSAS/Visual Studios browser is simply a count rows measure. When I drag the measure to the window, it says no rows available. If I click on the filter that allows nulls, the only change it makes is that it goes from no rows available to "NULL".
I have a Calculated Member in SSAS that I need to adjust based what the current member is.
The code is below
CASE WHEN [Measures].[End LIS] = 0 AND "HELP" THEN CASE WHEN [Measures].[Beginning LIS] = 0 OR [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS] = 0 THEN NULL ELSE ROUND([Measures].[Disconnects]/(([Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS])/2) * 100 ,2) END ELSE ROUND(([Measures].[Disconnects] / [AVERAGELIS] * 100) ,2) END
In English - i need this to translate to - of End LIS is 0 "AND the current member is the current month and current year" THEN carry on
I am trying to count a set as a calculated measure, when this set is called directly in the row , it returns fast, but when i try to count the set as calculated measure(so i can slice with another dimension) the query keeps running forever.
The queries are below
select {} on 0, nonempty ( {([Transaction].[RPC Count].&[1],[Transaction].[Account ID].[Account ID])} , {([Account].[PAYMENTSTATUS].&[0],[Account].[Account ID].[Account ID])} ) on 1
I've been working with SSAS for a good few years now but I keep bumping into this problem - my users are trying to build a measure that is based on a calculated attribute and finding it difficult to work out how to write the MDX to do so. Intuitively, they thought a Calculated Member would work, but I don't think a Calculated Member is quite the same thing from my understanding.
So, here's the scenario.
We have a Product Dimension. We have a Measure that is the Number of days the Product took to make, e.g. 5 days. We also have a Product Count measure that counts the number of Products.
The user would like to write a calculated measure that works out the number of products that took <5 days, 5-10 days, 10-15 days etc.It would be easy to write a set of calculated measures for each of these bandings, but the user wants effectively a single dynamic attribute to use in the calculation in order to automatically distribute these values across the columns in their pivot table.
Is this even possible? I was thinking I could build an attribute on the Product Dimension in the ETL to do this quite easily, but the user wants to be able to change the bandings on the fly by changing the MDX for the attribute, rather than go back to the developer every time.
I need to calculate the average of an existing measure of my cube. The measure is PA_Salaire from a column of my fact table. I would like to calculate an average i could use with all the dimensions of my cube but i think i can only create one linked to a single dimension. Is that true ?
I dont really understand the way i should write my request. Here is what i did: (Manager is one of my dimensions, it has a parent child relation... is that a problem? does it change the way i should do?)
I have a calculated member that composed of dividing two other calculated members. The calculation is incorrect and is ignoring the decimal places in both of the source measures of the equation.
Calculated Member 1 = 300.01 Calculated Member 2 = 10.25 Calculated Member 3 = (CM1 / CM2 ) = 30 INCORRECT!!! Answer should be = 29.269
The MDX that I am using is as follows:
Calculated Member 1 (Booked Amount YTD): Sum(PeriodsToDate([Fiscal].[Date].[Fiscal Year]),[OH Booked Amount])
Calculated Member 2 (Units YTD) Sum(PeriodsToDate([Fiscal].[Date].[Fiscal Year]),[OH Units])
This seems like a fairly common and straight forward type of calculation, taking the YTD amount / YTD units to come up with YTD amount per unit. When I create a calculated member with the hardcoded values of 30.01 / 10.25 I get the correct answer of 29.269. Am I missing something with formatting? Is this a bug in Analysis Services?
Is there something I can do on the structure & do 4 calculated members pending how many weeks in a month, is there a simpler way where the next measure does not calculate by columns field.
If calculated member for each week, how do I do this, any example code?
Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0, non empty [Divisions].[Division].[All].Children * [Cost Centres].[Cost Centre].[All].Children [Locations].[Locations].[All].Children on 1 From MyCube
which produced the following table:
Division Cost Centre Location Dollars AA 1 X $30.00
What I am hoping to do is create a set out of the Union of specific values in the [Cost Centres].[Cost Centre] and [Locations].[Locations] hierarchies into a single set and use that new set in my MDX query across the columns.
Using the table and query from above, I have the following conditions that would determine the value in the set (lets call the new set 'NewSet')
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = X Then "CustomType1" When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Y Then "CustomType2" When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Z Then "CustomType3" When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Y Then "CustomType4" When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Z Then "CustomType5"Else "Default"
Then, if I was to execute the new query:
set NewSet as "Some Unknown Magic Here"
Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0, non empty [Divisions].[Division].[All].Children * {NewSet} on 1 From MyCube
I would end up with
Division NewSet Dollars AA CustomType1 $166.64 AA CustomType3 $64.24 BB
Do anybody know if Analysis Services 2005 allows cashing (storing) calculated members ?
There is a cube in Analysis Services 2000 with a calculated member based on some running sums. The performance of MDXs is too slow because running summs are being recalculated for each member of time dimension on each call.
I think that caching calculated members might help me and hope that this feature exists in Analysis Services 2005 .
I am trying to create a calculated member for Cumulative sum using Fiscal Calendar using the below code:
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[No of Accounts Cumulative] AS 'Sum(PeriodsToDate([DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].[(all)],[DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].CURRENTMEMBER), [Measures].[No of Accounts])' SELECT {[Measures].[No of Accounts],[Measures].[No of Accounts Cumulative]} ON COLUMNS, [DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].Members ON ROWS FROM [Acquisition] where [DimFinancialDate].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].[FiscalYear].&[2014-04-01T00:00:00];
Getting below OUTPUT:
No of Accounts No of Accounts Cumulative All 1763 1763 Apr 14 116 353 May 14 30 383 Jun 14 284 667 Jul 14 112 779 Aug 14 38 817
Basically, It is taking all the members of the Fiscal date dimension to compute the output, But what i am expecting is to compute only for Fiscal calendar that is from April 2014 - March 2015.
The user wants to be able, using excel, to apply a filter to all measures in every measure group. I though that I can create a dimension with a single level with two members, let´s say "on" and "off" and depending on the selected member and using an IIF statement decide which formula applies to the calculated measures.
I have serious doubts about the performance and for this technique because I am thinking as a .Net developer and not as a cube developer. Maybe it is better to resolve it scoping the measures but I cannot figure it out.