Analysis :: Projection In Mdx Query?

May 15, 2015

I have a requirement where I need to project data point based on past data points. Like for 2015,  I have data points for Jan,Feb and March. For April, I need to do Yeartodate and then divide by Count of nonempty data points. Like Jan is 25, Feb  is 40 and mar is 50, then the projection is 115/3 for remaining 9 months of 2015. I need to count NONEMPTY Measure to get the count. Count has to be 3 for march. Since , there is no data after march, count for Apr to Dec should all have 3.So, the count should look like this:

1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3... till Dec.

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Analysis Services Query Log

Aug 10, 2004

Does anybody know how to control the Analysis Services query log properties?
I can clean it, extract its data to Excel however it's apparently being cleaned automatically every now and then (which I want to prevent) and I haven't found any clear documentation on the topic.
Thanks and kind regards.

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7 Day Sales Analysis Query

Aug 31, 2014

Looking for sql query for this requirement output and default get the current day and time as day 7 with count start of 7 day before. Today is Sun. Thus start day is last sun.

now the time is 22:00 & group by shop plus underline +24 hour format

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total
Shop A 20:00-21:00 $2 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $100 $xxx
Shop A 21:00-22:00 $1 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $100 $xxx
Shop A 22:00-23:00 $1 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx
Total $4 $20 $30 $10 $4 $20 $0 $200 $xxx
Shop Z 22:00-23:00 $20 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx
Shop Z 23:00-00:00 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx
Total $30 $30 $10 $4 $20 $0 $no sales $xxx

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Only For Gurus -- Analysis MDX Query Help Needed

Mar 27, 2004

I need a expression to get the name of the Member of a dimension.

For example .. if I have a Time Dimension ... and Child in hierarchy are Months.. I would like the result as


Any Ideas ???

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Analysis :: How To Make Group By Query Using DAX

Jun 5, 2015

I want to make a calculation to have the same return as the following SQL Query:


How Can I do it?

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Analysis :: Backend Operations To Run MDX Query

Oct 13, 2015

Whenever we run the mdx query in SSMS, how it will fetch the data from cube.

Using XMLA script used to fetch the data or any thing else ..

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Analysis :: MDX Query For Total Profit

Sep 3, 2015

i am getting error for the mdx query fortotal profitis there any other way to write??????

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Analysis :: MDX Query Parameters In WHERE Clause?

Sep 25, 2015

I need to filter my select statement with 2 parameters, each of which defaults to the "All" member.  Some of the members may have spaces in the name.

So I need to handle something like these:

FROM MySalesCube
WHERE ( ... expression here ...)

The expression above  needs to resolve to a set using both parameters

 STRTOSET("[Dept].[Dept][" + @pDept + "] , [Salesperson].[SalesPerson].[" + @pSalesPerson + "]")

Running the query in SSMS, Im using something like this to test

WHERE ( [SalesPerson].[SalesPerson].&[17]  , [Department].[Department].[All] )

I just need to use the above in an expression with parameters, where BOTH SalesPerson and Department could use a specific member OR use the All member.


Here is what I have now:

WHERE ( STRTOSET(CSTR("([SalesPerson].[SalesPerson].[" + @pSalesPerson +"]  , [Department].[Department].[" + @pDept +  "])")  ) )

If I hard-code @pDept to something in a string, it works ok, otherwise, I simply get an error

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Analysis :: MDX-Query Throwing Error

Nov 18, 2015

I am new to SSAS and learning mdx, I am running the following query but it is throwing error "Parser: The syntax for 1 is incorrect",

Select [Measures].[Order Quantity] on axis(0),
[DimProduct].[Product By Category].[ProductCategory].members on axis(1)
From [ResellerSales]
Except({[DimProduct].[Product By Category].[ProductCategory].members},
{[DimProduct].[Product By Category].[ProductCategory].&[1]})

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Analysis :: All Member Not Working In MDX Query

May 28, 2015

[DIMCustomerBuyer].[CustId].[CustId] is working.

All members is not working any hint why this is not working.

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Analysis :: Subset Function In MDX Query

May 18, 2015

I need other function act like subset function using mdxquery.

In my mdxqueries,contain subset,order functions are available.

subset and order is getting poor query performance.

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Analysis :: Less Than Date Value From Parameter For MDS Query

Jun 25, 2015

I don't have much knowledge on MDX queries. Here, requirement is to get the data less than the date passed from the parameter(Date - IV Financial].[calendar YQMD].[Date]).

I am able to create the below query(through Query designer) which is giving the data EQUALS to operation. But, I need the same with LESS THAN.

SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[InventTrans Quantity] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { ([Items].[Item Id].[Item Id].ALLMEMBERS ) }
FROM ( SELECT ( { [Inventory].[Is posted].&[Posted] } ) ON COLUMNS

[Code] ....

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Analysis Server Needed For Query Logging?

Jan 8, 2008


Is it true that I need Analysis Server to simply log the queries being sent to my databases?

I am not familiar with SQL server. In MySQL it is a simple checkbox setting; when I check it, all queries reaching the database(s) are written to a file. But accomplishing this in SQL Server is not so easy, so it seems. I read that I need Analysis Server to do this. I only bought the database, so I will have to purchase it. But I am not sure that this is, in fact, what I am looking for. I need a file that contains something like this:

01/08/2008 14:19:21 UserNameDbName: SELECT name, telno FROM Customer WHERE country = 'Netherlands' AND name LIKE '%bicycle%'

I need the queries exactly as they are sent to the database, from any (type of) client. Can Analysis Server provide this?


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Analysis :: Count Of Rows In SSAS MDX Query

Sep 17, 2015

I need to find the percentile using cube so i am using the below formula :

((n-1) * p /100) -1

n= count of number of array records
p= percentile

I am using below MDX query:

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[PV] AS 25
Member [Measures].[CntCT] as Count(NonEmpty([Tb City].[City Name].&[DC], [Measures].[CPT1]))
Member [Measures].[PVInt25] as  Int(((([Measures].[CntCT] - 1)* [Measures].[PV])/100) - 1)
Member [Measures].[PVC] as ([Measures].[CPT1],Order(NonEmpty([Tb City].[City Name].&[DC],[Measures].[CPT1]),

Select [Measures].[PVC] on columns, {[Tb City].[City Name]} on rows from test;

The line 2:
Member [Measures].[CntCT] 

In that i need to find the n count of rows where city is DC (City is my Dimension) in Measures CPT1

But currently it is giving the result 1 instead in actual in my test cube there is the city DC exists with 23 CPT1 rows count.

I tried the below query:

SELECT NON EMPTY {[Tb City 1].[City Name].[City Name].&[DC]  } 
   ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ( [Measures].[Tb Main Count] ) }
 ON ROWS FROM [test]

Above query gives me the correct count i.e. 23 but i need to get the result of above query in line 2 of MDX query:

Member [Measures].[CntCT] 

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Analysis :: Dynamic Declaration Of Variable In MDX Query?

May 27, 2015

Is there a way to write such a query where we can declare the variable dynamically ? Currently I am using the query as shown below :

declare @pYear_Internal as NVarchar(100)
set @pYear_Internal = [D FISCALPERIOD].[FP CODE].[FP CODE]
SET LAST5YEARS AS STRTOMEMBER(@pYear_Internal).Lag(4) : STRTOMEMBER(@pYear_Internal)


While executing the above query, getting the error - Query (1, 9) Parser: The syntax for '@pYear_Internal' is incorrect.  It looks like it doesn't recognize DECLARE keyword as it does with SQL queries.  I just want a query that runs directly against the server. 

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Analysis :: How To Get List Of Attributes Involved In Particular MDX Query

Aug 3, 2015

I have a list of mdx queries extracted by sql server trace file. I want to get list of attributes and measures involved in each query.

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Analysis :: Excel Waiting For Query To Be Executed

Jun 2, 2015

My Excel Pivot Table connects to and SSAS 2008 cube. What exactly happens in the back-end during 'Waiting for the query to be executed...'

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Analysis :: How To Union 2 MDX Query Results From 2 Cubes

Nov 12, 2015

How can I UNION two MDX query results which are deriving from 2 cubes?MDX queries will return same ROW information and only Measure names will be different.

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Analysis :: Dynamic MDX Query For YearToDate Total

Jun 17, 2015

I have created cube. 1 fact table and few dimensions including dimDate

I need to create a calculated member for variance.

Variance = SUM([Measures].[Amt]) starting from financial year beginning(2015-04-01 to current date) -
SUM([Measures].[Amt]) for the same period last year(2014-04-01 to current date last year)

How can I create this calculated member?

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Analysis :: Where Clause On Measure Group In MDX Query

Nov 11, 2015

When I am executing below MDX query, it's giving correct result with out any issue 
              NON EMPTY 
                     [Measures].[Daystorecieve] ,
                     [Measures].[PO Recieved],
            [Measures].[Post Award Milestone PO Analysis Count],
                     [Measures].[Powith80pct Received]

[Code] ....

After the successful execution of the above query, I am trying to filter on my measure group [Measures].

[Daystorecieve]  values not equal to "0". With minimum number of the dimension selection my query executing fine.

Please find the below query.                                   

              NON EMPTY 
                     [Measures].[Daystorecieve] ,
                     [Measures].[PO Recieved],
            [Measures].[Post Award Milestone PO Analysis Count],
                     [Measures].[Powith80pct Received]
              }  ON COLUMNS,

[Code] ....

But, when I am trying to execute with total number of dimensions. It's running long time and giving out of memory exception. Is there any way to apply where condition on my measure group like where [Measures].[Daystorecieve]<>0.

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Analysis :: MDX Query For Sales Unique Rows

Sep 21, 2015

I am trying to calculate the maximum sales per store where multiple stores exist in the same region (i.e there must be doubles of that row) in order to determine the most profitable store per that region.

Store Sales
A 500
B 200
B 100
C 400
C 800
D 100
D 200
D 700

Looking for result set like:
B 200
C 800
D 700

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Job To Query An Analysis Services 2000 Cube

Apr 10, 2008


How do I connect to an Analysis Services 2000 cube while in Integration Services? My idea is to execute an MDX query from within a package, and then stage the data to a SS 2005 table for a RS report to query.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


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Error With Analysis Service 2005: The Query Could Not Be Processed

May 22, 2008

I have created a cube with Analysis Service 2005. I then publish the pivot table (generated in Microsoft Excel 2003) as a web page. When I view the web page on the domain the LAN everything is working properly. But when the web page I view on Internet I get the error.

The query could not be processed:

* An error was encounted in the transport layer

* The peer prematurely closed the connection.

The web page is publish on the Internet Information Server, I changed the security directory of the website, but the error persists.

The firewall of the machine is disabled.

The port 2382 and 2883 are allowed.

The components needed to consult the cube are installed in the machine on which you are viewing the cube.

On the Rol of Analysis Service are allowed all users.

What other type of restriction may be?


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Analysis :: Check To See If A Measure Is Of Certain Data Type In MDX Query

May 8, 2015

I am using the following approach to enable dynamic date calculations: [URL] ...

However, some measures I work with are percentages (not numeric values) and demand a different formula.

See example snippet bellow (first IIF statement)

[Date Calculation].[Calculation].[Calendar Actual versus PY WK %] =
[measures].Name = "HSP2 %", -- < ThIs is where I am trying to check if the measure is a percetgae type
0, -- < When this is the case then do something different

[Code] ....

I am trying to access the metadata. I am aware of $system.mdschema_measures but I am unable to utulize this for my case.

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Analysis :: SSAS DRILLTHROUGH - Specified Query Is Too Complex Error

Jan 15, 2014

I'm working on an SSAS 2012 OLAP cube with around 100 dimensions and a single measures group. When I try to run a simple DRILLTHROUGH query such as:

FROM [Cube] WHERE ([Measures].[Fact_Count])

I get an error as below.The specified query is too complex to be evaluated as a single statement. If I remove the majority of the dimensions from the cube I can run this query successfully. Looking at the limits set for analysis services I should be well within these.

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Analysis :: Show Dimension Names In MDX Query Result

Oct 28, 2015

I am facing an issue in MDX Query. I have a custom MDX query, When I run the query I am getting results too. Now my requirement is to show the dimension names in the query result, So that I can get those header names in the cell set itself. Please see the below image.

In this image I need to show 'Fiscal Year' and 'Fiscal Quarter' in that highlighted area. Is there any custom query for this?

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Analysis :: If Parent Is NULL But Child Have Transaction Will Not Come In MDX Query

Oct 15, 2015

I have parent child dimension,

for customer id-101
---------H1-p  Sales Value-50
---c1-c  Sales Value-100
---c2-c Sales Value-200

If I will see H1 Value then it show =350

But when my head office is not exists for a customer but Child is exist i want to see data of child Aggregate value.


for Customer ID-102
NO --H1 it is null
----c1 c sales Value -200
---c2 c Sales Value-50

When I want to see value of 102 at H1 leval it show me 250 . even H1 is  null.

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Analysis :: Query To Display Count Of Products When Month Is Primary

Sep 18, 2015

I am writing a query to display the count of products when a month is the primary month (Month where large sales happened)..Please consider the following query..

With Member ProductRank as
Rank([Date Due].[Calendar].currentmember,TopCount([Date Due].[Calendar].[Month],1,[Measures].[Sales Amount]))
Member PrimaryProd as
Select PrimaryProd on 0, Order([Date Due].[Calendar].[Month],PrimaryProd,bdesc) on 1 from [Sales]

It runs for 13 seconds on my laptop. I  have modified the query to get the results fast like With

Set MySet as TopCount([Date Due].[Calendar].[Month],1,[Measures].[Sales Amount])
Member ProductRank as
Rank([Date Due].[Calendar].currentmember,MySet)
Member PrimaryProd as
Select PrimaryProd on 0, Order([Date Due].[Calendar].[Month],PrimaryProd,Bdesc) on 1 from [Sales]


This query runs instantly and result is not the same. Am I missing something here?

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Analysis :: Profiler Trace Doesn't Capture Full MDX Query

Sep 16, 2015

I am trying to load all the MDX queries that run on a Analysis Server instance into a database for further analysis. A SQL Profiler is setup which captures the MDX queries, and when I am loading the Profiler info to database, some of the queries are not coming up in full length.The TextData field doestn't show full MDX query. When loading to the database, the field is next data type. Is there any workaround to get the complete MDX query? 

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Search Query - Analysis On Duplicate Records Based Off Of Several Match Keys

Jun 7, 2014

I'm trying to do some analysis on duplicate records based off of several match keys. I have a data set of approximately 30,000 people and the goal is to determine how many duplicate matches are in the system.

How would I write an SQL statement that looks for the following pieces of information. (I'm not using one person as an example; I need to do an analysis on the entire data set)

First name (exact match)
Last name (exact match)
Address line 1 (exact match)
Postal code/zip (exact match)

First Initial (exact match)
Last name (exact match)
DOB exact match
Postal code/zip (exact match)

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Analysis :: Power BI Analysis Services Connector - Remote Server Returned Error

Mar 5, 2015

I have, a SSAS 2012 tabular instance with SP2, there is a database on the instance with a read role with everyone assigned permissions. When configuring the Power BI analysis services connector, at the point where you enter Friendly Name, Description and Friendly error message, when you click next I receive the error "The remote server returned an error (403)." I've tested connecting to the database from Excel on a desktop and connect fine.I don't use a "onmicrosoft" account so don't have that problem to deal with.

We use Power BI Pro with our Office 365. As far as I can tell that part is working ok as I pass that stage of the configuration with a message saying connected to Power BI.The connector is installed on the same server as tabular services, its a Win2012 Standard server. The tabular instance is running a domain account that is the admin account for the instance (this is a dev environment) that account is what I've used in the connector configuration. It's also a local admin account. There is no gateway installed on the server.

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Analysis :: Cube Needs To Be Deployed From VS After SSIS Analysis Services Processing Task Completes?

May 13, 2014

I have a cube that we are processing nightly via an Analysis Service Processing Task in SSIS.  In order to increase the performance of the processing time, we elected to use a lot of rigid dimension attributes, and do a full process of everything in the SSIS task.  The issue that I am having is that after that task completes, I need to go into Visual Studio to deploy the cube becuase we are unable to browse or use the cube.  This issue seemed to start once we changed the SSIS Analysis Service Processing Task to do a full process on the dimensions, rather than an incremental.

I would expect that once development is done, and it is processed and deployed, that is it.  My thinking is that the SSIS task should just update the already deployed cube,

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Analysis :: How To Right Choose Key Column In Mining Structure For Microsoft Analysis Services

Jun 12, 2015

How to right choose key column in"Mining Structure" for Microsoft Analysis Services?
I have table:

"Incoming goods"

Create table Income (         
ID int not null identity(1, 1)            
[Date] datetime not null,             
GoodID int not null,               
PriceDeliver decimal(18, 2) not null,               
PriceSalse decimal(18, 2) not null,               
CONSTRAINT FK_IncomeGood foreign key (GoodID)  references dbo.Goods ( ID )            

I'm trying to build a relationship(regression) between “Price Sale” from Good and “Price Deliver”.But I do not know what column better choose as “key column”: ID or GoodID ?

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